Why can’t we ban gacha threads from Yea Forums? We all know they’re just glorified gambling simulators
Why can’t we ban gacha threads from Yea Forums? We all know they’re just glorified gambling simulators
We should
Gambling is a game too
Mobile shit shouldn't have been allowed at all.
Haven’t you seen these gacha threads? People like to collect their waifus pokemon style.
We absolutely should. The fuckers host generals on Yea Forums, and then bring up Smash and e-celeb threads every time you call them out as if it's some kind of excuse.
>Why can’t we ban gacha threads from Yea Forums?
Because then 10cent wouldn't pay gookmoot.
Here’s that list everyone loves
But the ad revenue!
.... are you brain damaged?
Yes, I’m very stressed right now and I feel like my brain might unironically rupture, I’d like to die
Have a shower and take 5 bro. Shitposting 24/7 will break anyone.
>he's not luckchad
Because anyone not mentally ill and has a sense of self control will know not to throw money at the gacha and enjoy what they get for free
>enjoy what they get for free
yeah i sure love mindless grinding games that literally have an auto-play function to make up for their required time and lack of engagement.
>a game console and all its game library shouldnt be discussed on the video game board and shouldn't be allowed because i have bought into the braindead meme that im better than other people that play mobile games
Yea Forums neckbeard incels really need to off themselves.
They are video games, this is the video games board. I know your too retarded to wrap your head around it, but you need to accept it.
>The argument is buzzwords
Says all we need to know about the intelligence of gatchafags.
the argument is literally video games are video games. but obviously Yea Forumstards would rather bait and be retarded than actually understand basic definitions of what video game are.
Post your favorite gacha game(s)
>Dokkan Battle being p2w when almost all events can be cleared with f2p teams and they shower you with stones like candy anyway
>PvP listed when there is no such thing
That list was made to spite dokkan players lol
The person who made that was baiting, don't give him any more (You)s.
>final fantasy 7 is released on nuconsole
>this is a video game
>final fantasy 7 is released on a phone
>this is not a video game suddenly because im retarded
>Gatchfags get super triggered over people shitting on it their waifu shit "games" and start screeching garbage
Holy fuck, they're actually cancer incarnate.
who are you quoting?
with the amount of lootboxes in modern triple a games on consoles, gatcha mobile games are identical to console games at this point. you're just triggered because zoomer boogeyman has a cellphone buzzwords
It's simple. If a man writes some prose it's literature. If he compiles a lot of it, it's literature. If he bind it, it's literature. But the second he stores it in cellulose it's no longer a book. The paper he used is just toilet paper with fancy designs and a hard cover.
Some addict will open 5000 boxes and I don't have to pay a penny to the company running the game. No monthly fee, no 200 dollar game disguised as a 60 dollar one because of DLC. The game updates with is basically free dlc and I don't have to be a moral fag paying more money to protect some retard from boxes. Why could Gacha games create so much pure seethe? god i love these threads
imagine typing this being so high horsed you dont even realize you sound vehemently retarded
Imagine taking that horseshit seriously. Jackass.
>gachafags try to defend their "game" by implying their lootboxes are fine
Because microtransactions are the sole reason why every other mobile game like Clash of Clans is constantly shat on
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
>damage control
>i-i was actually trolling!!!
I'm not the one screaming buzzwords and memes.
>im not going to respond to your facts but instead i will mention that you did (this week's boogeyman action) which completely disregards your points!
Proving my point really.
People get angry when they don’t end up getting their waifu like they wanted, then they vent themselves on this Mongolian forum
we are proving each others points because you refuse to actually discuss the topic because you know you dont factually make any sense and instead choose that you dont like what is being responded at you because it doesnt fit your holier than thou standard of what a Yea Forums post reply should be.
If you're feeling anxiety, splash your face with cold water or submerge it in cold water (like a bowl) it dampens the flight or fight response
>submerge it in cold water
Last time I did that I had to fight to get my head out of it.
gachabrains seriously need to fuck off, there is NO justification for your waifu skinny box shitheap that you call a """"""""game"""""""""""
Wtf were you putting your head in a tiny bucket? Just fill your sink or something.
Because they're having fun playing their gacha game user. It's that simple.
Because they are braindead shit filled with waifu trash that barely take skill. Perfect for the average Yea Forums weeabo faggot.
Hey user, I just want to ask you something real fast. what do you think of GFL?
It's like paying a prostitute for sex, you think you're supporting her, and maybe you are in the short term, but the damage you're doing in the long term by pushing her further down the slippery slope of sex work is far more damaging
Now replace the prostitute with the gaming industry, this is why gacha needs to be banned before it's too late.
Because 99% of the time on Yea Forums, not just these threads, as soon as a person starts using memes or buzzwords you wont get anything other than that from then on so why even bother trying after that happens?
the gaming industry will kill itself even without gacha retard. Gacha didn't corrupt some pure and innocent game industry, EA and other publishers have always tried to jew you out of all your money and if gacha didn't come along some other equally cancerous method would have taken hold
lootboxes are in star wars and sports games for fucks sake. its already over and done with.
you actually care about the gaming industry moralfag?
Except the "memes and buzzwords" were at the end of my post which had actual points and arguments. But you chose to completely skip that and just say "well you used buzzwords and memes luhmao". And then continued to repeat this over and over instead of actually talking about the topic. So what exactly are you doing? You're not contributing shit to the conversation. You only completely derailed it. So congrats I guess?
I find hilarious how you have to compare gachashit to the worst publishers in the west to defend it. You faggots are no different than the mongoloids who play fifa shit and defend it for free online.
You best not be talking about fifa bro. Shits tight.
Madden is fun, fuck off
gacha/lootboxes IS the line, everything was fine until this gambling(NO IT'S NOT GAMBLING BRO WE SWEAR) bullshit came along, day 1 DLC etc was pushing it but gacha crosses the line
It's especially bad as it takes advantage of addicts, there's no telling a gambling addict to just "not spend money" on the gacha skinnerbox of his favourite franchise
Post the current gacha you guys are playing and for how long
Gacha and lootboxes are the future of gaming. Deal with it, grandpa.
GFL, 2 months
Not if it ends up getting fucked from the loobtox ban.
>He only has one SSR from his initial reroll and has to make anti-gacha threads on a Mongolian cave painting imageboard to cope
My grandma sits in front of slot machines pissing away her money, and my niece is sitting in front of a virtual slot machine pissing away her money.
There is not hope for humanity.
Huh, all the games I bought this year have no such thing. Must be just this shit for subhumans that gets them.
Gacha are games
seethe harder
What gacha should I play if I just want to collect as many cute girls as possible?
Gachafags are the same breed of faggotry as Narutofags on Yea Forums, newfag cancer that the mods are too apathetic to give a shit about
>marrying the $1 slut and screeching watuk
at least you ringed Zas
I play them between downtime in real games. It can feel good to make and build up a team that can auto-battle efficiently too.
I don't play it because I think autobattlers are even worse than regular gacha, but I understand Azur Lane gets its money from costumes and so on, and even F2P it's possible to get any girl you want.
ITT: seething trannies
Go beg moot2 for a separate board if you want to sperg
>rating the games only how f2p friendly they are
Must be made by a lucklet that failed to roll his waifu.
You're still supporting it buy downloading it though.
nigger, i'm going to enjoy what I want without spending a cent.
>posts an image unrelated to the argument because he has no actual argument
What a faggot.
Gotta get the free currency religiously everyday too, lmao.
This doesn't mean you aren't supporting it.
There's something about watching Yea Forumseddit try to keep gacha off their board and failing miserably that really gets me going. Anybody else? Also play Pholia's game.
I dunno, but that brown girl under the blanket is pretty cute
I've never downloaded gacha and that makes me better than all of you.
I'm a poorfag so I've never seen the appeal of gacha. It's aimed at a completely different demographic to me.
never heard of it, tell me about it.
Based polynigger
Also poorfag here
Im 6 years into gacha games and never spent a cent
I ended up sticking on gachas that gives too much free stuff or rewards for time and effort
Any gacha games coming to NA to look forward for? I gave up on waiting for sino alice
Arknights is coming sometime in the winter, but its a tower defense.
>thread starts off calling to ban gacha
>turns into gacha game discussion
any regular retard that hates gacha leaves in one reply, while actual gachafags stays because it's basically their one thread for the day.
Because that would imply that bans do something. Hell, there's plenty here already who take pride in evading one ban after another just to spew their inane rhetoric.
>for the day
I wish, feels like these threads have been popping up more recently.
Collectionists like these games.
5 threads right now....