Will it be the greatest game of our lifetime??
Will it be the greatest game of our lifetime??
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Sure, if you plan on dying tomorrow.
it will be kojima's magnum opus, but BotW already has the title of best game of all time
Fuck off, not video games
It's video gaming redefined you moron
No, fuck off. I once said the exact same thing of MGSV and I'm still a bit disappointed how it turned out. It was fun though, so I'll say that Death Stranding will at least be that.
Probably already fucked myself there desu
Fuck your smash threads
Bloodborne exists already
Hideo, like most creatives, was better when no one believed in him.
That would be nice but I doubt it
So what is Death Stranding's hook? What would potentially make it worth playing? I still don't get it. Is it just "lol kojima and b-list actors"?
You feel it too, don't you.
Most people will hate it and kojoboos will claim it's genius.
Critics will praise it for being different and with high production values. Trannies will complain about one thing or another, /pol/utors will claim it's actually redpilled.
Yea Forums will have 7 daily threads about it and most people participating will not have played it
lol no
being able to discuss it and bash it effectively
I know I'm probably wasting my time by answering your question with recommending a 30 minute video, but I went from a passive interest in this game to being completely hype based on this single video. I opened it expecting to watch like 5 seconds and ended up hooked
Post that webm. You know the one.
oh boy another thread where Yea Forums hates everything
it would be a huge letdown if the game plot actually turned out to make sense
not vidya
i'm sure it'll be great but have flaws. I'm excited to play it.
Honestly, it’s okay. I tried to like it, but I couldn’t. It’s not a bad game, it’s just a bad Kojima game. 6/10 for me.
In one way or another, it will be unforgettable and I'm ready for the ride.
fuck off tranny