ITT: Games that we must ensure do not financially succeed, under any circumstances.
ITT: Games that we must ensure do not financially succeed, under any circumstances
Christ, the /pol/tard coping and seething would be insufferable
Buying 3 copies just to spite /pol/niggers
Stop being a feminist.
How do you plan to do that?
yeah i'm sure screeching about it on Yea Forums will make it go away
Can't ever talk about ND without shit posting. All congitive dissonance dissipates.
That's a huge fucking nose. The thing about big noses is that they're usually really heavy. That's why the nose on the Gipson isn't so much nose as it is an extension of the head. This game will have a lot more "pneumatic" features that will allow you to move the game more. I actually can't think of a good example of a big nose game, the closest is probably the "Mullet of Bambi" game from the 1980s, I think if I was a company I'd want to release something like that. I can think of a couple of others. Remember the Battletech tabletop RPG? But there was also the Ultima game , which had pretty large nose-like things on its top. There is a similar game called Sucker Punch from about 4 years ago. I never really got to play it because I got scared to death and didn't want to lose money, but I'm sure it was still one that you would take. And of course one of the bigger-than-life sci-fi series, Turok.
I don’t care, cross platform AAA games hinge on the success of this.
I’m buying it nazi ;)
>can't talk about a game that has political propaganda in it without mentioning politics
gee I wonder why
When's the multiplayer? Since they shitcanned all the PS3 severs. Kinda shitty considering not even a decade has past. Not to mention there's no fucking plans to add it into the Nathan Drake Collection.
I'm not expecting a lot.
I bet you go full /pol/tard in public.
Stop being a cultist
Rent free
you lost the bet
>cawwa dooty bad!
Outbreak Day soon
I'm buying it. I liked the first one.
Also: I'm not an insecure faggot always looking for the Boogeyman.
absolutely fucking BASED
Yea Forums is just salty because it's full of teenagers who want to bone a fictional character
Im buying two and I dont even own a PS4
jesus christ look at that schnoz
>da j0000z
>Christ, the /pol/tard coping and seething would be insufferable
Being a feminist is the same thing. Take your own advice
>Buying 3 copies
Why are people still talking about The Last of Us all these years later?
Because it's controversial. ( translation: the fans are insufferable )
Take sõyjack's dick in your ass if you love posting him so much
In all honesty, I am a pretty left person but what was the point of this scene in the trailer?
What is the boogeyman?
>snoyfag needs to buy three copies of a game to make his playstation library look bigger.
top laff
Reminder that Disney censored the kiss.
Stop being a member of the cult of feminism first.
t. cultist
>Still participating in console wars
You need to be 18 to post here.
Irl model of this jew girl has some big milkers
TLOU dlc ruined any shred of enjoyment I had for the game. Turned a surrogate daughter for Joel into a full blown dyke, then in the sequel they crank it up 500%
I am over 18. You know what else is over 18? The amount of different games I have in my collection.
As opposed to Xfags who buy no games.
A non existent being that children think is out to get them.
>NO U!
You're clearly a child, but OK.
>ITT: Games that we must ensure do not financially succeed, under any circumstances.
>implying Yea Forums is influential
>implying Yea Forums is big
What can a bunch of NEETs do?
Says the dude who's throwing a tantrum and is gonna buy 3 copies of the same game to spite strangers on the internet.
I haven't thrown a tantrum at all, nor have i said I was buying 3 copies. You're not very bright are you?
Listen! You have to understand that you can't call yourself a feminist and at the same time be a human being. That's not how it works.
I am asking what the name of this boogeyman is?
lol then if you're not the dude I made the OG reply towards, then why did you reply? It's just a lil' bit of bantz.
Whatever the insecure person wants to name it.
>making a board your personal army
not only did summer never end, we're starting to go backwards in time and OPs are becoming stupider (or jannies are somehow becoming even more shit)
You acted like a child and I called you a child. It's just a bit of "bantz" little one.
you can spout buzzwords all you want, you're still an obvious newfag
>little one
this nigga thinks he's a village elder or some shit
I'm sorry you're poor.
You're not gonna make it with the wolves, kid. This is a culture war and we must be ready to fight it.
Ashkenazi jew is the fake jew in revelations, that sit on the synagoge of satan
the ashkenazi jew, are decendents of the khazarian nation which was a war lending nation that CONVERTED to judiasm, under the rule of Bulan, because their neighboring was forcing pressure on the khazarians that if they dont take a religious ally, they will be either attacked by christians, or muslims. so knowing their bordering nations were christian and muslim, the king decided to covert the people into a religion that would leave them from attack.
they have understood the flow of finances, through the market, and taught it to their children while using this manipulation to lobby press agencies. its easier done, then said.
the ashkanazi "jew" goldmiths horded the gold from roman currency; forcing the treasury to decifit spend to fund territorial expansion, and social programs.
the german "jew" finances the french revolution; that ended the community barter system, and established monetary policy that forced countries to borrow money to fund their economic development.
the ashkenazi "jew" funded the bolshevik revolution, and maintained under eastern communist authority.
they fuel war, they profit from war
>t. angst filled virgin
Maybe some day you'll stop blaming your own shortcomings on the world that owes you jack shit. Maybe.
Fake jew freaking out over here. lmao, SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.
You still live with Mom, don't you? Let me guess, it's the Jew suckling boomers fault, isn't it?
Grow up. Why didn't you bitch and complain about this back in 2014 with Left Behind?
The fuck? We did. Endlessly.
Go back to Redit. This isn't your safe space echo chamber.
Shut up, you'll be the first one in line to get this game only because there're two bitches kissing.
Its a pretty obvious set up. The girlfriend dies and Ellie goes fucking punisher on the world
I have no idea why Yea Forums is so riled up; she'll be dead in the first 30 min
Its financial success wouldn't mean anything, because if it fails they'll interpret it not as a failure of the woke message but as a failure of the story or sound or graphics or art direction.
Nice way to most the goalpost. Yea Forums did bitch about it.
>I have no idea why Yea Forums is so riled up; she'll be dead in the first 30 min
what is the source for this?
Ellie's wearing the girls bracelet in the gameplay. And the ILL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM
makes it pretty obvious
i refuse to buy any sony products after i saw this. there's shit games with weird messages then there's this garbage which is actively promoting one of the greatest threats to society. fuck naughty dog.
How the fuck she gonna do that. She's 100 pounds soaking wet lmao
I really enjoyed the first one, but I don't think I'll be buying this one. Naughty Dog just HAD to take the Wokepill, didn't they?
Even after being burned to ash you can still see the nose
>( translation: the fans are insufferable )
>Yea Forums spends almost a decade being pissy about the first game existance and calling it a movie game at every chance it gets
>but somehow its the fans of the game that are in wrong
>One of the greatest threats to society
Is your tinfoil hat on a tad too tight m8?
It's hardly political propaganda. And even if it were, vote with your feet, take your money elsewhere.
Better yet, learn to dev games, and make your own title featuring political themes of your choosing. People can similarly vote with their feet on that.
>homosexuality and associated degeneracy is limited to only lesbianism
Bought 1 but shant be buying this social engineering marxist propaganda
There will always be only one TLOU for me as 2 just doesn't even register for me
Jesus m8, the joke has gone on long enough, don't you think?
Reminder that you didn't read the description of the video you yourself posted:
UPDATE 6/13/18
From the other upload of this censorship video, explaining why the censorship happened:
Firstly, after the stream was taken down, the scene faded to some violent gameplay footage, which included blood and gore as well as profanity. For viewers of the television broadcast, myself included, this was not immediately apparent and gave the impression that the stream was cut because of the kiss itself, a view which was further compounded by the apparent lack of censorship seen earlier in the day when other violent games were being covered.
That being said, a spokesman for Disney XD later addressed the issue directly, saying, "the Disney XD policy does not allow for gratuitous violence in programming that children may be viewing" and "during the channel’s General Audience, DX|P-branded programming from the E3 gaming conference yesterday, telecast editors omitted content that did not meet our policy standards, including several seconds of an animated video game scene that began with a kiss, but ended with a knife attack in which a character’s throat was slashed. Only the latter, violent portion of the scene was not televised from the event."
>planing on spiking because the first one was 30% game 70% walking
>/pol/niggers will say the game is bad not because his cutscene nature focus but because "muh lesbians".
Fucking niggers are making me lost 60$ for absolute no reason.
Watch as he runs from his Boogeyman.
>moving the goalposts
>unspecified '''''''associated degeneracy''''''
Lad, come on.
are you pretending to be dense or are you really this naive to be completely unable to grasp the point being made?
Are you pretending to be dense or are you really so naive that you believe everything /pol/ tells you?
i've never browsed pol in my life. project harder retard. homosexuality has destroyed and caused massive divides in societies since the earliest records of it thousands of years ago. how are you defending this disease of the brain just because your beloved sony told you to? neck yourself.
I mean, it is. A society doesn't get to where ours is without a reason, and a lot of collective failure, silly willy.
>*Covers face in a game of peek a boo*
The Boogeyman is gonna
>*swings open hands*
Mention /pol/ and the smug, minimum word 'pithy' tranny posts go into overdrive.
>i've never browsed pol in my life
Why do they always say this whilst spouting /pol/ memes and talking points? Do they really think so little of us?
a) not a consolefag
b) Please, please, PLEASE provide a citation for 'has destroyed and caused massive divides in societies since the earliest records of it thousands of years ago'. And I mean a citation from scholarly literature - not a Youtube video, not an unsourced wikipedia page or forum post. I mean a page and no. reference from a book published preferably by a university press - but if not, a reputable outfit - and ideally, by a professional scholar with demonstrable proficiency in the ancient languages they are citing. This should genuinely not be a big ask. I can wait. But I'll be waiting forever, because you won't be able to do it.
I'm quite happy. Maybe you should not be so insecure that you blame society for your own failings? Silly willy.
Who is us?
The teenage angst is palpable.
I would bet money you haven't read a history book through to the end in your life.
Yes, your tryhard smugness makes how underage you are quite apparent.
>tfw got the Joel and wolf poster last year just in time
Cant wait for this year's print
>Said the little boy in the internet fight
I genuinely have a DPhil in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies. You will choose not to believe this, but no worries. You tellingly, have not done what I asked.
Who said anything about personal failure or success? Our society is under quantifiable pressure, what with spiking suicide rates, mental health problems, youth unemployment, underemployment, debt, and lack of fulfillment, the increasing violence, crime, ethnic and political strife, increasing economic uncertainty, shrinking middle class income, etc. You simply have a narrow and self centered world view, typical of a teenager.
The first one was just a generic Hollywood movie.
go and read the history of the downfall of the roman empire. it's widely mentioned by several historians that homosexuality weakened the roman empire.
>You simply have a narrow and self centered world view
says the guy ranting about DA J00S
shut up tripfaggot
That user might be a sperg but I don't think he mentioned the jews at all
I'm not the same guy, and you are a liar. Smug dicksuckers like you tend not to have degrees, because if you did, you wouldn't be arguing about fags in a Yea Forums thread meant to provoke you from the start.
You don't have to say it. Your personal failures radiate from you. No well adjusted healthy adult expends energy worrying about being angry that the world isnt how they would like it to be. But hey, enjoy the seething.
>being gay is fine because sony told me it is!
>stop saying anything against gay people reeeee buy tlou 2
Don't you have homework you should be doing?
It won't do well.
I don't know who it's for.
how the fuck is that a pol meme you clinical retard. pol is a tiny hivemind in the corner of the internet. the disgust for homosexuals is a universal thing and isn't limited to white supremacists on pol. go to asia, middle east, africa, south america etc and in these places homosexuality is still frowned upon and even illegal.
>no response
cope. it's sourcing a prominent italian historian who is much more qualified to speak on history than you are.
Firstly, I'll not again that you have failed to do what I have asked of you. Instead you've done a quick Google, and dredged this up.
Right, this is excellent, because my DPhil thesis was on the Later Roman Empire, specifically a revisionist interpretation of the fall of the House of Constantine. I'll just start off by doing something you should always do when reading the work of any historian, ancient or modern, and that is to, as E.H. Carr famously said, identify the bees they have in their bonnet - if you can't hear the buzzing, you are deaf.
This is easy to do in Prof. de Mattei's case:
Roberto de Mattei (born 21 February 1948 in Rome, Italy) is an Italian Roman Catholic historian and author.[
>De Mattei has been described as "a renowned apologist for ultra-traditional Catholicism".[7]
Every source we have from the end of the Roman period that mentions homosexuality negatively does so a) fleetingly and b) generally and c) from an Orthodox Christian point of view - and this is key.
When what might be termed the 'fifth-century crisis' began c.406 AD, there was a aristocratic pagan reaction, specifically in the city of Rome itself whose grand nobility were still at this time frequently pagan (although not as pagan as has often been thought - read (you won't) Alan Cameron's 'The Last Pagans of Rome'). Since the Emperor Gratian's move of the Altar of Victory from the Senate House in 382, there had been pagan mutterings that barbarian incursions and civil war, endemic in the late 4th and early 5th centuries, could be put down to Christian disrespect for the traditional Gods of Rome, and the sacrilegious removal of the Altar of Victory. Contd:
>paying for games
Because the internet told you so, right?
The idiot was crying about people complaining about a bogeyman while he does the same.
Who is seething? Must be you, since your every post is an attempt at being insulting and cutting, when it just comes across as bitter and pathetic.
lol triggered
>wasting money to spite people on Yea Forums
Pathetic samefagging from the tranny brigade. I'm sorry the last few days conclusively proved everyone on the website and the internet at large is growing to hate you.
>I'll take Irony for $200, Alex.
>i love gay people!
There is nothing wrong with being homosexual as long as you don't vocally spread your faggotry to others
this wall of text and not a single sentence disproving that
Do you have any idea what irony is? Did you just learn that word today?
>Joel sacrificed himself and humanity to save an SJW
If only he would've known...
That's the value of his 'degree'.
That is a pathetic reply. You know his post is right.
If you want to find out about the Altar of Victory controversy, read the Relationes of Symmachus.
Now, when the shit really starts hitting the fan for the West in the early 5th century (from 406 you have the crossing of the Vandals, Alans and Sueves from beyond the Rhine, three usurpations in Britain with the final usurper, the worryingly-named Constantine III - whose illustrious namesake had successfully usurped power from Britain exactly one hundred years prior), this talk seems to have ramped up. Then the Visigoths - who have been, since 395 been giving first Constantinople and then Milan and then Ravenna grief under Alaric - sack Rome in 410. This is seen as an apocalyptic event that sends ripples across the Roman world, with men like Jerome in Palestine (a Christian mind you) lamenting the city's fall as the end of the world.
Now, the problem for Christian theologians, is members of the pagan aristocracy in Rome again renew their worrisome talk of Christianity perhaps lying at the root of the crisis of Honorius' reign, and especially at the sacking of 'The City', the capital of the known world. The problem is, how do you combat this?
St. Augustine got on the case, as did his pupil, Orosius - by writing lengthy tracts explaining that actually, the sack of Rome was meaningless because all that was material was meaningless, and that Rome was merely an earthly and sinful city.
Now into this, came necessary attacks on the pagan aristocracy. To roll this up - what is a practice frowned upon in scripture, but traditionally tolerated (and only just tolerated) amongst traditional pagan cults? Homosexuality. What do you thus accuse your opponents of? Homosexuality. What does homosexuality bring? Divine displeasure. What does divine displeasure get you? Barbarians - and lo, those barbarians at least have the decency to be Christian (albeit Arian heretics), but better a heretic than a sybaritic pagan senator surely? Tbc.
To call homosexuality 'tolerated' in ancient Rome is a huge stretch, it was something that could destroy a freeman's reputation, and was considered gravely immoral.
>There is nothing wrong with being homosexual as long as you don't vocally spread your faggotry to others
what do you think everyone is complaining about? even in abrahamic religions which absolutely hate homo's and have death penalties for them say its fine to be homo as long as you don't act upon it which would then be a sin for that person. modern society has to suffer because of the fantasies of a minority. it's getting to a point where these people are enforcing their homosexuality on the majority and the majority can't say shit or else are looked down upon as being oppressive and inconsiderate. just look at the recent school riots in the UK when some kindergarten school made LGBT studies compulsory.
look at what they're doing in the USA in places so kids grow up to me more "tolerant".
So you see critique of homosexuality was much stereotyped, and misleadingly implied that it was a 'vice' commonly practiced - a criticism of the sort that Christians faced at the hands of pagan authors like Zosimus - that Christians ate the flesh of the dead (a misunderstanding originally, and later, deliberately misleading characterisation of the Eucharist).
Critique of homosexuality by contemporaries was for a very specific reason - to defend Christianity from the accusation that it was implicated in Roman misfortune. So Augustine and others had - as staunch Catholics - unsurprisingly the same sort of prejudices and axes to grind as your Prof. de Mattei. Complaining that something is at fault - is not the same as providing substantiated evidence that it is.
So when you said
>homosexuality has destroyed and caused massive divides in societies since the earliest records of it thousands of years ago.
There is absolutely no evidence this was the case, even amongst the ancient sources you pretend to have knowledge of. Similarly, Prof. de Mattei is engaged in misleading misuse of that primary source material.
Regardless of everything I have said, if Carthage as a 'hotbed' of homosexuality had 'infected' Rome and brought about her fall, it is remarkable that it took more than 500 years (146 BC - 476 AD) to come to pass.
You literally need only read the Telegraph article you cite to see how unbelievably unrigorous a historian this guy must be.
Almost all of the ancient western Civilizations didn't really give a fuck about being gay. Look at Greece, look at Sparta. But, sure, attribute modern religious taboos to ancient societies.
Again, call me a liar all you want. I can take pride in having a DPhil, MSt, MA and BA, as well as being the recipient of a Gold Medal from Trinity College Dublin.
People who have degrees often enjoy video games and use the internet. Believe me or not, it doesn;t make me less proud of myself and my accomplishments!!!!
You're lying out your ass, again, it was considered extremely immoral and degrading for a freeman to engage in homosexual acts with a social equal or better. Soldiers were literally executed for having romantic relations. Truly, you dont have this degree you claim to, its certain now. Remember how Caesar's alleged homosexuality was used against him?
>Prominent Italian Historian
He is no such thing
The dude is a nutcase who doesn't believe in evolution and edits a journal called "Radici Cristiane". He is also a specialist (and again, his rigour is open to doubt) on the 16th-20th centuries, explaining his deep source illiteracy when it comes to the LRE.
>Between 2003 and 2011 de Mattei was the Vice-President of the National Research Council of Italy.[1] In that role, he has been highly criticized for his scientific ideas, in particular for having organized and funded a meeting supporting antievolutionism. This fact led part[who?] of the Italian scientific community to a request for his resignation.[3][4] The controversy upsurged again after some statements by de Mattei, such as that the tsunami in 2011 in Japan was a divine punishment. Furthermore, he claimed the "contagion of homosexuality" had been responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire.[5]
Even if you didn't have a degree, the simple fact is that you presented a well formulated and knowledgeable argument. That alone is an unbreakable shield against such a weak willed troll. Brace yourself for some memes though, as I'm sure he's great with those.
>buying a product out of spite
How the hell could you be so braindead?
I was the one claiming to have my degrees. I am not this poster But you are wrong again. The Romans abhorred the idea of being the passive recipient. Their idea of sexuality had more to do with a passive/active partner dichotomy, specifically a division between penetrator/penetraded. For them having sex with somebody of the same gender was an 'act' rather than an identity. What mattered was who was fucking who.
Caesar was slandered as a receiving partner, not because of the idea he had at times slept with men.
Jesus Christ read a book.
I'm not the degree user, dumbass. And ancient Sparta literally has historical artifacts in the form of shields that have been recovered that featured depictions of spartan soldiers fucking each other as it was so common that it was expected to be done even if you weren't gay in order to strengthen bonding of the fighting unit.
>these two trannies jerk each other off all thread
TLOU defence force is real
We arent talking about classical Sparta or Greece at all, are we?
I honestly like Ellie less because she is a lesbian. Already assuming she was so pist in the beginning because some dudes killed her gf and I don't want to play a game about a lesbian's revenge.
Probably paid by Sony to shill this garbage as well. Cancerous fucking company.
>Discussing ancient Rome without considering ancient Greece and Sparta
Wew lad
We weren't once that ignorant 'I bet you've never read a scholarly work in your life' had a desperate Google and landed on a moron talking about the LRE. But the original idiot (the same one I'd imagine did say >homosexuality has destroyed and caused massive divides in societies since the earliest records of it thousands of years ago.
So anything is fair game. He still hasn't given the citation I'd ask for, so atm I'd say he's been well and truly BTFO
All these posts and nobody has been able to prove this wrong yet how hilarious
It very much depends upon when and where you are talking about, and who - the aristocracy were more tolerant of it generally than the masses, given that they were deeply imbued with the Greek Classics. And again, what could destroy a man's reputation was the idea that he had been a receptive partner. If he'd done the fucking, it generally wasn't a problem.
These distinctions were not always rigorously policed at all times and generally, as you get into the later Roman era when Christianity began to be dominant, even amongst the pagan aristocracy there was less tolerance for homosexual acts. Witness Ammianus' talk of Gratian's preferment of his tall, blonde Germanic bodyguards. But then, Ammianus (a pagan) a) was writing in the era of Theodosius I, Gratian's upstart successor and b) was a provincial gentleman and soldier, who famously loathed the behaviour generally of the aristocracy. Who could be more aristocratic than an emperor's son born in the purple?
>Wisely mentioned
>Several historians
>It's one guy that has zero support by his peers and has ulterior motives
>Not disproven
Umm, sweetie.
based af
that /pol/nigger got obliterated
It's been proven nothing but wrong. Have you read the contentions de Mattei makes - and his noted failure to himself cite any ancient material. He has conjured a Carthage full of homosexual vices out of thin air, because it suits his own fundamentalist Catholic prejudices.
His prejudices have completely informed his historical view, rather than his views being informed by the nature of the evidence. This is Bad History 101.
But the onus is really on you to prove a) that the Romans (other than those like Augustine and Orosius engaged in Christian apologia damage control) thought homosexuality led to the fall of Rome and b) that it actually did contribute to the decline and fall of Rome.
Again, I can wait.
dropping a redpill for you:
videogames are for nerd faggots and gaming is probably the most effeminate hobby ever
"""oh no the jews are weakening the west by inserting propaganda into our dopamine machines that only gay fat nerds play""""
when normies hear the word gamer they dont think of roman soldiers
they think of pathetic fat slobs
like you
I think it was Nixon who mentioned this too. Homosexuality should be a crime and should be punishable by death. Look at Malaysia where they whip gays if caught. That's how it should be here. It's only a matter of time before people get fed up and stop taking this shit.
Move to Malaysia or one of its fellow Muslim-majority countries then. Vote with your feet, help make them greater. You won't though.
Ah Nixon, that famous classicist!
But why would you want to be whipped?
t. Faggot
No I'll stay and do what I can in my land to eradicate this shit.
All the magic of the first one will not be in the second. It will be profitable but not sell as well as they want.
Enjoy spending your life crusading rather than living.
>do what I can
I imagine by seething, and writing the words 'tranny' and 'dilate' on the video games board of an obscure Mongolian Kite Surfing image board. That'll show those filthy Jews what control the Illuminati that are homosexually pedophiling our children won't it!
lol you're a bitch
He never did user. Stop being a retarded faggot
That is living. Sorry you're too busy taking dick up the ass to realise that.
Who are you quoting? Nice projection retard.
it is. don't care that you zoomers grew up with mw2, the series has ALWAYS been shit.
>That is living.
This is seriously sad.
>just look at the recent school riots in the UK when some kindergarten school made LGBT studies compulsory.
This was at a Muslim majority school, and the protesters were to a man and woman, Islamists, who didn't like the idea of their children learning about things their magic desert scrolls say are bad.
Hardly an indictment of that specific school's programme (and it was only that school) by the population at large fed up with the 'liberal agenda'.
Yeah we know you are. All you queers are sad. Your whole life revolves around taking dick up the ass. Seriously seriously sad.
>posts a movie
ayy lmao sage and hide
Not a fag or tranny and really don't give a fuck about either, but it's been fun watching you take the bait so greedily. I gotta go though as it's time for dinner. You have fun now.
See >traditionally tolerated (and only just tolerated)
I wasn't quoting anybody specific. But given what you said to that other guy
>Sorry you're too busy taking dick up the ass to realise that.
You're definitely the type. I imagine even you would have to concede that - and that shouldn't be too much. You've already conceded the debate after all.
why do you care
fucking fanboy cancer, you are why Yea Forums is shit. cause you are fucking poor and can't afford multiple platforms.
>some asslicker sperg literally going on a crusade in this thread trying to convince everyone a man boning another man is good
>meanwhile telling other people to stop crusading
Fucking KEK you can't make this shit up
Why are you parasitic cunt even teaching that shit to kids? This is why people hate you.
>muh /pol/ boogieman
Who are you quoting? You're the one who replied to me getting your knickers in a twist
. Don't get asshurt when you get shot down. Nobody likes you.
The programme they were protesting wasn't specifically about the LGBT community. It was to teach the children to accept people regardless of their differences, because we are all different. It tried to foster tolerance of those with visible disabilities, and those of different faiths. It was only because the school is Muslim majority, and the parents took real exception specifically to the inclusion of different sexualities amongst that umbrella of differences that it blew up and made international news - obviously devoid of the Islamic context.
Teaching children that they shouldn't bully little Billy in his wheelchair or Cindy because she's a Christian is bad now is it?
Yeah I’m thinking it will be successful
"Retards that cry about social marxism in video games" is too long. You need a shorthand.
>Who are you quoting? You're the one who replied to me getting your knickers in a twist
I am beginning to wonder if you know what the word 'quote' means, because you are making a real hash of being comprehensible.
Also who gives a shit about being liked on an anonymous imageboard? Oh shit, however will I sleep tonight!?
They were specially protesting the homosexual part of it. The leaders literally went on the news and said that. There was never and has never been an issue about disabled people or anyone. Stop lying on the internet.