Play with a German online

>Play with a German online
>":D :-) :) :) :)" and other smileys i cant even comprehend
>Play with a Dutch online
What are the best and worst nationalities online?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>play with dutch girl for 9 years
>turns out he was pretending to be a girl for 9 whole years

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I'll take someone using smileys and being friendly over anglo#2359835209 shouting NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERKYSFAGS for the hundreth time.

Anglos are truly the worst


>tfw i used to katvis people back in WoW for free shit
aint proud of it, but it got me my epic mount

arent germans all about the ^^ or is that old news


Brazilians are the worst, I'm happy the amazon is burning

Best is unironocally based black guys bagging on Cal of Duty kiddies so hard they sperg out and run into the open over and over.

Hey user
You're anagger

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French Canadians. I'm one and I find my countrymen absolutely insufferable online. I somehow feel French people feel the same about other Frenchmen.

KankerhoerenDuitsers opkankeren met jullie kankerlelijke kankermoffen kankerkoppen


i've had a mix bag for the most part.

What does Kanker even mean?

underaged kids are more annoying than ever because they try to be epic twitch streamers too


Nevermind worst is all of south america, especially brazilians.

Cancer, should be obvious

:D is alright
I remember germs used to spam ^^ all the time, way more annoying

she cute



We turned it into a highly multifunctional swear word like anglos did with the word fuck.

Basically this. You either get a hypersperg who spams the mic and has 400 ping, or a completely silent assassin.

>playing games made for kids
>waaah why are kids here

I hate russians with a passion but I have to deal with shitty russian tourists constantly so i'm biased
I usually try to avoid my fellow frenchfags like the plague so they're probably up there as well

Don't forget about XD


Kanker mooi maat

slav(e)s are the worst


I've never met a Persian only who can play the vidya in question to even a sub par degree. They are all an advanced form of shit at every vidya they play

>cs go persians have aim that's somehow worse then people who play with controllers
>dota persians all pick support heroes and build right click damage items or feed all game

It's insane



Parisians or persians?
Those are two different things boy

I'm very tired, persians


To be fair to user the French are fucking shit too.
I'd take an Anglo over a Frenchman any day.


by far and away the worst ive met are southeastern europeans.

i have never seen more pissmad pissants who will stop at nothing to to 'teach' you how to play while still being dogshit. you can tell the entirety of their self worth hinges on the game and they absolutely will torrent you with their butthurt ego and slander shit on anyone they dont think is good ON A DEAD FUCKING SERVER with a community composed of maybe a dozen people. woe be to some random newbie who didnt study the blade with you for a decade and a half, OF COURSE he isnt as good, you autistic retard, you've been sitting here playing, practicing to become the King of Nothing your entire life

after a while no one who speaks english wants to stick around and interact with these fucking niggers. FUCK slavs. FUCK bulgarians.

this boy is bald

French are based as fuck what are you on about?
I’m french so I can tell

brazilian chicks use kkkkk alot

sauce me this bitch

Shut up Frenchie even the Spanish are better than you
T. Spaniard

The french are dogshit at video games, you're 100% right
I'm french so I can tell

I have no experience playing with various nationalities because I don't play online.

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I'm English and my favourites are Finns and Norweigans

people dog on the russians for being cunts but they honestly don't hold a candle to the French, I don't know how they manage it

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I played a Destiny raid with 5 Muslims and I knew I was going to have a good time when their first vetting question was "are you black"?

I miss lost planet. Racism was built into that game's community.

Brits were loud and obnoxious but good
Americans were loud and obnoxious but awful
Everyone hated the French, so they never spoke
Australians had awful connections and hated for it
Japanese always hoarded the mechs, but couldn't fucking pilot them
Koreans always hoarded the mechs, but would carry the team solo
Russians were the most unique, terrible connections. They would only hide with shotguns and play on the map lost technology, or the office map.

G'day, cunts.

go back to sleep

Tacos are the worst everywhere.
Doesn't matter if it's an all English language message board or game, they will just speak Taco and go

I hate them all.

You’re obviously a /pol/tard, a redditor and a tranny

I discard your opinion entirely

french need their own fucking containment servers

What the fuck is it with the French either not saying/typing anything the entire round or being royally pissed off from start to finish

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It's a tie between germs and spics.

Tiananmen Square zergling insects
>Cheat, hack and exploit in every way possible
>500 ping
>Come in swarms, will flood your game like locust
>Illiterate when it comes to human language


>Ctrl+f hue
>0 results
the fuck, Yea Forums?

>How can you tell you're gaming with someone from Denmark?

Don't worry. They'll tell you they're from Denmark.

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>How can you tell you're gaming with someone from Denmark?

they always have dk in their gamertag

Slavs discard countries
North amercans



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Polish players
Pure cancer

Fuck u



>play with a german girl
>she's extremely casually sexual
>i'm a fucking virgin


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>someone flames you with dog/donkey/mule
Then I just smile and almost feel pity rather than frustration.

I never understood why they do that. Because they want to get in contact with others danes?

seethe more faggot

You sound extremely biased and are thinking of 1 single person

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It's fine if he is cute

you played with an actual member of the house of Al-Saud?
if not then properly call them Arabs you fuckface

>play with a dutch girl online
>turns out it's a fucking tranny and not even originally dutch but some eastern european immigrant instead

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Australians, because i cant understand them and theyre always drunk.

I still do this haha^^'
emojis are cringe //:=|

i play a ton of dota with my dutch friends from my time in the netherlands and can honestly say the bants are off the charts, at a nice fun/tryhard ratio

germans are 100% tryhard, no exceptions, you get grouped with them, you will more than likely win.

UK it depends, those willing to communicate generally work things out, but ive also had complete garbage plays too with incessant namecalling etc

i play on euw but sometimes we get turkish/arabic speaking people and generally this also ranges from hit to miss. generally if they do get their act together they win hard, otherwise it devolves into a microphone muting clown fiesta, everyone screams some unknown language etc.

Naturally any response to OP's question is going to affected by bias

One thing I notice in speaking to sweden, finland, norway, denmark, germany online: the men hate immigrants and are generally pretty aware of things, while the women have completely standard media-prescribed opinions

I thought all scandinavians were bluepilled but apparently it's just girls

dont reply to me ever again


i wounder who could be behind this post?

It's because german sounds angry if you don't flower it out without some good old ^^

The best is my nationality
The worst is your nationality

Can confirm 100%, am also French Canadian.
Fuck you.

>Play with Indian
>elephant noises in the background and my router starts to smell

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Yemen belongs to the coastal peoples, ok?

sounds fine 2 me

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turks and egyptians are the absolute worst
I'll never forgive them for ruining silkroad online

The only British people who use a microphone are the most obnoxious knuckle-dragging chavs to ever crawl out of a dumpster abortion and the rest just say silent and are effectively useless.

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Fuck, wrong pic

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the amazon burning down is great for the economy of Brazil, which is why Bolsonaro has tried to ignore the issue for as long as possible

Anyone else likes it when German girls speak English with their qt accent?

Holy shit, nazis sounds like this?

i can't stand french canadians
grew up in burlington vermont and they were insufferable in real life
now i live in florida and thought i escaped them only to have to deal with them in every online game that has east coast servers. fuck you canadian frogs, fuck you all

they are also usually normies if they do it
either that or autistic

You sandbombing less-than-human kind don’t deserve to be properly addressed, idiot.

If it doesn't repulse you, you can always ask a QT who is open about such things to show you the ropes.

oh k...

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What is it with russians being absolute retards with only exception being legit wunderkinds

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Don't you like Germans, Yea Forums?

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>french are based
>I’m french
Typical frog retard

so, what's the non-burger concensus on mexicans and other spanish speakers?

>Finns and Norweigans
i'm eastern us so i don't really get a lot of euros but scandis are the best i've played with, they're surprisingly funny and of course good at fps games. swedes are hit or miss and finns are hard to understand but theyre based

you forgot
>spam china nunba an
>have some weird jealousy/hate against australians that borders paranoia
>call white people weird shit like honky
>cry racism when called out on it

we dont see them

Germans always fucking cheat in FPS games. Fun fact, in ESEA there was a period of years where if your region was Germany, their anti-cheat would scan your computer 5x as often.

>Not having the Welsh as a goblin chained behind the Englishman


wtf I do now

>people honestly fell for this fake news

they still do

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Americans by far, you cant banter with them.
>Call a yank fat
>Says "fuck you."
>Say he cant banter properly
>Cannot comprehend hat he didn't banter
>Leaves game
Americans can crack a few jokes but you cant joke around with them.

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a bunch of drunk faggots

she don't look german

It's because Americans know they are better than you. If you insult a dragon, it isn't going to insult you back. It won't even care, because it's a dragon, and you're a puny mortal.


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Forget about whose the most unlikable cunts (the French)

Which nationality is the most likely to cheat?
Gotta be the Chinks

this just made me hate them even more

can't handle the banter?

That sucks man.

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Chinese aren't competent enough to cheat

Epic meme aside, do Americans actually believe this?

:D make me C:

americans are furries too according to an american
you heard it here first folks
americans admit that they are all furfags

The mental image made me smirk

every time i've played with a puerto rican it's been a miserable experience
fuck puerto ricans

At least their broken English is funny
and is it just me or do they tend to insult a person's family BEFORE insulting the person themself?

>Car debt money bar
Christ, thots are getting more and more blatant

>do the people of the USA collectivily belief they are dragons.
Yes user and that is why they suck. Fuck furrys

Germans and the Dutch always do these fucking smileys, and the Dutch are extremely passive aggressive and petty in my experience

Pretty much this tbhonest

thanks for the free (you)s suckers

You would be surprised how stupid Americans can be

Why do Germans use so many emoticons?

Only certain types of boomers, it's just a fuck around thing for most people.

does it matter when i get muted for posting a "pasta" in Russian?

>Americans are better than me
>Cant even say that they're not fat
No comprehende amigo

overcompensating for how soulless they are irl


>shit talk france in LoL game because the entire enemy team is french
>turns out one of my teammates is also french so he conspires with the enemies and loses us the game
fuck off frog

something something language sounds too aggressive

How did he get up there in the first place?

;-; fug

>seba12PL joined the game

based pepe

your fault for giving a shit

early weeb culture mixed with early social media (icq, msn) ^^

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As an American the answer is no. Unless you're a flyover state or urban cunt.


Japan is quiet but has skill, American is good for DPS, and frenchie can coordinate well if you understand him
Chinks and Koreans are just as bad.

All the gays, furries, SJWs, crybabies, etc. are always American without exception, making them the worst.

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>Play with Brazilian online
>Instant lag and frame drops, eventually the whole lobby crashes when there's too many of them


kut kinderen or kinder kut ?

Attached: what.png (250x160, 16K)
>it's a weeb smacking her ass in front of strangers

every time

Italians are comfy

>Play on Euro/US servers (probably to escape the Chinese)
>Complain when their teammates can't speak Korean

Amerisharts aren't anglo.

I am a czech. Alot of fun to play with fellow czechtards. I hate russians and chinks though

No that's an actual goblin

Yeah, I'm thinking she's based

I'm anglo but I used to live in prague, Czechs were always bros

>live in the most relevant nation in human history
>everyone else cries about it

The only thing gayer than "banter" is you

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Why are europeans like this?


German girls who act "casually sexy" are either cum gargling hyperthots or super annoying attention whores who will bitch about literally everything. Probably both.
Unfortunately a sane German girl will never act sexy, be it deliberate or unintentionally
t. kraut

Imagine having your personality be so boring that being a whore is your only personality trait.

Europeans don't get their cocks mutilated at birth and anti-sex brainwashing drilled into them as children. They're just ordinary humans

I play games where it's easy to single each other on the field and whenever I get into a '1v1' with a frog they always quit, effectively and unironically surrendering lmao! inb4 /pol/


>post is about a woman
>european immediately begins thinking about american cocks

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Only if you combine Canada with the US. North Americans suck in general.

>in human history
Americans can't into history

And that's aside from them somehow trying to take personal credit for their country's success

>american keys mic

I'm American, retard

I've been playing a dead multiplayer MMO that only has about 200 people online at peak, and BRs are constantly on our server because there is no SA server. I brought up the topic of "BR are scum" and players (NA English players, not other BRs) actually started giving me shit for it. Are you fucking for real?
>speak their shitty language on a US server
>get angry when you don't speak BR
>ALWAYS teleporting around because of their shitty connection
>always asking for free shit
>always the scummiest of playstyles
>huehuehue i reprt u is actually true
There are NO redeeming factors of BR players. The only reason why I don't say "kill all BRs" is because they are half of the already minuscule playerbase and I'm pretty sure the game would instantly collapse in the US if they were kicked out during these circumstances.

APB Reloaded for anyone curious

Nothing has ever been more relevant globally in than America. I dare you to name one nation that even comes close.


I used to. But nowadays I only use "LOL" and "xD" and rarely at that.

>american keys mic

Dont waste too much energy on damage control, I know you Europeans dont get much in the way of food

It's a dry humor thing... You wouldn't get it.

t. Elliot Von Rodgers


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By what metric?
Land owned?

In every metric there's been at CV least one historical empire which was bigger than the US

This. Americans are German descent mostly

>brb snack break

>american keys mic
>*muffled eating sounds*

based. never stop cooming

>Gets fat
Oh now I do hahahaha

>PvP game has something that is obnoxiously powerful or just flat out the best option to use, an example of poor balancing that has slipped into the game due to a developer oversight
>Die to whatever that thing is
>Killer's name has cyrillic letters in it

Every. single. time.

Attached: kot.jpg (1596x1600, 84K)

Why do american kids always try to sound like twitch streamers? It's fucking weird

>be playing with some indian once
>his ping is atleast 400
>his mic is from 1734
>everyone laughs at him and tells him to go back to india
>he tries to argue in broken english but no one understands him because his voice lags every half a second
>he leaves

>Land owned
Military base on virtually every nation on Earth
Third largest, most wealthy per capita
Without rival
Without rival

>In every metric there's been at CV least one historical empire which was bigger than the US
Patently wrong, Americans conquered the planet and you using this (American) website is proof of that

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lmao git gud cyka

>die to whatever that thing is
>killer has an anime avatar

Fixed that for you

"Dude d-dude d-d-dude nah nah listen like, honestly brah, nah like honestly tho immah finna bust a mayoburgerrelish on thay taffy"

Why do slavs spam ))))))))) so much? what does it even mean?

The two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, anime avatars and cyrillic names often go hand in hand.

Based and redpilled

please do not post my daughter in naked apron

Hardcore mental gymnastics my dude.
The good thing about facts is that they're true regardless of if you believe in them

For example the brit empire had more land, population wealth and influence than the US ever has or will have

every chat box has a and a :
so when they type )))))
it shows up as :)))))))

Slavs, because their kids have too much free time.
I'm refering specifically to russian and polish kids, obnoxious twats. The adult ones are usually pretty ok.
Out of adults the worst are always the frogs. Huge fags, if you have one in the team it will keep talking french for the whole time and they always play like shit.

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thats retarded

just dumb normalfags and children overusing smile emoji
t. slav

Anonymous: )))))))

See Although in practice it looks fucking retarded because slavs often use ))) at the end of a sentence, meaning it doesn't actually make a smiling face.

>play with spanish online

How? That shit can't take this long to figure out

Usually loud, annoying and garbage, usually.
t. Bong that plays on US servers with an autist that refuses to be Diurnal

>be Dutch
>talk to Americans in game chat using mic
>”So where you’re from? I hear a slight accent”
>me: “I’m from The Netherlands”
>American: “huh?”
>me: “I’m from Holland”
>American: “Ooooooooooooh! That’s nice, I went to Amsterdam once”
>queue questions about policies pertaining weed and some other random shit

Everytime damn time.

and its ]]]]]]] in warthunder cause the chat system is a mess

Do you muricans really never use smileys? I thought that's a 4ch thing o:


Primary reason why I refuse to use a mic, every country that isn't the USA hisses. I guess they're just mad that we withdrew our occupation.

There was a German girl at work this year and she was really pretty and funny. Shes gone now though.

The average american thinks our entire country is like amsterdam

Whores weed and tullips

I’ve heard someone say that :) is too polite while just ‘)’ is just being nice without coming off too strong.

desu belgium is better
t.been to both countries

Yeah basically. Although to be a little fair to Americans, everyone in the world thinks Amsterdam is the entirety of The Netherlands.

Americans are just a bit more obnoxious about it.

It makes sense, they live in a collectivistic society that's borderline hivemind, so insulting someones family is the same as insulting them, at least from their perspective.

In-game? Nah. I honestly think the birth of the lenny face and everything that stemmed off of it killed any in-game usage. Between games not supporting retarded input characters (like TF2 does) or not having emojis, I think they would rather just not use anything unless they are being ironic "xD".

>Troll BRs in f2p MMO for years (Aion)
>Become a known server troll but never get banned because mods think I'm funny
>I'm eventually crowned as the "BR King"
>Events usually came with some temporary instance that had 1 free daily entry
>Every now and again I used a translator to recruit BRs, make them enter the instance, then kick them from the group to waste their daily entry

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French are the saltiest russian are crazy

>generalizing an country for generalizing your country

This. We regret not nuking berlin.

I've seen a lot of Germans but no Austrians.What are they like?

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Doing god's work

>germans use smileys
>frogs use smileys
>spanish use smileys
>italians use smileys
>slavs use smileys
>japs use smileys
Why does the anglosphere refuse to show emotions?

>implying Americans know any other city other than Amsterdam

>play with almost any nation in Europe
>"can you speak English?" "okay"
>play with Turkey

Just better Germans.

based fellow frog
we stand alone until opposed

it's a travesty that thots are allowed to be this cute looking

French are absolute shit at english, iirc one of the worst in english education in europe. We have teachers that aren't great, produce enough of our own media and have a nice place to live in that for a vast majority of people learning english doesn't seem important, not to mention we start english education rather late. Most younger French people struggle speaking even the smallest ounce of english

I've been lucky to live in the US for quite a while so I'm bilingual

because angl*s are subhuman

Why is German accent so sexy?

Don't mind them, they are robots trying REALLY hard to act like friendly people. It's not their fault.

As a burger it wasn't till I played parafag map painting sims that I actually learned some geography.

Because the anglos are a dignified and noble people.

>dignified and noble

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If they're civ fans I bet they'll 100% mention Polders. They're just so neat.

Apparently the youngsters don't use smileys anymore. Whenever I see comments on social media or screencaps of teens texting they never use smileys.
I can't imagine talking to my friends without using smileys.
t. germ boomer

Literally nothing sexier than a German girl making fun of your small dick desu.

>play with russians
>cyкa блядь зaeбaл гoвopи пo-pyccки
>пиндoc eбaный
>get pissed
>fuck i am russian too
how the fuck did i end up there in the ass of the earth?

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What? I'm having concentration camp flashbacks whenever I hear it.

Argies is best :)

Just worse Germans.

If you're a male, you probably don't want to use "smileys." Girls don't like it when you text them that shit. Makes you seem too desperate and eager.

anglos used smileys 10 years ago back when it was cool

Somehow I'm not surprised aMeRiCa IsNt iMpOrTaNt posting is from a Brit

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> t. slav
Nah, you are probably jew and should move out )))))))

Just the same as Germans.

I love it for some reason.

Because Germans are the superior race.

I agree, it sets the tone of your messages and gives less room for misunderstanding. But maybe that's what they want so that if someone calls them out, they can just say "I-I was just pretending to be retarded!" and go back on their own statement/opinion.

Have you seen their teeth?

English accents are much cuter

Da kann man schon mal reinlunzen

Why are German girls so mean? I had one straight up say "why are you so small" lmao like no chill whatsoever. I'm not even extremely small. I'm 5'10.

oтcocи =)))

a literal twig

English are the worst. All sound like scummy chavs that smoke weed and eat frozen chips all day


>Military base on virtually every nation on Earth
Who'd say no to free grunts
>Third largest, most wealthy per capita
straight up false
>Without rival x2
30 years ago maybe, nowadays you're just a footnote really

I actually like both but in the last year I've started preferring German as I worked with some Germans this year and their accents were sexy as fuck

Hoc пoкaжи

this user knows what's up, german accent is sick

3 points;
>I didn't say America isn't the most powerful or influential country right now, just that its not the most powerful of all time
>I'm not British and never said I was
>It's an objective fact that the British empire was the largest and most powerful empire ever

If these points continue to make you buttblasted I suggest you take a dip back in the shallow gene pool you emerged from

Russian-accented English tickles my ears so hard, I'm pretty sure I visibly blush when I hear it. The thicker the better. Male or female, it doesn't matter it all sounds so amazing. Are any Russians awake to vocaroo you talking about video games?

Dutch are one of the worst people on the planet in general. They get away with a lot of shit because they are so irrelevant, but they are seriously autistic and have shot personalities

Irish Mother plus German father produces best quality baby and accent.

What? I'm having concentration camp flashbacks whenever I hear it.
I feel you, brother! Even on this board they have the audacity to speak in slavrunes, turning the thread into the tower of Babel.

Europoor please go

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What the fuck is even with this and JAJAJAJA shit?
Is it part of their national identity to act like a retard or what?
Is this shit actually funny to people in their countries, not just annoying?

Yeah, Persians aren't Arab.

Can we all agree that Americans are worst?

that's a manlet by Aryan standards

Yanks are dreadful. If it's not drug addict niggers, it's spoilt 13 year olds

>the best
People that are focused on the game only and want to have a good time and they're respectful
>the worst
All Indians because I cant stand their accent and do not seem capable of shutting the fuck up.

Only old people and women use that nowadays.

:) is still my favourite, ^^ in actuallity usually means "cool story bro".


She was really tall herself. She was like 6'1.

I miss XBL. In the UK about half the kids in school rage at games being entitled shits who expect a free win. I was fun wind them up

>has herpes on her lips

No, please don't - just pogrom them. They're ugly creatures and I know they'll move straight here to America.

Attached: Jew from Eastern Europe.jpg (1080x1080, 93K)

Will learning how to speak German impress a German girl at work?

Why is it everything Germans type sounds so passive aggressive?
>Thanks. I appreciate it. :)
>No that's not a problem. :) :)
As for best nationalities, Russians if they're on your team/like you, any sort of Arab as the worst because they will always backstab the fuck out of you.

I used to hate the shit out of text emojis but I recently started unironically using :) as of late to be friendlier

I think I might devolve into xD again, help me out of it please

HOLY FUCKING SHIT I thought she looked familiar and when I looked up her Twitch I saw the name Ines and now I'm 90% sure it's her. I met her on an Aikido seminar and had a crush on her when I was 16 and she 17 I believe and it turned out she did the same. It never went beyond some cuddling and not even kissing because I was a sperg but this is just fucking unbelievable. She even once mentioned over Whatsapp that she streams and I honestly thought she was streaming games. Damn, no wonder she manages to make money through streaming because she was/is really cute but this just shows how small the world is. Fun fact: She was the reason I even got into anime and became a turbo weeb. Though I assumed she was doing an apprenticeship in the medical field or something.

I may be wrong and this is really not such a big deal but for some reason seeing her here of all places is such a funny thing.

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>I'm not British and never said I was

I don't care where you are from, faggot. I could have called you anything, even the country you are factually from, and you would have insisted otherwise because it's a convenient smoke screen. Insufferable anti-American posters always do this and they have been doing this for at least a decade because, despite hundreds of years of differing "culture," you nigger cattle all act identically. But no matter where you are truly from, it is empirical fact that it is less important, less powerful, less wealthy and less relevant than the United States. The inevitable replies crying about what I've said can never change this.

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She behaves like a bratty schoolgirl from that one manga.
She wants to manhandle you and fuck you.

As a Czech I hate meeting random Czechs online. Might be just me though.

Couldn't be more different than germans.

>Nu-humor is just disembodied references that things like sex and porn exist.
>Literally nothing funny about it.
>Zoomers think these lol so randumb references are hilarious for some reason.

Where the fuck did we go so wrong? It's like an entire generation grew up seeing oldschool memes but just acting like they were funny to people that didn't understand the context, and based their entire understanding of humor on that misunderstanding.

Oh and even the birth year matches since I was born 1997. It's 99% her.

What's your most(or only) used emoji?

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Like I said, return to your gene puddle, another few million years might do it

People that shit into canyons

the thinking one

Get in touch Desu fampai


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A German girl made fun of my dick for being "winzig" so I hate Germans :) :) :) :)

This is what an Austrian is like.

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kek )))

Using :) is seen as spiteful. Don't use it unless you want people to think you're being sarcastic (unless you're not in America, then I have no idea). Like if you say "nice play :)" it will generally be understood as "I could have done better".

"xD" is actually kind of in the middle ground so if something actually funny happened, you can use it once in a while and people will understand it to be genuine. Just don't spam it and people won't question it.

Holy fuck bro umad
All he did was correct you in saying that the US is the most powerful country of all time, which is of course true.
I understand it's frustrating being wrong sometimes, but try not to cry

What games do macaronis play anyway, I basically never see them online. Just FIFAshit or what?

Question for French people, do normal French people actually believe blacks/browns/arabs are real French people?

Kids have always been like that. Their humor is just a imitation of other humor they have seen. Eventually they grow out of it. If they have a modicum of intelligence, they can create an original thought. If not, they continue imitating others to seem smart, which usually means mocking the next young generation.

>he thinks ancestory has anything to do with it
they speak english, their culture has strong British foundations. they're apart of the anglosphere. even if it were genetic based, Germs are still anglo-saxons bellend. were all germanic.


they believe they are french citizens even though they are not ethnically french

The irony of this post being literal banter but and crying hard over it.

I don't know desu. When I still knew her she knew pretty far away such as I had to take a train for an hour to see her was also the first time I rode a train alone and I was pretty nervous. I haven't seen her for like 5 years or something and have only exchanged a few messages 1 year ago.

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wait a minute you are saying Germans use ":)" as a sarcastic kind of way? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. I went out for drinks with German girl and day after she said "Last night was fun :)"

Most people in germany and from my experience nearly every other country here aswell usually treat :) as a cute agreeing smile actually, it's rarely used passive agressively. God I hate the post ironic shitsphere the anglo internet has become.

Unironically seething

There's a difference between mocking and lamenting, user.

They did in the past but xD is seen as the same as referencing a meme from 10 years ago. It just looks like pure autism to English speakers

>People hating on Germans
>People hating Dutchfags
>People hating France
Feels good to be a Belgianchad

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All of the most insufferable people I've met online have had at least 3 of the following qualities:
>born in a Spanish speaking country
>thinks they're white
>thinks their shithole country isn't a shithole
>likes anime

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Post opinions on Ireland/Irish people.

"hey I saw a clip of you on an anonymous img board in some video game thread, how are you doing?"
I believe in you.

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based on my experience with French, they have been fully brainwashed into EU nationalism. This is ironic considering they sneer at US nationalism. Still, EU nationalism is a good thing imo if only to counter Chink nationalism.

People just lump you in with the French (if they even know you exist), so you can assume anything aimed at them also applies to you

>Doesn't have own language
>Population is mostly descended from tards Europe didnt really want
>Broke off and formed out of several empires that were bigger and/or more influential than america at its peak which it is already well past
>Did a good or 2 with the help of other nations and took all the credit every time
>Set fire to most of the 3rd world trying to "Cure" it of communism and terrorism, didn't even conquer it afterwards like the British would and instead cut the bongs in on most of the deals that were made
Need I continue?

>have some weird jealousy/hate against Australians that borders paranoia
Can confirm. Almost every chink I come across seethes as soon as I turn on my mic and let them bask in my glorious buttery-smooth deep Australian bogan accent. They're probably upset that they can't buy all the houses in Australia and sell them for a 300% profit

Did someone say kanker?

Irish people aren't Anglo we're Celtic. Don't lump us in with those beady eyed bastards.

How do I get a German gf?

They believe in drunk green halflings

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by being a syrian immigrant

That is true even though the majority of Belgium speaks Dutch and hates the French part.


impossible, the diction is too good.

Thanks for giving us Super Jan

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They believe themselves to be an exclusive and unique group to the point of obnoxiousness.

The fact remains that she lives pretty far away and I honestly don't want a relationship where I have to commute one hour just to see her. I'd rather find a girl in my city. But thank you for your encouragement and I kind of tempted myself just because of how close our interests are compared to most girls I know and the fact that she is reeeally cute but I don't think it's a good idea.

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I'm white :/

Scandinavians + Finns, Belgium and other midget countries above France

Spanish, French, German, Russians and any other who have difficulties with english language. Behavior wise I hate south europoors because they try to over compensate their lack of skill and intelligence with loudness. Brits and Americunts are cool mostly but the their low class individuals usually ruin the server because of no social restraint.

America is descended from people smart enough to jump off the flaming wreckage that was European monarchy. In 200 years they have accomplished more than everybody else. If I still lived in Europe at this point I'd ask the nearest kebab to kill me, as I assume life would be nothing but endless suffering.

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sometimes okay but seriously self important, no one outside of Ireland gives a fuck about Ireland

Syrian immigrant is not the preferred nomenclature. Rapefugee, please.

>Best: Scandinavians + Finns

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>racism thread
>bumplimit in 3 hours
>actual videogames thread
>3 replies

Why russians always post the )))))) at the end?
Are they half jewish?

Which two nationalities combine to create the best offspring?

I'm just encouraging because of my own experience of never finding a single soul in this city with similar interest to mine, so I seize every opportunity now even if it's only through the internet. You're too picky, it's now or never.

like kurwa in poland

I mute every one. I dont wanna hear stupid accents and trash speak.

>Faggots + Autists
lmao @ ur life bitch

America + Russia
the ultimate redneck

Nobody gives a fuck about discussing mindless video game entertainment.

Playing SFIV online I've noticed that pretty much every single French was actually some kind of Arab with French flag.

Because the language itself sounds really mean, but the girl's voices are small and cute. It's a contrast thing. makes them even cuter. It's like poodle barking or howling.

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>A successful swede

English Women and German women do the best BDSM voices

These threads should always mention
>team vs team games but they are on your side
>team vs team games but they are on opponent side
>co-op team game
>1 vs 1 game

>tfw half-Czech

I think that goes for almost every nation really. Half of everyone you meet can be assholes just as much as half of everyone can be bros.

Attached: Czech Dance 1.gif (435x250, 680K)

I find Germans tend to be kinda pushy while knowing nothing about the game yet think they're a God, but they're still alright to play with

The French are absolutely fucking awful on every single game though it is insane. Not only are they shit at whatever game you encounter them on they're always complete cunts too. They're just as bad as the Russians, if not worse

i dont see anything user

No thanks.

>playing vidya ever
that's rich.

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Yeah this is right Americans are the only people in history to realise that class based societies suck and are a complete waste of human potential.

2D German > power gap > 3D German

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No the posh sultry ones I mean.

I take skilled faggot autists any day over LOUD MEMESPOUTING SHITTERS

FACT: Finns are the most powerful race in the world

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Dutch people are retarded Germans

.t Nederland kankerland

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>playing some shit mmo called neverwinter
>carry some random party through a dungeon (godlike cleric)
>at the end, this american guy tells me i was amazing
>"thanks man, you weren't so bad yourself"
>"wtf man"
>blocks me and quits party
i was being nice, must have been a cultural barrier thing, i guess americans are pretty sensitive

what does she smell like

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Why are German women so hard to read? I'm English and do fine with the ladies here but I worked in Germany for 2 years and not ONCE did I have sex.

>everybody in here just talking about women exclusively
so what are the best and worst nationalities for men? preferably homo ones

French people aren't as big nerds so the most you encounter of them are either children or recreational gamers that don't give a fuck and dear god if a game doesn't have french language support, then they don't get anything anyway.

china, non stop hacking and trash talk with ching chong in alphabet

I want to believe that this didn't happen, but I can't be certain because I know Americans could actually be that retarded.

Your life sounds like an NTR eroge.
>be childhood friends with a 10/10 cutie
>apparently even get to the level of cuddling with her
>some years later, find her again and she's shaking her ass to strangers for bits

I'm not really desperate to be honest. I've grown a lot as a person from someone who is shy, insecure and prone to envy to someone I actually like even when I'll never be perfect. I do have friends with kind of similar interests and had some girls interested in me so I don't feel like it's a "now or never" situation for me. I'd rather find someone on my future path that shares the same goals instead of clinging to the past. Sure, she likes anime as I do and she plays video games as I do (although I'm more of a Paradox Grand Strategy type guy) but in the end I plan on making a family and there is more to a good partner than someone who is the same. Maybe I'm too picky and will end up alone but I have faith that good things come to those who are patient. At least I'm sure that panicking never does any good.

Can't even remember to be honest. Probably good as most girls who take care of themselves do for some reason.

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>Germs are still anglo-saxons


Pajeets are the worst right? I find black American guys to be the funniest. I never forget playing with these extremely stereotypical black guys back in like 2007 in rainbow 6 vegas on ps3. Was funny as fuck and they had good banter and were actually fairly friendly.

I dunno know, but most homo men sound like massive sissy bitches who need a good right hook to the face. That being said, if I can find a qt bf that doesn't sound like he's been eating makeup and cupcakes his entire life, then fuck yeah

You know those games where there's a small chance you can get a legendary item drop early on in the game, and if you miss it, you never get a second chance?

That's what happened to you. You should have aikido'd her right onto your dick.

The mass influx of casual Americans has ruined banter for all time, can't even say GG or :D without them being offended.

i see. dare i ask the ratioonalisation behind that?

god, same. obnoxious gays are the fucking worst.


>paradox /gsg/ guy
don't take advice from me

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The absolute worst and i mean the ABSOLUTE worst, are french maghrebis

>England, source of the Anglosphere (including U.S.) and the world economy for about a century
>Rome, root of virtually all of modern Europe culture (and all derivatives)
>China for a good few millennia back in the day and starting up that way again

U.S. is big, but far from the only relevant entity in history.

I've only met two gay people and both were Scottish.

It doesn't even bother me that much. I don't know if I'd do the same but I must concede that the temptation of taking lots of money from men desperate to give it to you for some gaming and light fan service is pretty strong.

This reminds me of a story:
>A farmer and his son had a beloved stallion who helped the family earn a living.
>One day, the horse ran away and their neighbors exclaimed, “Your horse ran away, what terrible luck!”
>The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”

>A few days later, the horse returned home, leading a few wild mares back to the farm as well.
>The neighbors shouted out, “Your horse has returned, and brought several horses home with him. What great luck!”
>The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”

>Later that week, the farmer’s son was trying to break one of the mares and she threw him to the ground, breaking his leg.
>The villagers cried, “Your son broke his leg, what terrible luck!”
>The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”

>A few weeks later, soldiers from the national army marched through town, recruiting all the able-bodied boys for the army.
>They did not take the farmer’s son, still recovering from his injury.
>Friends shouted, “Your boy is spared, what tremendous luck!”
>To which the farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”
I don't think it's wise to dwell upon the things that could have happened or not. In the end we can never know if what we have is a blessing or a curse.

They literally can't speak English

UK for me is full of high octane autismodons.
Germany in my experience is very organized, at least when you have a clear cut objective.

>It doesn't even bother me that much.
Well, you are German, so being a cuckold is in your blood. Just accept that she'll belong to a better man soon - mind, body and soul. Especially body.. Don't make that drive, pussy.

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mega based


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Don't do german user like that
He still cuddled with a 10/10, it's better than we'll ever do

They don't, read the thread.

devious and yet oddly good hearted-pilled post

>implying he's had physical contact with her and isn't just mad COPING

My sister and I play vidya together, it's pretty comfy.

>She threw me on the mat once and I got a boner
>So yeah, that basically means we cuddled.

The Irish are culturally similar to brits, similar to Americans who aren't even a majority of british ancestry.
Hence their inclusion in the anglosphere

That parable is literally a distilled, liquid, rocket-grade version of COPE.
Bad things are bad, good things are good. Rare exceptions don't alter that fact.

It's the Russian version of :))))))))))

I think the :D face is cute and seeing it makes me happy

cute :D

Posh English accents my dick hard as fuck desu. Its funny because I'm Irish.

>92% of all violent rapes are commited by migrants and refugees.
Fun fact: German statistics are rumored to be worse than this, except German government made it illegal to record the race of someone who committed a crime. So, you won't find racial statistics on crime regarding Germany, as they are forbidden.

Same :D

Austrian here, we're like germans but with less patience and more aggression

well, then your sister is a minority.
or maybe you're keeping a secret, as in you having a sister (brother).
I am joking of course.

They suck ass at english and refuse to learn it, they always wanted to promote French as the lingua franca

Japanese girls' accents make them sound mildly retarded/impaired. It's the best

wtf am i secretly a frenchman?

But they dont put the eyes before the smile?

Anglo saxons are a mix of german Saxons and celts.

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Americans can be incredibly faggoty sometimes and I have had this with NA american Smite players who will not only play like shit but blame you for it even if you've spent the entire game babying them to shut em up while keeping your own plate spinning, I don't even steal XP, kills or gold because im an actual team player

I'm not saying that bad things are not bad and good things are not good but when you look back there are sometimes bad things that turned out really good and good things that turned out very bad. I'm thankful for some of the most gruesome phases I went through because it allowed me to come out stronger than before and I regret the moments where I was so full of confidence and delusion which brought me a lot of pain and self hate. I don't really want to convince you well, maybe a little but that are just the things I've observed and learned from life and other people.

they're just better

It gets tiring after a while.

I want either an English gf or a German gf. Give advice and or instructions on how to get one please.

Emoji's are cringe, text based emoticons are better

Stop blaming this on zoomers you senile old man, the penguin of doom and her lolrandom humor has existed since the dawn of the web

all emoji are utter trash, but thonk is the only mildly acceptable one to unironically use imo

Just better overall
t.not Austrian

No, we just grew up pretty close and ended up developing similar tastes and having the same hobbies.
She tends to stick to singleplayer games, though.

What you're parroting is essentially some teenage girl's "Nothing can phase me, the world is my oyster!" platitude.

If you get paralyzed from the neck down, there isn't going to be any silver lining that makes it worth it. And this is just a cut-and-dry example. In general, when bad things happen to you, they're just going to be bad, no matter how you convince yourself otherwise.

Being human means intelligently guiding yourself toward good outcomes, and avoiding bad outcomes: like losing a cute girl who shares your interests because you're too and lazy to drive around for a while, you fat gay baby.

What attracts German girls? What do they like?

I never got why people don't like international banter, it's fucking great.
t. american

lol ur fat

Most of them are boring and mostly focus on their studies/job. Most also like drinking, that will be your opportunity to attack.

You have to either be a politically-kowtowing doormat #WokeBro, or a hardline free-thinking nationalist. No in between. They want a man who believes in something firmly, so they can fall in behind him. Kind of like children, but they got tits and aren't as annoying.

As for aesthetics, they like the same thing as every other girl on planet Earth: tall, skinny, pretty-faced white guys

>being able to handle banter
shart in mart


The one I like is NOT into drinking and partying. She made that very clear.

far too many people are up their own asses to laugh about themselves

That doesn't make Germans anglo-saxon. Most Germans aren't even saxon and angles were from Danish Jutland.

Parisian would be an extremely specific demographic to be upset about.
>You're fucking shit where are you from

I'm a German. Say something nice about me.

Attached: Unbenannt-1.jpg (422x644, 121K)

Your women have sexy accents

>chatting with a euro girl
>she starts talking about knots and werewolf cock
what the fuck europe

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Germans have to use an excessive amount of emotes and emojis because German is very vocal and a lot of context and meaning is lost when you can't hear it. Someone saying one sentence can be either very friendly or a death threat so it's necessary for them to add XD or ^^ so they know it's meant to be positive.

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Your girls are hot.

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Fuck Russians.

I like those german creampie gangbang videos. At least I think they are german.

She looks like she fucks white guys

Germans are shit at games, but at least you all speak competent English.

What do German girls feel like?

I wish I could.

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That's not true.

Attached: Still Anglo.png (1512x1880, 994K)

bags of beer

Bags of jews

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>firewehr station

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be nicer to the germans, they'll soon be bread out by the sandniggers and niggers they're importing

I know, it's just not correct to say they aren't germanic at all.
Sad but true. Still, how can we help it if we're better?

that's a Brit

but she's English

Aren't brits usually deformed?

He do you know my account name anglo#2359835209??

German people are usually very sexual. There's naked people on children's shows over there.

Only approach with a Hitler Salute ZwinkerSmiley!

You guys are lucky we spaniards dont know english GUIRI MUERTO ABONO PA MI HUERTO

Attached: voxchan6.jpg (1300x1266, 203K)

Latin Americans are the worst by far

varies wildly


There is a worse group, which is Chinese, but it's rare to have to deal with them

I had a German girl at work tell me she thinks there are too many foreigners in Germany now and that she feels the German language is getting destroyed. Any German have thoughts on this?

You wish, True Geordie .
Apropos, why are Brits a bunch of absolute degenerates in the bedroom ? Like even the seemingly normie ones will drop their ball busting, small dick humiliation, strap-on femdom fetishes on you five minutes into a conversation .
Is it the repressed proddy society ?


If you're including the Irish then Americans shouldn't be in this image

Culturally you should switch Ireland for South Africa or some shit. All in all it would've been better to just put the Union Jack

Ethnically Ireland and Scotland shouldn't be on the list... and USA is only like a 1/10th Anglo these days anyway.

all that said. Anglosphere is best sphere.

get a load of this clueless and bluepilled user

you must be chatting to southerners

She's right.
Marry her.

slavs in general are insufferable online, they're basically white brazilians
t. slav

I'm not German. why would I be knowledgeable on these things?

Shes very pretty desu. Too pretty for me I'd say.

Finnish are the master race. I realized this after seeing enough of the girls. They are all like an advanced form of half-white half-asian, and best of both worlds.

>Too pretty for me I'd say.
Then start lifting, then marry her.

I don't know how to help, then.
My gf also doesn't like partyng at all but since one of my hobbies is drinking beer she's starting to accept it.
Other than that, boring people. And expect lots of weird reactions probably due to culture shock.
Good luck. It is worth it.

Which EU country is most equivalent to the hillbilly part of america?

any woman who has any level of consciousness about the world around her is golden

>not being able to comprehend smileys))) are))) you))) dumb???)))

I disagree and as for your example
>If you get paralyzed from the neck down, there isn't going to be any silver lining that makes it worth it.
I suggest asking someone who went through such or similar ordeal and didn't break because of it. Maybe you are right and I'm wrong but maybe the answer will surprise you. I know this doesn't sound convincing but I've seen and interacted many people. It's not that your attitude is completely "wrong" but I've found out that the kind of person who think like that, tend to mule over tiny mistakes and tyrannize themselves and others, generating far more misery than necessary. Just as a dry, dead stick may be hard but breaks easily when applied too much pressure on. Wouldn't it be far more easy and comfortable to be a young and fresh branch? Bending when necessary but never breaking. Not to mention that a branch like that can be made into a tool that helps others and assumes an important and valued role?

>racemixed creatures
>master race
Gee, I wonder who posted this.

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Why do Germans have no manners? They just say rude shit without thinking about how offensive it is.

My German thoughts on this are: "Da hat die Gute vollkommen Recht. Muselgewusel und Balkanesen als Reparationszahlung nach Polen abschieben."


Half-white half-asian is the literal master race. Sorry, shitskin.

You mean like everyone on the internet?

Google translate butchers this.

I'm just after saying Hiberno English is best English. You cunts are the best brothers we'll ever have.
But you fuckin fannies need to stop letting outsiders make the rules.
I was gonna move to Dublin but it's all blacks and silicon valley now.
Scotland/Ireland should be a new country together, imagine the cool as fuck Bridge we could run between the two.
Alba gu brath, Erin go bragh an gie yersel a wild sook o ma toot

Maybe ur just /weakmind/.

If racemixing is so good, why is the US a third world warzone?

BASED gwen poster, post more please.

Oh no no no.

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I mean in real life. Not the internet. Like they don't have courtesy and etiquette

My main MP game is Battlefield.

My fellow Americans are very middle of the road in skill and attitude. Canadians are balanced in skill but tend to be more polarized on the douchebag/ bro scale. Brits are generally good at the game and tend to be more personable. Continental Europeans are often skilled but extremely selfish and terrible team players, and they really love exploits. Spanish speakers and Brazilians suck and throw around haccusations like a flower girl tossing petals at a wedding. Asian players don't say much and generally seem lost.

Eurasiantiger is half-jew half-asian, not half-white.

Attached: jewish hafus.jpg (2970x1984, 1.1M)

>be the richest country in the world
>it still has the highest crime ratings in the world and parts of it look straight out of Africa
Guess that's the power of diversity and multiculturalism.

But user

>Finns show very little if any Mediterranean and African genes but on the other hand almost 10% of Finnish genes seem to be shared with Siberian populations. Nevertheless, more than 80% of Finnish genes are from a single ancient Northeastern European population, while most Europeans are a mixture of 3 or more principal components.

Go to Galway or Sligo instead of Dublin. Galway if you want a more party and drinking and events type stuff and Sligo if you want a quieter place

>England, who gave up everything
>Rome, who collapsed under its own hedonism and religious boom
>China, who has always been a joke nation and is only relevant now thanks to trade with the USA


Why is over half this thread about Germans?

You do know most asians vote democrat, right?
Not to mention those racemixed abominations are that, abominations.
Hell, look at that puppet of the military industry.

Attached: 1558394206729.png (1804x2438, 776K)

I think it's mostly because someone posted a german girl smacking her ass and it activated the coom instinct

Whats the part of America where they say things like "ya'll" I love that accent. Its sexy as fuck

Only an Amerimutt would try to justify racemixing.
Sorry, but my kids won't be half gooks.
You can racemix away, the world depends on the US collapsing from an excess of mutts.
Without the US, no more leftism, no more push for tolerance, no more trannies.

Attached: 1547079896831.png (650x925, 627K)

Sure thing little guy. Whatever you say. Don't get too upset or I'll have to put my shin guards on.

That would be the South, pardner.

Attached: eurasiantiger.jpg (4856x3744, 2.93M)

That's based though.

Tenesse and places like that, southern American accents on girls are really nice. The rest are awful though

I often play with a guy from Texas who says that.
Don't know who else does it though.

Why do Americans do this?
Give me stats, data and research, please.

Not at work. I had one new hire German girl say there are too many transgender people these days. I'm like you cant say shit like that out loud. I don't want to get fired.

yeah i'm thinking she's based

Are we all going to get banned for 2 days for "Replying to off topic garbage"

I have proof, you don't.
You are just another Amerimutt, who, like all Americans, is inherently anti-white and seeks the destruction of whites by any means necessary.
In this case, by pushing racemixing.
With asians now, but no doubt that, ideally, you'd like us to mix with niggers like you yourselves do. Hell, you constantly push the idea that nigger women are attractive even though they are the fattest population on Earth, and all of them are a bunch of disgusting savages.
America must die, degenerate nation of anti-west, anti-white mongrels.

Attached: whitest american woman.png (407x405, 222K)

I already opened 3 smash threads to appease the mods.

I literally can't hear you from down there, Nguyen. Go angrily jerk your micropenis elsewhere.

I got a random friend request from some polish or russian girl on facebook and I have it set so only friends of friends can do that. Does she want to fuck?

>polish or russian
She wants to emigrate.

Of course you can't, you have bastardized English so much that you probably don't even understand it, what with your "ya'll", your "yikes" and "oof".
No doubt a consequence of american "whites" adopting niggerisms, since nigger worship is an important part of American "culture".

You yourselves are the proof that multiculturalism and racemixing is a mistake, nobody wants to become the degenerate shithole that the US is, so we will do our best to remain white and avoid foreigners, something that, of course, triggers the obese, purple haired, triracial Amerimutt.

Attached: USA vs EU.png (1200x1200, 2.05M)

She wants to be your friend that's why you got a FRIEND request from her and not a fuck request ya dingus.

Attached: 1567521537001.png (227x214, 4K)

But I don't even know her.

It might be a spam account dude.
Tons of people use profiles of girls to lure you in and end up linking to some website where they try to make you pay for a webcam show or something.

Attached: 100kek_guanyin_bhodisatva.png (413x395, 378K)

She has pictures on her profile of her in local places near me. Maybe shes a stalker

I chuckled

My japanese gf does it with me all the time
t. Mutt

Then accept her, see if she talks to you.
At worse, it'll be nothing, at best, you'll get some slav pussy.