I think Yea Forums is just intimidated by her no-bullshit attitude.
I think Yea Forums is just intimidated by her no-bullshit attitude
why the long face
Holy shit she looks like an egg!
Not as intimidated as microsoft is to pay you to advertise a game
If Gears is so good why do they need to pay you to talk about it OP lmfao
she was cute in 4 what happened?
Lmao no one gives a shit about gears of war.
>how can we fix the sausage arm blast flex series
>lets make a female protag lmao gamers
She looks like this one muscle hottie that goes to my gym
they're featuring a female protagonist to attract attention and get free publicity in the ensuing shitstorm but I think it's gonna backfire and no one will fucking bother with it.
nah, unlike sony "exclusives" she has a story and a reason to be the way she is, only faggots think the way you think.
>because of the hand made story the hand made character go together
I have no idea what her personality is. All I know is that she was the focus of one of the worst trailers in video game history.
No, I just cringed at her shitty trailer.
Say it with me Yea Forums
>the West can't design attractive female cha-
>le stronk female haha
Fuck off with this sòyshit fanfiction that ruined Gears of War. Dhould have ended happily with 3.
>COG permenantly disbanded
>Lambent and Locust systematically killed off from Adam's pulse wave weapon
>now have to focus on rebuilding and living off solar and wind energy for a little while in small village communes
Fuck nu-Gears.
Guess the metacritic score Yea Forums
Still more attractive and feminine than the protagonist from Control. I heard people talking about how she has a "man jaw" and I thought it was just incels talking shit, but then I downloaded it and damn they were right.
nah just that they're ruining a franchise by making you play as that dyke. at least its name gears instead of gears of war 5 so you know its not the same game anymore.
You forgot the BRAVE
What the fuck happened?????
88 and a user score of 60ish from all the buttblasted Xbox haters with no game to play
The novaja necklace thing is priceless
Its not even earth
Muscle women are the Final Redpill.
Nothing like guaranteeing your child has autism, amirite?
Wasn't the protag of Gears4 another roided gymcel? Why did they replace him? Don't care about spoilers
that's called story development, hey, at least she is not smelling other girls and kissing them for no reason
User score: 5 point something
Critic score: 8.4
Why do you not like my game, incel?
i'm not here to meet your expectations.
>xtard still thinks his console is relevant enough to have "haters"
yeah he was the son of marcus. People found him boring so they decided to choose the second boring character as the lead
Xbox still makes cucks seethe. Happens here every day.
>lets take the worst aspect of horizon zero dawn and ruin the complete antithesis of what gears was all about
gears has literally been soi'd by the canadian cu.cks.
>playing as a woman
Sorry im not gay
>sonygro thinking he was ever relevant
This game have an amazing multiplayer and will be the next Fortnite/CS:GO, take a screenshot.
very strong, very independent, very cool
You just reminded me that epic created gears
Why are her eyes so far apart?
Why does she have niggerlips?
What's with that fugly-ass haircut?
She looks like a tranny trying to pass.
That sleeve jacket thing looks uncomfortable as fuck.
>no free-for-all option
thats already like minus 50pts for me
and brave too
I'm looking forward to more Gears. The only issue I have is Kait is a boring character. They revealed everything about her in the last game. I mean I guess they can drag it out but we all know how it ends. But you're right in general. This board really gets their tiny dicks in a knot if a woman is in a game not made in Japan.
She had to kill her mom, dummy.
gears is simple: big guys, big guns
see, she doesn't fit there
This this this this! All of my this. I was just about to say this
No that's American women
>This board really gets their tiny dicks in a knot if a woman is in a game not made in Japan.
Because the modern western developers don't know how to write woman. This is a fact.
>if a woman is not made in Japan.
White women were a mistake
Wow. Here she actually looks CUTE. WTF is that LGBTQ tranny abomination in Gears 5?
>Projecting this hard
Says the spic
Autism is caused by people waiting longer to have children. The biggest determining factor is the age of the father. Look it up.
Buzzword faggot
Women have always been in gears. Even at the frontlines you goddamn incel. nothings changed other than her being the protag
The game obviously isn't meant for me if this is the advertisement The Coalition is going with.
If you like stuff like this, then by all means, enjoy yourself. But I shouldn't be tasked with buying a game just so a series you like has staying power.
The multiplayer is god-tier, one of the higher skill-gap games.
no, women were originally pilots and operators during the original gears of war run. It wasn't until later when they started scrambling because they made a subplot about literal breeding camps set up by the COG.
When you have less than a million people on the planet and a hostile lifeform is dwindling your numbers by the day, women suddenly become extremely valuable.
I clocked out at 3 simply because the wall bouncing and meta isn't my cup of tea. I was hoping for something more like Full Spectrum Warrior but every unit was their own player. Also, with the whole crusade on protecting people from "online harassment". I don't feel like Gears would feel the same without a black guy calling me a "fucking nigger".
You are all the same
>"online harassment"
bruh, are u seeing the Esports of this game? is literally all trash talk.
she's your average mutt. that's your future. :^)
this is such a generic stronk womyn tranny face i think i've seen it on a few video game boxes
that's a man
damn those lips hnnnnnng