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Ponys BTFO
sonyfags seething, their pitiful attempts were not sufficient
Jiren we lost....
All they had to do was delete reviews with the words
“Sony, PS4, port, PC”
Boom review bombs gone.
Both sides are pathetic. Instead of playing video games they try to rally together to change a number that doesn’t matter and nobody pays attention to because they’re practically a cult.
Shitposting on Yea Forums is a better use of your time than this.
do you get to kill black people in this game?
Guaranteed sequel next year.
>Leave Jiren to me
What sides? I just see a bunch of pathetic review bombing. What is this fallacy called when you fling shit and then try to back it off by claiming shared responsibility?
>yeah I pissed in your cereal, but we were both being dumb, we’re both at fault and just as bad really
72 ninus the 15 nintendo bonus
Next time on Dragon Ball Z: Review Bombers Defeated
C'mon Sonybros we must show them nincels their place.
t. Jirengamer25
What the FUCK? Why would they remove a legit review from this honorable spi-I mean man? Disgusting
Don't worry bros. I got this.
Jirengamer25 bros...
since when are you allowed to remove negative reviews?
Fat chance
No you don’t lmao
>this crying just because a group of mexicans gave negative reviews to a nintendo game
serious guys
have sex
>Instead of playing video games
So like everyone who bought it then?
never visting their shitty website ever again, they are literally getting payed to delete negative criticism. fuck metacritic, fuck nintendo and fuck nincels. how can we trust this website anymore? literally giving nintendo games a bonus and sony games a penalty... NINTENDO ES UNA MIERDA. SONY ES LA MEJOR
>tfw you’re not a third world consolewarrior
Feels good
Nice bait.
lol the paycheck
based nintendo dropping a lawsuit on metashitic
Snoyggers are literally SEETHING.
They are mad because their fake reviews got deleted.
This is fucking funny.
I hope they continue the effort so this shitshow last longer.
>sony penalty
Jesus Christ that's a pretty shitty score even if you pretend that the Nintendo bonus isn't real.
wow, two points, big bonus
Nice try Xcuck falseflaggers. Everyone knows you were behind this. You need to be culled like the scum you are
Is it really this fucking hard to just enjoy videogames?
so you are confirming that a sony bonus does exist?
>Jesus Christ that's a pretty shitty score
>source: dude trust me
Why did you cap this?
Great now the Sony fangays are gonna review bomb it out of spite
its hilarious how sonyfags would Continue to move the goalposts whenever they lose an argument
no they dont, see
yes, i am confirming it, i also said it's a big bonus. can't you read?
it's almost like it's two different people or something
holy shit my sides
>it's actually at a 9.0
Are Metaciritic finally trying to regulate reviews?
also reading it again it's obviously a falseflagger when they start typing in spanish, you dumbass lmao
>third world
Took this on sunday.
I don't even understand why astral chain, of all switch games, is causing so much butthurt.
BOTW too got review bombed too, but this recent days have been worse and crazy pathetic.
>down to 87 from the initial 88
Who was responsible for this?
Every exclusive gets review bombed
Everyone knows Xtrannies are the biggest falseflaggers. You and your Xcuck friends need to hang yourselves
Platinum is a shitposting lightning rod on top of being exclusive
it must be doing something right
como me pudo pasar esto a mi
Not at this level, user.
This is way worse because in their rage, they also review bombed a 1 month old game.
Something happened on the Spanish language net. It seems off that so many reviews both positive and negative were in Spanish.
it had 1200 negative last I checked
when the game officially released
RPG Site gave the game a 70 which lowered the score
>Literal censorship
Yes, they deleted like 1000 zeroes.
it's fucking crazy.
>What sides?
when seeing people lose their shit over a number
the drought user, the drought.
i guess they need to have fun in one way or another.
>deleting fake reviews fueled by pure, unjustified rage is now censorship.
no this is good censorship because it helps nintendo
Who cares? More overhyped and forgotten trash to add to the list.
It's not just exclusives. The Xbone version of RDR2 got review bombed as well iirc.
If this is turns out to be a falseflagger blaming Xbots, then it's even more pathetic than the actual story that is allegedly being told.
enter shitren
>delete fake negative reviews
>keep fake positive reviews
Whoa, score so justified.
>Literally every single negative review is fake
>All the 10s given by braindead fanboys are ok
>how do we solve review bombing?
>I know! we will just remove every single negative review and keep all the perfect score reviews from Nintendo fanboys!
holy fuck this site is an even bigger joke than I thought.
It's okay because Nintendo. Only S O Y outlets complained about AC review bombing, like it's actual news. They made a big save AC campaign.
i'm not defending those, faggots.
i wish metashitic dont even have a user review score. both sides are fucking shit.
Autistic spics BTFO
Metacritic is an absolute joke in general and everyone who cares about it is either pretending or genuinely retarded.
Not every negative review was removed though
>only keeping perfect reviews
based. now add Wojunk into the trash can, too
Crackdown 3 got review bombed. Where's the outrage for that?
Only about 1/100 user reviews on metacritic has any actual criticism to them. Like half of them are usually 0s with "fuck trannies" in there.
It's like taking a journalist's 5/10 review of Dragon Crown seriously because Tits were too big was the biggest criticism.
The mexicans are already at it again lol
jirentranny on suicide watch.
oh and here come the muh freedom of speech a"outraged" snowflakes who think abusing privately-owned websites and speaking are synonymnous. All becoming too predictable. go outside get some fresh air.
>All third world fagging Sony ygers.
I mean, if it's genuine joy for the game versus someone who is just butthurt, and hasn't actually played it, then it's at least, on some level, true. Maybe the review didn't need to be 10, but even I would say Astral Chain doesn't deserve a a fucking zero. It's not like it has no redeeming qualities. Personally I'd give it a 6/10, but a zero would mean it has to be an absolutely awful game. A game that can't possibly bring any joy whatsoever. Besidea shitty phone shovelware, I can't think of titles that deserve a 0.
So yeah, a 10/10 is at least someehat closee to truth than fucking zero, especially when the review is "it's bad because it's for Nintendo Switch". The only equally bullshit kind of review is "it's for Nintendo Switch so it's perfect".
Lmao no the 10s are just as bs as the zeros
This isn't over, Toddlers.
This meme is so ridiculously dumb that I love it
See ya Jiren
I want to fight you again Jiren. Next game, Link's Awakening.
Every game gets undeserving reviews.
>muh both sides
esto es el fin
the same shit happened with BOTW. From one moment to the other it gained a full grade higher. And nintendo faggots still question the fact that nintendo games are artificial overrated.
I never thought I would see the day when wojaks and pepes became more cancerous than reddit faces.
>people review bomb a game because they're mad
>remove all the bad reviews and not the good ones, making the score even higher than it was before
>send the people who were review bombing in the first place into a seething fit
No one cares about Crackdown 3.
so if they removed the spam reviews for this game, why not all the SMT games that have been review bombed? i'm serious go check the user scores for literally any SMT games
SMT games get review bombed? Why? Who is console warring over fucking SMT?
yes, i know.
>pic related still hasn't been fixed; the scores have been like this for at least a year now
>negative reviews of nintendo games are censored immediately
metacritic should just change their name to nintendocritic, at least then they'd be honest.
They just want to ruin the launch. Because a lot of sales happen then.
The same shit happen on /p/ when the new nikon z6 went out. Sonytards went full force.
There ought to be a law.
Don't be retarded. The number wouldn't go that high if there wasn't as much idiots posting 10s as their are 0s. Nintendo fags literally got so mad that Sony fags dropped a number that they had to resort to doing the exact same thing. Meanwhile almost all SMT and persona games still have low numbers because they don't care that trolls dropped a fucking number down.
Wow, I didn't know they did that with botw too. I guess I should stop looking at user scores for nintendo games.
or maybe SMT is just shit
Who cares. Xfags are gonna review bomb Death Stranding too. Nobody makes a bigger deal out of this but Nintendofags.
That's because SMT players don't flood metacritic with e-mails demanding they fix the scores
how do you know?
>Jiren'a character is forever tarnished by a Sony fanboy
Thanks. Now every time he gets posted we'll have to talk about some autistic guy from South America who spends his days giving Nintendo games zeroes because butthurt.
hmph...nos vemos en links awakening
alternatively, not a lot of people give a shit about SMT scores and therefore don't raise a stink about it.
>I guess I should stop looking at user scores for nintendo games
Would 2013 Yea Forums talk like this?
Pretty much this. If SMTfags are mad about this, then they should raise a big stink. Otherwise stop being a bunch of cucks
the critics' reviews for nintendo games are also just as meaningless.
>Nintendo games are in the list
Really makes you.... thunk or something
Storm Metacritic, they can't stop us all.
Don't forget, Xfags lie all the time.
>cinematic walking simulator
all critics' reviews are meaningless, you fag.
>literal cherrypicking
How are you this retarded?
What's up fellow Jiren Gamers?
Just dropped a 0 on the game for this blatant censorship even though I'm planning to buy Astral Chain after I'm done with FE 3 Houses.
15 points! I Can't believe they added on 25 points! Why do Nintendo games get a bonus of 35 points!? SOYE VEYYYYYYY
none of those games are first-party titles funded by nintendo. they're also split between nintendo and sony platforms. it's extremely blatant reviewbombing. the fact that it hasn't been fixed yet means it's not about fairness, it's about making first-party nintendo exclusives look better than they really are by censoring negative reviews.
>if you dont spend your whole life obsessed with metacritic scores and defending a multi billion dollar corporation, you're a cuck
based drone
>cinematic trash simulator
I mean, you are obsessing. You're fixated on the fact that SMT review scores got tanked.
Xbox has no games, so I didn't even bother
cope shitter
im sure you wont get bored of playing delivery man in an empty open world
>kill God in the games
It's Christians.
as opposed to "playing" a 30fps qte movie with ps2 jaggies?
Big cope. Your game will be forgotten in a month, while DS is remembered forever.
so which movie are we ready for next fellow snoy chads?
>upset because their game is already shit
>no retort
based moral-relativist retard
absent like death strandings gameplay
can't tell if false flagger
please say a few more meme words
i can't wait to watch reedus sleep and walk, it's pretty much botw all over again amirite fellow gamers haha
that's not even required, seething snoygger.
it's over bros
no no, it's totally different than solving remedial puzzle type 7 (of 11) for tree poop #872
is it like botw where 99% of the game isn't required?
not gonna lie bros, what if DS and LoU part 2 flop bros oh nooooooooo bros those are the only games left
See you at the Game Awards
User scores should just get removed entirely if all they do is create drama and cause people to artificially inflate/deflate scores.
What if your mother had the abortion?
Thats most likely the end goal
>Yea Forums argues for years how great user scores are
>starts to use them to target games they can't play for platform reasons
>shocked when they are removed
lol, imagine being this mad for a game.
I will explain to you because i feel sorry for your pathetic seething ignorance.
you see, you can pick some cans in certain spots and you can use it for 2 things.
1- you can throw it in the trash and get more points for better rewards at the end.
2- you can use it to bait enemies.