You know the drill.
Games by age
template here
2000 was 19 years ago.
So technically speaking someone could be born exactly in 2000 and would now be of legal age to post here.
Doesn't matter. Gatekeeping is good and this shitty website could use some of it again. Anti-redditor action now.
>didn't even post his DOB
insecure underage detected, shit thread
1989, thanks for the bump.
Sure thing, newfag.
>he doesn't know what sage is
Did you read that on r/Yea Forums?
Quite a stark difference desu
I can't separate HM1 and 2 from each other as to me they're one full package, so I'll break the rules a bit.
Boomer reporting in
Nice thread grandpa
>First game
>Childhood defining game
I guess Pokemon Sapphire
>Adolescence Defining Game
Half Life
>Current Favourite Game
Megaman/The Stanley Parable if you consider walking simulator games.
I would genuinely rather have on top zoomers then someone who sounds as mentally unstable over zoomers as you are. Did a zoomer steal your wife?
Come back in a decade
Hot Pursuit and Nocturne are alright. Reminder that if having a few years over someone is that important to you, you probably don't have anything else going for you.
Excellent taste
Standard, but solid. Are the Digimon games really worth getting into?
Air Ride is great. We're never getting a new one and that sucks.
>being 30-something on Yea Forums
i can't remember my first game or the games from my childhood,is it normal?
Just wait
Make way for impeccable taste.
it's not as shitty as you think.
Pretty good lineup here, when you cut out all the crap license-based games I played when I was a kid :/
We need more gatekeepers for retards like you.
I probably should have squeezed RE4 in here somewhere.
isn't it, though?
eh, I don't mind it too much. More freedom, more money, just no time to shitpost anymore. I do it from work now.
What else am I gonna do? Go outside with my "wife" and "kids"? Before you know it you are 30 and still a sperglord.
Impeccable taste. Should I play below the root?
"wife and kids" is a retard's goal in today's economy/political climate user. Majority of western women are/can be selfishly evil. Look at what #metoo is doing to gaming.
I meant the board, not the age, lol.
I was already 10 years old when Baldur's Gate 1 came out so it's not really a childhood defining game but it definitely influenced my taste way more than anything else I played before it so yeah
I can't think of anything I've played recently that I liked enough to call it a current favourite. It's probably just Deus Ex or something
Very late 90's are also zoomers.
If you don't have a memory of 9/11 you are a zoomer.
Oh, lol. /v is probably more political than it ever has been. Which is fucking weird to me.
As someone in their 30s posting this, yes, it is. Every time I look at the catalog I die a little more inside
I know what you mean, I'm naturally a glass half-full kind of person though. At least we know what good gaming was.
>If your birth year starts with yadda yadda yadda
yeah shut up gramps
did you play the BG "remaster"?
Try it, I don't think it hurts to check out retro games (also look at "Law of the West"). It was a comfy game as a kid due to the soundtrack and setting.
Diablo II was just what everyone did 00-04, just as Goldeneye 97-00.
I've played the EE yeah. I prefer the original, but I grew up with it, so that's not surprising. Siege of Dragonspear is genuine shit though.
Nice and varied. Great taste.
>wonderboy in monsterland (master system)
>final fantasy vii
>final fantasy xii
Grade A incel nonsense. Women aren't evil and metoo isn't doing anything to gaming.
I'm glad I'm hearing that I'm not the only one who felt that way.
this website is ours now and we're kicking you out
>Max Payne
You're alright, zoomie.
You obviously haven't ever been married, lol
>either arkanoid or alley cat, don't remember
>Max Payne 2
>no favourite game
Very late 1999.
>First game ever played
Super Mario 64
>First game ever personally owned
Mario Kart DS
>Childhood defining game
New Super Mario Bros./Mario Kart DS
>Adolesence defining game
Mario Kart 8/Splatoon
>5 Current Favorite game in no particular order
Super Mario 64
Sonic Mania
Mario Kart DS
Super Smash Bros.Ultimate
There's a whole lot that isn't listed because there's so many games I like but some of my favorites have come out within the last 3 years so while I do have nostalgia for N64/DS I also see the value in older and newer games. Really it all depends on what game we're talking about as while there's a lot of shit in the industry at the moment (particularly in the western AAA sphere) there are a lot of gems that hardcore boomers tend to overlook. There are also games many zoomers tend to scoff at without giving it a second chance and miss out on something truly great. The only thing that defines my taste are that I just like good and fun games no matter how old they are as I've experienced both types of eras thanks to things like the Wii VC and me owning an N64 during the 7th gen.
Too lazy to open paint.
>Close Combat 2: Bridge Too Far
>Age of Mythology and Rome Total War
>pic related
>First game
Cant remember, probably crash Bandicoot
>Childhood game
Digimon World ps1
>Adolescent game
Digimon World ps1
>Current favourite game
Digimon World ps1
But my depression started with Yea Forums
My family was poor so I never got any new games
>born in a year that starts with 2
>don't have any social media, never used reddit
Fuck off, Boomie.
Also, worth to mention gaems: NFS: Porsche Unleashed, Dead Space 2, ME1, Killing Floor, Metroid: Zero Mission.
NFS: High Stakes*
Seriously fuck off zoomers. You zoomers are cringe and know nothing of the world yet think you know everything just because you own a smart phone. Fuck off
OMEGALUL wtf are these graphics?? laaame
I don't have to be a fucking Colonel Sanders to play videogames.
Super Mario World console/Street Fighter 2 on arcade
Yoshi's Island/KOF 97
DMC3/Metal Slug X
Bayonetta and Smash. I like every platinum and Suda game I have played
inb4 Bing Bing
if I seem too young for the fist two categories it's because consumer technology was still catching up after the disaster that was socialism
True, but they were good. Goldeneye multiplayer was something else.
I always find it hard to just pick one game for these kinds of things. I could double the count on here but that'd just be shit.
Top taste overall, especially Dragon's Dogma & Viewtiful Joe.
Pardon my youth, but is that Double Dragon port for the ZX Spectrum? I associate any sprites with that shade of yellow with that system because I've never actually used one, just seen images of games on it.
Got Jedi Academy in the Steam Sale for a few bucks, definitely interested in playing with the combat, heard and seen very good things. I've never given a fuck about Star Wars other than the Clone Wars cartoon and the PS2 Battlefronts.
>Those games
Are you in a country that got games late or something? I could see liking older games now that you're (barely) an adult, but how was SMB your first game? Your Childhood Defining Game came out when you were still shitting your diapers.
>Tekken & DMC
How? Also you reminded me of when I used the Konami Code in Revengeance and it worked. Good times.
My condolences.
>Third Strike
Oldest one here
this, but with system shock 1&2
based and redpilled
SMB I played because I had one of those plug & play consoles
Quake and Max Payne I played on my own volition when I could've played anything else on my PS3
Tell you what: living in unrecognised country suck ass.
Well, back in 2006 my birthday present was a NES. And then, in 2008 my mom bought a computer, but I still were playing shitty chinese NES games till 2009. Then my uncle gifted me a disk with half-life and cs 1.6., but I had to download addons from inet.
Super Mario Bros.
Perfect Dark
SMT4, or pretty much the franchise itself. I still gotta play Nocturne and the Raidou games though.
I have nothing with it, but basically you just revealed to everyone here that u not allowed to post here.
>Date of Birth
>First Game
Double Dragon II on NES
>Childhood Defining Game
Yoshi's Island
>Adolescence Defining Game
>Current Favorite Game
Probably Puyo Puyo Tetris. It might've been Mario Maker 2 if my Switch still worked though.
Took me way too long using paint
Zoomer rising up
based zoomer-bro
rise up!
unusually good taste for a 98fag
Based decembro
You know using sage allows for samefags to keep bumping the thread after your sage, right?
>Pass user
Get fucked
So many OG console babbies over here I swear.
>Date of Birth
>First game
nfi, i think it might have been lemmings?
>Childhood defining game
Toontown, Sonic Adventure 2, Monster Rancher Advance 1&2
>Adolesence Defining Game
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Dota 2, FFXI
>Current Favorite Game
FFXI, Quake Live, Monster Hunter GU, whatever my friends ask me to play
>birth year
>first game
Pokémon red
>childhood defining game
Tough one. Probably paper Mario the thousand year door
>adolescent defining game
Modern warfare 2
>current favorite game
thanks mate
>people born before 1993 post here
senior center is the other way
You're a cunt that can fuck off. Late 20s/early 30s posters can be some of the coolest if they're not bitter assholes. I always like seeing perspectives on games from before my time.
t. 1996 birth.
sit on it, potsie
>t. 1983
I like you, user
Based and MUGENpilled
Fine enough
beep beep basic bitch coming through.
oh fuck not the flashbacks oh god oh no
Living in a mid-00s bubble forever.
list or you're a faggot
You must be 18 to post here.
already did
I assume he means old-ass man.
I know, my taste is great.
post height and jaw
I find it funny that everyone's first and childhood defining games just happen to be widely loved titles. I don't think everyone here is being 100% honest
>I find it funny that everyone's first and childhood defining games just happen to be widely loved titles
>widely loved
gee I wonder
It was until you became a teenager
Super Mario 64 in all spaces
chad coming thru
5’ 11”
Okay, now it’s your turn user
I'm Irish so i always imagined I was slightly behind in terms of when I got games. Is this true?
Colonel Sanders is old. and dead That's what I meant.
Posting files is forever banned from my IP range so I will just have to reply in text.
>Date of Birth
The hot summer of 1985
>First game
X-Wing w/ Imperial Pursuit add-on
>Childhood Defining Game
Command & Conquer
>Adolescence Defining Game
FFVII, Grandia, Deus Ex
>Current Favourite Game
erase yourself
I love video games
fuck yeah i'd have played ps1 with you as a kid
>Pokémon Red
>House of the Dead 2
>007 Nightfire
You're arguing semantics, what I am saying is that some people here are probably cherry picking some of their options in order to appear more versed
Much, much simpler times
I was born October 9th, 2000
Stop harrassing me
It's not arguing semantics. It's simple common sense that "widely loved" games would appear on many people's lists, otherwise they wouldn't be widely loved, would they?
Do people really play those great games the first time the play a videogame? The first games I played where just shitty games that my mother bought, usually licensed stuff. Aladdin, Bugs Bunny, something she would know about. She didn't know which games were good.
These are more reasonable to me.
t. nintentard
Obviously not going to be the case for every post, but it's worth remembering that most people's first game will be the game they got with their first console or whatever. Game shops will sell systems in bundles and those bundles are always going to include the big, famous games. Someone's first game being Sonic 2 doesn't make me raise an eyebrow at all
》Ghosts and Goblins
》Ratchet and Clank 3
》Dark Souls 2
How did I do?
I think that most people are just putting their first "good" game and not actually the literal first game they played. For me, it would be some licensed Gameboy or PS1 shovelware I genuinely can't remember.
I agree, it just seems strange that everyone here is a patrician even at like 5 years old
This, I got Super Mario Bros with my NES at age 6.
>top zoomers
Shit taste I know
pokemon yellow
pokemon silver
halo (the first three, but if I have to pick only one I'd go with 3)
deux ex if you mean all time favorite, yakuza 0 if you mean recently played favorite
fuck boomers
Damn, he actually did it
OP is a faggot
My tastes are all over the place.
Only the 2000s zoomers that play and worship Minecraft, the highest form of degeneracy in the world, should leave this site or better yet, be killed off for population control.
>all these faggots who can't follow the simplest of directions
"Game" is singular.
>Doom 2 or a caveman game with the Snes emulator
>Tekken 7
Sometimes lives aren't so simple to have just one game that defined your life.
>so many 2000s zoomers
>no one is calling them out
I guess the only people still on Yea Forums have either given up on this website or are just newfags and ledditors themselves.
>have either given up on this website
If you love something, let it go, user
>micro machines
>age of mythology
>crippling depression that kills all of my motivation to do things for 30 days of the month
Donkey Kong on Atari isn't that great but yeah that was one of the slightly less shitty 2600 games I had back then.
I was underageb& for years and always thought it'd be great to finally be one of the grownups that were always telling me to fuck off
Now that I'm 20 it's really not that great. Young people are irritating and I don't have the energy to try and stop them. That's really it
27 here. I don't really care, people younger than me coming onto this site is inevitable as time goes on and we all get older.
I know that feel user
The last one, not of liking runescape
I went back and played Theme Hospital and that helped. Maybe you could try Theme Hospital?
>Being on Yea Forums
It's gone, user.
I think it's mostly a matter of memorability if you started out early enough. Plenty of people might have a handful of games in their head that could've been the first one, but they just pick the one that feels right.
Yeah I really need to let it go. Since 2014 I've denied it as hard as I could but this website really is reddit after dark now. Might as well go back to other imageboards for good.
Finally someone older than me.
Hell yeah
What the fuck are you doing here old man. Go play a genuine great game like AVP arcade some more instead of wasting your life on this hellsite
I like music games and fast action games, I'm lazy but I also consider "Ninja Gaiden Black" to be in "Current favorite game" too.
>Battle City
Mein negger. I loved to play this game with my mom.
Just passing by
This place used to be cool, now is a shithole
>Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
>great game
Also my dad played vidya before he even married my mom so I had his NES & Genesis before I even got a console of my own; I played SMB2&3 as well as Sonic 2 and Boogerman. I went with CVII first because Simon looked rad on the cartridge.
First game I played on a system bought for me was probably Digimon Rumble Arena for PS1, or maybe Pokemon Sapphire (I legit forget if the PS1 was my dad's too).
Is there any specific reason it's RB2 instead of 1 or 3
Mainly because it was on the apex of the genre, and it also supported a shitload of dlc and expansion packs, so I made it my music game platform, GH was a chore to get extra songs and they pumped out games every single year. I also started playing these plastic instrument games when RB2 arrived, so I didn't get RB1, and by the time RB3 arrived, I left the hobby a while.
Fair enough. I started with GH1 but I would put RB3 as one of my favourite games of all time. 2 has an absolutely killer setlist though.
I'm all over the place. I wish I got into Doom as a kid though, good shit.
>born in 2001
>been an /x/fag since I was 8 (Says a lot about the board honestly)
I can't exactly go back to a youtube channel I don't remember the name of and my brother's room to watch Code Geass and Familiar of Zero. I'm kind of stuck here.
Spyro 2
>Childhood Defining
Super Dragon Ball Z and Silent Hill 1
>Adolescence Defining
Resident Evil trilogy and Silent Hill 2
>Current Favourite
Silent Hill 3
nah, it's alright m8
fuck boomers
Born 2001 stay mad old geezer
I'm not home so I'll just list them out
>Chrono Trigger
>Either TWEWY or TW101
>My name is John
>Sonic 2
>Crash 2
>Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4/Tenkaichi 3/Jump Ultimate Stars
>Dragon Ball Fusions/Smash Ultimate
Stop making your sister cry and pass her the controller
But I don't have a sister, only older broth... Oh wait.
I´m sorry you have to found you original gender this way
>playing videogames over the age of 13
Faggots i was already fucking girls at that age while you were jerking off to club penguin porn
Or you could fuck off and kys, you fat negroid gramps
Too lazy to edit a picture
>Date of birth
>First game
I don't really remember, it's either the first Super Mario or Tetris on a knock-off NES with a bunch of games preloaded into it.
>Childhood defining game
Either Suikoden 2 or Digimon World 1
>Adolescence defining game
Either World of Warcraft (Burning Crusade was my first one, but I played WotLK the longest during that period) or Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
>Current favorite game
Monster Hunter World (soon to be Iceborne)
Mid 90 fagg here
>Zoomers are now posting childhood nostalgia for the late 00s-early 10s, apparently blissfully unaware their childhood was considered the downfall into shit by ranters at the time.
So what, were the ranters wrong?
It's okay, daddy!
I'm ready to be a woman
Judge me lads.
You're still spamming this? You are mentally ill
dont hurt me bros
Nightmare in dream land is a 10/10
>people that enjoyed things when they were young are now nostalgic for it when they're older
wow, what a crazy prediction
It really is great.
Jesus christ. gramps.
I am probably a basic bitch but i just love these games, the last one is pretty fucking good without taking the micro-transactions into account.
NFS underground is fucking cool but most wanted was better IMO.
twinsanity was awesome, too bad it ahd a bunch of content cut off but i always lvoed the soundtrack
good taste
arent we suppose to choose one game for each?
jesus christ
Why Destiny 2? I mean sure the art direction is solid but why is it your favorite game user?
can someone please rate everyone itt
Is this okay that I watched only TMNT 2003 (till season 4), Samurai Jack, MiB, Angry Beavers and Extreme Ghostbusters? Because I literally don't know what iCarly is, because never had access to Nickelodeon and Disney, DVDs only.
wrong person dumbass
>Guild Wars 1
We are of the same people, you anons and I
It was one of Dan Schneider's many excuses to look at kid feet. You missed out on nothing of value
why do they always do this
they think they've come up with something very clever to say, which isnt even that clever in the first place, and then just spam it? you're devaluing something that didnt have much value in the first place
I love going fast.
At work but
First: Mickey's Speedway USA (N64)
Childhood: Pokemon Emerald (GBA)
Adolescence: Team Fortress 2 (Steam)
Current: Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)
>inb4 boomers get upset
Art direction, setting, gunplay and group content is excellent. Technically i should have posted both D1 and D2, but Forsaken became pretty much the pinnacle of the series. It's pretty much a game with the old Guild Wars mentality, leveling takes only a small amount of your time, Sandbox kept fun and varied by new tools introduced throught the seasons etc etc...
The game mostly gets bad rap due to how it's handled, but there's currently no other game like it on the market (and no, people classifying it as solely a "looter shooter" are a bit mistaken) and Guild Wars 2 is a travesty.
I like your honesty user. Still not a fan of these kinds of game I must say. Though I got the art books for a fantastic price and they're just wonderful.
Glad to hear. Also, fuck "As Told By Ginger", it was really bad.
ok, buddy, keep up the catching-up. You're at the mid 00s now. Follow it up with Gears of War and Final Fantasy 13 (only for a couple of hours, just get to Grand Pulse and quit, it's required to understand the position of FF as a franchise today)
epic, thanks
Good shit, but how can you enjoy Minecraft in its current state?
>Secret rings
>Battlefront PSP games
I'm sorry.
shit, what did you like about sonic & the secret rings? i guess it's true that sonic appeals mostly to kids (now, in the 90s and forever)
It's extremely easy to play any past release version you want
It's natively supported in the launcher
What went so horribly wrong?
Excuse the terrible shape of the pictures. Rate me friends
>Captain Claw
>Rayman 2
>MGS 2
> Bloodborne
>PSP Battlefront game
>The bad Sonic Storybook game (good music though)
>A port of a Wii game that is the only exclusive of a 3DS revision
Very unfortunate list there, until DMC3 kind of saves it at least.
Dad, do you want to play some AvP or Battle City with me? I'm picking Linn, no discuss!
Shit, guess I'm not the only one. Pretty based,
I don't really like Borderlands (or most games emulating it solely) either, thus i tend to make it a divide pretty similar as to how WoW and Guild Wars were back in the day. The other is played by everyone and their grandma, the other was enjoyed by a niche group of dedicated players.
It's a similar case now. I'm plenty sure when i'm rolling around in a rocking chair, i'll have way fonder memories of Destiny as a whole, then any of the Borderlands games (which i did play plenty, but didn't really enjoy)
Close the thread, we have a winner
Not bad.
Very bizarre first game user.
You won
I'm glad you got to go home again user
Fucking retrofags
Borderlands is pretty much the fucking worst when it comes to that little genre. Overplayed humor plus mediocre missions makes it pretty subpar.
c... cain??
A simple man, in a complicated world. But tonight -- for one heart-stopping moment -- quite possibly... a hero.
>Super Mario Bros
>Pokémon Red
>Conker’s BFD N64
>WarioWare Touched
Thank you friend
Wrath of Cortex is underrated. Surprised no one gives a shit about it
It was one of the few games I had, and as the filename says, I lost it a long time ago. The music is great, though.
I did genuinely enjoy Xenoblade, and it looked amazing for a 3DS game in full 3D.
One game cannot define me, for I am a Gamer™
I never got around to playing it back in the day, I played Twinsainity though which I loved when I was younger.
Not bad user.
I still believe Bloodborne with Old Hunters is among my top games of all time. If i had to put it in a Top 5, it'd be there pretty easily. Also, far as DLC / Expansion content goes, it was absolutely the best From has delivered so far.
>Sega the hedgehog
>Bandicoot WARPED
>Master chief
>Todd Howard
I was born in 289
Don't feel like editing
>Date of Birth
>First Game
First one I remember is Super Mario 64
>Childhood Defining Game
Also Super Mario 64
>Adolescence Defining Game
>Current Favorite Game
Honestly probably still Earthbound. I fucking love that game.
I don't really remember my first game, it could've been Age of Empires, Duke 3D, or even Descent 2.
That's really nice all over. I somehow never played AoE II even though basically everyone I know has.
This really went downhill.
>Wrath of Cortex
What a bitter way to start.
Solid. Played over Automata recently and loved it.
You discovered your attraction to men
what am i supposed to put in childhood/adolesence defining game?
i genuinely don't know
>Super Mario Bros
>Halo CE
>Dark Souls
The game you remember giving you the most joy as a kid. Especially if you were obsessed with it for any amount of time and did shit like bring the strategy guide to school
can't tell if lived a meme life or lucked out pretty well, either way Capcom has had my back all this time
I could always switch Witcher 3 with FFXIV or Adolesence defining game to any STALKER.
Men of culture I see.
>lazy, no images
>lack of sense of self
Kill yourself
I feel basic desu
>5' 11"
A "2000's kid" is someone who grew up in the 2000s. You'd be a 2010s kid since the majority of your maturing took place in that decade, not the one you were born in.
From flash-games through the consoles to PC.
>TimeSplitters 2
I hope you know about TimeSplitters Rewind
Not him but what's wrong with DPP?
>other man cave wife
There's so many ways we can interpret this
This was fun. I had fun today.
Last game is the sequel to Eastern Mind, I also really like Eastern Mind and LSD:dream emulator.
A lot harder than I thought it'd be, been a while since I thought about this.
Also 86 and enjoyed Mercs on the Genesis. I liked getting that upgrade where the shots became split into three.
Not him but the chaining is way too strict to be enjoyable and the bullet patterns are shit
Tonka Construction was my first PC game
Didn't consider multiplayer stuff last thread so edited it to be more accurate.
oh hey another huntfag
sup bro
>First game
Kings Quest I (~1986ish)
>Childhood Defining
Doom and Ultima 7
>Adolescence Defining
Fallout 1/2, Deus Ex, Planescape, BG2
>Boomer Defining
Dark Souls / Bloodborne
>lmao I'm barely over 20
you're not 20 at all.
patrician taste
You think 2000s kids are bad?
Wait until the 10s generation that grew up on fremium mobile garbage starts lurking here.
We'll either give them their own Yea Forums or watch this place get worse than it has ever been
There is nothing worse than boomers
Bought all the DLC for New Vegas recently and playing them for the first time. Honest Hearts was fucking great.
Playing doom as a young child was honestly real fuckin cool
That I can remember, Super Mario 64
Ocarina of Time
Metal Gear Solid 3
Final Fantasy IX
Harvest Moon 2?
Actually, I'm pretty sure I should've added Armored Core 3 + SL to "Adolesence". When I wasn't playng HC or LARPing mlg pro gamer in MW1 promod I was playing a shitton on PS2 but I remember armored cores were pretty fucking great.
Nice, AC got absolutely excellent with 3-LR
Getting a Dreamcast completely revitalized my interest in videogames.
Another boomer here. I'm glad I got to experience the classic PC strategy titles during their prime.
Every decade feels like it was another life.
>Super Castlevania IV
I still replay Silent Line emulated time to time to have fun in arena and fuck around with stupid builds. I own Verdict Day but never played more than 5 missions, it felt way off compared to SL
>tfw 19 year old coomer
shit meme word.
make me leave
People born in the year 2000 are 19 now you fucking boomer
Cope, kys
based goat computer
Find someone with shittier taste I FUCKING DARE YOU
>t. coping zoomer
If you don't remember the Cold War you're a zoomer.
This guy
>literally got a pass first year they were released
>for some reason my year changed
maximum gay
The first game I played was definitely either LADX on a friend's game boy pocket, or SM64 on a friend's n64. I don't think I got to play either for more than an hour. I was retard-tier at the time and accomplished nothing in that short time.
For example, my actual first game that I owned and played through was pokemon yellow. Every move pikachu has early-game has no effect on Brock's pokemon. You're supposed to catch a caterpie/weedle at level 6 and level up/evolve it into butterfree/weedle at level 10. There are big hints about doing this all around.
Instead, I just spent days grinding my pikachu up to level 20 where it learns slam, a normal-type move. Naturally, after that, my over-leveled-for-the-area pikachu one-shotted everything until the third gym.
>Instead, I just spent days grinding my pikachu up to level 20 where it learns slam, a normal-type move. Naturally, after that, my over-leveled-for-the-area pikachu one-shotted everything until the third gym.
yeah that's fucking normal nigga you're not that dumb
>If you don't remember the Cold War you're a zoomer.
So 90% of Yea Forums judging this thread.
Contra would be my arcade cabinet, and fighting games in general i've enjoyed my whole life so i didn't list them
>He doesn't remember the K-T extinction event
Fucking zoomers
>Cold War
If you don't remember the oncoming ice age you're a zoomer.
el hijo de film roberto...
If you dont remember a time before the world got fucked by climate change,
Well i mean we're all dead so who would
im not afraid to admit i have autistic choices for my games
Yeah, there are more than on. Can't define in just one, many were important to me as I grew up. Around adolesence there are many more, but those sprung to mind.
Still, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Final Fantasy IV, Pokémon Heart Gold, Dragon Quest IX, Warcraft III, The King of Fighters 2002, all Megaman Zero series, are important to me. Hell, I think I could squish Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey around my 17's... Or it was Devil Survivor?
Love all those games.
i have no idea what im doing so here it is anyway
Nah man, the Ice Age that they said was coming back in the 70s.
56 weeks into stygian with 2 deaths rn
step aside for the patrician choices
Man, the Oil Industry really fucked up the entire world with misinfo didnt it
>birth year
>first game
mickey mania
>childhood game(s)
sonic 2, sonic adventure, pokemon emerald, primal rage, crash bandicoot
>adolescence game(s)
silent hill 1 - 4, mother trilogy, okami, virtue's last reward
>current favourite game
mother 3
couldn't pick just one for the defining games since all of those equally had a pretty big impact looking back
>oil industry
They literally have nothing to do with it. An Ice Age being on the horizon was the common opinion of climate experts for nearly 40 years, basically until the mid-80s.
Surprisingly low amount of weebshit and bingbingwahoo compared to 3x3 threads. Maybe this board has some hope after all.
Based zoomer.
Based first person melee chad.
Kinda based but also kinda cringe
Mario kart ds was also childhood defining for me but it wouldn't fit
I've never played dark souls 1
>first game: halo
don't you have fingerpainting class to attend young'n
What's this here racket, kids?
dude you fucking smell
the fuck does this one mean?
Why comfy, user?
Probably the most basic bitch in the thread.
>Kinda based but also kinda cringe
>first game halo
>multiple games in any category
>dark souls 3
>weeb game
it's cringe bruh
Ghost n goblins
Smash melee/wow to tbc/pso
>VNs are cringe
Meh, at least I'm not a smashfag
Smash dude here.
If you cant press buttons in a game then your not playing a fucking game your watching a fucking movie.
I also feel the neo smashes are less hardcore than VNS cuz those bitches have to wait for button presses to mean anything in the game
truth truth but still cringe
You don't understand what childhood/adolescence means?
BG1 came out in december 98, which means you played it in 99 at best. You were 11, that's borderline 12 when you can start fucking femoids. Childhood is around age 5-8. Adolescence is 12-16.
Post new one, ADND faggot.
>Reddit spacing
>Refuses to play a real fighting game
Did you start doing drugs or something?
You had good taste - Startcraft, HOMM3 are GOTY. And then you went shit eater extraordinaire with fallout 4.
Get off coke, dude. It's ruining your brain.
32/Big Bird's hide and speak(nes)/ Time bandits (atari520st)/ Castlevania Circle of the Moon(gba)/ Fire Emblem Heroes
Melee is an extension of the fighting genre
It's a sandbox and platform fighting game where I can do things that I cant do in any other games.
If they made the game with random characters WITHOUT BRAWL MECHANICS i would play but nothing exists and
Recently got into fighters, been really liking the genre so far
Diamond still probably my favorite pokemon gen
>Metoo isn't doing anything to gaming
Except killing a game dev.
Brood War, even if I was always shit
Guilty Gear Xrd
there are legitimate boomers that frequent this site
Super Mario World
Tekken 3/Pokemon Blue
Jet Set Radio Future/Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2
>Reddit spacing
>Thinks smash is a fighting game
Says it all
Based, play GG Xrd too
Original doom?
Or doom 2016
Give short answer doesn't argue his point. Well thanks yous for da deep and meaningful convo.
Just proves my point
That's cool enjoy...... I support you playing that
Play unity daggerfall after it if you get bored of fps
the new fire emblem is that good?
Fuck off back to plebbit and raping little girls smashsmell
Thanks mate. It's better than the 2016 one (in my opinion).
I'll have to look up Unity Daggerfall, I've never heard of it
I think so, I mostly just listed the games in 'Current Favourite Games' as my favourite games that i'm playing at the moment
I'm not going to make an image.
>Chex Quest
>Medal of Honor: Frontline
>Halo 3
>Dark Souls 1
>were children in 2010s
>most of their "childhood defining games" are from the 90s and early 00s
Tell me about zoomers, why do they lie? You can't all be from poor families who couldn't afford a new console. So what were you niggers doing playing Age of Empires 2, Doom and Majoras Mask in 2010s?
Sure why not!
I'm very indecisive and took a while to make but here!
Here's your (You)
That was a question sweetie. How are all of you playing 20 year old games when you're like 12? When I was 12 I was playing the hottest new game around. Who the fuck do you think buys them
not him, but that chart is not even remotely correct besides deoderant
t. smashfag
Smashsmells literally use a different vocabulary for some reason and then wonder why they're shunned, when they're not raping children and shitting themselves
Bruh, I played Wild World and Urbz when they first came out (2004 and 2006)
I like playing a game where a character is a pinball flipper that gets faster and faster. That's more than a game than a game where you can get cornered and just hit someone to death.
You need to jump over get away and do so many things from melee players.
The traditional fighter is so limited with what you can do with it it's almost like when I see a person play any fighting games it's like I already knew how to play it.
I played mvc2 and I learned that I could beat the majority of players without much thought.
Where melee people play different all the time.
This is another reason why melee is played till this day where mvc was shilled to 3 and then to the new one and dropped.
In my opinion modern fighting games reek of shit and same thing with Nintendo games. That's the shit your smelling.
And idk what your talking about with that shit. I just play melee and have fun fuck all god damn little vocabs.
Your ass is paying attention to it me. I just play the game cuz it's fun against the worst player and pretend I am him let him win and play against the best.
If you dont like that you dont like games
You played Wild World when you were 5? user you couldn't even read at that point who are you kidding.
Here's your last (you), smash will never be a fighting game and is only barely tolerable as a party game
because I like good games? It's like saying ohhh you're only 20 how can you POSSIBLY have watched robocop or star wars when you were a kid?
Think youd love the game if you like doom. it's like doom with weps. I dont really like the new one.
There needs to be a mixture of modern and oldschool that comes out eventually
I was 7... I meant Wild World came out in 2006, and Urbz 2004. And yes, I could read
It was hard to pick just one for each category but it came down to these. Bad Company 2 might seem out of place, but the time I spent playing online FPS with friends was a pretty great and hilarious time. Made a lot of friends and ended up a pretty good shooter player after it was all over.
user you know when childhood starts and ends, right? late 90s zoomers were children in the early 2000s
i love the original smash, didn't play any others except melee at a friends house or something a few times, and got the new one. there's WAY too much shit in it i'm confused and don't much like it. never played "competitively" but you'd have to be one hell of an autist to do so with the amount of shit in the game.
Thanks for the recommendation, man - I'll have a look later on in the day (8am here)
give me one example of where any of that vocab is used
>I like good games
You haven't played enough to know what you like, not when you're a child. What is this retarded argument, you didn't have a taste at 12, you were still pissing yourself
Imagine actually thinking you have some sort of superiority over me because you've spent a few more years being a depressed neet than I have. enjoy your good taste mate
>you know when childhood starts and ends
Seeing how this poll includes "adolescence" as well as "childhood", I presume that childhood means "the period of time before adolescence". Which means it ends when you're about 15, which for zoomies born in late 90s would be in 2010s.
You're not alone.
All of the shit your talking has been outdone by a human in the 90s.
What you say is a bitch move out of a decent convo so better out do this or your opinion is invalid
Oh shit I fucked up the proportions of the image by mistake
>He thinks you need to be able to read to play a game
Of course I do. I played more games than you so of course I know more about games than you. Also are you really saying you had a taste at 12? user are you 12 right now?
how does it feel to still be on Yea Forums pal?
what a sad thing to have a power trip over dude
>You can't all be from poor families who couldn't afford a new console
You're underestimating the poverty line user. Not all parents can afford or want to buy brand new consoles for their kids user.
Sad, yet amusing. I mostly lurk on /vr/, but it's just as bad.
I don't know what happened bros
yes user that means their childhood was in fact during the early 2000s as well
Well at least you're not arguing with me anymore, good. Behave from now on and listen to your parents
boy cant wait to feel this feel
You finished school and got a lot of free time on your hands and like a retard instead of doing something with your life in this critical moment you're wasting them in an mmo. Many such cases
Both of my parents are millionaires so I I'm not worried about my life
what an embarrassment
Lol I dont play videogames
Stop talking back to me and get off the internet.
Well you should be, it's not about the money, it's about not being a useless shit. Stop playing MMOs
I've come full circle on singleplayer over multiplayer
>birth year
>first game
Super mario bros
>childhood defining game
Pokemon Diamond
>teenage defining game
Halo 3
>current favorite game
Hard to choose but it’s either persona 3, TWEWY, or devil survivor
Your a year older than my fucking mom
Three houses is pretty good so far
Pretty decent taste I really need to finish prey
whatever feeds your ego enough to not kill yourself soon buddy
Well you like assfaggots so you must have discovered your latent homolust.
I see I've met a fellow user who keeps replying even when he has nothing to say. If you think I'll back down you don't know me very well.
ok bye
I'll be a useless shit all I want, Enjoying life without worrying about money is amazing since I get to travel all I want and experiment with different hobbies
Wait. I just scrolled through this thread. Am I the oldest person here aside from the 2 guys from '76?
from soul to souless
What does childhood/adolescence defining even mean? I don't remember liking any particular game that much. I just played everything.
I also inherited enough money not to work, user, but not working is not a good plan for life. It just makes you feel like a useless shit after a while. You have to feel good about yourself, have to do something valuable. And traveling gets old when you see all the famous places. As for trying different hobbies, that lasts until you're about 25 or so, then you start to settle down in general.
>late 90s zoomers were children in the early 2000s
Not really. If you were born in like 1998, then you would remember very little consciously about the early 2000s (2000-2003). Your prime childhood (6-11) would be leaning more towards the MID (2004-2006) or LATE (2007-2009) 2000s.
Excellent tastes!
Trust me I know all of that, I'm good for now
In 8 days, people born after 9/11 will be allowed to post here. Many of them probably already are.
Oh fuck I put a game that came out durring my year of birth, 1981
>most posters about 20
>the game that defined their late teens is [old game]
>the game they're playing now is [mainstream modern trash]
What happens to their taste when they hit 20?? Why do they all start playing mainstream modern games after their retro game defined childhoods????
Bullshit. My prime childhood was when I was 3-6.
If you were born in the late 90s, you're an early 2000s kid through and through. At least if you're a boomer born in the late 90s. If not, then you're just a piece of shit.
>My prime childhood was when I was 3-6
I literally don't remember a single day until I was about 5. Are you like 10 or something?
Yeah, I like this stupid squid game way too much.
They start working and buy the latest shit since they now have money
You have early onset Alzheimer's.
You have to be 21 to post here
>I literally don't remember a single day until I was about 5
How do you not remember shit from when you we're under 5?
I get not remembering shut from when you were in diapers but you should already have a minimum of awareness at that age user.
Are you trying to forget something user?
Feels old man.
damn dude, you were born in 1926?
literal geezer gamer.
Youve got a keen eye for soulfull art styles
I have a few memories from when I was 3, mate.
By few I actually mean a few.
And quite a bit more from when I was 4.
Right now I'm 26 so I guess it's good I can remember this far back.
are you retarded? i remember my childhood from since i was around 3 or 4
dumb zoomer
Well my father died what I was 6 so maybe that's the reason, I got trigger so hard I lost the memories
Tempest was the shit
The last part seem to be for you to put your favourite game which I find pretty dumb so I just put a recent game that I like
Sorry to hear that.
Date Of Birth: 2001
First Game: Pokemon Yellow
Childhood Defining Game: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Of The Roses
Adolescene Defining Game: Kingdom Hearts 2
Current Favorite Games: Moon: RPG Remix Adventure, Yume Nikki, & Chulip
Feels zoomer with a boomer soul man
Make me, grandpa :^)
A zoomer with a boomer soul is literally a boomer.
There's no such thing as a zoomer who likes Half-Life 1.
That's not how the meme works. Lurk moar
>telling (2) roughly 25 year olds to come back in a decade
Come on old man. But you're justified in telling it to almost 20 year olds.
Is Starcraft worth getting into if you haven't played the games before?
DKC is such a great game.
Great Pokemon game for chidhood.
Based elderly poster.
Only ever played Pac-Man World 2. Which one is better?
bing bing/10
That is exactly how the meme works! Do you think 30 year olds are fucking baby boomers?
>Is Starcraft worth getting into if you haven't played the games before?
the learning curve is high, but if you like the style of rts then the campaign is fun and challenging
Well I have sank and unholy amount of time into EDF 5 so....
7/10. I played all of the games on your list except for Mother 3.
I'm not sure which Pac-Man World is better, I only ever played the first one.
i'm too lazy to edit in pictures