heeeheeheee Yea Forums... ooh ooohoohooo don't you get it? hahahHAHAHAH hah.... Minecraft... IS FLAWED!! HAAAHAHAHA oooo heeeheee let me tell you, Yea Forums haha.
Enemies are bad, right? They attack you. They kill friendly villagers. They even destroy your stuff! It's important to prevent them from spawning right? heeheeheee but how? How can you do this? You have to make sure EVERY surface is within 6 blocks of a torch, and that's assuming you place torches right on the ground. You'll have to do this for every area that you want to be in your base. Here's the problem: THIS LOOKS FUCK UGLY AND IS BORING TO DO. THIS GAMEPLAY IS NOT FUN OR REWARDING.
Oh but what's that I hear you say, autistic minecraft user? hooo hooo there are other ways to prevent enemies spawning? Cover everything with shitty dirty paths? Put half blocks of shitty materials everywhere? Wow that's so much quicker and looks so much better! NOT! AAAHAHAHAHA HOW CAN MINECRAFT HAVE EXISTED THIS LONG WITH THIS MASSIVE FLAW HAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAA MINECRAFT IS FUCKING BROKEN BROOOKEEEEEEN FIX IT RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW
Heeeheeheee Yea Forums... ooh ooohoohooo don't you get it? hahahHAHAHAH hah.... Minecraft...
Cant you just mod torches to have wider radius?
this but unironically
ur mom is the widest radius
>being this mad about a basic system that's been in the game basically forever and everybody deals with it no problem
>everyone has had to deal with this massive flaw for 10 years so it's okay to leave it as it is
Now this is based
t. too angry to design decorative lighting and actually claim the world
just turn it on peaceful if you're too scared of mobs. otherwise swing at them once with a enchancted diamond sword and shut the fuck up noob
where the fuck is the twirlie thread
>lol you're complaining about an obvious flaw of the game? then it must because it's too hard for you!
Just use that mod that adds in blue torches that prevent spawning in a 32x16x32 radius. You don't even have to have their light visible, so you can hide them underground.
Show me your lighting RIGHT NOW
You sound like a massive autism ball
>Mojang definition of "creativity" is glitching a minecart inside a block to make a sitable chair
awww i thought this was a daggerfall thread
lol and they wonder why the town gets invaded by zombies every night
based FLAOT poster