For the same amount of money that (you) probably spend on lootboxes in gacha games, you could experience a real game with mobile support, and masturbate to the anime girls online for free.
Why bother with them?
For the same amount of money that (you) probably spend on lootboxes in gacha games, you could experience a real game with mobile support, and masturbate to the anime girls online for free.
Why bother with them?
I don't like runescape
but you like masturbating to lootbox pixels?
Sorry, only gacha shit with no gameplay and waifus is what Yea Forums likes.
I dislike both
>real game
>posts a picture of a skinnerbox that gates actual content between dozens of hours of tedious grinding
>wasting entire actual years of your life with endless grindan skinnerbox garbage that's only held together by semi-passable quests that are only better than any other MMO's simply by existing
>not getting into fightan games which features fast paced gameplay beyond playing Simon Says with prayer flicking/don't-stand-in-the-big-obvious-1HKO-area, mind-boggling stories that explore the deepest reaches of human psyche with tons of lore and cute girls
At least you're not playing WoW or some shit like that.
It's not really fun for me anymore, but I love Runescape a lot.
I agreed with this entire post until the fighting games part. I've put too much time into them and I'm actually trying to find something different.
oh nooo i have to play the game nooooooooooo not progression noooooooo anything but progression why the fuck can't i raid right now!!!!!!
I play on a private server so I don't have to grind for 30 days to level a pointless skill high enough for it to be actually useful.
>not liking runescape means you like lootboxes
just the IQ i'd i'd respect from a runescape player
>Burns 63,542 fires
>Mines 200,436 iron ore
>Runs rooftop agility course for 96 real life hours
Ahhh yeah that was hella epic bro
Take up meatspace TTRPG to regain your appreciation for vidya. I recommend running B/X, but good luck finding anyone not on the 5e train.
You play other games like turn-based or w/e while you grind. I listen to audiobooks for stuff you can't afk.
man, your dopamine must be fucked up if you believe the only way for a game to have progression is to have insane level caps
I miss this, but then it doesn't feel like I'm even playing the game.
You might as well bot.
Because of the rarity and price of some of the anime waifus, I can rest assured that only a small number of people get to enjoy them. Looking up pictures online is essentially like fucking a used up whore everyone has had. What I get is a more pure experience with a beautiful girl that few others have gotten to see in vulnerable sexual poses.
Well there's stuff between the grinding.
Making the grind more bearable does not eliminate the grind, nor the fact that the grind is pretty much >90% of the game.
but... whats the point? I can do all that stuff while NOT also playing runescape and have just as much fun.
lmao u fukin loser I bet you have a life and everything. kek
What else are you gonna do between decent singleplayer games? You also get the added feeling of accomplishment.
>What else are you gonna do between decent singleplayer games?
Actually engage with them and enjoy them?
oh noooooooooo i have to play the fucking game? fuck this, i didn't sign up to play the game wtf just give me the endgame content at the start of the game retards
>but what do you do while playing video games
this but unironically
Not what I said. What do you do after you've finished all the good real video games in the months between more releases?
I will love the experiences I had in Runescape until I die, but I cannot play it nowadays. It's just not the same experience even in Old School.
>runescape is good, just play other games while you're playing it
>also play runescape while you're not playing other games
oh ok
You do the non-grindy shit when you have nothing else to play pal.
Wow killing 100 cows sure is exciting gameplay
RS can barely be considered a game
name one game
There’s like millions of gaymes and movies and videos on YouTube and stuff artard u don’t need to play vidya all the time holy kek
Runescape 3
>playing OSRS after the GE got added back in
>he likes standing around for hours selling stuff
wether you liked that part or not it fundamentally changed the game in a very negative way
Final fantasy 6 advance
>RS fags are so brain dead they don’t
Bascially this it turned it into an autistic single player experience
U can literally do everything without ever talking to anyone else
Literally feels like a dead empty place despite it saying there’s like 70k people online but u know half are like bots
Imagine playing RS lmao
>not playing ironman
you played yourself champ
>this game is shit for these reasons
>semi-passable quests
RS quests blow most other MMOs' quests out of the water. They tend to have a fair bit of puzzle solving and creative thinking, unlike the average "Kill 10 boars" quest in other MMOs. That being said, given that a lot of the quests are ancient and Runescape was never a game that took itself seriously, a lot of the older quests have outdated humor and dialogue that is "cringe" to a modern audience. Also, most people only give a fuck about the quest rewards, so they just cheat and use a guide anyway.
>Final Fantasy 6 Advance
Wow killing 100 bandits sure is exciting gameplay
There are many game to play, I have a very long backlog.
I also have a job. And I read and do other hobbies.
My life isn't video games 24/7.
>playing an mmo singleplayer
mario 65
I love the shitty old humor. Runescape and DQ made me love awful puns a lot.
I can’t stand playing Runescape nowadays but there are three things I’ll always praise it for - quests, music and worldbuilding/design.
>RS quests blow most other MMOs' quests out of the water
If you read the words just after what you quoted you'd see that's the case. MMO quests are utter shit, but at least Jagex put in some effort since besides PKing and some minigames that's all RS has got outside of the eternal grind.
>that's all RS has got outside of the eternal grind.
There is bossing content available at nearly every tier of combat level (obor, barrows, raids 1+2, GWD, zulrah, vorkath, the new gauntlet boss, skotizo) that have many intricate mechanics, not to mention wilderness bossing where item risk comes into play, pvm challenges like many quest bosses, fight caves and inferno, clue scrolls and achievement diares that actually offer benefits in game over some shitty fucking title
>but the griind
what MMO doesn't have grind you fucking sped? You're gonna tell me that dredging through the FFXIV story or leveling an alt on wow classic just to literally be a revive bitch in raids isn't a grind? You're an idiot.
Not that I don’t agree that every MMO has grind, but that it’s all grind with no gameplay in RS is what’s particularly egregious about it.
I enjoy it too, mostly from a nostalgic standpoint, but the modern internet is so high-strung that I can see how people would flip their shit at some of the early "xD randumb" humor.
>If you read the words just after what you quoted you'd see that's the case.
I was contending the point that they're only "semi-passable". I think they're quite good, and on par (if not better) than the quests in a lot of singleplayer RPGs. That's one of the things I like about RS, it does have a vaguely cRPG feel, it's quite unlike most other MMOs. Of course, from what I've seen, most of the autistic community hates the quests and just views them as a barrier to continue on the autistic numbers-go-up grind. Regrettably, RS3 gets much more attention when it comes to quests.
>but at least Jagex put in some effort since besides PKing and some minigames that's all RS has got outside of the eternal grind.
To be fair, they do also have raids these days. RS3 had/has dungeoneering, which was also really fun from what I remember.
>bossing content
>intricate mechanics
simon says prayer switch, becomes route memory and therefore grind after the third kill or so
>wilderness bossing
grind with annoyance from pkers interrupting you every five minutes making it even more of a grind
>fight caves and inferno
grind that kicks your dick in and tells you to do it all over again if you don't play simon says
>clue scrolls
>achievement diares (sic)
grind but with specific conditions under which to grind
All MMOs are shit because of the grind (to say nothing of the universally braindead gameplay), RS is no exception.
I see your point. It'd be nice if there were more SPRPGs with quests like Runescape's, but I guess that would take a dedicated team of writers with a particular background and the occasional not-writer throwing an idea in too. For how disorganized Jagex is according to those glassdoor reviews, it seems like they were relatively open with regards to quest stories.