Was Max Payne 3 pretentious in comparison to 1 and 2?
Was Max Payne 3 pretentious in comparison to 1 and 2?
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Nah, MP3’s plot is way more of an action movie than MP1/2’s. Definitely not written as well, still a really fun game though
pretentious how? 3 was just doing something different
i still replay it once a year
I wouldn't say it's pretentious in that it knows exactly how dumb and shitty it is
I fucking wish they had a Max Payne set in Russia. Just to see him square off against more organised crime groups, maybe even some soldiers, experience some Russian culture and just generally just be a Western menace.
yes, it fucking interrupted the game every 5 seconds with a cutscene and ripped of the story from man on fire.
good, what a waste of a story that movie was, at least Payne got to make it work
James McCaffrey really got to shine in MP3. He's clearly more comfortable with "normal" acting than a pure voice acting job.
max payne 3 dint friggen work
it was just shit.
2 was the pretentious one "film noir love story", 3 was standard rockstar "ripoff movie" style (man on fire)
max payne 3 is die hard, nothing pretentious about the story, the camera editing though...
also the airport scene was kino
Is there a mod that lets me skip all the shitty unskippable fucking cutscenes in this game? They really kill replay value.
It was a lot shittier. I couldn't even finish it it got so fucking bad.
yeah, there is but it doesnt work on all cutscenes just most of them
I'm just mad they didn't have the secret ending as the canon one from 2
Doing that would imply that most plebs beat it on said difficulty.
Not canon anymore lol
Also Mona was a shit character in 2
wtf are you talking about faggot?
Too bad Brazilian shilling was at its peak with the Olympics, FIFA cup and whatnot.
It was fucking everywhere and I've had enough of that shit culture for a lifetime.
it's a great game and you are a faggot
now kys you shitstain
why is his index finger tucked behind the trigger?
it felt like a die hard movie which i enjoyed
especially with him walking off to the sunset
fun game
>really excited to play max payne multiplayer
>its fucking shit
>even worse nowadays because of all the DLC and lock on shit
Who thought it was a good idea togive people a bomb squad suit that DOESNT slow them down and gives 75% explosion resistance AND have DLC weapons that do much higher damage AND allow you to carry more shit without being slowed down the higher your level AND have soft lock on PC?
i just wanted action movie kino like The specialists but i got letdown hard, guess i gotta make my own TPS multiplayer
It's not max payne, but it's ok.
MP3 is a really well written game outside of some questionable quotes. From what I've seen of MP1 and 2 they are much worse. It's probably just nostalgia on your part.
No, it's probably mental retardation on your part.
I shudder to think what you consider badly written if you think MP3's writing is good.
This post best post
Is there a mod that translates the HUE HUE language to English?
Stupid fucking zoomers who never played mp 1 and 2 saying mp 3 is good
It really isn't. Max is interesting and has a lot of good lines but a story is a mess, and every other character is forgettable as soon as you complete the story.
Yeah it exists and yes it lets you skip every cutscene
It's very max payne in terms of level design, gameplay, and narrative.
Pretty good opinion
Shit opinion. You are fucking delusional.
Recently replayed MP1 recently and the writing was like something a school kid who just learned what a simile is would produce.
considering it created fake 'loading' times purely for the cinnnneeeemmmaattttiiiiicccccc pacing, I'm going to have to say yes it was very much far up its own ass.
Explain to me what you think Pretentious means OP and then please explain why you think MP3 was pretentious
Good enough for the action game. Keep it simple, focus on the atmosphere and gunplay and we are golden. Rockstar writers jerk themselves too much over their writing "abilities", especially in the last decade where somebody convinced that cutscenes and characters talking non stop is a fair replacement for the lack of gameplay.
How is the multiplayer on PC? Is it dead or can you still find enough people to play?
pretty dead besides maybe getting the MP3 discord shit together if you dare. not that it lived long to begin with, between progression genuinely giving longer players more benefits (though pistols in general were OP) and the russian hackers with grenade launchers that ran amok
MP3 guns were too fucking accurate that it became pic related.
Also too many fucking micro cutscenes
9/10 gameplay, but the story and dialogues were so fucking cringy, pretention and they turn people into glue
I'd rather take accurate in a fast-paced shooter than "your gun will spray everywhere and never quite accurately". The pistols in general were the weird thing, though; every weapon type in the game had spread of some sort besides the death snipers and the pistols, which were laser accurate to your crosshair at all times. You could snipe with a handgun, they were just plain better to use than most other guns if you could chain headshots well and especially because of body armor.
Id rather have gun spray in a MP game where you're already unstoppable thanks to bullet time then tick boxes
>Max Payne
they're not the hardest, but you sure as fuck underestimate how delicate Max is in these games. MP2 maybe thanks to its super bullet time shit, but definitely not MP1 and 3.
But that's the best part about MP3, the guns shoot where you point them at
I loved MP3.
>you killed my son
>you killed my fucking son
>my boy
>my only son
>fuck YOU
>shut your FUCKING MOUTH
>fuck you
Who's this guy's name again?
I didn't like the way the show started
It was a horribly written fan-fiction
Boobslapping Buzzard
Best level in the entire series don't (You) me
David Bowie
3 didn't have these guys
Don't answer that
It's a rhetorical question
Not pretentious. Pointless.
Funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.
I wish they would have taken the engine for that and just made an expansion or something. God damn the shootdodging was fucking good in 3
If you don’t like the story skip the cutscenes and play the great gameplay
3 was actually pretty in line with both the tone and style of the first two games in restrospect, and max himself is pretty well written in it. I actually prefer it to the second, though the first is still king.
>skip the cutscenes
>hey guys we can make a classic here
>nah dude lets make a game in brazil
It wasn't really pretentious, just a little different. They went for Man on Fire instead of film noire. I feel like replaying it all the time but then I remember how you can't skip cutscenes. It wasn't an issue the first time I played through it but it's a deal breaker for repeats. Shame because it has some of the most top notch gunplay I can think of.
Why would you want to? That's part of the immersion. Max doesn't speak hue.
fuck the designer of this game, give me more than 5 minutes of gameplay between shitty cutscenes you cunt
And MP3 is worse off because of it
The random goon conversations were hilarious in 1& 2
Was the cemetery map in MP3 the same as the one in the GTA 5 campaign?