Here's your bingo for tomorrow bro
Nintendo Direct Bingo 9/4/19
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doe anyone have the image of spongebob eating snail food thats just PORTS and a mario hat
made this last week
>Splatoon three mere months after splatoon 2 ended updates
That would put an awful taste in my mouth
i remember using some bingo card off Yea Forums for the one back in november, only when the direct was over did i realize it was 5x6.
I'm hoping for Pikmin 4, PMD, and Metroid.
MOTHER unlikely, but also wanted.
>focused on 2019 games
Everytime they do something focused on x year they slip 1-2 announcements outside it
Never watched a direct before, huh?
Besides the obvious "I want to see smash characters" hope, the only other thing I want to see is the doom 64 reveal.
The ratings has ratted you out twice Todd now hand it over.
>no Link's Awakening
You're delusional if you don't think they're gonna feature it
Hope there's something about Doom 64 rerelease even if I'm just going to play 64 Ex anyway
Completely forgot about that. Swapped it with Town.
Just give me Bayo 3 info.
Didn't it already leak?
Wait did they announce a direct for tomorrow?
Did it?
Forgot about Daemon x machina
You know Yea Forums is full of 15 year olds when one of the biggest new memes is a character from a HORRIBLE 2000's movie.
Taura said no DLC for Astral Chain
None of the leaks are real except mine:
Fighter 4 is Dante
Fighter 5 is Geno.
>Persona 4
lol Nintentoddlers are delusional
Focused =/= only about. This probably deconfirms SMTV and Prime 4 but anything else is still up in the air. Astral Chain isn't top priority for Platinum anymore so they may actually show Bayo 3 now for a December release date.
>apollo justice trilogy
based but naive to think capcom cares about aa anymore
At least make the effort to find your own shitpost pics.
Reminder to watch the Japanese feed as well for potential extra info.
We're bound to get an actual Persona sooner or later. 4G is perfect.
If the new smash character really is Terry (which is most likely the case) i hope that they keep the engrish and make his hitsounds into that of the old KoF games (ala Ryu).
I hope Terry gets Chrom'd.
nah terry will be in but it'll be
>enjoy my good friend Terry :)
followed by hayabusa announcement
>6 pm EST
Thank God, I’ll actually be able to watch live this time
My only real wish is that SaGa Scarlet Grace has its release date announced. Specially if they pull the OUT... TODAY. I would cry of joy.
We've been out of Wii U ports for a while so I fully expect something tomorrow. Which do you think is more likely, Mario 3D World because of Mario Maker, W101 to make up for Bayo3's non-trailer or Pikmin 3 because fuck you I want Pikmin 4 to be announced badly?
People who were 5 when Barnyard came our are 18 now.
>Splat 3
>When the new Animal Crossing game is still being worked on
That said, I hope to god we get a spin-off.
Splat 3 isn't in development yet, they're working on Animal Crossing, so switch it out for maybe something Pikmin related kek it can't be as out there as Mario Sunshine
Actually scratch that, put in Monolith Soft port/new game announcement
I'm all set
I have my own bingo card.
guaranteed bingo
>No Pikmin 4
>No MP4
Yeah sounds about right
Blind freak
I bet Bayo 3 is cancelled.
never ever
Labo is never showed in Directs, waste of a spot. They might mention "oh btw this game can use labo now" but they have never given a new labo piece actual spotlight.
Your clock one's almost impossible to read and the Isabelle one makes no fucking sense until you realize "he meant she's a villager"
Game director already said he has no plans for Astral Chain DLC. IF it's ever happening, it for sure won't be announced tomorrow. He DID say that if the series takes off, he has enough ideas for at least two full sequels though.
100% on the money
last year they said the fall direct was only focused on 2018 games, their words mean nothing
You're welcome
Suda already confirmed no more No More Heroes news until the end of the year in his livestream last week Kimmy Howell is returning and being redesigned by the Bayonetta artist Destroyman is coming back as well
New info on Pic related?
Welp. I'm not changing anything though, else I'd have to remove Luigi for being a known factor. would MGS2/3 work with no analog triggers? I accidentally played MGS2 once with a PS1 dualshock controller not realizing and I couldn't perform holdups because it went straight to firing every time I pressed the button.
I swear to god I better be able to race you faggots on Super Mario kart online after the next direct!
to lazy to do 5x5
You haev to be literally a retard not to put Pokemon and Luigi's mansion
> Kys
>Destroyman is coming back as well
How does he do it?
>bayo 3
You are a fool
Prime 4 isn't coming until 2023.
fucking kek
Here’s mine bros
>reimu in smash
never gonna happen
>daisy in 3D world
why the fuck would they add her into a game on a dead console
>>reimu in smash
>never gonna happen
You're one of those eh?
>why the fuck would they add her into a game on a dead console
user is obviously implying 3D world will get a Deluxe version.
save yourself the disappointment. wanting a literal who is only a one way ticket to pain. i should know, my most wanted is the king of never evers.
Here it is bros
gamer characters never get in
>gamer has now suddenly been filtered to "gamer"
mods confirmed to only be in it for the waifus
are you trying to say here?
c u m * b r a i n
basically the new hot word for anyone who lets porn/lust be the thing that forms their opinion. "the new pokemon game has so many cute girls in it, it's gonna be great!" pretty much anyone that has an unironic waifu
Holy shit, why would you filter that of all things?
no clue, i'm assuming it struck a chord with a mod who probably got called it for being a fucking cum*brain
It was spammed a lot. Even more than that "I do not care for" Family Guy shit that flooded the board a few days ago.
Ah there was a problem when I combined my layers. Here's the fixed version of my card.
But it is there user. There's one Luigi and two for Pokemon.
3D World port, user. I already main Daisy so I do not care for dlc fighters.anything but Overwatch garbage
>it is the year 2019
>there are still people who put Mother 3 on bingo cards
This. With Reggie gone, it's chances went from slight to none.
What the fuck even happened to TOWN?
Based and redpilled
have sex
There's a lot of stuff that gets spammed and does not get filtered
GF A team is apparently working on it. They might show something or maybe during the first direct next year
Cum * brain was a very obvious raid so the mods shut it down. The others are just autistic.
>bawww why did the mods kill my forced meme
go cry about it in your discord
Those words get used in other contexts across the site, so it'd make certain discussions more awkward to have them filtered.
That word on the other hand was completely made up exclusively for the sake of rapid fire shitposts. Absolutely nothing of value was lost from filtering it, and no collateral damage was done. The fact that it takes so long for some people to even realize it got filtered should serve to prove just how little meaning the word even had.
there's actually 3 versions, one of which is mass produced. There might ne a whole stage were you just f8ght a bunch of destroymen
Want to know how I know you're 14?
Hopefully new stuff gets announced. Tired of the fucking wii u ports and talking about games announced 2 years ago.
What are the chances of a Persona 4 port bros?
Ironically a higher chance of a P4 port than a P4G port.
would be nice if we could get 5, did snoy snag a licencing deal for that one?
>6 pm EST
God fucking damn it, why do these things always happen when I'm at work?
>The best Paper Mario game getting brought over to Switch
Please, why must you taunt me so?
These along with Wojak, Kanto, and Frogs should be completely culled.
>The best Paper Ma-
That's not SPM, user
So that means we'll get nyakuza metro?
None of those are 64, which is in need of a port/remaster the most
The Nintendo 64 doesn't have a single good game
I just want our Captain back, guys...
Don't worry, bro. He will make his comeback tomorrow.
>Source: I am Doug Bowser I can't fire myself, can I?
It's the little trolling
>prime trilogy
this would make it worthwhile pls nintendo
Someone better with timezones than me tell me how long until the direct.
i wish they had amiibo, but amiibo is pretty much dead, they are only finishing smash, 1 more link amiibo for completionist and the ones for shovel knight are third party not to mention they took fucking forever
i really wanted a mega man x amiibo but im glad at least they did gold mega man and mega man11
Just give me a western release date for RF4 S
What time is it bros