Who the fuck designed this?
Who the fuck designed this?
A western dev saw this and said
>Yeah, that's attractive
>Women can't be ugly
some sickening twitter tranny of course
>implying ugly exists
beauty is subjective sweaty
I'm not normally one to side with people bitching about female character design for petty reasons, but she just looks super unnatural. Her face straight up doesn't look like a woman's face at all, even an ugly one. Whoever said she had a "man jaw" was pretty on the nose. Did they literally use a male mocap actor then add long hair?
It's a secret tranny you dumbos
You don't have to be sexually attracted to the protagonist you know.
Sam Lake is the only atractive person in that photo, no homo.
Have sex
average whiteoid woman. You'd know that if you weren't living in anime.
that's a yikes
are you implying christoph waltz is not pleasant to look at?
Im afraid to check the archive for every thread on Yea Forums. Im scared that I will discover everything is just a handful of people spamming the same threads over and over. It happens so often I can believe it.
not meant to be attractive.
just a main character that happens to be female.
>not meant to be attractive.
So that'd justify making a game with an ugly retard (basically starring you) as the main character?
>western dev
>trying to make a woman attractive
Your premise is wrong to begin with.
If trannie Christoph Waltz is pleasing to watch, well, the only thing i can tell to you, chum - dilate.
fuck off tranny
The Hiss was really a cop-out enemy design choice. You have a facility chock full of powerful, mysterious objects that can be corrupted and hostile, but 95% of the time you face red floaty boys.
it looks like they just took sam lake and made him female
This looks exactly like a male celebrity or someone but I can't remember who so here is another comparison.
SÅysters actively seek to make women ugly because they think that appealing to "privileged oppressor classes" like straight males is contributing to oppression. It's not about making something they themselves like, it's about promoting women in a way that doesn't contribute to "the male gaze".
They can't desu.
Just give them a jiggly ass, and you'll want to fuck them regardless of their face. tits are optional
Bend over.
You fuckers consider anything that isn't a 12yo anime girl ugly.
Why do you keep rehashing this tread 49 times a day, don't you have anything better to do with your life?
>You fuckers consider anything that isn't a 12yo anime girl ugly.
>Why do you keep rehashing this tread 49 times a day, don't you have anything better to do with your life?
>>Yeah, that's attractive
are you saying Christoph Waltz is not attractive?
you are a fag.
>don't you have anything better to do with your life?
>Yea Forums
Her ass isn't even top tier and I'd still want to pump and dump that from behind.
>claim to love and champion the white race
>throw a massive tantrum every time a video game features a woman looking like the average white scandi/german/brit woman instead of a 10 year old japanese child
>she will never pin you down and stimulate your prostate with telekinesis while sucking the life out of your throbbing dick like a vacuum
why exist
>a woman looking like the average white scandi/german/brit woman
>never actually saw an average aryan woman
t.Scraping the barrel.
Anthem is garbage in all regards.
>Entire game looks visually stunning
>Except for the one thing that's on your screen 24/7
Jesus where is the mod to fix her face? Or add a mask?
Didnt she look cute in the promotional material? Dafuq happened? Fucking hell.
are you kidding? dude is ugly as hell and his crooked jaw makes me want to punch it into proper place
>t.Scraping the barrel.
EA triple A game is not scraping anything. This isn't some obscure indie game.
>Anthem is garbage in all regards.
So is Control
It looks better from different angles
her ass is aight
She has a fridge body though.
It would stand out more if her waist was slimmer.
true, I hope there will be mods
Someone who thought man jaw was attravtive on a woman?
>Someone who thought man jaw was attravtive on a woman?
But who?
Stunning and brave.
A eastern dev saw this and said
>Yeah, that's attractive
Why do they all looks so fucking pissed?
>fridge body
why do retards say this
Whatever you tell yourself
her torso is a fucking rectangle, why do you think dipshit
show me
Women are realising that men won't settle with 30y/o used roasties who hit the wall. That''s why they try to lower mens expectation for women. You will see a lot more uggo MCs in the future.
The game is a shittier version of SCP.
OOOOoooo scary corrupted humans and objects!
There are no /x/ creatures and the objects aren't even scary.
>/x/ creatures
Has The Grifter ever appeared in a video game?
>average brit
Sure, but they're ugly as fuck. Everyone knows that.
>average German
Maybe, but not all of them.
>average scandi
Don't Scandi women have smaller jaws and feminine features? I find it hard to believe that any of them would have manjaws like the one in the OP. Got any proof?
Makes sense
>not meant to be attractive.
then why bother with the statistically lower sales because the majority of the market is white males that buy games with another white males in the cover or hot women?
oh right, liberals don't have a knack for business..
>oh right, liberals don't have a knack for business..
weird since all i ever hear you people complain about is how everything is run by SJWs now who push propaganda
why not? The Japs did it with Dead Rising, and no-one complained Frank was too ugly
Ugly costume. Nice bridge tho.
>women can't be attractive
Fuck modernism or whatever the fuck it is. Why draw ugly people when you can draw an attractive one. Did all those famous Renaissance artists and sculptors make ugly people? No, they tried to capture the human ideal.
Jesse is cute. Cute!
Men can be ugly and still attractive, women can't. Society.
Renaissance artists and sculptors didn't have to deal with feminism.
gilette just lost billions from going woke
leftist nigger families with billions in inheritance fund it, they need to be dealt with
You should go to the ghetto.
They have sex with ugly girls on principle alone. It's like a code of conduct thing.
because both white supremacy and yellow fever are a cope, and an incel needs lots of copes
A very insecure female
I think their just racist, there aren't any good women models in any RE engine titles except Ada.
An eastern dev saw this and said
>Yeah, that's attractive
admit it: you're angry because she jawmogs you