Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman - rise and... shine. Not that I wish... to imply that you have been sleeping on... the job.
Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman - rise and... shine. Not that I wish... to imply that you have been sleeping on... the job
Other urls found in this thread:
the combine are post-modernists
I gotta wash my penis
His lectures were so good, why did he have to become more than a good lecturer
Why do we hate him again?
this board is infested by c*mbrains with messy rooms
*begins bhopping though city 17*
Because cool people are supposed to now
You wouldn’t want to be cringe now, would you bro?
Because he teaches personal responsibility and people here don't like that kind of thing
An accusation of cringe on social media can ruin a man's life.
Because he keeps telling me to wash my penis but when I do, none of the problems of broader society are fixed in any way and so my life doesn't really improve.
Then I remember that I stopped washing my penis because I lost hope in society and life, not the other way around.
/pol/ hates him because he disavows white identitarians.
He tells men to take responsibility which is nice, but the problem is that today men have all the responsibility and zero authority thanks to women's liberation.
Shh, everything is your fault, goyim. Clean your room and find God.
I’m actually working on an essay about how immensely consequential the development of cringe as an emotion/reaction in the modern age as been
Accusations of cringe are essentially impossible to counter without resorting to simply calling your opposition cringe. It is and will continue to eat and replace standard discourse
I don't hate him. I just think he's boring and humourless. There are much better lecturers at U of T.
/leftypol/, on the other hand, hates him because he doesn't want to respect their pronouns.
You need to get off /pol/ and step outside for some fresh air bud.
Having sex wouldn't hurt either you fucking idiot
He's a fag.
>nationalism bad
>be personally responsible
>but also keep your room neat because superficial tidiness is arbitrarily good and determining what level of neatness is acceptable for yourself is bad
I really like Jordan Peterson. His lectures and videos are extremely interesting and informative. He's an advocate for personal responsibility and, despite all the memes and shit, I think he's largely right in that a lot of young men these days lack any sort of role models.
That being said, you can criticize him for some of the finer points he's made. It's all well and good to praise individuality but when you're beset by enemies that embrace the collective it becomes very hard to organize against them effectively. It's largely white males that are interested in what he has to say and at the same time will suffer for listening. Embracing individualism isn't going to stop you from being bred out of existence.
At least my room is tidy.
>You need to get off /pol/ and step outside for some fresh air bud.
>Having sex wouldn't hurt either you fucking idiot
he doesn't say anything new that others haven't said before
Why do women and beta white knights always make themselves so obvious?
I bet your the same guy who keeps making the washing your penis posts
You are clearly a brainlet that's completely missing the point of his lectures. Stop embarrassing yourself
Jordan Peterson sucks as a self-help guru and his book is terrible
All the fairy tale analogies are so flaky
Why would you assume something for no reason? Is your glass house that important to you?
He's a glorified motivational speaker for disenfranchised autists raised by single moms
There are legitimate arguments against some of his thought processes but his opposition is never smart enough to actually make the worthwhile criticisms. It’s always just some variant of “lol father figure” or “you don’t know what post modernism is” which is accurate but it’s clear that pomo is a label he’s applying to a more specific occurrence within academia (but it does needlessly complicate the discussion)
>still being a women hating neckbeard
He's just an opportunist.
I actually used to really like him until I read his book, which was almost complete garbage. He's a hack.
Hes right tho
Cuz he's an awkward retard. Being against SJWs doesn't automatically make one based or wise, we can argue his arguments come from a good place but he doesn't offer anything meaningful other than "b-but the left..."
hes your therapist but also happens to critique the left so he attracts far more attention as a result. no one would care about peterson if he didn't also attack social liberalism- his entire explosion is related to the time he debated pronouns in public with students from his university. that's when his popularity ballooned.
of course his ideas on personal responsibility are useful and helpful to most everyone. however, he also feeds his supporters all of these fucking moronic misrepresentations of leftism at large, which is all fine and dandy as far as his listeners are concerned because they are predominately right wingers.
his entire appeal is that he tells you what you want to hear- not only is your life changeable by your hands, but the forces that made your life abysmal are the same ones you always suspected, those damned cultural marxists.
When was the last time you had sex sweetie?
Someone give me a rundown on the room cleaning thing. What exactly is the deep meaning behind this? I've been told he just exploits peoples' lack of a father figure.
>Embracing individualism isn't going to stop you from being bred out of existence
What the fuck is this about
dumb stance on kavanaugh
dumb stance/reaction to patreon
We don't, but those that fail to take responsibility for their lives and hate themselves want to see everyone else fail too.
that's pretty impressive emoting for a computer
The basic principle is to get your own shit together before trying to fix the world. He just uses cleaning your room as a starting place.
the entire purpose of clean your room is to say "you cannot make judgements of others if you are not first Clean yourself." and the trick is that your 'room' (your soul as well as your actual room) can never be clean, so you're never in a position to critique others or society at large. the concept exists to reinforce the status quo.
Well. Yeah that is factually correct.
>The bedroom is where you spent most of your time
>bedroom is reflection on your own state of mind
>orderly room frees up brain to be orderly elsewhere
When was the last time you dilated?
I mean, it's pretty much universally accepted at this point that the government is ruining peoples' lives. The disagreement is just on the how and who to blame.
>he's boring and humorless
>you're supposed to entertain me and make me laugh when speaking about important things, don't forget that I'm a retard with a very, very low attention span
>lol father figure
That's what he is though, there's a reason he's popular with young males in their early twenties and no other demographic..
Also why his popularity waned, once he started talking why it's your fault your life is a mess and not because of jews those people won't listen to that, that's too much responsibility for modern men to handle.
When was the last time you blamed jews for your own failures hun?
Eh innit ironic how radfeminists still use sex as a reward and reinforce masculine tropes of "manning up and stop complaining"
He's typical pseud who speaks a lot without saying anything
unironic kino
I don't particularly hate him, although Zizek destroyed him in that debate.
I just think he's gateway for deep alt-rite bullshit if he's misinterpreted and it's easy to misinterpret him.
of course i agree that the government is the major force that controls our lives. the issue is that peterson says that the left is who controls the government, who controls our societal values. if the left actually controlled societal values we'd be communist already. it is true of course that the broader culture has become more socially liberal as time has gone on, but that serves a useful end for the powers that be, in that it is a concession that doesn't actually threaten the power structure of capitalism and also provides the left and right an endless war to bicker about. how much text has been spilled arguing about representation in film? more than we can count.
that's not to say that representation in film isn't Good, or Bad, or whatever. it's fine. it just exists. but these cultural marxist things aren't simply as subversive as you'd think- the status quo of capital is always there despite these social progressions.
>I don't particularly hate him, although Zizek destroyed him in that debate.
They spend the entire time talking past each other. No one won nor lost, it was anticlimactic desu famalam.
>I just think he's gateway for deep alt-rite bullshit
Fuck off Chapofag
Based Zizek. We unironically need a communist revolution.
Not because it'll work this time, but because that's the only thing that will rekindle societal cohesion and overthrow the current elites.
It's funny because useful idiots like you believe they won't be the first to die if your dreamed revolution happens
People talk about changing bigger issues without starting from the ground up and solving smaller issues that let you tackle the larger ones. How can you be an activist wanting to change the world if you can't change things in your personal life for the better. Additional meaning for those depressed, as the weight of everything gets to them and feels overwhelming, and a good step to overcoming it is taking on small objectives and putting yourself in a good place to live.
He supports Israel
That's unforgivable
how do we get everyone else to agree though.
I can read faster than he can talk. He adds basically nothing to my education besides the occasional anecdote.
This artist is amazing. Love those expressions.
It’s literally just that Michael Jackson song
“I’m starting with the man in the mirror”
Basically you should consider how effectively you manage and dictate your own life and own personal space before you start demanding that others make changes to their lives and spaces. It also ties into his idea that we find meaning in translating chaos into order, which cleaning a messy room is an expression of
It’s not meant to be taken literally, it’s more an attitude to take about the credence you lend your opinions about the world
I find it ironic that anytime that is levied against someone they have to create a strawman behind the post as if a "redfeminist" was behind it. When the fact of the matter is I actually usually agree with a lot of rightwing /pol/ shit but a lot of their bitching in regards to women is almost always because they cant have sex and not because of some injustice done by jews and society to push women away from you
Why did you post a picture of kermit the frog
Where's the vocaroo with the AI bullshit
It was temporarily taken down
>leftists hate him because he's too right wing
>alt right hates him because he isn't right wing enough
That debate opening was extremely embarrassing for Peterson and he should have done his research, but he did at least course correct quickly and was clearly enamored with Zizek by the end
So what is the actual issue then?
I wasn't talking about you, every time young males post something on liberal subreddits they immediately accuse him of not checking his privilege and think about women who have it worse instead which is essentially a form of saying "man the f up, no one cares". I actually like that because even in the left they reinforce masculine roles
Are you actually conflating quantity with quality right now
>if the left actually controlled societal values we'd be communist already
These kind of things are a pain in the ass to define (because who even is "the left"), but in a general sense that could potentially be untrue if communism is just being used as a carrot on a stick with intention of arriving there.
In my opinion people in general are just desperately trying to not be fucked with and both sides are agitating their own against the other.
daddy Peterson and Mommy Tulsi are a dangerous combination and the joos fear this
jordan threatened litigation
>overthrow the current elites
Where there's power, there's powerful assholes. Communism doesn't equally distribute power, it just claims to do so with resources.
I wonder how many actual figures of importance change with regime changes, and not just some politicians and merchant heads that get replaced in the time it takes to say "let's guillotine half of france".
I'm a reasonable person
A very reasonable person
no intention*
Is the bot awake yet or is it still down "for maintenance" (translation, we got too many emails from people pissed off after receiving a voice mail saying "Niggers aren't people and trannies should hang from lamp posts")
You think someone speaking has more accurate and precise information than a textbook?
Even reading Jordan's books would be better than listening to him drone on.
>insert libertarian talking point #63
>proceed to Stefan Molyneux quote v5.4
Good job literally ignoring my entire post, especially the "not because it would work this time" bit, just so you could feel good about yourself for regurgitating something your favorite ebin right-wing youtubers like to say.
Please proceed to posting Ben Shapiro pictures at me and gloating about how hard you're "owning" me.
Really? Damn that’s sad. I thought he’d be smart enough to understand that he’s basically threatening litigation against a mathematical function
>overthrow the current (((elites)))
Never gonna happen unless society collapses
If we’re talking about about a quantitative realm of science then you’re right, but Peterson spends most of his time focusing on the humanities
Why did they disable it...
Seethe more commie scum
You are retards who have no idea how sociology and economy works
Have you watched the latest contrapoints video on young incels, her entire point is you're still privileged and should care about the problems of women who are more important. Then she finishes it off saying I really care about you boys. >BOYS
Not really.
As far as intellectual debates go, it was pretty standard; these kind of debates aren't like freestyle rap duels where two angry guys spit ad lib fire at each other while the audience goes crazy (even though the audience certainly hoped it would have been like that)
Zizek got the higher ground, simply because he accepted Peterson's proposal "be responsible for your own actions" and put it in the context it belongs: "I will, but what is my self acting upon?". He set the hard limits of Peterson's framework.
Fuck are you even talking about, idiot?
I agree. Trying to criticize Marx using only The Communist Manifesto is just lazy. At least try pointing out weaknesses in Das Kapital (something that Marxists who are still relevant have already done, while still using Marx's methodology)
>all of these people would be first to the gulags
You don't understand. The "let's guillotine half of France" part is the whole point.
Power-hungry assholes will always rise to the top. Killing off the current ones will allow for an improvement in the situation because the new ones who take their place will have to submit to the common people at least until they're established enough to start doing what their predecessors did.
That's as good as you'll get. Take the honkpill but more violent.
>watching ContraPoints
Ah yes the solution is more retardation.
Do you think his deep fake maker is going to come back any time soon? I want to make more high quality shitposts
Capitalism takes care of producing economic, political and ideological instability, as well as tons of disgruntled people open to new ideas, every once in a while.
Forgot to mention, the communism part specifically is necessary to justify the destruction of the corporate elites who are in bed with the government and exploit regulatory capture in order to secure their place at the top and suppress competition. Those types would normally be spared during a revolution that isn't class-conscious
It's fun
the puff isn't bad either
woah, this maybe explains the falling out jp had with some of his fashie base. didn't realize he made these tweets.
Wants me to take personal responsibility for what the Jews did
He never had a considerable fash base, that was an actual factual media hoax
the video that destroyed him
God I want women to look at me like that everywhere I go.
imagine actually watching hontrapoints
Fair enough. If the powerful fear the people, then... in theory at least, they wield power in the interests of the people.
In practice, France's Reign of Terror was simply ruled by a new power-abusing elite, the Committee of Public Safety, same with all military or revolutionary coups. Who then immediately get back to the previous regime's work of declawing and subjugating the common man.
They called themselves something different and postured as outsiders to the current ruling caste to get nice and comfy in their thrones.
I suppose if nothing else, it's cathartic to see some sacrificial lambs burn at the pyre every so often.
I keep trying to start working out but within days I stop caring every time
I literally have zero reason to want to work out and even the vague notion of "it will extend your lifespan" has no appeal because I mean shit who wants to live longer these days
He's a net good. Someone has to whip the neckbeards into shape.
Also he doesn't indulge in racist shit
He doesn't hate the niggers and Jews and expects me to clean up after myself.
I think he's pretty based
His ignorance of what postmodernism is is simply inexcusable for his position
Quick rundown on the honkpill
That's a bourgeois revolution, you bozo.
Once the socialist revolution establishes itself in the world's most important production chains, it will abolish commodity markets. You won't be able to make a profit and use it for personal luxury, while repressing the rest of the population, because personal luxury will be reproduced at a public level.
The incentive will no longer be to individually invest capital for profit, but to be part of collective decision making and management.
>but muh USSR
USSR had to bring back the law of value, they were competing with the West, they were obligated by global market pressure to exploit workers and produce surplus value. The revolution stopped midway and instead of going back to market capitalism immediately, it twisted into state capitalism, a necessary step towards communism in the short-term, but not the permanent utopia your local tankie will preach.
Holy shit, how did he get away with this?
We live in a unique time where technology has subverted and exploited human nature itself and a new ruling class of technocrats, wealthy elites and career ideologues have united to control society through this technology along with ideological subversion and the financial rat race. This new Form of control is unprecedented in both its effectiveness and the damage it does to society and the human mind.
Instead of falling into depression and blaming yourself for your perceived failings, blame the power structure that pushed you towards failure in order to keep you passive and subservient. You can choose to subvert the structure just as it subverts you and enjoy the ride insofar as it is possible (honk honk, your life is now a comedy rather than a tragedy) or you can wither away and let the world succeed in its plan to demoralize you.
Bonus points: If enough people honk, then we can eventually bring it all down.
What do we replace the structure with?
I wonder, did anyone made "he does it for free" pasta? I don't think I have that saved.
>take down the site because Jordan got a bit pissy while also asking for donations
I also have like a folder of these. Fun threads.
okay this is cringe
Who cares? Whatever you replace it with will never look like what you initially envisioned it would. Whatever it is will inevitably be twisted into what we already have today.
What matters is that for that brief time that it'll exist, the freedom of it will let you breathe and realize yourself insofar as you are able and willing.
>This new Form of control is unprecedented in both its effectiveness and the damage it does to society and the human mind.
The control the elite had over the people peaked in the medieval era with feudalism and the church, and the modern era with totalitarian industrial states like the USSR. Democracies will never compare to it
Because he teaches personal responsability, something Yea Forums loathes with all its heart.
Closing time
you don't have to go home
but you can't stay here
He's a boring boomer with nothing of worth to say. Self-help platitudes is all he is.
The fact that they've convinced so many people of this is precisely why their level of control is unprecedented.
One can escape a gulag, one can rebel against their feudal lords. What can you do when the society willingly destroys you for going against the will of your masters and the government doesn't need to present a target that you can fight against?
the people in the USSR at least acknowledged that it was a shithole after a very small amount of time
most people in modern weimerica are either completely ignorant or even complacent in the subversion of human nature
>The fact that they've convinced so many people of this is precisely why their level of control is unprecedented.
I'm talking to you right now and I'm free to say fuck my government, fuck my leader and fuck my country
If you think this level of control is "unprecedented" you're a childish moron. What you're describing is indirect control through ideas and culture. But direct control is always worse than indirect control. Spend some time in a gulag and you'll understand that. Indirect control also existed in the past too, and it was alot harder to escape with no telecommunications or cars, your world and your ideas of the world were very small
I know who I want to take me home
take me home.
Yea Forums
Please post this essay when you are done, at least post it to Yea Forums.
This sounds intriguing.
I don't hate him, I hate his followers who feel the need to preach about their supposed "meaning" and how bad lewds are.
When was the last time you posted "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" on twitter?
He's the same as every other "self help" book pusher, except he's anti-woke, so he's supposed to be "our guy".
He's not a grifter, though. Grifter implies that he's doing it as a scam. His advice is indeed sound, it's just the same advice everyone has been giving in a new coat of paint. Anyone who claims that he's some kind of genius scam artist is probably addicted to youtube e-celebs who tell people that capitalism, money, biological sex, and bathing are spooks.
>the people in the USSR at least acknowledged that it was a shithole after a very small amount of time
the better part of a century? Russians today still wish the USSR would come back
Personal responsibility has nothing to do with your idiot "save the white race" bullshittery.
no one knows what it's like to be the bad man
to be the sad man
grass is always greener you know
russia is an unprecedented dump now, they wish fucking anything would shake up the country
Would you fuck his daughter after you washed your penis?
I wish her panties were soaked.
They acknowledge it, but they were never allowed to actually say it.
Which is exactly what's going on right now. If you say it, your life is ruined. Acknowledging it is the worst sin anyone can perform.
Which is why we have this instance where every social media site, every media station, every outlet for information is preaching it in as much as any state-controlled news outlet in the former USSR, but the population is all well-aware that it's shit and the people pushing it are pawns.
Look at the Ion Fury devs, their game was almost destroyed because one of the devs said that Children shouldn't be in HRT and that SJWs could be fucking insane.
because of this:
it's always been a dump
I was about to link this. Eye opening.
Nah, make her clean it with her tongue.
>Schtick got kinda old
>his voice is very calm and can get very boring after a while
>he preaches personal responsibility to people who are incapable of it, goodness to people who don't know it, and logic to those who don't care for it
It honestly doesn't matter how well you take a horse to water (in his case he does an extremely good job of it, but...), if the horse won't drink, he won't drink. His audience knows he's right and craves his teachings, but unfortunately will never truly do anything with what he tells them. Young men truly only change if they want to, and much like the posters here, they simply won't change unless circumstances push them to, which won't happen because young men are now herbivores and abstain from any conflict or challenge due to their coddled upbringing (mostly by single mothers, poor fathers, and privilege).
Peterson's efforts are fruitless.
Well-- now hold a moment. That depends on... on how you define hate.
but it used to be a glorious patriotic dump
kind of like middle america during the bush administration but with less fat people
he takes the horse to the water but the other horses call you a racist homophobe for drinking it
really wonder what she is like, if Jordans parenting actually worked and she is more responsible than the average person or if shes just a little shit like the rest.
It's not about that you stupid faggot, a clean desk, a clean bed or a clean environment for that matter are good for not only your mental health but your physical health too.
The only superficial one is you.
no they arent you superstitous retard
Enjoy living with your bed infested with bedbugs or your room in general filled with the filth you bring from outside.
You are a fucking retard, specially for someone that plays video games, I bet you eat in your desk and never clean that disgusting shit.
Not him but yes, they are. There have been numerous studies around the idea that the way you treat your environment is a reflection of how you treat yourself. If you aren't taking the extra time to care for the environment where you spend your life, then you're not as likely to be taking the time to care for yourself, even if it is a hassle.
He's pretty cool. Good defense of traditional western values, dabs on marxists.
>I bet you eat in your desk and never clean that disgusting shit.
you bet i do
>There have been numerous studies around the idea that the way you treat your environment is a reflection of how you treat yourself.
i shower twice a day and never get sick
His shtick isn't really old, it's been repeated time and time again since self help books were even a thing.
Before him was Dr. Phil basically with the same shtick.
You're right about people not changing unless they're forced to, but that's kind of the point of these self-help books. They offer realistic, easy goals to complete for yourself if you're a massive procrastinator.
Dr Phil is a total fraud though
>remember to wash your penis, and especially, was the penis of your enemy, for that is how you slay the dragon of chaos
No he didn't, he just expressed his concern over the technology and that lawmakers should look into it.
It's not about getting sick, it's about the stress you put on your body.
Being constantly sedentary and in a filthy environment is fucking retarded.
You are a hypocritical basic bitch.
If we were in a medieval tavern we'd also be able to freely say fuck our Lord and fuck our King.
But the other people in the tavern wouldnt go and immediately rat us out to get us punished. They wouldn't personally move in to kill us for daring to disrespect the master.
You are simply being small-minded and ignoring what goes on around you.
>muh direct control
The direct control exists too, hence Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Tommy Robinson among many others. You just aren't worthy of it because you're a nobody.
Even pretty mainstream literature like Brave New World and 1984 do a good job of explaining the horrors of "indirect control" as you put it, you just choose to live in denial of it because you have a much easier time of conceptualizing being beaten and forced to work in a camp than imagining the level of conditioning and psychological torture you've been put through all your life from cradle to grave to create the person you are now.
Peter Capaldi as G Man.
Think about it.
>i shower twice a day and never get sick
Okay, but how does your room look? Your kitchen? How well-organized is your table, for instance?
Reason I bring this up is because people who have disorganized kitchens are more likely to be obese.
And you can find studies saying basically the same thing about any environment or habit someone forms. Someone lives someplace with above average littering? They're more likely to litter:
Basically every place you interact with is really just some tiny reflection of yourself. Even if it seems minor, the start to adapting healthy habits is structure, which cleaning helps create.
Clean in this context means the opposite of cluttered, not that your room is an actual biohazard
and who said anything about being sedentary
Nobody is under any obligation to make sacrifices towards a responsibility they didn't choose. Nobody chose to be white and they don't owe the group a favor.
thank god, someone saved it
That may be true for a lot of people, but theres also that tiny friction that actually listens to him and starts applying his teachings, and in doing so they start a positive change in their lives. Again a minuscule fraction, but its at least something.
The funnest thing to do to Warwick Davis and his family would be to kidnap him, and construct an elaborate midget village in a warehouse where he and his family could live in an appropriately sized home custom built for their various deformities, in a peaceful place with all sorts of midget sized attractions and places to visit, stuff like a midget supermarket with small food stuffs and a midget car lot with little midget cars and a midget bar with tiny beer and shot glasses and liquor bottles. Then once they’ve realized they can’t escape and have settled in, I would begin coming into the midget village at night dressed like a Kaiju monster and begin destroying their midget sized world, building by building, piece by piece. I would give them midget sized conventional appliances and whatnot to potentially Macguyver into possible defenses. I would of course crush any possible defense they could imagine with my normal sized feet. They would be powerless to stop me, and I could finally experience my lifelong dream of watching all hope leave a man, a man I break by continuous, world ending torment. As his tiny hands reached toward their artificial sun set against the ceiling of what is only one ordinary sized warehouse, but to them their entire midget world, he would beg for his midget god to save him. I would answer his wailing cry with the simple statement: But Warwick, I am your god now.
He triggers libcucks and trannies, and as we all know this board is about 90% libcucks and trannies.
If you aren't sedentary what is the excuse for not cleaning your room?
Have you read the gooolag archipelago? Clean your room bucko
>If we were in a medieval tavern we'd also be able to freely say fuck our Lord and fuck our King.
Usually you wouldn't actually, depends on your King, in most cases that'd be a very bad idea and you'd probably get hauled off for doing so
To think that we live in the most oppressive society right now is being small-minded, unless you're North Korean
I'm not denying indirect control, of course it exists, it's just not comparable to direct control and the only way you could compare them is if you were a spoilt millenial who knows nothing of history
t. white knight beta cuck
why did they have to take the text to speech bot down???
This is chaos, clean your lobsters, Mr. Freeman.
rent free
It's not worth the time and effort?
His excuse: Jordan didn't like it. The real reason: it was expensive.
Just so you guys know, if you ever actually try to drag le bourgeoisie pigs out into the street and execute them in the pursuance of the idea that it's their fault old people and women are mostly stupid, and no one wants to pay you to drink and complain about your personal problems, I'm going to shoot as many of you as possible, then stab as many of you as possible, and when I say me I mean the majority of gun owners in the US in general, and there are a lot of us.
Most of them would do it because they rightfully hate you, but I'd be doing it specifically because you're so unbelievably stupid, hypocritical and lazy.
So moral of the story is you might want to try a communist uprising somewhere that's already socialist where a more enlightened government already has those unruly non-class-conscious plebes under their thumb and disarmed, because me, Sgt. Handjob and Cletus are all unenthused on this idea of letting your collective mob consciousness replace the terrible evils of other people non-violently doing better than you with just killing everyone you're jealous of and thinking things will work out.
So roleplay your fill here, but don't leave the basement.
Pure manchild seethe extract.
Your health isn't worth the time and effort? If you aren't sedentary and go outside, do you not understand that you are bringing a lot of shit from outside and it stays there until you clean it?
Yeah, good and truth doesn't go away and will always have people preaching it, that's good. I just hate how you can never fully remedy the masses with the truth. I feel bad for Peterson because his teachings fall on deaf ears and I feel like his words don't truly reach people's hearts. They hear, but they don't listen.
Problems are often complicated but answers are quite simple. When you tell people solutions, say like, "stop being a pussy and get your life together", it's not good enough for them and they write you off as a "self help guru". What kind of answer do these people want then? A convoluted essay on why their life is bad? Happiness really is simple and humans over think themselves into aimless emptiness.
I'm not American I don't wear shoes inside
Because he thinks you can be a postmodern Marxist
You're both idiots and I hate that in any argument I'm shoehorned into siding with one or the other instead of having my own.
1. Modern women have repeatedly proven themselves inept
2. Nobody is entitled to authority over somebody else regardless of how inept that person might be
Turbo lost
Cult-like fan base who think he must be right about everything because he gave them some solid common sense advice on how to get their shit together.
>claims "the left" are trying to shut him down
>regularly invited onto MSM shows to spread his ideology
Something doesn't add up. If he was against "the system" or whatever, no one would know who he is.
If it's a physical health risk it's by definition not superficial you fag. If it's a mental health risk you can't prove shit because mental health isn't scientific.
>filth you bring from outside
That sure sounds a lot like physical hygiene and not whether I leave something directly on the floor instead of obsessively putting it and everything else in a box on the floor.
Correlation versus causation. Depressed people treat their environment differently but that doesn't mean environment makes people depressed. This is psued shit on the same level as miasma theory.
>just be around healthy people and you'll get healthy again bro
Now you're just operating off of extremes that dont represent reality.
There was no king in history except perhaps Ivan the Terrible who had ever attempted to seek out and destroy every single dissident and even he got nowhere with it. It was extremely commonplace for peasants to talk shit about their lords.
You can't compare that to the modern day where saying something deemed racist or sexist or homophobic is enough to make sure you can never get a job again because society has been conditionsed since the baby boomer generation to self police. Maybe you don't reside in a hotspot for such behavior like the US East and West coasts, Canada, the UK or Sweden so you just don't realize how bad it is.
Cry more tradcuck boomer
>Pure manchild seethe extract.
Are there examples of ”cringe” being used in politcal discourse yet?
Zizek is better in literally every single way.
>seriously comparing PC culture to actual authoritarian states where you get killed for saying shit about your leaders
fucking zoomers
there were COUNTLESS kings throughout history who killed everyone they heard talking shit about them. If it's at the tavern there may very well be one of the kings men there, so if you had a shitty king it would be a bad idea to do so. But no, the only person in history would could compare to modern day tyrants like Zoe Quinn and and Anita Sarkeesian is Ivan the Terrible
nice video game discussion here.
Msm and other left winged media groups will set you up to fail and edit your session to their agenda (it already happened a couple times with Peterson). Going on the news is just not a good method to reach out to people. That's like a black Jew going on /pol/ for discussion
Washed up old commie fuck.
Boomers don't even deserve to be called traditionalists. There's nothing about Boomer society that aligns with society from 100 years ago. Boomer society is an authoritarian welfare hellhole. They ARE the destroyers of tradition.
Anyone have that post where user's mother tells him to clean his room and does nothing. But JP tells them to clean his room and he goes "GENIUS"
>what the fuck why do people want to keep the money they make
>man why does making new stuff require risk and things
>people should just share, by force
>it's completely unreasonable for anyone to just, like, ask if they really need something rather than get the government to take it for them and normalize the idea that your pride should be unbendable and you're owed things for failing
>also people are fucking bad, and shit, only I am good and right
Wow so based and enlightened I'll go get my uniform right now Comrade!
So is Peterson
The intro to 12 Rules for Life literally states that a Jew (the intro writer) headhunted him for television appearances.
We don't.
Between him and Wes, we'll all be jacked with clean cocks.
What do you mean i have to read Marx as an academic if i have to debate him? I thought skimming the manifesto would be enough...
>fucking zoomers
>ancient shit
Are you 3000 years old?
>see channel name
Ah yes, more LARP.
What is the marxist answer to the calculation problem?
>what the fuck why do people want to keep the money they make
Most of the money you make is given to your boss.
>man why does making new stuff require risk and things
It doesn't.
>people should just share, by force
Communism isn't about sharing.
the rest of your points are gibberish
The current elite doesn't need to hear, that's the whole point. They've turned you into their own immune system so that you do the hearing for them. No king in history could ever have that reach.
That's why modern use of social media and technology is so distopian. Because it reaches beyond the direct power of any regime in history.
Who the fuck cares about her? She's just a good tool for the technocrats at Google and faceberg.
Clean your penis.
He literally said he would use their pronouns in an interview though lol
I'm old enough to have lived in a time before the PC internet culture that zoomers are calling the scariest and most powerful method of oppression in history
I watch all his videos. Enjoyable to listen to and chill while playing vidya.
Not the made up ones, xir xer etc
If an authoritarian state had total control over the technology we have today it would be the scariest control system in history, but the internet is free, most of the civilized world is a democracy with (mostly) free speech
Commies are always worse. The only thing a commie needs is a helicopter ride.
Those don't count as pronouns
alot of trans people hate the fake pronouns and will only go as far as using plural ones but even then they usually just use he she
>but to be part of collective decision making and management.
So you will have corrupt managers stealing everything and what's left will be stolen by the workers.
Can't wait for triggered roasties replying to this post
fuck I love it when he says cunny
We probably do have the scariest control system in history even if it will be surpassed. Psychological warfare and social engineering is some fucked up shit. Democracy together with MAD weaponry has created a world where the general populace are the foremost strategic targets of every malicious agency.
Cybernetics. Tech has come a long way. Although Marxists being right or wrong wasn't even the point.
>Psychological warfare and social engineering is some fucked up shit.
You're a fucking idiot if you think this is new. What do you think the church did in the medieval period. Made everyone afraid of going to hell. Much more afraid than you are of SJWs
>the internet is free
Lel. It's been more and more controlled with every passing day. Their whole goal is to erode those freedoms. Please, go tell the Daily Stormer or baitchan how free the internet is.
>(mostly) free speech
Maximum kek. You type this out without even thinking how insanely subverted it is. Here in America we censor ourselves every day because lives end the second you dare say what's on your mind. In the UK a vaguely mean tweet carries a jail sentence. Free speech (mostly, lel) is a nightmarish joke.
You have to be 18 to post here
Too much media attention because he was going against a authoritarian enforced speech bill. Everything spun out of control from there.
No, all of the money I make is given to me, and all of the money my boss makes is given to him, and then the government whittles away at both.
Stop lying.
>advancement doesn't require risk
So stop posting here, retard
>the Daily Stormer
vacate the premises, election tourist
You overestimate how centralized things were in the medieval period. Even as late as the 20th century powers ect weren't as centralized as they were now.
It has nothing to do with centralization of government
The Church did that because it kept Europeans from constant baron warfare and organized them into occasional (once a generation or so) formal wars. The Church actually began as an opposing point to the barons and kings, a populist pillar for people to cling to and support that actually cared about them and would give them advice rather than just taxing them or seizing their land by force to protect them.
Personal responsibility is a meme. No man is an island.
Cool non sequitur there bro
Because he takes genuinly good life advice (that you can get out of many other self help books) and mashed it together with daft observations on marxist postmodernists and other gibberish that is not relevant to self help.
>a populist pillar for people to cling to and support that actually cared about them and would give them advice rather than just taxing them or seizing their land by force to protect them.
did you just type that sentence unironically?
whilst hanging out with the most identitarian ethnic group on the planet
hes a huge hack
>Yea Forums trying to talk about politics
Stick to your video games kids
you read Maps of Meaning?
Where did I say anything about it being new? I'm saying it's been polished and has become the forefront of international conflict. In the past rough methods were used to inspire fear and obedience, but ultimately information manipulation was less sophisticated and military dominance was central: You listened to the church because you were burned alive if you didn't.
Thanks for conceding that you're just another sheep with your fingers in your ears screaming LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU. But please, continue to assume that I'm a stormfag just because I don't agree with the suppression of free speech
His post completely refutes this you tard
Peterson is a shill telling decent people they are not doing enough on a shit world that does nothing for them
whats wrong with the name?
Holy fuck, you're stupid.
cry about it
free speech is relative, you're never truly free
compared to all of history, we have more than most
compared to last decade we probably have less though
I don't know who this is.
The idea was to make yourself into a better person, extricate yourself from a possible shitty point in life so you can be happy. Then, if you have the ambition, you can go out and try to change the world for others. Most people here lambasting JP are just lazy, selfish and childish.They live in a comfortable rut and are too lazy to put in any effort or don't have the parts to accept any sort of real responsibility.
It's cringy larping shit. Just say Europe.
cause i like my room dirty
This. Society just wants to milk you dry and give nothing back. We live in a world run by thieves.
because his voice is copywritten even when used in a public space
he's kind of wrong
nobody is perfect, if you want to change the world you should just start
he just said it to critcize politically charged naiive students
Fuck I dont have the image.
when did he start blaming people for their own lives?
Don't ask what you can do for your country. Ask what your country can do for you.
when was the last time YOU dilated?
thanks for spoonfeeding me
stay toasty roasty
>No, all of the money I make is given to me, and all of the money my boss makes is given to him, and then the government whittles away at both.
You're supposed to lick the boot, not eat it whole.
intellectual property was a mistake
How is he wrong? He's telling people that you don't get handed shit in life for free, it doesn't fall into your lap. You yourself have to be the changing and driving factor to make things better for yourself. He's providing the tools and motivation to do so.
>He just said it to rile up students
I highly doubt that. He seems much more genuine in helping people help themselves over just getting a few lulz in by making some hotheads freak out.
>He's telling people that you don't get handed shit in life for free, it doesn't fall into your lap.
no I'm talking about when he said "clean your room" which means "set your affairs in order before you try to change the world"
God damn you Americans are actually fucking stupid.
>older guy popular with young guys
Daddy issues
>older guy popular with young women
Daddy issues
>older guy popular with zoomers
Daddy issues
>his popular waned when he made claims people disagree with the validity of
Whoa what a surprise
if you can't keep your own life in order you've no business telling anyone else what to do, regardless of if you're trying to make the world better.
Loves the jews
And how is he wrong in that aspect? He's telling people to start small, acquire success and build up instead of trying to reach for a huge goal and fail.
>he thought this was worth making a post
Jordanfreeman help I can't stop COOMing.
It's no real surprise a large portion of his listeners have issues from the lack of a father figure, and he's supplanting them to give them good advice as a real dad would.
>He's telling people to start small, acquire success and build up instead of trying to reach for a huge goal and fail.
No he's not, he's telling people to set their affairs in order before they try to change the world
why do you keep rephrasing it, that's literally what I said
I disagree with that point because nobody ever really has their affairs in order
jordan peterson's room isn't clean
second half of that is fucking scary
he tells me i have to take responsibility instead of being a gamer
I hope Americans get Bernie so that they can finally get some nice healthcare to treat their (obvious) mental health crisis, as exemplified by this thread.
Why are you restating the exact same argument I just responded to?
Wash your balls?
Obviously you didn't get the message with that defeatist attitude and lack of awareness to reality. You're right nobody is perfect, and never will be. This doesn't mean you can't get your life LARGELY sorted out (set your affairs in order, your words), before you start reaching higher. JP did not say you have to be the perfect human being to change the world.
He made a video for Pragerjew
Why did you even bother to post? To gloat over others having shitty dad's, or to project?
what the fuck is wrong with americans?
>This doesn't mean you can't get your life LARGELY sorted out
I disagree, based on personal experience, people who are going to change the world will do it, regardless of if they have their shit in order, and they probably don't
the remark was directed by him against typical uni socialist kids who think they know everything about the world but don't
Those are his words, not mine
No idea what's defeatist about that
It's a point he and others shills make that we shouldn't criticize society and that we ain't good enough
But you're too stupid to realize that
Self improvement is a myth
To point out that the call of daddy issues is fallacious, because lacking a father figure is not a millenial male-specific phenomena and thus Peterson should have more diversified appeal if that were what he were.
Peter Hitchens' criticism of him is entirely correct; the path out of this mess isn't going to be found in psycho-babble.
Because he's NWO asset with ties to Skippy of all people.
how is that a criticism?
His main gimmick is telling people they shouldn't do anything for their country, you mong.
>Have you watched the latest contrapoints video
Raider pls
>you're too dumb to fix society
>but by all means go vote
>because thankfully we don't have a real democracy
>thus keeping the common evils of people in check
>by giving these no less evil people power instead
What will happen when men will stop trying to approach women in fear of getting #metood?
why do you act like whites don't act like a collective incidentally or intentionally? Is it even true that 'only white people' listen to Jordan? People overseas are translating his shit to listen to, so his reach is beyond white males.
You just mostly wrote an elongated version of typical /pol/ logic where anyone who doesn't talk about Jews or deporting people is just a shill or disinfo agent.
That will never happen as dick would say, "worth the risk".
You seem to overestimate the issue. Many reckless and stupid people are on the planet right now.
This is incorrect. He's talking about fixing your own problems before trying to fix others' problems, it has nothing to do with judging others.
>>you're too dumb to fix society
Jordan Peterson's main point
Yes, learn your history faggot.
The Church was responsible for nearly all charity about a thousand years before most of the upper class realized it was a powerful tool, or grew what we'd recognize as empathy today.
The early monks were also the first and for a long time only European naturalists, scientists, and philosophers, and no, I don't care if that makes you mad because your stupid parents made you go to stupid church.
The reason the church is full of fags and pedophiles is also because in a continent which already natively despised faggotry (a main cultural difference between them and Rome, really), the church offered homosexuals a way to be together and provide useful services to the community, to have an actual life, so long as they were INCREDIBLY lowkey about it, which they could be as priests.
Stop spamming memes and pick up some old books once in a while.
It costs less than one the price of one smartphone to register an LLC in Delaware, so if you think that money is or should be yours, go make it.
But you won't, because you don't want to assume the risk that goes along with it, so you'll keep spamming about how it's all a ripoff and the elites are holding you down, when the only thing the elites feel toward you as a collective is complete apathy, as they should.
Being a wannabe petty tyrant pretending that the superstructure of a company doesn't help you do your job is at once egomaniacal and evident of an inferiority complex - you need an excuse to justify your relative failure, because you have no sense of self and can only see yourself as relative to other people.
black MESSAH
this is a lot of autism and butthurt just because he made fun of Spencer once
>"Peterson is controlled opposition!"
>Richard Spencer is the -definition- of controlled opposition, pops up on camera just to say stupid shit and align with righteous causes just to discredit them with his presence
>It costs less than one the price of one smartphone to register an LLC in Delaware, so if you think that money is or should be yours, go make it.
But I don't want to leech off of other people's labour like a parasite.
>you won't, because you don't want to assume the risk that goes along with it
No amount of risk entitles you to the value other people generate through their labour. None.
>Being a wannabe petty tyrant pretending that the superstructure of a company doesn't help you do your job is at once egomaniacal and evident of an inferiority complex
I don't actually want to get rid of leaders because they are objectively important. Those leaders fulfill a role in organization and maintenance. However, their labour is no more valuable than that of the people they lead.
Every company needs to be forcefully rendered into a democratic institution.
>you need an excuse to justify your relative failure, because you have no sense of self and can only see yourself as relative to other people.
Whole lotta projection going on here. I don't want to be a billionaire. I'd be happy with enough money to play videogames, draw and have good food for the rest of my life.
Now take that boot out of your mouth, it's unsightly.
Absolutely this.
I'm circumcised so there is never a case where a woman complains about any odors or the size down there.
you should learn some history
the catholic church was a corrupt tool of the elite from the very start
the fact that some christians did good (or did bad) doesn't change that
and the reason why the church is full of fags and pedophiles is because the church surpresses sexuality, your reasoning is laughable
Rise and shine, Mr. ... Oh my.
still the best one
Not really, their architecture is more brutalist. That's modern, not post-modern.
it's not either of those, he's just saying to deal with problems as you find them, stop being such a useless sack of shit and and do something. And since you're sitting in your bedroom, you fucking wanker, start with that. It's a basic-ass fucking bit about habit formation. It's no fucking Jesus quote or hygiene shtick.
Commies deserve death.
We have surveillance that the stasi couldn't fucking dream of.
>Indirect control also existed in the past too, and it was alot harder to escape with no telecommunications or cars, your world and your ideas of the world were very small
So is yours, you retard, and carefully curated, too. Fucking search algorithms affect you more than countries.
What kind of a mother keeps pumping out pictures of herself in underwear, even with the child on the picture?
Yes, yes, any day now, you larping asshat. Been any day now since 1968.
>We have surveillance that the stasi couldn't fucking dream of.
Yeah it's just not being put to maximum oppressive use
The internet gives you access to more knowledge than was ever possible for anyone in human history
That's racist.
WHO THE FUCK Hates him
I will fight you personaly, CHOSE FUCKING GAME
And any of you faggots will just SAY ONE WORD On Slavoj I swear to God I'm sending message to Nishimura AND Moot
You don't need the heavy-handed, authoritarian measures with the technology we have today. That's the point.
>typical boomer shit
>traditional western values
>dabs on marxists
>can't even define marxism in debate vs zizek
The elite would much prefer to be able to control the population through physical force than to try and control them through deception and misinformation. The latter is alot less reliable and alot more difficult. Freedom of information and democracy has just made control through direct force mostly impossible. You have freedom of thought, and you are free to disagree what what brainwashing tells you, like you are doing right now. Pretending you're in some authoritarian nightmare is a joke
We need to genocide /pol/tards. Not that they will breed but they will continue to shit up the entire internet as long as they live
>Boomer society is an authoritarian welfare hellhole.
So, tradition.
You disproved your idiotic thesis as a part of the shitty attempt to prove it.
because he worked for the (((UN)))
Traditional "western" values are christarded religiosity, which is boomers+gibsmedat.
Who are you to say? They've got virtually everything everyone ever does in their life on paper. Do you know what they do with the dossiers they have on everyone, including every single person of any influence? Do you know what they do with the massive amounts of data they have?
You wouldn't, would you? So what the fuck kind of value am I supposed to put on you saying you don't?
>The internet gives you access to more knowledge
At least read the fucking post you reply to, you ass.
>, and carefully curated, too. Fucking search algorithms affect you more than countries.
>Who are you to say?
Because I'm not being jailed or executed for what I say on the Internet
The internet is not carefully curated. I am having a free discussion with you right now that is not bieng curated by anyone. Unless you're an NSA bot
Yes, I'm sure they'd much prefer living with a big target painted on their backs. That sounds interesting.
>You have freedom of thought
Wow, nice. 'well at least they don't literally program your brain'. Never thought of it like that, guess I should be grateful.
fuck me I'm creasing here
>for what I say on the Internet
Do you think it matters what you say on the internet?
>Yes, I'm sure they'd much prefer living with a big target painted on their backs
Doesn't matter when the oppressed have no power and you have all the power
Go overpower a bullet, Einstein.
Matters more than what I say in real life. People aren't recording me in real life. In a real tyranny you'd get silenced for saying anything that disagrees with what they want you to think, ESPECIALLY if it was recorded on paper or online
holy fucking based
why don't the North Koreans just shoot Kim?
Yeah, I'm sure you're big in Japan.
>People aren't recording me in real life
No, they've only got who you're meeting, when, and why, your geographic location at all times as well as everyone else's.
He's just too strong. They tried, but he paid the bullet more than anyone else could afford! Even with kickstarter!
>No, they've only got who you're meeting, when, and why, your geographic location at all times as well as everyone else's.
I don't own a cellphone
Wojak went to garbage when he was mass-produced, but has slowly become better with his more niche and extreme/distorted counterparts.
Show me literally any other ideology that is willing to take on the elites.
Only leaves 99. -
How many decimals do you think? Four nines? Five?
Anyway, it leaves a lot of people, and I'm not too certain you're as important as you seem to think, that they don't matter in comparison.
He destroyed himself by literally not preparing for the debate.
Where did i imply i was important
Do you think only important people get killed for saying naughty things? Are you really this ignorant of history? In Soviet Russia they'd literally kill random people for no reason other to keep everyone else on their toes
It's not that he teaches it, it's how he packages it:
>take personal responsibility!
>now, I'm not saying you HAVE to become conservative to take control of your life, but you sure can't do it on the left, *wink* *wink*!
Old right-wing talking points in new bottles.
When you implied whether you had a phone was in any way relevant.
>in soviet russia, phone talk to you
Ok. That's nice. And how would keeping people on their toes in any way help here? No one seems to mind, so why make them? Is this your hobby, or something, just making irrelevant remarks?
I don't like winter apples. Ain't that interesting.
You're the one who started talking about me personally, as if you need to be important to be silenced. You don't, and in the USSR (which was a real totalitarian nightmare, not the pretend one people acting like we're in today is) anyone would be killed or sent to the gulag for saying the slightest thing wrong
Communism is MORE power to the elites.
>You're the one who started talking about me personally
>I'm not being jailed or executed for what I say on the Internet
>People aren't recording me in real life
But no, me talking about something that applies to fucking everyone (except you, of course, because you make plans through psychic vibrations) is too personal.
>as if you need to be important to be silenced. You don't, and in soviet russia, phone talk to you
Ok. That's nice. And how would keeping people on their toes in any way help here? No one seems to mind, so why make them? Is this your hobby, or something, repeating irrelevant remarks?
I don't like winter apples. Ain't that interesting.
Are you brain damaged or is english your second language? I use myself as an example because I am not important, I am the everyman. I don't care what kind of apples you like
>I use myself as an example because I am not important, I am the everyman
Same here. Because 'you' is less of a mouthful than 'Dave down the street who does own a phone and isn't an obstinate, pedantic retard'. And because of you(as in, you, the person), we were already using you as an example, 'You're the one who started talking about me personally' is load of absolute shit, you dumb, lying cunt. Get a fucking short-term memory if you're going to point fingers over something like that. Idiot.
>I don't care what kind of apples you like
I know the feeling.
what does
>Yeah, I'm sure you're big in Japan.
supposed to mean? I thought you were implying I had an inflated sense of self-importance. Expecting other people to understand your strange speech idosynracies is a sign of autism you know
For the record, anyone who thought the Zizek-Peterson debate was one of them "beating" the other is a brainlet
They literally went full psychoanalysis on each other, and both came out better for it
He doesnt say "time" he just says "to die" out of nowhere, what the FUCK
Have you tried looking at what it was a reply to, and using the nearest brain, if your parents and/or handler is available, to figure out what it might be intended to say? That might help.
Can't see what it has to do with my post you replied to, so i don't understand your reference, even though i've heard the song
Too bad they're busy.
take your medication, your autism is flaring up
>muh everything is shit and society is worse than it ever been before
Just shoot yourself, you nihilist, and let the rest enjoy their live.
Instead of changing the subject again, dropping the argument entirely, and still fucking somehow trying to pretend you've anything relevant to say, get on your knees and grovel. It's yours. You can have the last word. It's right there, just take it. Lick it up off the floor.
Autism isn't medicated bro.
it's like you think you're intellectually dominant but you're mildly schizophrenic and nobody knows what you're talking about
>just enjoy life bro
t. last man
I'll enjoy life for that is one of the value I've decided to grave upon my table.
Go fuck yourself, NEETzsche
>democratizing the workplace = more power to the elites!!
I don't even know who this is other than leftest celebs keep mention his name. it's like the right keeps talking about CNN. stfu no one cares.
He's a plant
By giving full control to the authoritarian state elites?
Jeb Bush's entire career
Nah she sounds riddled with health concerns and a bit of a cultist , better not to.
those wojaks keep getting scarier every time