What console should he buy?
What console should he buy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Surface pro
>buying consoles
Unironically looked like less of a pussy beforehand
Should have stuck to a bear look, not a fucking stretch Armstrong doll
a conversation between these two would be PRICELESS
Pic related is the average PC player tho
>Just lift bro, the girls will be all over you
Soul vs Soulless
emulate the switch on PC
Post yourself with stamp. I'm literally at the gym right now.
left picture nintendo
right picture all of them + PC
all that hard work and he's a laughing stock for incels on a weeb imageboard. jesus
Sure. Let's see that physique.
>mom says it's my turn on the Switch
the only problem with him on the right is he kept his glasses.
A Switch
Can confirm, I just came from the gym.
Same guy on the far right in this photo.
Yes. We know you did. See
hes a big guy
>Mom said it's my turn to play
How the fuck did he get 6 inches shorter?
sega game GEAR
the problem is that he has a puffy, fat, bitch face and a manlet's frame
This. What's with so many guys and their obsession with looking like dried up beef jerky?
Reminder that fasting for days is the only real way to lose fat and that the american way of life will never let you out of your sugar addiction forever.
Reminder that Piss Drinker Snake juicr guru is right and life style is the only way to let go of the fat.
Reminder that humans aren't made to eat 4 and more meals a day, maybe not even everyday.
You’ll get a Sega Game Gear if I get these dubs.
Why does he look so short in the op
>on Yea Forums
but i watch what i eat and have dropped 15 pounds
Because he is.
The guy in the red shirt is 5'9
The guy on the far left is a literal dwarf
not everyone has the facial and body structure to pull off the bear look. I certainly don't, that's why every time I've gained weight I look like a goof. when I'm thin i'm a pretty boy, i'll never be a spartan chad.
I agree, but the guy in OP was definitely better off with it
>face is still fat
what a waste
How do I headmaxx?
>"what did you say about minecraft?"
>Cant fix the onions face
What a waste
I applaud this work ethic.
He looks like a giant midget
Post gains
Why does he look so weird on the right
>Manlets try to get fit
The real twist is that they're all short.
Why the hair though
>Why yes, I do own a Ouya, how could you tell?
Jesus his face is so big
On the left the picture is taken from a lower angle, and there is just a wall in the pic with nothing as reference, hence he looks taller. On the right, the picture is eye height, you can see the door frame with hinges of which he's even shorter than
>tongue on roof of mouth
>Workout for years
>Get to pinnacle shape
>Still look ugly and now you dont even have good proportions
Kek , the ultimate disapppointment
what gym and what do you look like? post your jawline with timestamp, bitch. im also at the gym atm. if i see you, i'm going to fucking murder you.
The angle is different
A console to increase his height
Its the equivalent of genre changing soundwaves for self-improvers
Someone made the theory that actors and actresses and overall attractive people have good jawlines because they press the roof of their mouth with their tongues unknowingly, and mouth breathers are chinless because of their opposite habit or keeping their tongues loose
Its pseudoscience drivel
Is there even any point in working out when you're 5'3 like me?
I mean, I guess there's the health benefits, but I don't think there's any point aesthetics wise, hell if you get too muscular you might look even worse.
Some people are just really fucked huh? How can that body of his look good? It's a pretty difficult task.
This guy gets it. We evolved eating once every few days. Three fat loads of carbs and corn syrup every day is just insane.
The only way he would look good is if he got leg lengthening surgery, and arm lengthening surgery.
Only then he would be able to look good, well he'll probably just look normal, not even good.
Not really no.
Muscle manlets are hilarious and nobody respects them
Women wont be attracted either
Bad luck with the genetical roulette user
workout for yourself, not anyone else
Very hard to feel good about yourself when you look like someone copy pasted someone else face in your dwarfism body like OP's pic
Because he took steroids
/fit/ reporting
This is what happens when you don't know how to roid properly
just get stronk as fuck. surprise lankets and other gym goers by lifting more than 3 times body weight for every lift.
Gameboy micro so it can fit his hands
Can you fuck up your proportions like that naturally?
do it
Be super lean and never deadlift
Just bench, row, OHP, and squat x infinity
are these all examples of roiders?
Top right would actually be considered attractive by many. His pose eliminates any jawline he might have
God bless that im overweight then
Very bottom left would be very popular if he's gay though.
Only the ones that look like a "cartoon weight lifter".
If they look super vascular with weird proportions and visible striation with shit skin quality, probably on gear
Jesus christ. My head is big so I'll never try to get fit. Thank god I'm handsome
Not with all that excess skin he's not.
The fuck is a bathmate
Doesn't your body store fat when you fast?
>excess skin
How does that even happen? Is it when you go from obese to lean(er) too quickly or something?
That homely-ness only adds to the whole bara "aesthetic" though.
>This but whitout sounding like a kike
Fat cells shrink but never really go away. If you get super fat and then diet down to being lean, you will still have the cells they will just be smaller.
>the golden one is in pic
he's natty. also he looks good
you guys don't rest your tongue touching the top of the mouth?
>roiding for THIS
does his arms look short or is his head too big?
Cardio is all that matters.
I've always though it looks stupid to be this ripped desu. I'd rather have som chub or be skinny.
>not going full calisthenics+cardio like a spartan warrior
I look like left, how do I get /fit/ without going to a gym? I live in a shitty place so gyms here are really bad and expensive
I do, always did, and my jawline is good
But I dont believe for a second it was due to my tongue position, the position of the tongue is a sympton, not the cause
How do I get my thighs to be less fucking thick? Everything else is okay, but I'm tired of looking like fucking Nikki Minaj from the waste down.
He look better on the left, right is like a roid midget and is just funny to look at.
I have no idea what you're on about, but there is nothing aesthetic about flabby skin.
Pretty much. Your best bet is just to lose minimal amount of weight and add muscle onto it.
buy the equipment or lift fucking rock
same here
imagine looking down on someone trying improving one self
God of War
Dude I don't understand. Why do roids make them look so fucking weird and wonky? Like OP's pic, it's like they have the exact same nerdy ass face pasted on a completely disproportionate body
/fit/iziens enlighten me
Since there are some /fit/ faggots here, answer me
How much cardio per day for maximum weight loss?
penis pump
well then i think you should just kill yourself
>Tfw qt so I just have to keep off the fat
>Only go to gym twice a week so I don't look super roided
He went full roided mode. He looks better on the left. HE lost too much weight so looks like fucking jerky. Also, he has a naturally fat face, he looks better with a bit of weight on him. Dude just looks like a joke because he looks like a child who put his face in those goofy carnival cutouts.
It doesn't help that he's short too, so girls are gonna think he's over-compensating for something.
fat loss*
fucked up
He looks fine in the second pic he just needs to grow out his beard more and get a better hair cut
fuck, we just can't win bros
>every muscle on the body is bigger
>neck and traps stays the same size
Why do people hate deadlifts, power cleans and stonelifting?
pic related is the average nintenbro
sweet mother of cope
go take a walk, tubby
4th row baldy looks alright, certainly better than most on there
>enlighten me
You are never gonna make it.
eat less fat boy
Roids mean anyone can get big without actually putting in the natural effort to build up strength. It looks unnatural, basically.
Just look up any picture of actual athletes or even some professional bodybuilders, they look completely different if they are natty which is pretty easy to tell.
Compare them to old Greek statues and shit and they look incredibly similar.
If anything I'm way too thin. Many people look great when they get ripped. He doesn't.
why CJ look like black Steven Seagull?
>tongue posture is pseudoscience
lol fucking christ
>tfw have scoliosis
>tfw doctor told me I need to stop being a fat fuck and exericse
>tfw swimming for an hour 3 times a week for a year
>tfw still fat
>tfw no exacerbation in spine curvature, but no improvement either
Fuck everything.
glad you figured it out
Change your diet fatty
weight loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise
getting fit is the inverse
if you cant commit to eating less overall, and eating better food overall, then youll never lose weight
or in other words
>stop being a fat fuck
why didnt you follow his advice?
you need to stop eating so much you dumb fat faggot
it's just the angle being slightly too high which makes his head look enlarged
I don't and I've got a great jawline, I can't even picture myself constantly lifting my tongue
eat fucking less dipshit
It's too hard. I love to eat.
Same as everyone else. Whichever has the most exclusives they are interested in.
>It's too hard
no its fucking not
im 5'11, i weighed 275 in july
i switched to OMAD and lost 100 pounds in 9 months
literally just put the fork down fatboy
I actually meant fat loss.
Idc about losing weight desu
You sound like the class tryhard that pointlessly tries his best when everyone, including himself, knows he ain't gonna make it.
>why CJ look like black Steven Seagull?
Who's CJ? That's my photo nigga
Look up mewing
Okay, but what do you do when you get to your target weight? Can you live on OMAD for the rest of your life?
>tfw swimming for an hour 3 times a week for a year
That's nothing. Double or triple what you're doing.
Is there literally anything sadder than gymcels? Imagine going to all that trouble to make yourself appealing to women, only to lose out to some skinny sissy who was born with better genetics.
Then you eat when you're hungry. Minimal soda/fast food/etc, not completely removed but maybe once a week.
That's how you should be eating normally. Temperance is a virtue. Thing is, hunger functions different especially if you're overweight or obese, so go with OMAD right now.
>swimming for an hour 3 times a week for a year
that's like one small kitkat a day, even less if you just float and don't really swim
the reason they tell fatties to swim is because it's the only movement they're capable of performing for a long period of time, not because it's some super fat burner
you need to eat less garbage, or less in general
What? That isnt how maintenance works
>but what do you do when you get to your target weight?
Lift weights to gain muscle. Muscle love to eat so when you get ripped, you'll be starving and can eat anything pretty much. Never. Stop. Fucking. Improving. Good life advice for everyone here and i'm 5'9" so not a manlet.
>Imagine going to all that trouble to make yourself appealing to women,
I know, who would care about women?
thread ended here
Try eating meals 6 hours apart with a snack 3 hours after breakfast and lunch. Helps deal with the hunger while eating less. Also help to keep a regular sleep schedule.
youre gonna die alone
Nutaku player*
go to a doctor that isn't a quack and has actual educated advice for your diet and exercise routine
>Okay, but what do you do when you get to your target weight? Can you live on OMAD for the rest of your life?
i reached my goal of 175 in april, and have since kept the weight off, all i did was increase my caloric intake to make sure my weight stagnated
you dont NEED 3 meals a day fatass, you only need a certain amount of calories per day
It just pulls your jaw in a bit. It's good for photos. But you don't do it walking down the straight just so people will look at you
I'm 170cm and 92kg. Completely removed all sugars from my diet, significantly reduced portion sizes the last couple of weeks.
I can't lift weights precisely because of my scoliosis. The only exercise my orthopedist told me I could do was swimming or cycling.
>I can't lift weights
The joke is that he isnt improving himself, he's just getting fit.
>b-b-but I'm actually doing it for myself!
>be skeleton
>eat proper diet until you can't eat anymore
>exercise pro athlete tier
>+1kg keep going for an extra 0.5kg next 3rd month! :^)
>fat fuck
>cardio for 36hr/day
>-100kg first week
it's not fair skelebros
>dude you need to work out quit playing video games all day! That's why you're depressed!
>put down the JRPGs and work out bi-daily
>everyone comments on how fat my ass is or how tight my jeans are
if you're just getting fit then you're not improving yourself
try to work out your brain once in a while
get a gainer
Not even dumbbells or something at home?
good one user
hahah, yeah. Imagine improving yourself!
i miss being skinny
at least you will never have lose skin.
More like
fags need not apply
Losing weight is easy as fuck. Literally cut out sugary drinks and junk food and take a few long walks a week. I've lost 100lbs in like 9 months.
Atleast you can use whatever clothes you want and also not feel like people take you less seriously for being fat
this guy looks better than 95% of Yea Forums
now you can spot people who use steroids too!
congratulations on this new knowledge
just looking at their body fat you can guess it anyway
post body
What shitty advice, if swimming sucks at burning fat tell him to pick a new method of exercise
Why do people like to show off when they're obviously using anabolics?
Roids tend to cause shoulders and lats to grow disproportionately to the rest of the body due to a higher amount of androgen receptors in those locations
I did
Ive been barely eating anything and still have man titties bigger than most women titties
Just back exercises like this
It's pretty good at keeping the back pain away when I wake up.
Eat 500 calories under maintenance and lift weights. I wouldn't go over 30 minutes of cardio per training session. Ultimately, diet is 90% of it and having lean mass means you burn more calories just for existing. So the more muscle you have the easier it is to burn fat.
If I ever decide to get fit what can I do so I don't end up looking like this?
looks way better here
amazing what a (un)flattering photo will do
Yes, but bloatmax so you can at least mog others horizontally.
dont do roids
its literally that simple
If your metabolism is low, at best you gonna maintain your weight
You need to work out, no escape
>getting fit
>improving yourself
That guy is fat to be honest... 20+% body fat is pretty unhealthy
I always stay at 12-13%. You don't lose strength and still look pretty good
pic related is at 12%
Imagine roiding for this
Quite possible you are eating too little and it slowed your metabolism. Also quite possible you are estrogen dominant and as a result your body prefers to store weight as fat rather than muscle.
how do i work out with no equipment or space?
Greek statues are my peak aesthetic
but weightlifting seems to lead down a different path
So if they got traps they use steroids? WHY COME
>penis bulge way smaller between pics
Lol nice steroids
Fat loss is electrolyte fasting only, nothing else can compare
Your body store fats when you eat so it uses it when you don't.
This myth about how it keeps hanging to fat when you don't eat is misunderstood by many.
Your body lowers metabolism when you eat less, not when you fast.
You're delusional. He looks more natural than the michelin looking fucker in your pic.
You only attain greek statue status via weight lifting. Most people think of crazy roided physiques when they think of lifting though. You won't get a crazy bulky form overnight, if ever from lifting desu. That takes a LOT of time, dedication, and often drugs
No it isnt
poor tongue posture is an epidemic and why people don't have decent jaw lines anymore.
Just get athletic. You don't need weights to become fit. Learn proper form of various calisthenics and adopt a form of cardio as a hobby.
Might have gynecomastia. If it bothers you then get it checked by a doctor. If its not gyno then losing weight will probably get rid of them.
Nah, that dude was right. He honestly has a very high body fat content. Probably 25-30% which makes him classified as obese. That persons pic is more in the healthy/acceptable range for an adult male.
switch to only plain chicken breast and oats. your stomach will be full long before you reach your calorie limit for the day.
Why not do meme gomad then
Now you're just baiting
hes very clearly pumped
have you ever worked out? you know what happens to your dick?
>michelin looking
kek, i'm 183cm at 88kg. that's completely normal bodyweight.
>You only attain greek statue status via weight lifting.
Oh come on.
but where's the fat content you nigger. Need to eat some butter or something to absorb your fat soluble vitamins
>25-30% bf
your brain on roids
>30% bodyfat is normal guys
>real men have curves
Check the part about men here.
If you are over 25% bodyfat, you're obese unless you're an old fag in which case then you're obese if you are over 30%.
Ideal range for men is 8-19% bodyfat. So basically, visible abs territory.
Tell me how you gain muscle without progressive overload. Cardio and le planks aren't gonna put some serious mass on you.
I swear, the cope on this board is insane
>Science disagrees with me so I'm gonna shout roids
Your brain on cope
>REALLY underweight (135 lbs)
>still have a tiny wobbly gut and no visible abs
Fuck me
I don't believe that equation. I'm pretty fat and I'm only getting 19.67% body fat.
I agree, I'm going for the muscle gut look. I'm not hairy sadly and I wish I was but got the beard going wild atm. Letting it grow out while I shave the neck beard off and see what I an do with it once it's big enough.
I can do leg reps of 700+ pounds and growing(I dont know what my max is and I dont care) and working more on chest now.
fine, eat some yogurt too
>Switch swallowing with munching
>Switch sodas with water immediately
>Be mindful of sugars, fat and oils
>Pizza is not healthy because tons of cheese
>If you want to eat some garbage, only eat HALF of it
>Eat tons of fruit to fill up faster
>Fruit juice is NOT a replacement
That's literally it
just work on that ass so you can please daddy's cock
What method are you using to calculate? Honestly, calculation is very inaccurate short of dexa scan. Calipers and a tape measure are okay but tend to be off by about 3-5%.
>guy looks better than me
>time to start posting with my insecurities
wii fit
Would add that eating broccoli fills you up fast as well and near impossible to get hundreds of calories from due to fiber content
>(1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x Age) - 16.2 = Body Fat Percentage
>Eat tons of vegetables to fill up faster
fix'd that for you, fren
>WTF, how dare people improve themselves! They should stick to being a fat fuck like myself!
Fucking lmao.
>peak male form is now looking like a bobble head
>I swear, the cope on this board is insane
nigga, youre literally the guy trying to justify being fat
. Me on the left (minus the glasses)
You're probably skinnyfat. You don't have much muscle mass on your body so all that you do have is fat mass. On the plus side, this is pretty easily fixed by starting to exercise. Consume the standard amount of calories you already do, maybe a bit more. Just ensure they're good quality. Not from soda and junk. Eat your fruits and veggies. Plenty of meat and grains. And stick to a proven beginners program. Within a few months to a year you will look and feel far better.
>progressive overload
Aka different techniques and methods of an exercise? Do you not know what calisthenics are?
>le planks
Nice strawman, guess not.
post your body so we can compare the two
Pretty sure you're replying to the wrong guy. I'm the guy saying that 25% body fat on a male is obese.
lol if I did that I might faint every day, it's not necessary
maybe twice a week or something
I am, different methods and techniques are just that. They don't really allow you to increase the weight of the exercise you are doing. You are bound purely to your body weight. So to progressively overload all you can really do is decrease rest time, and increase exercise time. After a certain point you will be working out for hours for no tangible benefit.
Yes it is
an ugly guy, but fit is ALWAYS more attractive than an ugly guy who is not fit
Oh sure, not entirely necessary, but helps. Also a good source of vitamin K. You won't get it from much else but greens and it's crucial to your health.
As a 5'9 you are the unfortunate sacrifice so that some of us may live to see pussy
>You are bound purely to your body weight
Which is why progressions exist in the first place, to effect how much of your body weight you're using in an exercise, ie push up vs one armed push up vs superman push up etc.
lmao why would aestethics be the deciding factor to work out or not
everyone should work out
This, a t least the fit guy can wear better clothes and do a better haircut to save the boat.
>lose minimal amount of weight and add muscle
How would you go about doing that if you're overweight? Asking for a friend
>just lift bro
>just eat healthy
lmao, i was fucked from the start
good thing i never worked hard
>And stick to a proven beginners program
I play on PC and own a Ps4 for anime games
>can't stop eating
>can't make himself lift
you're literally a cuck to your own body
work on your willpower
fucking this
actually it's exactly the same, you look retarded wearing a lot of different clothing because it's too loose and people do also take you less seriously for being a skelly
these fucking men nowadays with the body insecurity of a teenage girl
kys metricuck you sub-6'0" ESL fagwad
Lets address the elephant in the room and say that when you are fat your penis is covered by your fat skin pushed toward your peepee. :)
Oh and second thing, good luck being a beast under the sheets with no cardio, no flexibility and covering your girl with sweat after only 45 sec (if you lasted that long)
alright, since this seems to be the local fit thread.
i've always kinda been a couch potato, stable normal weight but absolutely 0 muscle or anything
decided to do at least the bare minimum to not die at 32, maybe i shouldn't have taken advice from a fucking anime but here i am, doing a bit of situps, squats and pushups everyday, 20 each
it's not much but i didn't think it was a bad idea, especially since it doesn't require tools or anything
still have a bit of a belly but feel overall better
should i just stick to it?
i'm kinda of a poorfag so gyms are not much of an option
Still doesn't change the fact that you are bound to your body weight. The problem with unilateral movements like one-armed pushups is they can lead to muscle imbalances and aren't nearly as time efficient. That's largely the problem with calisthenics in general for me though. I could spend an hour lifting at 70-80% of my 1RM for a few sets and then drop down to 50% for some rep work and accomplish far more in that time than I would doing calisthenics. Sure, I can do body weight stuff almost anywhere, but I won't get nearly the same results. My buddy and I actually have had a little competition going this year where he started doing Convict Conditioning and I started doing 5/3/1. I've gotten noticably more muscular while all he has really done is burnt fat and injured his shoulder a few times from the headstands.
Just take quality angle shots and be clear with people on tinder, people don’t say it here but there are definitely women who date shorter guys. I’ve met 3 in my life so far and I only know maybe 20, those are good odds. If you’re Hispanic don’t even worry about it, that’s very common. also learn to dance, posture can give you a “big” personality and immediately set you apart at a bar. Just choose something tasteful. People on here are always looking to get a ride out of others or justify their own lack of drive.
>your girl
SS honestly helped me a good bit initially, I'm not too keen on the whole GOMAD thing though. It's great for downing rapid calories if you have problems eating, but most likely will just get you fat.
damn look at all that muscle LOL
183cm is literally 6'0''
do you always get triggered if someone isn't an out of shape blob like yourself?
While I applaud this man for getting fit, his head looks way too big for his body.
S-Saitama is that you ?!?
>I won't get nearly the same results
>You only attain greek statue status via weight lifting
I don't really disagree with your post and it's undeniable that bodybuilding via powerlifting results in more hypertrophy. Also I've never done headstands, that's his fault for following some random program akin to crossfit in terms of injury potential.
power cleans are annoying
Will I last longer with cardio?
>can't eat healthy
>can't lift
>never worked hard
imagine being this much of a dribbling manchild, can't eat healthy? is everything inedible unless its slathered in fat and grease? can't lift? literally just do it you moron, set some goals, get into the groove of it
eating right and working out aren't difficult, if you can't do either, you have less willpower than a worm
how did his head grow?
>Insecure faggot men, the post
Holy mother of niggers you guys are pathetic
Okay lads now we are asking the real questions
I cum fast but im a sedentary piece of shit
does getting fit improve my time? and why?
What a retarded reply.
grats you just described /fit/
>manlet before
>manlet after
wtf bros...
Yes, you will be able to ram her pussy for a longer time.
That being said it does not affect your ability to not cum early.
oh fuck me
lol fag
Skellybro here, anyone else try these? They're kinda expensive but I love em as snacks before or after workouts
>getting in shape isn't part of self-improvement
Hello, crayon muncher.
this is the best way to never get in shape. Fucking 20 of anything is hardly a warm-up. You have to do pushups until you can't lift your body body dude. You obviously don't keep going until you break or pop something, that's not at all what I'm saying. I'm saying you do that everyday you'll improve nothing. You're better off getting beachbody insanity and doing that indoors. Don't be a pussy user, you will begin to swear before you break losing 90 calories, so don't think that is a good marker either.
would still be more attractive if he lifted
the state of you fatasses
You need to train your brain, or use condoms made for lasting longer
lol virgin
if you want to last longer, you could always vice grip and give yourself dead dick
I am a skinny fat manlet (5'7)
I want to get a bit more fit but i don't know where to start or what diet is good. I literally have no clue on these things and the internet only gives me a general idea.
Where should i start Yea Forumsros?
Some people are just cursed with an ugly face. Face is all that matters to women, no ugly man has ever gotten laid by virtue of having a muscular body.
just eat oatmeal
Greek statues are largely pretty peak muscular form. I can't see any degree of body weight training getting you to a point that most people can't even reach by lifting hundreds of pounds more than their own weight. I mean, it's almost like expecting to get that body type by doing nothing but running. You just don't quite put enough stress on the muscles to get that level of development.
I don't disagree with you about him following a silly program. He's been trying to sell me on it all year for how "great it is" and telling me how he doesn't need to rest when his joints hurt. Like okay man....
Starting strength until it no longer works, then look into 5/3/1.
As far as diet goes, just eat 500 under maintenance for weight loss. Ideally, weigh your food out so you know exactly what you're eating. Make sure you consume enough protein, but beyond that just take a multivitamin and eat your fruits and greens. It's less complicated than most people think.
if you're gay you're still a virgin
Looks so bad it appears photoshopped, he should have his head reduced.
>Face is all that matters to women
must be why so many women on tinder only swipe on 6'' and over
There’s a difference between weight loss alongside obtaining a natural, aesthetic physique and roiding hard to obtain a awful physique like OP’s pic.
If some incel manages to spend his time working out instead of spending 24hrs masturbating to trap hentai and videogames, then he's improving mentally.
>bottom right
dafuq, is that a shop?
Like this.
Go to /fit/ and read the sticky.
This before and after picture is less than one year of steroid usage. Can't remember how many months specifically but it was a reddit post that I read a while back. I've been training for over 10 years and I don't even look as shredded as this guy. Fuck being natural. Also Dark Souls is fun.
I remain pure forever.
He works out at the library
>im 5'11
Damn, Im sorry manlet chan
>You have to do pushups until you can't lift your body dude
if you are talking in a row, that's how much i can do before having to stop
if i cycle them by doing 10 of each and then repeating i can do 30
i wasn't kidding when i was saying 0 muscle
also about as flexible as a window pane
Now that's just not true. I don't do any cardio and can easily fuck my gf raw and a couple of hours with a condom on.
I'll google all these words. Thanks
Last time i checked it didn't help me that much. I don't know if they update it.
do you also make sure to do proper form? 20 push ups in a row with proper form is pretty good, just take a short break, drink some water, and continue. spread the workout over the day but as always, wait 1-2 hours after eating.
>having traps means you took steroids
holy shit user please lose weight
stop talking like a faggot
read it somewhere on here I believe but if you do a semi intensive cardio session just before fucking your ability to not bust a nut goes through the roof
Because you are in a good condition i assume.
Some of these would look fine if they had chins or necks
Go back and actually read it instead of skimming it while watching twitch and reading Yea Forums threads
Here's what's frustrating to me. Our grandpas and fathers didn't have to worry about being "attractive" like a bunch of faggots, so why the fuck should we? Just because women are allowed to demand it of us now? Am I the only one who thinks this is incredibly cucky?
One of the most incel things I've ever read on here.
You're right, they didn't have to worry since they naturally became fit via physical labor.
>I guess there's the health benefits
user if those are an afterthought for you then you need to re-examine your priorities
Skinny fat I guess and I walk a hour almost everyday
Non, build a PC like a real fucking man.
>he's a steroid kek
The chads use DNP
Even zyzz wasn't enough of a Chad to use it and it killed him
Either face or money (decent job, decent living).
Or if you don't have any, be interesting. But this only works in clubs or places where you can at least interact directly to people.
If if you're none of the above, I think you're screwed.
The difference is that you can achieve the first one without steroids.
you literally cant win
>would should choose ME it's not FAIR why would they choose the good looking guy who takes care of himself and not ME??
Be yourself, but first be healthy.
Nobody wants to marry a guy who will pass away at 35.
Idk where you from but where i am womens like cute guys but they will go for the "right" guy even if he looks less attractive than past adventures.
How you look matters yes but how your personality and the way you behave is far far more important nowadays.
Into the trash
he just need to grow
fucking idiot
holy fucking shit why did you point that out
I can't laughing at whatever that creature is
bro wtf
how did the kid from 6th sense get so muscley?
it's kinda not though, like what just because you are insecure I have to be too?
Good on him, but there's no way it's worth all the upkeep he has to do to maintain it.
he already bought the ps4
obviously a call of duty pub stomper
didn't convince me
They never had to worry about it because they weren't nearly as sedentary as the current generation is, and as such were far healthier without having to try. Working physical labor was actually respected and payed well, according to some of the olds folks I've talked with.
The best way to make money now is to sit on your ass. That type of lifestyle has horrible repercussions on the body.
This is unfit cope. Let me guess, you consider yourself to be an introvert lmao
Youre like that beach body comic irl.
I do, but these have more protein and are less filling than a bowl of oatmeal, meaning I can eat more.
you have to be at least somewhat scientifically literate to read it so that doesn't surprise me
k conspiracy tard
t. thinks his sleep apnea is genetic and not because he was thumbsucking slackjawed queer as a child
You body is not consuming the same amount of energy compared to a fat guy who do nothing of his days. And walking is very good for the heart.
can relate bro
I meant during sex.
Gaming Phone.
>guy with no neck bundled in with all the ugly incels
he deserves better
Switch. And them PC.
Because Laptop sucks for gaming in portability and Smartphone is basically Xbox One with Atari controller, portable and all it's game SUCKS.
Are you fucking retarded user? Sex was the first business in existence before Murder. Attractiveness is the literal most important thing in everyone's heart, and being physically attractive is the ultimate desire. Saying something like this is so one-dimensional and shows a clear lack of understand relationships and sex. Women want you to be yourself but they don't want to date a faggot weeaboo.
wtf are you talking about schizo
glasses, bear and haircut is what is killing him desu
no, the guy who took the picture is what killed him
NOPE. You literally have a 3ds style mechanism for a phone and you use it to add ONE MORE SCREEN!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? ARE YOUR HANDS TRANSPARENT OR SOME SHIT?
The ones with very low body fat that have very defined abs, or the ones with ridiculous shoulder/pecs to waist ratio are confirmed geared up.
Just do dnp during your cuts then. You can make what would be a 10 week cut into a 2 week cut, lose almost no muscle mass, and you won't get that really weird roid look.
What's the use case of this? Why doesn't it have buttons?
>and being physically attractive is the ultimate desire
>this is what our generation made to people
We really are fucking doomed aren't we.
Gaming Phone
He followed this
Power is the ultimate desire.
Sometimes yes, that power is physical power, but other times it's money, status, control over others, intellect, etc
Saying attractiveness is the ultimate desire is a very smoothbrain hot take
some of these are literally me when other are literally not me, so nice attempt I guess
As much as I like the reddit recommended routine, you won't get a body like that doing just calisthenics
>Women want you to be yourself
>No not the REAL you, the good one
It will with roids
Currently on Accutane for the third time in my life to try to deal with my acne once and for all.
Will I suffer negative repercussions from taking accutane if I try to get to /fit/?
Maybe this is more your speed, boomer
Dont use roids if you dont want acne everywhere
I think he was talking of basic instinct, i wich case he's not really wrong. But as we evolved in society things like wealth became as important as attractiveness.
Personality too.
I wanna see touch screen only Xbox Next-whatever or PS5 just to people see how fucked up touchscreen only is shit for gaming.
But that's not even true
For thousands of years it was physical strength, nothing to do with aesthetic. For women sure but men just raped women for ages.
When we started getting into tribal culture and developing written language then it was all status and control. Your position meant everything
Women are attracted to things you can't fake. Height, testosterone levels (i.e. "muh jawline"), a full head of hair, even proportions, confidence, personality, hobbies, being white. They are attracted to these things precisely because they can't be faked; anyone who has them has genes worth impregnating her. Anyone can get strong.
Now that you know this ancient secret you can stop moving heavy things up and down and living off chicken breast.
>being white
being asian
>he thinks women like asian men
>That filename
Based Raven of truth. The cope in this thread is staggering; a fundamentally ugly man will never not be ugly.
>you can't fake confidence, personality and hobbies
fucking scrub
You reek of being a virgin ugly
I got fit because I wanted to have some self respect when I shut myself in my room all weekend every weekend playing video games and not going out like ordinary people. I also am above average in facial aesthetics like a 6.5 or maybe a 7 so I can tell myself that if I wanted to I could go out and make friends and get a girlfriend. Makes it easier to cope.
Then stop eating shit and eat healthier nigger. Mutts have the worst diet that's why you;re all so fucking fat.
>wait 1-2 hours after eating
yeah, i probably should stop not doing that
as for proper form it's a bit hard to gauge by myself
most of the time it's not even my arms hurting, but my lower back, so i'm probably messing up something
T. Chubby Chaser
Look up proper form, it's important. "Calisthenicmovement" and "Athlean X" are two good channels for proper form on various exercises.
Look how much healthier his eyes look before he permanently fucked up his liver with roids and supplements
Being fit is always better than being not fit, you just have to not let it corrupt you in taking too much of your time or your personality
This is true, but you should still move the heavy things. It's good for you. Women aren't the only things in life.
how come the stronges men always have a dad body?
the fag from OP pic isnt even as 20% strong as these guys
>I look like left
post proof
I feel bad for no neck guy
I have naturally huge traps and I've never even taken work out supplements.
run nigga
go outside or some shit
>20% bf is pretty unhealthy
Stop believing shit you read on /fit/ you moron. Go read an actual book.
ok fit-tards rec me some good calisthenics routines
i know powerlifting gets results quicker and more efficient but i cant get access to a gym right now
No. Just kill yourself right now because you're always going to be stuck in a faggy, negative mindset and you will pollute the people around you with it.
whats your calisthenics workout look like then,, your progressions?
That syringe better have been full of pharma test at some point little man.
That dpad actually looks alright
my dad was neither fit nor attractive and he didn't have to settle for a fat ass.
How did the greeks manage to attain that form if they didnt lift weights?
Left more attractive to be desu
Needs go lose the beard, rectangular glasses, and stupid haircut either way
>210 pounds with 22% bodyfat
>If you are over 25% bodyfat, you're obese
nice I'm not obeseI'm still a overweight fat fuck anyway
Stop eating fatty
the truth gets shat on the most in these threads, no surprise.
how did his face not change at all?
>come to fit thread
>all these ameribros talking in Freedom™ units
come on now mang
Looks like Xbone or Nintendo dpad, AKA, the only good ones ever made.
1. You're probably asian
2. White women love Asians
3. Having a small frame means you'll build a shit ton of mass easily.
>finally moved away from home and off of my college campus
>no more tempting unhealthy garbage or buffet type cafeterias
>have to buy my own food, only get healthy shit because it's cheaper if you're making meals
>too poor for 3 meals a day anyway
i think i'm finally gonna make it
they look like father and son
>This will never be you
is this shooped? why is his head so big and face so shit?
holy shit it's hitmonlee
Lot of buttblasted fitcels replying to this
>not doing the ULTRA CHAD routine of cardio, hiking and swimming
theres a reason the worlds best operators are average looking and not faggoty ass Rambo posers
>i'm 5'9" so not a manlet
half of them just look fat
>What is negative caloric balance
Eat a fuckload of shit that has next to no energetic value if you can't stop stuffing your mouth.
>Lifting for girls
>Not lifting for your bro/bros
You'll never make it
and they can kill any faggot like OP or gym rat with their hands
>those guys only did cardio
are you by any chance retarded?
>all the gymcel cope ITT
>lifting for women
that's pretty cringe bro
anyone who isn't a retard already knows that women don't usually care or know enough about fitness to accurately judge
at most they will think it's kinda hot if you have abs and visible tone
stop doing powerlifting routines if you just want to get laid
>tfw got kicked out my local gym because of the new no singles policy
idk are you? Did you read the rest of my post gymcel? they attain those muscles naturally out in the field, from hauling 100lbs of equipment on 20 mile marches to just doing push ups to pass the time.
think usually people get into it for girls then genuinely start to enjoy it and get into it for other reasons
our grandpas didn't have to worry about it bc back then, getting married was just what you did if you weren't at war, in jail, or a toucher
add women's empowerment and quality of life increases, and people got picky
Fucking what
God a lot of those heads don't fit those bodies
>implying i care about 3DPD hags
Hahaha, you stupid bitch.
I live off chicken because it's yummy and cheap, not some meme shit like it's "healthy"
tfw have 9 inch python but it bends a lot downwards so if I'm not holding it, it looks tiny
Yeah it was like: Are you healthy and strong enough to be able to provide for a family? Do you have a full set of teeth? You are now immediately in the top 10% of guys. Attractiveness didn't mean shit
if you're a manlet don't lift
you now HAVE to bring a gym buddy or else you cant get in
All of them accusing me of being a fatty just to make themselves feel better lmao
cant tell if baiting or bulimic
>still the same gay haircut
You somehow missed jason fucking blaha who openly talks about doing roids (can't blame you though, he looks like shit)
Tell me more about this sap.
hes you, but stronger
I hope you're only two month in at most. I also hope you aren't roiding.
t. never talked to any soldier ever
I meant the imported sap at the bottom right.
well yeah muscles make you slow, take space and require tons of food.
they are all average height too
>t.pog daggot
the classic /fit/ equivalent of "no u"
Stop staring at bodybuilders and look at people who actually do physical work
post goal bodies
well theyre not exactly lithe are they
>coping this hard
uh oh
here come the /r9k/ incels
is this achievable natty?
only ever made mine bulge out more, not sure what exercises you’ve been doing
this is a good anti-gear post
>Anyone can get strong.
objectively wrong
weak men make excuses and try to crab bucket men with a lot of willpower
you can be born strong willed which is attractive
strong willed men also make a lot money since they work harder which is another flag women rightfully look for, you incel
also, the natural chemicals that make men stronger willed grow them a sick jawline, which is why women find it attractive in the first place
this and eat your veggies
Better version
kys skelly
why does everyone think swimming magically gives you a god tier physique
is this free's fault
yeah, and that was natural. caving to modern standards is being a cuck.
>is this free's fault
combination of smooth full-body movements and good cardio leads to appealing muscle tone assuming you don't eat twelve pizzas a day
Switch or PC
He still looks like a loser but a much more respectable, lesser degree of a loser.
didn't this roidbag die horribly because of the roids
All he needs to do is shave off that ugly ass beta beard and get contacts.
well providing for them isn't very 21st century of you so attraction is all that's left
>should i just stick to it?
Yes. If you get yourself doing any sort of exercise, then you will progress and learn more and be able to ramp things up. You will learn more exercises, learn how to feel when you're working the right muscle, become used to challenging yourself. That said, that's not a tremendous routine and your progress will peak before long so look into other routines. I'd at least start by doing multiple sets of your current exercises instead of just once. Don't worry if you can't do 20 pushups all three sets. If you're being honest about being a "normal weight" then you will notice progress pretty quickly. When I started going to the gym I was scrawny with some flab here and there. I started working out 3 times a week doing upper body, lower body, and abs. All really basic exercises that even a retard couldn't fuck up. After a few weeks the progress was noticeable, and once you start to notice your progress you will pretty much always be motivated. I'd imagine fatties have a harder time because they can't see their muscles growing and a few pounds of fat disappearing isn't that noticeable. But if you're not fat, you will be amazed at how easy improving your appearance is.
And don't kid yourself by saying you're too poor for a gym. How absurdly poor would you have to be that you can't even get a 10 dollar gym membership?
Just stick to it. I believe in you.
But he did.
this is the true red pill but it's also the hardest one to swallow if you spend all your time here
>enter gym for my daily sets
>guy at the door stops me
>"sorry sir but yesterday we noticed you didn't shart yourself during your final rep so you're gonna have to go to dmv for your Class D Shart Card"
>line at dmv is miles long and smells like an execution-ditch because everyone is sharting themselves to practice for their exam
>almost fucking faint from how noxious the stench is and several others vomit and I'm pretty sure one guy died
>finally get inside and take a seat but slip out because someone spilled to much into it
>hurt my back so bad I become a liftlet for life
>but I'm not leaving without my shart card
>get to the test booth and my procter's face is hidden in darkness
>he walks foward to unveeil the biggest shit-eating grin you've ever seen
>Dr. Richard C. Mongler
>"don't worry user these tests are over before anyone knows it and you'll be on your way to shart city in no time haha"
>"now before we beging there is of course the mandatory penis inspection so pull down your pants and we'll be on our way"
>forgot about the inspection so I shart myself out of fear and in hopes of getting extra credit
>a toxic shit shot shoots out of my shitter and smacks some schmuck through his spectacles and into his skull
>he dies
>"impressive, user! pass the inspection and the Shart Card is yours!"
>"why the scared face? you only need a penis length of 10" to pass and the average length is 13" so i'm dure you'll be fi-"
>i spill my spaghetti in defeat and fall on the slimy shart-covered floor and when I wake up I'm in a jail cell
Cops gave me one post on Yea Forums before they lock me up for good. Never forget your Shart Card Yea Forumsroes. Fucking Gamestop
This is so fucking me holy shit. Except i masturbate daily but i do have girls attracted to me due to being fit and nice face
Doesnt exist. 99% go alone. Else they wouldnt be in business anymore
Dudes, you don't know that. You just want to believe it.
The truth is the best way to get people to fall in love is making them interact with each other. Now neither men or women go to the same types of general interest groups (study groups in schools and colleges are replaced with google, hardly anyone does church group activities anymore, etc) as much as previously, so this result isn't surprising. If you are expecting to land a meaningful relationship with a women you hardly even said hi to, I'm sorry but it never worked that way no matter how good you look. I'm not saying now a days it isn't building up from people getting distressed and creating "I hate the other gender" echo chambers with the people they do interact with (on the internet), but we didn't just start with that shit.
>too pathetic, retarded, and lazy to improve myself
>just insult others who aren't and say none of it matters because muh blackpill
It's almost like the point of the Virgin as an archetype is to make people self-conscious about relatively normal things. The vast, vast majority of people do some variation of "the virgin walk" because both Virgin and Chad are caricatures.
>no one ever answers this
Not him but how do you know that they didn't
some people just have shitty genes and will look like shit whether they're fat, thin, fit, or roided
>having muscles makes you a michelin man
you're fat as fuck if you think that before picture looked normal
dude was at least 40 points overweight
if having normal sized muscles and a healthy BF% looks weird to you...
yeah that's fat as fuck, disgusting
They totally did lift weights.
They also wrestled all the time.
They lifted their twink boyfriends after filling them with cum.
Food is the only joy I get out of life so I have resigned myself to having to have a flabby unappealing body so I can continue to enjoy food
based and erospilled
I've been trying to gain weight and holy fuck it's harder than I thought.
How are you supposed to eat more without getting full?
Grill here and I actually prefer the left. He looks so weird on the right
>pressure on bones during growth doesn't change their shape
There's a reason mouthbreathers have weak chins.
>massive pot belly better than anything
post body
>If you're being honest about being a "normal weight" then you will notice progress pretty quickly
176cm x 69kg but as i said no muscle mass
been at it for a month, which i admit is not much but i do feel better overall
no muscle definition to speak of but i feel my arms went from scrawny twig to normal twig so that's at least something, should have tried to tape myself now that i think about it
is there a simple list of exercise routines to check out?
with difficulties levels would be nice
as for the gym memberships, i have no idea where you get a 10 dollar membership
like, 1 month at a gym is 50 and a full year is like 450 at minimum even at shitty gyms
Gluttony is a sin
My ideal type is muscular. But he looks so much better with a dad bod.
based retard doesn't know the sheer amount of calories one must eat to maintain a heavily muscular body
He should get rid of the glasses and the haircut
If you ate less food you would enjoy it more.
>Dr. Richard C. Mongler
I died
Ideal bod right there, is that you user?
Yeah he could look decent if he totally revamped his style. Hair, glasses, beard - none are a good fit for his face.
Can confirm, though I am getting a switch soon
one that I can hack for piracy, as video games are but a form of minor entertainment and I'd rather spend the $60 on something meaningful, or leave it in my bank account
>there are actual retards that think this is a medically obese person
Let me guess, you also don't care about height as long as they're taller than you, and you don't care if guys have a lot of money or not?
>combining traditional masculine body form with soiboy fashion sense from the neck up
Pick one or the other
If natural means shitty, then yeah.
based and switch master race pilled
>download any indie
>bayo re releases
>dmc 1
>astral chain
>weeb rpgs
>soon we'll have vcs and game injection likely up to GameCube
He might not be obese but he is carrying an unhealthy amount of bodyfat. Sure he's got big muscles too, but when you have that much fat not all of it is just exterior, there's also fat crowding your organs which is not good at all. Excess bodyfat is always bad for your health and hormones, whether you've got big muscles or not.
I wish they could find a hardware exploit for the better battery life Switch, but that's probably never going to happen. Luckily, old switch models are easy to come by. I already have a jig for it too.
I'm tiny so literally any guy would be taller than me. Show me love and trust and I'm yours
Trannies not allowed.
>Women are interested in traits that show high levels of test
>Somehow a developed aesthetic muscular body isn't a signal of high test
Yeah, no.
same man. I'm kinda still hoping for a switch pro. That, or I'll buy a new switch and swap the batteries and return it.
Kek, that is absolutely devilish. I'd feel bad doing that, personally. Think about that innocent kid who got that used switch for Christmas. You do you though.
from the looks of him I'd be more concerned about cholesterol and blood pressure. also
>looking that shit
>with lighting tricks
he would probably look 100X worse in normal lighting without a pump and sucking his gut in
He still can beat you all pussys in a fight lmao
>implying little bitch manlets don't go tranny to get some attention
Especially asians and indians, for whatever reason.
eh we'll see. I've got connections at FUCKING GAMESTOP so I can just return it defective probably. I really don't use mine mobile almost ever but it would still be better because I'm on assignment right now and astral chain is eating my battery alive.
This was made by a virgin who have no trust in himself
A proud slave.
>sucking his gut in
true people do that all the time when showing off
if I suck my gut in I look like a holocaust victim
souce on pic
>Fucking Gamestop
Why did I laugh at that?