>PC gaming in 2019
PC gaming in 2019
they're counting people by bytes now?
>96% of people have a mobile
>adults aged 15+
>tfw only a 2GB adult
What is a "GB adult", gigabyte?
bytelets lmao
>4 in 5 GB adults
Im sorry you fucking what?
looks to me like PC likely has a wider presence than consoles, although it's primarily laptops instead of comfy desktops that don't overheat your crotch.
When will they learn
GB stands for Great Britain you autists.
>inb4 merely pretending
damn, making this joke was the only reason I came into the thread. Well done.
Great britain. The watermark on the study says Ipsos, they're in the EU I believe.
We singularity now. Beep boop, my fellow anonbot.
kids these days mostly game on laptops, desktops take up too much place, or at least that's what their parents think
That doesn't make it any less retarded
>admitting to owning devices capable of watch TV shows in Great Britain
It's like they WANT bobbies to storm their house and incarcerate them.
>tfw 2TB chad
>tfw 5 TB adult with massive FLOP
Get mad Bitcels
>9th gen will be the last actual console gen
>the future will be streaming platforms and mobile games only since it's more profitable than every console and pc gaming combined
It's hilarious. We're getting btfo'd by fucking phones and tablets.
doubt it. streaming won't take off and mobile gaming is completely separate from normal gaming
>games console (any) 33%
>desktop 29%
>all consoles combined just barely 4% over PC
consolekeks btfo
>1,000 GB adults
People here really can't figure out GB = Great Britain?
This is fake, it doesn't add up 100%
>Imagine being a massive faggot who plays on PC
no one thinks about britian
>People here really can't figure out GB = Great Britain?
it's a p insignificant country so I can understand the confusion.
That ain't right, spoiler tag it next time
RIP Yang ;_;
People who don't travel and don't have a desktop are almost always low IQ subhumans.