Which game dev is next on her list? Place your bets. I'd go for Gaben, he's loaded and she could make big bux accusing him of rape.
Which game dev is next on her list? Place your bets. I'd go for Gaben...
Other urls found in this thread:
gaben is too big, fuck, she'd even dream if she could touch notch
her next target would be an up and coming indie developer or on the way of making it big, someone in Nicalis prolly
there, i picked your next target for you, you fucking vampire
She must have slept with the guy first though right?
Toby Fox for sure
Maybe Phil Fish
ummm.... no?
I hope that whore gets ran over
who is that btw?
>Todd Howard forced me to have sex with him at E3 by telling me "You see this cock? You can climb it!" after I refused to preorder Skyrim for the 10th time
Some girl who got little to no jail time for making her boyfriend kill himself
She has to have at least been in the same room for that to work. Also, she'd need to prove it in a court of law and that's something she doesn't want even begin to try.
some whore who made her "boyfriend" commit suicide by encouraging him to do that
LOL. Why would you think that?
Randy Pitchford. He's gotten dangerously close to being too much of a liability for SJWs. All of his past pandering won't save him.
i like the way you think
>Kid crys about suicide for years
>She tells him not to for years
>She cant take his little bitch ass crying anymore
Retards. I would have done the same, the kid was threatening to kill himself multiple times.
She can only go for bigger targets now, but not giants. I'd put my money on Toby Fox.
She can only aim for literally whos
she unironically did nothig wrong
Does he even know her?
Randy is next
Does it matter?
Poor imagination OP. Better to think of who could she go after that would IMPROVE the industry. Like say, the "community standards" people at SCEA.
They're not after big targets, they're after easy targets.
>former indie dev
>rich as fuck
>hated by SJWs
She does the Yakuza will probably fucking disassemble her like ikea.
Why? She just did what any of you would have done.
based and redpilled. the end goal right here anons
>surround yourself with a lynch mob
>get lynched
at least they're killing eachother
When it comes to getting money...
She dun't look half bad.. Anyone got some spicy pics of this girl?
Gaben is unironically worse person than ZQ.
>tried to kidnap a German child for looking at his precious source code
>literal FBI informant
>pushed mandatory DRM as mainstream trend
>takes 30% off other people's hard work
and worst of all
>turned video games into gambling for kiddies
Shut the fuck up and lurk more, you underaged tourist.
the guy who runs EA
Kill yourself weeb
I honestly think she might combine forces with this hambeast and make Vic kill himself. Then upload it to pornhub so Monica and Ron Soye have something to masturbate to instead of having sex with each other
Yeah, some executive.
> >hated by SJWs
That guy was SJW tho. Who else would live with Zoe after gamergate.
>t. didn't read the texts.
found them
looks like I win....
OP you are crazier than she is
if notch actually hung out with i*die devs they would all be suckig up to him
And EA guy for sure since she is 'friend' with Anita and she has access. EA will spend lot of money to appeal her (she will pretend she didnt say anything because fear and accuse some random guy a couple of years later).
she looks like her breath reeks, dunno why
anyway, why is she suddenly being talked about again? who did she scam this time?
why didnt you listen
>implying toby isn't invincible
I'm not joking, the Yakuza like it.
>implying the opposite won't happen
Marzgurl will absolutely kill herself if Vic is proven innocent
She would be absolutely obliterated going after someone with a legal team like Gaben. She would be sued into such submission that part of her deal to make them stop would be having to slobber on Gabens cock for a full 24 hours on Livestream.
now this is a scary one, she got 15 months but is taking her case to SCOTUS in hopes of getting overturned. on the one hand I want this slag to face her jail time. a year on a legit prison? someone like her is definitely becoming someone's bitch. then again if she ends up losing the precedence it sets is very dangerous and fucks with the 1st ammendment. I'm willing for this slag to go free if it means protecting freedom of speech and telling fags to go kill themselves on twatter.
wish she destroyed EA and maybe took on the mobile gaming
why hasn't she gone after anita
Me I’m next
It'd be just easier for Gabe to pay her off, regardless of if he has money and if he can beat her (like Weinstein did), his reputation and Steam's reputation would be ruined and could cost him big time especially with a lot of devs trying to pressure them to change their pricing model to compete with Epic.
those were some fucked up texts too lol she even gave the dude suggestions. that's why it was taken so seriously.
i read the guy had issues and was probably on meds bet he didn't even get arroused by stuff and could probably not get a boner, so doubt it
i remember being on anti depressionts it was fucked up
I dont get why actual attractive girls are taking advantage of the metoo stuff for vidya nerds. It would be super easy, how did this ugly bitch get away with it?
Hope that evil cunt gets raped.
> he didn't even get arroused by stuff and could probably not get a boner
thats literally me, should i be worried
>I'm willing for this slag to go free if it means protecting freedom of speech and telling fags to go kill themselves on twatter.
you're stupid.
>looks like I win...
if you really did find them, then no you didn't win, at all.
Yes best thing is she accuses someone she has never ment and is outted
i don't get it wat was the warning
Just further proof that white women are a cancer.
Shame this thing lives in the same state as me.
Finding her nudes is a phyrric victory at best
not just the other prisiners she might also get raped by the guards or the doctor, it does happen, no one belives a prisiner
the greater good user, theres always frontier justice.
Still, he had talked about suicide for years, the fact that she held out that long is surprising, he was a whiney little bitch, she dindunuffin, she legit just couldnt handle his bitching anymore, and thats completely fine.
>tobby fox is too pure
that's exactly why he is the perfect prey for her
i dunno talk to your doctor when i was on meds it fucked me up bad I felt really happy like barney the dinosure but everything around me was sedate, when i went cold turkey and off the stuff it was hard and fucked up.
If she made accusations the damage would already be done. At that point Gaben would have no choice but to sue for slander/libel and also force a public retraction. That would be the only way to regain reputation.
I have no sympathy for criminals user
It's more like punching yourself in the dick to spite her face.
The warning was how GG and Zoe Quinn became a thing. That dude made a post how she cheated on him with reviewers and Zoe and her video game "journalists" used it as a testament on how all gamers are scumbags.
does this have anything to do with freedom of speech?
she was giving very specific instructions to someone who she knew was suicidal
it's like yelling fire in theatre or inciting mob to beat someone
Randy would get away with it.
Quit your meds, quit your addictions ( smoking, coffee, carbs ), eat healthy food ( eggs, meat, NO fucking bread ), and do exercise
he wrote the zoe post to warn everyone to stay tf away from that radioactive cunt
I think Notch knows better.
if it was as simple as that nobody would give a fuck. she gave the dude suggestion on how to do it, that's what fucked her up in court.
>no fucking bread
Are you retarded?
she's so fucking hot
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want my yandere waifu
No but it looks like you are
>freedom of speech?
Only if you want to bandy the words about and have no concept of their meanings and applications.
What the fuck happened to Alan Rickman
there was a woman who went to jail by accident for some fake parking ticket she got raped in prison by a guard. It was in the news
what about women who go to prison over bullshit things like unpaid parking violation what if your wife mom or sister was in jail ?
>carbs and undigestible fibers
stay bluepilled, unhealthy, and weak
Send her letters in prison and then organise a conjugal visit. And when you're alone hang yourself like a beta because that's what she gets off on.
What's no bad about that thing humans have been eating since before the first civilisation?
was this the moment that redpilled him?
It would be entirely pointless to go after Notch, he's so rich that he couldn't possibly be deplatformed or have his career destroyed. Hell, he doesn't even need to have a career at all anymore. As for Gabe, he's essentially untouchable. Valve/Steam is just too big, and it's not like she could claim to have worked closely with him or anything. There needs to be some obscurity to the target, such that nebulous and unsubstantiated claims of misconduct can stick due to nobody really knowing the person. Watch for the claim that the target's "abusive nature is well-known in the indie community".
That humans have existed millions and millions of years before that moment eating different stuff
chelsea van valken((berg)) btw
>carbohydrates and fiber are bad
Cutting that from your diet won't make you tallet, /fit/cel. You wouldn't know about good nutrition if it fucked you in the ass, it sounds more like you're parroting fitness gurus from the 90s.
she's taking it to SCOTUS on that very basis. as for if it has anything to do with freedom of speech yes It does and she has a good chance in this climate to lose.
Look, as much as a lazy fuck Notch is, this is so fucking funny, let's group up every tweet Notch did:
>It sold more on platforms where it can't be modded.
>I'm actually working on something.
>Great job, keep it up!
And the tranny tweets:
And let me guess, I'm pretty sure hundreds if not thousands of SJWettes were on the tranny's side, right?
why the fuck does she look like tsumugi
exersice and food stuff does help but i went through a lot of abuse and have no social skills so no friends parents are shit
so it's hard
Does she even do anything or is she literally a professional victim?
>argue against appeal to nature with bigger appeal to nature
Literally who, carbs are cheap calories. That doesn't mean eating them in moderation is bad.
so you're lazy*
Based Toronto professor Peterson.
How's life being the most boring faggot on earth, autist user?
dunno whether eating bread is as bad as some people claim, but the stuff we buy in stores today is pretty different from ye olde times
It's not appeal to nature, it's appeal to evolution which makes actual sense.
Also carbs cause addiction, which is in itself bad because addictions warp your personality
>zero argument
>just regurgitates his indoctrination
Ah, an American I presume.
She’s going to kill that Hyper Light Drifter dev she’s working on Solar Ash Kingdom with. For now she’s cooperating with him just long enough to get a stable build ready. Then when the game goes gold she’s going to come out with another scandal to get the dev to kill himself so she could have sole credit as director instead of just made up position. Screen cap this post bros
This whole episode is the most farcical thing I have ever experienced. Its crazier than fiction. The entire thing is fascinating. We're face to face with the woman who sold the world.
Blond and thick eyebrows, that's it. Your animu faces are too generic so you can only tell them apart by brow/hair configs.
Make your own bread then.
Shut the fuck up tranny cucknadian. I get that you!d rather inject soý than eating bread, that doesn't mean all people should.
I would laugh my ass off for 3 days straight, non-stop if it was Phil fish.
she must of had some shitty lawyer then, I already have my own attorney on stand by if such things were to happen but the parking ticket story sounds like b.s. since the government has more use of you paying them the fees then keeping you in jail on the states dime. don't be a sap user.
God I wish she get sued for libel or defamation next time she tries the same trick.
Kek, that's a great line. I'll remember that one
Lmao I'm telling people to eat meat and eggs, and avoid bread. And you tell me I'm pro sòy?
You're not that bright dude
no and fuck you
it was in the news the woman was real pretty had a good husband and kids and she was crying the thing was it was a mistaken identity thing
>appeal to evolution
>but the evolution just stopped before humanity ate bread and rice
Unironically off yourself, shilltranny.
Is soý bread now? Even cavemen didn't just eat meat and eggs. Why do you think cavemen found plants to eat?
>completely proves what a boring faggot he is
based, at least you're saving money by having 0 social life/intimate relationships
Let this post be my witness, if Phil gets #metooed in 2019 I'll buy 500 bucks of games from GOG and then upload the files to MEGA for all of Yea Forums to indulge in.
Zoe already has a built in ultra punishment that nothing else could even compare to. She's a fugly woman with no children, covered in tattoos and soon entering her 40s. If anyone wants to see Zoe pay for her crimes: just wait. She'll wake up one day very soon and see her sagging tattoos in the mirror and that moment will hurt her more than anything else ever could.
source then fag, in cases like this the attorney that was handling her case was shit.
Tripcode so that if the slimy fuck gets nailed people know I was a man of my word
Is her deal around developing games anyway?
I mean, its your job, you developed a terrible game, then you decided to just go full metoo?
Why are you not working on videogames, holy fuck.
>for the greater good
this is something I hear SJWs say a lot.
Gaben's too old and fat and doesn't interact with anyone outside of Valve. She wouldn't be able to build a case.
the bill of rights>infringing upon them
>but the evolution just stopped
It didn't, it's just too slow. We've been civilized for 6000 years, that's nothing compared to millions.
>Is soý bread now?
No, I meant it as carnivores being the exact opposite of sòy high-carb bugmen
I am a lone fuck but at least I look good
can i woman be metoo'd by another woman?
normies are waking up to the slags game.
Shes too lazy/untalented to make a game on her own and look what happens to people that work with her. Would you want to develop a game with her?
Yes, but it's a bit of a sensitive topic so the dogpiles tend to be smaller and there will be a LOT less male "allies" saying anything
Jesus fucking Christ, I want to skin these bitches alive. Cunts deserve a fate worse than death.
>I am a lone fuck but at least I look good
sure thing faggot, if you say so
>It didn't, it's just too slow. We've been civilized for 6000 years, that's nothing compared to millions.
Are you actually serious you god-forsaken actual nigger asshole. You must be baiting me, there's no other way. Like seriously I'd like to have the name of your schools where you had history and the name of your teacher, pay him a visit and smack him on the back of his head until he dropped dead for endangering our environment with mental diapers like you.
God damn it, I thought she was doing comics now? What the hell happened with that? She was your responsibility Yea Forums
It's going to be another dude who fucked her like 10 years ago.
can I get a quick rundown on what Zoe did this time? I've been off the internet.
If that happens, I'll do the same but buy 5 AAA games from gog or with steam keys
It’s not the same unless we get secret emails of Zoe telling him to sudoku
She got a literal who tier video game indie dev killed. She could only get another literal who tier dev to an hero. That's it, no, really, that is it. No one else would fall for her bullshit since well known people have monitored social media accounts.
Social media and the internet as a whole = war zones of the current present and future.
Last year I think, the singer Melanie Martinez got metoo'd by an old friend of hers. The story sounded somewhat legit too, and it blew up for maybe 2 days but that's it. It all just kinda faded out without any real consequences. The media and just people in general tend not to press super hard on female send offenders. There was another female singer more recently that got accused, but again, no one gave a shit.
She did the exact thing she said people were trying to do to her. She bullied a gamedev into killing himself.
in burgerland you can go to jail for a parking ticket? lol
good luck living for 30 years, retard
Gabe has enough money that he could just have her killed if she caused him enough trouble.
Mariah Carrie and Katy Perry are like the only 2, but that ended up the same way Debra Lafave
God she is so fucking ugly
claims rape on Night in the woods (indie game dev).got fired from work, all friends cut off ties, family members hate him, rep ruined. he an hero
I dont need luck.
Have fun with those diabetes meds though, youll need em lol
>Here is my opinion on your product
Here is my completely rational response
People who cant park should be executed.
If you don't pay it you're issued a summons to court where you'll be compelled to pay. If you don't show for the court date then an arrest warrant is issued, yes. Also all depends on the state. Some states won't bother, some will throw you in jail just for not paying in the first place. America doesn't have one set of laws.
If the police are too incompentent for rape reports why not put the focus and pressure on them? Why not focus all that twitter mob energy to get them to be more reliable instead of whatever the fuck they're doing?
You can go to jail for a parking ticket anywhere if you refuse to pay
>Make game
>Completely woman unfriendly
>Can't get #metood because handholdless hugless kissless virgin
Volcels rise up
because these "people" dont want justice, they want revenge ( even if the rape didnt occur, that guy might have "wronged" her in some other way )
Honestly tempted to make game purely for this reason.
>you can go to jail for breaking the law wtf?
What unevolved shithole do you live in?
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
Police can't really investigate rape allegations that happened years ago. Hell they can't really prove it after 24 hours or so. A rape kit needs to be administered almost immediately afterwards in order to get DNA evidence. Things like damaged vaginal walls aren't evidence as any psycho bitch could just go ham on a dildo and then claim rape. Without sworn testimony from eye witnesses, which almost never exists, not much can be done by police.
To be fair he has money, and she has a vagina so it's just natural for resources to flow into a hole.
It bothers me that they make up all these dumb shit excuses about how they can't report to the police. Why don't they even tag the authorities' pages on twitter to have their take on this metoo garbage.
>Can't get #metood because handholdless hugless kissless virgin
Naive retard. Also reddit tranny frog poster, fuck off degenerate faggot.
Because the police arent women on the internet that need a glorious shining white knight to protect them.
from an unevolved shithole that developed such advanced concepts as debt collectors or witholding tax returns
The object has to be applying a force for it to not move, so they're both unstoppable forces
Then what is the point of encouraging people to speak out other than encourage outrage instead of actual justice? This is why I'm saying they should use all this energy so it doesn't have to be that way anymore otherwise me too is just encouraging mob justice from stuff that's 10 years ago.
hopefully she keeps going for indie SJW devs and the left continues to eat itself alive
lets be honest only a cuck would want a disgusting skank like Zoe
honestly I fucking hate american culture and how you all get to lightly comment on serious shit with absurd comments taken from a fucking NPC standpoint, disregarding context and instead just "supporting" what you think is "true"
the absolute lack of introspection, analysis and context within each and every single common popular muttland retard is fucking baffling, including all the (you)s to this post
I hate 3DPD women as much as the next guy, but she literally did nothing wrong, if you've been in a stressful situation before and some selfish drama queen cunt keeps going on about how he's totally killing himself you guys for reals this time I know I would've acted the same way as she did
a simple "yeah then fucking do it you absolute niggertard hang yourself or get a gun or just jump off a fucking bridge do it you stupid ass pussy" should be in no way accountable as manslaughter and the only reason it is in your disgusting third world shithole is because your entire societal structure values the money the jewish lawyers and law system gets more than actual lives and a morally healthy society
so long you keep trying to hold everyone except the individuals themselves responsible for your actions your terrible socioeconomic landscape will never get better
you fucking incels are crying about this disgusting bitch/whore/monster/etc without realizing that's exactly the same train of thought bitches like zoe feed off in the first place, the same societal sickness that enables all of this
start holding only the individuals accountable for their own actions you pieces of shit maybe then you'll get rid of feminism
and most importantly stop shitting my boards
fucking gringos
This unevolved shithole let's literal criminals live freely amongst the populace? Count me out.
You mean hated by rational and good people.
Women should just go tell police they were raped immediately after being raped if they are. Otherwise they only have themselves to blame for having nothing more than allegations.
multi billionaires don't care about twitter drama though
what a vile tranny
what did xe even make
>going after Gaben
lol i want to see that. He's going to handle it the Valve way. Won't even acknowlege it and fuck off to do whatever he wants all day
The outrage mobs going to be screaming at a wall
sure sweetie
next up in american news
our prison system is overburdened, pathological and falling apart, please we must do something!
Ok, and what do you do when the debt collectors don’t get their debts? Are they allowed to physically assault the deadbeat then? If you, you’re really just further proving you live in a violent, third world shithole.
I believe this case was actually misrepresented quite a bit by the media. From what I've read/seen, she was a genuinely a kind and loving person, was very close to him and talked to him constantly long-distance for months on end, and they met multiple times in real life. She convinced him many times not to commit suicide and tried to get him to get professional help. He had already attempted suicide a few times prior, and refused any help, and kept bringing up to her how suicide was his only solution, until she finally agreed and she thought that would be best for him since his life just seemed to be constant misery.
Fortunately, I believe she either got the sentence reduced and/or was fighting to have it overturned. I just think it's kinda fucked up that one of the people that was closest to and cared about him the most was portrayed as so evil and heartless.
Maybe tangentially through Andrew “Just Fuck my Webseries Up” Hussie
Why wouldnt you go the the police immediately after being raped?
I knew a guy who got accused of rape. He got asked to come into a police station for some questions. Got the "we want to question you, do you want a lawyer?" question and new the only answer is yes. no further comment until arrest.
One arrest later (they waited until the lawyer was present probably because they didn't want more paperwork than needed) they started the questioning "you did it, we know you did it, we've got evidence, we've got DNA evidence" He sat there mouth like a bear trap.
Let go a couple hours later. Charges dropped.
Thing is I know he raped that girl. He told me he did it. Showed photos of "this bitch who was drunk at a party" and these were not worksafe photos. He didn't get video because he was too busy plowing.
Longstory short, don't rape chicks, but the system is so fucked that even if you do the cops'll never catch you.
why are you so desperate to empower some piece of shit whore
take your own advice and laugh at those people while they get shit on
>rational and good people
because they weren't.....
it depends, usually you will be forced to sweep streets or such for a month but you could get jailed if you refuse
While I agree to an extent, in this specific situation, she constantly brought it up, convinced and encouraged him, even when he tried to stop it, for over 12 hours straight where they continually texted each other. I am not sure because I don't know if all the texts have been released, but she might have done it in the days or weeks before that as well, but I'd have to check.
Here you can see how persistent she was youtube.com
Obviously though, you still need context such as
It's a really granular case, because she did clearly go very far beyond "lol kys" but at the same time there is their relationship and how she tried to get him help and talk him out so much before that point.
>the system is wrong
Yeah, innocent until proven guilty is terrible, eh white knight? Of course, you think it's perfectly fine that false rape accusers get off with no punishment.
He got out of the car and she yelled at him to get back in
Phil definitely but Toby always came off as a massive autist that would never get in the Quinn/feminist circle.
incels will defend this
Pick a name out of a hat. We are seeing now that behaving like a bit of an asshat is enough for people to just declare “abuse” and everyone just goes “abuse is bad! This person is bad”
>with a lot of devs trying to pressure them to change their pricing model to compete with Epic.
You wish
He ‘s not really known to cowtow to the SocJus crowd though. Anyone have that interview he did where he just skips over all the virtue signaling questions?
Also with amount of people from all walks of life, nationalities, countries that like UT/DR Zoe would be fighting a massive uphill battle.
>why are you so desperate to empower some piece of shit whore
i'm not empowering anyone but thinking all of this shit is fine when lives are outright getting ruined publicly for nothing but meager profit for your jew overlords and not only you're okay with it but you constantly encourage it is fucking disgusting tbqhfam
>take your own advice and laugh at those people while they get shit on
just pretending you're behind a thousand layers of irony and shit's nothing more than a comedy because you're afraid of actually giving your piece and standing up to what you think is right is not only outright pathetic but it's legit part of what's ruining your society as a whole
the worst cancer to hit any generation born after the 80s is individualism, you're part of all of this whether you like it or not fucko, stop running away because that's only giving (((them))) more power over EVERYTHING
innocent until proven guilty
Pfft. It only goes after dudes who aren't protected by 7 layers of lawyers,
>”Yeaaaah, suck my dick Zoe! Choke on it!”
Innocent UNLESS proven guilty. Not "until". That insinuates that there is guilt in the first place.
>Less than 25% report the crime
That is pretty easily defended. Statistics about crime where the crime isn't even reported aren't statistics. It's an opinion poll and means absolutely nothing.
There's no removing the standard of evidence without risking more false imprisonments.
You could have filed an affidavit, testified to the police on what you saw. That would have given probable cause to search the phone.
The system isn't fucked up. YOU are the one who's fucked up, covering up for a rapist and blaming it on the system. You let rapists walk around scott free, while you wring your hands and blame "the system" for not doing more.
You're terrible. Even by the low standards of Yea Forums. Even by the lower standards of Yea Forums. You are a pathetic, disgusting human being and society is worse off for your existence.
bitch hasn't done shit in years yet has a patreon with 500 people giving her money every month... I wonder what kind of dirt she has on those people.
How do they know about the 770 that went unreported? Just a questionnaire right?
And they’ve just decided 100% of those would be a guilty rapist
A lot of indie/low end game devs keep their hands outta that shit. Any sane dev with a bullshit detector usually tells Zoe types to fuck off, so she's left to prey on the weak, which she gets nice and fat on.
whole grain brown bread isn't as bad.
>Out of every 1000 alleged sexual assaults this many are actually true
i won't
that's an issue
clearly problematic
but that's partly because of the myriad of false allegations that keep on raining endlessly
maybe if some bitches weren't egocentric whores and didn't try to fake something as clearly serious as sexual abuse allegations only to selfish ends and self profit, outright corrupting the system and making true cases harder to pinpoint and prove, shit wouldn't be this way
or what, do you think all of this is just because men will it so?
>white knight
I didn't realise that covering a rapists ass and not ratting him out made me a white night. No wonder Twitter has so many rapists.
So, out of 1000 assumed rapes (since "unreported rapes" cannot be accurately measured of a legal basis), 4.5 were actually found guilty. Of that 4.5, 4 were actually innocent but were convicted on fabricated evidence, and 0.49 were cases of mistaken identity.
this is b8 right
user both unless and until work the same way here but the phrase is "until proven guilty"
Honestly I dont think this case is as bad as zoe imo. For this one both her and the guy obviously had problems, and the guy talked about suicide a LOT to this girl, and in the beginning she did tell him not to do such a thing. But it kept up and wore her resolve down as well.
>Know this person has a mental condition and threatened to kill himself amids break-up
>Reveal all of his shit to the twitter mob years after the fact
>Dude lost his job, his friends and all support
>Winds up killing himself
>But I believe in redemption and not revenge tho
Fucking sociopath. The irony in all of this is that she fucking made a "game" to raise awareness of depression (that she clinged to Robin William's suicide to promote it too).
>nah I paid her damn well for her services
>WHAT ARE WE...oh...
>here's the tape
>What is she doing?
>tossing the salad
>Sir you haven't eaten a salad in years....oh...wait, no, I see
out of 1000 rape accusations less than 10 are real, the rest are fake
under 1%
over 99% are fake
and none of these women get convicted for trying to ruin a man's life
Sounds pretty fucking made up, if they had enough for an actual arrest they wouldn't let the guy go just because he refused to talk, if anything that would just make things worse for the guy.
This is how 100% of twitter mobs should be handled
Isn’t this the tranny that set themselves on fire?
I've been through my fair share of jury trials as a jurist, including two where a man was accused of sexual assault on a teen girl (both times we found him innocent on all charges due to one of the girls' friends flipping on cross examination and admitting the accusations were faked due to the girl having an unrequited crush on the man).
Moral of the story is, the defense makes certain to remind the jury that it's "Innocent UNLESS proven guilty", and that "until" is a fabrication made-up by TV.
diabetes is correlated to fat consumption, and not sugar consumption
this is 101 physiology
fuck ketards
The audacity of those mentally ill trannies and leftists is not even funny anymore
#1 thing anyone should remember about these fuckups
don't talk to them or listen to anything they say
just ignore their shit and they have nothing
Post the texts big man
There's an entire range of these things. Could easily be a "this is why the system is fucked". Could be a DA or PD that took an extra interest for whatever reason.
Based notch, kill em with kindness
>You're terrible. Even by the low standards of Yea Forums. Even by the lower standards of Yea Forums. You are a pathetic, disgusting human being and society is worse off for your existence.
Agreed. And many here are the same, because they believe obvious lies like They want to believe the worst about women because they've been rejected, and are terrified of something that is incredibly rare. So retarded to mock women over rape, which legit happens to 3 out of 4 of them, and instead scream about false rape accusations, which is like 1 in 1000, if even that.
what did cara delavine (or whatever she's called) do?
Diabetes is correlated to high blood sugar, and people with diabetes have to control their carb intake. Best way to cure type 2 diabetes is a carnivore diet
you're a fucking moron
>4.6 will be incarcerated
Is the .6 Brian Peppers?
I get your point but 3 out of 4 women are raped? That’s just absurd
Arya Stark
that is the outcome of insulin sensitivity produced by saturated fat, turbo retard
btw, a carnivore diet also produces insulin, and a whole lot more problems, like fatty liver disease and cancer
These days it's as rare as it once was. I've met sociopath's like Quinn.I'm not some retard incel, I go out and get laid. Professional victim's are almost ALWAYS women or men pretending to be women, go outside and go to social gatherings. You will see these people.
Is that a Female Gus Johnson.
Goddammit Gus what did you do.
Carbs and protein are the only macros that produce an insulin response, you are retarded
Remember. In some jurisdictions, anything other than continuous afirmative assent is rape.
I only wish I were making this up.
>diabetes is correlated to fat consumption, and not sugar consumption
Is that what your local voodoo witch doctor told you, Dubaku?
See those lace rings lassies put round their neck?
They signify there's 150% chance she wants it up the arse.
Its code, the only sort that illiterate trollop "developer" knows.
>she was giving very specific instructions to someone who she knew was suicidal
Right HE was suicidal. That's why it happened. If he wasn't already suicidal, then he would have told her to go fuck herself.
I know nothing about the case btw. Just speaking broadly.
This. it's going to be a beta cuck. typically that's who these types of women go after.
Someone like Gaben, sure, some women are going to go after him but not this one.
> she has a vagina
>saturated fat causes insulin response
Lmao what a retard I love it
>she’s working on Solar Ash Kingdom
Holy shit, it's real?!
>One thing that did get my attention was mention on Twitter that Zoë Quinn has been working on Solar Ash Kingdom as a narrative designer for the past couple years.
Well I'm never touching that game.
This. Going after Gaben would be immensely stupid. He has the money the bury her in litigation for the rest of her life. But I guess I don't put stupidity past her.
Holy shit!
Is there anything more evil than a white woman. How do white men put up with their nonsense?
It's pretty obvious he's innocent at this point.
go see any recipe to get insulin resistance
it's as easy as gorging on animal fat, hence why ketards destroy bacon and sticks, and believe they are losing weight, when in reality they are just getting dehydrated
I could school you on this shit for days, man
it's like you believe insulin sensitivity and insulin response are the same thing
it's like saying that lightning a fire is the same as how fast gasoline burns, turboketard
These threads are psyops, that's why the mods allow to stay up so long.
Is it a coincidence that Zoe killed a man as soon as cripplechan went offline?
>Fuck you
dafuq is this? he's not their kuckd father
White women, or western pozzed women in general, are trash, ulterior motive people who all think the world owes them something and they have no faults, and at the same time get off immensely on degradation so they date either Chads who treat them as nest wholes or Russian roulette minorities so they can make daddy mad and tease their circle of snakes they call friends at the same time.
Not all are like this, but in the general zeitgeist, it's better to avoid than risk it.
I learned my lesson the hard way and too kthe yellow pill. Some of the black pill is also decent, actually. Hell even some parts of East Europe so long as you don't bring em back home. Join me, bros.
i tried to find her but couldn't the thing is she was being processed so she had to spend time in jail so she couldn't do much. Some people in usa spend time in jail before the actual court case for a long time all cos of prison for prifits
*flesh holes.
wasn't there a cosplayer that was called out for groping other women
also that sf trans dude glity was banned from sf tournament cos of some shit
I want her to humiliate me sexually.
What did they mean by this?
Animal fat is the healthiest thing you could eat, we're made to digest it.
Carbs are cheap to mass-procude and it's why you've been indoctrinated into believing they're healthy. You're being scammed out of your health and money you idiot
Time will show you though for sure. You're already weak and fat, but you'll need meds for sure once you get older.
This destroys the feminist.
yes the thing is in the usa some times people get a ticket and they don't know about it or it's over looked and forgoten by the driver or they pay lets say 100 bucks but for some reason there's 10 your supose to pay for some other reasons. That 10 bucks gets charged intrest and it turns into something more then the driver gets put in jail, USA really is a terrifying country to live in
>obvious lies
Love to sit down and have a good laugh.
Yeah that was that moomoo cakes thot
so what's Yea Forums's oppinion on the comics she wrote
>77% never get reported
it's cool we can put such precise numbers on things that definitely happened even if there's no record of them definitely happening.
It's a sfw demonstration of what her asshole looked like when Gaben was finished.
Yeah, I don't get it
She looks like she has really fucking bad breath.
I like the original post better desu
also known as dickbreath
Kojima:I rike yo deprarion quakest game come vork vor me
Zoe Quinn:sure yeah
Kojima San: Why you no work you razy frack you get owt you ged owt
Latter that day
Zoe Quinn:Fuck that nip cunt he raped me like he raped Quite
Stephanie Joosten: yeah Kojimbro raped me he bad man
5 guys would do that
What you are describing is actually not bad breath, but negative energy radiating from her.
Only those pure of the heart can detect the manifestations of evil radiating from a demon.
What the fuck am I reading
shit both kojima and kojima san? what about hideo? did he rape her?
The Zoe Post was more about her being hypocritical and toxic than about the cheating.
I remember a girl in college that was super model hot, I'm talking 12/10. Yet, nobody could stand getting within 5 feet of her because she had the breath of a thousand dead apes.
>sexual assault is so broadly defined these day! women should become less sensitive. just because i was forceful doesn't mean i'm a rapist!
Seething tranny
Kojimbro as well
>i got fingerbanged and didn't complain at the time, but i'm here to say many years later it was definitely rape
Mankind isn't even ONE million years old.
Didn't that shit get cancelled soon after because nobody was buying them?
it was about all of that.
>dude i fingered you really hard that one time under heavy pressure when we we're all alone why are you bringing it up now? don't you wanna tell the police instead??
Great plan, incel. This definitely won't drive you to kill yourself.
Only 15 months of jail time. How?
It'd take 5 guys at once to hit those gash walls.
>this post gets completely ignored
Steamfags really are a cult, aren't they?
real mexicans don't get this mad you're a fucking filthy half blood aren't you?
"hey police he jammed his fingers into me"
"He digitally penetrated you?"
"no he jammed his fingers into me"
"Your world against his, get proof"?
It's amusing how many people on this website have never dealt with cops in any shape way or form.
The buck stops at DARPA.
>character knows how the story ends before it even starts
cause they're always a thirsty ass fedora cuck willing to do her bidding for a promise to snif a fart.
Threadly reminder. Posters who use the word incel are, most of the time, failed trannies, tourists, retardera defending zq and beta soicucks. Thread carefully now.
WTF? Being out right rude and assault him in public platform and still have the gall to ask him for money?
>not knowing anything about the case
>still decide to open your big fat fucking mouth
>to defend a roastie
kill yourself my dude
>in highschool 4-5 years ago
>Friend and I were hanging out and suddenly was called to office
>Turns out some girl who apparently liked him said that she had raped him, when neither of us even knew who this girl was
>Her small group acted as evidence, saying that he did do it
>Police get involved and guy has to go through a whole lot of shit from everyone
>Police eventually find out they were lying, but his life was already ruined, people constantly harassing him, terrified to even go to school and started being homeschooled instead
I miss him bros, he wouldn't talk to anyone after that
Difference is she actually feels bad at all about what happened
It's so obvious nobody on Zoe's side, included her's truly, gives any semblance of a shit about the person being dead. They are happy and probably laugh and masturbate to the thought of it.
Exactly he’s too influential and has far too many connections to be Metooed.
Zoe would probably end up being assassinated by a steam drone.
This poster is literally Zoe
Primates are about 85 million years old
I'm defending free speech. I wouldn't like it if "kill yourself" became a jailable offense.
>I hate 3dpd women as much as the next guy
>but let me white knight this whore real quick
kill yourself
Ah shit, there goes all my favourite words. Guess I'll just have to say r/the_donald supporters as short hand.
Fuck that guy
I deleted my Steam account back in 2011 and I looked at Steam today to see Night in the Woods page. Every user page is filled with some sort of gaudy icons, items, basically the entire thing is one big slot machine.
Toby is a vassal of the Japs now
People don't pay on principle.
Does the existence of people with their own principles and backbone surprise you, cuck?
not install epic store tim :)
Why do I need the epic store to enjoy epic games? Tim bought them for me so all I need is the installer, the bitcoin miner will make tencent their moneyback in hours
>she had raped him
If he was raped then why was he getting the bad end of this shenanigan?
No, if you've read The Zoe Post correctly, Eron doesn't mind open relationships and even being cheated on isn't that big of a deal. The problem was that she had unprotected sex with someone else without his (Eron) knowledge, ergo exposing him to STIs. This is important to Eron because in a previous discussion with Zoe, she mentions that exposing your primary partner to STIs without their knowledge because they weren't informed of their partner's other unprotected encounters is akin to RAPE. Eron mentions this specifically to illustrate Zoe's hypocrisy, that she publicly denounces forms of rape while doing them privately. Being cheated on isn't exactly the problem. Being technically raped, by the definition Zoe uses, is the problem.
The only way out of that poison womb was oblivion.
>>"Your world against his, get proof"?
A famous thing police officers say.
so telling a blind people to run on a street whe n the fire become green on purporse should not be considerated a murder, because you fag don't like it?
you didn't defend free speech. you defended murder and abuse of weakness
>Co-workers say he was abusive
>family says he was abusive
>other ex's say he was abusive
>Reee they knew he had a mental illness so they murdered him by not babying him!
Should society be tried for murdering trannies?
Not the guy you were just talking to but who are these jew overlords? Indie game devs? Big game devs?
And please tell me why I should blindly accept some woman’s words whose clearly only doing all of this for monetary gain and has no morals and is also one of (((them))). I’m really confused.
Are you some actual gem user whose trying to blue pill us? Cuz if you are fuck off?
>just turned 33
Notice how he never says 33 YEARS. He's talking about being 33rd degree mason. This whole thing is a psyop to push a narrative.
Wow. That's some exceptionally broken English. Just exceptional.
how do we encourage this to happen for real from the sidelines?
Are you serious
She looks like fucking rock lee
Meant to say fem user fuck my phones autocorrect
Misspelling of got proof you faggot
Can we stop fighting each other at once and all be friends again? Shit's getting tiresome tbqh
That's different. That's lying someone who isn't capable of verifying your claims. Also known as a trick or fraud.
For friends to reunite they must be friends in the first place.
>zq is a diagnoticed pathological liar. proof of frauds and lies everywhere
NO she's a woman so we should believe her
lurk moar
People that suffer from BPD aren’t actually lying. They are incapable of linear memory and object permanence. What this means is that they are unable to see things in a nuanced way. When ZQ was with Alec she may have loved him, until one day she didn’t. Her brain is unable to remember that she ever loved him. Like a switch her brain suddenly recognizes him as evil and will literally alter her memories to make her believe that she has always thought of him that way. What she once enjoyed as fetish play is now sexual abuse because she cannot hold these two ideas in her head simultaneously: I love him but I don’t like him right now. For people with severe BPD like ZQ, this idea is impossible. She either loves the ground he walks on or he is an evil abuser. There is no middle ground. She didn’t lie because her brain is literally tricking her into believing a false reality her subconscious has constructed to protect her from the unresolved trauma of her childhood.
This is NOT an excuse. This is NOT a justification. Just understand the depth of mental illness that this woman suffers and know that the longer she goes untreated the worse her implosion will be.
anything for you, shadman
it's called abuse of weakness. you know the person is not in he full ability of judgement. in my example it's been blind, in the case it's been suicidal.
Let's make friends, then.
so wouldn't this mean only 3.9% of reported cases of sexual assault have enough legal weight to be prosecuted?
it's the same bs of "70% of these crimes are not talk about"
how do you know of their existence then??? cause they have been report to the police.
Being weak is not the same as being disabled. We make ramps so those with broken legs can have access. Not so fatty mcfatterson is too weak to stop eating.
>women should be able to retroactively change their consensuality on sexual encounter they had years ago, even though both participants were consenting at the time
She managed to strike gold by being a victim of gamergate/champion of SJWs in gaming or whatever, so she made it feel fashionable for people to give her money to "support" that side of things, even though all it does is line her pockets for nothing.
Are his family and co-workers all pathological liars?
>"i have made more games this year than you"
>$100k in debt
so you're a failure of a dev and as a business and you want notch to give you his money?
>Being weak is not the same as being disabled
been known suicidal is a mental disability. stop spewing bs and defend the cunt when her very word will the complicity of the social media mob push a suicidal guy to act and kill himself
make friends with my dick as i use it to fuck your wife
either they are or not , would that give anyone the right to push him into suicide?
Then everything she says cannot be taken seriously because there is no balanced decision making in her process. If she is so volatile that she swings between extremes then anything she says AT ALL should be looked at through a magnifying glass. You wouldn't take the testimony of someone who is so out of touch with reality that they cannot comprehend their actions, so it is completely baffling that:
1. You would defend this psychopath who takes advantage of others and is manipulative enough to cheat on her significant other and keep the double standard that is rape to do so without consent.
2. Take any and all accusations that this troglodyte of a human being has to say when she shows in her own admission of mental illness that her testimony should hold no grounds because it cannot be of a factual basis and is at the whims of her at the current time brain's chemistry.
3. She killed a man with her accusations and is undoubtedly to be held accountable. In any other instance of cyber bullying or levying charges that leads to a loss of life this has to be investigated and she should be punished to the full letter of the law.
what the fuck is that thing?
They don’t have to be. When defending someone means getting dragged through the mud too, the weak will turn their knives on you to save themselves. This happens all the time in different situations. Coworkers regularly throw each other under the bus for personal gain. Friends ruin friendships for personal gain. People are generally shitty and self centered, especially people that belong to the cult of SJW. This is why we have courts and laws. Everybody is innocent until proven guilty. Everybody has the right to their day in court.
>implying I'm married
I mean, Zoe and hambeast combining forces to defeat the “big baddie”
>defending her
Did you not read my post? L2reading comprehension. I’m explaining exactly how insane this bitch is so people can understand what’s really going on here.
shit, get married then so i can fuck your wife and you can make friends with my pp xx
To state that someone didn't lie when in any other instance of someone uttering an untruth it's mendacity is defense at it's core. It's just one layered with an explanation that she shouldn't be held culpable you dunce.
>pathological liar accuses him of evil
>people he thought as friends turn their backs on him because his entire social circle is consisted of journos and other people who's entire livelihood depend on certain political views
>the ones who don't flat out play along with the mob mentality will simply cut ties because they don't want to get lynched themselves
>no support net, everyone he knows is too afraid to have his back
>even if there is no evidence, all his "friends" will forever know him as some dirty pervert because if they don't, they will be known as friends of dirty pervert
>Implying zoe isn't a hambeast
oh? thought you were the one defending her cause free speech and fock accountability. my bad then.
Sorry bud, volcel
I was talking about MarzGurl.
It has nothing to do with their failure, they are clearly a marginalised minority being raped repeatedly by transphobic white males. It's not their fault they are terrible at their job, its ebil white men. Did you see how brutal and misogynist notch was,theres no way that poor minority will ever get any sales after notches brutal smear campaign. Donate to my patreon or youre a bigot
>literally say in my post that her mental illness is not a justification or excuse
>hurrr you’re saying she’s not culpable
Fuck off retard.
I'm not defending her per se. I'm just against the idea that you can go to jail for saying words at people. Depression is a disability, but suicidal thoughts aren't.
And even if someone appears to be inclined to commit suicide, how can you push them, unless you actively give them the resources to do it? I mean, all he had to do was stop talking to her. Unfollow or block her or whatever, and it's over. Why is she in control of his life?
Show me his family and co-workers saying him being abusive. All the tweets I have seen have been along the lines of
>I can't believe he would do something like that
>We have been informed that one of our employees has been being naughty, he's fired now #believewomen
Do you not understand how these vultures work? If you doubt or even ask reasonable questions such as "why wait all these years and not do something when he could have been handled by the police", you will be labeled as rape-apologist, or maybe even a rapist yourself. His "friends" are too afraid to have his back, his employees have to distant them from him or they will be known as "company that hires rapists" or some shit.
no reparations for the mentally ill, partner
Seriously though, has MarzGurl made anyone murc themselves yet?