Is it me or do games today not look meaningfully better than 10 years ago? They add more polygons and particle effects to give your GPU more to do, but have hardly improved in ways you can see. If anything, glitches and uncanny valley animation have made games uglier.
Is it me or do games today not look meaningfully better than 10 years ago...
it's not you
inb4 crysis is a tech demo
crysis was and still is a tech demo, there is no fucking gameplay, its like far cry but with prettier graphics, it even has the near end section with aliens that ruins the last part of the game JUST like farcry
It's you
Hey OP, looks like you're having some difficulty keeping your thread up. Let me lend you a helping hand.
Compare the original crisis with modern Dice games like SWBF and Battlefield 1 and try to tell me there's no meaningful difference.
>Inb4 but they're bad games
That's irrelevant
the current gen looks greater than games ever did, the problem is the games are mostly shit
maybe if pc poors ever actually bought games at full price, the industry would invest in pc exclusives with high-end graphics. the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
>there is no fucking gameplay
cope gaysis shill
What the fuck do you mean there’s no gameplay?
Inb4 Crysis didn't actually look good. What made it impressive wasn't just the looks but it's fluidity. I'm not sure how else to put it, but there was a lot going on with the jungle setting. Games that "look better" than Crysis are often static set pieces.
You should try playing the games you want to shit talk. Retard.
Graphixxx whores please leave
No shit, the gap between generations from PSX to PS2 was mindblowing. Meanwhile PS3 and PS4 are basically the same console but in different resolutions. The idea of releasing the same game on both is absurd, can you imagine something like Final Fantasy X running on the PSX?
We're likely at the end of "generations" as we know them.
DMCV is the best looking I need games to be. I need nothing more than what they achieved
>good looking
3 > Warhead > 1 > 2
How is there no gameplay?
gta 5 is as good as a game needs to look
Is 3 really that good?
Only early levels and one level near the end that takes place at night
>tech demo meme
So was Doom, Quake, Quake 2, Unreal, HL1, HL2, Doom 3 ect. Guess what? They were all good fucking games. Crysis mightve not been the most amazing thing as an fps but damn it was the last thing that really wow'd me on interactivity with the environment.
>mightve not been the most amazing thing as an fps
it's pretty high up there with the best shooters ever made baka