Cyberpunk 2077 thread: no drama and shitposting edition

Cyberpunk 2077 thread: no drama and shitposting edition

Something that's got me worried and something they've barely talked about is the open world. What do you guys hope and expect out of it as far as things to do and find? If I go off my experience with TW3, my hopes aren't very high because I hated that open world. It looked pretty and the quests were nice but all of the objectives and secrets to find sucked, one of the most uninspired open worlds in terms of content. I'm not getting my hopes high at all but I really hope they fill the world with a lot of tangible, interactable detail with plenty of side activities to do, maybe a couple of smaller mini-games nothing gwent sized. I hope there are secrets to find that aren't shitty collectibles that give you a reward when you find them all. I hope there are cool fun random events. I hope there are quests that you can only find by exploring rather than it being marked on your map automatically for whatever reason. I hope you can do stuff to get tips about areas to check out. I hope for a lot but i'm not expecting any of it. I just want a world worth exploring, not one that just throws question marks everywhere with boring copy pasted stuff that's only purpose is to fill time and complete a checklist

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I hope they bring back the getting fat/thin mechanic from san andreas

They should allow the third person and when we enter combat it switches to first person

the more gameplay i see the more shallow the game becomes to me, seems like they are way over their heads with this project. they did nothing right

i want to see raw gameplay random city walking , interactions with the people in the world , not this scripted missions fucking scammers

Well this isn't working out.

Tranny game

>aaaaaaaa cyberpunk bad REEEEEEE

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Fuck this game

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Anyone have experience on sounding rods?
Tryign to decide which one to order from amazon. Are the vibrating ones any good or should I focus on the bumps and length?

Not allowed to talk about this dumpster fire here

they are doing a piss poor presentation of game , so far all we got is scripted mission bro and multiple ways to to finish it dood

with sharp spikes

oh trust me, I've had the displeasure

So you guys literally don't like to talk about video games then? So then where am I supposed to talk about it because i'm sure as hell not going to reddit.

Go to Yea Forums and you guys literally can not stop starting drama about the game and either nitpicking or making stuff up.

Go to reddit and they literally can not get polish tranny dick out of their mouth coming up with any retarded justification that the game is fine.

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>no drama and shitposting

What do you want to hear??

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Try /vg/, they actually like video games there. Yea Forums is only for gachas, snoys bitching about nintendo/ms, and shit posting.

How is the game not "fine"?

None of you have played it.

I didn't say you can't criticize it. Notice the posts I didn't reply to.

Read the OP.

I checked and there is no general for it on /vg/ and i'm guessing if I were to make one right now it would just be filled with the same Yea Forums drama

It's more they just come up with excuses for EVERYTHING and overhype the game. They're too fragile to believe something about the game might not be what they actually want and they just come up with a million excuses. Last I checked there were like 5 threads on the front page discussing how no 3rd person was okay even though I remember when it was first announced over a year ago people were pissed.

Nobody hates this game except fags
Most of us is joking because this game not a revolutionary but an fps gta 5 with rpg elements and trannys

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if you removed the minimap it's literally impossible to say it's not cb2077

Yeah that video they put out that was supposed to be in-depth felt so shallow and looked very unsatisfying

user, people got over the third person shit because it doesn't matter. When we are playing it, I sincerely doubt you'll care that much.

Like that?

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defend this cdrones, lmfao

It's possible because 2077 doesn't have flying cars

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I love how some of this board most beloved RPGs dont let you do any of the shit 2077 will let you do but because it's a new and upcoming game its garbage.

Accept and judge the game for what it is and not what you made up in your head for years.

You're a mouth breathing retard if you come to Yea Forums expecting people to actually have serious discussion on anything that isn't some indie game no one gives a fuck about. This boards filled with children and niggers who just want excuses to post wojak edits and regurgitate memes.
If you want actual criticism, the game seriously doesn't look like an RPG anymore which has turned me off of it.
From the only mission they've shown being rail roaded to where you'll HAVE to be betrayed and you have zero choice to not accept the mission in the first place. To not being able to join any factions. To not being about to go crazy augmented or no augmentations at all. To your character being a voiced pre established person who does shit in cutscenes you don't want them to or talk in ways you dont want them to. Melee combat has just been mindlessly wailing at shit like a Bethesda game. Also I'm not some low iq retard who clapped when some celebrity walks around being random in the background.
Choices in this game have only been flavoring how you want to do something. Either go full lethal or sneak around which is boring as shit to me. This plays exactly like nu-deus ex.

Honestly, with the amount of shiposters and nitpicking spergs spamming the threads, mods should just ban talking about CP2077 entirely on this board.

Fuck it

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imagine being this much of a butthurt drone

See what I mean?

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>fps gta 5
I guess any open world game with cars and guns is a GTA clone?

Nah people are still shitting on it. Even more so the tranny thing.

The first person thing really has me kind of down on the Idea but I really wanted wild off the wall prosthesis. So you know deep in the heart of the city if you could find a place that did shit like remove your face or give you silver skin the really extreme shit, I'd like that. But underground netrunner shit would be cool. maybe virtual bars, you go plug in and then you're free to move around on this "closed server"/different environment and do things there.Like a Black Market area, that again could be a virtual environment and you bid on or buy things and have them delivered to your home so it's just waiting there next time you go back. I think with the collectibles thing there's probably good chance for a Cyberpunk 2020 easter egg hunt. I'd like some Corpo sidequests that warrant going to really nice high rise environments. Area's made just to show how nice things are for the rich in comparison to everything we've seen dealing with gangs and "street" life.
Those are my optimistic hopes.

What are your favorite RPGs

>I guess any open world game with cars and guns is a GTA clone?
and set in a city that looks like los santos, yep

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Looks nothing like Los Santos

Blind and delusional

Okay fag

that city looks retarded. how could you possibly think that would translate to a video game?

I've seen plenty of good threads on Yea Forums. There was actually a good red dead thread the other day even though people were shitposting hard about it the first month it came out. There were remnants of it in the thread but most people were having actual discussions about the game, even though that wasn't possible when it came out because it's new and popular and Yea Forums hates that. People were having good discussions about CP77 a few months back but because HOLY SHIT THEY REMOVED TEXT THAT SAYS MALE OR FEMALE and other more petty stuff nobody is allowed to have actual discussions about the game anymore.

Also, they've shown two missions and I actually don't entirely know which one you're referring to. If you're talking about the first one, that's an introduction mission most likely and there's nothing wrong about that, it gets the game going. Complaining about not being able to accept it is like complaining you don't have the choice to not do the first actual mission in the first deus ex. Not being able to join the factions is fine, it's very likely we'll still work with them we just can't say we're a member of the voodoo boys which doesn't make sense and wouldn't be realistic. I hate how so many RPGs let you join any and all factions but still fuck off whenever you want and not pay attention to them but still have any benefits that comes with being a part of that faction. I'm disappointed in not being able to run with no augments but oh well, i'd likely only do that as a challenge run anyways. Dunno what you mean about not being able to go crazy augumented though, where did they say you couldn't? I hate voiced character too, I at least wish they would have more voices but no, everyone will have the same voiced and cutscene v. We haven't seen much of melee combat but it's TW3 guys, I don't expect much out of it but there's still slight hope there is more too it if you do a melee only build and unlock more skills.

Cybercity Oedo 808 is great though, asshole.

And endless smashthreads, user.

I had hopes for the net in CP77 but idk what to expect now. Looks like you'll only access it during missions and isn't going to be something you can go in and explore yourself. Hope i'm wrong. Virtual bars and chatrooms would be cool, would give ghost in the shell/lain vibes.

Yeah i'm hoping for some cool areas you only get to see through side quests and stuff like you said being able to go up high into a corpos rich apartment.

>It has big buildings and is set in california so it must be GTA
Now go ahead and tell me how pic related looks like los santos.

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>character will likely become one of the biggest guns for hire in the city
>Night City Police Department right outside your apartment
good evening officer, fine day, isn't it

We'll have multiple apartments iirc and if not we might move out of them. If you're gonna be a big gun for hire I doubt you'll be living in the same shitty apartment all game.

They recently said you only get the one apartment and you can't decorate it.

But I like arguing with the autistic fucks.

>doesn't look like an RPG anymore
The game will have character progression and customization, meaningful impact upon the unfolding story, statistics and random numbers, non-linear game world to explore, a loot system, choices consistent with your character's personality, skills etc.
>From the only mission they've shown being rail roaded to where you'll HAVE to be betrayed and you have zero choice to not accept the mission in the first place
You can start the fight and attempt to murder corpo people, you can give them an offer to help them if they will give you the money for the bot you want, you can try to convince them to go there with you, you can accept the job and then simply not give a fuck about the job and keep the money, which will result in consequences (probably manhunt or something like that), you can accept the job and tip Maelstroms that the chip is from the Corpos, you can also possibly have other options, for instance you can tell the Corpos that you work for Dexter (although what will be the outcome is not known).
>not being able to join any factions
Nitpicking at this point. You can't join them, you can work for them. You are mercenary. The game is not Fallout or TES. It's not bad or good thing either.
>not being about to go crazy augmented or no agumentations at all
We don't know to what degree we will be able to agment our character, although I guess you assume augmentations like Maelstroms have in terms of appearance - that probably will not be possible, you cant scare your character so deep according to the devs. Regarding no augmentations at all, you are basically asking at this point for Fallout/TES idea for gameplay, which is not the case in this game. Deal with it.

>being a voiced pre established person
Notice please that Cyberpunk 2077 is not the game where character voice will be limited to grunts or few repeatable shouts/warcries/comments. There is a shitload of voiceacting to do, and it only doubles, triples etc. with more voice options to choose.
>who does shit in cutscenes you don't want them to or talk in ways you dont want them to
what ''shit'' they do exactly and what they say? You make the choice, and sometimes there will be some extra content like scene or character commentary, but how is that exactly bad?
>Melee combat has just been mindlessly wailing at shit like a Bethesda game
game is not finished, there is still 7 months till premiere and combat may still change. Personally, from what I saw, combat is NOTHING like in Bethesda games. You can penetrate covers, walls etc. with right ammuniton, ricochets, some enemies will ''non-linear'' battles, like Sasquatch, which can be weakened by destroying her aguments and getting surpresied with her hacking into you. And the game is still not finished.
>I'm not some low iq retard who clapped when some celebrity walks around being random in the background
Nice strawman. People clapped for Keanu because he was PLEASANT and unexpected surprise for people in general and he himself made appearance, which added to experience.
>Choices in this game have only been flavoring how you want to do something.
I addressed that while responding to your opinion about missions, but long story short: it's not flavoring
>Either go full lethal or sneak around which is boring as shit to me
you can go full lethal, you can sneak around, you can persuade your way in, intimidate, bribe, etc. In other words, not just kill or sneak.
>This plays exactly like nu-deus ex.
Lets hope it will stay like that, I WANT MORE DEUS EX from 2000.
>Also I'm not some low iq retard
I beg to differ

"i am new to Yea Forums and bad at online"
heres your post, simplified. next time dont write a novel

I got not complaints or worries probably the only guys like that on this board but I feel good can't wait to play this game and get immersed.

Come to /m/.

Also, now that I think about it, your rambling could be added to it will fit there nicely

Yea Forums is unironically the best place to talk about vidya

CDPR drones are now advocating to just ban all discussion on the game because they can't handle the negativity?

>muh sony
>When half the threads on this board are about smash roster wars
Rent free

Why do I have the felling this is not a bait?

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>Implying the worst of the shills didn't leave when their reports stopped nuking threads

We got some time till the game comes out still so closer to release we'll have better threads I'm sure

>"melee combat is nothing like bethesda games"
>y-you're wrong! you can shoot through-
ahem. MELEE.
>"who does shit you don't want them to"
probably referring to any of the third person cutscenes where your character has a bitchy punk attitude by default, even if it's totally contrary to the character you're tyring to play. in the same vein, you're forced to be a gangster merc no matter what, instead of a more freeform origin like "courier" or "prisoner." there's a reason people compare this to fallout (specifically 1, 2 and New Vegas), because Obsidian/Interplay made some of the best open-world RPGs ever, and CDPR has literally only ever done preset character + narrative choices, never deep player-driven characterization to the degree of Fallout. this is just the witcher except you can choose whether your character is male or female - though not explicitly so.
>nu-deus ex
referring to the 2010's deus ex, which as a stripped down action RPG was closer to The Witcher (and presumably CDPunk) in terms of narrative choice than it is to the original deus ex or the table-top cyberpunk.
>the whole missions thing
we'll see at full release, but i doubt you'll be able to refuse many of the main quests. even in this cherry-picked vertical slice (which 100% doesn't represent the whole game), as far as i can tell you can't turn down the encounter in the first place. you have to meet the corpos. hence, no agency. this seems like a minute or impossibly hard-to-fix thing, but people treat CDPunk as if it's going to be the greatest RPG of all time - it's not. it's gonna be a choose-your-own-adventure that shoehorns you onto particular paths, rather than a narrative sandbox like table-top games or old RPGs a la New Vegas, VTMB and, as far as I can tell, The Outer Worlds.

The pepole that cannon handle ''negativity'' aka meritorical discussion are pissed off Yea Forumsfaggots who went apeshit when they learned that CP2077 is not gonna be /pol/ wet dream or simple trolls.

no user, we won't

We still can't talk about Witcher 3 here.

>We still can't talk about Witcher 3 here.
And that's a good thing

>Game is set in current day not Los Angeles
>Game is set in future not Los Angeles
>They have some similarities
Color me surprised.

my bad, I take that back. Regarding melee, I can't say much since I think there is not a lot of it showed in the gameplay. There are mantis blades, Johnny Mnemonic ''whip'' which is characters link I think? Maul and fists, but usually we see scraps of it, they show mostly ranged combat.
>probably referring to any[...]
Well, they from the beginning were open about their plans for the game regarding ''openess'' of adventure - it was always going to be narrative, branching story.

>the game seriously doesn't look like an RPG
You have no idea what an RPG is kid.

>it's in LA
>125 miles away from LA

It's the most barebones RPG to date

I bet you think skyrim is an rpg

It's more of an rpg than witcher

It literally is you contrarian faggot.

How old are you?

I'd just like to have a FP perspective on something as clustered and intense as a cyberpunk setting.

But six months ago everyone I knew was saying 'gonna be the best' and now everyone says 'I wonder if it'll even be good.'
Whatever they did (or did not), it got people right disillusioned.

I'm looking forward to an open world that isn't medieval-fantasy or just Fallout (plus or minus some humour).

Old enough to realize that if I just make up definitions and no one accepts, they don't mean shit. This is more than I can say for you.

>Old enough
Last time I heard that one it was a 16 year old asking for a beer

Get lost. You wouldn't recognize a goddam vampire if one jumped up and bit you on the end of your fuckin' dick.

So just get off my back.

>Just gonna ignore his point, that'll show him
I'm 48, what now lil zoom?

I often wonder who's behind the shitposting, my take is from jealous developers

Sure thing

That particular one is by some butthurt Bioware fan that's been hating on CDPR ever since they spanked Dragon Age into the ground. I remember the exact same style of posts about W2 and W3.

GTA 2077

>hating on CDPR ever since they spanked Dragon Age
But dragon age committed suicide? Next you're going to tell me witcher 3 made battlefront 2 sell poorly

>But dragon age committed suicide
Not gonna argue with you on that one, but clearly some retard thinks otherwise. He just can't accept his game is shit and has been shitting on anything CDPR related since then. Not even just the games, literally any CDPR related news(like the whole thing with the 10k to the writer of the witcher).

To be fair CDPR went full corporate during witcher 3, that's why so many left. Even if like witcher 3 almost none of the original people are there anymore. Hell, how many jumped ship in the last 3 years alone?


Besides the downgrade, which I'm not excusing but no company is perfect, I can't think of a single scummy corporate thing they've done.

Is it just me or do all the designs seem uninspired. Why are all the guns greenish.

>I can't think of a single scummy corporate thing they've done.
Extremely shit management and greediness

He speaks the truth

The "Deep Dive" video actually felt like a distraction, that they were holding back or hiding the game even. The amount of new gameplay footage was minimal and the actual content was already prior knowledge.
What did we learn? That hackers hack and strong builds go pew pew and you can choose skills to compliment this. Who didn't know that before watching?

Can you elaborate?

The witcher 3 engine was so shit and hard to work with it made many people quit, that's why they had to delay the game twice. Then when it came time to do the dlcs people kept quitting so they just pulled everybody off cyberpunk to do witcher. So now they have inexperienced people filling the boots of veterans with the same deadline. Then after blood and wine they just shifted everybody over to cyberpunk (losing more people) and tell them to make the best game ever made