New rpg on kickstarter
Wooaaaaah Indie CRPG #225518 featuring a sprawling MEDIEVAL HIGH FANTASY world to explore and witty banter between your party members like the humble and honorable knight, the witty and raucous dwarf axeman, the nihilistic, misanthropic wizard you can't help but LOVE, the epic one-liners and constant humor from the ninjaxassassinxroguex420 and the STRONK waifu barbarian! I can't wait to experience this new, unique world with tough but fair DND diceroll mechanics yet again!
I tried it at PAX a few days ago. It was alright. Fucking dumb that orcs somehow don't notice rocks falling on their heads. If you play D&D 5e you'll feel at home playing this. Also, the representatives at PAX can go fuck themselves, they were back seat gaming cunts who were constantly blathering in my ear.
>More DND inspired gameplay
Nope. When can we get something new again?
Some nice ideas, I'll give it a go when it's finished.
The reason I tried it was because I liked stepping into a game I already knew the rules of.
>Kickstarter RPG
You people really don't learn, do you?
Sad but true
Sure I did learn from div:os and pathfinder, this is why I feel optimistic.
Nice let me know when its finished and then when it releases on steam 1 year later.
no game existed like this, a generic strategy RPG with soulless art, so he made it! the absolute passion should be admired, not mocked you heathen.
>Playing tabletop games for 30 years, making a videogame that replicated this feeling was always in the back of my mind
Why does every Indie RPG say this?
>There just weren't any tabletop inspired RPGS out there today
Lol that very subgenre is flooding the market though.
genuinely redpilled
Somehow I know everything I need to know about this game before even clicking. I would bet actual money it's:
>High fantasy
>Tabletop inspired, bonus points if they talk about how there was just nobody stepping up to make a tabletop RPG in videogame form so they decided to
>Standard fantasy races
>They use the words 'rich, compelling story'
>Story probably consists of medieval tropes but with modern day political and social issues referenced but with a 'fantasy skin' put over it.
As always i will do nothing and just watch as one group of idiots throw their money away and other trying to glue something together and if by some miracle it works out than i will pirate it and if not (most likely) i will laugh my ass off and forgot about it. As always
there's already a French-speaking indie developer that did a kickstarter for an isometric tactical CRPG.
How can they say that there is nothing like what they're building on the market?
The average CRPG fan.
>Lol yeah I wear a skipper's hat with my everyday attire. I like to implement a bit of WACKINESS to my burly BEARDS AND BACON aesthetic.
Just ignore the obsidian ones and they're pretty good.
I guarantee the fat guy has tried to finger a teenager
i watched the video and you're right
I like it being turnbased, and the verticalitys cool but I hate it being "realistic" because its really fucking boring. I want to play crpgs to explore strange fantasy worlds, but so many are the same Tolkien or DnD inspired shit.
Honestly I think it looks interesting but I ain't giving my money to a kickstarter project. Especially now with the recent trend of lying by telling people it comes out on steam etc.
Looks pretty good. But the only support they will receive from me is a buy if it has high user scores.
>b-but user scores are gay
Yes. I disagree with them often. But I don't take that leap of faith on games I'm not over the moon excited about. I'm the guy that gets CRPGs on sale a few years after they come out. I play them and rate them well. But its not my genre and there are plenty of shit CRPGs out there.
Yee, im getting really tired of tolkien ripped off fantasy worlds, especially after reading of some amazing settings in books.
>only ugly women characters with masculine, fully covered up outfits
>not a single one is sexy or shows of any skin
no thanks