Why are you not playing Overwatch?

why are you not playing Overwatch?

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lo's boobs converted me over to the better tf2 like game.

Because it's a shit game whose only irredeemable feature is that its community has made some pretty decent porn.

She is a lesbo

I'd rather play splatoon

Never have. Why start now?


Because it's not fun and you can't even masturbate to the game itself.

At least there's still people playing it.

just follow the Russian canon

Imagine the thighjob

Why aren't you, jizzmind?

Shut up and post feet

Does anyone actually find this thot attractive? She looks like she came straight out of a pixar movie.

tracer fuckin sucks, post pharah

I played it since launch and I'm pretty done with it at this point

Because this skin isnt canon yet, and instead we get some old guy in a straight jacket being the first barefooted character

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>playing a bad tf2 knockoff when tf2 still exists and has active players

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I don't need to when vg erotica has given me what I needed from it

As a 3D artist, I noticed that her ass is going through the floor...

It's time to see how many just here for the porners there are compared to actual players

What is Tracer's real name? If you can't answer this you're a perv

No, she's not. Tracer is straight.

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Does it matter if she's into girls over boys that much? She's fiction she's done many nughty things to you all in your minds

Lena and I found that out through porn. Forgot which one though.

Lena Oxton

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waiting for season 18 to start.

Also fuck 222

Her real name is lifeguard. what do I win?

Cute feet

My final answer

If it was anything but a FPS I'd try it.

She's canon lesbian in the american canon.
She's a dyke or gets fucked by bedicked women and animals in the vast majority of porn

I've had sex

Because I played as Genji and got reported for it, I'm banned now

user, she's a dyke and she's less popular because of it.

If you wanted people to come to the thread for overwatch fappables, there is mercy, dv8, mei, sabra, pharrah.


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>vast majority of porn
Factually incorrect. Tracer has 1156 straight posts and 522 yuri posts on rule34.xxx


Well done a normal jizzmind wouldn't even bother to retrain that information I'm sure most of them don't even understand how her power works

Because when you look down you don't see your feet.

Tf2 is the knockoff, retard.

Tracer is a hot straight chick.

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>implying that stops me from watching her get dicked down
I don't think I've ever seen porn of her gf.

Why did you post this?

whats wrong with her being a lesbo or bi?

She's actually a bi-sexual futa

Why isn't admitting to playing shit like Overwatch, Fortnite, and any other ultracasual garbage a bannable offense? Go to reddit, they love that shit.

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Cuz it’s gay and so r u

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Tracer is bisexual,actually. Didn't you watch that video of her and her redhead gf getting dicked and most likely bred until they were completely subservient and cleaning his cock with their mouths?

>pixar chicks can't be hot
Ms Incredible

I got bored of shooting at shields for 90% of the game. I'll pick it back up if they add a ban system to ranked, guarantee that Orisa is the first to go every game.

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>playing panderwatch

Cause it got boring

Oh I don't play Overwatch, but I will gladly play with myself to the thought of impregnating Tracer.

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A woman this hot not being impregnated is a crime. There's nothing wrong with her being bi, just as long as she likes dick.

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Overwatch should have been an action RPG change my mind.

WHy the hell are we fighting each other when there's an actual badguy organization to go battle it out with?

Reminder that the male self-insert in VG_Erotica's stuff lives with and has impregnated Tracer, Widowmaker, Mei, Ashe, Mercy, Brigitte, 2B, and D.Va

Why should I?

I don’t have to play overwatch to jack off to D.Va

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>previous comp
>get 4 dps
>nobody switches and they suck anyways

>current comp
>even spread
>if I play heals our dps and tanks suck
>if I play tank out dps sucks
>playing dps is the only way I ever get to be on a winning team
>I dont want to play dps all the time, but I also dont want to lose

Not sure how I feel about the state of this gs desu


>lusting after a carpet muncher
lol cuck

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If aliens came to earth it would probably take them a while for them to realize that overwatch is a video game and not just a series of erotic media

because I'm black and all the porn is cuckshit

>not lusting after a carpet muncher
incel have sex please
