A forum full of retarded boomers who keep creaming themselves over crap like fallout and arcanum for two decades now...

a forum full of retarded boomers who keep creaming themselves over crap like fallout and arcanum for two decades now with every thread reading like nu-/pol/

Attached: shitdex.png (400x400, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you talking about this place?

What about it user? At least they talk about fucking games you retard.
Might as well have started your thread with a fucking twitter screen cap with how fucking trash Yea Forums is.

Attached: 1492624350930.gif (268x265, 83K)

your ass is grass, old man
your retard website voted the witcher 3 to be the best rpg ever even though every single user claims its so bad and not fun at all

>your ass is grass, old man
What an old man phrase, way to try and pretend you're not in your 40s yourself.

proves nothing

No gramps they were not. Are you thinking /vr/?
Do you know where you are?
Do you need assistance?
Is there someone I can call to come get you?

Well maybe they should make more games as good Arcanum then, faggot.

Attached: arcanum property.jpg (1024x768, 210K)

Is that a mobile game?

this thread is banal


and boring