Why can’t we ban gacha threads from Yea Forums? We all know they’re just glorified gambling simulators
Why can’t we ban gacha threads from Yea Forums? We all know they’re just glorified gambling simulators
Adrian Green
Henry Clark
We should
Liam Collins
Gambling is a game too
Colton Flores
Mobile shit shouldn't have been allowed at all.
Brandon Thompson
Haven’t you seen these gacha threads? People like to collect their waifus pokemon style.
Brayden Johnson
We absolutely should. The fuckers host generals on Yea Forums, and then bring up Smash and e-celeb threads every time you call them out as if it's some kind of excuse.
Levi Brooks
>Why can’t we ban gacha threads from Yea Forums?
Because then 10cent wouldn't pay gookmoot.
Ian Butler
Here’s that list everyone loves
Josiah Richardson
But the ad revenue!
Zachary Richardson
.... are you brain damaged?