


That is all

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27 Druid reporting in.
Never gonna be able to afford my fucking mount because every skill from my trainer seems worth it

Holy shit Ashmongold is already 50

Asmongold failed classic wow

At the end of the day he's only one person and it doesn't matter in the long run, but as a person who has watched him for a long time and has even give him my twitch prime, He has failed classic wow.

Asmongold spent years ( as did a lot of people ) begging blizzard to release classic wow servers, For many reasons..


the leveling experience..

the RPG elements that disappeared throughout the years..


the old zones..

Grouping up with other players all the time...

There's a million reasons we all wanted classic wow but I think it's really sad that he and many streamers shit talked BFA forever and said they would play classic differently only to go around begging for gold and items.


.. Only to beg for gold and items from other players after saying they strictly wouldn't.

...Only to spam Scarlet Monastery to level.

...Only to beg for gold for your first mount when you said you wouldn't

...Only to say " CAN I GET THAT? " whenever an item drops.

...Only to say " I don't want to do that quest it doesn't give good enough loot "

...Only to do the same exact things and behave the same way you do on retail

You had a second chance to re live classic wow and you threw it all away.

You can't use the excuse " but I decided to roll on a pvp server sooooo I don't want to be behind..." Because we know that's an excuse. Don't even try to justify your lie.

You asked for legacy servers for years but when they came around you just weren't strong enough to do it without begging for gold and items.

At the end of the day, Who cares he's just one person. But as a top WoW streamer it's sad.

You failed classic, you failed your fans, but most of all, You failed yourself.

We thought more highly of you.

You're disappointing.

>log in with no queue at lunch
>now there's 11000 queue
goddamn kids coming from school trying to log in at the same time

>Don't want to replay classic because it's a timesink
>Watch streams
>Waste time that way instead

gg me

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100g? why do you need 50g for? 10g should be plenty

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people seem to be more invested in what the streamers are doing in the game than the actual game

Not really, I met countless wandering noobs all over. Most players have no idea what they're doing whatsoever

hi rebbit

i mean irl

>Questing with a mate in discord
>Playing Southern Slave songs while walking across Wetlands and Ram ranch at the mount ranch
>Genociding kobolds and troggs en masse
>Jewing the AH in it's early stages
>Exploring zones and locations from memory only, no online guides allowed
>Getting ass fucked at any second when enemies spawn behind us
It's honest simple fun, and I'm seriously enjoying it. I'm not trying too hard to cling to the past's way of having fun with this game, just chilling out and accepting it for what it is, and how I play it these days

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I just do whatever feels fun. I spent 30 minutes getting to ashenvale, did 2 quests then teleported to duskwood to quest there instead because I felt like it.

basically new to WoW
i played druid healer on "retail" at the discretion of my normie friends....a few years back
normie friends have fucked off, but i think i want to try WoW Classic
can someone give me the basic rundown for a nooblet solo? im really considering it but wanna do it right

Layer me plz

Yeah, it's awesome for faggots. Why would I want to play something I played 15 years ago? I guess this is the current state of gaming, oh well.

Why are there so many people leveling warriors, yet very few of them are willing to tank dungeons?

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I tanked one and it was very stressful because I was very rusty and my threat creation and taunts kept missing/getting resisted.

Tank classes level slower and a LOT of time will be spent solo grinding mobs. Therefore lots of people are levelling dps specs. They are also too lazy to carry around a shield and have tank abilities trained /on a toolbar. (Is my theory).

This is true, but you can tank dungeons in arms spec with no problem unless your healer is sitting there afk or is just a plain idiot.

I wanted to play but after a week I cant decide class and I get panic attacks from the subscription fee.

What is a jack of all trades class?

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Ok I'm rerolling onto a new server from Stalagg. I'm tired of the queues. Thing is I'm trying something new and I'm not sure whether I want to level a warlock or a Druid. Since I'm trying something new I plan on leveling alliance so I am leaning towards gnome warlock. But then I see the melee classes and I can't decide if I want to be a funnyman and play a gnome melee class.
Anyways if I play a Warlock on alliance side, will I get into groups? Or is it overplayed?

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friend of mine was hyped af for it
played for a few days and now hes hasnt been online for 5 days
and he was a huge wow fan back in the day

reddit but also true desu

>want to play melee
>either rogue or warrior
>assume there's going to be a ton of rogues around so go warrior
>barely any rogues, warriors everywhere

Druid doesn't need a mount as badly as other classes do. Travel form isn't strictly better but it gets the job done.

old school runescape

So how are the ques now?
Want to get it but I want to play and not sit in ques.

Why would I play Classic instead of Retail?


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Warrior is the only class that can really DPS and Tank. That said Shaman and Paladin are both pretty easy to level but will mainly be healers endgame

Shaman, Paladin or Druid except every one has at least one shit spec

Is there an AoE threat spam skill?


I just found out that I can play for free until level 20. Wish me luck, I'm starting my trial today (or tomorrow if it takes too long to set up).

Sorry bub, can't play classic for free, you need a subscription. You have to have a subscription before you can even download classic thru the launcher, which is only like 6 gigs compared to retails 60+. Dont do what I did

Not usable in defensive stance.

I think demo shout generates threat tho

Shouts cause a little bit of threat
Best thing to do is throw a skull on the main target so everybody focuses the same thing

Not him but I saw noobs that I couldn't trade with due to starter account so I think they opened it?

>Wind up tanking as druid with 2 Warriors in the party

Once you have the talent to stance dance effectively you're basically expected to swap between Battle and Defensive for quick Thunderclaps

You can create a character on a newer PVP server or join an RP server and queues should be fine (except sometimes during peak).

Nostalgia, duh! Also it is surprisingly comfy atm.

Oh, well I guess I'll have to see for a fact when I get home. I tend to take user's word over anything else, but it's hard to argue against their own website. I'll go home expecting not to be able to do it.

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After months of hard-working research about the tribes in Mulgore, I feel confident enough to share my discoverings about this racial group and how do they function in the clockwork machine that we call Azeroth.

Tauren's are an anthropomorphic race that displays features found in most of the Bovinae species. They move as bipeds, reaching one of the highest heights in the known world and are naturally predisposed to develop a bulky physique and pretty firm and long dicks. They are capable of various degrees of intelligence, but there are well known for their physical prowess and hard work capacity and also their disliking of the latter. Tauren's have a pretty long life span, and yet they have one of the highest mortality rates in all of Azeroth.

They are usually grouped in small villages that are then divided in ghettos, being the exception Thunderbluff, a large town in the top of a mountain. The terrain at Mulgore is mostly composed of meadows and Sabana, filled with feline predators, large size avians and other anthropomorphic creatures that I mention in other works. The flora is diverse and reaches in fruits and spices that the Tauren use in their traditional soul cooking.

Their diet is mostly composed of fried chicken with spices that they get from the local Tallstriders and Kodo burgers, although this last dish is less common as hunting a fierce Kodo takes several hunters and much work, something that the Taurens are not fond of. This diet is one of the causes of mortality among the Tauren as only small groups of them seek to consume roots and fruits to complement their daily nutrients, forcing now to all restaurants to show the caloric value of each item. The primary source of water in Mulgore comes from the water well that the Goblins created to recollect water, unfortunately, the Taurens do not know how to maintain these wells properly and they usually end up drinking contaminated water and blaming the undead race of racially motivated poisoning.

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MC40 with loot master soon

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My friend got kicked from an RFC group yesterday because he kept needing every drop lol. I held my friends hands enough for them to get the gist of what they're supposed to do but besides that I'm letting them run free and make their own mistakes.

watching ashmongold is unironically comfy

i gave up on my server for now and re rolled to another. i cannot deal with these 4 hr queues when i want to play right away after work or the gym

>Asmon, your role is to stay at the entrance of MC while we clear it so you can't wipe us.

These Classic threads make me so fucking mad.
It's a 15 year old game with outdated mechanics. Retail fixes all of the annoyances and shitty parts of the game. The raids are a joke too. Just get over the nostalgia already and shut the fuck up. All you're doing is taking the game backwards.

Retail is a completely different game that's the whole reason we wanted Classic to begin with

How'd you have time to post this with all your daily chores waiting for you?

Spent 3 hours trying to get a group for rfk as a shaman healer or dps. People wont invite if its competition for the 2h axe but apparently the community is "awesome".
Dungeon finder was the best thing to ever happen to wow

>see this
wat do?

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>Your level
>Main professions / level
>First aid level
>Cooking level
>Fishing level

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Because they are useless deadweight. NEVER invite a "dps" warrior outside of a sm cleave team until they are geared 60's.

where do i quest as alliance 30-40?
i'm basically just bouncing back and forth from multiple zones, doing 1 or 2 quest in one spot, then having to switch to another because all the other quests or follow-ups are too high then repeating for the next

Is Activision going to fix "night time"?
Shit is basically full bright.

Sure kid, just like DOOM has
You are addicted to convenience and can not go back to play a real adventure.

Is classic a good time to learn how to heal? I played Shadow priest in TBC but embarrassingly rarely healed. It's easier to heal in classic, right?

Lvl 29 warrior reporting in. Already tanked wc, bfd, and sm gy

Nigga any class that has moves that generate threat can tank anything below 58 dungeons. You don't need tank specs for that shit. Even shamans are capable of tanking everything.

oh wow if ye get 123412341234gold shoved in your ass no wonder.

Classic isn't that big of a time commitment.

Friend and I are going to start playing in around a month, neither of us has played WoW before. We're going Horde, with him being a troll mage and me being an undead priest. Couple questions: If one of us takes tailoring, can we make items for both of us? Like if he takes tailoring can he make me priest exclusive gear, too? Also, would one of us with tailor/enchanting and one of us with alchemy/herbalism work out?

yes, outside of like 3 raid bosses its the easiest role

yes and yes

How'd you have time to post this? you have 3000 more boar genitals to collect with 1.5% drop rates whilst using your 2 button rotation.
>Muh nostalgia!!

yeah most profession items are bind on equip and useable by anyone, save for engineering which usually require eng skill to use

what quest are you referring to?

once your 60 its maybe 3 hours a week 4 tops

>Change my mind.
It's not FFXIV.

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Only one of you having tailoring would actually be a good thing, since the other guy could just trade all of the linen/wool he gets from drops to you.

30 troll priest, alchemy and herbalism, my buddies are all doing cooking and fishing while I save the cloth for my chest piece later.

You'll both need tailoring for the 300 pieces, but priest can drop it after crafting the chest while mage has to keep it.

By "irl" do you mean "on Reddit and Yea Forums"? Cause that's the only context you'd be correct.

>log in early in the day
>no queue
>play a while
>log out and do some shit
>get cocky due to previous experience and forget to log in early
>now 120 minute queue
fuuuuuuuuck it's really fucking brutal in the evenings, gotta remember that

Why? Isn’t there lots of stuff to do after you reach 60?

Thanks anons.

So if I have tailoring I can't make him the level 300 mage equipment? I wouldn't be able to trade it to him?

but it is better. you can use it in combat and it has no cast time.

Too afraid and tanking as a warrior in lowbie dungeons requires some knowledge of the mobs and a lot of simple coordination.

On that note. Sheep moon, mage. You know that ability called polymorph? Yea, fucking use it when I tell you to. I'm not doing it because I like seeing a sheep.

Also learn a range skill or make bombs so you stop having to body-pull. It's like doing surgery with a hammer and chisel.

I just got in after 50 min, I should stay logged during the day.

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When you learn bow just to ranged pull, fug.

Your mama is so fat, it takes 3 warlocks to summon her FAT ASS.

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>no queues ever
RP server master race

tanking is about making sacrifices for people who give less and earn more.

If you always want a group, roll warrior or a healer. If you want to play solo, roll hunter. Play alliance side because currently the horde side is priding themselves on being assholes.

>babby's first MMO

Everything seems so quick and easy

Any resources on priest pve healing? First time doing it and there's so many fucking heal buttons to pick from. Do I just choose flash heal with several ranks or full I use flash heal, heal, and greater heal? Do I ever even use lesser heal?

ah thats a classic, love when I do that.

Renew pre-heal, I don't ever recommend using Flash heal ever, very mana inefficient and it just means you were lazy and didn't use greater heal earlier, good for emergencies i guess, greater heal is your goto spell while renew should be up all times on the tank.



>be warrior
>equip shield
>become tank

you don't need anything else

Starting to add any mage that cc's correctly to the friend list. And adding shammies that put earthshock in their dps rotation to ignore.

Nothing personnel priests.

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Entire East Coast is down. Blizzard has the worst servers.

Eh, you kinda need a ranged pull in some cases.

A mage who cc's perfectly is a tank's best friend.

Got a mob that's an absolute faggot to fight? A mage can cc, kite, or just interrupt the fucker. Makes your life easier.

A dps warrior on the other hand takes your leveling gear, produces nothing but damage (which isn't good because he ain't got gear), and is probably a meter-rider from a private server.

as a warrior you should have a ranged method of pulling just to aggro-leash mobs from packs and pull murlocs/furborgs/gnolls/humanoids without bringing a rape train along.

not sure where, but I remember reading on blizz's site that classic requires sub, but you probably know this by now

Downrank your spells.

Flash heal great for big quick spikes early pull where you DONT want to pop a bubble but dont over rely on it since it can eat up mana.

Lesser heal rank 1 will be your go to for a long time due to its cast time, stack +healing and its decent.
Other lesser heal higher ranks are good but learn to gauge health spikes and pick whatever you feel is appropriate, (would two rank1 lheals work or one rank 3 lheal?) It takes practice and theres an art to it.
Heal it great but has a slow cast time unless you spec holy which you really shouldnt, disc is way more mana efficient at lower levels so keep that in mind if tank taking lot of damage quickly.

true enough. I was a shitter tho, and didn't get bow until like 14ish.

Have you be excluded from a UBRS or Brd run yet?

is east coast dead?
i want to play right now

You haven't played either, little man.

Ya east coast is offline. Perhaps something to do with the hurricane? This shit is so annoying.

is there any point in playing on new servers like bloodfang?

If I roll shadow priest will I ever be allowed to DPS or will I just be asked constantly to respec?

Should I just go mage and remove the temptation?

> Perhaps something to do with the hurricane?
stay strong bros, dont get blow away and please protect the servers

go mage

If you ever raid as a shadowpriest half of your time will be spent wanding with an empty mana bar. Either pvp, heal or go mage.

Actually its verizon and comcast blocking access to blizzard. Write to FCC this is fucked up. Just use a VPN.

I am on a pvp server

>every server has a big ass waiting time

I just don't have the time for that sorry bros I really looked forward to this but real life is not giving me any chances to play anymore

>LFM DPS, No Warriors pref. rogues

Anyone else making a list of people you're going to kick the fuck out of raids when you hit endgame and you're the only valuable tank?

Well whenever you're not getting ganked by a higher level or getting 4v1'ed you'll melt faces and get to mana burn fuckers.

frost mages with engineering are much better at pvp though.

>When reddit drops the truth bombs

Mage is a vanilla god class, no one wants a spriest unless you're in your guild master clique who can secure you a raid spot.

Well I would if 25 mans were a thing but since I need to find 15 other boomers who can make raid times, as long as they have a pulse and don't wipe the group, they'll be brought.


While an afterthought in development, that is the actual endgame
You PvE to get gear to smack nerds who have done less PvE than you

>log in at 12 PM
>no queue
>play for 5 hours, take a nap
>log back on an hour later
>10700 in queue on a tuesday evening
I thought you guys said the zoomers would leave after a week

DONT renew before pulls
I get this shit all the time when tanking and it messes up the initial threat during pulls so much

34 paladin reporting in, this is a fucking blast.
play classic you fools
streamers are faggots
get that mount asap
enjoy the ride

for a solved game im surprised at how many people are still shit at it
especially faggot hunters in dungeons

No shields on most pulls too. A good portion of rage comes from getting beat.

thats major fucked if true

So am I supposed to spam low rank healing spells to keep the tank up and save mana? So far in low level dungeons I've been healing when tank is at 50%, getting them to full, then wanding to get mana back.


>the horde side is priding themselves on being assholes.
just for this comment i will camp menethil harbor for at least an hour tonight

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Not necessarily spam but you should have a few variations available.

I usually have my highest rank and my lowest rank heal at the minimum.

Original priest user here. Thankfully I played the game long enough to know how dumb doing either of these are.

thanks, doc

I see. At low levels without any spell power or +healing, there's no difference in mana-to-hp restored between healing ranks, so I won't worry about down ranking heals too much for now.

Leveling warrior. I want an alt but I'm not sure what class. Druid, mage, or rogue?

How effective is Tanking as 2 handed Fury?

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Retail WoW is a lot better than Classic and no one has managed to prove me wrong

it's good enough for dungeons below level 55

My god, the spacing is unbearable.

>RPPVP as Tauren Druid
>All allies just gank me regardless because my name's red
Nigga I'm just tending to these trees go away


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>Horde priding themselves on being Assholes
>Literally any time the Alliance sees a chance for an unfair fight they take it

I've leveled a hunter, shaman, druid, and mage all up to 20 and I still can't decide which I want to stick with.

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You still should though. You mentioned waiting till the heal was at 50% to heal, with downranking you can use a lower rank to heal him at 75% without worrying about wasting mana on overhealing.

Also, cast times are important. R1 heal is lightning quick compared to last rank

Pvp server horde
Orcs = assholes
Trolls = Cool but sometimes assholes
Undead = assholes too, specially rogues and warlocks.
Tauren = Cool and helpful.

undead disc priest. no point of mana will be save from me

seeing hunters with pets set to aggressive was a real blast from the past.
On the flip side, it makes me hopeful that we won't have to deal with PS tier minmaxxing faggots

*eats ur gf*

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I've been playing classic and everytime I do, it's just making me want to play Retail more and more. I can't be the only one who sees this, right?

>Every quest is kill boars for 2 hours until 6 rng quest items frop
>Every class has a two button rotation, three if you're lucky.
>Models are all butt ugly, armor is all butt ugly with stretched textures
>Scarcity of flight paths means you have to walk for hours sometimes, especially if want to swap zones. Nothing interesting will happen, except you might die and have to corpse walk, adding another 10 minutes each time.
>Instances are generally just dps checks and aren't even worth doing for xp. The hunter will get all the loot.
>Only four races each side and few classes no monk, no demon hunter, no dk.
>Massive amount of features and content missing, like brawler's guild, jobs like jewelcrafting, pet battles, glyphs, transmog, etc
>'specs' are 90% just %increase on damage talents
>90% of all battlegrounds removed, and PVP is dumbed down to be a stat check or class rock paper scissors with little to no room to outplay.
>Somehow even LESS abilities than retail despite the pruning
>No mechanics to anything, a single trash pack in most raids on Retail has more mechanics than an entire instance in Classic

Literally, the game has ONE positive over retail, and that's itemization. Itemization is much, much better. Everything else is fucking dogshit and puts me to sleep. I refuse to believe anyone but complete nostalgiafags actually enjoy doing this. Why the fuck would you play this game? Is it all just peer pressure and hype? Why would anyone play this?

It HAS to be contrarianism. I refuse to believe people are THIS fucking stupid.

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When attacking with something like say frostbolt do you have to press 1 over and over again to cast or will it fire until enemy is dead?

>Spending time in defensive stance at like level 30
I seriously hope you guys don't do this. You're just someone with high stam that gives healers a single target to heal instead of four. There's no reason to be in defensive stance before 45ish aside from stance dancing for a clutch taunt.

>shadow priest
>in ANY version of wow


I have been having fun but I won't deny that most things people are saying they are having fun doing, would be exactly the same in current WoW.
I think most people praising vanilla haven't really played retail, so they don't know endgame zones are more dangerous and interesting to explore than anything in vanilla.

i ask my boomer friends what exactly is fun that they're doing in classic that they can't do in retail
i'm still waiting for the answer

So? People already killed rag

>Every quest is kill boars for 2 hours until 6 rng quest items frop
So? Group up and have fun
>Every class has a two button rotation, three if you're lucky.
So? If you want advanced meta go play DF
>Models are all butt ugly, armor is all butt ugly with stretched textures
Imagination > poly count
>Scarcity of flight paths means you have to walk for hours sometimes, especially if want to swap zones. Nothing interesting will happen, except you might die and have to corpse walk, adding another 10 minutes each time.
General chat exists
>Instances are generally just dps checks and aren't even worth doing for xp. The hunter will get all the loot.
Instances are just a thing you can do if you want to, everyone pretends like it's the game when in fact it's just a tiny fraction of the game. Not everyone is up for best loot and highest DPS, only dumbasses who can't enjoy the game do this shit
>Only four races each side and few classes no monk, no demon hunter, no dk.
Who cares
>Massive amount of features and content missing, like brawler's guild, jobs like jewelcrafting, pet battles, glyphs, transmog, etc
Transmog is the worst feature in retail, go play dressup in hello kitty adventure island
>'specs' are 90% just %increase on damage talents
Again with the damage meme. Who cares, just have fun. Or don't, idk
>90% of all battlegrounds removed, and PVP is dumbed down to be a stat check or class rock paper scissors with little to no room to outplay.
Organic PVP is somehow bad? Some of us prefer not to be hand held every step, it makes for a more sandboxy experience
>Somehow even LESS abilities than retail despite the pruning
That's just false
>No mechanics to anything, a single trash pack in most raids on Retail has more mechanics than an entire instance in Classic
Raids always sucked

tl;dr you don't know how to have fun with this game anymore. All you see is DPS and loot, and being the best(tm). When the joy of this game is casual banter while you collect bear asses.

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>not playing shaman
>not listening to youtube.com/watch?v=B9CIvwLYfqQ while calling upon the elements to purge the ally scum

>play both this and ffxiv
Fun leveling and grinding and the best fights and music.
This truly is a blessed timeline

assuming that whole "get to 60 in classic, get bfa+110level boost free" deal the official facebook leaked is true. I might try it when the fox race gets released

Can do it in retail.
>I like pressing one button over and over!!!!
No comment
If I was just going to be using my imagination, I wouldn't be playing a fucking game, holy shit, this is the fucking dumbest argument I've ever seen. It's the whole point of a fucking game.
>General chat
It also exists in retail, in exactly the same cancerous, twitch-meme spamming form
>Instances are a small part of the game
Whilst I agree, that still doesn't change that fact that they're not fun.
Yes, I love my character looking like a fucking clown. Transmog is actually one of the few features almost everyone would be okay with being in Classic.
>Just have fun
I would, but seeing my 5 number go to 6 isn't very fun. Especially when in retail, I could just pick a talent that gives me a grappling hook. Or completely changes my rotation and playstyle.
>World pvp meme
Ah yes, I love ganking lowbies whilst they're questing, It's very rewarding, challenging and fun. And yes, that is the majority of pvp, people of the same level actually competing in areas is rare, don't lie to yourself.
>That's just false
I'm not gonna go count, but I can assure you, it's not. And it's not even close, either.
>Raids always sucked
Personal opinion and not an excuse for raids being garbage in vanilla.

You are literally proving everything I said right. Not a single actual argument.
>You play this game for banter whilst grinding
So... Something you also do in retail. Gotcha. You're just actually brain damaged and being a contrarian because you grew up and blame big bad blizzard for it.

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Wtf bros on paladin I have to press 3 buttons you told me it would be one.

you have to cast, it's an ability not an autoattack

Do you feel like you need to enjoy this, and if you don't you're missing out?
The things you're listing are opinions bro. You don't need to justify to us why you don't like the game. You aren't letting us down or giving up on us. You don't have to enjoy this. It's not your kind of game, that's OK. Go play retail and have fun.

>the RPG elements that disappeared throughout the years..

This is especially funny to me because, as far as RPGs go, WoW is one of the most restrictive fucking RPG experiences out there. WoW has less player choice than even the majority of JRPGs, nevermind comparing it to some WRPG heavy hitters. Even it's now current and main rival, FFXIV, a linear as shit JRPG through and through, at the very least gives the player the illusion of choice with dialogue options, however pointless they may be. WoW can't even do that, outside of one "HEY, SYLVANAS OR SAURFANG, PICK ONE!" option that only exists because a bunch of hordies cried that their faction of monsters who have traditionally be portrayed as the aggressors and villains of the story were acting like aggressors and villains.

>>Models are all butt ugly
Retail models look like fucking muppets, I much prefer the classic ones

Same but with my zoomer friends and their love of minecraft.

There's not a single opinion in that post except that the game is ugly, which is a minor point anyway.
That's the thing. It has nothing to do with taste. I like plenty of shitty games with flaws.
The game just literally has nothing fun about it. I don't even like retail which is why I said it makes me want to play it, not that I actually play it. I just look at the two, unbiased, and can't understand how people can say, in any way, shape or form, that vanilla is better. It's just everything in retail but dumbed down massively.

If you want challenging end game and don't care about leveling play retail.

If you like slower/"simpler" gameplay and enjoy leveling stick to classic.

It's that easy no need to argue

Except Retail has the same levelling as vanilla now... And has had it since late Legion.

Of course it requires a sub to play continuously. But Blizzard has been offering WoW free trials for most of the game's existence.
Blizzard are like drug deals. They give out a hit, sometimes two, for free to get you started. You buy the product the next time, they give you a special discount for coming back. Another few hits for free.
And now you're hooked, reliably coming back to them every month and paying for more hits, sometimes buying even more from their special supply. That's premium shit though, you gotta pay extra for that good shit.

>Can do it in retail.
Organic grouping in retail? LOL right. I played BFA for months and have gained a single (1) friend from that whole time. Played classic since it came out and already have like 20+ friends, purely because the game encourrges social interaction. You're nice to people = your journey becomes easier, simple as that. In BFA there's no such incentive whatsoever. You group with randoms and never talk with them again. Not a MMO.
>If I was just going to be using my imagination, I wouldn't be playing a fucking game
I was saying graphics is irrelevant. I'd play classic if it was done in NES 8-bit style. Who gives a crap about muh graphics
>Transmog is actually one of the few features almost everyone would be okay with being in Classic.
Oh shut the fuck up. I'd stop playing instantly if they introduced transmog. Not even memeing. Fuck transmog and fuck you.
>I would, but seeing my 5 number go to 6 isn't very fun
Here's an idea, stop looking at numbers. You numberphile.
>Ah yes, I love ganking lowbies whilst they're questing, It's very rewarding, challenging and fun. And yes, that is the majority of pvp, people of the same level actually competing in areas is rare, don't lie to yourself.
Funny, I was yet to be ganked. The opposite faction just ignores me or waves at me. But maybe you have a point there, we'll see how the game progresses
>I'm not gonna go count, but I can assure you, it's not. And it's not even close, either.
I have more spells at level 25 wtih a mage in classic than I had with 120 in retail? What the fuck are you even on about
>So... Something you also do in retail.
Except you can't banter in retail because no one actually gives a shit about the game anymore. Nice try though, retailbaby

Why are you even annoying classicfags, just go play your retail and have fun with that if it's so good. I think it's fucking horrible, classic is a MUCH better game. But to each his own

Attached: 1556812098242.jpg (625x833, 110K)

Humans = Passive alone assholes in groups
Dwarves = Bros that will sometimes fuck you up.
Gnomes = Not just assholes, but love being assholes, if they're passive it's just because they're assholes that know they'll get fucked up if you look at them.
Night Elves = Males are friendly but brave autistic bros, females will go out of their way to fight you and end up dying anyways.

I legit pressed less buttons on my mage to level in bfa then I do in classic wow.
Bfa is some real garbage

I thought I wanted it, but I didn't.


This game just doesn't appeal to me any longer.

>imagine seething this hard

You'd think your dog gets kicked in the ribs every time someone has fun on classic, Jesus Christ. You don't sound edgy, smart, or cool; I am picturing a kissless virgin with cystic acne living in his mom's basement at 20+. Stop me when I'm wrong.

How can you press less than one button?

its 40% though, so for long trecks the mount is still better, but as said its not nearly as bad.

shit like hibernate and soothe animal are not worth the money. Higher level wrath and regrowth arent needed

>alone assholes in groups
>in groups

Attached: qguy_wut.png (299x299, 67K)

I thinks he means the rollplay elements like diverse stats and stuff like onhit, or a bit more unique weapons. Now its all 2 stats you need and everything is simple.

>invite guy to group
>he's a human with blonde hair blue eyes
>kick him

you are doing your part right? /pol/ belongs in /pol/, even if he doesn't have an edgy name you can't be too sure

>dont reserve name because fuck paying for that
>when i log in pick a server that doesnt have a queue while reservationniggers are stuck waiting in line
>skip classes at uni to make sure i never have to wait in queue next to disgusting wagiecucks

>[they are] Passive alone[, but] assholes in groups

They are passive when alone. They are assholes when they are in groups.

>>Jewing the AH in it's early stages
redpill me on jewing the AH. Is there any special trick or just selling cloth and skins to desperate lvl 60 rushers that want to level up their profession to 60 without leaving the city?

Absolutely based. I'm starting tonight. I wanted to avoid the initial swarm. Not planning on raiding, just leveling and having some fun.

Debating between:

Basically, I like the special snowflake classes.


the hybrid classes, but you end up as healer in endgame. For endgame play priest or hybrid to healbot, warrior to tank, rogue, huntard, mage or warlock for DPS.

it takes a while but you've gotta learn your servers economy and how much shit sells for, then buy up underpriced shit and sell it for more

If you've got a boatload of gold you can actively monopolize markets and raise the price of items but I think you can get banned for it

I rolled priest because I remember it being fairly thin and people begging for healers all the time, now I often see calls for DPS or tanks in LFG. And i see a priest everywhere.

>Oh shut the fuck up. I'd stop playing instantly if they introduced transmog. Not even memeing. Fuck transmog and fuck you.

Are you the "MUH PRESTIGE AND BADASS" retard from earlier today?

>get all 5 quests for deadmines
>run the dungeon
>all the quests glitch out and don't drop the quest items
>now i can't find a group for DM

wagies that used to play log in in the evening to relive their youth to not jump off their office building during the day.

Any class with heals can heal low level dungeons regardless of spec.
Specialized healers are more of a thing for 60 dungeons and raids

Imagine playing 20 year old game lol

Because it totally ruins the experience for everyone else. I want to be able to see at the first glance what gear you have on. And when someone actually collects a matching set, that's the reward right there. You appear as badass and everyone knows you're badass

Like I said if you want to play dressup there's far better games for that. Transmog is a ridiculous casualization that has no place in an RPG

Until you have enough gear to cast the higher ranks often enough yes.
Renew plus lesser heal rank 1 spam is plenty to keep an Ok geared tank alive unless its a big pull.
+healing gear should be your top priority to make those low rank spells work.
Spec into disc too for lower level dungeon healing, the in-combat mana regen is a godsend

just cast renew on tank as soon as he takes damage. just wand because you might get onto GCD while youre trying to heal your retarded mage going full blizzard. Just stand there, once tank drops to 50% use heal on him. usefade if it pulls a mob, dont use SWP because you might break sheep and its just not useful. dont heal warlocks becasue they are just gonna lifetap it all away, only renew them and shield if they pull aggro. let mp5 tick if you dont need to heal,

Warlocks the best if you want general usefulness all around
Druid's got great levelling and dungeon running but you'll almost certainly be made to heal in raids
Paladins are shit to level but absolute gods in pvp, will be a healbot in raids

I can't put into words why classic is better than retail. I don't think most people can. Because you're right, on paper retail is a better game. It's exactly what blizzard believed too. "Why would anyone want to play the shittier version of our game." But for some reason, it's just SO good. Maybe it's because everything takes so God damn long to accomplish. Hours can go by like minutes and it takes me hours to get that next level, that next talent point, 5 more hours and I get some new spells. Oh fuck I'm almost 30 and get windfury etc.
All I do right now is auto attack, keep firebrand up and heal us when we're low. I save earth shock for interrupts because I don't want it to be on CD and it costs a lot of mana, but that's OK because the new staff I got has pretty good dps. I drop earthbind so the mobs don't run away and pull another pack that might wipe us. I have to watch the tanks health and only heal when he's about 40% to best use my max rank healing spell because it costs a lot of mana. I'm the only one in the party that can res so I have to be careful, can't die to stupid shit otherwise we're spending 20 minutes running back.
I can keep going but these small nuances are what drags me in. In retail im 430ilvl, I plow through a mythic 10 with my buddies and we hope for some loot with 5 higher ilvl. If we die so what the run back is quick maybe we only 2 chest. OK runs over yay I got new 440 bracers. Now what?

shadow is amazing for PvP. dont bother with it on PvE though. just heal in PvE and use the good gear you get to become a god in PvP. Just heal as a shadow priest becasue fuck paying the respec jew.

Just give him the damn weeds

>organic grouping
The only incentive for grouping in retail are those shitty quests that send you into caves with dozens of mobs that assrape you.
Which also exist in current retail, and yes, hit just as hard there. So tell me these 'incentives' instead of just saying the game encourages you to party, because it fucking doesn't, at least, no less than retail does.
>Who gives a crap about graphics
Anyone playing a VIDEOgame. Just play WoW in your head, then. It'll be much better there.
>I hate transmog
That's nice honey, but your opinion is irrelevant, most people like transmog, even vanilla autists. I'm sticking to facts, not personal opinions.
>Stop looking at numbers
If I stop looking at numbers, there's nothing else. What else is leveling? The same story as retail? Clicking boars for a few hours? I'm literally pressing one button over and over because the gameplay is dogshit, what do you want me to do, alt-tab and watch a movie?
>I have more spells at 25 than I had at 120
Outright lie, now I know you haven't played retail probably since Wrath or some shit.
>You can't banter in retail
Literally all I see in retail is shitposting and in the exact same way I see in fucking classic.

Like I said, I don't like retail. I just think it's absolutely retarded people are convincing themselves watching grass grow is fun because they hate blizzard.

>He is the same retard from earlier
Fuck off retard

dont go zerker stance like an idiot.

Not him but transmog is fuckin shit

yeah but i remember it being a problem for early content as well.

t. Actually him

You need to calm down bro. Here's a relaxing image to help with that

Attached: Durotar.jpg (1200x750, 328K)

This man is a retard.

Is there a legitimate reason why I can't make a Horde and Alliance character on the same PvP server? I rolled pally on Herod and queue times are fucking miserable on that server every day.

>but I think you can get banned for it
well thats fucking gay

almost swtor banning people farming minable resources levels of gay

go back to retail, it sure seems you want retail features in classic

transmog sucks, go back to retail faggot

To prevent spying? Idk, I kinda wonder myself

No argument, same as everyone else. Good post, defensive as fuck with zero points made.

Except you also have to collect armor to be able to use it in transmog... Jesus fucking christ, I'm convinced this poster has quantifiable brain damage.

Again, this strikes the same point. It seems to me people are TRYING to have fun in Vanilla, and they're not in Retail. You claim you're doing mythics, so go do one of the millions of other things you can do if ilevel farming is boring to you. I can guarantee you if you grouped up in an endgame zone, you'd have just the same risk/reward as you do in vanilla.
Except with the added benefits of massive amounts of content, better graphics, and classes with actual complexity to them.

I've been tanking all my dungeons so far(im 40) and the couple of times I've dps'd i was either top or tied for first.

yay, i get to post the image

Attached: swtor.jpg (1087x489, 162K)

>The only incentive for grouping in retail are those shitty quests that send you into caves with dozens of mobs that assrape you.
Which also exist in current retail, and yes, hit just as hard there.

lmao. just get your boas and one hit everything bro

Attached: asmonbold.jpg (1185x674, 316K)

Cope faggot

>retailbabies seething like there's no tomorrow
Loving every second of it

Can't believe someone was autistic enough to type this up even as a shitpost. I hope whatever reddit post you got this from was shit on

Attached: 1566092407173.gif (220x392, 2.38M)

Wrong clownboy

>just oneshot everything
t. hasn't played since Legion
Heirlooms aren't shit and mobs will still assrape you if you pull more than one while leveling. They literally made leveling exactly as it was in vanilla.

>Except you also have to collect armor to be able to use it in transmog... Jesus fucking christ, I'm convinced this poster has quantifiable brain damage.

yeah man aoeing old raids or buying old PvP sets since all requirements are removed is real hard. it's a joke everyone and their mom can transmog into high warlord gear for example

> see this

> cry

Attached: tears.png (771x651, 657K)

So this is what maximum level seething looks like


Attached: 1561513420488.jpg (850x660, 116K)

Your character looks like shit and nobody cares about your purples, fagtard
Imagine playing for standing in a 15 year old game

I didn't even play legion since I'm not retarded

Armors being outdated has nothing to do with transmog. Again, you're fucking stupid.
If you only care about how hard something is to get, then go suck off people who have mythic raid armor. It's exactly the fucking same.

>samefagging this hard
It's obvious who the (You)s are, stop it

Nobody likes transmog and that's a fact

I know.
It's fucking obvious, since you're choosing to play a shitty version of Legion to... Show Blizzard, or something. By paying them a sub.

No because I don't play retailshit, mythic is a joke too how many difficulties do you need.
Imagine seeing an enemy transmogged into shit gear meanwhile he has naxx gear, you can tell since you can't see their hp, that's why transmog is shit.

Man you really don't want people playing classic do you, is your dungeon finder taking too long since there's is no population?
Anyway I've took my shit and I'm heading to uldaman, thanks for the entertainment.

>try out a TBC private server Netherwing (Atlantiss) today
>make a Chad Draenei male paladin
>1 other person
>/who Stormwind, 23 fucking people
>do the same for the Horde, 1 person in Belf starting zone

Jesus, why don't more people want to play the best expansion? fuck I want official Blizz TBC servers

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Streamers should be executed

fucking lmao, bioware is such a fucking joke

There are plenty of rogues, you just can't see them


12 lvl
warrior orc
bs/ mining

Because you're playing on a buggy chink filled slavshit server ran by crooks. You would have to be fucking retarded to play on a private server during the classic era.

our time will come TBChad, just be patient

>it's a joke everyone and their mom can transmog into high warlord gear for example
they cant. you need glad (I think) or old rank

The retail monkey has finally broke his mind collapsed under the weight of the reality no one likes his shitty game