I want a Black Panther game. People love PS4's Spider-Man and BP is even more popular!
I want a Black Panther game. People love PS4's Spider-Man and BP is even more popular!
This thread has a bright future ahead, I can totally see it.
>People love PS4's Spider-Man
Still feels bad. I miss old Insomniac.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is better than Spider-Man
how would it play?
Africa portion of MGSV. Except no guns
>Black Panther
>more popular than Spiderman
Mate I like Black Panther, when he's not in the hands of absolute retards, and that's a load of shit. Spidey's been one of Marvels big names since he debuted. Also posting superior animated T'Challa.
I like his design.
>BP is even more popular
Black Panther isn't even 1/10 as popular as Spidey.
No one fucking knew who Black Panther was until the movies.
>and BP is even more popular!
>funni wrong statement get big reply!
Black panther is great but you are retarded.
No one wants a game about blacks.
The movie actually made me think that it’s a shame all those movie tie in games don’t exist anymore cause Black Panther’s suit has some interesting mechanics. In the movie he absorbs kinetic impacts and then unleashes when it builds up to cause a big explosion, that would be really cool in a game, imagine a BP game by Platinum
Not everyone is a normalfag like you mate. Anyone who knows anything about marvel knew who BP was, well before the movie.
absolutely. id love a black panther game. on just one little condition
I don't trust any Western dev to make a good action game, nor do I trust Disney to make smart choices with their IP.
That said:
>Platinum makes a Black Panther game
I'd love to see that just for the butthurt it'd create
Hell Panther was in the cartoons too.
>black panther without the cape
go back to le ddit kiddo
I did I remember getting made fun of in middle school for knowing who he was fuck this gay earth
>and BP is even more popular
I'm a fan of T'Challa but don't be stupid, Spiderman is the most popular super hero in the world, maybe shy only to Superman or Batman
would it come with a BLACKEd subscription?
No capes
Priest's run is so good.
Though I'd like to see a game based on the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda, it's closest to the movie version of characters and I think it has a better set of locations to have gameplay on
>maybe shy only to Superman or Batman
>New friend doesn't know what sage (pronounced Saaa - gay) is
Reported for underage, go back to 9gag kiddo
Shows how popular he is that he only got buzz when a movie was announced because it meant black normalfags could screech about black pride for a bit.
I'm mad that they threw away two great villains in the first movie, despite both having legitimate gripes that could have been developed and expanded upon as Wakanda spreads into the rest of the world. They could have easily provided the framework for future conflicts, either in a game, sequel, or show. Instead we got a cheap execution and a "Muh Ancestors" speech.
Wasn't it also a localized conflict as opposed to some nonsense about saving the world like every other mahval movie?
It was localised except if Killmonger won he'd take over the world with superior Wakanda tech.
No the world was at risk. Kill Monger was appealing to Wakandan's through the benefits of Imperialism and was delivering weapons to Wakandan for form Black Militias and overthrow Whitey. This spawns a lot of "Kill Monger was Right" memeing because all T'Challa does when he wins is vomit charity on the Ghetto.
Black Panther is a great side character but a shitty main character. Wakanda as a whole works better as a backdrop, not center stage.
That’s what they said about San Andreas
That mechanic was in Mega Man X2 and it was dope as fuck
>I like Black Panther, but only under Priest.
Bold statement.
Coates run isnt terrible but GOD it's slow
>Expecting Disney to actually be forward thinking outside of "don't ruin the brand," let alone actually taking risks or making statements that aren't vapid.
This, but mostly because he's based on Namor's archetype, which works best as a weird hero-villain-cunt.
I want an Iron Man game that isn't a rail shooter.
Just fly around some terrorist-infested shithole and blow everything up.
Coates is a retard, regardless of the quality of his books. Priest is legit the only non-dumbass to write BP.
It's kinda like how Bill Mantlo is one of the few people to touch Cosmic Marvel who wasn't retarded (until he was, shit's tragic) or how Jim Starlin isn't a retard but wrote plenty of lousy stories alongside his good ones.
Most comic writers are stupid people. Quality isn't 1:1 with how dumb you are.