You can't make this shit up
You can't make this shit up
we were the World of Warcraft all along
>raid ends with sylvannus
> she opens a portal
>classic wow cinamatic
>Horde wins the war offscreen
>Horde players are forced to throw it away and side with the Alliance because blue lady bad
Christie Golden's writing is retarded enough for this to be true
don't play WoW, what does this mean?
>raid transitions into the expansion
fake shit, they've been in the habit of doing a gradual ramp-up toward the expansion
It's going to be Dragon Isles and you'll take your daily dose of dragon, you faggot.
It's a (perhaps) literal usage of the meme where a piece of media uses its own title as a catchphrase. The current expansion for WoW is "Battle for Azeroth".
>first post at Yea Forums as another dumb prediciton
>another retard from mmonigers reposts it like always
>some other braindead scum reposts it as real leak from mmoniggers
complete circle of braindead normies
>literally siege of ogrimmar but reverse
is this a joke
not even reversed, mythic Siege ends with you fighting Garrosh in Stormwind Harbor too
this. If the last raid leads directly into the expansion, then Christie Golden can't make some money on the side by explaining the plot of the expansion in a novel
I don't understand and i neither play wow, but even if she dies she still screams the cringe phrase?
>those static models
>transitioning into next expac via a raid
>bolvar randomly showing up
it sounds better than expected but probably bullshit
Fake as shit. It has no proper way to account for the year long wait between the raid patch and the next expansion.
We truly were the World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth® all along.
But it's right there. A year long training montage in the afterlife and then a return to topple Black Empire 2.0
she dies and then her and everyone else get sucked into notHell together
>anduin becomes corrupted
Nigga, Golden would never do such a thing to her perfect golden boy.
It's described as being temporary, so she can wank her pet character off by having him shed the control of an old god through sheer willpower.
>giving a shit about warcraft story past War 3
There's absolutely zero setup for Sylvanas capturing Stormwind. They've talked about Syl storming Thunderbluff, there's been datamined maps of Org, but nothing for Stormwind.
stormwind has been stated as her goal multiple times
Her "goal," but there's fucking nothing there to set that up. 5.3 had Garrosh taking over Org. We're heading into 8.2.5 and there's NOTHING implying Sylvanas is even close to getting near Stormwind.
Assuming that Golden cares if her plot makes logical sense is a dangerous game user
Blizzard can't possibly be stupid enough to go this route. The idea has been brought up and universally despised so much they must know it would be suicide to attempt it, right?
>Battle for Azeroth (current expac) has been accused of being a retread of a previous expac. Sieging a capital city was also a raid in that previous expac, and we're doing it again
>Sylvanas has been cartoon-character evil since the start of the expac, leading people to theorize that at the height of her obscene levels of evil it will be revealed that she's just been being evil for a higher purpose (which has already happened before). If this leak is real then they're actually pulling this shit.
>Shadowlands (Azeroth hell) will be either the final patch or the start of the next expansion
>Everyone being dead means that we'll have to be resurrected sometime, which guarantees some lore characters will be resurrected with us
Basically Blizzard are hacks
>save Anduin
For what reason?
not reallly
>Arthas comes back to lead the attack on nu-Lich King who is now evil and also to give Jaina the D
If Siege of Stormwind was endgame, they would've set it up way earlier. The Alliance is actually "winning" the war, currently.
God that quest was cringy. Voice acting in WoW is usually good but holy fuck... Tyrande sounding like an emotionless tranny.
>Horde forced to follow this ungrateful bitch around and help her find the shed her cuck was hiding in
>Alliance bitches about Baine being around in the LITERAL Tauren area and gets him removed
good fuck baine
Maybe the real Battle For Azeroth was the friends we made along the way.
Not like I had great pleasure in doing that retarded shit as an Alliance character, and I guarantee whatever they had planned for Highmountain would have been better.
However, on the flip side of things, they emotionally invested Alliance and Horde players into the Suramar story before ripping the rug out from under the Alliance.
I have literally only heard one single autistic bitch about "Alliance whining getting Baine removed from Highmountain." Where's the proof?
I know this is old fashioned. But, source?
>Where's the proof?
Legion beta
Where's the proof that they removed him because of complaining? Blizzard changes shit all the time in betas. Wrathion's appeared in the beta of like, every single fucking expansion since MoP, and went poof before launch.