>your friend circle plays vidya without you
Your friend circle plays vidya without you
Other urls found in this thread:
they have not invited me to play with them in years
I'm trying to get mine to play games together and it's hard
my what circle?
>tfw no friend circle
die already please
Im glad actually. I finally let go of the need to always play with friends and have now been enjoying a fuck ton of new games, mostly single player game. Its great playing through those and getting immersed.
>friends are shit at vidya
>have to contain rage while playing with them
Negative emotions are bad for you user.
I played one dota match with my friends in high school and they never talked to me again
Why do you have geometric figures as friends, user? That doesn't sound very healthy.
>Dude just download League so you can play with us
>your friend circle is full normie that dont play vidya and all have/has had a gf and has sex regularly
And they're starting to ask questions they really shouldn't ask
what gengar said
>play Fortnite with a group of friends from my Discord
>not even good at Fortnite, we just have a lot of fun together
>have to go away for a while
>"bro we missed you so much, we're so glad you're back"
>"you missed a lot of crazy shit but we'll catch you up"
>tfw back to playing with them again
Feels amazing really being a part of a group like this, even if we're just playing Zoomer meme game.
tomokofag will die in a year, this is my heartfelt curse
Why is your friend named circle?
>group of friends slowly changing into something that I don't enjoy being around with
>can't find other people to play video games and tabletop games with
shit sucks man
What if it reflects and hits you?
>Friends are into OW
>I used to play TF2 so why not
>Buy it and enjoy the casual mode
>Try to play with everyone at once
>One person always take forever
>Literally 30 minutes to an hour REGULARLY
>Suggest finding a game and they can join when they come back
>"user we can't play without them or they'll feel left out"
>Spend my an entire hour of the measly 5 I have after work fucking waiting for someone
>They were just smoking weed every time.
I haven't play OW in nearly a year and I no longer associate with those people.
>negative emotions are bad for you user
Says the obnoxious loser with suicidal tendencies, just get the rope its easy to kill yourself if you are that much of a loser.
>he has a friend circle
>friend circle ruined by identity politics and a literal tranny
>can’t just play games anymore without constantly hearing about how someone is gay/black/trans and therefore opressed and how white men are “toxic”
I just want to play TF2 and Mario Kart, fuck this dumb shit
>played on a yank tf2 server
>rules have no politics or racism etc.
except of course its perfectly acceptable to shill your identity politics and telling the underage kids on the server to start hormone treatment
That was my friend circle a while back. Literally nothing but identity politics and having to hear about how they put themselves in stupid situations.
I avoid my friend circle because I feel too inadequate
Go commit not alive
>friend dodecahedron plays casual shit like lol and dota
become foreversleep
too fucking real user, are you me? and are you british?
Just go outside damn it, quit posting your steam account. All you have on there are 90% shitposters anyway.
>friend circle keeps inviting me to play games I have to buy
>They stop playing a few weeks after I start
I declined playing WoW classic. My wallet is happy, but I feel left out.
Do yourself a favor and move on. Don't make the same mistake I did and hang around people you don't like. Their toxicity will get to you at some point and you'll end up like them. By the time you realize it any sort of damage will have been done and they won't really care.
>Made friend circle playing SC2
>friends were all bad at it but I had fun teaching them the ropes
>1v1's 4v4's FFA were all a blast
>league of legends comes out
>no macro, only need to control 1 unit
>friends all switch to playing that
>could never click with LoL, hated how simple it was even as a jungler
>quit after they all became ragers, they never yelled while playing starcraft, but LoL made their blood boil
Havent played with them in about 8 years now. I miss my rts buddies.
>old friend circle from high school all live far apart now so we only get to hang out once every few months
>try and make new friend circle with guys at my university
>things go smoothly
>hang out with them a lot all semester
>They get too clingy and they want to hang out too often
>They always want to hang out at my house and no one elses
>Start realizing I don't really like them much
>One of them keeps telling me to join his discord
>The same one got mad when the school put up American flags everywhere for 4th of July and called it racist
>Try and cut ties with them by avoiding them
>5 months later
>They still include me in all their group texts even though I never respond and I never see them in person
What do?
Save your brainwashed friend.
>friend circle in the process of falling apart because TF2 is a shit game that no one wants to play but there's no other multiplayer games that scratch the same itch
Why can't there just be a FUN class based shooter that revolves around teamwork? Overwatch SUCKS and we've played TF2 to death, to the point where we loathe playing it but there are no other options.
ask them to spot including you on group texts or just get a new phone number
MALE HUMAN BEING I have to know why you have such shit taste in games, because you have NOTHING!
Sadly im just a burger version of you.
Thanks user I think I will do it.
>Playing OW with 2 friends
>Just playing the causal mode and trying to have some fun
>One friend starts raging if anything goes wrong
>"GRAAAGHGHGHH I'm not getting any heals"
>"Our one (1) healer has their hands full with this push it's not their fault"
>"Well that's FUCKING great for them"
>Next match same thing
>We don't respond
>They get upset over us trying to ignore their raging
>"I guess I'm just talking to my FUCKING SELF"
I quit hanging out with them after a while. I do feel genuinely better now that I don't have someone constantly screaming in my ear. The rager is upset because they know they pushed me away. I don't feel bad for it considering they caused me so much stress.
I gifted a friend a game but he doesnt play it
paladins? dirty bomb? idk most games are either not up your alley or dead and yeah tf2 is stale af nowadays
That's happened with every single game I've ever gifted anyone.
i honestly wish my circle of friends played without me, Firing up the party chat and inviting everyone is not fun at all. SERIOUSLY JUST FUCKING TALK TO EACH OTHER GOD FUCKING DAMN IT
>all my friendships have been so low quality and/or one-sided I've completely stopped trying
I don't even have a picture for this feeling
Come clean and tell then the truth, Own up to who you are and be honest with them. If you don't make for good friends then that's it. You aren't obligated to hang out with them. Send a group text telling them that you have moved on. If they persist then block their numbers.
How do you get friends?
We're in the same boat. I stopped feeling bad about it after my last group of friends. I'd rather just hang out with myself than someone I don't really connect with.
>you're playing vidya with your friend circle but without 'that guy'
>One friend decides he doesn't like another friend for whatever reason
>Proceeds to start actively organizing every activity the group does, explicitly inviting everyone other than the guy he doesn't like
>Denies doing any of this when it's brought up
>The other guy makes a new circle because he now feels unwelcome, everyone joins that one, that becomes the new active circle and the dude who was being a dick gets left out
Why do people have to go about things in such a slimy fucking way?
>friend circle is playing games and trying to get me to play or hang out or at least talk to them
>having a mental breakdown instead
Play team-based games and communicate with your mic. Eventually, you'll get someone who communicates back and if you're lucky, they will also click with you. The ball rolls itself from there as long as you invite each other to play more of the same game.
>the gay furry commissions porn of your gaming group in an orgy
Oh so you can only get friends if you talk on a mic.
>A friend brings his friend who literally no one knows into the group
>"install the game we're playing"
>"yeah user, install the game"
>after months of pressure install the game, play for a couple of weeks while none of them invited me to play together, uninstall the game
>have gay barafag friend in circle
>he completely dumpsters egirls and trannies every chance he gets, banter levels off the charts
Basically yeah. I mean you can try to be text-only but it's a lot more difficult. I've found that people are more prone to keeping you at arm's length if you aren't speaking, and you can easily identify people you want to play with (or people who want to play with you) if you speak.
Don't bother adding anyone in a steam-friend thread, they almost never work out just due to lack of similar interests. Unless both of you are outgoing, the conversation will hit a wall after one of you goes offline for the day, or earlier.
My problem is that my circle of friends cant stop playing fuckin CSGO. We all played 1.6 and Source heavily back in the day but they all jumped on GO and I hated it from the start. The most annoying thing is when they invite it me play even though I'm playing something else, even after I've told them over and over that CSGO is ass and I wont play it.
Why is it so hard.
i wonder, what drugs do the degenrates of burgerland deal? here my "mates" are either smoking or dealing weed on the regular.
im telling man, theyve completely ruined that shit for me with the amomunt they overdo it.
the real question is though, how do you deal with the emptiness and loneliness that comes from abandoning all related social circles tied to them? and how do you reform a friendship circle as good as the last in its hay day? these are all genuine questions and not hypotheticals as i would love answers to these and to be able to put into action a plan.
What do you think are some common obstacles that get in your way? I've noticed mostly for me its
>time zones
It's really hard getting to know or play games with someone when they are heading to bed just as you've finally finished working. Even them just being on the west coast is a hassle.
I don't have the money to drop on new games, so if I eventually get into a multiplayer game it already has an established meta, people only group with friends, etc. and other loners? They don't want to talk, stop wasting their time do the mission, new guy why the fuck don't you have "thing" unlocked Jesus Christ get out if my lobby etc.
because everything we do makes ripples that go on forever
>i wonder, what drugs do the degenrates of burgerland deal?
depends on the state here. It could be simple pot or pain killers, or even heroin and crack. Just depends on the area.
>how do you deal with the emptiness and loneliness that comes from abandoning all related social circles tied to them?
You basically have to compare the positive and negatives of both sides before you can take an action that you will not regret. Do you NEED that social interaction that you've admitted to not liking? Will you be able to hold out before the lonliness crushes you or will you be able to embrace it? And then the other side, will the social freedom to do and say whatever you want be worth not having to deal with these people you dislike, even if it means not playing tabletop until you come across a new group?
Personally, I will always go the route of solitude. Nothing is worse that forcing myself to play a game that I love, with people I hate. I'd rather not play it at all at that point. But everyone is different so you might not hold the same beliefs.
>how do you reform a friendship circle as good as the last in its hay day?
You don't. You can only forge new friendships that are good/better in their own ways. You'll never truly replace your old friends and the good memories that you have of them.
>Meet friend in highschool
>He loves vidya too
>Really try with our friendship because I want it to last
>Over the years I learn that he has depression and I try to help him through it
>Every now and then he starts dumping emotional baggage on me
>I put up with it because I want to support him and think that he'll get better
>He never helps himself and always expects me to do everything for him
>He constantly fucks everything if given the chance since he expected me to have every situation covered
>I hold off on bettering my life to help him for a few years
>Over the years I grow to resent him more and more
>Start to realize just how much he's been rubbing off on me after year 4 of our friendship
>I start to resent him more and more
>He introduces me to some new friends of his and I become a part of their circle
>Find out they all went to/were attending college
>Start to look up to them as intelligent people
>Turns out two of them failed to mention that they were dropouts
>The third one dropped out a year into the "friendship"
>All of them are even more depressed than my first friend was
>Everyone thinks that I'm the only one who has it all together
>All of them start tons of drama
>My first friend starts projecting onto me
>He tries to belittle me in front of them almost every chance he gets
>He's clearly attempting to have them perceive me as he sees himself while wanting them to see him the way he looks up to me
>Starting to become the butt of the joke more and more
>They try and pretend that it's all innocent fun
>They ended up dragging me down to their level several times
>After two or three years I cut off all ties with the three newer friends
>Other friend decides to cut off ties with me due to me being so much better than him
>I didn't look back
If I could go back in time I'd teach myself a thing or two about self worth and not putting up with other people's drama. If any of you find yourself in my shoes do NOT hesitate to move on.
/blog post
I think it's rare to see people actually improving their own situations like this. So many friends/posters complaining about their social situations when all it takes is some self-awareness and knowing what you actually want.
>knowing what you actually want
I'll give you self-awareness, but you say the latter like that is something easy to grasp for most people
>how do you deal with the emptiness and loneliness that comes from abandoning all related social circles tied to them?
I try and find happiness in other areas of my life. Sometimes I draw or maybe just go outside and walk around while enjoying the beauty in the world around me. Other times I play vidya.
>how do you reform a friendship circle as good as the last in its hay day?
I can't help you with that. I've pretty much given up all hope of finding people that I'll truly get along with.
None of those have really been issues for me. I just try and find enjoyment in solitude.
Do you have to talk to everyone else the entire time? If I'm waiting on a friend, I just pull up an episode or something to read. Friend usually apologizes for being a slow fuck but at least it doesn't feel like the wait wasn't a complete waste of time.
>Start to realize just how much he's been rubbing off on me after year 4 of our friendship
This is the part that hits closest to home. After so many bad relationships in my life I feel like I've become the manipulative asshole I was always accused of being back in the day by those whores, even though most of my real friends say otherwise. Shit sucks man, but all we can do is keep going and improving ourselves before wasting years on salvageable others, and I agree with that last statement 100%.
I have self-awareness in spades, but what I didn't have was a clear vision of what I wanted in life. I believed that I just wanted some good friends to hang out with and be happy around. I thought that by neglecting my own needs and putting that energy into someone else I could finally achieve all of that. What I ended up getting in return was a life lesson rather than a true friendship. The funny thing about this is that life lesson has genuinely brought me closer to happiness.
I don't like watching television too much and I'm very one track minded. It's annoying for me when we all set a date and time just for someone to take as long as possible. I don't mind if it happens a few times. What I DO mind is that is was the same person doing the same thing every time. It's even more frustrating when they just need to take a hit or two and get on the cpu. He absolutely milked it every time.
I'd try and watch a youtube video or play a game, but I don't like doing that when I know someone could tear me away from it any minute. It's not just something I can put in the back of my mind. If I'm waiting on someone I get into a certain mindset.
>Friend circle only plays weird survival simulators
>They always invite you to group chat but it's just them bitching about who left the door opening
>Get into FFXIV and they all go into BDO
>Yeah user, we're gonna fucking rock Iceborne. I moved to third shift though
I don't have a reaction image for this feel
>Friend circle stops playing vidya
>They still talk about current releases
>But don't play them.
I've heard that you become who you associate with. It's better to be around good influences if you want to put up with people at all.
That's why I said it's rare. It's not easy to "just know" and I realize that. I (try) to not scorn people for being idiotic and putting up with needless drama but sometimes it slips out, especially if that's all I hear from one person. We can give advise all we but until the person in questions learns it for themselves like the other person I'm replying to, they will not be able to maintain their happiness.
>The funny thing about this is that life lesson has genuinely brought me closer to happiness.
That's all that's important. You had a breakthrough and can now go on living the rest of your life knowing at least what you don't want. Process of elimination.
>Old friend circle mostly went to drugs and drama.
>New one is full of dancers that only play normie games.
Never gonna find a balance, but honestly I think it's better this way.
You dodged a bullet.
>meet with friends
>they play rainbow 6 together
>ask other friend if he wants to play with them
>they never ask me
My friend of ten years decided to skip playing WoW with me because they were promised a raid item on another server by some folks from theor retail guild playing Classic for content they won't even be getting to for months after saying they'd play with me.
Fuck friends. Do what you want and enjoy their company when they happen to be doing what you're doing.
>friend circle completely stop talking to you after highschool
>see that they all still play with each other on steam
>tfw you realize you were the weak link
>>tfw you realize you were the weak link
Maybe it's some kind of slang.
>friend circle keeps playing awful flavor of the month games
I can't keep up, I have the income to constantly buy new games but I just don't care enough to do so. The best part is to hear them praise the game constantly and then a month late they only have bad things to say about it
>friend circle
>You hate your friend circle and are subtly trying to make them hate you
>They don't no matter what you do
>Process of elimination.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Life is all about the experiences.
>friend circle
Oh yeah, that one thing I had once upon a time. I ditched since I'm a Debbie Downer and would rather not drag them down with me.
Nah, just take what you yourself got out of it and move on. There's no need to dwell on such things. The sooner you can get over their absence, the better off you'll be. This is not to say that you'll forget about them, but rather you'll find something else eventually that will help you keep your head up. Whether that be a new friend group or a new solo hobby is up to you.
On the flipside
>you're the only one getting the group together for games
>you often login and see them playing the same game but not together
Does it count as a friend group if it's just two people and you don't really like them anyways?
I'm not as much of a cunt as I sound like I swear
>friend circle keeps playing one game over and over
god damn it I'm tired of RoR2
>don't really like them
>be the friend organizer
>everyone agreed to be playing all night
>"okay guys I'm gonna grab some food and eat it real quick, give me 30 minutes and I'll be back to play!"
>leave the voice channel since i usually watch anime while eating
>come back and the voice channel is empty
God damn it, it's never even a full 30 minutes.
If you the 3 of you are chatting semi-regularly and inviting each other to play games, then yes. If you're not inviting them to do anything, then you're just an extra that they haven't identified yet.
I dunno they just annoy me after like 2 hours of playing games and I don't like them much.
I only really keep them because it's useful to have them around for co-op games.
>didn't spoil the discord
>or the second fortnite
you should never trust the furry
>They're all playing the game you all want to play
>Get on
>"Awesome we have enough to play
>the weird guy commissions R63 art of himself
This caused the split in the large group of friends I had because he kept doing this shit where he'd post some flyover state kicking out someone from the bathroom and going "*SIIIIIGH*"
You joined the GOOD side, right? You know, the side that doesn't give a shit? No one likes people drumming up drama for nothing.
>someone in the friend group takes the red pill and only talks in politics from now on
>the ability to have fun plummets because all the fag can talk about is politics
I hate it.
Doofenshmirtz had a hard life
>Friend wants to play with us
>When we're finally on he constantly stops playing to talk to his girl for hours
>The other friend and I just end up playing by ourselves instead
>Getting even busier with her over the weeks
>Probably won't have time to hang with us anymore
I'm happy for you, bro. But tell that chick to do her own thing for just a bit if you ask us to play.
>tfw tight knit friend group who can't ever decide on a game to play
we just spend 70% of our hangout time spitballing games to play
>my friend circle doesn't play vidya at all
it's sad
>tfw don't know if I'm that guy or not
sometimes I feel like I would've contributed more by not being there.
I don't have any friends irl but two pretty good friends online, one of them is a NEET and while he cracks jokes and is generally nice, he's kinda on the depressive side, I don't mind giving a lot of advices to him, though I do feel guilty of being kinda manipulative at times, like I'm trying to dictate his life (he never complains though).
The other is just a mostly normal fun dude, he's the more otaku of the group (I like anime and anime games too but he consumed a lot more than me).
Overall I think I'm fine with life like that, I lost contact with my old friends from childhood/teenager years and never really got into a new bubble. I already know my online friends for 5 years and counting, we play, we watch synched anime sometimes, I don't really have anybody to talk to irl but it doesn't matter because they filled that hole in my life.
>everyone in friend group has a case of the gay including me
Everything turned out better than expected.
>old friend in friend group says he's going to college
>"joke around" by suggesting we should have a funeral since his online persona is basically going to die
>nah nah, I'll still be around!
>last online 1035 days ago
I told you so, you dumb bastards.
>implying I have friends
T. 32 years old boomer neet.
>that time Yea Forums tricked me into believing having friends would make me happy
You faggots lied to me and now I have 3 retards I can't shake off.
You tricked yourself if you thought 3 retards were friend material.
Post the pic you coward.
never add retards like speedonvhs from Yea Forums
For years my friends played lol together but I hate mobas.
They're not even bad people I just fucking hate being around them but they think I'm their super close best friend
yeha i hate when that happens haha
You sound like a tsundere.
>friend keeps doing this
>group is now just orbiters that know him but dont know each others
>that friend is also a sociopath who creates drama every other day
N-no... baka
>friend circle doesn't play vidya because of that one guy who has exactly 5 seconds of free time during the whole year keeps who ruining every plan ever made
...tell them?
>have two friend groups, one offline and one online, both I’ve known since high school
>meet up and play dnd with the ones offline every week
>play vidya and shitpost online with the others after work
These people give me life, and I’d like to think I’m the same to them.
>that friend who ignores the existence of everyone in the friend group when he has a gf, then comes back like nothing happened when they break up
>friends and I all like vidya
>most of the time we have at least a single game we can all play
>smash, ow, cod or something, tekken 7 etc
>movies, anime
>nobody's a tranny
why would you become "friends" with people you dislike? make better friends retard
>take the night off from friend group once
>Amazing, hilarious, instant-class adventures and banter happen, even people that never show up come to join the fun
are you people all waiting for me to leave to start having fun
how would you know if you weren't there
They mention it. Come to think of it there's numerous instances in my life where I happen to coincidentally miss amazing and/or fun stuff
>What's a chatlog?
>what are people saying "man yesterday was wild :))))))))"
>Friend circle wants you to play with them but you never feel like it
based barabro
Fuck you Jacob.
>friend circle starts playing shitty classic wow
>they expect me to join
haven't really spoken to any of them in over a week now, i'm starting to worry
Not him but my friend circle is turning into a she circle jerk. Can't say fag, cunt, or nigga in front of them because they go absolutely nuts. Feels bad.
>Hey we're all playing games right now want to join?
>"Nah I'm busy at the moment"
>Hours pass, the group get bored and decide to call it
>"Hey I'm ready to play lets do this"
>Sorry man we just finished and split up
>Get guilt tripped
Stop watching anime dude, come on now.
>everyone in my friend circle works all day, and when they come home they never feel like playing vidya
>one spends his off days just watching YouTube, says he barely likes vidya anymore
>the other's gpu failed and he hasn't even bothered replacing it
>the last one works and goes to school, see him like an hour each week at most
I miss them, even if I didn't play much of the same games with them
Please like and Subscribe to my blog
this but i keep it installed just in case some of them contact me ever again
I haven't had a friend since I was 12
Fuck you Hailix, you deserve to be catfished by us and your weird ass fat fetish. Quit being so insecure.
>got exiled forever from my Internet friend's circle of seven years because I told the circle's girl to fuck off once
>not even a warning
Reminder that once is all it takes. I was honestly baffled just because she didn't even strike me as the type to play vaginal warfare and wasn't even anyone's girlfriend.
Hahah that means they aren’t actually ur friend haha
>used to have friend circle on 360
>over 75% of them were from the south or midwest
>rest were from bongland
>i was the only person who was from the northwest
>everyone treated me like ass
glad i got out of that. they were also weirdly spoiled for living in texas or whatever.
Is this a RRoD joke
>friend circle does everything without you
>catch you up on everything they're doing
>screenshots of my friends talking ABOUT me but never wanting to actually play when i get online
>used to have """""""""""friends"""""""""" in highschool from Puerto Rico
>played D&D everyday
>we fall apart cuz I had to move to Texas with my parents
>social status takes an all time low
>found 2 jobs
>found a college
>scared to make new friends in Burgerland
>No friends to talk to when I get home right now
>Play single player vidya everyday
>I hate myself
This. I have like three toons that I haven't leveled up in a long time and they expect me to make a new one to play an even worst game than retail
>mostly play single player or genre's my friends arnt interested in
>friends welcome me with open arms anytime I decide to play a game with me or vice versa