I havent used my VR headset in all of 2019. Was it a meme after all?
I havent used my VR headset in all of 2019. Was it a meme after all?
You should just go to a VR arcade, no point in buying one.
what's actually happening on pcvr these days?
whenever someone 'defends' VR, i keep seeing references to games that came out years ago.
Gen 2 VR has to come out, along with a new console cycle to pump up average specs.
Respawn will showcasetheir game in 3 weeks. It's gonna be AAA WW2 shooter
Stormland releasing around Christmass - another AAA game. Same goes for whatever the fuck Valve are working on (likely a Half-Life spinoff)
How am I supposed to do this at a VR arcade?
Are the Vive Pro, Valve Index, and Rift S not considered 2nd-gen?
Or.... Ya know, you can just give it to me
VR isnt even real yet. They try to force us to play meme minigames in sheit hardware because investors are ultrafags with no soul.
I'll jump in when theres decent hard and software.
>no openworld megagame yet
>no 4k@100fps with 200° view yet
VR was indeed a gimmick fad.
I Pavlov every weekend. New gun and gore got added this week. Can't wait to try it.
>partner with Oculus to make a combat sim VR game
>have to downgrade because Quest support is mandated
Along with the EA buyout, does this make Respawn one of the most cucked devs out there?
Vive Pro nah, Rift S and Index maybe, but it's more like Gen 1.5, both have big trade-offs for what they offer. Index Controllers are as shit as wands all things considered (durability)
Valve index is the only one of those that could be considered close to Gen 2, and most of their units are still backlogged. Not to mention it's $1000 to get started with it.
The tech isn't a meme.
The adoption rate is, thanks to zuckenberg deciding to fight Valve for the high-end market instead of going for the entry product as planned.
Also, incompetent developers who are apparently to fucking lazy to add one DLL and two line of code to make their random-ass game VR-compatible.
Gore is trash and makes my game freeze and I'm on a 1080Ti, turn it off right away my dude.
fine, drop a portal.
>going for the entry product
Isn't that what the Quest is for?
Not really. There's isn't a significant leap between current iterations to classify them as Gen2. They are definitely more advanced, but don't introduce anything revolutionary.
For real next gen we'd have 4K panels with foveated rendering, variable focus, much improved FOV..
Then again there are no strict guidelines on what constitutes tech "2nd gen", so some people will say Index is, since it's most advanced HDM right now.
unoptimised shit cant render more than 50 fps
I have it and it's not. While clarity is nice, the glare is shit and the colours look washed out. Vive still wowed me every now and then in a dimly lit place, Index does not.
I tried playing this shit and couldn't take it for more than an hour. All of the weapons are off alignment with the controllers and it's not like they're off by the same amount either, each one has a different offset for some reason. You have to constantly hold down the grip buttons to not drop your weapon. Infinite ammo to make up for casuals. Like none of the servers are playing the base game, most of them are running some mod that just turns it into a form of vr chat. All of the fucking animations and effects look like cartoon shit.
I don't understand why it's so 'popular' and I use that term lightly because there's like at most 1000 people playing at prime time on a weekend. I wish more people played onward.
That still more than what I payed for the beta dev kits, iirc.
And it's way too late. VR needed a cheap entry product one the opening, when hype and potential consumer curiosity was high.
Still better than nothing but ...
there will be more games eventually when it catches on more. just be patient OP
Reminder: HLVR announcement on the 14th.
This is what I meant. Once PC hardware gets unlocked by the next console cycle and 4k rendering is "average" for consumers, headsets have dynamic DOF, winder FOVs, and better pixel density, then VR will probably start nearing the 10% adoption rate.
Honestly, I'm perfectly fine with where we're at now, I just wish more AAA developers would put some minor development budgeting into PCVR support in games. Payday 2 VR and Fallout 4/Skyrim VR, despite being kind of awful games, were really fun and immersive in VR. PD2 is basically John Wick simulator, and walking around Skyrims forests in VR is immersive as fuck.
Yes VR is currently a meme like how arcade games where a 'meme'
I just want my fucking full dive VR BS even if its multiple thousands of dollars to buy
It's like a sex toy
>fun the first time you get it
>realize you have to clean it after every time
>forget it in some drawer
>I don't understand why it's so 'popular'
Because it's the only shooter supporting custom content, It's a discount Counter-Strike, it was cheap, and streamers shilled it.
I absolutely hate how jank and amateur and shit this game is, but Onward/Contractors is a tough sell with their maps and boring game modes.
lmao, do you seriously think Valve will announce their new title during a lecture at some institute?
I think Oculus has said specifically that Rift S isn't considered gen 2. I keep reading articles to that effect anyway.
Main problem is that rendering pipeline have never been really designed to render two different PoV.
Most internal optimizations are wasted, so you are literally doubling the rendering cost.
That said "adapting method X to dual PoV rendering" is golden computer science PhD thesis subject.
So count 3-4 years for a bunch of academics papers.
3-4 more years for those to become mainstream in graphic engine.
In 6-8 years unoptimized VR will run as smoothly as regular unoptimized shit.
>AAA WW2 shooter
about time i was waiting for a ww vr game, it better not be dogshit
If you're not satisfied with your HMD, please resell it before it drops in value and allow someone who isn't a faggot to enjoy VR at a reduced cost. Thanks!
Bought a Vive recently and had fun playing Beat Saber, but the selection of games is somewhat lacking, most are either early access or unity asset teir
Try Oculus exclusives. Most of them are real games
Can I pirate them, what games would you recommend?
>everyone complaing about oculus when they are the only ones actually putting effort into it by making actual games that arent shitty tech demo ''experiences''
This. Only Occulus still puts in effort. I wish Valve fucked off and didn't make the Index if they were going to half-ass it.
The software is shit and therefore there's nothing to play on it. It's not VR's fault the software is shit though, much like how Switch titles are shit (with a few exceptions). Basically bad hardware paired with shit software is a duo that can ruin a potentially good concept.
Give it another 15 years and maybe we'll get somewhere
Basically this. See you all in 2039.
At this point I would totally give Valve a free pass on blacklisting Oculus headsets from the Steam store
They'd never do it but it'd be totally understandable
everything VR-related typically boils down to
>teleport to thing and touch it
>pick up thing and throw/shoot it
>struggling with either of the above
i've yet to see a title really nail what being in another reality is meant to be about, a virtual interactive story that avoids abusing all of the above aforementioned tropes. either i've missed it or this hasn't happened yet.
Lone Echo is the obvious one - it's a AAA quality, story based game.
Robo Recall - arcadey but very polished and fun
Arktika.1 - again AAA quality shooter. The downside is that it's node based - you just teleport between points. Top visuals though.
Wilson’s Heart is a solid horror game.
Chronos - Dark Souls-like game, I really liked it.
Edge of Nowhere - Tombraider-like 3rd person game with some light puzzle and horror elements.
From Other Suns - it's FTL but in 1st person VR. Fun in co-op.
Thanks user, I will check them out
I think things are looking up for VR now honestly. For a while I felt like it hit a wall, most VR games were either fun but short+gimmicky and overpriced, or some shitty “VR Experience” that barely makes use of VR mechanics.
Say what you will about No Mans Sky, but I think the game getting VR support is another step towards making that hardware actually worthwhile and maybe in the future I’ll consider buying a set.
no mans sky gives me a headache for some reason. other VR games dont do that. Maybe it's just me.
2019 has been shit and No Man's Sky is one of the worst ports ever.
it looks and runs like total shit, it's also made for front facing PSVR envoirment. Game is total garbo and I have no idea how /vrg/ can manage to fucking play it.
For me it's probably because it's not a smooth experience. the games framerate keeps dropping out of nowhere and then back up again which fucks me up in VR.
Probably the bright colors and movement mixed with the headset?
I played a bit of Resident Evil in VR and I could barely last 10 minutes before getting motion sickness, I can’t imagine flying around in a ship or some shit
They are already selling you the new meme in 2019 that is RTX
Woah, lighten up a bit man
Yeah, the game looks like hot puke, I hated it so much it actually got me into Elite Dangerous.
I heard VR tactfully grew last year and the Valve Index looks like it shot to the top sellers on Steam when it was in stock again so I assume it's doing well enough this year again.
I think it's going to stick around.
Where are all those great VR games from "modders" pc fags kept on talking about? Looks like those modder trannies can adjust some numbers in txt files and nothing else after all. Only psvr has actually VR games
Sorry man, I thought things were looking up but there were literally zero games worth remembering in 2019 for me. Contractors maybe? Nah, not really. Pavlov and VRChat updates broke the fucking game, Quest will probably end up killing PCVR, and to top it off my Index Controllers died after a month, and I can't even say I got a lemon because they're just bad quality. Valve will probably abandon VR altogether, too.
Yeahhh *yawns* VR is pretty much over
Anyone who is sort of interested should just stick to regular games
I mean it's good for sims, but you don't need a fucking Index for sims, you can be perfectly happy with a Rift-S or a Reverb.
I finished Arcane Dimensions in VR yesterday. It was absolutely amazing. I'll have to look for more map packs, hopefully there's something else out there that can even come close.
>Vive Pro
Not really, but it is an upgrade over 1st gen in terms of resolution.
Yes, kind of. It has the largest FoV and highest frame rate of all and very much reduced screen door effect. Image sharpness is also much, much better and the controllers are a huge upgrade over Wands. It also has finger tracking, but there's not much out which actually makes worthwhile use of that feature yet. Other than the finger tracking it doesn't really do anything that gen 1 headsets don't do, though. It's a big upgrade but mostly in terms of specs/numbers, not in terms of features.
>Rift S
No, not at all. It's actually worse than Rift CV1 in multiple ways. Actually, pretty much everything is worse except the screen and lenses, though even there it doesn't have IPD adjustment like the original.
>next years guys, it'll totally catch up!
Next year rolls up and nothing happens.
>just wait until it get another game and it will set the world on fire!
Get another "teleport to another location for next action" game that does nothing.
>the porn will make it sell gangbusters!
People stick to watching porn on their phones and the meme stays dead.
Where the fuck are my Boneworks niggas?
Quest is the real highlight of 2019. I tried it for a while and was really surprised, you can see some downgrades visually, but it's still impressive for a standalone device. It actually got me excited about mobile VR more than PCVR.
Oculus knocked it out of the park and it seems to be selling very well. Just needs more games now..
>but you don't need a fucking Index for sims
The Index isn't for the needy my silly little peasant
Don't worry your little head, the grapes are well and truly sour
delayed to 2020 probably.
Are you implying I don't have it?
I can post a picture for you if you need it so much.
Why must everything come out in 2020
I will say right now it seems like the best we have is a game on pc/console that has VR compatibility, but this is a gold mine that I doubt people will stop trying to tap in to. Somebody’s gonna get it right eventually and we’ll see others follow suit.
That might also be 10 years from now for all I know though
I won't believe you either way, the Index is superb and you sound faintly retarded anyway
>my Index Controllers died after a month
Why don't you make use of your warranty?
>Respawn game
>Lone Echo2
>Asgarths Wrath
>one or more Valve VR games
All come out either late this year or 2020
I did. Doesn't make me any more pissed, because I wanted them to be good, and they're even more prone to malfunctions than Wands.
Fuck off, I'm not saying it's not good, I'm not going back to Vive, especially since I can actually read shit on the dials and scales in Index, but it has heavy glare and colors look washed out. Controllers are a fucking disaster, though.
Testing. *Ahem*.
Colors on my Index don't look worse to me than my Rift. Controllers are great, I have no idea what you're smoking. They fit in my hands perfectly and having that strap is so basic but it was a stroke of genius if you actually play a game where you need to throw shit.
>Controllers are a fucking disaster, though
Have you tried not being a fucking caveman
I'd blame them and Sony instantly going for exclusive titles right off the bat.
You playing on oculus? Theres probably a setting for it, but I don't have to hold down the grip buttons to avoid dropping stuff. Also not sure why you're suprised that alignment and shit is off when you're stuck using a controller instead of something like full hand tracking.
Big companies are fucking terrified to tread outside their routine
Everything is safe, unadventurous these days unless it involves slathering on more layers of grotesquely expensive marketing bullshit because anything less and the shareholders will call for blood
Issues with drifting and sticks not zeroing started popping up for a lot of people after a month or two at best.
If you don't have issues, you simply didn't use them enough. Plus the whole not being able to click in anything but zero position thing.
They are comfy and obviously better than wands, but are simply not built to last unless Valve fixes the thumbsticks.
And blacks look much worse than on Vive, I play E:D which is basically staring at 50 shades of black all the time.
It's still an improvement, and I only use the Vive for its wireless, but its not perfect and Valve sure doesn't give a shit about software part of it.
>Valve sure doesn't give a shit about software part of it.
which is a shame, because Ther Lab was quite fun and their are obvious talented people within their works. Why not just sit down and flesh out some games.
Yeah, The Lab has an amazing polish, coming back to it after year or more with VRChat/Pavlov jank, I enjoyed even how good using the marker and the eraser felt.
you don't know shit until you try real-life roomscale. This shit looks amazing.
Haven't used a Vive so I don't know, but blacks are only slightly worse than my Rift with Spud disabled. With Spud enabled the Index is actually better, because the Rift displays random dots and noise and shit instead of any uniform black-like screen. I have a hard time believing Vive blacks looks so amazing though, because if you turn off OLED displays completely you get black smear instead.
My sticks are fine and I've been using them for over a month now, pretty much daily for at least 1h. I guess they could still break of course, but I haven't had any issues like drifting. Originally I did get a pair with click issues on the left stick, I got those replaced. What does "a lot of people" even mean in terms of numbers?
So be honest, is PSVR worth it? I just want to get high and play Tetris Effect or Wipeout as an immersive experience (and other games too of course)
Yea. Hardware is pretty bad, most notably controllers and tracking, but the games are top tier.
Why don't you just stare at a lava lamp you stoned piece of shit, not like your frayed neurons are going to appreciate the extra stimulation
how's VR for movies? Like those Movie theater shit.
It's like having your own personal home movie theater and cataracts
I only use it for porn.
VR headsets have too much screen door effect and don't look sharp enough for that to be a worthwhile endeavor. It might look decent on an Index I guess, but you'd be better off just sitting close enough to a monitor or TV. You'll get a similar proportion of your FoV covered by the image and it will look better.
since there are no actual fun VR games are there any good VR ports of already good games?
Out of all Pavlov /vrg/ regulars, a good 25% of them me included have thumbstick issues.
I can see more posts popping up where people post their deadzones and it always looks like that
>deadzone up to even 50%
>completely lost the ability to have input in one direction
>optionally the stick also doesn't return to zero properly anymore
I refure to use thumbstick clicks with the replacement pair I got, so maybe those will last a bit longer.
Resolution has improved lately so it's much better now, but still doesn't match monitor/TV.
As far as experience goes - it really feels like you're in a cinema watching shit on a bigass screen. And works great with 3D movies - since each eye get it's own image, there's no trickery or dimming involved like you get at the real cinema, so the 3D effects look really good.
>Out of all Pavlov /vrg/ regulars, a good 25% of them me included have
Yeah but how many is that? I don't know if the Pavlov /vrg/ regulars are 10 people or 10000.
VR was always a meme
>it really feels like you're in a cinema watching shit on a bigass screen
Not really, you can't see your dick so its harder to jerk off
Definitely not the authentic cinema experience
It must really suck living with all this anger and ignorance
I somehow doubt all people playing Pavlov in the world are using an Index and are the "Pavlov /vrg/ regulars".
Only good for 3D movies.
Like 20 people with confirmed issues. Probably would be more if they didn't refund and go back to Zucculus.