How would you fix it?
How would you fix it?
Not pay for if
what exactly is it about the game you want fixed?
you can't. Fixing it means changing stuff, and that goes against the idea of classic. The game is shit and you gotta deal with it.
Yeah because layering wasn’t a change
Can someone explain the fucking AI of summons?
>a group of enemies aggro me and start attacking
>my imp suddenly goes apeshit and starts to run away
>imp starts to lose health rapidly and dies
>suddenly 5 more enemies run towards me from the direction of the imp
>get raped by 8 enemies with knockdown and permaslow
they're going to remove it at some point right? Doesn't change the fact that the game is ancient and boring as fuck.
By playing it when it was released over 15 years ago
Less super end game warrior dominance.
If anything layering is an effort to keep it the same. No vanilla realm had half as many people as the average Classic realm does today.
there is no ai
you control it
Delete it.
Make warlocks the most powerful and op class the rest of the game
how about nerf the overpowered classes and buff the useless ones and make classes equally decent so that you're not penalized for your choice of class and specialization?
install TBC
cut off elf eyebrows
I don't know I haven't bought it yet
>If anything layering is an effort to keep it the same.
Or y’know, open more servers instead of conditioning your players to accept that you’ll ruin your own game for the second time
#nochanges was a good development philosophy but there are some very basic things that should be changed anyway. Quest givers should have minimap icons, and repair vendors should have a unique mouseover icon. Also nameplates should load in from further away, and enemy cast bars should either be enabled by default or the addons that enable them should be blocked.
Long term the balance issues should be addressed, but only by buffing underperforming classes like tank paladin.
I wish the RP servers kept transmog.
Making it free would make the fucking trash.
Can’t turn something into trash that started as trash
Why do you keep making these threads and talking about the game if you don't like it?, there are plenty of other games to play and enjoy.
Why do you automatically assume someone doesn’t like something when they speak ill of said thing?
quest item drop rates
enemy respawn rate
>Classes need to be balanced rogues are bullshit and so are mages
>make bad classes better with flat damage buffs
>no addons that replace social interaction because this is aSocial game and you MUST talk to me to get something
>autobans for toxicity in dungeons because my pets AI shouldnt be causing this much aggro from my party
>fix pets
>make sure like 3 classes have every raid buff so you can bring the player instead of the class
And mess up the epic and awesome lines we all have to wait in? Fucking zoomer
Then it wouldn't be classic.
Not 1.12
Boy I sure do love waiting in lines to wait in lines to start waiting in lines for quest mobs or else I’ll get blacklisted
>>Classes need to be balanced rogues are bullshit and so are mages
stopped reading, you're a moron. all chasing balance is what ruins games. classes have direct counters, and this in turn makes a correct balance. there will never be a game where all classes are equally balanced vs one another, and any game that tries fails miserably and is homogeneous boring bullshit.
Uninstall the game
Make a BG/open world PvP server with instant 60
I just want to murder some niggas, don't give a shit about leveling or PvE
mental illness, there is no way to defend waiting in lines for quest items besides mental illness
>Quest item drop rates.
Fuck any enemy that doesn't drop stuff they always drop. I'm talking hooves, heads, claws, meat, and fur.
It's bullshit.
>classes have direct counters, and this in turn makes a correct balance.
>Blizzard ever, EVER knowing how to properly and correctly balance a game
Can’t, still waiting in line to kill a quest mob
>*for 30 seconds conjures a trashy summon*
>autoruns on roads blindly to find exclamation marks
>*nostalgia vision activates*
>"Mhmm....a quest to kill 10 Boars™ and bring 5 pieces of their meat"
>"Come on, Imp"
>*wanders around without direction*
>find a random patch of farm with Boars™
>*pig squeals*
>*stacks 5 different dots on a single enemy and fears it, enemy runs away mach 5 speed forcing you to chase it*
>"Mhmm....enough Boars™ killed and meat collected ......better return to the quest giver"
>"Come on, Imp"
>*autoruns on road back to the NPC*
>"I killed your Boars™, here's the meat"
>"A Boaring Task" Complete Experience gained: 420 SCCHHHWWOOOOOMMMFFFF Level 6 gained
>25 copper received
>It's okay for two particular classes to shit on every other classes except for one because they were made to counter everyone else!
Damn, the classic shit eating is out in full force today.
Hilarious thread
your monitor sucks
not sure why that message was quoted
I want Mists of Pandaria servers.
You can tell what classes he picked just so he couldn’t be ganked
Make it like BfA, but without Azerite Armor.
>shitting on every other class
Don’t worry that cash shop will be activated within a month
Remove respec costs
Add LFG tool from TBC
Disable raids in dungeons
idk maybe an expansion or two
>then it wouldn't be shit
i agree
Coming Summer 2020, Burning Crusade Classic. That’ll be $40 please
>even more levels to grind through
no, 60 is enough.and TBC was fucking shit, only good thing about it was QoL fixes and SOME of the class balancing, because in terms of itemization it was a trainwreck.
More sharding
come on bro, user literally called it trash. that's not just criticism, that's saying it's bad. people don't like things they consider trash generally.
Are you trying to make fun of the fact classic has more players than retail? Sad.
learn to control your pet, hunters and locks are expected to be able too. You're already playing the game on easy mode by having a pet at all you fucking scrub
>someone made this and thought it was worth sharing
Classic is pretty much dead with no players now that APES made everyone look stupid by defeating all content in 1 week
Retail is dead and classic is thriving. Obviously it's design style even with it's flaws appeals to the silent majority.
So all you loud obxonious cunts yelling how unfair X, Y And Z are can fuck off. No one cares.
By the way raiding is literally irrelevant and no one does it. So stop thinking anyone gives a fuck about them.
gonna need some examples there buddy
He's got a point though, pet ai is acting weird. The pathing is fucked up. They also try to get behind the enemy like in retail. And if your pet has aggro and you put it on passive, the mob attacking it will switch to you.
>upscale everything and make it photo realistic as possible
>it's now just generic fantasy
As outdated as classic is the look will always be classic due to the cartoony art direction. The video post just looks like 2019 fantasy town rpg #6589.
I suggest you try playing the game and seeing how wrong you are wrathbaby retailcuck
*1 work week
Didn't even need the weekend
>how about everything is the same
This. At most you do a raid once a week for chance at loot drops, the rest of the time is spent fucking around with wpvp and grindan' for gold/consumables
Put in subliminal messages to make anyone playing it an hero.
>most servers still have 5k+ queues from 10 am to 10 pm
I wouldn't. I already played the original and got tired of it. It's not a product that I like, but millions of others do. Let them have their fun.
Fix the shit lore : Night Elves neutral, Forsaken neutral. No more druids for Taurens. No more female druids.
This guy has a macro when he lands off of a fuckin flight like a griffin he yells "Hello everyone I am here", and uhhhhh cause I've seen him do this like four times and then he greets everyone warmly.
Oh my god
are the queues still fucked on EU PvP servers? I've got fuck all else to do but play this but I'm not doing that if I need to sit and stare at a log-in screen for 1+ hour
Classic is shit and the nostalgia goggles came off after world first 60 and world first raid kills
Everyone is realizing how shitty and boring Vanilla was and leaving en masse
anyone who bitches about layering isnt playing classic.
I spend half my time looking for mobs to kill since the area is full of 10 people everywhere. and thats with layering. It would be unplayable without it.
scrap vanilla, the worst phase ever in WoW, and replace it with MoP, the best phase in WoW.
retards. literally had the best gameplay, visuals, PvP, and raids. it was peak content.
are you on a RP server? That's usually a pretty common thing. Most players will have some macro with one of their main damage abilities too
WoW is boring as a whole desu. I played TBC, but i can't understand people who keep playing it : It's the same shit over and over again.
If the story or the lore were good, i would try it. But that's not the case. The story is terrible.
>Arthas gets killed by a who with a made in china sword.
Stalvan Mistmantle did nothing wrong. All he wanted was that sweet teen puss and she lead him on.
>this absolute cancer walking across the map for every quest
I'm now thinking Cataclysm wasn't that bad.
More servers
Well it was the last time Warlock was truly great.
>kill 15 boars
>collect 12 wolf pelts
>go from A to B via C and then back to A
my god man this is some boring ass low iq shit
MoP was the shiniest turd out of all the shit expac's that released after BC. I agree on that, but it doesn't compare to either Vanilla or BC
nochanges is good because the game started out very good. Vanilla wow was a very good game. Not perfect but its extremely unlikely any changes would make it better. Good games should be left as is. Like a good cooking recipe. Don't fuck with it.
Everyone and their mom wants "just one" change which they think is either minor or a "quality of life" upgrade that doesn't effect much. The problem with adding shit like that is that is you end up with something like old school runescape with the crap that literally broke the game (grand exchange) being added back in making it pointless. Just how you see people wanting TBC added in (the shit that trivialized 90% of the game, added PVP specific stats, and tried to turn the game into an soulless esport). The cancer is already forming.
>warlocks get a class quest like in vanilla
>everyone sucks MoP's dick like it was the best shit ever
>good at anything but 1v1
>only good when played by a good player
Lmao. Spotted the shitter. The real OP classes are Warrior, Warlock, and Priest.
People will quit in droves soon. Retail babies wont be able to handle having to do scholo 20 times to get their pre bis.
Perhaps but i won't pay $15 per month to visit virtual china
>lead him on
She was nice to him and Stalvan went full incel and assumed that meant she loved him, then he went beta raged when Chad Thundercock showed up
>I'll ignore that they played well to make it about green fire.
Jelly ass faggot baby.
Anyone who bitches about this hasn't played on a private server ever. It's easily playable.
Why would repair vendors need a different icon? Just check their names. If they are weapon or armor traders they probably also offer repairs.
I fucking hope. If every server would stay at 1k to 1.5k pop, that would be the fucking dream. There are way TOO MANY PEOPLE playing Classic right now
English please
>learn to control your pet
Ohhhh my oh my. Played from 2004 to 2009. Can't count the number of time some dumbfuck night elf hunter let their shitty pet loose and it ran halfway to the end of the dungeon and pulled the whole fucking thing.
And, of course, those hunter's pets were always 40 levels below what they should have been because "I'm leveleveling my pet, okay guyz??"
pic is my hunter. 2007-2008 I'm guessing.
got a ring in 'ere
Gold doesn't come from leprechauns...
It doesn't?
No, gold comes from China.
Instantly permaban anyone who either suggests or installs an automatic LFG addon or system
Oh yeah that’s why every day at prime time all but like 3 servers are full/high pop.
got a ring in 'ere last night
Im going up in there
Just buff bad specs, specifically non-healer specs of the hybrid classes. The hybrid tax cant work when all people care about is your dps.
>out for 1 week
>already dead
I told you it was shit. That's the price you pay for not believing me.
>let's make this one class invaluable and a MUST to even hope to do hard content and this other class entirely useless that it's pointless to even have it in the game
how about make characters strong in their own respective fields, not make some well above the others and some into a non-playable state?
Does anyone care about DPS? The game is solved, if anything trying to clear raids with low dps classes will be the new thing for the extra difficulty
Remove it and its original from existence so we can go back and not have an entire genre ruined with no restoration in sight.
just needs the player base divided by roughly 10000
Shut the fuck up. Hybrid classes should NEVER do better DPS than a pure DPS class. You’re absolutely retarded if you believe otherwise. As a hybrid you bring SUPPORT to your group. You fill a NICHE and bring tools that pure classes do not. In exchange for this utility you have worse throughput. This is basic fucking game design that blizzard has been fucking up for years. Vanilla WoW is about playing a CLASS not a fucking spec unto itself. Making every spec be it’s own fully fledged class was an awful decision and has been terrible for the game. Fuck you.
people only care about dps if you're in a hardcore autist raidiing guild. Out in the world, you can quest and do wpvp with any spec. Build it how you like user, experiment, grow, learn to think for yourself.
Yours a fucking moron
Holy shit. BASED.
>anyone who bitches about layering isnt playing classic.
Boy I sure do love being lied to my face.
He's right though, even with layering, I've run into hundreds of people in the early zones. Nearly every quest hub has been packed during prime time
how can you possibly say that when you're replying to a reply of a screenshot that proves classic is so loaded with people that even the login queue has a queue?
How does layering work exactly? Do layers come online only when servers are full? Or are they there even with low pop?
Start adding quality of life changes till it becomes bfa again
Fix your mini map please
but forsaken does start off neutral with all the other horde races
How shitty will my grouping experiences be if I main shadow priest? And troll or UD?
I kinda meant by a corporate entity but it’s hard to tell anymore
It's not broken.
there always on. Thats why if you do a /who [zone you're in] you'll usually see 50 people, which is the max that /who can show. If look around and don't see certain people, that means they're in a separate layer.
The real question is:
Will Classic inevitably have "seasons" like Diablo 2 where they let you re-level and re-gear every year or two or is it just going to cruise with these servers for it's lifetime? If the latter, it's dead. The best things private servers did was start new servers after progression was over and everyone was geared so people had a chance to go through the content from the beginning again.
Delete wowhead and make everyone lose their memories of it
WoWtards believe this is the height of gameplay LOL
If it’s dead why am I still waiting through fucking 10k queues? Like holy shit I want these zoomers to fuck off already so I can play.
But are people put into extra layers before the first layer is full?
Having actual gameplay
Give me a time machine and I will. After raping Miley Cyrus while she was still desirable.
How long until the game is dead bro's?
Except the same support is brought by the healing specs of hybrids. Hell even a resto shaman going deep in enhance for improved weapon totems is preferred over an enhancement shaman. Your blind if you think this isnt the case. We've known what is good and bad for years now and there are clearly changes that can be made.
I couldn't tell you user. I'm only going off how I think they work after playing the game for a week.
One thing, I want to complain about layering is that is VERY noticeable at night, during low pop hours. Even though, most servers still have 2k+ pop listed at medium, it seems absolutely dead. Since everyone's layered
Turn off the layering already, I can't see anyone
>kill 15 harpy fuckfeathers quest
>only about 5 spawn at a time
>there's 10 other people camping the spawns
Having a blast here, totally worth my $15 per month.
>just go somewhere else then, retard
Every zone I go to is like this.
>main shadow priest
Go play retail. There’s room for one Shadow Priest in raids and it’s not gonna be you. You’re good in 1v1 PvP.
>Are you trying to make fun of the fact classic has more players than retail? Sad.
You do know the amount of ppl allowed to log into Classic WoW is significantly lower than retail right?
If there's 100 seats occupied and 150 people waiting in line to fill that seat, vs 20 seats and 200 people are waiting in line to fill those 20 seats. The former is more popular.
>but what about warriors? they're hydrids too
I dont see how that's possible. I'm constantly with others.
layering was to stop the crashing of servers on release and devs said it will be removed after several months
assuming everyone doesn't leave before then
invite them you idiot
wait i just got baited didnt i
Fucking this, can't quest at all.
>inb4 grind some random mobs
>But what about warriors, rogues, and mages, that are good at both?
low pop servers seem dead by comparison.
Yes that’s because your raid healing and totem support is far better than your DPS. Again, you are taken for your SUPPORT role and the utility you provide. Your healing will still never be as good as a Priests. Your damage will never be as good as a pure DPS class. You literally just proved my entire point.
Hybrids from day 1 have been known to fill 3 roles, not 2.
While it is technically a hybrid, no one considers Priest or Warrior to be hybrids.
Why invite them if they’re just going to steal my quest items?
you said it was a kill quest not a gather quest
once warriors get their tier gear or pvp gear they will absolutely shit on everyone else
druids will not become unstoppable but will become hard to kill in the AQ era
paladins will remain immortal
warlocks will prey on mages
rogues will prey on everything but die to the above classes except warlocks and druids if they get the drop on them.
warriors rogues and mages aren't specs, they are classes, you ape
maybe he's talking about dead hours, night time for whatever time zone you're in. it looks a lot emptier than it should with these fucking layers
retard the former is not more popular in the example
Because their group is already full and I’m the 6th wheel
What is sharing items? "group loot". You realize with more people you can kill mobs faster and even take on multiple mobs. So the amount of items dropped per minute is increased. If you thought about it for a second, you would realize this.
>Group up with someone
>Kill everything
>They loot everything
>”Got what I need thanks :)”
>Hey cool I need-
>X leaves the party
Doesn't help when there's so few spawns that each mob dies instantly before another spawns. Also, cool, you kill things 5 times faster with a group, but you get only a fifth of the loot.
>invite one of the other dozens of people around you
>questing continues after he left
To someone with autism that’s a better deal even if it takes them longer
>Not learning your lesson the first time
You can set its temperament and call it back any time.
>Miss parry miss miss parry miss parry miss miss parry miss miss parry.
i'm generally #nochanges, but some reworking of quest rewards and instance gear would've been more than welcome
so many utterly useless blue drops and greens from quests, cloth with strength, mail with spirit, no hit% at all until 60 etc
just git gud bro
The only change I'd make is give the Horde Paladins and Alliance Shaman. I wouldn't Tauren Pallies or Dwarf Shaman running around for a little bit of variety.
I'm using swords and has the human racial. I can't get much gooder than that without getting a personal tank so I can hit mobs from behind.
Yeah bro just waste time like me. Wait, what do you mean your time is better spent elsewhere?
...Please don’t leave me alone here
remove the free BFA after you get to 60. The less people that play retail the better, gives them more motivation to try and fix the game
Pet balance. No reason most of the already small variety of tameable beasts should be completely useless
>Hey bro wanna team up were on the same kill quest after all?
>No thenks.
It's always a fucking huntard too.
What would you like your tombstone to say?
I don't mind Forsaken in horde, but this should result as something like the argent dawn not taking horde members.
The cenarion circle shouldn't be neutral as well.
>"dude they just killed Cenarius and keep cutting our trees but it's fine, Tauren cocks satisfy our women".
>Classic is a social game bro
>classic is pretty much dead
>5000 person queue right now
>AFTER they increased server capacity.
How did blizzard do it? How did they get 5,000 retards to waste money to wait in line?
Are you fags seriously defending vanilla class design? The idea of making certain specs unviable for raids is ridiculous.
They told people they didn't want something, and then gave people the avenue to try and prove them wrong.
It's literal, simple, contrarianism in marketing format.
Are they gonna release AQ40 unnerfed? this raiding is really shite, release unnerfed content and nerf to to current versions slowly.
They’re gonna do what that one dev did, despite taking in a lot of money they will turn around and say “gosh I thought you guys wanted this but here you are not supporting it enough :(“
>But wasn't Palidan supposed to have a tank spec with an actual taunt? Which was only removed because then they'd need to give shaman the ability to tank which they cant without heavy armor
Fuck you, Capcom
is it just the old version of wow, with the now stale pop culture references, clunky mechanics etc.?
You literally just proved his point actually, which was that enhancement and elemental are so bad they might as well not exist and therefore need buffs.
It was for MML3 right?
make it BC instead.
Simple as fuck classes, simple as fuck raids. No wonder it's popular.
No, the gear doesn't need to be reworked, the stat system needs to be reworked. If warriors and rogues could actually use INT and SPIRIT the gear would no longer be useless.
quit dual wielding like a retard if you don't want to miss so much.
add content
Ok I'll go 2hand rogue then.
What the fuck could strong retards do with INT
Locate weak points.
To reiterate what the other user said: Fuck Capcom
Why do they have to be retards? Why can't you be a smart warrior?
So give them a rage AND a mana bar then? Only reason INT exists
>people i know are on herod
>probably will only play with one of them but tend to solo anyway
>2 hour queue
should I just roll on a different server and play by myself? that is basically my vanilla experience anyway
>which they cant without heavy armor
the sad part is this is absolutely something blizzard could do, they've done it three times now on live with all the leather tank specs. It's even easier for shamans since they already have mail armor and a shield. they just need to give them an earth elemental themed buff that increases their armor while it's active. Ideally they'd tie it to earth shield and make water shield the healing one.
There’s a reason the phrase “retard strength” exists
Or just mana...
You could give them abilities that do spell damage too.
actually it has less pop culture references than live since cataclysm went absolutely nuts with them, but yes it does still have a ton.
Then I’d go play Paladin instead
That's not a very good argument user
Not an argument, they could make virtual servers by splitting their current machines, basically layering but "permanent" yet they could easily merge dead servers, in any case that's not happening, they keep opening new servers right now and they keep getting full.
they didn't go far enough
no more 'realms' just 1 server with layering for everything. that way servers can't 'die' and there will never be a queue to get in
don't play a dual wield class if you get triggered by the tradeoffs for dual wielding. Although i would love it if they added a single wield talent for rogues so they weren't forced to dual wield.
You think the difference between a paladin and a warrior is the mana/spell damage? lol, it's low IQ brainlets like you who ruined wow.
Fuck that you play your one way and you like it. What's next, spear warriors?
Int increases the rate at which you skill up your weapons and spirit is an incredible stat for a leveling warrior, you greatly diminish the downtime between mobs.
Stop fighting orange mobs dumbass.
spirit increases health regeneration so it's technically a good stat for everyone
The who gets killed off in Legion thankfully. Was not sad to see some nobody who killed off one of the most popular Warcraft characters in one of the most bullshits of ways go.
Spirit gets weaker every level, past 30 it's not worth it over main stats, even at a 2:1 ratio. Priests with Spirit Tap are pretty much the only exception.
t. has never played rogue.
Basically, and I'm being totally honest and serious here... You're A Fucking Retard. The expansions helped class pets by making them invisible to mobs, bosses and quests. At one point, in real vanilla 15 years ago, pet summons would trail behind you on your mount, aggro'ing everything you ran by. What you're playing right now, is the fixed and updated vanilla WoW, aka Pre Burning Crusade Launch WoW. This is the easier, baby casual WoW. Welcome home, son.
Currently disappointed by the drops in instances. Don't remember them being mostly shitty greens. Why did I even want to do these back then?
I seem to have struck a nerve
Change the patch to fucking Pre BC. Give druids mangle and tree, extra flight points, using meeting stones to summon, etc.
>Change the patch to fucking Pre BC
t. Paladin
Make capes actually look like capes
41 point talent trees would actually be quite interesting
>LF1M for x
>Yeah hey bro our dude is just going to spend 10 minutes finishing his quests and then 15-20 minutes making his way over here!
literally only achievements
>implying wow wasnt always baby casual tier
No battlegrounds with PVP rewards at launch. Are you fucking kidding me?
Kill all classicfags.
kill yourself.
by deleting the ques
Druids with Tree would make them even more unkillable. Resto druid in PVP would just be beyond cancerous.
I do want TBC or 1.13 just copypasting all the good TBC class design changes, but the problem is most of them were balanced around being talents and they would have to overhaul the talents to fit them in
Fury warriors out dps rogues when no proof exists?
No I'm a horde player.
It was fun as hell in the months before BC.
Not with the other abilities classes get.
Because I want vanilla wow, not BC you ape
I was actually talking to my buddy yesterday about how lame it was WoW didn't have one handed spears for spear and shield warriors.
Warriors scale better with gear than Rogues in vanilla. Rogues get no stat modifiers from agility other than some slight dodge but Warriors gain damage from strength, but all the strength gear is in mid raids and later.
I'll fix it by not playing. This was fun 15 years ago. I would rather spend my time learning a real skill rather than a virtual one.
HD graphics. Make specs like Retribution and Protection on classes like Paladin actually valid.
Whats a stat modifier?
What would be the requirement to get that talent, 35 into the spec instead of 40?
How do you guys pick a server? Are any of you not playing with your friends because they're on a server with a long queue?
How can you be so wrong? Agi is 2 AP and some crit you mong.
it was 1 AP in vanilla iirc.
Set your pet to passive and hotkey attack and return.
The retarded "spell batching" shit that makes the game play like everyone have 1k ping.
Enemies literally walking over my freeze trap and it doesnt trigger.
For starters just that.
Legit only turbo autists can defend this shit.
This. It astounds me how delusional people are in thinking that it's fun; lying to themselves and patting each other on the back about how fun it is lmao tragic.
rogue agi is 1 ap and crit, and eviscerate doesnt scale with ap.
rogues do more than warriors early, but with gear warriors surge ahead
>Join the Discord so we can chat instead of using gchat :)
Retarded fucking zoomers.
I would remove LFG spam in every general
The amount of gains you get from a certain stat until it starts to affect a change. Intellect = more mana to cast, Agi = more dodge, Strength = more damage per hit and Stamina = more health, Spirit = More regen outside combat. Later WoW expansions went full retard and baked 3 different effects into single stats so Agi gave you dodge, crit, damage. Intellect gave you Mana, Damage and Mana Regen. You won't notice the changes or know about them unless you're a literal old fag, like me.
I'm playing an arms warrior. I put a 10s bid on a blue spear on the AH and won somehow. It tears shit up. I love using janky shit, though.
>somehow not able to loot items in your own party
read the tooltip
is it normal for lootable monsters to just be empty?
why even give me the loot shine if there is nothing?
>cloth with strength
>mail with spirit
because no class would ever give up armor for attack power (except all of them)
and because shamans, hunters, and paladins dont need to regen mana
>but pallys and shamans use mp5 not spirit!
maybe in raids, maybe fully optimized, but theres still the rest of the players in the rest of the game who need fucking mana
talent? just take off the other fucking weapon and voila, you are now single wielding and your white hit chance has just skyrocketed. you can even equip an off-hand item to not lose out on the stats from an empty slot
Adding a guild bank would be a good start.
Just play on Old Blanchy. Server pop is low to medium and everyone I've encountered so far is helpful. But then again, I chat to randoms when we group so everyone actually has a a chance to be friendly.
I don't get why people complain about other players when they themselves are autistically silent while needing on every drop and then leaving when they're done instead of sticking around a couple minutes to help everyone finish the quest.
evis scales in 1.12
Have not had this experience even once.
Everyone I've grouped with, through Duskwood now, has always said "I'm done, what's everyone else at?" and they stick it out to help the rest of the party, even for elite quests.
Either you have truly unfortunate luck or what you said was not about other people, but about you being the asshole.
More flight paths.
Not necessarily retail extent but some of these low level quest routes are ridiculous. Looking at you, Darkshore/Ashenvale.
ur paying $15 a month and you think the developers want to make you finish the game early lol
Drop muh pants
playing "pvp" in a mmo.
warriors and priests had the hybrid tax applied to them in TBC when damage rebalancing occurred, warriors just scale so well with gear that it hardly mattered
>it's not dying, just look at all these queues!
Uh... Classicfags?
so youre just being a contrarian faggot then
This just proves it isn't dying, are you dumb?
>Try the new servers we have made because too many of you.
I hope someone rapes your family pet.
>1.0 Alterac valley
>Keep 1.0 AV as a side to nu-AV
>Wall-walking is back
>Giant hunter pet
>Unintentional shit like plague back
>Throw in some hidden shit for those using far sight/exploring
>Get the original night before they changed it in 1.6(?)
>Most dangerous enemy in the game.
Pure plus healing is better for paladins until they naturally start getting +crit gear in later raids anyway. Soloing healing as a holy paladin sucks ass in early vanilla patches.
Sure lets just homogenize all the classes, bring the player not the class sure did wonders for retail.
no titanforging
no LFR
no LFG
no mythic+
no dailies
dungeons way harder and longer designed to be run few times rather than spamming them like crazy diablo bullcrap
VENDORS that sell GEAR, you can get tokens in pve or pvp, getting tokens in pve made faster, because you could spam bgs/arenas to get free gear so tokens in pvp should take at least 300% to 500% more time in pvp than getting a token in pve
PVP BALANCE based on skill, and no bullshit on hero classes, classes nerfed to what they are, example mages and rogues not tanky at all because they have way too many tools to survive, the more mobility you have, the weaker you need to be
CLASS TALENTS, play a class bring a class not a spec, and be unique, fuck the player
no flying
and lastly bring back the MMO RPG, not that action game single player shitgame BFA IS RIGHT NOW
wrong, they mismatched the balance patches with the content already so its already tainted as fuck
also, L A Y E R I N G, account chat instead of per character. ETC
wrong, AMERICANS tried to do Ragnaros and failed incredible hard, after 10 hours of wiping
APES are gods in classic, you are not, casuals are not, even good players arent APES
classic "thriving" lol.
Its only "thriving" because its the flavor of the month new game,and e-celeb shit.
3 months time classic server will be ghost towns.
>no dailies
Man I wish. World quest would be fun if it was random, like really random. I was so sad to find out it was just dailies with another name during my month test.
didnt they do it with no fire resist too?
It would be more fun if they were actually WORLD quests, and not quests
No fire resist and underleveled players. They also took out Ony before the reset.
Make it harder. Double damage and hp of enemies.
It should stop being a tranny game for trannies.
they got some FR buff off a mind controlled creep
so they used skill and preparation rather than grinding out useless items
>fix all shit specs and itemize properly for them
but then it wouldn't me classic
2 months
the idea to funnel end game into raids is ridiculous
fucking raids need to die already
just make dungeons. i dont have the patience to wait for 40 retards.
add new dungeons with actual difficulty.
>HD graphics
Make Paladins a viable tank alternative, and turn ret into another defensive tree so it's heal/tank/tank
if you're going to give allies two new tank specs then you'd better give enhancement shamans some new talents that let them tank too.
Opinion disregarded. Back to retail.
You cant just adjust some numbers and make a class a tank.
You have to re-balance the entire game from level 1 to level 60 to ensure the content is appropriate adjusted to match the new style of gameplay you wish to promote.
You have to realize Paladin was never designed to be the tank, it was Warrior. Paladins and Druids were designed as offtanks, able to hold their own but not able to hold as well as warriors are. As all hybrids are they can do more, but do it less well than classes dedicated to it.
I dont disagree that Paladins could have their tanking experience improved by say the addition of a proper taunt ability or two, but if you want Paladins to be 'the' tanks along with Warriors you need to think about the entire leveling and dungeon experience from start to finish, balance, itemization changes, interactions with other classes, ect. I dont think Paladins should be used as main tanks, leave that to warriors, but you could make their ability to say tank elites while leveling better with a proper taunt.
been leveling my gnome warlock engineer and having lots of fun. haven't played or kept up with wow since mid-wotlk
take out the report function and its perfect
>introduce changing your hairstyle for gold
>introduce transmog; because it improves the game and you can use it to take even more gold out of the system.
>improve silver rare loottable
That's a good start. I honestly believe WoW could be fucked at some point if changes wont be made. Simply because the original game has no gold-dumps. And nothing will be changed.
You could even go so far as to have an ingame-option to change your name (for gold). A Stormwind building could host such a thing.
>make it so if you report someone you get flagged and everyone can beat you up
The only fix needed for Acti-Blizz trash is burning the server blades and deleting the source code from reality.
>introduce transmog
Just fuck off retail fag.
Quest items have a low drop rate on purpose to get brainlets to grind. There arent enough quests otherwise. Enemy respawn rate is dynamic and is absolutely fine.
make it a honeypot so if you report anyone it bans your faggot zoomer ass
people dont want to grind. people used macros to get past the grind back in the day. people will just quit now because blizzard removed those macros.
Dude the levelling from 1 to 60 is such cheese with nowdays you can tank as fucking enhance just fine for the few first instances.
I haven't played retail ever. Stopped with wotlk.
Imagine being mad about such a simple thing
The further I get from starting zones, the more unfriendly other players get. I don't know if I'm leveling too fast and entering the poopsocking area, but people just generally don't give a fuck about each other.
>dudes walking right past me as I'm dying from accidentally pulling too many mobs
>faggot druids stealthing away as I'm getting ganked
>nobody ever buffs each other or interacts, just autowalking to the next serotonin marker
I just want to stay in the barrens forever if it's going to be like this
Nice bait here is your last (you)
Seems to be the same on my server (Gehennas EU) right now. I figured maybe starting on an EU server I could get a better community than on a German one; but so far I am dissappointed.
I found this as well, its 100% poopsocking problem.
It makes perfect sense. The higher level people right now are nolifers who suck at having fun. The lazy worthless shits are still stuck in low levels, but the average nice joes are in the middle range of those two groups.
Slow down, make some money doing a profession, or level one up. Let some people catch up over the next few days.
>>dudes walking right past me as I'm dying from accidentally pulling too many mobs
this is because if someone heals you they will get top table aggro, and the monsters will chase them instead. In classic healing someone on the run means you're essentially trading your life for theirs. Fuck that shit. Die faggot, I'll resurrect you after.
>I don't know if I'm leveling too fast and entering the poopsocking area
No you're just entering the leveling area populated with people that will keep playing the game instead of dropping it when the next fad comes out
>people in general chat saying they got to 24 in 20 hours
how? do these guys just mindlessly grind random mobs?
Disingenuous and faggy arguements. There is NO reason a tank class should BLANTANTLY outperform another tank class. Same goes for healing and dps classes and specs. Should they all work differently mechanically, playstyle and feel wise? YES!!! But they should all be about equal perfomance wise in their respective roles around sameish power levels. Only lazy retards disagree with my statement.
I mean I got that by doing quests.
this game fucking sucks
a nostalgic archaic timesink
being sold to nostalgic boomers
fuck this trash
>pic related, average WoW player
only guys I know IRL who play WoW are all below 95 IQ
I went priest and I buff heal and raise people on my way. Ive been like that in whatever I play and its not going to suddenly stop this time around on classic. Some people are just garbage.
sadly I'll be leaving for p99 green in a month.
>There is NO reason a tank class should BLANTANTLY outperform another tank class
The only tank in WoW is Warrior.
Paladins are offtanks, its an entirely different role. If you played EQ, which inspired WoW balance, you would know the role of an offtank is to hold aggro on mobs the tank otherwise does not want to hold aggro on in order to even out damage mitigation or deal with unique mechanics.
Glad to educate you on how video games work :^)
That's nothing, I killed 4000 mobs for a quest in gold-bot infested Silkroad Online back in the day.
Let's play a game. Post adventuring inventories.
Rate based on how obvious their class is and how appropriate/ efficient/ prepared their inventory feels for clearing out a zone of quests while leveling and generally adventuring through the world.
Pic related is for my human warrior, who's currently level 26 and questing through Duskwood. I normally have Rage Potions on me too for moments where I'm hyper rage-starved but need like 20 rage ASAP for something like Intimidating Shout in 'oh shit' moments, but I remember Duskwood being full of cancer like Wandering Plague and other fun defbuffs, so I swapped them out for some Jungle Remedies to adapt to the zone I'm in.
Same goes for dire bears as well? How about Shaman, who have threat boosters built into abilities and talents meant for tanking but do fuck-all?
But wow vanilla has no unique mechanics on any bosses. Literally every dungeon or raid has a boss use 2 spells at most, 90% burst or dot.
Yes, they are also offtanks.
No one is arguing that their ability to offtank is not perfect. I agree that Paladins for example need a proper threat tool.
But to say the 'tanks are unbalanced' is wrong. Tanking is perfectly balanced, warriors can tank anything. Offtanking is the problem. Its too hard to maintain aggro even on one mob and there are not enough situations where you need an offtank to start with. For example we could have had magic and physical tanking, and made paladins better at aggroing certain targets with magic aggro rather than physical. Turning warriors, paladins, shamans and druids all into tanks like Warriors ruins the game. Tuning paladins/shamans/druids to be able to tank better in certain situations makes them unique.
See above
My nigga. I used to run bots on private servers because that game was so grindy. I wish vanilla had its open world pvp job system
Why so much random cloth on your mage while outdoors leveling? I keep those types of mats in my bank and just do the big crafting in batches when I happen to need to go to a major city, not counting things like cooking random food.
Literally balance all the specs, upgrade debuffs limit
>just do the big crafting in batches when I happen to need to go to a major city
well I DON'T
I just started questing which is why I have linen and I'm hoping to move on to fully Wool soon. Had some surprise Silk earlier.
I'm playing a priest right now and it is so fucking busted, it may just be the best fucking class, and my 12 years old self though it was shit
Ban streamers.
Can someone give me tips on pvping as Priest
Nope. Prot pallys were ment to compete with Warriors in tanking. Blizzard just failed in implementing it spectacularly (they admitted this when explaining class power fantasy). Glad you outted yourself as a retard. Probably a warrior fag as well :).
Have shield up, put on your debuffs and dota. Turn off brain
I don't think the symmetry between Shamans and Paladins (both can tank somewhat but are basically healers and buffers) was accidental, but whatever you want to believe.
>You cant just adjust some numbers and make a class a tank.
you could with Shaman. they already have multiple increased threat abilities, they just need something that puts their effective health at a comparable value to warriors. Something like an Earth totem that absorbs X% of incoming physical damage for the shaman would probably do the trick.
>Nope. Prot pallys were ment to compete with Warriors in tanking.
Provide source
>haters: classic is dead already
>me, in a 5000 person queue that isnt even the streamer server
So why is it that Priests are shit DPS, yet Warriors are allowed to be gods?
I like these numbers but Im only going to start playing after a month or 2, just to see if its actually active. It the game was a one time fee I would be on that shit, I really dont like the idea of paying a sub fee for a game that will not be getting any further content or updates.
>be me
>try to get into mmo's since WotlK
>keep trying
>grind is becoming so autistically long my brain numbs and I drop the game
fuck that shit see you never again fags
absolute retard design philosophy. there's already a tank shortage even in retail with SIX FUCKING TANK CLASSES and you want to make a game with only ONE?
And this is even AFTER the making of new servers.
Those servers are also mostly filling up as well.
>my brain numbs
You understand this is because you're stupid right?
No one else and nothing else can make your small child like adh brain do this.
It's in the vid doc where they talk about class fantasy months back and in older articles as well where they talk about how one class wasnt ment to dominate a role against other classes/specs. Go find it.
Just roll a warrior bro they're so op too lol
>same fucking quest over and over for 100 hours over
No, this is the natural reaction of a healthy brain.
It's not. Most games follow the same exact formula over and over.
You're actually retarded.
Get help stupid.
Buff ret.
Step 1. Delete everyone who ever posted on the forums
Step 2. Delete everyone who ever used /wowcg/
Step 3. Delete anyone who wants to play raids
Step 4. Delete all accounts made during Wrath or beyond
Step 5. Open up a similar voting system to OSRS, where ideas are suggested and a 75% vote gets them implemented (with developer input)
Now its perfect.
Faster flight paths
45m hearths
>tank shortage in retail
Because retail is shit. There was never a tank shortage in vanilla.
No source, got it.
Im sorry, night elf and human warriors make sense. So do Orc, troll and Tauren.
But dwarfs? Come on. Have you SEEN how midgets move? They cant. Literally cant. They couldnt swing a sword if you force them to.
Dwarfs should just be 5'9 humans who are super SUPER buff, not 4'5. I know its a fantasy setting but the idea of someone being anything less than 6'2 being strong is stupid.
Fuck of nigger vanilla was the only game worth playing. Tbc was the beginning of the end and wotlk ultimately ruined it
Dual spec
Imagine being mad your favorite autistic secondary life simulator gets called out you have to resort to adhominem expecting it would make me mad. It's WoW, everyone and their mother knows it's braindead grindy, they even made documentaries about it.
Get help, you are mentally ill from Blizz addiction.
Roll a second character.
>There was never a tank shortage in vanilla.
fucking kek, that's why all the top guilds had to poach tanks from lesser guilds right?
No need. Just appoint me project director. I will
>delete balance druid tree
>start development on level 60 dungeons that are mechanically challenging
>integrate an official threat meter into the game's UI, nothing like the ugly as fuck addons with bars and shit though, as minimal as possible
>increase player movespeed by 0.5% per level
>copy paste SRO's profession PvP system into wow as a level 60 open world pvp gold sink
>create more spirits around areas
>make it so players in a party get quest credit for any kill if they're in the same area
>Imagine being mad
I know you are and your book was not read.
Get help retard.
Tanks or warriors? You only need a couple dedicated tanks but warriors are the best dps so they're desirable.
No. I need long flights to play peggle
I mentioned the sources its just a type away on YouTube, Google, and archived articles dating back from BC. If you're too stupid and lazy to go find it and want it soon fed to you like a downie fuckwit that's on you :)
>increase player movespeed by 0.5% per level
Troll. Shadowguard procs blackout.
This is the brain on retailfag
>warlocks now get ritual of summoning at level 15
>develop lv60 10-man dungeons
>your book was not read.
Hush now sweetie, I'll make you some tendies so you can snack while you're in that 3 hour queue
Leave the piss bottles by the door, I'll take care of them, pumpkin
ban zoomers from playing
Retail zoomzooms will play dumb but you hit the nail on the head
Because they were better geared you fucking moron, do you know how hard it is to gear a warrior? It takes literally months.
Guilds are currently running 10 to 20 fucking warriors AT ONCE for raids they are so common and also so good. But gearing a warrior for tanking is insanely hard to do time wise.
Go back even further and give us BETA-CLASSIC. Back when you had to light torches and undead took extra holy damage and shit
I'm not even going to read what you write because you mad.
>still no sauce
So full of shit, got it. Warriors are the tanks of WoW, Pally/Shaman/Druids are offtanks. Before you ask, my source is the game, which clearly made warriors tanks and the other classes offtanks :^)
Glad we had this chat.
I'd introduce a malicious trojan into the game that prevents it from running if there are cash shop conveniences, microtransactions, or a paid xmog service.
I'd also try to have more server uptime but that's a minor thing.
>yfw typing
more (You)'s please
>Still thinking i'm reading his post
Tanks. four horsemen was a problem for a lot of guilds because they didn't have 4 warriors to run it with.
>well I DON'T
alright, to each their own
Relying on Defensive is bad.
Keybind pet attack and pet follow to something.
increasing the number of classes that tank doesn't increase the number of people who want to tank.
Create a new MMO? WoW classic and retail are both boring games.
How about create an actual massive, immersive online world with no instances, no mindless fetch quests, no speedrunning, and where actions have tangible game world impact?
It's a fools errand. Better to return to the NWN formula and leave the PvP esports shit to LoL or whatever the fuck it is kids are playing these days.
I could see an AI-trained DM being a possibility. Maybe mix in some form of anonymous interlopers a la Dark Souls to spice it up a bit.
The servers may have lower capacity than the retail servers, but I'd actually shit bricks if more people are actually trying to log onto retail than classic.
doesn't need fixing. it's perfect.
>Classic is pretty much dead with no players
I've been in a queue behind thousands of people on my server (one server out of 30 in my region) waiting to play for hours.
Can't wait to try it when my internet gets turned on at my new place
Gonna roll a Arms Human Warrior
>anyone making a new MMO ever
Blizzard killed the genre with WoW. MMOs are the riskiest games to make, no one wants to invest in that shit.
Valve was makiing one a couple years back but they gave up on it.
>What is mountain king
Classic wow is easier than BFA.
*drops mic*
What is the most appropriate class for a dwarf in terms of lore friendliness?
>"A Boaring Task" Complete Experience gained: 420 SCCHHHWWOOOOOMMMFFFF Level 6 gained
Name a better feeling than this other than EA going bankrupt. Protip: it is not possible.
Just go ahead and put in the ability to have a two specs. Re-speccing is retarded for anyone who plays a multi-class and we all know it. It wouldn’t change anything except the amount of gold wasted on wanting to playing a healer and a dps or a tank and dps. Prove me wrong please.
Yeah but layering has the adverse effect of making a lot of would-be-crowded locations feel sparsely populated. Ironforge is dead on just about every realm.
make it wotlk instead of vanilla
>man we should fix these fucktarded parts of this game.
>then it wouldn't be classic.
Turns out, you're fucking retarded.
I am about 30 hours /played with 2 level 15 characters and 1 level 20 and I think I'm done. Logged in today after work, thought about making a WC group and then thought I can't be fucking bothered
Hunter. You're a manlet and can't fight toe-to-toe, so you employ guns, traps and vicious animals to do it.
Why would you reroll three fucking times in the space of a week? Sounds like you just have commitment issues. Good riddance.
No chat moderation
>Retarded anime poster
Color me surprise.
Fucking based
As a Wizard, I ignore people who whisper me asking for food/water without saying the magic P word. You don't seem like a person who would use the magic P word. :-)
>not buffing friendly strangers
That's just one :) go from there boyo.
Hope you like your waterbreathing bitch HAHAHAHAHAHA
All I ask for is a fucking stamina or intellect buff. ALL I WANT FROM A FUCKING DRUID IS CALL OF THE WILD I WANT THE FUCKING STAT BUFF
so how long until blizzard starts rolling out the in game patches? and are they going to make any changes to what was originally released?
I buff a lot of people but I'm not obligated to give out food/water. :-)
In a clown world maybe.
I literally never ask for that
are throwing knives good range weapons for hunters?
I love this shit
>trade my useless buff for an actually good buff
Thanks nerds
>two hour interview knowing no one will listen to it
Very clever, still zero source from Blizzard though so well done proving you're full of shit.
Game was designed from the start with Warriors as tanks, everything else is an offtank. We're done here kiddo.
>Rag and Onyxia stomped by a bunch of level 50's
mm nah dude. i straight up refuse food/water hand outs unless theyre in my group. I aint bout to sit around wasting my mana for that shit.
>is an indecisive moron
>"Ahhhh, I'm just not bothered to play, I don't know why"
You're literally akin to an indecisive female, this is a genuine sign of low testosterone and being unable to make a choice and stick with it.
I wouldn't, the people who wanted it wanted it "broken".
also no report system especially for chat
I went on a drive when the roads are full and picked a route packed with traffic and now I've got stuck in a jam, how could this happen to me?!