Lappy here! Just reminding you that Astral Chain is a far better action game than Devil May Cry V!
Lappy here! Just reminding you that Astral Chain is a far better action game than Devil May Cry V!
Prove it :^)
>switch exclusive
>console wars in 2019
You are about 25 years too late.
Holy shit that looks bad, and I'm a switchfag
That's not saying much. It's far worse than Bayonetta and W101 and it's barely worth a single playthrough
I like both in their own ways. OP you're a fag
It's facts though. Devil May Cry is autistic retard shit while Astral Chain has soul and integrity.
There's a big tit girl under that dog costume!
DMC5 is a way better raw action game. I do like the story and extra bits to AC more though.
Why are we having this competition? They're dramatically different games.
big-tit girl or big tit-girl
The story in AC is fucking retarded
As a full experience, definitely. DMCV has MUCH better combat, but it lacks the sense of progression that Astral Chain has. A casual player will get much more enjoyment ticking all the checkboxes, or getting all the enemy pictures in Astral Chain than they would trying to git gud in Bloody Palace.
So is DMC's if we're talking on literary terms. This is all excuse for action schlock. AC's is more coherent though, more fun to follow, does a lot more to set up a context and worldbuild.
At least DMC has likeable characters. The characters in AC are annoying and not memorable at all.
As opposed to the utterly retarded story in DMC5?
Every video game has a shit story, the characters are what matters
DMC has fun characters, AC doesn't
thats a given, dmc5 killed the franchise by how bad it was
>DMC has fun characters
It sold great though, if anything the reboot is what nearly killed the franchise.
At least DMC has characters at all.
Jin barely shows up at all past the intro, I don't know why he's even a named character. The pink haired girl only exists to give you background information. Alicia is basically an anime cliche. Even Yoseph doesn't have that much presence in the story despite how important he is to it
Sneaked and dived are considered more correct than snuck and dove
The reboot sold great. I don't know what keeps on killing this franchise, but capcom considers it dead again.
This thread alone filled my "laugh at Yea Forums" quota for the day. Thanks.
This looks like a PS2 game
all i can remember about the characters in dmc5 is one faggot and his poetry, one dudebro with a mechanic arm and a boomer riding a motorbike, after that they destroy a tree heart or some shit.
That's all i remember from the game.
Still it was fun because gameplay was good.
Being better than DMCV doesn't take much.
Now if it was better than Ninja Gaiden Black, I would be impressed.
Where the fuck are you getting this from?
Where the fuck are you getting low numbers from?
The Switch is basically 2 generations behind at this point
Lappy what is your comment on your sex scandal involving a minor?
They gotta get it to run on the Switch somehow
>says a $49.99 weeb game has “soul” while also saying DMCV is for autists
Do you know what irony is, user?
Fact: Devil May Cry is dead.
Fact: Astral Chain is alive.
Fact: Astral Chain is better.
Fuck off, [name of anti-DMCV autist, I forgot his name].
each screenshot I see of this game hurts my eyes
>The characters in AC are annoying and not memorable at all.
Kek. Besides the MC, everyone is memorable and not annoying.
>Alan: loves Marie
>Marie: shy but Lappy mode is awesome
>Olive: in love with you
>Brenda: legs doctor
>Max: dad
>Jin: tryhard
>Alicia: loves MC dad
>Akira: bitchass tryhard snitch
>Mitsuru: insecure
>Carlos: best character in the game
Thats just off the top of my head.
>Alan: loves Marie
>>Olive: in love with you
>>Brenda: legs doctor
>>Jin: tryhard
>>Alicia: loves MC dad
>>Akira: bitchass tryhard snitch
>>Mitsuru: insecure
These are just common tropes, it doesn't make them memorable. The things you listed could apply to dozens of cookie-cutter characters. Carlos is really the only one you listed that is memorable.
>this is barry's new form of cope
Get a life for fuck's sake.
You know a game is garbage when you have to make daily threads about how X game of one genre is better than Y of the same genre
Who cares? If you're a fan of action games there is a good chance you'll enjoy both for different reasons. Just play what you like and stop being a faggot about it.
Not a high bar, DMC5 isn't even better than DmC.
That's not saying much
>thread will be dead if there's no mention of dmc
How sad.
Fuck the police
>Switchfags still trying to force a war between AC/Bayo and DMC, instead of just enjoying the fact we're getting action games with fun combat again after GOW traded its identity to become another cinematic walk-n-talk game
>Need to start controversy to keep a thread about a new game alive.
Fucking embarrassing.
Are you sure about that?
Game is super unpolished and simplistic, controls are unresponsive, graphics are eye cancer (especially in the astral plane), and the story is the most generic animu shit imaginable. It lacks any of the tongue-in-cheek charm and levity of Platinum's previous titles and looks to only be good for one miserable playthrough
Anyone who loved Automata or likes to just play through a Plat game once will find it ok. Collection autists will have a blast. Those who love to SSS/Pure Plat action games will be left wanting.
Music is forgettable and the dub is atrocious
DMCV is a 8/10 btw, only held back by a few camera issues and the half-baked co-op
>Switch fags think this
>They are that butt hurt they never got DMC 5
They can't even get a proper port of 1 and a never ever port of 3 lel.
But old God of War was trash, new God of War is a fun action game, and Astral Chain is kinda shitty
They did the same with MHW, what a bunch of babies
It's either Switchfags or falseflaggers. Either way, it's console/franchise warring, rather than just discussing AC by itself.
There is an actual thread with actual discussion.
What were they thinking with the platforming? It's the one thing that's making me not enjoy the game the entire way through.
Those aren't personalities. Those are a single trait.
"Dad" is not a personality. "Doctor" doesn't make a good character. You've named a bunch of dime-a-dozen anime archetypes.
Switchfags did the same shit with MHW
They are literally seething with so many companies/games skipping their toy tablet
I have played both and I agree
If only because V drags down DMCV so much
DMCfags and Sonyfags have been shitting on Astral Chain for the last week, and yet it's Switchfags forcing a war?
So what made platform go for the Kamen Rider meets Deus Ex aesthetic?
Fuck Devil May Cry, I hope it stays dead. Astral Chain is Devil May Cry done right.
Lappy would never shitpost, get outta here you faker
They were thinking "what other ill-fitting mechanic can we shove in to distract from the shallow combat?"
The character designer they hired had that kind of toku style, so that's what they were after from the start.
Bayonetta>Astral Chain >Nier > MGR > GOW > Cuhrazy Meme Pizza Man Game
There's several AC threads in the catalog last I skimmed over, which was a few minutes back.
2 threads about the user Metacritic reviews, one was asking if the story was good, and one was asking if we could agree File 6 was the best. 4 other threads for the game, and OP makes this one to try to force rivalries between two groups that probably have more overlap than the falseflaggers would have you believe.
The most I've seen of DMCfags bringing up AC at all is for the sake of comparing combat, which is just what'll happen when an action game comes out; people'll ask how it compares to the series that started the entire genre. Even if it were DMCfags doing this, it isn't an isolated incident, given there were similar shitposting threads about Monster Hunter World.
AC has better character and a better story. In fact, it has the best story out of any video game this year but that's not hard when your competition is garbage like DMC, Kingdom Hearts or Resident Evil stories.
It's not great, it's just competent which is light years better than most video games.
Wouldn't it be"
Nobody saying nothing doesn't mean anything, it's a double negative
I don't like the platforming or the "detective" crap. I wish Platinum would be confident in their games and just make a straight-ahead action game without all the bullshit fluff
Action-fans shouldn't fight each other
DMCV is fun, Astral Chain is also fun.
>and yet it's Switchfags forcing a war?
Tell me, who made this thread?
PS2 games look good. The average PS2 game looks better than nuGoW for example and that's a fact.
a falseflagger and you've been baited
Comparing DMC V's combat to Astral Chain's combat is like comparing apples to oranges.
The characters are boring and unmemorable. Max is just the typical anime dad, Yoseph is the typical scheming rich guy, etc.
Don't be like that user, I like DMCV and legitimately want to maybe try AC. Starting shitfling-wars isn't a good way to do that.
ah of course, when sonyfag make consolewar threads its legit but when nintendofags who stir shit up it's a falseflag
I agree, but only because it doesn't have mtx.
Although nuGoW was still mostly an awesome game too since it remembered to keep the "gameplay" part.
exactly, I'm glad we're on the same page
people seem to give akira a lot of shit but he shields your ass twice and his spazzing out is pretty understandable between losing his dad and finding a billion clones of themself out of nowhere, I chose 'no I can't' and it's pretty sad watching the MC yank on the chain in vain as arrow does whats gotta be done
sorry but that's incorrect, in fact all the sony shitposting threads are falseflaggers while these ones are legit because they are made by nintendofags
Is it really?
Glad ya liked it, user! I didn't bother cause I knew the change in gameplay wasn't for me, but different strokes and all.
That's not how double negatives work lmao.
Can't say I agree, it's certainly not as intuitive. Haven't beaten the game yet, but I'm surprised by how many combat mechanics they've put in the game.
* They've got Metal Gear Raiden's slash anything function
* Zandatsu function
* limited slow mo functions
* able to use multiple legions at once (let em go berserk off the leash, then switch)
* Metal Gear Raiden's "offensive-defensive" move (attack while jumping backwards)
* Stinger type moves
It's pretty clever how they're doing this because there's only like 2 attack buttons (player attack, legion function), but they're using the call button as an attack button half the time.
I wouldn't say it's as good as DMC, no I think DMC towers over Astral Chain like everything else, but so far Astral Chain is proving to have much more depth than I thought it could.
I still haven't beaten the game or unlocked all the legions, so there are probably more functions out there yet to be unlocked (maybe even a parry/royal guard function even).
So far I'd say that Astral Chain has depth, but it's not king of the hill.
At worst it gets repetitive, bosses are reused, maybe a little frustrating on harder difficulty since it's partly inspired by Soulsborne now too, and it isn't quite as "crazy" as oldGoW (which had its own issues anyways). The ending also shoehorns immigration shit into the moral.
But otherwise the action is actually still very satisfying and competent, those occasions where you're bare-fisting feel great in particular, and honestly the pacing and tone of the story complement it. The structure of level design even has a slight Metroidvania-feel in which there's alternate and optional pathways leading to extras and side-quests.
>The ending also shoehorns immigration shit into the moral.
did you unlocked your baton?
did you completed the legion skill trees?
Why does this game look so fucking weird, everything in it has this shitty outline but there's no AA, so it's jaggy city, and combined with the shading and cel shaded look it just looks bizarre.
I even like Astral Chains and I don't agree with you
Frost giants did nuthin' wrong.