How do I get the shmup pill? I can barely keep track of scoring in these games because I'm busy trying not to fucking die.
Here's an attractive female related to the topic, now discuss.
How do I get the shmup pill? I can barely keep track of scoring in these games because I'm busy trying not to fucking die.
Here's an attractive female related to the topic, now discuss.
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What is this queer shit?
>nu-cave represents all of shmups
Back to /shmupg/, degenerate.
You dont gotta play for score if you don't want to user. Leave that shit to the autists.
Ignore scores, aim for 1cc all difficulties instead.
No point in scoring until you can clear the game. Just learn enough about it to get the extends, but focus on staying alive.
Also don’t bother posting about shmups here, there are a few degenerate neets who do nothing but post stale memes to try and get minor some attention. They don’t even play the games, they just whine about twitter drama all day.
>I can barely keep track of scoring
I don't get it. Why would anyone want to keep track of scoring while they play? I'm too focused on trying to survive and dodge bullets.
CAVE is pretty fucking gay been saying it for ages.
What's the title at the top of pic supposed to say?
Shmupg is dead, morons like killed it by spending all day talking about cream and sick grabz instead of fucking games
>I can barely keep track of scoring in these games because I'm busy trying not to fucking die
You don't work on your score until you have mastery of the shmup you're playing.
I unironically go to Reddit for better vidya discussions.
Is Star Fox a shmup?
That said I can't blame you.
CAVE didn't mind shitting out flat out deviant garbage such as Caspers urine tea. Instead of dipping their toes into the PC market ages ago. Then they port Daifukaktsu who the hell wanted Daifukkatsu? Reminds me of their XBLA debacle, Guwange good start there retards. InstantBrain DoDonPachi no support for regular input but only Kinect, braindead ass developer.
Truly deserved to crash and burn
I don't care? I visit reddit all the time.
any news on the update?
>we lost the code for ddp campaign version and we contacted the pcb owner and he declined to let us dump the data
lmaoo who believes this shit.
Unless it's something with simple scoring that's generally tied to your survival and progress anyways, scoring is just something to add replayability once you can consistently 1cc a game.
Focus on survival.
How do you git gud at Radiant Silvergun? I really like it but I get destroyed easily
I'm not glad that they are dead but I'm glad that they are gone
Is Double Action out yet
kill yourself
instant brain has the status of kusoge visual novels in nipland
really makes you think
Learn to score, RSG is one of the only games where scoring is mandatory because it is directly tied into your weapon level. And the better your weapons are, the faster you can kill bosses and the easier the game becomes.
At least CAVE died before this happened.
What a complete utter waste of assets.
No. original Star Fox was more a Rail Shooter. Later ones were space combat sim
A good shmup on PS4?
How's Touhou Azure something? Never played one, and I want an easy one to start.
>Here's an attractive female related to the topic
You just ruined any chance of real conversation.
Darius Bust CS is cool if you like horis. I mostly play M2s Ketsui port but that's only on the JP store.
Yeah real chads only like aircraft,spaceships,helicopers,pumping iron and phallic lasers.
mein neger
I've been into Magical Chase recently, are there any cute em ups that have been released in recent years?
SDOJ is the undoubtedly most heterosexual bullet hell invented.
You also missed the part of having the most annoying sounding last boss in history of the genre.
There was a Neptunia shmup recently, idk if it was good. Also the QP Shooting games are decent.
Well, technically true last boss, not exactly a last boss.
You joke but I'll take spaceships over thots anytime.
What makes DDPDOJ so good?
Scoring adds a layer of depth that you engage with after you're at least decent at the basics. Learn stages and practice them, then once survival becomes easy you can start pushing yourself and properly exploring the scoring. Unless you just want a quick & dirty 1cc, in that case use stage select/savestate practice to play the fuck out of individual stages and then combine all of that in a full run.
Red pill me on Cave's downfall. I thought they're the same people from long ago, what's with this talk itt?
What, you mean Blue Revolver?
Yes. Thank you, user.
i beg everyone in this thread to play this
Incredible atmosphere and music, all around great stage design, an in-depth hyper system that's coherent and satisfying but also not too out there like DFK's is, it's just a great game all around
No problem, game has some mad qts but cant say I care much about the style of gameplay
The story is pretty damn dark when you look into it.
Answer me anons
>arcades die off and shmups die off with them
>they start desperately pandering to retarded modern jap otaku with lolis/anime girls everywhere and merch like little girl urine
>games become uninspired and directionless
>they stop making new arcade/console games and instead make mobage
>try to dip their toes in the PC market by porting games nobody really asked for while ignoring their most demanded games
They just kind of deflated over time. Wouldn't be very remarkable if they weren't so prominent and popular.
Good game but I'm too lazy to finally finish the true final boss
Also miss the old name
They are, they just stopped making arcade shmups because there was no money in it.
Now they make mobile shmups and other uguu gacha games.
They were idiots even by the early 2000s. They were approached by publishers to release their PS2 games into US/EU and they declined.
To make matters even more dumb along the years the international unreleased version of DoJ surfaced
Toho flippin sucks, dude.
>ignoring their most demanded games
DDP SaiDaiOuJou. Why the fuck did they ignore how much people demanded this game to be finally ported?
Is DDP Resurrection worth getting on Steam the next time it goes on sale? It looks fun going off of Jaimers' videos. Are there any worthwhile shmups that should even be purchased that are on the Steam platform?
I recommend Mushihime Futari any day over Daifukkatsu.
it was released in china
should In play zeroranger if I'm not all that versed in shmups? I dig the visuals
What's your favorite SHMUP craft? It doesn't have to be from this image.
crimson clover world ignition, darius burst, ikaruga, and all of the cave ports are good.
futari isn't on steam
Kamui/Alltynex Second/maybe Reflex, Crimzon Clover, SATAZIUS/Zangeki Warp/really all Astro Port games, Raiden III/IV, Caladrius Blaze, Strania, Ikaruga, Nex Machina (twin stick), Eschatos/Judgement Silversword, Deathsmiles/Mushihimesama
The R-Gray 1
It's fucking beautiful
Blue Revolver was fun but the promos and images like these tricked me into thinking the game had more content than it did.
What are some shmups that actually go beyond the "5 arcade style stages played in sequential order and if you get a game over you're back to the start also free credit feeding for casuals" formula that 99.9% of shmups on the market use? The only interesting shmup I've played that innovated that stale formula was ZeroRanger.
You should only play Zeroranger if you're not versed in shmups. It will become worse and worse the more experience you have with the genre.
Can't give ugly dumb Gaijin savages good game.
Only Nippon full of superior minds deserve quality game.
(They're not wrong tho)
Don't forget all the smartphone ports.
shmups are about getting good, not watching a movie.
Shitty gay euroshmups should be right up your alley, or Velocity 2X I guess
>spend two days straight trying to beat the final boss
>finally somehow realize that when you charge the charge shot you get a mini shield that can absorb several hits
Those all look like really fancy dildos.
>He doesn't like gabber
I fucking wish that motherfucking Einhänder was more recognized. I'm almost certain that it is fucking overshadowed by so many shmups...
Also this Masterpiece of a song is from this game
How can you not love Twinbee?
I genuinely muted the tv.
Play it until the end and have fun, then decide if you want to go for high scores and shit.
Also, don't play JUST vertical shmups, play horizontal ones like Gradius and R-Type. These have environmental obstacles and shit, and might be more suited for you.
>What are some shmups that actually go beyond the "5 arcade style stages played in sequential order and if you get a game over you're back to the start also free credit feeding for casuals" formula that 99.9% of shmups on the market use?
Dariusburst CS
Sigma Star Saga
Jets 'n' Guns but that has retarded balancing where easy is completely braindead and normal is retarded bullshit.
The absorbed hits also power up the shot.
I remember back when Touhou was first getting popular on /jp/ there were people who decried it for exactly this mentality.
Stage 2 kills all my motivation for DOJ, there's something so boring about that stage
No mention of Hellsinker? Cmon Yea Forums
I find stage 1,2 fun stage 3 garbage stage 4 alright stage 5 cool.
Thank you for the suggestions, I will look into them and get Death Wish: Thot Edition the next time it's on sale.
Why is Darius green?
But yeah, I love the Silver-Hawk.
>on steam
I keep hearing about this game, what makes it good?
im talking to woofcakes right now what do you want me to ask him
Does Radiant Silvergun's cutscenes count as watching an anime.
I don't have a big enough brain to play those games
that game is boring as sin. one of the most hideous HUDs ever put in a game.
I wonder if Cave will port any of their good games to PC in my lifetime. Or if Treasure will port Radiant Silvergun.
Having to deal with emulators is a pain in the ass.
>Start up shmup
>It has a cutscene of the plane taking off
Fucking hell I thought shmups were action and not movie game liberal sjw bullshit
it isn't. don't let Yea Forums meme you
Shmups are an inherently trash genre. All memorization and zero actual skill. watcher
>Are there any worthwhile shmups that should even be purchased that are on the Steam platform?
No one ever talks about it but RefRain is pretty good, the third stage is a severe difficulty spike though. eXceed 3rd is also good, but I didn't like 1 or 2 much.
A switch port is more likely unfortunately
I can live with that as long as it's by M2.
I liked the ship with a pile bunker because of that.
The game's oozing style and is weird as fuck, the gameplay is fast paced with some really cool patterns and bosses, all the characters play very differently from each other and have very unique shottypes
Then add a god tier ost on top of it all.
I want it on PC because it's the only platform that doesn't have an expiry date, so I can pass my Steam account on to my grandchildren.
anyone has the flac ost for hellsinker?
I want it on PC so I don't have own tons of arcade sticks and bunch of plastic hardware stacked next to my monitor.
What is the last shmup you have finished?
I want it on PC because I don't have a switch
I don't want to own a damn switch.
Dangun Feveron
the switch looks cool since you can get a grip to play tate or just use the stand
sandly I'm a spic and that shit's outta my wallet
>no high res art
>no model rips
>no images of the ship with the arm back
>every single fanartist gets the proportions wrong
Just choose Minogame and cheese the game with iframes
That was some good shit.
everyone talks about Einhander
dunno if it's better than say, R-Type Delta or G-Darius, but it's a pretty cool game
t. has never actually played a shmup
It's easy enough to get a monitor arm that rotates.
I'm on a laptop to boot
but that sounds like a neat idea for a future rig
Does HEY in Akihabara have a listing of its arcade machines? I played some cool shmups there but I either can't remember their names or couldn't read them in the first place.
What's the best way to learn a shmup? Strikers 1945 III is breaking my balls, and I'm going to go fucking crazy trying to get past Stage 6 with the default 3 credits.
Try this
I'd rather not
The arcade mode doesn't have many of those. It's also about half the length of the story mode.
It's great for the internals, since the hot air rises and fucks right off.
I saw a shmup in a pizzaria in the late 90s and player 1 was a red fighter jet and player 2 was a blue fighter jet, the attract screen animation I think showed the red fighter jet taking off vertically, does anyone know what game it is
I also saw another shmup in a restaurant in italy in like 1997, literally the only thing I remember about it was that one of the characters was a girl with a staff riding a cloud, the only reason I remember her was because I was like six and the attract screen animation went through the playable characters and when it showed her there was slight boob jiggle so I kept watching it. It's possible someone else rode a cloud, I don't know
Does anyone know what I'm talking about
how do i play bullet hell shmups? it seems to require me to focus on most of the screen at the same time. If I practice on relaxing my eyes it helps in soaking in more of the screen, but is there more to it?
>I saw a shmup in a pizzaria in the late 90s and player 1 was a red fighter jet and player 2 was a blue fighter jet, the attract screen animation I think showed the red fighter jet taking off vertically, does anyone know what game it is
Probably Raiden.
Raiden II or Raiden DX
tell him to make moar pram art/doujins
First off use the code to unlock X-36 it's a god-tier ship. Secondly if your port has stage select then use it a lot, learn all the levels individually because Psikyo is very memorization intensive and it lets you focus on learning instead of restarting. Stage 6 can have one of two bosses depending on which side of the screen you're at (look at the capsule things in the background, they determine which boss you get), both are a pain in the ass but the one that splits into two halves is easier. You need a plan for the stages and attacks also, you can't just flail around and blindly dodge. Figure out what kind of attacks they are and where you need to be to dodge them. First phase of the final boss has a safe spot.
hey you're right it was raiden ii
awesome now I can try it
I think they stopped porting the games to steam because it was too difficult to get them working well on PC and it wasn't worth the effort. RSG only came to the 360 because Microsoft bankrolled the port and Ikaruga required a kick-starter for the steam port.
M2 also said they looked into steam ports Windows 10 prevented them from delivering the same quality as their console ports with regards to latency and timing. So they ditched it.
I don't remember enough to know which specifically but close enough, thanks anons
I only play horizontal games in the style of gradius, darius and r-type. I don't like how most vertical games are more about dodging than shooting.
You don't need to look at the entire screen, you mostly need to look at what's coming towards you and where you're going. You should eventually get a feeling for where your ship is in your peripheral vision and only need to focus on the immediate area for particularly slow and complex patterns.
That doesn't even make sense.
They don't, you mostly use peripheral vision to check for big gaps in the patterns and move there. A lot of the time you're not even focusing on bullets but rather the position you should move to next, your route there and the enemies themselves. Most shots are aimed, if you're constantly moving you won't get hit. You should play more and familiarize yourself with enemy spawns and their behaviours, your eyes will figure out what to look at.
Yes there are a few core concepts that apply to all bullet hells which you are expected to know, but almost no games will tell you about.
This guide is one of the best English resources for it:
Once you recognize the patterns and tropes, what you are supposed to do makes a lot more sense.
Blue Revolver's mission mode has exercises for a lot of these and some other good habits. There was also a Japanese game which was explicitly designed to teach you all of these techniques, but the name of it escapes me right now.
Good? It was fucking amazing,what game has FUCKING DANCING SOUND CHANNELS?
>he thinks im good enough to finish a smup
>Windows 10 prevented them from delivering the same quality as their console ports with regards to latency and timing.
Was this before or after the DCP issues were fixed?
Play Star Parodier,if you can't finish that game even when using continues then i don't know what to tell you.
does gunbarich count as a shmup
P-51 from USAAF Mustang or the Harrier from Task Force Harrier. The only shmups ive dumped a considerable ammount of monies.
That's not the final boss
Zero ranger make more sens.
RIP Gradius
I liked the Belmont character but I disliked the game as a whole, thematically and aesthetically.
first bemani and now cave shmups? i can't escape
can someone actually tell me why this image was made though
Yikes. Why are her tits so big? I thought she was canon dfc? I CANNOT FAP TO THIS.
Fortunately for me i never liked the power up system in Gradius to get mad at whatever this game got wrong, that said; what did it get wrong?
Nah, that was main girl. Casper had a daki and was shown full nude on an official artbook.
>Windows 10 prevented them from delivering the same quality as their console ports with regards to latency and timing
Oh no, an extra 2ms of delay, the game is literally unplayable.
Some BRfag been shitposting /vr/ shmup threads with the shmup fans=trannys meme, presumably because of Kamui the Garegga player but who the fuck knows
The power-up system in Gradius has always been pretty frustrating to me but I can set that aside as one of my favorite shmups is a Gradius game. It's Gaiden.
>Want to gid gud at shmups
>Hate redoing the same stages over and over
>Get frustrated when I make no progress, quit.
I keep buying shmups but I barely play more then 3 hours on them. Been wanting to reread that PDF and listening to shmup podcast but I honestly get bored and dunno if I wanna play them again
probably the same schizo who lived in shmupg and sporadically appears on the farm before being banned again.
Parodius > Gradius
Might aswel ask here, if someone were to make a shmup what features would you like to see? Asking for a friend.
then just credit feed on mame or turn the difficulty switch down. high scores in shmups are about the most worthless e-cred imaginable
just make guwange 2 and put it in a nice box
actually just send me the box I never really cared about the games anyway
If you dont enjoy repeating the same parts then shmups aren't for you, why do you even want to get good at them if thats how you feel? Anyway if you insist on pushing through with the power of autism then use save states in emulators to practice small chunks so losing doesnt sting and pay attention to gains in consistency over time. Also you can try not spamming runs and simply doing one run each day so that theres no time for frustration to build up.
He's not complete off
>I started from complete beginner level, and within 600 hours of playtime
(including time spent in practice with saved states and in full runs), I've reached a
score of 547M in DoDonPachi, clearing both loops and the true last boss with 2
spare lives. That's a pretty good score considering the world record is 749M, and
from what I've been told there really isn't a lot of Japanese players who ever
scored over 500M, although I'm not entirely sure how many.
>600 hours of playtime
Deathsmiles is a fucking fantastic game.
>me no play game because the cover has anime girl on it
>me scared of what Mummy will think when she finds it in me closet
what he doesn't say is that the last 10% of the WR score will take more practicing then anything else you will likely do in your life.
How can you not meme this?
>full nude in official art book
No way.
thanks, guys.
Guess you could put the monitor on its side to make it vertical and squint until it looks inspired by feudal japan.
>implying that some thread on Yea Forums would take shmups more seriously than /shmupg/
Could apply the same to nearly all jap genres. Are fighting games a genre for trannies because of Poison and Bridget?
they actually do, shmupg is just that bad
F-14 from After Burner
>hurrr that's not a shmup
it is to me
This really makes me wonder why Konami didn't make a Shinki shmup during the height of it's popularity. Then again they literally killed the brand during the height of it's popularity so who the fuck knows why Konami does anything it does.
Do they switch genders at the tip of one button?
It used to be good. I have no idea what the fuck happened over time.
Oh god don't fucking remind me
They're worse, they're proper real life style delusional trannies instead of gender bending psychic wizards or some shit
Street Fighter 2 Kouryu does, actually.
I don't know a better theme than Steel of Destiny and I don't want to know if there's something better
Cave games are truly fantastic. You shouldn't be so scared of what your normie friends might think.
It's like Radiant Silvergun as fuck.
Still kinda wished R-Type Final 2 hit all the stretch goals.
I wish Samidare would get ported.
Trannys invaded videogames now that every faggot streams everything and wants donations it is more evident than ever.
Play Mars Matrix
What are some good recent shmups preferably on steam.
Maidens of a Hollow Dream
>Mapping different functions to one button
Shit design, game dropped
I miss Technosoft so much
Why so many of you fags ask for shmups on Steam? Do you never emulate or something?
Shit tons of shmups do this
I want SDOJ on Steam because it's not emulatable and the xbox 360 disc costs like $120
Debating if I should get Psyvariar Delta on ps4.
there was also that french tranny who played mushihime Futanari
Play Rayforce on emulator.
Was meant for
literally rent free
Just buy it from jp games on demand, its like $27 and has no region or ip locks.
Its called a condo.
They aren't even vaguely the same game
guess I'm lucky to have got it on release via amazon for $40
> why yes i believe it ruined videogames
>Why so many of you fags ask for shmups on Steam? Do you never emulate or something?
I prefer shmups that are designed for home play over quarter munching. Which is less about difficulty and more about options and features and the UI not being designed for pushing players along.
You know that console shmups exist right?
Name one (1) console exclusive shmup that's worth playing.
You are retarded, every feature you could ever want and more are already present in MAME
>Tfw want to stream my shmup attempts
>Tfw awful at the games
Gradius V
Pocky and Rocky
Gradius V
Alright guys give it straight to me, are the thunder force/technosoft games THAT bad, outside of the music? How come I've literally never seen Yea Forums talk about them? Besides brief mentions like For me, it's this version
I thought it would have been obvious but I was expecting games that cannot easily be emulated, because in that case there is also no reason to get them outside of PC.
Yeah it's kind of like the video game equivalent, of that song Video killed the radiostar.
Does MAME let me adjust voice, SFX, and music volume levels independently? Caladrius would be unplayable without the option to turn down its ear-piercing SFX.
>in woff and kh3
new einhander soon
Yes it does via slider controls. Even zoomer shit like cheevos are now a thing apparently
They're designed exactly the same though, and most Steam/console shmups are arcade ports anyways.
>Name one (1) console exclusive shmup that's worth playing
>but not these ones
Fuck you too, user.
>>It has a cutscene of the plane taking off
Takeoffs need to be seamlessly integrated with the gameplay like in Raiden.
Console shmups give out extra lives like candy, that's the main difference. And the lower quality obviously.
You weren't there for /shmupg/, those faggots were insane.
There was this one guy who went OFF at "storyfag shit", the definition of which changed depending on his dilation.
Too many to list,it doesn't even need to be exclusive since many consoles got perfect or near perfect ports on them.
Light-speed backpedal
The good console versions often fixed game breaking glitches in the arcade ports and added remixes of the arcade levels.
Dude what? Console ports of arcade games are shit more often than not.
That's modern arcade perfect ports, I'm talking about made for consoles shmups
Technosoft was one of the greatest developers during the 4th gen,zoomers that roam Yea Forums weren't even born during that era and most people that did are clueless about videogames
During the 5th gen most arcade ports were already perfect,before you start replying at me with your sòy hands keep in mind i said most.
A lot of old console shmup ports had those too, especially on the Dreamcast and PS2.
First off dreamcast/ps2 are hardly old, secondly what does it matter? They're still ports of games designed for arcades
What pdf and podcast?
They're ok but mostly unremarkable besides the soundtracks and visuals. They do have a following among console shmup fans, but they're mostly credit feeders so they can't discuss them much.
The dreamcast is 20 years old. The time between the NES and the Dreamcast is shorter than the Dreamcast to now.
Go back to your Danmaku shit tranny
>Caladrius Blaze
>Playing Lilith
It's part of the experience user.
I see. Everyone who knows about TechnoSoft seems to have given up. They are like Westwood of Japan. What a shame, big one.
Wtf really? I think they were and still are great no? Is there something wrong with there games? Too simple?
What's Yea Forums's opinion on Toaplan?
>M2 also said they looked into steam ports Windows 10 prevented them from delivering the same quality as their console ports with regards to latency and timing. So they ditched it.
Holy Jesus, Japs are truly basket cases.
>tfw have rgh 360 filled with shmups
TF is a bit like Darius in that its horis but the level design is mostly very bland, the weapon switching might have been cool in a better game. Hyper Duel is a bit more interesting but it has the same problem of not utilizing terrain well, and the scoring system is too simple AND obnoxious at the same time.
there are always these really strange excuses when it comes to pc and japan.
PC rubes can't understand the craftsman's mentality.
>full nude on an official artbook.
if true they so desperate that they are one step away from going full valis with their franchises
they have only themselves to blame
Technosoft has been dead for 18 years so i don't see what you mean by "giving up".
Their top games are anything but unremarkable,don't know what that other idiot is talking about
They died too soon,ironically right after they released their best game
Owned by the Yazuka so none of their games will ever get another port. I like Out Zone and wish Tatsujin Ou wasn't so long.
they literally sold bottles of tea as loli piss at one of their conventions
Noooo fakku Windows 10 i die because of extra 2ms of inputtu raggu.
I didn't know Japs were that 16 year old tryhard.
If they mentioned timing then it's most likely emulating hardware slowdown which isn't a trivial task
Microsoft is the cancer that killed the japanese PC industry so they are right in telling Americans to take their indie shmups and stick them straight up their obese asses
>Noooo fuck IBM and Microsoft for standardizing the platform
I might be a bit biased on this one but weren't they pretty much perfected horizontal STG + Parallax scrolling with TF4 no? TF3 and TF4 were their peak I think. Sure hyper duel wasn't as good but it's kinda unique I guess.
They haven't given up yet, so why must we?
Its great to see someone decided to bring up another shmup tread again.
I have to ask, I was looking into doing runs on Danmaku Unlimited, which one should I go for, 2 or 3?
this, but unironically
3, it has some really cool challenging bosses, stages are kind of filler though
Good goy good goy
That just says that all Technosoft properties are now owned by Sega and they are probably doing jack shit with it other than releasing collections.
what a shit show kek
It is bullshit since Taito Type X uses Microsoft Visual Studio
If he's referring to what I think he is, it's a black-and-white sketch of pic related. There's one where she's in a school swimsuit, one where she's naked (there's two tiny circles on her chest and a small line at the very bottom of her crotch, honestly can't tell if it's supposed to be her snatch or just the bottom of her butt), and one where she's in a schoolgirl outfit, tied up with tape over her mouth. None of the three are in color, they're just sketches, and it seems the final version went with pajamas. I love cute girls in pajamas, so this was the best choice in my eyes.
Also for the record I'm pretty sure they sold Casper piss as well as Windia piss, the Windia one is just more well-known. I believe there were also Casper sweat bottles, too.
Yeah but the company's president hasn't given up yet no?
It's very nice to see some TechnoSoftbros are still here. Now then, please excuse me. May us see a better future for their hidden gems.
>Noooo it was Microsofts fault that we didn't market and release our systems overseas
That is the Formula Silver-Hawk from DariusBust
>he's never seen the progear launch cutscene
Based Microsoft avenged all those American electronics manufacturers that fell to cheap japtrash flooding the market.
Oh man don't show /shmupg/ this, they'll have an aneurysm
Casper is too pure to be depicted as a degenerate. We WeimarSmiles now.
Did Blue Revolver Double Action ever come out
Prefer 2's soundtrack, enjoy 3 overall much better.
It's cool how the end of the game confirms all the children are dead by having their ghosts come to help you escape.
The Wing Calibur from Terra Cresta
What's the consensus on Psikyo? Currently got my eye on this
>TONS of 'Pop' bullet patterns that are made to credit feed
>In general does more fast and large bullets then screen filling waves
>Still believes in the 2 loop system.
They don't like progear? I usually only like top down but this game reminds me a lot of cave shooters. Also the vertical sections were neat despite throwing me off my game.
Psikyos top notch, the games are samey up until the last few but theyre very well made. Its pure memorization and execution with no bullshit or filler of any kind, pretty much the most fun shmups to play if youre not into scoring.
Also, its worth pointing out that while their earlier games are samey, their last few games are completely unique not only compared to their catalogue but the genre as a whole. There's nothing like Sol Divide, Zero Gunner 2 and Cannon Spike. Dragon Blaze has a lot of unique aspects too
I wish they'd do a collection like these for Raizing's stuff, or at least give another game the Battle Garegga 2017 treatment
it was though... i have it on xbox 360
M2 has given a few games that treatment. They just won’t package them together like that because they aren’t cheap rom dumps like the psycho ports on switch.
they made 1 genre, that genre died, the arcades that genre was only really seen in died, while every other shmup company died, they still kept staying alive but only for so long, released all their shit on xbox 360, but theyre still shmups which to a normie is a 20minute long 2d game, then they became a mobile dev because they couldnt survive with a target audience of 30 people. I have 3 of their mobile ports on my phone but they dont work because they never updated it to run w/ current versions of ios.
cave OWNS bitch
How would a 3D shmup look like?
How would a platformer shmup look like? Or would that just be Metal slug?
like starfox
like contra
I'd probably actually give an organ if it meant getting an M2'd Batrider
somebody just tell them to port more shit instead of doing mobile
By 3D I mean major Mario title kind of 3D
was really hoping they would continue with the steam ports so I wouldnt be absolutely fucked once my jap 360 rrods.
I fucking hope Xenia delivers
serious sam
descent mixed w/ serious sam
drunken robot pornography
do twin sticks count here or no?
those are blast em ups, not shoot em ups
you mean double joy shooty boys
Psikyos are hit or miss for a lot of people, they're fairly traditional memorizers with fewer but faster bullets and the gameplay and spritework is great. The music is generally pretty bad though and a lot of them are incredibly samey, like Strikers 1945 II and Gunbird II are practically the same game and they even have the same powerup sprite.
The only Psykio games worth playing are Gunbird 2, Dragon Blaze, Strikers 1999, and that Mahjong with topless Marion.
>topless Marion.
what's a 'pop' pattern ?
the problem with getting into shmups from my perspective is that every game these days seems to have a very big gimmick for fans of the genre that don't want the same old thing every time, so it's hard as a new player to find something "traditional" but also new enough.
The only thing that really comes to mind in that category is Blue Revolver
What's so new about Blue Revolver?
All your base your base
I dont see what the big deal with new games is
Those old games are still good you know?
the release date
What's the gayest most yuri one though?
Blue Revolver has loads of gimmicks though, chain scoring and breaks.
If you want something traditional, I can't recommend Raiden IV enough
Its soundtrack fuckin slaps too
They are DOPE but 80% of their games can be mistaken as sprite swaps. also very memorization heavy. gunbird 2 is a great game
cho aniki
Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
before that mushi futari normal mode the best shmup ever made
this makes 2 1ccs for me, master shmupster.
There's Zaxxon which is isometric
There's also a lot of "super scalar" 3D shmups like space harrier and iridion 3D
mega man x
I've gotten far enough in DBCS where every third last boss is Gigantic Bite and boy is that killing my enthusiasm. Not saying it isn't a satisfying fight, but having to relearn the boss every time I'm in a new ship is exhausting.
What are your thoughts on "asteroids" style shmups? Yea or Nay?
just play old games on mame, many old games have better production quality than modern indie games
REVOLVER360 lets you rotate a 2d shmup in a 3d plane. It's an overlooked game.
I hate that game. It's also really just a 2d shmup with an isometric perspective.
Played asteroids til exhaustion in '86, not interested.
Anyone remember that one MMO asteroids style shmup that was popular in the early 2000's? I forget the name but it was basically multiplayer asteroids and a FFA that went on forever. You could choose different ships like ones that are slower/bigger but fired a OHKO bullet or smaller faster ones that were harder to control but took multiple shots to kill enemy ships. It probably shut down ages ago.
>I hate that game
I respect your point of view.
How to git gud at shmups? Should I just credit feed until I memorize shit and go from there?
check out Suguri and Sora
Is Devil Engine a good spiritual successor to thunderforce?
You get better experience from starting over when you die instead of credit feeding, since it forces you to observe what you did wrong and gradually get better and better. And that isn't for just learning the game, you'll get the fundamentals down much better that way too.
You can credit feed through a game and die every 15 seconds but you won't be learning anything.
Try it and let the rest of us know.
>and that Mahjong with topless Marion.
what game
Recommending CometStriker if you're looking for a shmup-like game that plays a bit different than usual. It's horizontal, screen based instead of scrolling, and has a different fire button for left/right. Not sure what to call it, it's kind of like a proto twin-stick like Smash TV.
Silvergun, followed closely by the R-90 Ragnarok and Silverhawk.
>Here's an attractive female related to the topic, now discuss.
You fucked up. Should've posted a gameplay webm instead of being a gamer.
>Should've posted a gameplay webm instead of being a gamer
Marisa Kirisame
MK-II is the sexiest
So should I focus on getting gud at one shmup then that will let me be able to appreciate others
>collect shmup games
> Like them but suck at them and just want to enjoy/appreciate them as much as people say they do
I'm realizing in my later years that if a game doesn't make you work for something you don't get a lot out of it.
you should spend your time doing what you want without giving a fuck about idiots on Yea Forums
Wow nice pic
My fav its the Axelay
>used to be friends with someone who played shmups, good guy
>comes out as a tranny, starts acting like...your typical anime tranny
It's pretty painful.
Go dilate seriously. There's literally nothing wrong with it.
this motherfucker right here
it's shoot'em up. you sound like an ape.
t. rest of the world
I say shoot-em-up IRL but type shmup online because it's more convenient. Don't @ me
I was going to say the same thing. Probably the first shmup i had an affinity for. Had a really good soundtrack and I liked switching weapons for the situation.
CAVE legacy will live forever.
What was their fixation with Casper? She even got a mini statue and everything but not for the rest of the girls.
Otakus love loli cunny
This meme is DARPA disinfo.
The most famous shmup tranny prefers RAIZING.
Cave is for straight, high IQ manly men.
What's the best system for shmups?
Great taste right there
What did you guys think about Game Tengoku?
>in before people whining about the loli fanservices
Its ok
Strikers 1999 isnt even the best Strikers, and even if it was the other 2 are still very good games and the first one is unique because of randomized suicide bullets. And if you like the first Strikers then Sengoku Ace and Gunbird are basically the same game so why not. If you like Gunbird 2 then theres no reason not to also play Sengoku Blade since it has very similar melee heavy aggressive gameplay. Zero Gunner 2 and Cannon Spike are awesome games too. In general if you like one Psikyo game you'll like the others since they have so much in common.
Reminds me how Sony censored the PS4 version.
Learn art and basic programming, get a game engine, play a lot of shmups, git gud at them and break them down to see what makes them good or bad. Then just work.
Learn C++ and pick up a game library like SDL
Be insanely autistic, and secretly talented. Also be willing to dedicate years of your life for no payoff, and be able to maintain an insane work ethic despite everything.