Nintendobros, i wonder what userscore get Death Stranding and Last of Us 2?
Three Houses score
Why do you assume it's Sony? Better yet, why do you care?
do people actually care about shit like this?
Death Stranding will get a higher score than every game in 2019
they'll be fine since Nintendo fans aren't as obsessed with user metacritic scores and don't tout shit like "SONY BONUS" outside of the commonly agreed upon AAA bonus
Not him but most people who give 0 to FE and AC made their accounts recently and also give 10s to Sony exclusives.
Death Stranding will get a pretty high userscore just because Hideo Kojima is working on it, Last of Us 2 will probably get review bombed because lesbians sticking it to god.
>they'll be fine since Nintendo fans aren't as obsessed with user metacritic scores
Why do you autists keep talking about it then?
Those were mine :)
I think i'll create account to give them zeros. Fire Emblem must be avenged.