What's the Blind God?
What's the Blind God?
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Mantellan Crux is the Provisional House of Talos.
Sheogorath is there as the madness formed from sithis shaped hole, Blind God is a sithian hole/shape that Talos will fill later.
Basically fetus of unborn God who later became Talos once all the oversoul rejoined after the Warp in the West.
Probably never intended to be anything special, my alternative guesses are some connection to Magnus, or also alternatively he can be remains of the Ash-Lich form of Wulfharth...but that once again connects to Talos reborn.
Any other questions?
How about The Wheel?
Are the fanfics shitty on purpose or is the author just not that talented?
The Tower is a 1
The wheel is a 0
The foundation of creation is Binary.
Insect God?
>moon cum vaults
The pig?
>night mother is mephala
That's a shit theory
Question for lorefags, do dragons also absorb dragon souls when they kill dragons? Would a dragon absorb the dragonborn’s soul?
jesus fucking christ
This, this is why nords don't like foreigners.
It's a very common theory
at which point are these becoming bullshit?
Doesnt make it less shit
Is Nirn being a former daedric realm on there? It should be, it's almost confirmed
How so?
I think that idea fits into "Daedric Lorkhan"
Now I need to know how much of that list is made up?
None of it although some have meme names
were do i find info on all of these i love reading things like this
Well I've tried Googling 5 random theories out of these, and none of them exist, thanks faggot
They all do though but you will never find MOON CUM VAULTS because although technically thats what they are, they are not discussed in such a crude way retard.
Anyone has a higher resolution? I can't read for shit.
what the fuck even is this
I don't understand these words
don't use your phone
Almsot all of them can be answered
Blind God is an obscure deity/creature from Daggerfall that exists in Mantellan Crux. He is somehow tied to Sheogorath and at the same time to Zurin/Wulfharth obviously. There is a lot of speculation about what he is, but most likely it was never fully figured out yet and he is meant to be somewhat obscure.
Post Daggerfall rationalization is that he is a skeleton/foundation of what will becomes Talos the God.
The Wheel is similar to the Wheel of Samsara, it both represents all of existence and it's endless cyclical nature. Tower is wheel turned sideways, it represents unity and identity in creation...as in all is one and one is all.
I think it is tied to Xrib, who seems to be a fallen Falmer insect deity that is tied to Xarxes, Magnus, Auriel or their exact opposite. I am not certain though.
Probably tied to Tatterdamelion and the Second Era moon colonies left by Reman expeditions, the Mananauts.
It's not, since Dark Brotherhood and Morag Tong are intrinsically tied. There are a lot of things that can be linked between Night Mother and Mephala and it also makes sense that she would weave a web of lies like that...since well that is her thing. You can read more in-depth posts about that online.
Hypothetically yes, it is the ability of Dragons to expand into larger Dragon souls.
Some of the lower ones are memes, though real memes, or based on obscure creepy pastas so not actually in lore. But most of it is legit stuff that can be found.
Nirn isn't a former Daedric Realm, the idea is that Nirn is the Daedric Realm of Lorkhan, as in if Nirn has a "Daedric Prince" that is tied to the sphere and it's creation the same way Dagon is tied to Deadlands, it would be Lorkhan.
Which one retard, ask here
This is an issue with phone Yea Forums.
Use an app of some sort instead of browsing it from chrome.
>Lorkhan's purposeful failure
The idea is that everything is part of Lorkhans giant keikaku and he actually wanted to get killed/his heart to be torn out because this would eventually lead to creation of Nirn in the way it exists now and also would lead to both Aedra and Daedra getting trapped in some way, Aedra through their energy being drained and Daedra through various barriers. Lorkhans ultimate plan being mortals finding the truth behind Wheel and Tower that he could never fully find, this achieving CHIM and later Amaranth.
Think of how "The Maze" works in Westworld TV show, now imagine that "The Maze" is all of the world and the answer to it is realization about Godhead.
the greedy man
the pig
and the white tower dooms day devise
Where does The Hist rank along the Daedra and other mighty entities?
Section 22?
>Arngeir: Dragons have the inborn ability to learn and project their Voice. Dragons also are able to absorb the power of their slain brethren.
The basic idea is that all Dragons including Dragonborn are shards of one true Dragon deity
Was Umaril's father an et'Ada from another kalpa or what?
Damn. I'm at work so no can do.
Disable the mobile view
What about Mankar Camoran's belief the Aedra aren't equal to the Daedra?
1) open in new tab
2) edit link: remove the "m" at the end of the link, right before .jpg
3) sometimes this works
>argonian tits right along the top crease of the shadowy purple robed figure
The hell is mantellan crux in the first place?
What's with the one line about how Jagar Tharn's the good guy?
When the fuck did Molag Bal actually destroy Tamriel if it's still there?
Only thing we know is that the hist has some kind of connection to Sithis but according to argonian lore the hist is from one of the other worlds. The hist/Argonians are pretty much the only race that is not a descendant of the Ehlnofey.
>everything vivec said is a lie
Not sure he lied that much
Most of these are made up man, like just think of 3 keywords and bam you did it.
Morrowind Daedra dream.
The Aurbis is shaped like a wheel with 8 spokes. Each of the spokes symbolizes an Aedra. There are 16 spaces between the 8 spokes which represents the 16 daedric princes. If you turn the Wheel on it's side it will become a tower. There are both Natural Towers and mer built towers on Nirn that keeps Mundus from sinking into Oblivion.
The Imperial City was built by the ayleids to resemble the aurbis. Pic related.
It also has a large Tower in the center.
Don't you guys feel sad that this lore will never be hinted at ever again?
Mantellan Crux is a faux Aetherius realm that is actually an inside of a giant soulgem created to Immitate Heart of Lorkhan.
It is a tiny plane inside of a giant soulgem outside of the soulgem and in Aetherius.
>movie symbiote Spider-Man with the Oblivion and the Fused Shadows
In the Daggerfall Book Series "King Edward,"
A Dragon named Akatosh sets up a village on the Border of Hammerfell, High Rock, and Skyrim which is meant to be the prototype for a Tamriel in which all races live equally in harmony alongside dragons.
He favors the name for this village "Section 22."
That whole series is really odd.
He believes that Daedric Princes as independent principalities formed in the waters of Oblivion and that they are self centered while Aedra are a group of leeches with less identity.
He is not entirely wrong depending on ones perception of reality.
That probably has to do with that the Aedra spent all their energy and their powers were spent and tied to Mundus upon the creation of it. Since the Daedra didn't help they could keep their powers but their influence on Mundus is not as large.
It also goes back to the roots of Anu Padomay as the embodiments of stasis and change. Some races like men, generally like Lorkhan because without change, Mundus would never be created. Mer tend to prefer stasis since they view Lorkhan as a villain in tricking Auriel and the other aedra into creating Mundus.
The only real difference between Aedra and Daedra is that Aedra were our ancestors. That's the literal translation of the word in Old Ehlnofex while Daedra means not our ancestors.
But it is constantly hinted at?
Stuff like this
Might seem small to usual players, but it's literally tonal architecture and also showcases how subgradient soul got tied to the closest thing to Lorkhanic essence, you.
get back to work, wagie
It was literally hinted at in the last Elder Scrolls DLC that Bethesda released. Pic related.
>Don't you guys feel sad that this lore will never be hinted at ever again?
>The eyes, once bleached by falling stars of utmost revelation, will forever see the faint insight drawn by the overwhelming question, as only the True Enquiry shapes the edge of thought. The rest is vulgar fiction, attempts to impose order on the consensus mantlings of an uncaring godhead.
nord = giants , giants = orcs... does this mean nord = mer???
Nords used to be like really tall.
Like 3 meters tall
That pasta is 100% certified bullshit
TES takes a lot of inspiration from eastern myths doesn't it? Kind of reminds me of Lovecraft's dreamworlds with the realms surrounding the Earth in space.
That is because Atmorans are connected to giants and vice versa
No it's not
a bigass dragon
Yes it does, very heavily influenced by the Vedas and general Hindu mysticism
>true nords are all bandits
At the same time tes does a good job of representing all the cultures of the world
Aka-Tusk is the name of the original Dragon deity.
Remember the Dragon mask in Skyrim that you unlock when you travel to a pocket time dimension with other Dragonpriest masks? Notice how this pocketed unchanged place has the main mask there? Notice how the main mask has Tusks?
I'll explain some instead of just one for kicks, from the bottom up.
>Azura Hotel
There is a hotel in Alania, Turkey which has a statue of Azura sitting in front of it. Mind you, not just "look-a-like", I mean straight up build after the one in Skyrim.
>Reman Cum-Crackers
In the Shonni-etta Excerpts (Reman's inofficial biography written by Kirkbride), the two midwives of Reman are instructed by their goddess Dibella to also be his wives, store Remans cum in themselves (without getting pregnant), and make bread out of him to eat.
>Dreamer can't wake up
In the "Loveletter From the Fifth Era, The True Purpose of Tamriel" (which is an in-universe explanation of Lesson 35 of Vivec send by the protagonist of C0da), the experience of Amaranth is likened to a combination of hallucinations due to sensory-deprivation and a coma, ergo the dreamer is essentially comatose.
>1008 Weapons of Rapture
According to "et'Ada, Eight Aedra, Eat the Dreamer" (in-universe letter written by a Moth Priest in the process of zero-summing) roughly explains what he found out. His last writings is a sheet of orchestral music, which evaporated their players and its listeners, and has since then stored in said weapons.
>Hist-Jillian wars
Mentioned in "KINMUNE" and was the reason said AI was accidentally shot back into past (what exactly said wars ARE is never mentioned)
>Chair Stacking
Probably a reference to one of Dagoth Ur's citadel in Morrowind, which has a room with stacked chairs in it, with no explanation why
i stopped playing on skyrim, should i get into TES?
Can someone please explain Uriel VII's daughter? Can't find anything about it
Based. I believe that Miraak had plenty of esoteric information and might have planned to eventually expand his mind control, which he most likely could if he were to be freed, but I doubt that he could "mantle Godhead" whatever the fuck that means.
what the fuck is The Abortion / The Black One?
I believe it is tied to Vivec, read two sermons above and it might make more sense
Cool. It's really immersive to know this stuff exists in the background.
How do people see the sun if it's in the oblivion realm?
The sun doesn't real, it's a hole in space that magic comes through.
What's the best way to get into the Elder Scrolls? For both lore and fun.
So what's actually happening when I shoot the sun with Auriel's Bow?
Just play it and read books, question everything
>What is this deity, what is this magic, how does magic work, who are these people?
Try to answer every question through books and discussion
i guess i'll never know
Auriel escaped to Aetherius through Crystal Tower because it pokes into all planes of Aurbis, before that possibly he wasn't even aspect of Aka-Tusk and became one through Dracochrysalis.
His bow is somehow tied to him and Anui-El. What seems to happen is that when you shoot the Magnus which is a portal to Aetherius, Auriel or some force is literally raining balls of pure Aetherial energy from the giant portal in the sky which is the sun back at Nirn, sort of like how you would signal a catapult attack.
I get that, I'm just wondering why it's visible if it's sat in the void and not the mortal realm
Lorelet here, what is aetherial energy in the first place?Is magic just using that or is it something else entirely?
Are magical colleges just categorisations of magic or do different colleges have really fundemental differences on how they work too?
Can someone explain to me why Anu is believed to be the Amaranth, or the Godhead, and what the difference between the two is? Also, what does it mean that he "Went to sleep in the Sun"? What is the connection with Magnus?
Aren't the sun and stars tears in Oblivion made by the Aedra?
What's up with Uriel VII's daughter? Can't find any mention of it anywhere
All of existence is comprised of Creatia and Chaotic Creatia, both of this can be viewed as literal representations of Anuiel and Sithis in form of Energy. Creatia and Aetherial energy is what comes from Anu and Anuiel while Chaotic Creatia also known as Azure plasm is what comes from Padomaic side of things and is mainly in Oblivion and Daedric realms. These two are fundamental forms of matter/energy/existence but even these two are in the end same because they are two sides of the same Godheads psyche, but I digress.
All of matter on Mundus and Nirn is made out of stabilized creatia, all bodies all matter, everything is made out of it hence why if you use Staff of Magnus which can break down magic for long enough on a person, it start draining said persons health, for example since it is breaking down him into original form of pure magic basically.
Plane of Mundus has a giant 3d hole/portal in it which is the Sun/Magnus, and it leads to Aetherius which is full of Aetherial Energy.
Souls of mortals are made of several parts, one of the parts of the soul is a magicka storing body also known as Animus, it absorbs ambient Aetherial energy cast from the Sun and stores it inside of the soul in form of Magicka.
When you cast spell it is the same act as what Gods did during creation, but with less knowledge. Schools of Magic are an attempt to categorize and simplify the ability to project pure creation from your soul, but older forms of magic like Psijic Old Ways is much closer to how Gods did magic and is much more powerful but harder.
I dreamed once that after I beat alduin I was walking near Riften and he appeared and perched on a hill. He asked me to retrieve Akatosh's jawbone, AKA the Aka-Tusk, and dip it in a poison of at least 30 ingredients. I was trying to order mushrooms from an apothecary near Ivarsted when I woke up
It's a hole. When Magnus, the Et'ada who made the blueprints for Mundus fled to aetherius, it created a passageway so that light from Aetherius can shine through the void of Oblivion and into Mundus.
This is CSPAN tier boring. Let's get some real talk going.
Imperial or Stormcloak.
Most of the shit at the bottom is made up absurdist shit
Except for house Redoran controlling gravity, that's 100% real Todd told me himself.
by Magnus and Magna-Ge, his children
Amaranth is whoever managed to become Godhead, Godhead is what Amaranth is perceived as from inside of the dream.
Anu is the Everything inside of the dream, he holds similar role to Yog Sothos from Lovecraftian mythos, Anu is the total all encompassing mind of the Godhead (it doesn't matter if Godhead was actually named Anu or not, though he might have been), Anui-El is soul of Everything and the agent of Stasis and opposite to that Sithis is the agent of chaos.
What matters is that TES universe is somehow reenacting the personal tragedy that happened to the Godhead, presumably the reason why he achieved Amaranth was traumatic, though we can not fully understand it since we are from the inside. The best we can guess are vague hints and connection about him fighting or possibly killing his brother for their shared love, similar to the story in Anuad, but we can not tell how much of that is the factual story since this is already in the dream of the Godhead.
it's not made up, it's just based on old obscure memes like the pic you posted
uriels daughter is probably also based on some random shitpost
The empire is a joke, spread too thin and dying off. Stormcloaks have their flaws but could actually do good for Skyrim, as they're powerful nationalists with strong beliefs and not just a group of soldier boys sucking off the emperor. It doesn't matter in the end anyways as the Thalmor will just take over.
This image is also related to what said.
I'll leave this here for you guys
But wouldnt this mean that retards who do not know anything about magic to be the strongest mages and studying it makes you weaker
>Amaranth is whoever managed to become Godhead
If I understood correctly Jubal-lun-Sul managed to become the Amaranth at the end of c0da when he married Vivec. Did he become the same Amaranth as the Godhead, or is it something new entirely?
so magic in TES is just magic from WoD mage:ascension?
Jubal-Sul and Vivec birthed a child who is Amaranth.
It seems that it is a new multiverse basically, possible a whole chain of nested multiverses through various Amaranthes.
Not entirely but similar, the main difference is that it is also material as in you can literally quantify how much of it is stored and where.
But the application of magic itself when cast from the soul is projection of creatia and pure uncertainty to create change, so somewhat similar to WoD I guess.
Whoever wrote this is legitimately retarded.
No, magic requires a keen mind. You're not convincing yourself, you're convincing the universe.
he is not entirely wrong just using too many fancy words to describe something a lot more understandable
All this fan fiction is cool and all but from where it came from? Nothing of this is in the games.
Enlighten us o knowledgable brother.
literally all of it is in game
What the fuck is Tonal Architecture? What can you do with it?
Read all the books in Skyrim, nothing of this is in it.
It's basically a way of reality warping by altering tonality of Aurbis. You can do everything with it, even fuck with Gods. Numidium works entirely on tonal architecture and it is probably the most dangerous technique in all of TES equivalent to straight up hacking the code of the universe.
But it is also dangerous since you can just erase yourself.
I read somewhere that Numidium is basically a huge middle finger to all of creation, what is that even supposed to mean? I thought it was just a giant robot.
What the fuck are you talking about dumb nigger, did you read any version of Anuad? What about books like Waking Dreams? Have you played quests like Arniels Endeavor or talked to Parthrunax about kalpic cycle?
What is the point of saying shit that is just outright wrong, there is nothing to even argue.
tldr: buildings that are intrinsically magic
Numidium is an artificial tower, a kind of keystone of existence.
It was basically the dwemer saying "yeah, creation isn't that hard, look."
Giant robot God with no mind that can alter basically anything. His skin is the dwemer
Ok, so now I'm reading about something called "sub-gradients", when does this hole end?
Dwemer hate Gods, uncertainty and anything that removes power from their individual. They created their own God to make things right, a mechanical God that would allow them to reorganize reality into something that makes sense...well more specifically Kagrenack had a mad dream of doing so while large portion of Dwemer society shared his views but did not know of creation of Numidium.
Tonal architecture works with resonators, basically anything that can produce tonality like literal Bells or if you want to create something more complex you can take a soulgem and use the soul inside of the soulgem as the resonator and the soulgem itself as a bell.
Deformed and warped Heart of Lorkhan caged by Dwemer was the most powerful resonator, they wanted to use it so that Numidium would be a God more powerful than any essentially since he would straight up rewrite code of reality instead of doing shit in universe.
When I say they wanted to, I mean that it seems to be so based on my observation of their overall behavior through history, their philosophy and the end result.
End result is that they created a giant golem that can warp reality and break time every time it takes a fucking step, and nothing can fuck with it when it is activated, in fact it is so powerful that it can break timeline to conquer several parts of the world at the same time and re-merge timelines so that it conquered everything within 20 minutes...which is what Tiber Septim did.
sub-gradients isn't a hole, it's just a phrase that lorefags use because TES uses a lot of "As above so bellow" philosophy
Anuiel is a subgradient of Anu since he is his lesser emanation, Akatosh is soul of Anuiel etc.
Sub-gradient is literally what you read, lesser representation of something larger.
Is there any truth to the idea that instead of the dwemer wanting their own universe to make more sense, they rather, just wanted to escape to a universe that already made sense?
I meant hole in the more general sense, every answer brings like 5 more questions. I can't believe I never found out any of this until now.
Literally anything about Dwemer is speculation, here are the only facts we know
>They had tonal architecture which lets you warp reality, most of their machinery works through it in some way
>Numidium was their magnus opus and it can create Dragonbreaks/time fucks essentially at will
>Dwemer did not like this world and constantly fucked with Gods, even pranked Azura
>Dwemer liked logic above all
Rest is details and assumptions based on various snippets of text, you can believe in whatever you like and maybe even form a new theory.
Fair enough, it is always hard to discern what is supported by the text when it comes to elder scrolls lore, not without going on an archive binge anyways.
Basically fantasy string theory. The matter of the universe is sound in many different forms. Many cultures have ways of using this sound for their bullshit. Dragon shouts are basically this, ancient Yokudans could "sing" their swords out of thin air, and Moth Priests "danced" Aka's elvish nature out of him.
Tonal Architecture is the Dwemer technique. Their machines basically work on undetectable, which is why they still work to this day.
*undetectable vibrations
Lorefags redpill me on the Moons.
From what I understand they are aspects of Lorkhan, and maybe even his dead body.
But if that's the case then what's the deal with Azura's connection to the moon, and also the stars which are basically jar holes?
pure speculation but her realm is literally called Moonshadow, and she holds the crescent as in a Moon that has shadow cast over it
we know that there is a "third moon" which is a weird plane that opens up when Masser and Secunda cross and it literally has Lorkhanic stuff in there...so maybe phases of Masser and Secunda open pathways to different planes of oblivion and otherwise and she holds most of the planes that are in the Shadow of the Moon?
>constantly fucked with Gods, even pranked Azura
Azura is a prissy bitch who got upset that a mere Dwemer's presence and lack of faith caused her own powers of prophecy to falter and she couldn't guess what was in a box
Tell me about this third moon nigga
There isn't much to tell, it is literally decaying empty hole of Lorkhan, we don't know much beyond that. Supposedly it holds secrets and is either the actual rotting corpse of Lorkhan or the physical representation of the hole from which the heart was ripped out of. It is accessible only when the two moons cross.
You can visit it in ESO if you are into boring MMO games.
Khajiit believe that when the moons converge and create an eclipse, it's actually a third moon materializing and blocking the other two. During that event a new Mane is born - a spiritual and political leader of the khajiit.
Reminder that cats are dumb. Dumber than dogs.
I don't get why the red petal fell from Nchylbar's sleeve that night. What did he do to trick Azura?
In the Azura and the Box story, the sage Nchylbar was not trying to prove whether Azura could determine what was in the box. He was concerned with whether the divine spirits had mastery over all of the world, or if mortals could create their own destinies. So he duped Azura. She saw clearly what was in the box, but he palmed the flower before revealing it.