>1000+ hours played.
>Not recommended.
1000+ hours played
maybe he enjoyed it but thought no one else would
>0.1 hours played
>recommended with long Pros and Cons list
Easy solution, drag cup to edge of table with other cup below to catch water. Accept that the shit heads got ketchup everywhere anyway.
Makes sense if the game has been changed for the worse with patching like what happened with TF2
That won't work. Here's what will really happen.
The only way to make that work is to connect something from the bottom cup to the top cup to lead the water, and even then the water might form a trail along the table through a tiny gap
Perfect reply. I've played thousands of hours of Ragnarok Online, but wouldn't recommend it to anyone in its current state.
I've done this irl tho. Water comes out too fast for surface tension to drag it all along the edge and bottom of the table. You just have to open it up a little more than that. A trickle will certainly ride the table but not a strong flow.
How the hell did they get the cup upside down with the water still in it?
With a straw.
I have multiple games that I have 100+ hours in I wouldn't recommend because its obscure MP only indie shit where only autism gods like myself are still playing
Usually you place a menu on top of the cup, flip it, slide the menu out
Yo used a menu and put it on the cup and then flipped it over and slid the menu out
>800 hours played
>"dont play it its shit"
>what are patches
that's basically hero siege for me. Had about 400 hours in it, then they decided, randomly one day that they were going to change EVERYTHING about the game, turn it from a top down dungeon crawler looter shooter into an action RPG with set skills and shit. And literally every response to my review on steam criticizing it was
yeah of course I like it before they fucking ruined it. But they changed it and made it worse, of course i'm going to shittalk it.
>play less than 1000 hours
>"y-you can't review it negatively, you didn't even get to the post end game content!"
fucking mmotists
thats why you place the bottom cup against the table also so it runs into it
just drink it before it hits the floor
I honestly thought that was a hammer, and the fake blood on the floor represented it squishing something at first
i would honestly listen to that reviewer than a person that only has 30 minutes into a game and says the game is shit.
at least the person with 1000+ hours most likely knows everything the game has to offer and is able to warn people about how bad the game is because of experience.
for example, I played WoW when it first came out up until the cata expansion. that was easily 1000+ hours. seeing the state of WoW now, i definitely cant recommend the game at all.
I had 690 hours in fallout 4 because I modded the shit out of it, then after buying DLC all of my saves were corrupted. I wrote a 'not recommended' based off the fact that mods are needed to fix that shit game, and theres a chance itll crash and burn anyway
>1000+ hours played
>Update comes out that ruins the game
>Not recommended
There's one possibility.
that dont count
How did he even flip the glass without the water spilling all over the place?
Is that why waiters always run away with every menu as people order?
Imagine being a wageslave
War Thunder.
im guessing used the menu(or some similar thin thing on the table) to cover the top, flip it and pull the menu away fast
not that hard to figure out if you finished school
Nah, it's usually because the cheapskate owner printed like 8 menus for a place that sits 80 and is packed every fucking evening.