The libs couldn't get enough of it tho, could they? They love dat female empowerment propaganda. Sad! Game is objectively garbage. Literally unplayable on consoles.
4.7 - Control is objectively bad
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It's been getting posted here a lot and this is the first bad thing I've heard. Guess they got me. Wasn't getting it until next year anyway because I can't be bothered to install egs.
Imagine caring
I heard people a few days ago talking about how the protagonist has a "man jaw" and I thought it was just incels talking shit, but then I downloaded it and damn they were right. Her face just looks super unnatural, like nothing you'd ever see on a real woman, even an ugly one.
> Literally unplayable on consoles.
How so? I'm on PC. Is the framerate just really bad?
Watch the DF video. During combat it drops to 10-20 fps depending on the location. It's not even 1080p, it's 900p.
>user review score
Stop wasting my time OP
Go woke, go broke! Many such cases! Very sad!
Love that it's already on sale for $38. It will be $20 by the the end of the month
I had fun, a solid 7 almost 8 for me.
It feels a bit lacking in the action since its a concept that could have gone a lot further with its mechanics but at 30$ its a very good buy.
>>>>>>user score
stick a nail up your dickhole
Post some example user reviews so I can see why they're so bothered
>Literally unplayable on consoles.
That's because they're shit.
Game is pretty meh though, a 7 at most
Imagine browsing Metacritic.
>Xcucks seething at Control because Remedy ran a mile
>Xcucks seething at Astral Chain because Scalebound shit the bed
>Xcucks seething at Death Stranding because Cuckrosoft spent a decade wooing Kojima for nothing
It's gotta suck being an Xcuck
It is unplayable on consoles thats why
The fuck are you talking about?
I played it on my PS4 and it ran fine.
You're delusional if you think xbox fans are the ones pushing any of this bullshit.
ITT magacels inventing something to be upset about so they don't have to worry about their shitty lives.
games fine. Starts particularly strong. gorgeous too.
why is it only 4.7?
Runs at fucking 30 fps in my pc, wtf.
I7-7700 and a GTX 1070, also my ass is bigger than the mc
reading through it, it's mostly people complaining about performance issues
RX 560, Athlon 870k, 8GB DDR3-1333 single channel. stutters out the ass on DX11, but textures fail to load properly on DX12. still playable though
Nah, it runs like fucking shit, dropping to sub-10 FPS is not "running fine."
even the PC version has shit user score, either more people than I thought have potato PCs or tards can't into graphic settings, because it doesn't run THAT bad
the console versions run like shit and the pc version is an epic games exclusive. it was never going to get a good userscore.
It's common knowledge the average pc gamer has a setup worse than xbone x
the average pc gamer does not post reviews.
>brings consoles to its knees
>EGS timed exclusive
yeah I can see why people who bother to write user reviews would be mad
>pirate the game
>using a 1080ti
>no frame drops on max settings, don't have to support Epic, and the devs still get paid anyway
Perfect solution, why are people complaining about this game again? Is it just because they have a shit PC and don't know how to use a torrent client?
>game has women in it
>ever looking at rating made by gamers
I saw some comparasions made by some anons and she has a bigger jaw than Cena or the Rock
is there a worse customer base than in vidya?
Low effort b8 m8
are you actually implying gamers don't blindly hate women? lmao yoo
Played it on my 1070ti with 50-60 fps on ultra. Nice game, I will buy physical copy on PS4 to support devs and later on Steam with all expansions.
Dr. Darling was great as well as old Director. You clearly can see which character Sam Lake wrote.