Who is today's equivalent of LJN?
Who is today's equivalent of LJN?
If you're asking "Who puts out the most shovelware?", then probably Ubisoft.
If you're asking "Who puts out the most licensed shovelware?", then the closes thing is probably EA. Licensed games as a whole seem much less common nowadays.
Digital Homicide.
Probably EA with things like Star Wars
EA and Activision
2k games
>Gets biggest titles around despite not putting out a good game in decades
>Hires shitty devs to make their shitty broken games
>Frustrates players out of their games falling well below the quality bar
>Still gets good sales because of their IPs
idea factory
the entire industry
Their niche has been taken over by mobile games.
Atlus. No, seriously. Many of the games LJN published were developed by Atlus.
I'd say EA but I don't know how many devs were under LJN or if LJN was responsible for the downfall of good dev teams.
I think a closer equivalent would be Bioware. Bioware themselves puts out the shitty games and shits on people that disagree.
Good halfway point.
To my knowledge, they don't do much licenced work, but I'm hard pressed to name an IF game that's more than mediocre at best. Additionally, licenced properties are just the more expensive version of waifushit anyways.
They DO appear to at least try harder and have loftier goals than LGN did, just their ability to realize those goals is horribly inadequate.
Activision is the other good halfway point.
Coasting on their licenced IPs or pre-established franchises, and never putting in more than the bare minimum effort to make a "game", but, to their credit, the basic playability of their crap is still actually decent, if uninspired, while LGN was always teetering on the brink of unplayability.
So, an unholy fusion of Activision and Idea Factory, coasting on licenced IPs, kawaii anime waifus, and licenced kawaii waifus that always sets out to make a lazy, but playable cash grab on a hot new property or waifu trend, but their ability to deliver on even that playable benchmark is shaky.
Possibly a regular series of HDN retreads, except with licenced waifus drawn from games, anime, movies, tv shows, and so on. E
Fuck. Imagine I wasn't completely retarded and those G's were J's.
Yea Forums
From Software
Probably EA, especially with them holding the Star Wars license.
Anything EGS exclusive
whats LJN? long john nigga?
Fred Fuchs?
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