>yeah I’m a big hardcore gamer I play CoD and GTA
>rattle off some titles I like
>never heard of those games user, they must suck
How do you deal with people like this?
Yeah I’m a big hardcore gamer I play CoD and GTA
By not playing weebshit
>people like this?
Looks like a highschool football player. Why are you walking to teenagers, OP?
>How do you deal with people like this?
by getting laid. stop being an incel, OP.
>"They're popular for a reason user, they must be good!"
Based friendly chad.
You obviously don't have a job and meeting other normies in the workplace who mutter the same thing OP mentions.
>they must suck
no one says this, they will instead ask you what theyre like or continue talking about cod/gta because you should have played them and establishing common ground is the point of an initial conversation
Hows the CTE going, numbskull
>of course we only play nintendo switch how could you tell
This but with streamers. I have no idea what shit normies watch and apparently the ones I watch are too obscure for them to have ever heard of.
>lol nah ur just a fag
wouldn't surprise me,the biggest chads i met barely played/didn't play games
were too busy going outside and getting laid
You don't, are you in high school?
Suck his dick right then and there
I like Modern Warfare 2.
go back to plebbit
You don’t know what normalfags are like
Literally me.
anyone over 15 doesn't watch streamers unless they have a crippling mental disability
>rattle off some titles I like
Theres your first mistake, normies don't fucking play vidya outside of AAA trash, just humor them and talk about that trash and leave them be, most of them wouldn't know the rabbit hole if they were sticking their head in it
So what? I visit both Yea Forums and Reddit. What are you going to do about it? Big deal.
I don't talk about vidya IRL.
Fuck off, you don’t belong here normalfag
Wow look at this speshul snowflake he thinks he soo special in his sekret clubhouse with his "bros" you're all the same faggots on this website user you're nothing special.
You talk like a literal boomer, fuck off.
I am a boomer. So what? It doesn't bother me. The thing that makes you so cute is that you sound like a complete tryhard faggot on this website. Thinking calling other people Reddit will somehow make you cooler. What a complete faggot.
I talk with them about COD and GTA instead, if I want to talk about gaming. I am a gamer of many tastes
t. 16 yr old zoomer. Please go back to Mr. Metokur on youtube
I start talking about sports instead
I watch streams daily
I’m also 2 years into my PhD programme (and yes it is STEM)
By not talking to them, retard.
I know a lot of people in the Tech industry and they actually like watching a lot of streamers on the side while they work. You'd be surprised in the age range of people who watch streaming. I mean the content is so diverse there's Esports and obviously we have people who play a character like DrDisRespect. Not just kids who watch it.
Don’t you have a yard to mow? And socialize with other dads?
I don't reveal my power level and just pretend that video games are "those toys that my 10 year old nephew plays"
My coworker only wants to talk about sonic, Spyro, megaman, final fantasy and dragon quest.
>all my normie friends are into gaming
>mention fighting games
>ecstatically competitive about how they can beat me easily in said “game”
>invite them over
>”ayo you using handicap” “dude, stop using that move” “yo version is whack, you trash anyways”
I’m stuck with nba or fifa
I'm 32 and work remote. I have the doc up right now while working.
I would fucking demolish you irl, kid. Shut the fuck up.
By not being 12.
>You never heard of DOOM or The Witcher 3?
I dont talk to them about games in the first place
>By not being 12.
Why do I feel like the fags who say this are actually underage themselves? Or at the very least teens or young adults? I remember when I was a kid I'd only play mature rated titles to make myself look cool. And I also made fun of people who played Nintendo games because they were too childish.
>Work with a bunch of people in a psych/medical unit
>They find out I play vidya
>One co-worker says they played Spyro growing up with family
>Another says they were thinking about picking up the new Spiderman game
>Talk to them about those games
>They ask what I play
>Like horror and RPGs, so just say things like Resident Evil and Final Fantasy
>Conversation is fun and casual
So long as you're not coming off as pompous about it, most people are chill with vidya these days. Sperging out regarding any hobby and expecting people to have appreciation for a depth of interest you've obsessively developed over most of your life is absurd. If they're casual, keep it casual. If they really want to dig, then explain it on a casual level.
A good example was when I was playing Persona 4 and a co-worker asked what I was playing lately. I told them it was like a murder mystery story where you have to save victims before they're killed by monsters. Don't gotta mention all the weeb bullshit, just keep it light.
Do not reveal your power level
Ok boomer, you had your fun but for the love of god stop slaughtering this child, you are going in jail for manslaughter at this rate
Tell them to give them a chance and simply accept that niche games are niche for a reason
>And I also made fun of people who played Nintendo games because they were too childish.
Spoken as someone who obviously grew up in the wii/360/ps3 generation. I used to go to my friends house because he had an n64 with games like Goldeneye/Turok/Resident evil in addition to mario kart and smash.
>How do you deal with people like this?
Tell them to fuck off.
you won’t deal with this after highschool, underage
Not him but I grew up with the gameboy and super nintendo and in school I took an anti pokemon stint for like a whole semester and constantly poked at people for being kids while I played shit like Doom and Duke Nukem when they came out.
I eventually outgrew this and gained the personal perspective that people shitting on something are usually people who like them but claim to not like them to overcompensate on a personal level.
This may be confirmation bias at work but it also works.
>yeah I’m a big hardcore gamer I play Romancing SaGa and Puyo Puyo, bro
How do you deal with people like this?
>How do you deal with people like this?
I don't rattle titles that I like, you fucking sperg, I just name a genre and see where it goes
I'm a 29 year old boomer.
I don't engage in conversation with kids about video games.
Other adults don't bring up the subject
Quit hanging out with negroids
gta and cod aren't bad series
please don't antagonize chad