What happened?
What happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
We came here
me too
They're pretty redpilled now actually. All the mentally ill lunatics left to tranny era.
What is this, a VPN logo?
purged the insane trannies and its quasi reasonable now. slow and full of sony ponys though
the site admin got accused of sexual harassment or some shit so every single user migrated to resetera
>check it out
>they have a topic on the NITW business
>first page has a bunch of people shitting on Zoe Quinn
>another thread is talking about the Control protag's manface
The place changed for better
Anyone have the screenshot of the "this board is not for video game website discussion" announcement right next to the Escapist thread past bump limit?
They actually became based who could have seen this coming?
>all the discord trannies, SJWs and repressed projecting pedos left for resetera
>neogaf manages to stop sucking dicks
amazing how that works out. They probably had to purge all the site's admin/moderation accounts to make sure they couldn't hijack control back after abandoning ship, though
Why did he wait so long to purge these people anyway? Did he really think they would never go after him?
All the angry, depressing alphabet people left and now it's back to the way it was 10+ years ago. It's better.
>They probably had to purge all the site's admin/moderation accounts
We should do that.
Too bad all the devs and insiders who used to post there either left for restetera or just stopped posting.
>Why did he wait so long to purge these people anyway?
Well, they may seem bad for you, but for him they are his ad revenue. A lot of those mentally ill trannies had connections in the industry so they were generating a lot of traffic by posting leaks and breaking news before any other website.
who gives a fuck whether developers post or not
The pedos got caught, and had to leave after the sexual assaulting owner got blasted by them. They created their own site resetera where they swap child porn via discord now.
>they both run on the same layout and update the same time
>implying it's not the same people running oppositional communities
>due to the high level of pedophiles on each forum they're likely linked to the ruling class if rumors are to be believed
So nothing happened.
quick rundown pls
Todd Howard posts here daily and no one gives a fuck.
Nah, I'm still there.
What the fuck is a neoGAF
pedos left it and went to resetera
The cancer was purged.
Resetera made this guy a mod.
Evilore fucked up, should have sold when he had the chance so instead he turned it into Yea Forums lite.
I don't miss him. Dude was a slug asshole
They wanted him to step down so they could transition the forum. Literally, they wanted to cut the balls, the dick and turn it into a mangina, so basically Neosetera.
He didn't submit, so they just went on to create trannyera. That's all that actually happened.
Now retarded spoiled rich mentally deficient xomen like Jennifer Scheurle have it on nazifascist watchlist, because it refuses to cave in to feminism again.
It's not really an offensive forum, it just isn't as much of a faggot hivemind like r/games, resetera and gamefags. The worst thing that happened is that people had the title of a thread changed after someone complained the bitch from that terrible Remedy game looks like a square-jawed man.
>should've sold
Where are you from?
Trannies left, Yea Forums and Kiwifarms (and to some extent Gamefaqs) took the empty space.
literally a unimportant site now that the sjws left so no one cares since they were the ones who made the site what it was
>Jennifer Scheurle
Literally who?
Some public speaker.
I kind of doubt anyone but irrelevant indie developers post there anyway. Even before the pedomod got outed I don't think there were any real developers who still posted on neofags
Actually, no. That's not what happened at all.
>place is basically gamefaqs before it was gamefags
>console war out the ass, even mods were in on shitting on Snoy
>site grows exponentially
>lots and lots of developers actually post there, some are literally shitposted out of the site, like Don Mattrick from Microsoft and Denis Dyack after the Too Human fiasco
>Anita videos announced, Obama 2
>sudden massive influx from Tumblr and Reddit
>place becomes toxic and unbrowsable
>people banned by the dozens
>the few devs worth shit left leave the building because of the poisonous environment
>you can't say anything at all anymore, every discussion reads like pic related both in gaming an off-topic
>trannies still complain it's not toxic enough
>find an edge and try to kick Evilore out even though he bent the knee, his ass and he didn't even make a tribute to Iwata while he was putting rainbows around for the fag wedding in the USA
>Evilore doesn't surrender the site
>they move on to create Resetera
>very few devs worth shit in there, mostly indierrific literal faggots, two or three insiders that don't get as many leaks as fucking Yea Forums does as of lately
>site is basically used as a blowtorch to rile twitter up and start smearing campaigns to demand sjw censorship
I still believe it was a social experiment funded by some government, and all the faggots that came out of the woodwork were paid to subscribe and destroy the place. I've never seen a site go to shit over the span of few weeks. No, Yea Forums and gamergate doesn't count.
Lol #GetWokeGoBroke
This jew now is waiting pedoera to implode (we are almost there) so people might migrate back there.
>Too bad all the devs and insiders who used to post there either left for restetera
They didn't, they just simply have made new accounts and are pretty active on daily basis (in hiding of course, to avoid trannymobs). Actually, right now, there are more devs on neogaf than resettiera.
t. bandainamcofag
the GAF symbol was even in Scribblenauts
Anyone have that post Todd (I think?) made about why they're not going to post or support GAF any more?
The only reason it had any clout to begin with was because of the """""leaks""""" which were just studios marketing their shit in a way that made retards feel special and in-the-know
what happened to voat co/v/neofag? i tried going to voat and it was down. the other chan also went down. neofag sub was based, one of the first purged from reddit. i used to go by evilores_right_ear there
I don't have a single sympathy for him. He got too greedy, licking every sjw bullshit (remember the gay neogaf logo?), not updating the website, begin an asshole every time. Now he wish he had the same revenue of those days.
That was trannyera
irrelevant forum. the small amount of users just pretend to be relevant. shit site.
sjw scum left and instead some irrelevant userbase joined it.
id never trust malka and neofag mods. those new neofaggers however innocently trust the mods and believe theyve made something important happen. they are so naive and sorta larpers. they just help malka and give him money.
Are you sure? I feel like I saw it posted before they migrated.
Yeah, the nickname was just "Skyrim" with the game logo
NeoGAF has changed a lot since the Reeesetera purge. The moderation is lax as fuck and will only step in when you start directly insulting others. Saying nigger or faggot is totally allowed as long as it's quote. They shit on Resetera almost constantly too.
Matt from Capcom lurks in their discord.
Worth it for this alone
Evilore is still a sociopath though
>le based
Fuck off back to 8gag, you retarded cockmutant.
Having a rough time of it, lad?
ayy lmao
>every single user
You mean every single cuck, fag and tranny. They were like 80% of its userbase
>Neogaf has had a 47 page thread shitting on Zoe Quinn
Anyone who still hates Neogaf is being gaslit by Retardera
>I still believe it was a social experiment funded by some government, and all the faggots that came out of the woodwork were paid to subscribe and destroy the place.
There were a lot of weird posts after Trump won, referring to murders of some kind. There was even a thread asking if agents were posting, it was so noticeable. All that was deleted but for a little bit it was like the veil was let down.
jesus christ they really swung in the other direction
right now it's a pretty chill forum, like others have said. all the crazy people left to resetera.
evilore seems pretty chill these days, too. he probably learned his lesson.
dey took er
> every single user
Moar like worthless sjws
neogaf is right-leaning nowadays I think
resetera is a cesspool of psychopaths and most of their original administrators seem to have gotten the fuck out already
>resetera is a cesspool of psychopaths and most of their original administrators seem to have gotten the fuck out already
So literally Yea Forums?
Kind of ironic (or very telling, which would be worse) that they're ignoring the discord pedos this time.
It was funny how Evilore nurtured the SJW sickness in GAF just to see all the trannies and fedora tipping feminists turning on him and killing the site in the process
A 47-page thread about Zoe Quinn is kind of crazy, I wouldn't call that chill. It's akin to middle-aged women gossiping about celebrity scandals, like tabloid journalism gossip, albeit oriented around games instead of movies.
Funny? What's funny is that he did bang that cheating bitch, both admitted to it, and he's still alive.
The furry in the woods guy is dead for some alleged fingering and because his mentally ill whore sister won't shut the fuck up.
Hey Sinfaggy, if you read this kill yourself you filthy tranny nigger.
I can't even remember what they claimed he did
also do we know what amir0x is up to nowadays? I guess he's getting raped in prison on a daily basis?
the kike elfboy got a taste of his own medicine when the golem he was pandering to, decided to turn on him.
I have no idea who you're talking about you dumb nigger.
Just pointing out how many resetera tourists came here, you daft cunt.
Fairly positive you don't get out for pedoshit in two years. Thad did a lot more for a lot less.
fucking retard
Hell of a response, you fucking kike.
Sexual assault of a female forum member at a party. The one who always had a Benedict Cucumberman avatar.
I was talking to the poster in your screencap, you stupid incel.
You think I even spared a single look at any of those retards' nicknames, you dumb nigger?
The answer is fucking no.
Basically they shared a hotel room at some event or whatever, they drank all night, she went to take a shower and he thought he was gonna get laid so he also got in the shower. She said "no" also because she was shitfaced and he bailed out the shower, nothing happened in there.
Eventually she did agree to sex, but Neogaf decided that she felt pressured into having sex and that is full blown rape and revoked the consent for her.
Oh, she had a boyfriend by the way.
>gamefaqs before gamefaqs
You zoomers should stop pretending you know anything
Yea Forums would shit talk Zoe just as much if mods/jannies weren't cucks.
this is also very true. the justice in all of this is beautiful.
i hope evilore has learned his lesson.
>resetera trannies are real
Yeah, no fucking shit
I said "gamefaqs before it was gameFAGS".
And it was, it was a regular forum full of bantz and shitposting like any other.
It wasn't anywhere as politically correct as it became from 2012 onwards.
Even now it's not as offensive as it was before.
Gamefags' downfall also was fucking cringe, combined with the switch to full html for guides that was the end of it.
neogaf circa 2011 was the peak of that site.
fucking what. as far back as 2004 gamefaqs was a cancerpit full of sucking off mods and brainlets jerking themselves off over how long they've been on the site like it made them "cool".
That desperate eh.
Neogaf was just good as a news site since most sites were blatantly ripping leaks and rumors from it anyway
Resetera has most of the retarded userbase but what made GAF useful got lost long ago
Elitism? Yes, especially when discussing weebshit, they felt like the be all and end all. A lot of people registered just to read Bepbo's Jrpg reviews like he was the messiah or something.
They were even fucking retarded about sales numbers, they still are but the numbers are now meaningless with medium being dead.
It was entirely gaming-related though, it wasn't about sucking the cock of men in drag while wearing nothing but a pink thong.
>all anime avatars
I'm slowly beginning to think that anime was, in fact, a mistake.
Who were the original administrators?
Wait I thought discord trannies were just a meme boogieman.
Well you were fucking wrong.
Right now? It's literally Yea Forums except you still get in trouble for saying nigger.
So it's Yea Forums but without the /pol/cels spam? Nice.
Do I still need a paid email to register there?
>oh no, my based blacks and the greatest allies are being offended :(
It's right up your alley, nigger. Don't forget to take your reddit gold with you.
>/pol/ hurt me
>stop posting qt asian girls!
>the tumblr boogieman and them SJWs destroying their toons and comics
Well they are the fucking reason Paranatural went to shit.
>muh boogeyman
You'll fit right in there.
This thread is really funny
The original title was "why does it look like a man".
So the only difference is that now they're giving blowey joeys to literal faggots instead of figurative ones.
Where do you think the bogeyman came from? That shit doesn't pop out of thin air.
>Where do you think the bogeyman came from?
I am the one that came up with it. It wasn't actually a thing when I made it up, I was just trying to shitpost threads I didn't like to death.
>neogaf is now alt-right
wow time flies
Ignore the cringe of the post, but the concept about moderation is true.
By their rules, any place that doesn't enforce 100% a totalitarian tranny regime, is alt-right.
It's not like they can't voice their distress in there, or that someone can go "lol tranny, dilate", it's like they can't accept someone not bending to their opinion however bullshit it is. That's why there's that Valkyria Chronicles 4 ban screenshot, they want the whole internet to be like that.