How are you enjoying this great remaster friends?
On what platform are you playing it on?
Final Fantasy VIII Remaster
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that looks like shit lmao
I’m playing it on my original PS2 Slim on a PVM with RGB.
this cant be real
Did they do anything about the chocobo mini game that is played with the pocket station?
>original looks better
Every fucking time.
wow they even fucked up the UVs on the right
removed it
Quick request for Yea Forums.
Can anybody post how the petrification effect looks on the new models? Only on females, please.
Thanks in advance. And yes, it's my fetish.
PC in an hour, I'll play 1 1/2 hours and then decide if I want to keep it
since when can you petrify the bosses?
you get edea as a playable character for a very short period of time
Holy shit they even fucked up the world map !? LMAO
This, but with vore.
>How are you enjoying this great remaster friends?
It's censored, so it's shit.
Holy shit it looks worse
It's FF8 but worse visuals.
BASED petrifag
>petrification effect
>it's my fetish
You're scary.
You better give a negative review my friend.
>updated character models
>backgrounds untouched
>prerendered scenes and backdrops couldn't be altered even if they wanted to
Every time. There's literally no point in playing this Frankenstein abomination. Nice models against blurry as shit backgrounds is jarring and downright ugly. It's soulless as fuck, and not only that, they removed the vibration for Squall's critical triggers.
I'm on ps4 and just got the MiniMog card from the running boy in Balamb Garden. Earlier I taught Quezacotl the Card ability. Squall is lvl 8. Gonna try keeing him there. Leveled up once by accident. I haven't even done Ifrit yet.
Wow, this remaster makes the VII and IX one look like a masterpiece in conservation and all they did was pass a bilinear filter on them.
Ah well, potato potato.
Why did they cover her pubes?
why did they cover rinoas cleavage?
Worst of all is that everyone looks sort of faithful to their original design EXCEPT THE MAIN CHARACTER
It's a fantasy fetish, I'm not gonna cover girls with concrete on the street, lol. At most, I'll use Photoshop to turn them into stone. Example in picture.
What's the problem with leveling
PS4. Came with a cool theme.
what do you wanna do with that statue
Actually... I want this too. But with Aura and Zombie too, if possible.
You dumbfucks, it's the blurry as shit backgrounds that are unacceptable. The censorship is completely irrelevant at this point.
Remember that if you're gonna leave a bad review or something, ask for a toggle to revert to the old models along the way. They have them since they were mentioned on interviews, and they've heard whining and changed stuff before.
Probably because PS visuals were pixel-y (otherwise would have been done back then) as shit and we dont really need to sexualize underage girls
Enemies scale their level to yours and you can buff your stats to max without leveling once, so leveling just makes the game harder for the most part.
Cum on her, turn her back to flesh, watch as her face turns into a expresison of total disgust, petrify her again.
I work in concrete, I know that immersing someone in concrete and letting it harden would give them HORRIBLE chemical burns. I still get off to petrification though.
rub my dick on her abs probably
Game has mobs that level with your characters. Best to stay lower level to avoid both grind and getting hardfucked by mobs
FF8 has level scaling. The lower you stay, the easier the game. But you can break it with card mods and drawing.
I had hoped they would use the new deep learning upsampling technique for this but oh well. Mods will fix it I guess
Honest questions, though we're not on /d/ right now - what is it that you like about petrification? It does absolutely nothing for me so I'm curious. Is it maybe the immortalization? Is it better if the subject is conscious or completely inanimate? I seriously don't get it. Not judging though.
>Meanwhile, Athenaeus, a Greek writer who gained prominence in the late 2nd century A.D. during the Roman reign of Marcus Aurelius, offers an especially vivid account about a certain Cleisophus of Selymbria:
... who fell in love with the statue in Parian marble at Samos, locked himself up in the temple, thinking he should be able to have intercourse with it; and since he found that impossible on account of the frigidity and resistance of the stone, he then and there desisted from that desire, and placing before him a small piece of flesh he satisfied his desire with that.
No problem. For me, it's the total control over the victim's body and fate. She can be a total bitch, she can ignore you all the time, she can be the "alpha female" of her group, she can be the strongest warrior in fantasy settings... It doesn't matter. Once they're petrified, nothing of that matters. You can rub your shit on her, cum on her, shatter her... You have infinite control now. Bonus points if the process is gradual and they hate it.
Also see you have a negro fetishis too
why would anyone mod this when the original exists
Muscle girls, in this case. Negroness doesn't matter, though.
No it's the models, the backgrounds come after
>reeeee why cant they remaster the best on VIII?
>"well you see we no longer have original source code an-
>"ok here. But we had to make some stu-"
Better character models, some things are optimized, perhaps better internal logic.
How can you not leveling when the encounters are random?
>they removed the vibration for Squall's critical triggers
What the fuck
how tf do you lose source code on a multimillion dollar IP
If some fans can upscale the backgrounds, so can square. The new models look like shit.
Turn all monsters into Cards, so you only gain AP not EXP
It's like bondage, how the fun of it comes from mind games. You need to imagine what the victim is feeling like and how they are going to be robbed from all freedom and dignity.
Run from every encounter, petrify the enemies (that's why you can get Break so early in the game, to much pleasure of people like , too), turn them into cards (which is fun in its own Pokémon hunting way, since you have to reduce their health but not kill them).
Mandatory encounters don't give XP, only AP.
It was the 90s
when/how do you get the card ability again? can all GFs just learn it?
The same way they lost it for Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X. Guess they saved the source code on a flash drive and left the intern in charge of it. That's probably literally what happened.
They aren't better, they're different and less inspired.
Did they even omit vibration for the switch release?
The GF Quetzacoatl learns it very early.
Quetzalcotl learns it. Learn card for I think 60ap.
Japan are notorious for not caring about preservation.
Go into GF menu. Select Quezacotl. Make it learn Card.
But how can you petrify her?
>rip ps1 assets
>upscale using AI upscaling
they instead chose to just port the shitty pc version and here we are now
either way some modders will get on it soon, so I expect at least the Switch version to get fixed
Japs are fucking retards about saving ANYTHING. Americans had generally figured this out by the mid-00's but even recently there's been high-profile losses of Japanese data.
They lost a FUCK TON of archival shit in the KyoAni fire because Japanese businesses generally don't believe in off-site backups or cloud storage because they're all run by Japanese men in their fucking eighties
The remaster doesn't have low-poly character models. It could be easier to mod if it's on a new engine, too.
I think a few of the mandatory battles do, such as fighting the Esthar soldiers the first time (which is where break comes in handy), but bosses never give EXP just a shit load of AP.
Also in points where you get temporary characters such as Seifer during Dollet you can just knock out your real party members and use Seifer to farm AP.
Does leveling up really make the game that much harder? People make such a big deal about it, but I for sure never knew about level scaling when I last played this when it came out and I was like 12 and don't recall ever having an issue with difficulty.
I don't remember what enemies are in the area you get to use her for (it's only for the Great Salt Lake, when you walk from Fisherman's Horizon to Esthar) but you should be able to cast it on her with one of your own characters
>so I expect at least the Switch version to get fixed
I really expect that. At least to be able to change Squall, only. The other changes I even like, but Squall looks awful. Is there talk of it with modders?
Now this is a fetish I wouldn't mind having...
Take any girl's pic, grayscale, apply some texture, and BAM, fapping material. Hell, if some petrifag was also a pedofag and used clothed childrens' pictures with that Photoshop petrification effect, would it even be CP?
Looks like a win-win.
You literally won't even notice the level scaling
Not really no, you can ridiculously and quite easily break the game regardless of leveling up by card modding and junctioning right. Hell you can get mid-high quad digit HP before leaving for Timber.
That's why Break can be useful.
Also, trainers for PC version.
I have a similar fetish, but it's timestop-related.
Which is great, because I can basically look at any still image with a girl and imagine what I'd do if I was the only thing moving in it.
did they manage to clear the rights to use eyes on me
redpill me on proper junctioning
In practice, it does inflate enemy stats. However, the game will never be difficult so long as junctioning in its current form exists, to say nothing of aura, staying in yellow hp to abuse limits, having gfs soak damage from super attacks, hero drinks, card refine, and so on. There are 101 ways to break the game.
Petrifag here. Yep, select girl, apply minimal transformation of background on Photoshop, animate a little and you have a decent timestop picture. Now... Grayscale her, and it's petrification.
They're still shitty.
wtf they made it worst lmao
I don't think there were any issues to begin with. It's one of those things that people just assumed because the wasn't being released.
lmao just use the fucking auto-junction
GF selection matters the most, make sure every character has every junction plus the bonuses and commands you want
be honest
its a little different but better
no but eventually there will be something on gbatemp for it, once more people realize what the remaster looks like
>It could be easier to mod if it's on a new engine, too.
Also this is dumb. The original already has mods and mod tools
How does one learn this power?
>everyone freaks out
>ps1 is still the superior version
The only thread without blind shills.
It's a Final Fantasy game dude. They're the easiest most braindead JRPGs out there full stop outside of maybe FFXIII sometimes.
fuck yeah turtles
you be honest
the backgrounds are undoubtetly worse than the original, overworld is the ugliest shit especially, but the models are better
The deep learning upsampling introduces a bunch of high-frequency noise. Looking at its results makes me want to claw my eyes out.
Why do they need rights for a song specifically written for FF VIII?
>learn card
>then card mod
>refine 10 tents into 100 curagas
>junction to hp
>2500 hp
>farm fish fins on beach
>refine to water
>junction to str (from Ifrit)
Game broken in the first hour.
two hours. you need siren for life magic refine
>create new models for characters and enemies
>make everything else blurry
Remaster 101 right there.
>make a shit game or shitty half assed remaster
>excuse me wtf is this?
every time
It's fine up to like level 30 or 40, IIRC. After 40 enemies start getting insane magic and stats to where they'll just one-shot your party if you're not fully max-junctioned. It only affects random battles and not story-based fights though, I think. It's been over 10 or 15 years since I played this, but that's how I remember it.
I spoke to the Card Queen in Balamb town until her rules were set to All. After a few matches in Balamb Garden suddenly the rules went to Direct. wtf?
I agree. I prefer usual shitty bilinear over it. They just look weird to me, even if at first glance they look "good".
Oops. Yeah, ignore the card mod part. That breaks the game later on. In the beginning, item refines is good enough.
FF4 for famicom is a decent challenge
Models are the only thing that look slightly better
I'll be waiting. I wasn't going to buy it anyway, S-E prices their stuff like shit. 10 bucks was a killing back in the PSP days, now 20? Holy shit.
you didn't say what to use card mod for
That's literally what mods are for.
You're dumb if you think this won't be modded.
You should level up specifically to make the game harder since it's braindead otherwise. I don't understand how people can want an already easy game to be even easier. Are they just retarded?
>looks at all screenshots in this thread
So basically its FF8 blurry/fuzzy edition?
Rinoa and Squall's new models look nothing like them
Ff8 has the best overworld music though amiriteguis?
Haven't played it (was stuck at the GBA version when I was a kid that just mashed buttons though, at the underground boss I think). IVDS is pretty decent, but never actually difficult.
Timestop fetish makes perfect sense. Wanting her to turn to cold hard stone is fucking retarded.
A straight up demaster, yes.
9 is comfier
Rinoa is fine unless you really care about the individual bangs. Squall has no forgiveness, though.
fucking kill yourself you lying asshole
Don't kink shame, faggot.
I would say it has the best music of them all.
I had a blast this morning. Never played VIII before. This shit is so addicting, and runs smoothly here. Basically no loading times unlike most PS1 era games (FF IX was painful at that).
Thank you for showing botched textures and censorship, won't be buying. FF8 will remain a fond, distant child memory.
Its moreso the hilarity of making your characters just so ridiculously strong early on. There isn't really even that much fighting on the first disc anyway, hell one of the boss fights can be phoenix downed, another is completely optional.
Disc 2 is where the game actually starts to pick up. First time I played this game I had no idea what I was doing and never even junctioned and I pretty much steamrolled up until those oilboyle things which was when I finally had to take a moment to learn the junctioning.
Better this way. We live in the present.
Up-scaling is shit with Square enix textures, the upscale software can't make sense of the way they make grass and rock textures
I'm having fun. Might buy a few extra copies to get you guys riled up more.
Nah Dissidia Rinoa doesn't look like her OG
In Triple Trriad do you prefer to go first or second? I always prefer to go second.
Nah, it's pretty easy regardless, but doing your best not to level up at all is a more interesting challenge then the normal encounters pose
I go third.
holy fuck
The one guy near the entrance of Balamb Garden looks like Solid Snake with the bandana
jesus christ look at those lines where textures meet. did they not have any of the source code and assets?
Agreed there, but I think she still looks a bit faithful.
>did they not have any of the source code
They did not.
Please just consume and enjoy. After paying of course. You did pay, didn't you? If not, your opinions are invalid. How can you judge something that you didn't give a huge company money for?
what are you doing
Sorry that was meant for
Huh? I meant that it looks fine while still being the Dissidia model. If she was the only outlier it would be annoying but I wouldn't be asking for model swaps. Squall looks awful.
>did they not have any of the source code
Apparently not, that's why this one came so much later than the rest
I've enjoyed reading this.
Sorry, I replied wrong. It was meant for this dude.
It's getting so bad this shit is almost starting to feel intentional to make new games look better. When was the last time they updated an old FF game and didn't totally buttfuck how it looks? FFIV handheld?
No problem
Going into Ifrit's cave now, will I make it in 40 minutes? Does anyone ever pick anything lower?
I think I'll play that instead. I don't know if I am going to get this now
FFXII, FF Crystal Chronicles, the Chocobo Game...
You can do it on the lowest time without a sweat.
Lmao. How is this even real!? Jesus, SE. You suck at remasters! Like seriously, though, you are the literal worst and should all feel ashamed of this "effort".
Zodiac Age is literally just XII International though, isn't it? I guess the UI was updated at least.
>new soundtrack
Well alright then but it sure shows the best option for the graphics is to just not touch anything.
They touched on the graphics and models too.
you get the maximum points on the test by defeating Ifrit when there's 10 seconds or less left on the clock, but all that will affect is your starting SeeD rank
usually I pick 20 minutes to stay safe
Does the remaster do anything for the Boko pocketstation stuff?
It was done in the FFXV engine, added some QoL stuff, decompressed audio. With some very slight caveats (a bit of a darker palette, cropped FMVs for barely any reason) it's good.
So they censor final boss tits ?
It's a shame FF12 is so shitty and boring
wow that's some serious soul/soulless
The problem with the ps1 games is the backdrops. If they were modeled, they could just redo them.
no they didn't. it's only rinoa and siren. Shiva, Ultimecia and everyone else is untouched.
Completely removed it.
Now those are some hot opinions
Don't even got eyebrow right
Thanks guys. That makes sense. The whole "literal stone" thing takes the concept too far for me, but I get it.
>decompressed audio
They did not, they just adjusted it. It doesn't sound better, just different.
And the textures are genereally worse, there is a lot of blur over everything, the color palette is absolutely fucked, and like you said the game is darker with cropped FMVs.
It's not really better than IZJS outside of 60fps and some mods. It outright looks worse compared to PCSX2.
What if the enemys are so weak that one attack kills them? Can I still Card them?
So is the totally buttfucked world map a PC version thing in general? That's one of the problems that comes up with remasters all the time, they start from a shitty port instead of the good version of the game. Like every rerelease of Halo has a bunch of butchered graphical effects and gameplay problems because they used Gearbox's garbage PC port.
They made her look more like Ultimecia.
They model her after kana hanazawa, that why her face wider
Got it on the Switch myself, it's nice to be able to play on the go.
So far I'm just grinding out Seifer to 99 and maxxing out Ifrit, Shiva, and Quetzalcoatl before proceeding with the story. It's pretty comfy and as good as I remembered it.
someone with the PC version start posting screenshots
I think carding enemies is random no matter what the condition the enemy is in. Even with fucking cacherpillars in Winhill it will fail 10 consecutive times. Carding is just not worth the time, much like drawing magic. Just spread the All card rule and play cards for an hour. Done.
How long is this game again? Never finished it.
Is the rumor of Seifer having 2 Limit Breaks true?
Yeah, because the PS4 cannot handle those insane high detail 420x260 jpegs, without blurring them, they saved the high def ones for the PC release
I don't know nor remember, it's been ages since I 100% this game. So far I'm only at level 25 with him and he only has one LB.
what the fuck did you just say to me
>grinding Seifer to 99
Please tell me you at least use speedup
Of course, I only removed it to take that photo. Not using speedup would be retarded
>playing in moonrunes
cringe retard
oh no no no no look at the bottom of this bed
Imagine living in Japan and not consuming Japanese media in its original language
what the fuck
God damn man I would've pirated this if not for the fucking Squall model. He looks so out of place with the other generally more faithful models.
Does using 3x speed speed up the mission timers too?
Squall look like your average kamen raider hero, rip River phoenix
Was the shitted up Squall vengeance from Nomura because nobody got the River Phoenix influence?
No, at least it didn't for the Ifrit cave.
By the way I'm not sure if it's because I am playing on the Japanese version, but in my game the SeeD ranking timer for the Ifrit cave ended at the end of the cave, not during the Ifrit battle (unlike int he EU/NA versions). I wonder if changing the Switch language also changes the regional differences in the game or not.
It looks like that RE2 fan patch with highres 3d models and blurred backgrounds. They really lost the source, didn't they?
I bought it for the PS4 theme
Nice sync
lmao and I thought the Grandia Switch port was bad, but this is even worse
No it isn't. Don't kid yourself.
Did they add a hardmode to the game? If you know what you're doing in ff8 like me you have to limit yourself immensely to not break the game.
just let me cope in peace
Prerendered backgrounds are nice and all, right up until you need to account for how 3D models interact with what is essentially a flat painting. This is why all of Squeenix's PS1 offerings aged like shit. Either commit to full 3D or full 2D.
holy shit. Should've licensed retroarch and beetle with supersampling instead.
is this a joke?
i think you are bullshitting
this has to be a fake
give video evidence of slopy dev job
squall look even more gay now?
>long legs
>big shoulder flushyies
user you should read the thread chain before posting. He's not claiming they changed up the FMVs, but that the character model is based on the Dissidia model, which is true.
i am 16 years old and i have the attention of an squirl on acid, do you see me flushing super sonic rockets out of my ass?
Just like the recent WoW remaster, I had my fill at the original time of release and have no desire to return to a hollow cash grab aimed at young gamers or old manchildren who cannot move forward with their lives.
That's because they ripped his model and Rinoa's model out of Dissidia NT, the same way they did to make a couple of the characters in FF14 (though that was from 012).
Nice and banned.
let's be honest, they didn't tell their dev team they'd announce the remake for this year, leading them to send that shit after like 3 days of compiler wrapping.
>Black male fetish
Kys you fucking cuck
for me it's the great Mega Man Zero remaster
Nope. It's worse than that, they had the game ready to ship with the original models and decided to upgrade them.
You can turn off the filter anytime, user. Nice +5 replies of outrage post though.
Kuja having his model and animations ripped from Dissidia NT but having non-voiced acted dialogue was really off-putting.
What's the difference between Vitality and HP?
I get you user.
I'm not sure how the logistics of it would work comfortably but stone girls are hot as fuck.
I think it's an off shoot of my robot girl fetish.
Kuja is in XIV?
So... wait. This ain't even widescreen??
You guys just hate everything.
This is fine, look!
That would make it worse, not better.
What system you on? GameBoy Advance?
Nope. Square flushed it all down the shiter right after the game was finished.
That's what happens when working on 3 FF titles simultaneously: Square needed the memory storage for IX & X, so VIII had to go!
The eternal question: Globe minimap or normal map minimap?
>really want to play the game for its aesthetics, setting, story and music
>everything about the gameplay looks like hot garbage and incorporates the worst traits of jrpg's
is it possible to have fun with the game or should I just look up ways to break it early on?
They didn't fuck up best Shiva at least...
No dude, it looked fine on the PS1. I honestly can't believe what I'm seeing out of this new remaster shit though, it's a real shame.
I dunno, Grandia I & II did it pretty well.
Their smoothing filter made the mountains look more polygonal. Also, look at Balamb Garden. They blurred the shit out of the textures, so now none of the lines are clearly defined. It looks atrocious. Blurring shit to give the appearance of a higher resolution is one of the worst techniques Squeenix has used throughout every single rerelease they've put out.
Almost, Switch.
But even in the Xbox One X is the same.
Fucking hell.
wait what the fuck. is the remastered NOT the ultimate edition? when I see this pic?
No widescreen support, enjoy your antic 4:3.
what a disaster
not throwing 100s of hours in this.
What a mess. All those mods for the normal version won't work with this one either. I doubt many of them ever get updated for this.
I'd love to have the new models combined with some of the high res world map and backgrounds.
Gigapixel exists and costs $99, $79 on sale. Could SE not afford that?
Post my man seifer almasy up in this bitch
I am black, though. I can't cuck myself with my own canon self-insert :(
>buying censored games
>rebuying the same old roms over and over again
kys if u do this
Didn't they have to reverse engineer and crack their own game because the source material doesn't exist anymore?
Hey, it's you. You got any plans to do any more Aeristh? I'd love to see her in some solo poses.
Nobody ever makes time stop porn with /fit/ dudes, much less /fit/ black dudes. Am I right in assuming you're the one making those? Is MMD easy enough to use?
I have, but I'm waiting for the Remake models to come out to continue with Aeris. My custom one in the lingerie looks alright from certain angles, but it's a bit wonky to pose well and I am entirely incapable of making her ass look good due to how the bones are arranged.
I did make some with Dissidia's Tifa model, though, and I made sure to give her a more classic titty size
I like to be the change I want to see. I used XNALara, though, and yeah, it's alright. I'd like to learn how to use Blender or SFM, but it's a lot of work and I'm having trouble committing to it when XPS is so easy (plus I have to find and download a shitton of new models for the latter option.)
As you can see, even at E3 he dreams of versus 13 by wearing Stella shirt. He is eternally punishing SE.
Filtering was a mistake.
>I like to be the change I want to see
Based user. If I wanted to download XNAlara/XPS and some models, how difficult would it be to do some basic nude poses in stock backgrounds?
>Buying censored shit
I ain't buying it now lol
Post names
They should get Eminem to portray Seifer in a movie adaptation.
If a pose is meant for a model from a certain game, it's usually fine to load poses for any models belonging to the same game. Poses for a DOA5LR model might looks weird on a Street Fighter V model due to bone differences, but it's generally pretty easy to adjust from there, if you absolutely must use it.
So remaster has blurry backgrounds and tiles all over the world map.
my name.. like I do all nameable protags. Chris!
can you use saves from the old steam version with this?
It'll make it easier to understand the plot if everybody calls you SeeD. Trust me.
> playing political corrected version of ff8
>still top kek posting
I'm glad I didn't buy it for pure nostalgia reasons. FF8 is my favourite FF by far and I've played them all minus the MMOs. I almost thought I HAD to own this remaster, but
a) no physical release and
b) this lazy shit where they basically ask 20 bucks for Dissidia models
turned me off. It's a real shame because I know I'm not the only one thinking like this and Squeenix will see probably poor sales and assume people just don't want FF8 and will abandon any and all remakes/sequels/tie-ins whatever.
I'll stick to my original PSX version (non platinum) and the Steam release where I got 100% autism savegames on.
man this pisses me so off. Rinoa looks like pic related. It's all in her eyebrows. The person on the right there looks nothing like Rinoa. Just another black haired JRPG caracter. Absolutely shameful.
she fucks dogs
It's already got plenty of upvotes and ratings from what I'm seeing on the digital stores.
> censored
Can someone make a PS1 - Steam+HD mods - Remaster? I play steam version once a year with gigabytes of texture mods and I swear it looks better than this garbage.
The Siren "censorship" only takes about 1 second then the camera pans towards the enemy.
Educated guess, we talking hours or days for a newfag to figure these programs out?
Which begs the question: Why did they even bother changing that ?
cool lie, i just tested it and it works
it happens all the god damn time
>knowing what they're doing
You were joking right? THEY NEVER FUCKING LEARN. The last time I contacted them about a bug in Twinkle Star Sprites they told me they didn't port the game. I contacted SNK themselves asking about it, they confirmed dotemu were the ones porting the game and that they contacted them to see for fixing the game. Then dotemu responded not long afterward going "Oh woops yep we did port that game!". Not to mention dotemu "devs" don't play video games as seen with the assets not even being named correctly.
Bros.. It can't be like this. This was supposed to show the world that Squall deserved a remake, not Cloud!
You can't improve perfection
what did they reverse engineered the game for?
to make it worse?
what a moron you are
>Game companies don't know how to reverse-engineer their older games.
>not ray traced
>he's a vampire
I dont get it
never really looked into mods for the OG steam version. Are there any texture enhancing AI things going on like for the FF9 steam release?
What else is there for FF8 mods? Worthwhile to just play old Steam FF8 with mods instead of this cash grab?
alright sure
As long as you're familiar with basic, grade school geometry, hours
Are they hiring fucking blacks to do this shit? How do you fuck up so badly?
is it multi or english/japanese only?
did you make these
What you on about?
Does this game run at 60fps now or is the engine still locked down?
Russian only I'm afraid
>mfw no GF
It's worth it. If you want and like Dissidia cbaracter designs
>butt sniffing a affluent, sophisticated, haughty bitch in tight stockings
This hits a lot of right notes for me
FFVIII "Remastered"
>FMVs running at 15 FPS
>Gameplay at 30
>Big difference between the character models and background which are very blurry
>Not running in 16:9
Into the trash it goes.
Does it still do that FF7 thing where battles run at 15FPS?
why did it have to be this way
I think it's 30 based on streams I've watched not sure but it definitely looks like ass for a remaster. Maybe it will get modded to be decent eventually.
8 has no redeeming qualities besides the OST
great story, world design, gameplay, and cool side shit to do but please, I'd love to hear one more person bitch about
>muh junction
>muh orphanage
wait. It's worth it to play the old FF8 on Steam if I like Dissidia characters? Did you just misread my post and thought I was talking about nu-FF8 or am I missing something here?
I mean the cash grab is worth it if you like Dissidia
> FF8 remaster, what's worse? From most important to less important:
Faces > backgrounds > music > censorship
ok gotcha. I'll stick to non-dissidia character models then
The only substantially bad faces are Squall andm if we push it, Rinoa. The smoothing and general use of worse textures from the PC version is worse.
The in-game models have a pretty distinct aesthetic that this new model contrasts, even in relation to the other remastered models, which are way more faithful. He also looks way too soft, the hair is obviously wrong, also.
That remains a mystery
It is no mystery friend, it's because they don't want the lugenpresse spending a month bashing Square for being a sexist company and trying to dig up dirt on their C-Suite in retaliation. The (((media))) is the enemy of the people in every realm of life, even gaming.
No, really, it IS a mistery nazi punko. They kept Shiva the way she was.
the source code was probably only a few MB big... ok this was the 90s but it could have been backed up on a few CDs for a couple dollars total and buried away somewhere.
Imagine defending the fake news. Imagine being a liberal.
Unrelated to anything in the thread boy
>What's the problem with leveling
There is none. The meme that "you shouldn't level up because enemies level up also" is some stupid shit started by some faggots here (or maybe on reddit) and it's a very new meme -- nobody gave any such advice since the game's release in 1999 until this year. The faggots pushing that meme are either absolute retards, and/or they are people with very few hours of play experience, or they're trolling you into making your gameplay unfun.
Level the fuck up and junction some powerful shit to your strength etc. Just go kill monsters every now and then, the Island Closest to Hell being an excellent place once you get the Ragnarok. Never EVER run from a fight. That includes the XATM092 - if you can't kill that thing without much difficulty, then really you're underpowered. Use the training center sometimes - it's there for a purpose, the game encourages you to level up. Every time you have access to the world map go kill lots of monsters, not only to level up but also to get items which you can then refine into useful stuff.
You very rarely ever need to cast any magic offensively in FF8. Just make your characters strong as fuck and rely primarily on limit breaks - keep their HP in yellow, and/or use Aura or Holy War etc. Squall for example can deal out 230 000 HP of damage with a single limit break. It's absurd how overpowered you can get in FF8 and how easy it is reach that state. At the higher levels with the proper junctioning, you can even get some sort of instant-death effect on enemies, they just turn red and disappear when you attack them.
When your characters are above level 80-90 and properly junctioned, Ultima Weapon and Ultimecia become laughable easy. When you're maxed out in levels and strength not even Omega Weapon is a challenge.
I came in this thread just to ask if the game is worth playing, I heard leveling is pointless as well.
I guess I'll give it a playthrough anyway, and judging by this thread the PS1 version is better.
This is simply amazing. You'd think Square would have learned it's lesson with all the other shitty half-assed remakes they've done.
They can't even blame this on using the mobile port, like the past few remakes.
yes and yes play the ps1 version and leveling is worthwhile if you're a completionist, you can see new enemy forms, get different magic and items from doing it which lets you upgrade your weapons further, etc.
It comes from spoony like most of the hate
i support you and your weird fetish, black petrification pervert guy. im not into it but i appreciate you sharing
If you don't have a PSX/PS2/PS3/PSP to play the original game on, then this is the best way to play it. Next best thing is the non-remastered PC version (unmodded because the mods look silly).
>don't use mods on PC
I forgot to mention: Except for the music of course, you should fix that with a mod which gets rid of the über shitty MIDI music and inserts the PSX music.
>2010 + 8 + 1
>Still date + offset posting
No duh, why do you think Square only showed close up shots of the new character models until just before release? Because that was the only work they did on it, everything else is worse.
Fortunately several mods can fix the new version and we can have the best possible version of the game with new updated character models.
The problem is this, okay:
The technology which was used to create the pre-rendered backgrounds for VII-IX, were massively expensive and hefty computers whose sole purpose was to render detailed 3D environments, for them to rotate or choose the best angle. since this was the late 90s, they took screenshots of these fancy environments in like 240p, and then presumably wiped the entire 3D environment they just screencapped to move onto the next background.
tl;dr square has no way to remake the backgrounds without redrawing the prerenders manually in 4k resolution.
instead they have no choice but to just stretch a 240p image to 4k, resulting in the gutter trash you see here
dude just get it and then wait for the following mods:
AI-sharpened backgrounds mod
>uncensor mod for the changes to Rinoa and Siren (and who knows what else)
>if the text font was changed (like FF9 HD), wait for a mod to fix that as well.
>tl;dr square has no way to remake the backgrounds without redrawing the prerenders manually in 4k resolution
haha yeah, imagine if we expected developers to put work in to their products
There's "putting work in" and then there's "manually draw every single background image in the game but thousands of times bigger in resolution"
The biggest problem is Squall.
Rinoa's head too
Squall's eyes being hard to see always felt appropriate to me. It gave off the impression he was always making a bored and grumpy expression.
Look how much detail they removed from the outfits. Fucking disgusting.
They dollified her a bit but it's not nearly as egregious as what they did to Squall.
bruh it's not even anatomically correct
I didn't see that before. Holy shit lol
jesus what have they done to my sweet, sweet FF8?
Squall looks like an action figure and Rinoa looks like she gained weight and have all sorts of health problems.
Biggest deal breaker for me is the 15 fps battles. They only run in 30 if you use the speed up.
the remaster doesn't use the original music files from the playstation discs. I'm not 100% sure but I think it uses the music files from the old PC version (midis?) so it sounds a lot worse than on playstation
Oh, you must be kidding. This remaster fucks up harder than VII or IX ever did, how do you even do that?
Like you were ever going to buy it.
>Add a fuzzlens effect to textures
>"Hey guys, we remastered your game. Dont mind the censoring though"
Do you not remember how expensive and MASSIVE servers used to be?
>wtf why does a game running in an emulator at 8k with tons of graphical options look better
>inb4 its another cucked mod like the one for FF9 that doesn't work on pirated copies
>tfw I pirated and installed it before learning about this and the fucked textures and now I'm uninstalling
oh no you might have to spend ten dollars or something. maybe buy one less subway sandwich today champ.
KYS nigger I bought this game on PS1 20 years ago
So how is the story?
I hear some say it's really good, others says its garbage?
so then why are you in this thread?
To participate in the hate desu
maybe cut back on the big macs, that way you can afford to spend 10 dollars
>Rebuying games
It's good the first time you play through it when you don't focus too hard on the logic behind anything. It has a beautiful range of places to go, lots of interesting stuff happens, just don't expect a lot of it to be coherent, narrative-wise.
For example at one point later on you go to space, without any astronaut training or any preparation. they literally say "ok get in the rocket" and only then does squall even become aware that's where they are going.
It's good until the end of Disc 1.
Grandia 2 is at least full 3D, so that works a hell of a lot better. Pre-rendered backgrounds make widescreen support a lot less straightforward.
It's my fetish too but it's always so lazy looking in FF games, usually just the cheap greyscale effect. For me, Lost Odyssey is still the best.
AI upscaling looks fantastic for Final Fantasy IX.
>some characters sharp
>others a blurry mess
Anyone know if the black bars are affected by resolutions higher than 1080p or do they look the same
I can't play the remaster. Sorry, can't do it. Squall literally looks like a faggot. It's a shame, was kinda looking forward to it. Oh well, time to fire up retroarch again
What's with her neck lmao
I’m about to get extremely drunk and listen to the Fisherman’s Horizon, Balamb Garden, and Breezy tracks from the OST because I originally played this game when it came out before my parents divorced and there’s nothing you can do to stop me from feeling
lmao. PS4 looks like the PC port that was already released. WTF was Square thinking?
>yet another port/""""HD"""" remaster by Square that looks like total shit and is a complete downgrade in visuals from the original version
Wow, who could have possibly seen this coming.
Those three besides Squall and Seifer are the Quistis club that you talk to after class. The others leave the room. So...