Why do people love this game so much? It's pretty fun but it's also pretty shallow.
Why do people love this game so much? It's pretty fun but it's also pretty shallow
it's not just "pretty fun", the combat and parry system is great and the enemies and bosses measure up.
Babby's first action game syndrome. A lot of people started action games with it, because it's simple and also a recognizable franchise. Also the first straighforward japanese action game since Bayonetta 1, which released four years prior to it's release. W101 came out 5 months after MGR, and also on a console no one bought.
Decent game, but lacks depth like you said. Which also makes it a good entrypoint to the genre
I don't think the combat system is great and the parry system is a little finnicky and does too much of the heavy lifting. Raiden controls great, but it's not particularly deep and satisfaction varies.
I know people use the phrase "turn your brain off" with a negative tone, but you unironically need to just stop thinking to truly enjoy this game.
At the same time it's very memorable, it's been 6 YEARS and people still meme it up
>The memes
>Kojima cult of personality
I don't think it was the gameplay, Jack
I wish the aerial combat would've been better. I think DMC has spoiled me in that regard.
Sam's gameplay is the patrician choice, by the way.
I do enjoy this game, I just don't get why some people say it's this standout incredible action game. It's good, but it's not a genre topper.
I think a lot of that memorability comes from the character writing though.
yes it was
The entire script is quotable, the slowmo cutting never gets old, the parry system and the boss fights are genuinely great. Plus, it's Raiden. Everybody loves Raiden.
I think it's because the game makes you feel very stylish even when you're barely pressing anything. As for memorability it's a combo of good cutscene presentation, music and funny parody tier writing. It's a neat polished package, but I don't see people claiming it's the best action game ever (at least on Yea Forums)
It's pure, raw, condensed hype. You're pretty much always doing something cool, it doesn't have to be more complicated than that.
I didn't say it was bad, but no one would remember it if had been some run-of-the-mill generic anime plot driven by a nobody protagonist
I could quote basically anything from this game, and that should tell you enough
its over the top in an amusing way
It's just a solid game all around.
The gameplay is fast paced and cutting enemies in half or pulling off parries is very rewarding so it constantly incentivizes you to get gud.
Also the music fits perfectly and the writing is extremely memorable, probably among the most quotable games in existence.
If the game's fun then why care about anything else?
Not all kind of games or all "fun" needs to be overly complex, hard or deep.
MGRR oozes polish, slashing enemies in thousands of pieces is extremely satisfying and it has one of the best sound mixing (and soundtrack) in all of vidya.
The plot, characters and cutscenes are all deliciously over the top.
The game is just silly and plain fun, even if its not perfect or very deep.
If you want a deep combat, go play godhand.
Your subjective definition of deel complex fun isnt universal
You don't need that much dept if the game's "shallow" gameplay mechanics are really well made and fun to perform. Dept doesn't always equal good.
the sheer amount of codecs is pretty impressive especially compared to mgs4 and V but they really kill the pacing
the parry/counter mechanic in this game is simple yet one of the most satisfying things in any platinum game for me
I dropped it because of Platinum's lame ass 'walk slowly while talking on the radio' bullshit. I know it's MGS, but it's an action game, stop arbitrarily slowing me to a crawl. Vanquish has the same problem.
I might give it another bash though because I'm playing Nier a tomato right now and it's fun as fuck, especially after only playing western games for a long while.
Monsoon was by far the worst boss and his level was the worst level in the game. Except for Raiden's famous line just before the boss fight starts.
Some games have ups and downs, boring sections, pace-killing segments, but MGR is a ride all the way through. its the perfect example of why short, polished games are better than long drawn-out grinds
What? That's Sundowner. Sundowner is pathetically easy. Monsoon was 10/10 memery and the fight starts with him rushing you to a insane sounding guitar riff. Level sucked with all the forced walking but Monsoon more than made up for it.
You're playing at least on hard, right? Also, people like it because the gameplay, story, and music are all great and work well together. You'll understand when you reach the end (it's not too long of a game anyway).
>It's pretty fun
You answered your own question. Not every action games needs to be as deep as DMC to be good
The gameplay is a lot of fun but the story is a meme in itself, Raiden's character was ruined after MGS2 anyways.
But Sundowner was fun and had personality and buildup.
Monsoon literally had no presence outside his level and his only good line was about memes. His fight song was fine but his fight was dumb shit that took way too long and took control out of your hands for far too much of that time (in the sense of having to wait for him to throw shit, or wait for him to do his smoke attack, or any of that other stupid shit).
Sundowner on the other hand was there from the beginning, had a distinct personality, and you could fight the fight in two definitively different ways depending on if you broke his shield entirely or not.
I mean, you just fucking said "It's pretty fun" so I guess that's your reason dipshit.
>lame ass 'walk slowly while talking on the radio' bullshit
This was done as a masked loading screen. After a certain point you could skip it.
>I dropped it because of Platinum's lame ass 'walk slowly while talking on the radio' bullshit.
You can skip that if you don't want to hear plot.
I refuse to believe that you dropped the game because of a very very minor nuisance that really doesn't happen all that often.
That all the characters and bosses are distinct and memeable helps a lot. Also it's just FUN to play
(And it's the only good metal gear game after 3)
>It's pretty fun