A forum full of retarded boomers who keep creaming themselves over crap like fallout and arcanum for two decades now...

a forum full of retarded boomers who keep creaming themselves over crap like fallout and arcanum for two decades now with every thread reading like nu-/pol/

Attached: shitdex.png (400x400, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you talking about this place?

What about it user? At least they talk about fucking games you retard.
Might as well have started your thread with a fucking twitter screen cap with how fucking trash Yea Forums is.

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your ass is grass, old man
your retard website voted the witcher 3 to be the best rpg ever even though every single user claims its so bad and not fun at all

>your ass is grass, old man
What an old man phrase, way to try and pretend you're not in your 40s yourself.

proves nothing

No gramps they were not. Are you thinking /vr/?
Do you know where you are?
Do you need assistance?
Is there someone I can call to come get you?

Well maybe they should make more games as good Arcanum then, faggot.

Attached: arcanum property.jpg (1024x768, 210K)

Is that a mobile game?

this thread is banal


and boring

It's because RPGs are in a sad fucking affair and there's little out there to sink your teeth into.

When you've seen the best, sad derivative cash-ins and hollow modern translations that seek to be as unchallenging as possible on a gameplay, story or moral level, they just won't do.
And Fallout/Arcanum aren't even the best. There's a lot of room for improvement.

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How far rpgcodex has fallen

Their top 101 is hilarious.

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so basically they're like Yea Forums without weebs? i'm sold

is torment even an rpg? I mean it's on the same engine as baldur's gate, but it plays like that adventure game sanitarium...

rent free

>literally all patrician game except for Oblovion

Ah yes, Yea Forumseddit is truly the Pinnacle of video game discussion, great thread my mentally challenged friend.

old men pretending they like old games because it was the only shit got released back in the day

they have an extensive jrpg section with massive spillover everywhere

the Yea Forumsirgin vs RPG Chaddex

>Sengoku Rance
How can one forum be so based?

What's nu-/pol/?

Sounds awesome, I'll check it out, thanks for the recommendation user.

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i wish. the dex is full of weebs and casuals who think new vegas is good now

their main admin is a jew from israel who enforces obsidian cultism

What is wrong with that list, it is mostly composed with RPGs

Do you have an AAA substitute of geneforge ?

Attached: 1542319294451.jpg (1000x1000, 447K)

Vogel I swear to God you're such a sad sack of shit

And you come here to cry about it so there can be even less videogame related threads? Go say it to their face, retard. Or will you have a mental breakdown if they answer to you?

>101 top RPGs
>includes non-RPGs because they run out of games
>includes eurojank shit that not even eurojank fans liked
Adding Rance is a pretty nice touch, I admit.

TTLG forums are another example.

>dragon age

Attached: 86948950154882433155.jpg (198x198, 10K)

>Sengoku Rance
>Sora no Kiseki
>Mountain Blade
>Dragon's Dogma
Holy shit, I'd expect crusty CRPG boomers to disregard anything that isn't a conventional CRPG but these guys have a fucking great taste in RPGs.

>who enforces obsidian cultism
But they have been incessantly shitting on Obsidian since Tyranny and it escalated with Pillars of Diversity Gayfire.

What is the problem with geneforge ? or Vogel ?

Attached: Jeff-Vogel.jpg (630x381, 44K)

not on their main page they were not
the jew lets the opinionated people say whatever shit they want as long as he gets to moderate it

Was Grimoire any good?

Unironically its not a bad game. It's UI is funky as fuck but as a "blober" it would have done decent on the market back in the mid 90s imo.

RPG Codex is a gem. I don't go there, but I appreciate it's one of the only places left on the internet where you can call somebody a hiv-positive tranny faggot and not get banned.

unpolished but good enough if you’re really into wizardry which i think 10 people are

>being edgy is good

>I appreciate it's one of the only places left on the internet where you can call somebody a hiv-positive tranny faggot and not get banned.
Fucking this. They're very web 1.0 over there.

Depends on how much neanderthal DNA you have. 'Sapes won't appreciate it.

name one mobile game like this
its disgusting that mobiles still have 0 decent rpgs

Aren’t they a bunch of autists, left of resetera

Why are you talking about Yea Forums?

If you like Wiz7, unironically yes.

Having the freedom to be edgy or even just to make an edgy joke is good. If your feelings are hurt, there are plenty of other places to go.

>Dark Souls 2 better than anything
Well, other than that and a few odd stuff (Isn't Heroine Quest an adventure game?) and the usual obligatory titles the list is alright. I don't get their criteria for what is/isn't an RPG, though.

Attached: fred.jpg (500x333, 15K)

lol no.
They're a bunch of 30-60 year old dudes that like CRPGs and are EXTREMELY autistic about it
Want to talk about Ultima III and call someone a fag without being banned, its the place.

the police is more than justified in tracking people who claim such stupid shit and slapping some community work on them to root out this retarded sentiment

That's because *nobody* buys mobile games. Nobody is going to make a game for mobile when there isn't an audience willing to support that work.

Nice bait, but maybe facebook or twitter is more your speed if you're serious.

there's absolutely no way for you to wipe out all the retarded shit you said about other people throughout the years user, do you feel the weight of your sins now?

>simple name-calling is edgy now

That place sounds awesome, I’m happy there are forums for older gamers sincerely.

RPGCodex List of 101 Greatest RPGs of All Time

its funny because they are completely bias between WRPG and JRPG, then upvote absolute objectively shit jank like Elex.

>Dark Souls
>Mount and Blade
I thought these guys were supposed to be autistic about what is and isn't an RPG.
Surprised there isn't a bunch of Legend of Zelda and Ys games on there, if they're already in "fuck it" territory.

Looks fine besides all the mediocre nipshit like Trails and Nier2

I find a lot of zoomers genuinely have a hard time melding in with places like RPGCodex since unfortunately a lot of forums like it have been wiped out by this point so they just missed out and often just don't understand the culture of old web 1.0 It's type of community is a rarity anymore especially with it's larger size.


No? I don't talk about other people very often. I make edgy jokes at times, but I try not to make anybody feel bad because I don't like projecting negative energy into the world.

wizardry 8 is ranked higher than grimoire

Clive absolutely cucked

since 2014 gamergate refugee invasion codex is filled with retarded alt-right ZOOMERFS who spend all day complaining about what another retarded gamejourno said in the current year never having played any of the prestigious crpgs rpgcodex is supposed to be about (not the shit ones from top 101 list).

I think it's the PC bias.

>That time the guy who had been making a vaporware game and thought he was a caveman talked about how a cancelled wizardry game had cockmonsters, anusmonsters, and the devs were gay pedophiles
>Everyone thought he was full of shit
>He gets proven right

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Thats a shame to read. That was around the time that I stopped browsing the site regularly (mostly just post on Vogons anymore since I ended up coding a bunch as a hobby)

>mount and blade
>DS 2
>anything made by Piranha Bytes
tf is going here? Most of them even aren't proper RPGs while other are just trash.

codex is still a place where you can discuss more prestigious crpgs seriously (ask for advice on wizardry 2 walkthrough or baka), it's just become filled with people who are totally indifferent to that kind of stuff, which is worse than people who are engaged, but have retarded/popamole opinions on crpgs. I am not sure if there are any forums left alive where you can hope discuss that kind of stuff though and get more than 2-3 answers.