ITT: Only the best vidya shotguns.
ITT: Only the best vidya shotguns
"Looka like a Chinese new year fireworks"
Is there a better feel than landing a meatshot?
Y'all mind if I
*snipes you with 2 fucking shotguns*
The best
one of the worst shotguns, ever.
Zoom zoom
you are, yes.
play more vidya, faggot.
This beauty.
What game?
>shotgun is also a flamethrower
Turok 2
Turok 2
Turok 2
Is there any reason to buy this when it's just a doom mod?
One of my favourites
KF2 DBS & AA12
MW2's Model 1887's, faggot.
It's a very good Doom "mod"
Did you just Duke kick a guy at the end?
absolutely based
>When you get it's max upgrade and get to fire twice for only one shell each with no drop in damage or spread
Turok 2
Is this b8? I LIKE Doom 3 kind of and I'm pretty sure this is b8. I will take this b8, even.
That gun's only redeeming features are the two-per reload (which raises questions, at times) and the fact that it kills weaker enemies in one hit, IF AND ONLY IF you're standing directly in front of the fuckers. The spread on that thing is atrocious. How bad, you might ask?
Calling Doom 3's shotgun a shotgun is an exaggeration. It is a blunderbuss at the best of times. If you are standing next to a wall, your shot will generally hit the section of wall you're looking at. This is the only effective range of this gun. Step a modest five feet back, and you are now able to spray the wall with buckshot. Not just a wall segment, the ENTIRE WALL. Step another five feet back, you'll probably hit the floor and ceiling too. This thing has the world's widest choke, so wide a cyberdemon could cram his arm cannon in there and there would still be room for Hell's fattest mancubus. All this, on what is presumably a mil-spec weapon, designed with at least some hint, some IOTA of reliability and usefulness in mind.
Best shotgun my ass. I can't remember how the D3 super shotgun from the expansion made out, though.
TF2 is a master class of weapon design, at least for stock weapons
Not even the worst shotgun in Doom when this piece of shit exists, you're probably just one of those asshurt 2016 haters
Based and TF2pilled.
Literally does triple the damage of the game's nuke launcher.
Based and Calebpilled.
Turok 2
This brings me back
That can't possibly be true.
Where the fuck do you get it?
>just a sprite version of the quake 2 rail gun
Hedon was disappointing imvho
"Oohoho tha's nasty"
based retard
Turok 2
Ok but is there any difference between the mod and the retail version?
This thing is the reason BLOOD is the best build game
Zooming around and doing what's basically a drive by on cultist is ridiculously fun
>Blood is the best FPS game
Am I the only one that prefers the regular shotgun to the SSG?
I can't find it but I remember there was a shotgun in this xmen fps game back in the 90s and it made a pretty cool sound. No clue if anyone remembers.
blood and fear are awful games
There's easier ways of getting my to dump webms than blatant bait, user.
this still looks better than a lot of modern games
Turok 2
FEAR was ahead of its time and games still haven't caught up.
Do you have the mist of blood one? I fucking love when it does that.
The railgun isn't a fucking joke either
>shotgun so good they made an entire game out of it
Show some respect for your old man.
the BEST
>you play as an orc chick with a dick
Both barrels for you ya BASTARD
The most satisfying reload sound ever.
Different weapons, different purposes.
Now, if it had an even spread instead of the gimmicky hammer spread...
Fucking love that shotgun simply for being a double barrel pump action.
The cod blops spas I also like for that campaign mission that gives you one with dragon breath shells.
Turok 2
cool melee weapon.
>tfw played FEAR for the first time few months ago
>enjoy the fuck out of it
>try FEAR 2
>literally a console shooter
What the fuck were they thinking?
The Slaughter series shotguns in EDF 5 are great
Fucking this, I was blasting through hell with the SSG and Gauss Cannon with the Unlimited Ammo rune.
I fucking love Marathon games.
Love the sound that thing makes
>Unlockable altfire causes the shotgun to animate and fly around blowing shit up on its own
>Can pick up a second shotgun to use alongside the possessed one
Guncaster is fucking wild.
It's a great mod that gets overlooked imo. If you're looking for senseless fun but don't want to play brutal doom then guncaster is the next best thing. The magic system works great combined with all its stupid guns.
>Console shooters are shi-
>posting a PC webm of TF2
Fear 2 unlike Fear 1 was uilt with console in mind and it's bad.
The same mistakes they did with Deus Ex Invisible War
I'm on my first playthrough at the moment and holy shit the office segments are everything I ever wanted from a Die Hard game. The Ghost in The Shell meets The Ring style is a really cool idea, too.
I think the sequel turned out the way it did because they were working on a console spinoff to fear at the time, and a second half of the team were working on a PC title. Because of some kind of fuckery they had to roll their games into one, hence why Fear 2 feels so much more like a console shooter.
FEAR is pure ludo.
>doesn't press the latch to release the barrels
>then flips it shut
way to break your shotgun doomguy
Came here to post this. Blood's arsenal is top notch in general really, but especially the shotgun and dynamite.
Is there a single better mechanic in an FPS?
that's a shit image
Ha, yeah the AI in this game is pretty impressive. I came to terms with how good it is early on in one of the first encounters in the industrial area.
>See replica down a hallway
>He crouches and begins firing at me
"Kek, yeah, real intelligent standing out in the open. The hype about the AI is bullshi-"
>His two friends I didn't see finish moving into a flanking position in a nearby window
>Try to shoot them before they kill me
>One of them jumps through a pane of glass to get cover
>The other kills me with a grenade.
I didn't realise that the guy I was aiming at was providing suppressive fire until after the fact. It blows my mind that they managed this in 2005
I never played Blood until this year and I can definitely agree that the dynamite in it is one of the most satisfying things in any game ever.
There's a literal MIT paper on FEAR's AI.
Meant for
But I'll post another Blood webm.
Absolutely fucking based
It's almost 2020 and technology from 2005 is STILL the benchmark.
You cannot gain brouzouf without making a few waves
What's the Yea Forums opinion on this one?
CAW Hammer is better
Hands down favourite weapon in Metal Slug.
>SW shitgun
the fuck are you faggoting about
>game has double barrel shotgun
>is only capable of firing both barrels at once rather than one at a time
is there any worse feel bros
It's a shotgun.
Turok 2
The fact that it's so good the entire multiplayer portion of the game revolves around it is hilarious.
Turok 2?
Nah, I prefer it too, but as the other user pointed out, they both have their purposes.
Turok 2
Turok 2
>dude check out my sick 1 tap body shots
Console shooters in a nutshell.
This boi was so motherfucking satisfying! Beat the whole game with this and this shotgun is pure god tier.
This thing shred people
What the fuck is a shambler
thats an ubojnik
Too bad it's shit in Exodus, the Ashot with two barrels is better.
i love it
I rarely use the SSG for anything other than a pain elemental or a cacodemon
Regular feels better and it conserves more ammo
It's an english name.
Soldier of fortune 1 , i always loved the ragdoll behaviour
I loved it when Bungie decided to bring a shotgun with a kickback ring to Destiny 1 and 2 ( allthough I am not sure if that even was a hommage to marathon or not because I don't even know if they still remember that this game series exists and it still pains me that dual wielding was never an option) still though pre nerf chaperone was one hell of a shotty in ttk.
Such a shame that both games main story was shit and the the only worthwhile things where the weapons and the space opera lore.
But maybe they will pick themself up again after they got out of Activisions greedy claws.
Duke 3D's shotgun is probably my favorite
Sure it isn't as good as Blood's or Doom's but it has great range, nice design, sounds great, and it gets the job done
Based and Dukepilled.
i wish we had a way to obtain high quality sources of the sounds
Oh yeah it's pretty good. Certainly an improvement over the F3 shotgun. For New Vegas I can never decide between Dinner Bell or the Riot Shotgun.
>No has posted best Shotgun
Get some taste Yea Forums
Turok 2
Pump is gay
Double Barrel, Tactical, Auto and Combat are all better
Destiny had nice shotguns.
>those shotguns in D1 with fat perks on the last shot
>the titan shotgun which had infinite ammo when in the safety bubble
Shame about D2.
You forgot the one and truly lord of the crucible for several expansions.
>this machine filters noobs
God, the TF2 shotgun is so underrated
I always wondered how I was so good at countering scouts with it as pyro until I finally experienced the other side of that situation
we fucking did it reddit! :D
put me in the screencap argrghhhhhh xD
This is the worst fucking board, holy shit Yea Forums is better than this
I know it technically isn't a shotgun, but it acts like one in the game.
>Last Man Standing (One-Two Punch)
>Legend of Acrius
>Gunnora's Axe
>Hawthorne's Fieldforged
>Parcel Of Stardust
>Threat Level
>Dustrock Blues
>Etc, Etc...
The only shame here is that anyone religiously jerking off D1 never seem to have played more than two hours of D2. If there's anything you might want to dig into to complain about, i'd doubt it's weapon variety and especially with shotguns. Atleast pick a weapon type like Sidearms or AR:s (which are both in a pretty weird spot right now) and there would be a case, but currently the arsenal that D2 has going in light years ahead of what D1 has had to offer, mostly because development on the first game has seized and secondly, anyone still religiously thinking D1 is better in a post-Forsaken world needs to be put to gallows. It's Classic WoW tier delusion at this point.
This plus explosive ammo in BF3
until it got nerfed so hard it was no longer used by anyone
You're thinking of the kraber.
The double take never oneshots unless you headshot them.
Guys come on stop bullying him its obviously turok 1
never played online but I loved to use this and the 12 gauge
is this game good?
Turok 2
>SPAS firing lethal rounds
>pump action
Why do devs do this?
What the hell, this game looks atrocious. I don't mean that the graphics are low-fi. The art style of all the textures and sprites in this webm is hideous. As if "that 5th grader who's the best at drawing in his elementary school" was given Photoshop and shown how the basic brush tool works. And the room looks like a space with no lighting with gamma cranked to the max.
Googling "Manus Celer Dei" gives a lot of results from Destiny, so somebody certainly remembers.
>there are people who still play this trainwreck of a game post hoxton-breakout update
Jesus fucking Christ did it go F2P or something?
Surprisingly the only game where shotguns are done right, not like other games where the spread is so far wide apart you can't hit shit beyond ten feet.
I love how much range you can get out of the BF4 shotguns with slugs in them, one of the only games to implement them realistically
Very relevant right now.
Turok 2
Donkey and the Black Hand are the best "shotguns"
Oh baby...
>Now, let’s look at an example of how the STRIPS planning process works. Let’s say that Alma is hungry. Alma could call Domino’s and order a pizza, but only if she has the phone number for Domino’s. Pizza is not her only option, however; she could also bake a pie, but only she has a recipe. So, Alma’s goal is to get to a state of the world where she is not hungry. She
has two actions she can take to satisfy that goal: calling Domino’s or baking a pie. If she is
currently in a state of the world where she has the phone number for Domino’s, then she can
formulate the plan of calling Domino’s to satisfy her hunger.
My sides
akimbo bitch nigger i hope you die of aids stop using akimbo you fucking faggot i fucking hate MW2
okay, zoomie
This game has the BEST shotgun gameplay of all time until you fight someone with armor and it completely stops all damage
Combat is pure cancer