Can we discuss this like a normal civilized human beings?
Can we discuss this like a normal civilized human beings?
on Yea Forums?
Good, Fuck Resetera
People shouldn't believe everything they read on the internet.
>can we discuss a retard opinion like normal humans?
Yes, not censoring something isn't an issue, we have a rating system that can handle it and it literally isn't a problem
Less censorship, the better. Trannies need to grow up and realize that life isn't fair like the rest of us.
Do you understand where you are...?
>Le clown world honk honk amirite Reddit?
Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Kinda unfortunate that we're at a point where we have to praise not censoring something.
Shit game, has no 1o1i.
Cringe post
Can somebody explain what these "problematic scenes" are?
Why are all leftist memes walls of text?
Something of a tranny character being called a dude or something of a girl with a penis being an alien.
No idea but we can slap a pegi 18 or unrated rating on it and call it a day because those are the adult ratings made for exactly this
it was censored
the parts that we knew were censored, are still censored
they just didnt censor it more than that
>not censored
Did I read that right? Did something not actually get censored for the west babies?
Cringe and seethingpilled
That you do not celebrate, encourage or support trannies is problematic.
If you don’t want meme responses and constant shitposting than just fucking leave!
>strawmanning posters that haven't even fucking posted anything that said strawman posts
Literally everyone except me is retarded, not joking
Checked and based
>in the west
Key point. The Japs were the ones responsible this time.
can you talk english?
I'm surprised the voice actors were fine with some of the transphobic stuff that they had to say. Good on them though.
Keep seething poltards
They altered Erica's name in the credits and Vincent's response to her getting into women's wrestling. Nothing else was changed. Or so I've heard.
Did they honestly think they'd just cut out portions of the game?
Aw yeah aside from insta BTFO'ing eternal faggot OP this is why I'm here
Gimma a 38
Well I'll be damned. Something good actually happened for a change.
Seriously, though, has anyone (since its inception in 1994) ever paid any sort of attention to ESRB ratings to 'protect' a player? I look at ESRB ratings because I want to know if I'm going to be seeing some tiddies or just playing a 'family game' disguised as a game for adults. Kiddie-ratings put me off games. And I've never heard of someone, even a parent, giving a fuck about the ESRB rating. I've heard violence and sexual content (discerned from the art on the box) as a concern, but never the ESRB rating.
t. teacher. (7 years middle school, 11 years elementary school)
Normal human beings find trannies repulsive.
this game has been censored due to resetera outrage
Dilate then die-early
Everyone in this thread is retarded and all Americans are mongrels
not buying it anymore
Fuck your roll.
I'll take one from each row.
White Cat
RE girl but in loli version
Ram Rom and Rom Ram
Marie R
pass, all shit.
I guess Midna, meh
Pass, all shit.
Nono (or Nowi, can't recall)
>Nothing else was changed.
There's at least one other change, also present in the jap version.
No one cares that one line was changed.
Yeah this posts doesn't belong here
Trannies should be rounded up and put into camps to be extremely honest senpai
What if, maybe, MAYBE, they don't really give a fuck about it, but just don't want the twitter mob against them?
No but thats peoples own businesses and faults, it exists and sensible people adhere to it or ignore it at their discretion and accept consequenses for it.
Yeah, I think Atlus is based for not caving to a bunch of screaming faggots that didn't care about the game in the first place and don't care about it at all now that it's not the big topic for brownie points
have you faggots ever heard of the phrase "brevity is the soul of wit"
You know, this whole "problematic scenes in videogames" debocle that's become such a huge thing in gaming would never have been such a fucking problem if the ESRB stopped being such faggots and actually did their jobs and put some more AO ratings on games that clearly need it. Or maybe just revise the rating system altogether to be a little more precise about what to expect in games. If the ESRB just established themselves with a little more responsibility and authority on these issues, maybe people would be more incline to only blame themselves for buying a game that hurts their precious feelings.
I thought they censored dialogue.
Look m8, I don't care who you are or what you think you are. You can think you're a toaster or think you are a jelly sandwich. Who cares? You are you.
The problem is, every individual I've run across that fits this disposition feels it's their obligation to notify me and those around them. That is not normal and it's annoying. I don't go around telling everybody I like tomboys and BDSM. That would be weird right?
tldr: Just, keep it to yourself.
sure samefag
>The only things discovered to be removed from the Western version was the aforementioned dead name for Erica in the credits and supposedly an optional side conversation.
Still censored, fuck off.
Why does this deserve any kind of discussion in the first place?
It's kind of like right-wing ideas are totally superficial and meant to appeal to people in very simple but misrepresentative terms, so it's easy to distill them into ironic memes since that's in essence all they are.
Why do you think? Some retard wants to push this, simple as that.
There's a "everyone is happy" ending which subtly implies that the tranny character would be happier if he didn't run away from home at 17 to get a shoddy sex change operation on a whim. The scene doesn't even say that the character isn't a faggot or a tranny anymore, just that a childish decision without any forethought made his life harder.
2 much text in ur answer lmao
kys weeb
Oh shit nevermind
Fuck Atlus never buying their shit again cringe and bluepilled or whatever the fuck, pretend I posted an angry wojak
>if it has more words that means its smarter
What Steelbook change / difference ?
Pls respond, I fucking love steelbooks, but if it's changed from the JP version, then fuck it.
Even Odin Sphere's metal case left Gwen's panties on it IIRC.
Atlus is so fucking cringe
No, it still would have even with changes to how the ESRB runs things because the change isn't driven to ensure correct ratings but instead done to suck themselves off for changing content they don't like. I can tell you right now the changed content wouldn't have changed the rating at all. It was changed because these fags want something they don't like removed.
You do realise the left tries the same thing right? there is a happy medium where everyone is better and no one cares about it.
And here we see the illiterate smoothbrain response, in its naturally habitat.
You can't write a good story story without including adult themes. The situations which pull the hardest at our emotions in real life are all 'adult' situations. With violence, hatred, sex, death, domestic abuse, jealousy, lust, substance abuse, war, romance, etc. These are the things that pull hardest at our human nature. So, those story elements are the ones that we relate to the strongest and trigger the hardest emotional shifts. That is what makes a great story. Even kiddie shitshows like Harry Potter include all of those elements - though they're heavily padded with soft wording and spaced out between silly antics. They're still there and you see them in adult fantasy stories with much more emphasis and they carry a strongest impact for readers.
>Catherine did trans representation before trans people were even massively in the public eye
>trans people still crying for censorship
Not paying attention to ESRB ratings is the fault of the consumer.
Sounds like the words of someone insecure in their own beliefs
>Kratos' BBC no censored
>Resetera - silence
>This shit...
>*smackslips umm you know...
lol this double standard is why these people are a joke.
We shall dilate your skull on the wall.
(You)'re mistaken. Your post literally makes no sense. You're not owning anyone, your making zero sense.
>all these mad replies
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
if he was illiterate how did he read your post
behead those who (embed) (embed)
Aw fuck.
Now I'm not so sure, it's not as if they toned down the sexiness on the cover (like several ATLUS covers), but used another official art for it.
Fuck, I might still get it then.
There's a trans character in the game
In a good ending there's time travel involved and there's a scene with him before he transitioned and it uses his old name
Brainlets assumed this meant the good ending is he decided not to transition
I love is how everyone on Twatter gives weight to the ESRB ratings in the wake of the 'vidya causes school shootings' controversy to show that M rated games have content that are intended for adults, but then they're the first to completely ignore the concept when it comes to lewdness in gaming, favoring outright censorship instead. Absolute hypocrites, the lot of them.
Oh its very simple, the past didnt happen for some people and different people have different bits of past missing, transpeople are normiefied and everything before was stupid hipster bullshit.
The left and right are taking cues from 1984 whether they realise it or not
>caring about Atlus garbage in the first place
Based and kikepilled
How do we put an end clickbait sites?
I really doubt it. Also, Atlas are huge niggers for putting the old version of Catherine on steam after announcing this version exists. They're blatantly trying to get people to double dip and buy both.
Start charging them to post or make it illegial.
You can tell who's new and underage just from all the replies to my bait post you don't even need to try anymore on here
This is so comically un-self-aware that I can only assume this is ironic shitposting which, as we all know, is just shitposting.
bad meme
Vote with your wallet lmao, the monetary input of a handful of people totally matters in a consumerist dystopia, and "voting with your wallet" definitely isn't something pushed by the wealthy because in that system more money=more votes
only dumb amerimutts are triggered. that "in the west" shit is pretty annoying.
Left can’t meme, they can only copy. Much like the body snatchers however, they are not authentic and a keen eye will spot the inhuman aspects about them.
You can't. Just like you can't stop people from getting outraged at the drop of a hat.
The internet fucking sucks now.
Based and Redpilled
"Problematic" is a trans character being treated as a flawed and real person rather than a perfect pixie princess?
>M rated game deals with topics that might make certain individuals uncomfortable.
Yeah no shit. You have to be 17+ to play these games technically, but trannies are mentally stunted children so what do you expect.
They only care about the ratings when it's convenient to them
Normal human beings find FtMs fairly attractive because there's a basis for a decent looking person already in place and it's more likely to be actually born of mild, correctable mental illness/an innocuous desire to fit in somehow.
People find MtFs repulsive because it sticks to the idea of defined gender stereotypes and trannies therefore enforcing that gender stereotyping, not to mention the myriad other reasons they may have to transition (some of which are valid and plausible seeing as though they have happened before and we just had a case like this) like thinking you can get pity points, a need to feel special, severe mental illness, etc.
They are still people, but as mentioned there is no need to blast that shit to the high heavens and doing so only proves you're doing it for attention. That being said, I believe Erica is a good version of a trans character and is a decent representative of them despite the shit that the vocal minority of the community does to constantly make everyone detest them on principle.
It's true, I mean a few words have sent this entire board into fits.
eh not really, the people have less power now because we got sucked into stupid tribal bullshit that just goes round in circles
Leftist memes are about doctrine.
Also >hurr left can't meme
They do, they just do it with shit like
"A foetus is just a clump of cells" and other shit repeated till the population takes it as gospel.
>level headed post
>pic is of a loli who solves her problems with genocide
>I don't go around telling everybody I like tomboys
You should tho
the world must know the wonders of tomboys
>a few words
Someone made a thread about possible cancelled DLC for Red Dead Redemption 2 a while ago and it had Sadie as the OP image. You can accurately predict how it went just by that information alone.
>Atlus said fuck it and didn't change anything
>Dave Chappelle releases special shitting on PC concepts
>Ion Fury devs decide to tell PC idiots to fuck off
Are we finally hitting the point where slowly this stupid fucking PC culture shit will go away? As soon as PC culture goes away we can tell /pol/ fags to fuck off too because we won't need them. It'll be a double win.
>last 2 Tales games had no lolis
Last chance Bamco.
Cheers m8. I have the same opinion.
I don't give a shit if you're gay or trans or whatever as long as you're cool. But if you're one of those BIG AND LOUD fags who think that being a sassy asshole who starts arguments is what being gay is all about, then I'm going to hard pass on you as a person. Not because you're gay, but because your personality is fucking awful.
don't ally with the /pol/tards, thats an ideal outcome for them
does eirka still have her feminine penis?
It won't go away, but it's getting to the point where it's big enough to have it's own counter-culture.
You're right but as soon as PC culture goes away their cries of BUT YOU NEED US will mean nothing.
I don't understand how people think this game has a negative portrayal of trannies. If anything it normalizes them. The two characters that are apparently traps/trannies are flawed just like the rest of us but other than that they seem to have decent characterization for an animu puzzle game. They are also basically sex symbols which I guess is a bad thing to be these days, but it wasn't before and it shouldn't be.
That's not what the vocal minority on Twitter thinks, and unfortunately it's dev pandering to that exact group that leads to where we are today
no, it's because is a bait, you fucking cuck newfag
>normal human beings find ftms attractive
Fine then, I'm abnormal, they're gross and no amount of name calling or guilting me into feeling like I'm going against the current societal norm (which I personally believe to be your own personal head canon anyway) will get me to find a transgendered person attractive.
It isn't bad. The transgender character even implies he's going to become a girl again. It's just idiots who do not understand what subtlety is.
Imagine if Bruce Wayne went around telling everyone his parents were dead constantly.
He spoke nothing of any truths in his post
>The problem is tribal bullshit
The problem is the people who used to look at themselves as a tribe no longer do, but everyone else still does
Nobody needs you. I'd rather support actual censorship than ally with you and your ilk, and I hate censorship.
That's only because you haven't seen many good ones because the only ones posted on here are the ugly ones that cry victim.
Did you actually read the post? I'm agreeing with you
ResetEra users aren't human. They're animals in a digital zoo.
The way the male characters react to Rin being revealed as a boy is very transphobic.
no, since toby fucked her and thought she was a woman
even if toby was shitface drunk, he'd notice if she still had a penis
This is why you will always lose ;^)
Rin's a fucking homunculus piloted by a pink Minion alien
Being a trap is the least of its problems
I'm pretty sure Toby knew before he fucked her.
thats the trap though, the /pol/ are better at manipulating information and they will use anyone they come into contact with to gain more influence
I haven't played the new game so I haven't seen her scenes but from what I have read you can get Vincent to end up with Rin so while it may be transphobic at first isn't the whole point that they learn to accept her? Isn't that a good thing for trans people? Doesn't that help their cause rather than hurt it?
Its normal to react that way because humans dont like things that are oxymoronic. A girl walking up to you and saying that shes actually a boy and has a penis would wierd anyone out because people want things to match their perception and understanding of reality. Shitty people will intentionally use this to cause anxiety on purpose but good or normal people wouldn't intend for it to cause anxiety and would apologize
They censored the dialogue.
Wrong. ResetEra feels ratings boards are useless and "problematic" games should be banned instead.
And then tried to force everyone to agree with him and then throw huge hissyfits when they didn't.
I've met gay people that were cool and down-to-earth, and I've met straight people that were the biggest loudest cunts on the planet. And vice versa. These people don't seem to realize that it's not what's in your pants/what gets you off that defines you as a person, it's your actions and your personality.
We aren't losing libtard we're winning this fight!
Rin isn't trans though. He identifies as a male.
>the /pol/ are better at manipulation
It doesn't take a genius to see that's not true at all. There's a reason SJWs have more influence in all popular media. You don't see people fighting back against any REAL homophobia or stupid religious messages in movies or games these days, which is would happen if they had the influence you're implying.
He literally didn't. He was a virgin who didn't know better that a pussy shouldn't look or feel like that. Eric got him drunk and took advantage of him and despite Toby being a weak-willed faggot he had enough sense to not be okay with that once he found out. That's why their interactions are so awkward.
when is this game coming out on pc
Why did these faggots latch onto atlus games so much anyways? The dating elements in persona 3-5?
>I don't understand how people think this game has a negative portrayal of trannies.
They didn't play it.
From what site? So I can avoid it from now on.
>There's a reason SJWs have more influence in all popular media.
Because they're for the best interest of corporations? That's all it actually is, ironically. The self-proclaimed anarchists are actually corporate warriors.
Using a sex analogy instead of food: that's like being surprised women would support a man that lets his wife sleep around, as opposed to a man that won't. Is that really surprising?
I didn't say the right are I said /pol/ are and just like the rest of us they are not in enough positions to do jack shit.
You can't represent them as normal people though, they have to be special, people aren't allowed to make digs at them or say mean things to the trans characters or it's unrealistic. No, you see, they must be excludes from normal realistic dialogue or it's not realistic
Ignore the others, here's the sole truth:
The original claim, which is the only one that stuck, had the canon real true one ending with Rin as a man before he became a "woman". The implication to transvestites was that the best outcome for a tranny is to stay a man and be happy that way instead of go tranny and be miserable.
That's the take they had on it, and that's the take that never changed. Since then a lot of interviews, allegiations, videos, reports happened but nothing moved from that one initial take on the situation.
Dilate but then realizing you'll never pass, die early.
To think all the era kiddies were being smug as fuck when they heard it was being "adjusted", not realizing that nothing needed to be changed in the first place aside from maybe the name in the credits.
How old is this screen?
Isn't it heavily implied that you can be bi in Persona 3-5?
>whiny poltards cry women arent just objects of desire
This is what happens pol is allowed to exist on this site
No clue. Just dumping whatever I have.
This is an anime puzzle game, you people are insane.
You're a bit late to the thread. All the good bait was already posted.
>Isn't it heavily implied that you can be bi in Persona 3-5?
In 3, no for MC. Super yes for FeMC.
4, no. Yusuke was supposed to have a gay route but they pussied out.
5. Nope. Not a one.
none of you convicted sex offenders even play video games.
burn in hell.
This image is right but he replied to people who were being reasonable and measured in their responses, with no reddit frog edits to be seen. Obvious flaseflag.
but how is the "localization" of the text
>that's only because you haven't seen any good ones
Bruhh I dont care how good you think you look, you're not a woman. I'm not gonna date a dude that thinks they are a woman, postop, preop idc I'm not doing it, and I'm not alone on this position.
>cute boy that actually looks like a girl instead of a 30 year old ugly dude in a wig or a shemale pornstar
>trans imagery
had a chuckle
>tranny avatarfags with captain marvel
so predictable
I checked, two days old.
I wonder what makes some people actually post in those faggot cesspits. And then they still look for me and wonder why I have ghosted them for at least 7 years.
I didn't say you said the right are. /pol/ is the right though. They've gone from ironically being like "haha we nazis" to actually becoming full fledged ideological idiots.
And my theory? SJWs created /pol/ as we know it today by existing. I remember watching people becoming increasingly contrarian against ANY PC ideals slowly in 2010, around that time we had less shitposting and threads you'd never see here these days like women armor threads. Around Gamergate was the breaking point and huge shift from this site's original demographic of retards with many different points of views.
/pol/ was through contrarianism
it's funny how they always complain about japan's treatment of women and gays
but not the middle east or africa where it's much much worse
japan doesnt execute gays
japan doesnt execute women who get raped
japanese people dont rape babies because they think it will cure their HIV
I know, you can tell the difference between a Yea Forums bait thread and most other kinds at a glance and easiest way to ruin these assholes doing their thing is to be the thing they claim we arent for a few posts
When people rightfully say
>liberalism radicalized more people to the far right than a fucking frog meme ever did
They go apeshit and claim it's not true. It's true.
Bitch I'm a 6'5' dude with a beard. We don't have trap threads here anymore much nor threads fooling you about some trap that's actually a dude. They aren't too many but there are some pretty passable traps or trans.
But then again I'd fuck anything that looks cute and has a hole
I know but the 1st ones to start it did it by manipulating information, its easy to gloss over the faults of an ideology when your own is being retarded and your window shopping for somethign that better fits you, only retards fall for /pol/ but just think at the average quality of some of these threads and remember how much of Yea Forums is retarded
This is the man(for his chromosomes will always be those of a man) who tried and failed spectacularly to get this game censored
Say something mean about him!
I went through one of these "sensitivity training" classes. It was so cringe I thought it was a joke.
>fat black nigger walks into the room
>spends 20 minutes trying to load her powerpoint presentation with the quality of a first grader
>spends the first 5 or so slides talking about how white people are literal satan
>praise trans
>praise israel
>praise beautiful obese black nigs
>gay people are alright unless they're white then they're slightly satan instead of full satan
I wish I could have got all of it on camera but phones were taken before class and a basic frisk just to be sure you had no hidden cam on you.
I used to visit that site years ago, wtf happened?
I'd love to hear what games they're referring to. No chance they're some slop on steam no normal person has every heard of.
>only retards fall for /pol/
Well maybe I'm retarded but I've fallen for a few of the things they've said. All it really takes is to be depressed and lonely to fall into something dumb. Why do you think so many college professors have fallen for dumb sjw shit? They can't ALL be dumb.
Probably because 3rd world nations have very little influence here. Japan exports a lot of their stuff here, and we have partnerships with them. Middle east and african countries not so much. Same reason why Christianity is so much more a threat to most Americans, because they're actually here, and people we interact with. Sure, Islam may have more barbaric followers, but they're way the hell over there where that can't affect us much at the moment, not here trying to make laws stripping women and gays of their rights daily.
Then post a "passable" one if you are so convinced they exist.
I haven't saved trap pictures since this place stopped having threads + switched computers without transferring data. I'm not going on some hunt for you. Believe what you want.
No but you can act it and follow through out of momentum, besides the best lies are made from thruth and /pol/ knows that if people don't look too close and it seems legit enough to pass muster people will accept it as fact, some of what /pol/ wants is reasonable but its bait.
>All it really takes is to be depressed and lonely to fall into something dumb. Why do you think so many college professors have fallen for dumb sjw shit? They can't ALL be dumb.
Or, perhaps, you're the dumb one and have been wrong all this time?
first he tries to badly larp as a "chad" despite that retarded femdom monstergirl fanart he posted giving away he's anything but
now he can't back up his claims, for all he has is pictures of anime traps
It's possible
Delusional bald faggot.
This so much. Just look at these beautiful passable trap!
I'd like to take up this opportunity to remind everyone that neither Catherine nor Persona5 will EVER come to the Switch
>Not a loli
idort here.
I just want P2IS/EP, P3 and P4 with Jap voices on PS4 preferrably (for trophies) or NSW.
I'm no chad.
The anger here at even suggesting a trap could be passable is hilarious. Do you retards understand how easy it is for people to bait you?
Not during the day on Yea Forums, try later when all the american kids are asleep.
of course you fucking aren't, no self respecting man would chase after these things
You sound pretty angry yourself though just because people call you out on your lame excuses.
That person has been a mod there for years. It's always been like that.
I could never live in America, I'm serious.
Whenever I see these things I get a twitch, even if I have a strong poker face I couldn't get past the cringe, I'm sorry.
I respect normal americans who are able to live on a regular basis next to these freaks without flipping the fuck out.
Why would I chase after that?
You paranoid fucks sure love to imply there's some malicious intention behind everything.
If you mean this. They're one in a million. Don't act like it's a standard.
>They aren't too many but there are some pretty passable traps or trans.
No shit idiot.
>one in a million
Try to find natalie mars pics without cake.
Try one in five millions.
Nose kind of sucks but I'd still put my dick in it
Are you a beautiful dude with a beard?
I really wonder what's going to happen when China eclipses the U.S as a market and they realize the chinks aren't into progressive shit. I always found it curious how the pro-diversity crowd are about as accepting of foreign cultures as Cletus and co.
It's an Atlus remaster which means it's shit. The original was already perfectly fine.
shes like not even hot for a trans girl shes kinda ugly
now ella hollywood is 10/10
At the end of the day it's just a self-inflicted mental illness
pic related is me
That's not a problem, because eventually censorship will be so strong everything is going to be censored. They will have genderless robots starring in every game, I'm not sure how mmorpg will work over there since witchcraft is banned from most media.
>avatarfagging with anime to appear quirky
yep it's one of them
>stop talking about things
>anime posting on Yea Forums means you're a trans from resetera
Damn we've had trannies since 2003! Who knew?
>Muh intellectual Jew
he was dumb thief
>immediately retorts with dismissive sarcasm
yep he's definitely one
Bad posture can be fixed. I'd definitely put my dick in it
Normal civliized human beings aren't obsessed with screaming about trannies on Yea Forums.
there's an ftm at my work who's pretty cute but pretty much just looks like a qt tomboy gf
At this point I'm just waiting to see how far we're going to fall. I mean developers use "no DLC" as selling point these days.
You're completely correct and got me. I guess it's time for me to dilate and post anime pictures!
Tranny chasers are the biggest losers on the planet
Imagine, just imagine, doing this but for an ugly weeb in a dress
Kys faggot
> date
I just want to stuff that asshole with my cum
quick rundown?
Can't, am genuinely incapable
SJWs are mad, /pol/ is mad, everyone is mad. No one will play the videogame.
Poor bastard was doing ok until the last line
He learned absolutely nothing
>a man in drag with tons of makeup is ugly
Just admit you're gay and go get yourself fucked by whatever flavor of migrants you have in your stinky cesspit of an area.
3D is PD today and 30 years ago
You people are like children to me
Jesus. There are guys out there that just crossdress for fun that look more convincing than this thing
Most people aren't into trannies though.
not before I take you with me big boy
>getting angry at a hussler for hussling you because she showed everyone cleveage and said you looked cute
Thats like getting pissed at a casino for taking your life savings you willingly gambled, where the hell do these dumbasses spawn from?
>her face
/pol/ doesn't give a shit about videogames
yeah those types of dudes are the ones who end up as trannies
it's tragic
I mean most girls with weird faces tend to not be very attractive in general
Well, that's kind of the point. A bunch of people will argue about the content of the game that none of them would have played anyway.
>That small percentage that would fuck trannies
Why? Tranny meatholes are the ugliest shit I've ever seen. You'd likely get an infection from it too. Trannies should be destroyed.
>implying genocide isn't the solution.
>make a huge stink about how the game will be censored
>then publish self congratulatory blowjob articles when it isn't anyway
Making content for incels must be the easiest thing in the world.
there are men out there that will fuck animals same energy
and it's not /pol/ doing it, since they believe playing videogames(any videogame) makes you a complacent manchild
Not a good enough one to put into practice
both are equally as degenerate
See the Cyberpunk threads for proof.
>He actually believes /pol/ doesn't spread to every other board and shitposts
They like Atlus games. I mean, they never stop bitching about all the "problematic" content these games haves (including stuff like Etrian Odyssey, etc), but that doesn't seem to stop them from playing their games.
It's bizarre.
>Brainlets assumed this meant the good ending is he decided not to transition
I haven't played the game but this sentence on it's own sounds pathetic enough. Keep dilating man, one day you'll become a "woman" and you'll get your happy end with somme faggy guy.
>Literally covered with hijab
And you still want it?
>that spacing
gave yourself away too easily
>That hairline
Oh no no
i never thought i would hate a word so much
I thought the problem was that the tranny character "tricked" the blonde guy into sex and still had the nightmares because "she" is technically still a male
or at least that's how I remember the original Catherine being
Stop calling my traps trans you fucking mentally ill faggot.
Remember how Yea Forums was shitposting for several months? Get fucked Yea Forums, you were wrong again
I can't wait for the day where Yea Forums's user paradigm shifts again and you'll be in these threads crying because no one listens to your shitposts anymore.
Been on Yea Forums since 2008 and used this spacing for that long too. Reddit spacing is a paranoid meme by paranoid retards.
But she is tho
>western civilization last century: bastion of freedom, reason and science
>western civilization now: omg I feel bad with images and words! We must censor and ban everything that makes me feel uneasy!
The "literally me" effect
Instead of playing one of these games and choosing one of the girls to fuck like normal dudes do, they choose one of the girls to look up to
He's talking about Erica, not Rin
>claims oldfaggotry
yep, one them right here guys
And I can't wait for the day it starts raining upwards lol. Keep dreaming, "man". As long as it keeps you from joining the 41%.
>putting your full name on Yea Forums
what the fuck, dude
Are you new? Jesus
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
was it confirmed this was only for the west or the japanese release too?
if its in the japanese version its not censorship really, just an artist changing decision it is their property. if the western version is the only one changed then yes fuck this game
he's talking about Erica (the trans), not Rin (the trap)
not that it makes any difference, both attractive trannies and traps are for straight men
>if its in the japanese version its not censorship really
it is because was not change until after the outrage
but isnt there other dialogue changed aswell for other reasons? in the other atlus remakes they rework the script in a number of ways. P5royal will have a new script, strange journey redux had a new script, its not censorship if the original script writers are making a change.
It becomes censorship once an outside force imposes the change either via sony or localization teams
I dont know about that James
Sure. Censorship is for people who need to be culled from the population and sent to a planet where a super awesome better than them guy just decides all the things they are allowed to know, see, hear or think.
The dialogue in that scene is the exact same aside from the one line that just happens to be the one people bitched about
>It becomes censorship once an outside force imposes the change
this was the only thing changed there are are other scenes where they call him a man oddly enough this was one of the scenes resetera was most butthurt about what do you think?
I can't even. My first reaction is to think it is lying, but there are so many pathetic retards in this world I can't say for sure.
if the only changes to the script were ones people bitched about i would agree with you. but if the entire script has been reworked then its not censorship.
part of being against censorship and hating sjws is not getting outraged over shit thats stupid. if the entire script has been changed a line here or there people complained about is not anything worth bitching about. especially since they left the most egregious thing sjws complained about, in. (ending where he stays a man and is happy)
>if the only changes to the script were ones people bitched about i would agree with you.
most of the old parts of the game are the same
sure. why is it problematic?
meh you're probably right. ill just wait until i can pirate it somehow. it worked with ion fury anyway
>it's already a critical and commercial hit
>most people will choose C
>a small minority of cucks will settle for K
>only handful of losers will choose R
Trannies lose again
this is now a Stop Bullying thread
American puritanism needs to stop. Both sides want to ban sex.
No, they don't care about not having to see sexual violence, they don't want ANYBODY to see it because they think it negatively impacts society. It's like how they don't want anyone to be able to say nigger unless they're black.
It's not them wanting to avoid it, it's about them wanting to "fix" society. They're central planners. That's why they won't even accept an apology from a company that censors for them, like with Ion Fury. They're appalled that you would even consider committing wrongthink. They just want to dominate society so everyone thinks like them.
Yeah why do people keep trying to ban sex? damn near everyone wants it and we have the tools to stop it from being a serious issue
But user if I don't stoop to the levels of sjws how will I own the libs?
>ugly niggas exist so there are no passable traps
Am I crazy or is the lighting of Full Body way worse?
American puritanism is the only thing stopping this place from being brazil
well they probably took a look at the list
>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>Wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>far cry rage 2
>life is strange 2
>Mortal kombat 11
>Tekken 7
>Kingdom come deliverance
Because they were worried about delaying their release schedule and went ahead to censor things before they even became an issue.
The west is still at fault and in need of state nannying.
That was in the original, evereyone's angry at full body in particular because DEADNAMING A BRAVE TRANS CHARACTER AND SHOWING THEM WHEN THEY WERE MALE. Also the argument that because the ending is "Good" they are implying that it is bad to transition even though apparently it's in the fucking past before they transitioned in the first place.
Kill yourself.
Now there's a reach.
Dunno. Huge hissyfit going on right now.
Nope. Any disagreement is akin to genocide.
First thing's first - Fuck censorship or removal of "culturally specific" elements when localized. That has never been a good thing to do.
Now, from what we see (and the comment thread about the game) there are few if any changes in Catherine Full Body. The one or two change there is in conversation (none in modeling, activities, or anything else deemed PROBLEMATIC) , is apparently universal regarding the script. That is to say its not to make ResetEra happy, but simply because Atlus changes the fucking script all the time, sometimes for the better and sometime for the worse. Reports of the JP version update show the same changes, so it isn't like this is something for the gaijin because of wokeness police.
That aside, you guys do know that posting pictures of non-passing trannies and whatnot doesn't actually help your case, right? That side complains that people are hateful and treat them badly and representation in games and whatnot needs to change because of that etc... so you're just making their argument for them, not to mention the alt-right nonsense vernacular.
Be glad the game is not being censored and that a tiny group of resetera forum people and twitter mobs aren't being given credence.
It's funny how the game has a male alien that looks and dresses like a girl as a heroine, but they don't view that as a victory.
Except is nothing transphobic or whatever you call it. Erica was fine in the og game and so is in full body. She is actually an excellent character if you talk to her the entire game in every chance you get.
>Cares about Vincent and the others
>An actual fucking unit that will kick your ass
>Sensible and cute
>In a way saved your ass
I will never understand what issue we're this people talking about. Even when tobby finds out he just plays a lame joke and cries about losing her v card to her. That being said he never treats her like garbage or anything. So what is the issue fucking reset era? I know one of you fucks are lurking.
>if you treat a trans character with anything less than absolute 100000% validation at any time, you're either an evil transphobe or a SUBCONSCIOUS evil transphobe
The reverence of transgenderism has unironically soured me on the whole concept.
What is it with trannies and anime?
Never mind. Show's over.
>so it isn't like this is something for the gaijin because of wokeness police.
>not to make ResetEra happy,
they only changed what resetera complained about it's censorship resetera just did not go into detail enough
Nah man Erica should have completely disowned her childhood friends that supported her despite her country still being fairly conservative and dismissal of transgendered people. Really, who could possibly enjoy being friends with people who's opinions don't align entirely with yours?
That post doesn't mean anything. Go check out the twitter thread on the japanese localization update (PC version both east and west etc) and how the line was the same. Same with the credits name thing. I'd think you'd hve more sense than to look at one screengrab from resetera and assume that is the complete truth.
If they want to take it as a win that's fine, maybe they'll shut up. However, there's evidence that it isn't the case.
The FINAL solution?
>i cant do things i dont agree with
Dilate, tranny freak
>If they want to take it as a win that's fine, maybe they'll shut up.
See Nope. Despite getting what they wanted, they are absolutely livid.
>Go check out the twitter thread on the japanese localization update (PC version both east and west etc) and how the line was the same.
that doesnt mean its not censorship one the VA that work at atlus literally said they would change those lines and it happened just as predicted
Why do games cop this shit when no other medium does? When was the last time anyone complained about problematic books? You can literally buy Mein Kampf on the internet ffs.
That person will never be a successful artist.
They centralize around the cesspool cities and stay there, terrified of open American countryside.
It's why you should only ever visit a coastal hellhole and never live there.
Just started, seems fine
That's what Katherine normally wears, /pol/brain
They changed that but not the female wrestler line? Weird.
There are no "problematic" scenes if you're a well-adjusted adult.
That's it the end.
>I hate the news, they're always pushing their agenda for ratings
His third line of dialogue
>basic frisk
why would you let them touch you?
>Currently there are 3 changes confirmed
>1. The steelcase is different between JP and the Western vers.
>2. The changed dialogue
>3. The change in the credits (which was already the case in the PC port)
If that's all, I'm fine with it. I'll still pick it up then.
>SJWs despise 90's culture
>Also try to drag censorship back into the 90s at the same time.
What I listed is far less than what either of those games have.
It it ever gets that bad then I simply won't buy it or wait and pirate it. What's the issue?
Don't support censorship. If it isn't bad enough now it'll get bad.
>What's the issue?
because when you buy censored game you encourage censorship so by the time it gets that bad you will be complaining about something you made possible
To be fair this thing would look hideous as a man too.
When you get cut, do you know what causes the swelling and itchy irritation in your flesh? It's not the germs or even the cut itself, it's the white bloodcells trying to protect you and the body trying to heal itself.
Same concept when you're sick with a cold or the flu. It's not the germs causing you pain and weakness, its the white bloodcells trying to fight off the bad shit trying to kill you.
A little pain now to spare you from an even worse fate.
The changes are absolutely miniscule though. That's like not getting smash bros (a game with shit tons of content) because they removed the feather on one of G&W's frames of animation.
I don't like this "censorship" or mean to support it, but the reason Im getting it (aside from just wanting to play the vidro game) is because there's hardly any censorship. If they think its safe to up the ante and censor harder next time to the point that its intrusive, then that's where they lose me.
They never learned any tough lessons and were sheltered by this era's media from a young age. Everyone is "unique" and someone must care about you. That and every bit of media featuring love or romance stuff just falls into character's laps and is "meant to be". They're all so focused on that they don't know what it actually takes to be a likable and productive person.
Most parents pay no attention to ratings in the first place, especially when they just want their spawn to shut up. Ratings aren't going to fix what is inherently a people are retarded problem.
The "controversy" surrounding Catherine always baffled me. Can someone explain to me what is exactly problematic? I always thought Erica was a cute, likable character. I never thought the game paints her in a negative light for being trans.
I am lost. Could someone post a vid of said scene? I have no idea what fucking scene they're talking about.
>and a rare deepwater jew
huh. ...huh.
I think the shitshow is related to Catherine's new ending which is pretty much a golden ending for every character. Eric apparently never becomes Erica in that timeline so some people are taking it as the game saying being transgender is a mistake or some shit like that.
Ok, well, that's retarded because Eric DOES become Erica but the event takes place before that. Am I getting the dates wrong?
Wtf I love Catherine now
Theres two aspects, one thats subconsciouss and the other thats the real more prominent reason
1. they're jealous that erica is a cute, succesful, passable, transwoman. thats it.
2. there are a few times OTHER characters are kinda weirded out by her being trans because like most people they've never met one before, even though its not based around 'bigotry' and 'transphobia' and more like lack of knowledge this still irritates the modern liberal because they demand that every minority gets represented as a perfect character.
for example a line that was censored was when Erica lectures the protag about women and he murmurs that he wished a real woman was telling him this, she in turn gets really mad and basically asks him to leave.
In our new censored version they replace that line with some stock dialogue and she says the same thing anyway, not only censoring the line but also making the scene have weird and awkward pacing, while making erica look insane for getting mad over nothing.
The funniest part is the resetera is more mad then the censorshipfags are because they didnt censor far enough. This is why companies should ignore these psychopaths because they wont buy it anyway!
Based Hashino proving that liking traps is gay.
It's hard to say. Catherine's new ending involved time travel so it looks like the epilogue shot is meant to be around the same time as when the game takes place.
>Trans to crossdressers: Go be Faggots somewhere else
what did they mean by this tho
very confused.
>taking a harem puzzle game with succubi and alien sluts and crazy endings seriously
and to answer his question, traps are not gay
traps dont pump themselves with drugs and hormones yet remain an object of attraction to males, thus reminding every transperson they made a mistake
In that ending, Eric implies he still plans on transitioning after telling Toby that the angel he's looking for is closer than he thinks.
Seems disingenuous to be outraged over a butterfly effect in an alternate ending.
>both attractive trannies and traps are for straight men
If by straight men you mean faggots sure.
sir he mentioned traps and attractive trannies, those have been proven by the acnient Roman proverb that it is indeed not gay
>"It is only gay if you get fucked"
its the purest and simplest form of wisdom
what's their problem with persona 5
They do but magically people who don't like something just don't read books with things they don't like in it.
>Mortal kombat 11
What? Don't they hate this because of Sonya's being voiced by Rhonda Rousey?
>imagine covering your eyes when you see boobs
A young child, sure
An Adult? I feel castration wouldn't even be a punishment to him.
user WHEN did SJW like anything?
I meant what part
What I'm asking is why is MK11 considered a SJW game?
The line was subtle too. Maybe at that point before you learn about the trans stuff it comes off more like he doesn't consider her a mature woman.
There was a scene in the game where Ryuji gets harassed by a group of stereotypical campy gay guys.
I don't remember this at all.
Those gay guys who want to hang out with Ryuji or whatever.
And I thought Toady brought disgrace to Cromartie High.
>Yea Forums was their only friend and they got hurt by not being validated
That's fucking sad. How long until the dysphoria wears off and they realize how badly they fucked up?
>resetera lose
ow shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
The irony of it all is that in the original scene Erica comes off as the rational mature one, and vince on the otherhand as childish and being kinda mean to a person whose trying to help you out. Its actually a positive scene for the transwoman
but in the lazily censored new version, cutting out his line and replacing it with "Come on" makes ericas next line come across as hysterical and emotional, which is a stereotype transrights activists hate
So the censored version actually makes trans people seem worse, good job guys!
No one ever said trannies were smart
Well you're forgetting one important thing and the anyone who was upset is forgetting something even more important.
What you're forgetting is that the Character in question is clearly happy and satisfied with their post-trans life. Meaning that it was a decision that she most certainly did not regret.
And what everyone else is forgetting if that the problematic scene takes place Before he transitions. My personal belief is that in this happier universe her parents actually supported her decision resulting in her already happy future becoming even better.
Dear god, he looks like Kevin Bacon. And not prime Kevin Bacon, but after that one movie where he had to fast for several weeks to lose like 30lbs Kevin Bacon
You censor, I pirate.
See if I care. Only person losing money is you.
>Come into thread expecting some pictures of the best girl
>It's just a bunch of retards arguing about gender shit
How often do you touch yourself thinking of your students?
>You can't write a good story story without including adult themes
Stories good for children can good stories even if you don't appreciate them. In terms of being appropriate for kids there are a lot of different factors and sometimes the devil is in the details. Specific ratings usually can go fuck themselves but a scene like this is not for kids:
Note how I didn't say "domestic violence themes are not for kids." But the raw stress level of that scene is clearly intended for a child to process. The devil is in the details for this kind of thing. Scar murdering Mufasa is simple and clear, if profoundly sad. Neil and Vincent's gunfight at the end of Heat is more subtle and requires the viewer to understand the motivations of each character and why they do what they do.
>clearly intended
clearly *not* intended
>op article and title is about arguing about gender shit
>"why is the thread about arguing about gender shit"
dumb nig
2 scene actually...
in one they almost rape him and its funny
Someone let Dostoevsky know that his best works were cookie cutter trite
I genuinely feel bad for post op trannies.
>be told by society that cutting off your junk will make you one step closer to being comfortable in your own body
>some places actually pay to have the procedure done
>don’t realize that they are just opening a fucked up wound that you’ll have to keep open for the rest of your life
>don’t realize the pain and infection from keeping open said wound
>don’t realize all the complications
Wouldn't surprise me to learn most trannies still adopt the title without actually going through with the surgery.
Other mentally ill people
I hope this game sells incredibly well to send a fucking a message to these disgusting trannies. Fuck Basedny but I'm gonna buy this anyway.
>we have partnerships with them. Middle east and african countries not so much
Are you retarded?
What is there to say? Problematic and art aren't two things that should be linked. That's how you get totalitarianism.
scenes IS censored. They changed the dialog. Fuck the article claiming it's not censored.
The same people who want to censor video games are the ones participating in public sodomy parades. Walking grown men on leashes in their leather outfits, and kids dancing for money in front of adults. Anime tiddies in a game oh my god the horror. Free porn on the internet, and topless protestors? Wahmen power. Authoritarian scum. If something was okay ten years ago, why is it now suddenly bad in a remake/remaster? The American mindset is so beyond fucked. Give the kids hormone blockers. Celebrate women showing skin BUT WAIT ITS AN INCEL CHINGCHONG VIDEO GAME CENSOR THAT SHIT!
Even worse is people actively encourage them to go through with the life changing operation. Like it'll magically make everything better. No wonder the suicide rate for them is so high.
you fags never would have noticed
goes to show how little you think for yourselves
>these replies
holy cringe you guys are babies
Persona 2 had the loosely bi hero. Tatsuya can confess his love for Jun, who they stop short of saying is gay but he has seemingly romantic feelings toward Tatsuya and no interest in women, giving them a joint demon contact of flirting with each other.
Not that anyone who ever talks about Persona, outside of Japan, other then /smtg/ and the rare Persona general fags have actually played the entirely of Persona 2.
I think the major "issue" that people have in the original was that Erica is "deadnamed" as Eric in the credits.
Those of you who know Katakana, how would the Japanese spell Erica? How would Eric be spelled in katakana?
Nearly the same right? I think that was the point and why they chose her name.
Seems like a non-issue. In both versions she is credited as Eric Anderson (EricA). Sounds like something that was localized or translated a bit strangely, but not offensively.
>But then again I'd fuck anything that looks cute and has a hole
I'm gay and I actually find that shit unattractive. I'd personally rather not stand out anymore than I already do.
The big "problem" with the Full Body version is that in the ending in which they go back in time and everyone's shitty life is "fixed", Erica is still Eric.
The best and easy counterpoint to SJW types is that that ending takes place years before the events of the actual game. And the character makes an offhand comment foreshadowing queer shit.
Catherine is a wonderful, experimental game. All in all it treats a post-op trans woman pretty respectably for a Japanese or Western game. It doesn't deserve all this clickbaity shit.
Sure. I am an adult, I do not need some invisible person nannying what I do, and I don't need someone I have not, nor never will, met telling me what is and is not appropriate for me to watch, do, play, etc. Go fuck yourselves.
エリック ("Erikku") and エリカ ("Erika")
Why can’t that just be handwaved as Vincent’s beliefs, or his attempt at humor, and left alone?
Erica being credited as "Erica Anderson" is fine, censoring Vincent saying he would be "more convinced if a woman was saying this" instead of Erica is not.
That's part of his character, he's a jerkass, the way he freaked out when he realized his pink-haired love interest was a tranny provides further evidence.
Shit still got censored, so get fucked Atlus.
>not censored
shit, now I feel obligated to buy it
Man, I also do feel kinda bad when I see those stories about how they regrettably did the procedure and felt like they were lied to. Honestly those fucking idiots that are telling people that it's okay to mutilate yourself need to be thrown into a fucking pit because having an awful looking wound doesn't magically turn you into a female all of the sudden. Some even wish they could go back and have their dick back and know they'll never be able to, that shit is just awful to hear
fuck dude got me good
gay men have no standards and want to fuck anything with a dick
most trannies are lesbian though, so they've got no chance
Is it just me or is remix mode easier?
Halfway through it stopped being funny and started being sad.
Is it worth buying FullBody if I already own Catherine?
So I like Catherine but hate censorship. What’s the list of changed features?
Shut the fuck up pussboi.
Does this mean this game might actually be worth getting? Or is there still bullshit censorship in it?
Oh wow. Such a big change, can't wait to write a whole page of outrage. You guys are worse than grade schoolers.
guys like are the reason treehouse was able to keep censoring shit until we go the abomination that was the fire emblem fates localization
stop defending censorship asshole
Technically true but misleading. The point is that the viewer is inspired to find their own ideas, using the meme as a template.
The meme is an aid to the viewer's own thought process, not a replacement of it.
Thomas Was Alone.
>You can't write a good story story without including adult themes. The situations which pull the hardest at our emotions in real life are all 'adult' situations. With violence, hatred, sex, death, domestic abuse, jealousy, lust, substance abuse, war, romance, etc. These are the things that pull hardest at our human nature. So, those story elements are the ones that we relate to the strongest and trigger the hardest emotional shifts. That is what makes a great story. Even kiddie shitshows like Harry Potter include all of those elements - though they're heavily padded with soft wording and spaced out between silly antics. They're still there and you see them in adult fantasy stories with much more emphasis and they carry a strongest impact for readers.
Are you a fucking retard? Those aren't "adult" themes, even then, this dumb shit is entirely subjective. A lot of shit stories contain these dumbass elements but if you ever seen ghost in the shell, the show itself deals with something far more harsh and messed up.
Ever heard of comedy or slice of life? Cooking? There shows about that, even sports as well.
Dumbass comment.
This is not okay. It shows a lack of research on the developer's part into authentic weapons of the era.
No, they are not attractive, they got dicks and their bone structure is male weirdo.
So was there censorship or was there not?
It's about setting a precedent and restricting creativity and expression you absolute brainlet. Videogames should be able to criticize trannies just as books and movies are allowed to.
Trannies are never well-adjusted adults. If they were, they would not be trannies.
Not possible when meme words like this are used
Depends. Its got double the cutscenes, 5 new endings, double the stages, new mechanics, 2 new bar patrons, and some more good music. But the story is still overall the same.
What exactly was changed in the western version?
she references being trans already but not transitioning yet by saying Toby has a lady very close to him or some shit
this is the line in the Japanese version of the game too
There are no problematic scenes. This game was made for adult men and they don't care about SJW shit, and SJW only want to whine, because once the game panders to them, SJW won't buy this game anyway, they just go to cry somewhere else.
Making games is a business and only idiots care about opinion of Groups what won't buy games anyway.
I'm glad they don't forgive, it shouts "DON'T PANDER TO US, WE'LL NEVER BE HAPPY!" I'm glad Ion Fury doubled back on their stupid asses.
the ancient romans were fags just like trap lovers
They fixed Babel and added multiplayer
There was some stuff about the lead costume designer making the Mortal kombat girls wear "propper attire" or something. Ditching the revealing attire and covering up. Make of it what you will, in my opinion it's pandering. Kinda' funny that they didn't do the same for the guys. But I guess there is less of a social stigma around shirtless guys compared to topless girls.
They always do until they start trying to grow a beard.
Then they look like a QT tomboy who got pubes superglued to their face.
Also they lop off their tits.
>Kinda unfortunate that we're at a point where we have to praise not censoring something.
We're at a point where we (at least companies wants us to) praise games for not having scummy shit like lootboxes, microtransactions, etc. in them.
Ignorance and bigotry in this day and age isnt an excuse
Its a duty
Growing some thicker skin or at least not responding with aggression when you get offended (by someone clearly not out to offend) is more sensible.
Especially when these people go on about empathy and understanding. Because they often show none of that to the people or content that "offended" them.
I wonder how long it will take for trannies and tranny lovers people hate them more now because they are acting up and trying to promote their mental illness
Yo shut up, holy shit, who the fuck says transphove that many times
Don't feminist hate their guts?
Based japs turbotriggering tranny mutts
>OP: "Can we discuss this like a normal civilized human beings?"
>See the whole thread
only because trannies are a threat to them
They're straight you dumb fuck not homosexual, piss off.
Gematsu is better.
>ella hollywood
I googled. Has he even done HRT? Still looks like a dude.
it's actually proven by science.
I will never understand the hateboner TwitterEra has for Atlus. How'd these clowns start playing weabooneese games anyway?
>Appeasing someone who has a 40% chance of killing themselves before finishing the game
because e-celebs told them to play it
These are the same people that completely miss the point of Kanji and Naoto and apply the gay and trans label on them
not doubting your claim because it sounds true, but you got evidence of that? cringe fuels me.
I fucking hate that faggots and the wave of ironic weebs they are producing
Just type in "naoto persona 4 trans" and you'll get a bunch of stuff related to the topic
It's not proven, it's just a hypothesis that haven't even achieved scientific consensus
>Brainlets assumed this meant the good ending is he decided not to transition
Which is funny because the dialogue makes it pretty blatant that he still plans to. Chances are he delayed it because of the wedding.
>looks up
>literally everything i just read
jesus, this is what mental illness does? where everything is gay and trans n stuff to these people? i've never even played P4 but there's a clear difference between androgonous and transexual.
so from what i'm reading, Naoto just pretends to be a dude to be taken seriously in her job, not gender dysphoria, which is why when you romance her and tell her to act more like herself, she becomes more feminine.
how in the world would any sane person think this is transphobic... oh wait, mental illness.
this would be like people getting offended that Sheik turns back into Zelda.
Mentally ill people behave in irrational ways. Who'd have thought?
Congratulations, you managed to understand her character better than these people and you haven't even played the game
don't disrespect grandpa joey like that
It's funny because you'd think showing the struggles of a woman trying to get by a man dominated field is something feminists would be applauding.
But nope, apparently everything her shadow has to be taken 100% literally.
"not censored"
There was nothing to censor. The whole fuss was a mistranslation and RetardEra being Retards.
>civilized human beings
>not human beans
gtfo OP
I literally don't care about any stupid bullshit regarding changes made in the game. That said I hope it isn't edited to protect feelings of people who will never see that content ever. Artistically the story and dialogue shouldn't be affected but I really don't care about that.
The game is fucking great regardless of all the penises they add in or remove from the story. Erica should have been a joke route. The game and puzzle mechanics are what are great about this title. Remember to 100% the rapunzel arcade cabinet too lol good fucking luck faggots.
How come people don't celebrate the fact that trans and faggot jokes normalize them within our culture as a celebrated and recognized group? Being acknowledged is important but it doesn't make you immune to ridicule. Why do people have such unrealistic expectations despite the reality they live in?
>this game is "problematic"
Fuck. Off.
Don't act like you have the power to dissuade a game studio, user. That's peak delusion, an embarrassing public wank. Some studio isn't going to read your post and swerve to avoid your personal ire.