What is the most soulless game?
What is the most soulless game?
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Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2 maybe
DS1 is full of soul
Do people actually watch this shit?
Dark Souls 1 SOUL
Dark Souls 2 SOU
Dark Souls 3 SOULLESS
this looks cool what movie
>he doesn't know about the absolute state of normies
but i can understand, being too aware about the state of normies can make you consider suicide.
your favorite one
no it flopped big time
Dragon Age: Inquisition
I can't believe adults actually watch this shit, I'm as much of a manchild as it gets and even I would be embarassed watching this in the theater
no but ame*icans do
Final Fantasy 7 - Fucking trash heap of a convoluted story
boko no pico
there are more souls in 2
Devil's Third
3 is the most soulless cash grab in the series retard
Literally anime tier but its ok because it on de big scween
>it flopped big time
Box office: 2.796 billion USD
Budget: 356 million USD (2019)
yeah, thats a flop
>Dude, have you seen [current superhero movie]?
>Whaat? But it's so good!
Every fucking work day.
I didn't say anything about DS3 though you double retard.
Can't believe he just died
lol what a retard
I wish people would pay me for getting filmed in spandex
call of duty global offensive
AHHHH I’m so excited about the new avengers that I even bought some new funko pops!
It was an impressive and ambitious scene. A lot of work goes into drawing all of that.
dam, why dont they just use actos and a set? surely its much cheaper to do it IRL compared to CGI?
the fact you call 2 soulless and miss out 3 though you tripe retard
My dad does, but he really just likes explosions and shit. It almost doesn't matter what it is. He also knows that I like/liked comicbooks growing up and I think he makes an effort to go see them so he can talk to me about something I might be interested in. I hate having to tell him I don't like them that much.
he doesn't blink once in the whole webm, starting to believe that another user who said its all an act and he just makes his eyes water by not blinking
It became the fourth-highest-grossing film of all time,[175][176] as well as the highest-grossing film of 2018,[177] the highest-grossing MCU film, and the highest-grossing superhero film.[178]
because everyone but him in that scene is a dwarf or a hobbit, and he needs to appear huge
it is weird that they wouldn't have him as the stand in for his spot at the table for when the filmed the other part of the scene, though
What's the point of doing a fight pose when the bad guys are like 500 meters away?
holy shit everybody knows your shitty movie made money take a joke
actors are so 1990s
it's because all the hobbits and dwarves have to be shot very carefully to sell their height
in this case, it was all the midgets + gandalf so they decided to shoot the midgets on their own set, then gandalf by himself on green screen and he got sad from being alone
Probably the only good scene in Endgame
The whole movie was really bad. Infinity War was way more interesting.
Only Thor somewhat saved it. Cap didn't get much screentime. Tony was a jackass. And the other literally whos don't even deserve to be in the Avengers. Hawkeye being one of the worst. They peobably only let him live because he asks the least amount of money.
>muh recoil
tapping your mouse is so fucking fun, I love it!
Battle for Azeroth
2 literally looks like a Chinese knockoff which is the epitome of soulless, at least 3 looks like a Souls game, you quadruple retard
The whole movie was a clusterfuck of nonsense. But they had to do it. You can't have the bad guy winning, so the good guys have to get whatever bonus they can even if it tears apart everything.
user, it's not healthy to live in denial
I probably hate superhero movies more than you do
the only marvel movies i ever watched were blade and the first spiderman movie. i just stated facts.
Considering domestic vs worldwide box office sales, you Europoors do so even more.
This is accurate.
but its not okay for contratian Yea Forumseddit because its on the big screen
*sees boku no hero in corner of eye on monitor*
AHHHH SO BADED NORMALFAGGOTS WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND ANIME *does based boy face while dancing to ebin EVA opening*
Lmao why are people obsessed over this guy
I cri everytime
If this is so awful according to Yea Forums then name 5 actual good movies.
Soulless dosnt mean things you dont like. Fucking zoomers I swear.
user's gonna need a burn heal
if something becomes slightly popular all attention whores start picking up the meme because it's something they can get attention with.
it's more a about the social dynamics rather than the content itself.
Exactly. My point is that modern hollywood isn't any better than the cringiest conventions in anime
in bruges
jackie chan
3 had too much effort and cool shit to be soulless. Dancer fight for example, oozes soul. The music, the flowing fabric and graceful moves. The fucking FOOTSTEPS.
zoomzooms love this shit
There Will Be Blood
The Favourite
Synecdoche, New York
The Pervert's Guide to Ideology
The Master
The Godfather
Here we go with the contranians of Yea Forums hating the MOST popular movie in history
Zoomers don't have disposable income, they're, at oldest, in college. This is almost entirely on millennials, stop shoving all your own faults onto another generation.
darude sandstorm
zoom zoom
Of course it's an act, the guy is making reaction vids.
The funny part comes in how overtop the acting is.
annabelle 1, 2 & 3
the game
the night eats the world
the man who would be king
Just like in my favorite movies of old without all this "nuCGI" shit.
Dude, it says “Souls” in the name. Wtf are you speaking about?!
nah, noone watches it. fuck off you're not special
skyrim is the best singleplayer game of all time. take your meds shizo
This piece of shit
Whoever made that particular clip really liked when the giant clocks the space fish on the chin.
That 's so fucking stupid and somehow still not the worst scene in the movie.
Hard to agree but als hard to disagree.
>They peobably only let him live because he asks the least amount of money.
>Jeremy, please stand closer to Brie
>makes this pose
The man is a gift that keeps on giving.
Nah man, this world isn't worth saving anymore.
Remember how in the LotR they actually used scale models and perspective shots to fake scale? Fuck.
i see you are a man o culture as well, very nice
Given that the Favourite is probably the one of those you're least likely to have seen I'm gonna give it a massive recommendation in case you haven't
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Zoomers, are you taking note of this? The STATE of """""""MEN""""""". The STATE of """""""WOMEN"""""" of those """"""""""""MEN"""""""".
I hate this movie so much. The more you love Tolkien and his works the more it hurts.
the age of tolkien is over
why are ppl complainign about this
Shawshank Redemption
Technically Dark souls 2 has more soul because of soul memory.
to be honest, im actually surprised at how many of the actors are there together.
i would imagine a scene like that there was only 3 or 4 actors at a given time being filmed and then they just edited them all together in the end.
Because it's not cool.
Thank god sony gave the middle finger to disney
Fuck the MCU
I have not seen a single Avengers movie since the first one and I've barely watched Marvel shit. As far as I see it, I have no motivation to marathon that shit.
The Raid 2 (choreography, some of the acting)
Pick whichever of the Dollars trilogy you think is best (probably GB&U)
Legend (for cheesy entertainment value and Tim Curry)
Die Hard (acting, story)
Shaun Of The Dead and/or Hot Fuzz (acting, writing, editing, huge amount of practical effects)
Yea Forums is fucking retarded and doesn't even play video games. All these secondaries know is the most talked about one.
how is that even effective? is legoman trying to kill them or just trying to annoy them by banging stuff on their helmets?
Fallout New Vegas.
How the hell much are they regularly spending on their kid?
who did it better?
Im going to say it. GOOD TIMES is the best movie of the decade. It encapsulated the whole feeling of the 2010s just like Taxi Driver did
>Stay fucking his wife for a while
>Continue until you've got however much satisfaction/money you want
>Reveal you were lying about the HIV at the end to ruin his shit fantasy
any ubisoft/ea/bethesda games
Sir, you appear to have an angry horse in your room
wtf is going on here?
why tho
RDJ is a notorious manlet and wears platforms at every opportunity he can. Just search his name in google images
He's basically wearing high heels stuffed inside a regular shoe so it doesn't look like he's wearing high heels.
physically impossible.
Its for the those people who think jumping up in a falling elevator right before the crash will save their life
Nothing unusual.
you think these people have existed since the start? or did the internet help them them find their fantasy?
avengers movies look boring af. I kinda want to watch them to see what the fuss is about but probably not going to. I also hate what they did to my boy spider-man. Far From Home wasn't really even a spider-man movie desu.
Made me check.
Stop. This shit is fucking infuriating. Post something tasteful like kids wearing bondage leather at a gay pride parade or something
I know these people are one in a million but it's still disheartening that I share the same species as these wastes of flesh
A bit of both, these people probably existed before the internet and you only heard of them because of the internet, and having hugboxes with such communities is bound to create purebred nutcases like this.
Are you upset about a man wanting to feel a bit more normal?
>pretending to not know this is the highest grossing film in human history
oh no, something that cant be done in the real world? not in my fantasy films! immersion ruined, its no longer real, not cause the dragons or orcs or hobbits but cause this elf guy did a stunt
What's your favorite film of all time, Yea Forums?
Mine is 12 Angry Men.
The internet gave them an easier way to fulfill their "desires", but I'm pretty sure they tried their shit trough adverts and the like in some obscure paper?
I don't find him that good an actor but I respect his commitment.
I know many people who haven't seen Titanic, Avatar or Gone With the Win.
They never learn, do they?
I honestly couldn't tell you what this movie is. I'm not memeing.
There's only one right answer and you know it.
This may be a bitter pill to swallow, but Dark Souls 3 is actually the most soulful souls game.
Why didn't legolas just upside down bat lawnmower the orcs in Isengard?
Seriously, you could cut out 2/3rds of EndGame and it would be infinitely better.
Meant for
I used to defend this guy but I have to admit his reaction is ridiculous.
It’s funnier when you know the whole story is he got into a fight with his wife (now divorced) just before all this.
>im not memeing
yes you are retard, no one thinks you look any cooler cause you dont recognize popular media
He's like 75% man
>Are you upset
Yes. I don't get upset at frogposters, wojaks, frens, trannies, COPE, sneed, bananas, pol, cucks or even smash posters
but this shit drives me up the fucking wall
>The Master
Ma nigga. That was the role that made me realize that Joaquim Phoenix is one of the greatest living actors.
Nintendo as a whole.
I really liked good will hunting.
I really empathise with Will in it, not for the intelligence part, more the alcoholic dad and severe trust issues part.
OK don't believe me I don't give a shit. Enjoy your capeshit, retard. lmao
The thing about high heels is that not only do they make you taller, but they also change your posture and the way your legs look. You even have to walk differently. I wonder if RDJ swings his hips like a girl when he struts on those.
He damaged his back holding that posture throughout filming
are you 12?
what a fukken shitlist
shut up ill suck your dick
Seven Samurai
The Samurai Trilogy
Jackie Chan
Rumble in the bronx
Police story
Who am I
Armor of god
Jackie cha- SHIT
Fuck millenials
Not even millenials like other millenials
t. zoomer
The incredible hulk was absolute kino though. That part with him staring at the plant, my God, the cinematography was so artful.
Check em
zoomers > alright half of gen x >>> boomers > millennials >>>>>>> bad half of gen x
have you considered that you may be special?
Really? That's some Daniel Day Lewis commitment right there. That interrogation scene with Hoffman is fucking intense.
Before seeing him in the Master, I only remembered him from Gladiator, decent but no leading man. Suddenly he completely blew me away. Then watched Her which only solidify the fact that he can literally carry a movie by himself. Only have high hopes for Joker because it's him playing it.
Shawshank Redemption
Didn't Redlettermedia jump all over these last two avenger movies dicks? And at the same time shit all over independence day, one of the comfiest and soulful movies ever?
Hobbs & Shaw
The Fast and the Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious
>Only have high hopes for Joker because it's him playing it.
I hate capeshit movies on principle but I'm actually excited for Joker. I think it'll be the kind of thing where you have to completely forget the past decades of joker discourse and just enjoy it as its own story
You´re in the wrong neighborhood DS1 cuck.
lmao it's okay dude, we all get our feelings hurt every now and then
Is there a video game character stronger than the Avengers?
Keep in mind I'm talking about Ironman with Thanos' gauntlet, Captain America with Thor's hammer, with Antman's quantum time machine van, chill Hulk, fully unleashed Captain Marvel, Spiderman powered by Stark's suit and supported with all the armies from Dr Strange, Black Panther and Asgard, Avengers.
but very little passion.
COPE you capeshit faggot.
I'm disappointed in millennials. We were supposed to be the saviors, we were supposed to show the zoomers the way forward, instead we just became CONSUUUUUUUUMERS like the boomers and gen xers, we just had a later start.
Well fuck all the inbred bastards who fed these assholes. I wish I didn't read that.
Pretty sure doomguy, dante, kratos or even fucking mario could wreck their pussy shit. Have any of these dipshit avengers ever managed to kill anyone?
Sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.
Your move, s oyface.
Pretty much how I'm going in. I'm sure they'll connect it to the whole Gotham universe, and Bruce shows up as a kid, but I'm mostly going in to see a comedian lose his mind.
Also apparently he only accepted the role when he said he didn't want it to be a series. So we don't even have to worry about DC trying to build some cinematic universe from this. It's just an isolated story.
Are you just supposed to go glossy eyed and zone out at all the shit going on?
Gears of war
Physically impossible for humans. Not for elves.
Project G4
Paradise Lost
Missing Ace
I'm Born!
Be the One
Good on you.
Boomers and millennials are about equal in their cancer desu
They don't have any.
This probably.
>couldnt even name the movie
>enjoy your capeshit retard
You're a terrible troll.
Hokuto Shinken by itself is the unbeatable fightstyle, everything else is redundant except for Dr. Manhattan. Yes I am aware this is pasta but my autism won't let it go.
The Handmaiden
Mulholland Drive
What is the point of wearing these?
He's handsome, rich, famous and has the potential to hold a lot of power.
Why wear fucking high heels? So what if you are shorter, you are living a dream life.
Now that Disney is out of the way, I can finally get my Marvel Zombies Spidey movie.
I remember seeing infinity war and thinking that when it was time to fight thanos in endgame, it was going to be some insane reality bending shit thanks to the stones. Something where thanos would not just want to destroy the avengers but make them surrender/give up just for the satisfaction by giving them all kinds of impossible things. Hulk and banner separated, asgard restored, cap sent back in time to live out the life he missed etc. Then when its time to actually fight it becomes some 4d chess madness because your opponent has total control of every aspect of existence supposedly.
8 1/2 (just for one scene)
Not when they're making a 3d release and can't do perspective shots with multiple cameras.
There is no dream life for he who wants
When you get all the fame and money you wanted, you're left to focus on those remaining things you can't have, like height or youth or penis size
No amount of power or money can stifle that which we can not possess, and thus the only happy man is he who wants not
reddit autists outing themselves
based and kinopilled
How do you suppose, pepe?
Why aren't we making porn with this level of graphical fidelity? Why not just give the people what they want
No, I'll suck YOUR dick!
The Last Samurai
Life of Pi
The Neverending Story
Terminator 2: Judgement Day special directors cut with smiling arnie
>thinking reddit is the autistic site
You can't have started lurking later than 2014
Silence of the Lambs
It's a wonderful life
A Bronx tale
Fuck Cameron, fuck Lucas, fuck Tarantino and most importantly FUCK DENIS VILLENEUVE
go back redditnigger
Crank 1
Crank 2: High Voltage
Mortal Kombat
Demolition Man
Lol I'm dead-on aren't I
Seethe more, newfaggot
Sure, but give the fame, money and power and then I'll complain about the rest.
jackie chan
lol look at me im such an individual
Director of Enemy, Prisoners and Blade Runner 2049.
Dr. Strangelove
>the few action scenes that are in are top tier
>funny as hell
Grasping at straws. You don't even know where to train your sights. I'm a fucking ghost, I'm everywhere, I am the fucking egregore. You are nothing but a rash that needs tending to
Only cool bit in this webm is Ant-man punching that flying monster thing coz it reminds me of Ultraman.
Based tokufag
You could say Ant-Man is the coolest part about this Marvel shit.
It's really hard to single out a favorite among so many greats
>I hate capeshit movies on principle
Is this code for "i'm a contrarian"?
It shows with the laugh of the emperor. Just doesn't fit.
After The Dark Knight, they've all been pretty bad
>Grasping at straws. You don't even know where to train your sights. I'm a fucking ghost, I'm everywhere, I am the fucking egregore. You are nothing but a rash that needs tending to
I wonder what his face looks like when he orgasms
It's code for "I found a pattern that has proven extremely reliable," that pattern being that capeshit movies tend to be so bad they ruin my mood
The original Iron Man was charming enough to justify itself but good god they are such bloated, soulless monstrosities
Why does super hero movies make Yea Forums seethe so much? people hero talk incessant shit about them yet will turn around and watch whatever flavor of the month seasonal shonen show is airing.
Is it just extreme contrarianism due to their extreme popularity?
I don't get it. Aren't they just doing their dumb capeshit poses?
Pretty sure you're just contrarian if you hate something so petty as a movie "on principle."
It's one dude shilling his youtube channel.
Halo, Bioshock, gears of War, call of duty past 4.
>Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!
>guy riding the bomb
>You'll have to answer to the Coca-Cola company
Always cracks me up.
I was being hyperbolic
There do in fact exist some movies such that the movie is capeshit and I do not hate it
That said, they are only a scant few
It's childfree, they're bragging that they're not contributing to their family tree and being able to spend their money on video games
Yes, but I guess someone asked him to move closer to Captain Cunt for the shot, and he intentionally got as low and out of frame as possible away from her. If he wanted to be in the shot he could've done a standing draw while back to back with her.
It's a stretch, but body language speaks loud.
What words did you use to defend him?
get a load of this faggot
Destiny 2. Destiny 1 at least had remnants of souls buried within it. Destiny 2 is just a Video Game Product.
Seething retards
I'm personally tired of Disney running everything into the ground. Back when the Tobey Maguire Spider-man came out, we hadn't gotten "cape shit" in so long and the last attempts were the horrific Schumacher Batman's. It felt fresh, and refreshing to see it done well. Now there's a new one every 3 months, it's formulaic to a fault, with the only variables being which hero is on screen, the rest being special effects filler that has long since stopped being "special". They did the same with Star Wars and I'm glad the fans actually had a backbone to stand up to it, seems like they're backing off that corpse now.
Ultimately they treat fans of properties they've acquired like mindless consumers and it's not something I appreciate
I still don't understand that people watch this. Who? Why? Fucking how?
I was mad, but then I realized people like this shouldn't breed.
Don't know about favorite of all time but The Good The Bad and The Ugly is up there.
Pathetic scum
But user, the best is yet to come. Don't you look forward to all our new "new" superheroes in the coming years?
Nah, that's gotta be the falling stairway, with legolas somehow experiencing 10x the gravity of everything else as he skips between freefalling stones. And fucking somehow it looks even dumber than it sounds.
Are you implying anyone with such an inclination should be having children
Do you not know how much it costs to feed, clothe, bathe, educate, medicate, house etc a human? Or do you plan on raising a kid like a goblin slave?
This but unironically
How about a movie that doesn't end in some long, extended multi-army battle where people yell and clink their swords against their shields and shit
How about a movie that doesn't take 256 billion dollars to make
I take out 1/4 of a paycheck. It's honestly not too bad. Though she's a Toddler now.
I understand why the need to incorporate "Marvel Studios" into these logos, but did they really need them for this timeline? Is this for people who forget what infographic they're looking at, while they're looking at it?
"Oh THAT Loki. Honey, it's Marvel's Loki. Honey? Oh.."
I'm more curious as to why Disney's logo isn't in every one of those.
Sunset Boulevard
The Mask
Starship Troopers
Conan The Barbarian
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Those are the Disney Plus exclusives, or at least until the service bombs
>Is it just extreme contrarianism due to their extreme popularity?
You answered your own question. Its not some special secret club and all the normies know about it and are having fun with it. Add in the fact that most people around here like animu and feel like comic books and superhero stuff is some kind of natural opposition. So when superhero stuff does well they feel like they're in the wrong camp so they demonize.
Fallout 4
*tips fedora*
Based and NOS pilled
Ah, that explains it.
At least their big fight sequence was actually outside
>It encapsulated the whole feeling of the 2010s just like Taxi Driver did
I haven't seen Good Times yet but that description made me think of Nightcrawler.
The Hobbit should have been a single movie. They stretched so many battle scenes and conversations out needlessly and you could totally tell
Do audiences actually find """"badass"""" women appealing?
>Good Times
I can't image anyone actually does
I can't imagine someone still being entertained by a badasss woman pinning a bald henchman to a wall with a stiletto high kick and doing a flip afterwards
I think he meant FAST TIMES
What the fuck do you want, sluts shooting lasers out of their tits?
cabin in the wood
What the fuck was up with the ending? Giant spider out of nowhere.
>fast times at ridgemont high
Checks out
>people hero talk incessant shit
Yeah, but usually not such concentrated shit.
seven samurai
Dollars Trilogy
Black Rain
The Thomas Crown Affair (1968)
Train to Busan
Dr. Strangelove
Served a table of two 20 something girls. Right when Endgame was coming out, we were PACKED right before the 7pm thursday show came out, we even had a new cask beer (microbrewery) for the occasion. These two had no idea what they marvel movies were or why it was a big deal. They weren't even Stacy types, really average appearance and super chill.
I was pretty surprised that some people are not aware of the success of those films or what they are, its a modern cultural Zeitgeist on par with Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pokemon and the like. Like I work right beside a cineplex and the amount of elderly people over 50 and 60 even going to see Endgame was insane.
But somehow there are still people fully unaware who live under rocks. Maybe its a good thing to not be fully aware of the popular media in the world. I do know a fair amount of people who just dont have interest in them. One of my gaming buddies says hes seen maybe 2-3 of the MCU films.
Why do anons pretend to be oblivious by everything? Of course they saw it, do you see how much money to usually make numbnuts?
Depends on how they're written. Two obvious examples would be Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley.
None of the women in Marvel have anything interesting to say, although that pretty much goes for the rest of the men as well.
>do you see how much money to usually make numbnuts?
"people" don't watch it, no.
part of me wishes they'd have just kept jar jar as a costumed freak who follows the jedi around. like how jabba the Hutt was a fat guy in lavish clothing for some old footage who they then turned into a CGI slug monster.
kill yourself
I can understand not actually watching or caring for the movies, I've only seen a few of them out of curiosity, but to not actually know is a bit strange.
>sonic forces
Oh no, someone didn't suffer through a commercial. What a weirdo.
The Dr Strange one could be good, since he's an actually interesting character.
>Shang Chi
Oh, I wonder what country that'll do best in
My friend and his girlfriend were gushing over the grill power scene
only if you die a lot
>There Will Be Blood
fucked it up right off the bat
Super Mario Galaxy 2
It's easy if you don't have a good goy cable subscription and stay off r*ddit. The last superhero shit I saw was spider man with that twink fuck like 20 years ago.
we should just end it all
at least with that scene you can kinda justify it (even just a little bit) with "elven magic and shit" since he's supposed to be weightless or something
the scene in user's webm is just stupid all around
>Yea Forums is one person and a notorious hacker
Imagine being one of the most famous and wealthiest actors and still being so insecure about your height that you wear high heels concealed as normal shoes just to appear a little bit taller. This is fucking pathetic beta behavior.
Honestly I'm impressed they actually shot anything at all, most of these fight scenes these days are just entirely CGI now because filming is expensive and requires planning and isn't easy to redo a million times to best please executives and test audiences
at least its not bug chasing
hes jumping with the force of a thousands suns
Anyone who thinks this is real and not just autistic ERP is retarded
wouldn't put it past the average redditor
baby driver is the only edgar wright movie i didnt finish, something about it just rubbed me the wrong way, nice list regardless
This is what tribalism does to your brain. You'll believe literally anything anyone tells you as long as it confirms your bias against your scary hated enemy tribe.
It's what those humorless cunts swarming this place like it's the only floating debris in the ocean for a fucking decade straight does to my image of them. They're fucking locust. Comedy vampires. Consume everything leaving only in-"jokes", references and reenactments in their wake.
>dyke shit
dumb weeb
don't worry, the ending was complete shit
the final action scenes were the weakest in the movie too, although they did use hocus pocus so there's that
Son of the mask
>t. not an oil man
Spotted the bastard in a basket
What's the appeal of super hero movies ?
>every character is the same
>story is bad
>bad acting
>badly filmed
Even soap operas are more interesting and I'm not memeing
Why Yea Forums has such shit taste in movies ?
You can't discuss anything outside of american blockbusters on Yea Forums
I remember once in high school i was in a student government club and everyone knew i liked videogames so they just assumed i liked everything "nerdy". So for my birthday they gave me a bunch of Star Wars shit, and i dont even like SW but i didn't wanna be an asshole and tell them but i was still thankful they remembered my birthday. I did get a cool Joda coffee mug that i still have around.
It's so retarded how Yea Forums & Yea Forums and other chan fags will shit on capeshit, then shill for some dumb john wick shit, or kung fu shit in the same breath. Like literally what the hell would make any of that shit any better? Oh wait, that shit isn't as popular so you don't hate it.
t. filth
No, comic book shit is gay and retarded. That's why.
I'm not partial to any of those genres but at least something like Dredd or Die Hard or CTHD has action sequences that actually engage me and make me care, they don't just look like a murky fog of composite imagery and CGI bodies that jump and get knocked around like they weigh ten pounds
Based 80s horror kinosseur
Jackie Chan
Based and seasoned.
>chan fag
leave retard
Why do you people come here?
Maplestory probably
shut up, nigger
So...where's the R34 of this girl?
>last fifth of the movie wasted on Ironman's funeral
>could have been spent seeing a reunion scene with Peggy and Rogers
This infuriated me
Nu-Star Wars Battlefront.
Seven Samurai
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Every SMASH game after the first one and Melee
I know I'm late, but you are my nigga
My fair lady
Gone with the wind
Mull Holland drive
Holy fuck, movies are amazing.
Bloodbourne, it didn't even have soul in the title and you collect blood echos not souls
What is this cringe horseshit?
Children in general are a bunch of annoying little shits, it's it's just a dumbass boomer meme.
>Children in general are a bunch of annoying little shits
that's a literal projection of their parents
We can agree that this transcends capeshit and is a good film overall, right?
Why do they even botter with physically acting out the scenes? 98% of it is animated, and the rest could be perfected with animation if they spent less time filming scenes like this, and more time animating.
>every child is a spitting image of their parents
Yet your father got laid. You didn't.
I have a gal and probably 2 times your age but whatever
Why couldnt they just keep comic book movies just like into the spiderverse?
Why the fuck is disney doing ever remake into live action?
it was ok
About as real as the shit eating furfags user, but I appreciate your denial
Nice touch.
So you have a girlfriend, maybe even soon to be wife. Probably planning on a few kids too, am I right?
Yet here you are, wasting you spare time on a malaysian calligraphy forum. Living the dream, eh?
Worst scene in the whole series is when they're floating down the river in barrels but the footage was obviously shot with GoPros.
Replace Fast & Furious with Fast Five and you're correct
i was really crushed by that because i was so excited and had watched all the behind the scenes stuff during production about that scene. fucking studios getting spooked by Del Toro's vision and forcing jackson to redo everything with no planning. sucks
Imagine getting paid millions and millions of dollars because some greasy neckbeard scanned your body and made some big movie with your 3D model while he earns minimum wage.
FACT: People here only hate on capeshit because of popularity and oversaturation. There's no other reason to hate on these action movies that are typically, at worst, mediocre. It'd be like seeing threads about the shit Fast and Furious movies that keep getting made
That's the free market for you.
Why even use actors at all at this point?
actors attract normies to watch an ad for an ad that is an ad for an ad...
If you were able to exert enough force on the elevator before the impact, yeah you can save your life.
Though if it's falling fast enough to kill you you'd probably still break your legs.
This, just having the time heist forward would be perfect but nooooooooooo we needed mass amounts of filler.
Social brand. Actors are just brands, and every successful movie needs certain types of brands. Once upon a time Monroe was THE hot woman in Hollywood, now its Margot Robbie, in 10 years you wont even see her in anything important but some other young girl will take her place and you wont imagine anyone else, then 10 years later some other hot girl takes her place, ect.
Now do that with all the following roles
>The White Hero (RDJ, Rock, ect)
>The Black hero
>The white sidekick
>The Black side kick (SLJ)
>The White/Black Woman hero
>weed pandering actors
>grizzled old white man to play in action films (Liam Neeson, Bruce Willis, ect)
>The old woman who your parents like watching and is quite good (Meryl Streep)
>The old guy who your parents like watching and is quite good (cough tom hanks cough)
>the teen girl bait
>the middle aged unmarried woman bait (Channing Tatum)
It just goes on and on, and in 20 years all of these roles will still exist but new people will take their place.
struck a nerve
>Living the dream, eh?
actually yes, I have a lot of free time
>not Apex Legends
How did they go from the LOTR movies to this?
based and T2 pilled
The studio ditched the director that wanted to do the hobbit, in favor of the one that burnt himself and his preferred actors out on doing LotR. And since they were burnt out from LotR but felt obligated to maintain that style, they phoned it in while also committing to making a multipart epic.
Strangers on a Train
Rear Window
North by Northwest
But then they couldn't do the film in 3D!
Safety Last!
The Kid Brother
The Freshman
Why Worry?
Girl Shy
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
I can't take thor's hammer/axe seriously
It looks terrible
>this shitty argument again
You're a fucking idiot.
ahaha I almost forgot how dogshit the hobbit movies are
Literally everyone in the production wanted to be somewhere else and everyone hated themselves.
damn what PS4 game is this?
i'm not sure i'm gonna make it Yea Forumsros ....
Kung Pow[/spoilerz]
The production was rushed as hell, they originally had Del Toro as director during pre production but once he left and Jackson signed on they had to throw a bunch of the stuff that was already made and starting from scratch like a year and a half in. They were essentially building train tracks right in front of the train whereas the original trilogy had several years of pre production put into it.
The final product is absolute garbage but don't forget that it's the suits at the top that fucked up the movie, Jackson and company got dealt a shit hand and even with constant 18 hour workdays you can only save so much of a product.
you fags really need to get friends or go outside holy shit lmao. Imagine getting trigged by people liking a movie.
spot the weeb faggot
hah no.
Sadly this.