Holy shit we won again bros
Snoys reviews for Astral Chain and FE gets deleted
>2104 ratings
Literally more people than who actually bought the game
>0s get removed
>10s meant to counter the 0s are kept
>User score is higher than it would have been
Was this the plan all along? Was Jiren a Nintendo falseflag?
>because people have different hair colors
chinks and nips are likely more white than niggers but not so white than actually whites and presuming everybody lives in an ark where they all almost share 50% of their genes with eachother they are all white enough to not be niggers but not white enough to have that extremely pale thing
Also genetics'n shiet changed people hair colour
die off cracker
Seriously, why aren't black and hispanic suicides higher? You'd think with the high crime and poverty rates in their communities, they would have higher suicidal tendencies. Shit I live in a fairly peaceful town and even I want to die. Why these guys don't is beyond me. What keeps them going?
they don't hold themselves to any standards. with honor comes dishonor
Then trannies must be the most honorable people
Shut up naruto
im sure the white ones are more suicidal than the others, deep down they know they let their whole family down
I've been off the site for the past month. What's all this talk about Jiren?
Sonyfags just can't get a break lmao
>What's all this talk about Jiren?
An autistic sonyloser who is so assblasted over Nintendo that he seems devote his life to down-voting Nintendo games on metacritic to help himself cope.
You forgot the subhuman Dragonballspic part
wtf is a snoy?
Ok? What does DBS has to do with this? Just because he is a dirty mexican?
As an act of protest against Sony's recent censorship a Jap called them Snoy and it blew up on Yea Forums.
the most forced buzzword in the history of Yea Forums.
Because he uses a Jiren profile picture with Playstation stuff edited all over. Looks like Jiren is some kind of Playstation mascot.
>based on hong kong
>not multi-cultural
You baka ass motherfucker
Sense of community. Latinos are EXTREMELY family-oriented, so they rarely if ever find themselves alone or without purpose (the main reason whites kill themselves).
Also alcoholism. People who really have nothing worth living for will waste away slowly from alcohol than actually end their lives deliberately.
t. taco
What the fuck is this ear meme about?
Snoyfags have been drawing their wojaks with ears now
He's assblasted about Xbox too.
they need to have their insult word, they've suffered through dozens by now
>Snoys plan backfired.
fucking kek.
>nintendo bonus isn't real guys cmon
>metacritic deletes 1000 negative scores
i cant even imagine being this delusional
your plan backfired, snoytranny.
deal with it.
Why does he wear a sonyhat, but he doesn't have a dick in his mouth?
>tfw spic nintendo fan
>bullied in high school for preferring nintendo over playstation
I'll give you that it must be it's own type of suffering as Nintendo has not been too kind to any area south of the USA.
And what kind of expression is that? Fanboy impotence?
>three houses user score is also higher than before
People who have actual problems to deal with tend to not get depression
Fucking triple kek.
jirengamer is trying and failing so hard to be Chad Warden
>snoyfag is SEETHING hard
Must feel bad to be cucked like that
Funny that he picked a *loser* to model himself after though.
He's just a dumb subhuman mexican.
Also he's nnot trying, he is really like that.
Check his twitter.
its like a walking meme
I can't believe I sare the board with people that care so fucking much about metacritic scores. The amount of whining for this shit I've seen over the last few weeks makes me want to throw up.
>those thighs wearing tights
so nothing there to counteract the mindless 10/10s then? damn how do we keep winning bros
in all honesty the gameplay looks boring as fuck
they actually managed to make boring stands from jojo somehow
is this the new tj "henry" yoshi?
And yet, he is still crying like a little bitch
just subtract 3 from the user score to make up for the nintendo bonus
>the worst fire emblem is an 89
do people seriously buy this?
>My universe is still here so I win Goku
Kek. Nintendo used Ultra Instinct and whooped this bitch with Golden Metacritic
>Nintendo are the only ones who make DLCs right
I can't argue with that, though
The biggest game in that picture, bloodborne, did dlc better than any nintendo game in the past decade.
As long as Amiibo exists Nintendo DLC will always be peak cancer outclassed only by the likes on EA and Activision.
Dunno, never touched a single Snoy game in my entire life
imagine being poor and owning 1 platform.
imagine being worthless like you, user.
>nintendo are the only ones that do dlc right
>also I only know about nintendo dlc
source on this brapper
>Implying I only own Microsoft consoles
>Implying I don't hate Snoy and its shitty fanbase with a passion
Keep saying it, bros
>BoTW DLC sucked ass
>Super Luigi U was the scam of the century
>Amiibo in its entirety
Nah, they have some blunders. The most interesting one is the pricing. It's almost amazing how good Nintendo is at making DLC so close (yet not quite) to being overpriced. They've got penny pinching down to a science.
Why would I own a useless platform like PS4?
A computer does everything it can do infinitely better
>I don't play certain games because of their fanbase or their brand, regardless of the game's quality or who actually developed it
Either false flag, underage, or room temp iq.
The VirjirenGamer Vs. The CHAD Warden
I'm literally crying in my own room out of sheer laughter right now, this actually managed to cure my depression.
Fucking kek.
>All this whole controversy was literally give it a higher user score than it probably would have otherwise and make it literally the MOST DISCUSSED SWITCH GAME