Why is this bad? Loot boxes/gachashit are no different than scratch tickets
Why is this bad? Loot boxes/gachashit are no different than scratch tickets
Children do not buy scratch tickets, only adults do, and when you enter the store there is nothing to manipulate them into purchasing them besides them being placed strategically at the checkout.
Meanwhile hese are scratch tickets being sold to children within videogames with various manipulation techniques employed: constant pop-up reminders, time limited rewards, oppressive grinding if you do not purchase the scratch ticket, and more.
>Loot boxes/gachashit are no different than scratch tickets
Exactly. You have to be 18+ to buy scratch tickets
children with under-developed brains that can't control their impulses can't buy scratch tickets
I don't give half a shit about how lootboxes affect children and I'm sad that Yea Forums became conservatard moralfag central with all the boomers infesting this board.
But lootboxes have actively ruined games and franchises just by their sheer profit potential, and I'd be more than happy to see them banned forever.
world is weird. when i was a kid i could play slot machines no problem or buy lottery tickets.
but nowadays it's like buying guns or something.
They're putting this shit in kid's games, numbnuts.
It's in the fucking title of the article Jesus Christ
>kid games
name five (5) modern KID games with lootboxes
I find it extremele funny how the (((chosen))) become super ancap in these scenarios
Dunno, kid's only play mobile shit on their parent's ipads, and that's unregulated as fuck
Have you been outside lately?
Anything not rated M that features microtransactions
Every single sports game.
>cant name any games
Right,the issue is that the retarded parents do not supervise their children and let them use their credit cards on games they shouldnt have been playing to begin with like CoD and CSGO
this, morality is just a cover for the fact that these retarded game developers have been increasingly reliant on this scam in their games and have been driving their games around loot box sales, as well as microtransaction sales in general. It ruins what the game could be otherwise.
That it has an addicting side element makes it all the more ripe for someone to fuck them in the ass over this instead of them perpetually ramming the customer up the ass.
The bigger picture is shitty parenting so its really just a nice bandaid that happens to benefit us greatly.
Those people will still grow up and spend all their money on dumb shit though and it's only a matter of time before they figure out how to exploit them again.
Is Madden a--
Well fuck you too
FIFA, NBA2K, Madden, Crash Nitro Kart, literally any mobile game
Hang yourself, microtransactions are cancer, stop excusing it with
>b-b-but the parents
Parents should pay attention to what their kids are doing, video games should not have microtransactions.
Star Wars BF
FIFA games
NBA games
every single mobile game
Yes, millions of kids play sports games, they're rated E or whatever the EU equivalent is.
Honestly, this is just a way for parents to recover funds from when their children use their credit card for unauthorized purchases. If this passes they can claim that the purchase was illegal and will always get a refund
i don't care about lootshit, but why the hell are kids still able to steal their parent's credit card in the first place? if anything there should be more penalty towards the parents being negligent toward's their kid's poor actions. it rubs me the wrong way to punish the people selling the thing
Are they gonna ban YuGiOh and Pokemon booster packs next?
>EA invented annually resetting gacha with FIFA trading cards
And here I was as a kid confused why they didn't just release roster updates as DLC thinking no one would be dumb enough to buy the same game over and over again just with an updated roster. Now you got dumb euro kids dropping hundreds annually just to play as Messi
>cant see the real issue
Getting rid of lootboxes will not stop them permamently,they will still find a way to try and rape their wallets
Have actual regulations on age restriction and they lose their main income.
But this is the U.S. we're talking about where every parent hands their credit card information to their 12 year old kid and not give a fuck about them until they see the bills
>COD,Star Wars BF
Not actually meant for children
It is retarded absentee parenting, but online shops these days save the credit card info by default and often the parent don't notice until they see their Bank statement
>feds needed whole new amendment to ban alcohol
>now can ban whatever it wants with no checks
>this passes
>overwatch starts getting official lewd skins in its boxes
Thank God. Any kind of of after-launch paid content of any kind, except in MMOs should be fully banned for those under 18, for any product rated under 18 and a 50% tax on those that are rated for adults (18+). The industry will heal 50% of the cancer that affects it atm.
I'd be happy if after launch content was something that actually affected the game. The real cancer of skins is that because those are the only revenue generator, it becomes the only thing that gets dev time after release. Combine that with the fact games don't have community servers anymore and you have this retarded online environment you have today.
I just want to collect anime girls Pokémon style, is that so wrong?
On the one hand, I don't want kids to be gambling and the manipulative stuff some of these game companies do is kinda disgusting when you think about people with gambling problems.
However, the thing that pisses me off about them is just that they're messing up games. Remember when that LotR sequel took out the ability to buy their lootboxes with real money? And then they had to patch the game to fix the amount of in-game money you got since it was an insufferable slog to play without being able to buy your way to victory? There's been plenty of times it's been pointed out that these companies are making games grindier with the intent of effectively strong-arming people into buying lootboxes. The introduction of lootboxes into games just kind of makes them worse, and so any excuse to get them gone is a good one to me.
I remember for a while if you typed fortnite into Google search the first results were "fortnite refund".
Parents often have no fucking idea what games are like these days. It's like how you heard stories about that one retarded kid racking up a massive bill buying polyphonic ringtones from ads back in the day, except now it's everywhere and it's easier than ever for kids to have credit card details stored on their shit that will eclipse any contract phone bill.
It's one thing to be dumb, but quite another to just be completely unaware of how predatory this shit is.
microtransactions aren't the same as loot boxes
Inhale my farts bootlicker.
The real problem now is that because selling skins to kids is 99% of the revenue, anything that might mask those skins is straight up banworthy. Remember the fucking email Valve sent out to servers with CS:GO, demanding that they remove any add-ons that let players use even modded skins?
Because games now have a grind element so that whales can pretend that their golden penis enlarger was just a lucky drop, custom levels are dead, because people would just make item farming levels to game the system.
>Loot boxes are a lottery
Great, now you understand why they should be regulated.
Good. Now ban battlepasses.
Who cares what they are "meant for" they marketed and easily accessible to kids. Dont pretend to be retarded.
>big shooty games with gore and violence are marketed to kids
Who actually believes this?
>Why is this bad?
Pro consumerism is a cancer, and its just the start, soon the goverment will be the ones forcing n-words and trannies into games
you dont buy the shop to be able to buy the scratch ticket
Thank god people like you have no influence in public policy.
children already can't buy lootboxes because you need a credit card and banks don't give 10 year olds credit. any system you can think of that would block children but not adults would literally change nothing. all a new law would do is invite the government to shit up video games like they do everything else they regulate.
>are no different than scratch tickets
You have to be 18 to purchase those too.
Ah, so you aren't pretending
>Nu-Yea Forums loves bootlicking government cock and thinks it's bad that zoomer parents are wasting their money on digital garbage
Just preventing companies from storing credit card information for future purchases would significantly hobble the effects microtransactions have on people
Get fucked, lootbox shill
It's not. Leftists are just sub-human dogs who seek control over every tiny little aspect of your life that you're willing to concede to them.
Obviously shitposting thread. Not even bumping this shit.
I bought scratch tickets all the time as a kid, what
>are no different than scratch tickets
I mean... yeah. Are you saying we should sell scratch tickets to children?
So you are making up bullshit? All right.
as the only violent game being marketed to kids these days is Fortnite.
The rest do not actually pander to kids
No you didn't. Your uncle probably gave you a couple on holidays or some shit.
It's not bad, gambling should be heavily regulated even for adults. The only people you'll see defending lootboxes and gacha are the retards who are addicted, or the people making money from said retards.
>Star Wars
>Not meant for children
You disingenuous fuck.
>Star Wars BF
It's rated T, not M.
Not him but I specifically remember buying 10 scratch tickets when i was 8 years old
Lol morality is just a cover to use when it's convenient bro.
I couldn't care less about a niglet spending his family's food money on gacha shit. I'll just act outraged to ban this shit as soon as possible.
because taking even more responsibility from parents is bad
what do you think will happen after lootboxes are banned?
Go lie down, grandpa.
Most mainstream titles will become F2P with a mobage-style stamina system
gambling will be replaced with worse mechanics
Video games DIE
Post yfw:
>they laughed at the Oblivion horse armor, while you cried
>they laughed at the paid subscription for MMOs that you already purchased, while you cried
>they laughed at the documented cut content being later resold as "dlc", while you cried
>they laughed at the preorder bonuses from a bag of pizza rolls, while you cried
>they laughed at the removal of Q&A under the guise of "we can patch it", while you cried
>they laughed at being sold a "season pass" that you have no idea what it even contains, let alone whether the base game is even good, while you cried
>they laughed at "loot boxes" that are completely optional despite requiring 50x the cost of the game for something that cost the developer pocket change to create, while you cried
>B-b-b-ut the slippery slope isn't real!
Fuck you zoomers. Fuck you forever. But most of all: I feel sorry for you. As I've had a lifetime of complete, finished, products that you'll never experience. You've dug yourselves into a pit that now has no bottom. Lay in the bed you made.
Christ yeah. Completely forgot this goes back to valve ruining tf2 with manconomy.
What is the average age of a GTA online player? Or CoD, or Battlefield, etc etc
I never opened a single lootbox in my life, but you know what? I don't have to. Some addict will open 5000 boxes and I don't have to pay a penny to the company running the game. No monthly fee, no 200 dollar game disguised as a 60 dollar one because of DLC. The game updates with is basically free dlc and I don't have to be a moral fag paying more money to protect some retard from boxes.
I warned you faggots about all of those things but shills just said "hurr if you don't like it don't buy it" now I say the same thing about loot boxes and suddenly everyone is crying that the government needs to start banning things.
>rants like a retard not providing any counter argument or motive of why everything i said has any negative implications
take your meds and go to bed faggot, men are speaking
I like opening loot boxes with currency I have acquired in game.
>i cried over videogames
Good Christ, I don't think I've read a more pathetic post than this. Have you considered suicide yet?
If this includes manchildren the cancer of the gaming industry will be irradicated.
Yes user, you are the only one who realized the toxic business practices of the past were bad. No one else in this thread ever had that thought cross their mind
scratch tickets aren't sold to little kids
>Taking it literally
Congratulations on being the cancer
animal crossing:pc, dragalia lost, every single phone game basically has a loot box system where the prizes are completely random instead of you actually buying something
Halo 5 (rated teen)
An your freedoms aren't up for sale by greedy politicians. If a grown man wants to piss away his check on loot boxes that's his decision alone. Not yours. Not your mothers. Not the governments.
phone games are not real games
They'll flip over to other microtransaction models that exclude gambling, like Fortnite BR. And they'll reduce """free""" customization even further to help make up for the lost gambling bux.
I don't play shit games with lootbox/gacha, so nothing.
Children can't gamble though, dickhead.
Children can't actually buy scratch tickets. Not only that but loot boxes are free and only bad parents hate them because they can't just tell their kid "no" and have a proper grip on their finances. The only people bitching about this so much are just shitty parents and retard. Loot boxes are shit, but they are not akin to gambling, especially since you don't have to pay for them.
>not gameplay
That argument makes no sense. In regards to the card games, you literally have to buy cards to play the card game. If you want more cards, you can buy more cards. The randomization is there for the thrill of chance, but also because many genuinely don't know what kind of cards they really want and they can often have a variety in one pack alone. Plus, most importantly, it does not negatively effect the game.
I don't care about morals or kids game stuff. I was playing Rated M games since I was a kid. But I want to know when I buy a game that I have the full game and its intended mechanics. Lootboxes either break game mechanics with pay to win bullshit or outright deny content that should otherwise be present. It fucks with the base game itself. Any expansions or DLC should compliment what is there, not supplement it by asking for more money.
Hopefully Star Trek Online will offer in-game ways to get the OTHER ninety-fucking-percent of content without juggling lootboxes and selling keys.
I think it's bad because it's government intervention into the free market. A better solution would be to have any game with lootboxes, ANY lootboxes at all, be rated M or 18+. Of course, the big game companies that are pushing lootboxes also have the ESA/ESRB on payroll, so that's never gonna happen. Not in North America, anyway.
>will limit the access of literal children to clogging up online games
>will reduce incentives for games adopting cancer tier lootbox models
>will make lootboxes that so still exist exclusively for "adults" causing them to be more lewd and gorey overall
Why would anyone who isn't an EA executive be against this bill?
>It's ok that they withheld this item from the base game that cost them next to nothing to create!
And that's how they get you.
I took it that that you're a virgin manbaby who did nothing with his life but play video games. Congratulations, you're the winner who cried until daddy government fixed your playthings. Feel good, crybaby?
This. Lootboxes are having a negative effect on games. "Won't someone think of the chiluns" is just a convenient vehicle to get rid of them because otherwise we'd never be able to.
Well, I spent years ignoring greedy over-monetization since horse armor, never spending money on it if I didn't like it. And guess what happened? My vote got thrown in the trash by whales who spent several thousand each. "voting with your wallet" hence doesn't work if someone can literally buy votes to nullify mine. And what is the response of your average corporate bootlicker?
>lol who cares about you lootboxes are good stay mad fag xDXD
Hence why I want government to get involved. Even if they destroy the medium, I get to laugh at the corporate bootlickers who thought I would let them have the last laugh. Guess you shouldn't have been so abrasive and anti-consumer, huh?
Yeah, because a pizza colored rifle is totally going to make or break the actual quality of the game in regards to gameplay mechanics. You don't need anything from a lootbox. Only idiots buy loot boxes, and only idiots buy games with lootboxes in them. They're shit, but they aren't gambling, especially since they're free.
Nigga, all games are for kids
>May 23
Thank you for reminding me about this game that I uninstalled
Here's the issue. Follow me on this one.
Instead of adding fun and interesting ways to get new cosmetics and unlocks, the devs just put it in lootboxes. This encouragement of lazy design extrapolates out to other aspects of game design, resulting in lower quality games as a whole. You may not be buying the lootboxes, but you pay for them to be in the game all the same.
Doom is for kids okay
They should be banned for all. It’s a cancer upon the industry and with it being banned will forced the industry to change or go belly up, which a few AAA faggots who rely on this shit would be of no lose
Yeah, they're lazy and stupid, I'm aware. They still aren't gambling. Instead of crying to the government to ban something that you don't even have to pay for, it's far more telling to just have the game flop and send the developers a message that no one sane, or of age, likes this shit.
Loot Boxes will just take another form, probably going back to micro transactions until another version of it props itself back up again
>Ban the sale of loot boxes to children
Wow, this will affect literally no parent that has the common sense to not hand a child their credit card
>Children do not buy scratch tickets, only adults do
Except I used my change on scratch tickets all the time when I was a kid?
The projection from this post makes me want to switch off the lights so I can see it better.
how do you think they will make this happen? be specific.
it's illegal to sell scratch tickets to minors.
>I broke rules therefore rules are dumb
>Game flop
Here's the thing user, all you need are the %1 of players who drop 100 per week on the gacha rolls and they aren't all minors
>Except I used my change on scratch tickets all the time when I was a kid?
I don't know, did you?
Till he starts stealing to get money for his addiction.
>Free market bitch!
>Consumers come together and agree loot boxes are terrible and vote to regulate them which they can do in a free-market
I don’t care about kids gambling. What I do care about is devs locking content behind a RNG paywall. Whether they use in game currency or IRL currency, they’re a cancer that needs to be stopped. Let me unlock characters, gear and skins by playing the game and meeting certain criteria. That’s a whole lot more fun and rewarding than spinning a wheel and getting duplicates of the same items you already have for the tenth time in a row
Arent they sold in clear boxes knowing on what you will get?
Which is why you shouldn't have bought the horse armor. And the DLC. And the season passes. At this point most modern gamers don't really get to be upset about loot boxes because they made it happen. Slowly but surely they threw away all the bits they could until you'd be happy to buy up the leftovers.
You have to act like you care sometimes so your own agenda isn't revealed.
In this case it's the quality of loot dropped for playing X game as well as balance that I'm rooting for.
You have to be upset for reasons that will appeal to those in power however.
It’s not bad on its own, it’s bad because the industry will just circumvent it by putting out even less completed games and saying they can’t make a whole game now because monetization issues or otherwise putting the games out in alpha and selling everything it needs to be whole as DLC.
Think the people should work to reduce government overreach but if you’re not in that camp I understand making those games all M rates over banning them because you stepped on the wolf spider and now you’re going to have a thousand spiderling ideas and at least a few will escape and become as bad as their parent.
Easy fix: stop buying them.
Can't blame me user, the bigger point is "vote with your wallet" doesn't apply when your not the target market. And if you create a market that all you need is a few idiots with disposable income willing to drop it into a virtual slot machine, than nothing matters anymore
Not an argument or valid way to challenge
This but parents would rather have the government do their job. And as long as cigaretttes are legal I don’t want to hear about that pissy goodwill “but think of the adult addicts!” Bullshit. If 200,000 people can die each year and we say “oh well it’s a personal choice to smoke” then you moralfags can take a fat one up your asses pretending lootboxes are the real predators.
Fucking everything on the android/apple appstore
Call of dootle
Crash Team Racing No Faggot
If you TECHNICALLY want to count it literally every minecraft multiplayer server.
You have to be 18+ to buy a scratch ticket, and like so ALL games with Lootboxes should be rated 18+, its pretty simple.
I haven't bought an EA product in 15 years and they still shit up my hobby every year.
Oh look Chang, son of a Huawei exec just dropped 2000 on Overwatch rolls this month. But man am I sure showing them by not playing their game
Ban this shit. Also ban scratch tickets. Also ban faggots like OP.
>amiibos are a game
Retards not welcome here.
Lootboxes is literally a form of gambling.
So are CCGs, baseball cards, football stickers or whatever too,
Same shit, different presentation. End of story.
>call of duty
Rated M for mature.
This already violates gambling law, and while technically debatable, all microtransactions are either Fraud, or a violation of the first sale doctrine.
Kids can't buy scratch tickets either you fucking retard. I still don't think they should be banned, if you're in financial distress it's because you lack self control and other people shouldn't be punished for your poor spending habits.
Nothing is funnier than the fact almost every table top games store is sustained by a couple families around their area buying magic booster packs
Exactly I don't give a shit about muh children it's a good way to get microtransactions OUT from muh vidya and to take a big fat stinking shit on companies like EA that have ruined the industry.
They'll probably try to ride out shit grinds for a year before conceding and actually making half decent games again since literally the only thing worth playing in the past 5 years was remakes.
Who is this Bill guy anyway, and why does he keep wanting to ban stuff?
Actually further back, maple story.
Breaking the rules, makes it ok, posting an action statement as a question. You must actually be retarded, I feel sorry for you.
Made me laugh.
You can but those cards individually. Lootboxes don't let you resell for the most part.
Even then all you need to play is the starter packs and extensions
It DID matter though. Loot boxes didn't pop up over night. They are the distillation of what the industry found out it could get away with. I don't blame you in particular. I'm just saying that people that weren't in an uproar over all the bullshit of the last 15 years really has no place to bitch about the current state. Because if people had simply rejected all the cut content, dlc on disc, horse armor nonsense we would have never arrived at the current state. But, they did support it. And now it's fucked for everyone.
Not calling call of duty a kid's game is naive at best and intentionally dishonest wprst
It required an amendment due to the fed only regulating interstate commerce. Unfortunately the supreme court under fdr decided interstate commerce means whatever they want it to mean.
Exactly, whatever it takes to fuck over AAA gaming.
Except literally ALL of this shit relies on whales that won't resist whatsoever, and the general gaming consumer literally never has to figure into it.
Diablo 2 was not meant for children but i played it when it came out and i was 13
Yes? They are exploitative and manipulative as fuck too but people turned a blind eye because they are relatively inexpensive.
>if kids play it then its a kids game
You know how bad that kind of thinking is? That would make almost every game a kid game,even h-games
No one is thinking this is bad. Lootboxes/Gacha should be banned in general, but banning them for kids is a good start.
But many every time shit like that happened there was an outcry but at best it's just push it back. IIRC inspite of the bad press of horse armor and Bethesda removing it it sold like hot cakes. The fact is that we aren't the target audience for that.
dfq u doin here grandpa
Once you're here you never leave, faggot.
Fuck the kids, I just want to be sold complete products again. What is this shit.
Pretty much this. Only a gachacuck shill would defend this crap.
I can strawman too. The industry, even after the ESRB was made, is still truly incapable of regulating itself.
I'd like to believe that. But then I recall the insane number of threads games like Overwatch and Fortnite generated here upon release and for months after. If you think Yea Forums isn't filled with zoomers that have zero problems with supporting games that have lootbox mechanics you're mistaken. Do the entire industry a favor and everytime you see one of those threads remind them that they are the cancer.
If the industry can't be trusted to not dry rape its customers then yes. Yes it does need government intervention.
>what do you mean you bought a fifa sports game rated pegi 3 for your kids and left your keys and wallet with your credit card on the kitchen table like normal people sometimes do and now you you're minus 3000 bucks on your bank account? Buy a safe and put your wallet there as soon as you come home, duh! Aren't you prepared and playing attention to every little instance in life?
Correct. They had their chance and threw it away for whale cash.
EA's cock is so far up this guy's ass it's popping out his mouth.
>dry rape customers
If people quit being retards and stopped buying them then it wouldn't be a problem. Loot boxes are frequently cosmetic and have little affect on game play and when they do, even the most diehard fans rebel (see Star Wars)
It's not strawmanning. You want the government to ban loot boxes in video games. That's government regulation. I don't care what games are made, if people were less retarded and quit driving the MTX/lootbox industry then it wouldn't be raking in millions a year. The more you ask the government to control video games, the worse things will get.
now you buy game currency and can buy lootboxes with it
Haha I hope this shit passes. Fuck mobile games, fuck gacha games, fuck FIFA, fuck 2k, fuck R* games. Greedy faggots making shit that only sad fat virgins, 3rd worlders, little shits with access to mommy's purse and worthless YouTube gamers buy instead of actual games. For example R* is literally just saying fuck it jumping the shark with a dead horse in tow and put in a fucking casino where you can buy shark cards to gamble. You don't even win anything of real value. Just dumping real money to get fake ass virtual money or some car they paid a poojeet programmer to draw in a cad. They might as well just release credit card readers that attach to your toy I mean console that charges you $100 for virtual confetti and flashing lights to show on your screen.
People are idiots and will be whales. There will always always ALWAYS be whales. banning lootboxes can only bring about positive change, but your paranoia is keeping you from common sense.
>seriously asking humans (consumer cattle) to be less retarded
If only like, all of humanity could get together around a campfire holding hands and sing songs there would be no wars.
That's basically already what happens with GTA V. The cheapest way to get online currency is the promo that comes with new copies of the game so people just keep buying hundreds of fucking copied of the old piece of shit.
It's why GTAV is constantly popping back up in monthly best sellers.
>If people quit being retards and stopped buying them
Won't ever happen. Meanwhile because retards are willing to fork out money for horse armor the rest of us get less content in the base game. I don't care if it's cosmetic, when shit like Fable 3's black dye happened the industry should have come under immediate, ceaseless fire.
>retards think quantum kikes like ea or rockstar won't come up with something better
>retards think banning lootboxes will suddenly make devs good at their job
I imagine they'll charge you for playtime or something, which would repel anyone from a game with this sort of element, especially when they already pay to buy the product.
Mice are gonna keep coming into a kitchen, but that doesn't mean you should stop laying traps and cleaning up. Saying "don't bother" and then complaining that everything is shit later on solves what exactly?
This is how I can tell you're a zoomer who never knew unlockables. Yes before you say it I'm sure these greedy shekel collectors will try to find some loophole to keep gamers from having the entire game but the point is to stop greedy anti consumer sales.
It's bad enough unlockables and hidden secrets are mostly gone forever from games nowadays, it's worse that these companies deploy shills and have actual retard fans that will defend this shit LIKE ITS NORMAL because ITS NOT. You just never knew a better world.
>Implying devs working for any AAA game company have any freedom to make choices and aren't just told to implement whatever the focus group came up with
It's a paycheck user, but don't worry they are more than happy working 60 hour weeks on FIFA 2020 because they have a PASSION for gaming.If they show anything to the contrary there are more than enough 3rd worlders and fresh undergrads to replace them
One's physical with a resale market, the other isn't.
Lootboxes will be banned. The next step will be everyone copying star citizen. Every major publisher will start some grandiose project that is never going to be released. Rockstar will make a rdr the size of texas and sell you digital plots.
Because they allow shitty games to survive instead of dying like the shit they are. Fuck lootboxes and fuck gambling.
Nah they'll go the Korean MMO route with ultra pay to win that devolves into whales battling it out to see whose dad has a deeper bank account
>retards think banning lootboxes will suddenly make devs good at their job
I want lootboxes to be banned so devs fuck off and die for being incompetent. Eat shit shill.
We can never go back. People like dressing up their characters no matter the cost.
Look at what happened to MMOs in the mid 2000s. A few like WoW managed to survive with a subscription model simply due to its shear size of playerbase. Meanwhile literally hundreds went under. Why? Because the market actually rejected subscriptions for games you've already payed for. Look at Battlefront 2 for a more recent example. EA lost billions in stock value because the market rejected the bullshit. Don't underestimate how fast a greedy corporation can be brought to heel when you punch a hole in it's wallet. The problem is getting enough people to recognize the anti-consumer practices before it gets so bad that they can't ignore it.
>68% of EA revenue suddenly banned
imagine Yea Forums not liking a newer videogame crash.
This thread is filled with EA employees shills.
They can just sell their games to tim for a year.
I haven't bought an ea game in 10 years. Unless there's a way to take money from them I can't do more. EA, actiblizz, ubisoft and 2K all deserve their teeth kicked in, but I doubt it can be done.
I just want to say that you're not alone Walter. You're not alone.
>boomers infesting this board
How mentally ill are you, incel?
I don't give a solitary shit about kids, but that doesn't mean that I can't point out that lootboxes circumvent laws in place to prevent gambling being marketed to kids.
I don't give a fuck about koalas but I know Australia has laws protecting them.
Be the anti-shill. Never pass up an opportunity to tell someone that supports those companies that they're faggots for doing so. Will it work? Probably not. But it's still an act of charity and good faith and god will smile upon you for it.
I hope every lootbox and microtransaction is banned, so all big companies will have a excuse to monetize ads like mobile and we mobile gamers can finally proliferate through the world with advertiser aproved games.
what a fucking braindead mouthbreather equivalency. you dont pay an entry fee of 60e + 40e tip to get a platform with an expiration date to then also buy your booster packs on. collecting and trading the cards IS the game
that bill guy seems pretty based
so only M rated games are going to have loot boxes now?
Not gonna lie nigga that's a waste of time. Why not spend that energy doing something you enjoy than yelling at some retards on Yea Forums? Hell most the gacha and overwatch nigger left for /vg/ and discord long ago. Even when they come around its for one thread or two.