Why does everyone like this game so much. the story is fucking awful

why does everyone like this game so much. the story is fucking awful

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Nobody plays DMC for the story you dumb brainlet newfag

begs the fucking question retard
>muh story

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>playing games for the story

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The story is classic and it's still the best in the entire series

Playing video games for the story is retarded for one, and for two, it has a better story than most other video games. Get fucked.

Story serves to simply move the action along
tries, and mostly succeeds, at making a neat story about Dante and Vergil.

As you can see, DMC doesnt exactly set a high bar for vidya story.

>playing vidya for story


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ignore all the brainlets saying "lol story? it's a game." The DMC games have this horrible disconnect between tone of gameplay and story. They appeal to the same crowd that likes fighters. If you don't enjoy practicing the same moves, going for high scores, and replaying the game for the nth time, this series is not for you. I wish people would just call it a cult classic and be done with hyping it up.

>Story serves to simply move the action along
this is when it's done best. keep cutscenes short and sweet, and maybe use them as a short break between levels and to help set the atmosphere a little bit. it doesn't need to be an entire full length movie and trying to make it more complex just distracts from the gameplay.

each dmc game has added more and more cutscene time and mostly to its own detriment.


I actually think that 5's story has some merit to it. It's definitely flawed though.

>The DMC games have this horrible disconnect between tone of gameplay and story.


DMC is one of the few games where there's not that much of a disconnect between the cutscenes or the gameplay and in fact, the cutscenes not only do a fantastic job at building up to the gameplay, but giving you motivation to be as cool as Dante, Nero, or whoever is during them. I know we all like to joke about Cutscene Dante being unstoppable and whatnot, but Dante, along with Nero, actually pull off moves during cutscenes that you can do in-game, and assuming you're playing correctly, you should be just as much as a stylish, unstoppable badass anyway.

>t. DMC5oomer

Yea Forums is extremely sheltered and have no frame of reference. They think capcom shovelware is actually great, and keep spouting it as if it's true

Please do tell why its awful, while simple: Lady, Arkham, Dante and Vergil are great charachters and the dialogue, sound, motives and actions through the game are done pretty damn good.

>it's another "i play games for the story only, sweetie"
Negrosis why dont you go read a fucking book or watch a movie then?

3's plot is basically 1's plot but with a higher budget and character swaps but it goes on for too long and vergil isn't that interesting

And here we have the problem with the industry.

Ignore him, he's a retard trying to bait people.

>3's plot is basically 1's plot

I have shit for brains and I ran out of arguments to keep my bait thread alive.

Tone. The content is somewhat similar, but the tones are different.
Tone of gameplay: lots of action, constantly thrown around, combos, metal music, badass, over the top, etc.
Tone of cutscenes: edgy 15 year old fanfiction, lack of music unless it's an intense climax, dialogue that would make your mother cringe, all pulled off in a way that makes you think they are 100% genuine and not trying to play satire.

5's story is a brainlet filter

5's story is nostalgia baiting shit.

The whole story is pretty much just an excuse to bring Vergil back.

This, too many retards not getting the simple story.