>a bunch of angry incels rise up against the totalitarian regime preventing them from having sex
What did Valve mean by this?
A bunch of angry incels rise up against the totalitarian regime preventing them from having sex
>incel thinks because theres no children the combine prevented people fucking
How embarrassing.
Damn, imagine not knowing one of the biggest parts of the game's setting.
have sex.
I wonder if it would be more "damn I wish I could get horny" or more like post fap clarity 24/7
More like Breen was butthurt incel and his way of thinking was "If I cannot have sex, nobody will have it either" so he colaborated with combine and supression field was the result
Tell me you don't think the combine stopped people having sex, user cmon.
Welcome to Yea Forums. We don't actually play video games here.
the supression field more or less chemically castrated people
When will incel be filtered
but seriously breens train of thought was transhumanism, eventually humanities best would become "immortal" thus the species would live on as part of the combine
Yeah, his speeches were more interesting part of the game.
The combine stopped certain enzymes from forming which prevented babies, it didn't stop people from fucking as far as we know.
Didn't the suppression field prevent embrional development or something like that? Still, you could argue that the oppressive conditions inflicted on the humans indirectly prevented them from engaging in sexual activity.
>talking about game lore which you know nothing about
Nu-Yea Forums
I just looked it up on Half Life wiki so I am now expert.
Breen's speech makes it sound like it stops urge to bang but Episode 1 dialog says it prevent embyro development.
But resistence fighters talk about wanting to mate so it seems like they still have urge...
>But resistence fighters talk about wanting to mate so it seems like they still have urge
isnt that after the field was taken down
"when this is over i'm gonna mate"
the breencasts imply that the suppression field kills the sex drive like chemical castration while dr kleiner's speech in episode 1 only refers to embryonic development
so it could be either or both.
It suppressed urges as well
The civilians were drugged to be apathetic to everything.
I think it did something to sperm production.
Dr kliner said something about it but he cut himself off.
Probably both. Breen’s speech denounced sexual urges so it’d make sense for that to be suppressed, but it’d also make sense for the Combine to make sure reproduction was also physically impossible to prevent anyone from reproducing even without sexual urges.
Question is if it surpressed sexual urges did it also surpress romance.
I'm still mad bros
This is why halfkife was always stupid
what exactly is stupid about the concept of a city where people are stopped from reproducing?
African Congo
Ahead of their time. Valve is planning out something big.
Man, 2009 was an incredible year. Half-Life 2 Episode Three was a true milestone, well worth the two year wait after Episode Two.
Dont forget the water. It makes you forget and probably a docile crazy person. Remember the train station.
>Were you the only ones on that train? Overwatch stopped our train in the woods and took my husband for questioning. They said he’d be on the next train. I’m not sure when that was. They’re being nice, though, letting me wait for him.
Does Breen has a mistress? Or does he jacked off to Combine VR porn?
>Did you know that despite being 1 percent of the population, metrocops get 100 percent of the sex?
Breen was based and redpilled and saw the long game. He is the only human that saw the real combine worlds and how resistance was futile. He manages to convince the combine of human worth and becoming part of the galactic empire.
People are butthurt because combined ones become blobs of neurons and fat but when you are a flying tech-enhanced lifeform that can bend reality around them who cares about being a blob of fat.
>wanting to be a grub
BreenGrub twitter actually shows why mind uploading is a pretty terrifying concept. BreenGrub can’t be sure if his own mind is intact and hasn’t been edited and modified by the Combine.
They were drugging the water to make people forgetful, they probably were drugged to make them forget their loved ones.
Though during the Civil Protection raids, Gordon can see a couple comforting each other.
>a flying tech-enhanced lifeform that can bend reality around
Breen didn't get any of that. He was just left in storage as a basic maggot.
>BreenGrub twitter implies the Shu’ulathoi are just another conquered species used by the Combine as biological computers and storage devices
> “Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where the dimensions intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!”
Breen must have seen some really terrifying things
I thought it was hinted that there is no "combine race". The combine are a process rather than an entity. A faceless algorithm that perpetuates itself. Something that embodies the idea of life, on all scales, but is no single entity itself.
Kinda like the thing from The Thing, but in space, and a civilization rather than a life form. Intelligent space cancer.
>combine quantum computer controlling the dyson sphere has an electron jump circuits
>this deactivates the radiation shielding killing all gay forms of sentient combine fungi
>they can't get any more maintenance personnel onboard for another 70 years because can't into local space travel
>dyson sphere blows up
Congrats, you destroyed one sphere out of the four hundred thirty seven under the supervision of the local middle manager. Truly you have greatly inconvenienced the Combine Empire by putting that manager’s career back by about twenty three earth years.
>it turns out the whole thing was because some rival middle manager in the Combine bureaucracy machine hired G-man to sabotage a coworker to get better odds of a promotion
>the combine empire is a made up thing that doesn't exist in the real world
Annnd... BTFO.
I really wish we at least got an Episode 3 that ended with the humans managing to completely cut-off Earth from the Combine empire. No victory over the Combine but basically reclaiming Earth as their own. Any attempt to defeat the Combine or explain gman would probably be less satisfying than just never touching on them.
I think that was the original vision, at least for Laidlaw and most of the old guard.
Some of the unverifiable rumors surrounding cancelled projects include a Half-Life 3 project that fell apart around 2015 partly because of a fight between newer and older employees triggered by the newer employees wanting to explain the Gman.
Was that really what caused the fight? That sounds horrible.
Unverifiable rumors and hearsay, so who knows? A lot of the hearsay about the inner workings of Valve could just be larpers or guys trying to bait VNN or something, but some of it is pretty believable given what can be known from actual interviews and stuff like glassdoor reviews.
I hope we get Project Borealis by the end of next year.
It's the closest thing we'll get.
>because of a fight between newer and older employees triggered by the newer employees wanting to explain the Gman.
laidlaw and valve had no fucking idea about the gman and painted themselves into a corner
thats why gabe, laidlaw and the rest spergs out when you ask about it
Make gman an agent for another combine faction allready synthisized with the nihilianth race trying to prevent the ones occupying earth from getting teleport tech so the combine power balance doesn't shift
there i fixed your shit
Don't forget Boreal Aleph.
This could have just been an user larping, but bringing it up because we should have strong evidence for whether it was real or not within a few weeks:
1. The upcoming "flagship VR game" is not going to be Half-Life, it's going to be a game centered around the F-stop mechanic from the development of Portal 2
2. Half-Life 2 Episode Three pretty much died for F-stop. The "free wheels" policy at Valve led a lot of people working on Episode Three to abandon it in favor of working on F-stop and other more experimental projects.
3. Because of how Valve "works," Episode Three was never formally cancelled, and it still kept going with a tiny skeleton crew even into 2012 when these last guys gave up and the last programmer went to work on VR stuff instead.
4. Episode Three was about "20% done" in 2007.
Why didn't they ever complete Hal-Life (Episode 3) to make a shitload of money off the pure hype? It would have sold like crack cocaine.
1. They already make tons of money off steam, no point in making something "just" for money.
2. Valve doesn't believe in management and tells its employees to self-organize. If the resulting employee "hivemind" decides to not work on something, it doesn't get worked on.
>1. The upcoming "flagship VR game" is not going to be Half-Life, it's going to be a game centered around the F-stop mechanic from the development of Portal 2
I fucking hate the portal series
shits boring and takes to much dev time
3. The employee "hivemind" can be incredibly out of touch with the larger game market and community. Examples:
- the Portal devs thought the falling hoop would be the biggest meme of the game
- the Portal 2 space sphere was based on an internal meme of a goldfish wanting to go to the aquarium that no one outside the company got
- Artifact
Women shouldn't be allowed to have sex
do we need to know who the gman is, though? All we can glean is that he's likely some interdimensional eldritch abomination boogeyman pulling strings for higher powers, and that's really all that's needed in terms of establishing his character and his motivations. HL as a series does a really good job at showing a few details or presenting ideas and concepts, and then letting your imagination fill in the blanks, IMO doing a tell-all on the gman would go against this in the worst possible way.
Good goyim, become grubs
>The upcoming "flagship VR game" is not going to be Half-Life, it's going to be a game centered around the F-stop mechanic from the development of Portal 2
This would be huge if it were true since I dont know how VNN never got around to covering it in his "leaks". Just to play around and assume this is true though, I hope if such a game were to exist it would just be its own thing, I don't feel like we need anymore Portal games since 2 ended just fine.
They literally make a joke about Gordon and Alyx repopulating the earth.
>do we need to know who the gman is, though?
yes now go fuck yourself
>People are butthurt because combined ones become blobs of neurons and fat but when you are a flying tech-enhanced lifeform that can bend reality around them who cares about being a blob of fat.
never gonna make it
>- the Portal devs thought the falling hoop would be the biggest meme of the game
>- the Portal 2 space sphere was based on an internal meme of a goldfish wanting to go to the aquarium that no one outside the company got
>internal meme
do you mean "inside joke"
>cinematic mod gman quote
you got the other ones?
>When you were in the thread the screencap is from
Feels good.
Thanks, now I dont need to post
Mind explaining further? I thought the game just left all of it entirely ambiguous.
I always liked to think that the combine themselves are dead and the people they conquered have no idea and are being controlled by their 'overwatch' that voice that speaks all the time.
hl3 was gonna have gordon going to the borealis, then using the lost experiment tech. Which happens to be a time machine portal. Goes back in time to black mesa then goes to stop the experiment only to have been the one who cause it to fuck up (behind the scenes). The gman puts you in stasis and says "let's see how better you do this time around". Smiling, he shoes footage from hl1-3 as more and more footage comes across the screen showing the endless cycle of gordons failing
>Yet Eli refuses to speak the words that would save them all!
>Eli...if you won't do the right thing for the good of all people, maybe you'll do it for one of them.
The games themselves leave things ambiguous, but Laidlaw posted a series of tweets under the account "BreenGrub," which was his own little "fanfiction" to sketch out more Combine lore. In the tweets, a version of Wallace Breen stored inside a Shu'ulathoi grub tries to explain the backstory of the Shu'ulathoi and his own current predicament in very abstract and indirect terms.
These are my personal interpretations/summaries of what I think the tweets tell us; others may disagree/I may have got some stuff wrong:
- In the larval stage, Shu'ulathoi are incredibly intelligent and psychic, and built a whole culture of mental constructs that they swap between themselves; they try to keep themselves in the larval stage since their minds degrade if they enter the adult stage, which is only used for reproduction
- A "mental virus" appeared that could wipe out Shu'ulathoi minds, and this caused the Shu'ulathoi to fracture into isolated communities to try to quarantine the infection
- The Combine discovered the Shu'ulathoi and came for the virus, using it to wipe Shu'ulathoi minds and integrate them into the Combine hierarchy as biological computers; some of the Shu'ulathoi managed to escape notice due to the quarantines
- Breen's mind was regularly uploaded into Shu'ulathoi grubs in order to have regular backup copies; however the process is imperfect and involves corruptions, and these various Breens are becoming increasingly paranoid because they can't trust their own memories haven't become corrupt or tampered by the Combine
- Breen thinks there is some hope to cripple the Combine by targeting their Shu'ulathoi, possibly through some sort of alliance between the free Shu'ulathoi that managed to escape the Combine's notice and the Vortigaunts
I understand a chad like Gordon but why Alyx? It's going to corrupt the entire gene pool with terrible self preservation and an inability to consider moving their stupid asses out of doorways.
You're a goddamn hero.
No he doesn't want people to have sex, that is the entire point!
>telling people to have sex knowing very well they can't
its like you don't even Yea Forums
>Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. It must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce.
I have a few more. I have a bunch of prime ones that I screenshotted but I never cropped them so they're still sitting in some godforsaken folder.
Remember when they went to hawaii and posed around a giant lamba symbol? And people like me thought that maybe they were celebrating finishing hl3? That was 2014 I think.
>"Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where the dimensions intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!”
Could this be talking about Xen? And the Xen we see is merely an imitation that our minds can understand and view?
That might have been due to a rumored HL3 project that began around 2013 and fell part around 2015. In 2014 the employees might have been overly optimistic and thought they were actually going to successfully finish and ship it.
What would have happened if humanity opened a portal in/close to a black hole and 1 at the dyson sphere?
that's what i would have done
>Some fucking scientists open a portal to a dimension the government's been trying to hide for decades
>Sign an order for a branch of the marines to go in and kill everyone
>Its not a portal
>Its a resonance cascade
>Start getting reports that some fucko in a metal suit is killing hundreds of Aliens and marines
>Hundreds of soldiers dead
>Have send some Assassins we got off a program the USSR was doing before it fell apart
>They fail
>Marines retreating against orders
>Ah well fuck, order a press conference
>Big portal opens up somewhere in the Balklands
>8 hours later Im the proud administrator of city 14
That makes me so upset.
Anonymous 09/03/19(Tue)10:18:44 No.476555028(OP)
What the actual fuck is your problem? You want bait? You want (You)s? You don't get them.
If anything under Combine regime people would have sex all the time because every day is a safe day.
I mean you think Lamarr got defanged just to have it around and annoy Barney?
Our master is benevolent!
There have probably been dozens of HL3 projects that started and died over the years.
Right before the failed 2013-2015 HL3, there seems to have been another HL3 that had traction that was being worked on around 2011-2013; false optimism over that one was probably what led Gabe Newell to do the "these things, they take time" cameo in Clang's kickstarter video in 2012.
That seems to describe Xen pretty well, and considering that you e.g. see mantas literally appearing out of thin air it's probably fair to say that there's a a lot more going on behind the scenes.
That doesn't seem like something Kleiner would do.
>no girls allowed
>Did the lungfish refuse to breathe air? It did not. It crept forth boldly while its brethren remained in the blackest ocean abyss, with lidless eyes forever staring at the dark, ignorant and doomed despite their eternal vigilance. Would we model ourselves on the trilobite? Are all the accomplishments of humanity fated to be nothing more than a layer of broken plastic shards thinly strewn across a fossil bed, sandwiched between the Burgess shale and an eon's worth of mud?
Does anyone here have a good counter-argument?
>More like Imma Alxe your head off if you dont fuck off
Because the lungfish made that advancement on its own, bravely and boldly enfranchising itself and itself alone rather than seeking help from the already landed creatures, the lungfish did not give away its freedom nor its natural existence for this ability.
Vortiguan or Vortiguant?
wrong dimension, nigger
>Kleiner was originally Jewish
Have sex.
I can't remember the last time I had a shower.
When this is all over I'm.... Who am I kidding?
His hands were literally shaking when he was holding the shotgun there.
Kleiner is 100% pure and innocent. He doesn't have the mischievousness or the cunning to keep a debeaked headcrab around just to annoy Barney.
actually pretty funny
>Teleportation, uhh, finds a way
Remember when Valve invented episodic games? And quit after the second episode?
>He doesn't have the mischievousness or the cunning to keep a debeaked headcrab around just to annoy Barney.
I don't think that's what that other user was implying.
What was I implying?
can you imagine fighting a rebellion against a unbeatable galactic empire and succeed against all odds then with the supression field down women still turn your ugly ass down and you have to settle with the potato faced asian that have been hiding in a concrete pipe the entire war
Kill me
Sometimes I dream about cheese
it's pretty funny looking back. but realistically young men in 1914 (if you live in france, uk, canada, germany etc..) had to enlist or they would genuinely not have a good chance of getting married for years after the war was over.
headcrab dicking
Well now that ya mention it.
How the fuck would that even work?
>Man I miss the Combines, at least they understood us!
How indeed.
Portal is a nice little puzzle game for babies tho
>should have signed up for civil protection
>Headcrabs have periods just like women
Why not fuck a headcrab, its the same thing,
>potato faced asian that have been hiding in a concrete pipe the entire war
if you're referring to the girl in the canal level she's actually pretty cute
It was foretold after Ritual's 9 episode SiN revival was canned after only episode 1.
>When you realise the first metrocop you see was being a bro because picking up a can counts as voluntary work and ups your social credit score.
>Tfw you realise he's probably dead.
In the original announcement of the Episodic model, Valve claimed all three episodes would be out by Christmas 2007.
God damn, that's depressing.
Actually, according to the Combine radio chatter stuff it's outlawed to have for normal citizens. Only Metrocops can get it and even then it's simulated because they aren't gonna get the real thing. It's just another way for the Combine to break down on people thus why when only the citadel is down do they make the Alyx and Gordon fucking joke because it's realistically possible they can do it without any issues coming from it.
There are a bunch of sex shit in HL if you look at, like how most of the enemies in the original HL1 beta had buttholes on their textures.
you'd fuck anything on too legs
>There are a bunch of sex shit in HL if you look at, like how most of the enemies in the original HL1 beta had buttholes on their textures.
"Raising the Bar" includes an anecdote about a conversation between Gabe and a prospective concept artist where they got really excited talking about ideas on using sexual imagery to terrify the player, plus some concept art of an enemy called "Mr. Happy" that would "rape the player to death."
>Imagine Eli's disgust when he realises his 40 year old friend he hasn't seen in 20 years is probably fucking his 20 year old daughter
Do you think Eli would believe him when Gordon explains how he's still in his early 20's?
Jesus Christ
Did you not play Episode Two?
Eli knows.
not the most original thing in the world but i like it
Mr. Friendly is more of a joke enemy in the beta community because no one knows how'd it work other than the blurring and spitting things found in the SDK and interviews but the main thing everyone knows is that Gabe wanted to do that.
Everyone assumes it was Gabe trying to make HL scary and uncomfortable rather than make a good enemy to fight, thus why it getting cut when most of it was done animation wise.
Didn't he get the design off his brothers friend's autistic kid?
>bunch of conspiracy loons and terrorists teaming up against a one world government that preaches peace and acceptance between races
what did Firaxis mean by this?
Some kid, yeah, I think it was . explains it well.
Wrong thread retard.
Where do I go to get some in depth Combine lore? Will Valve ever fill this aching void?
do I really want them to?
CombineOverwiki is insanely autistic about lore.
>CombineOverwiki is insanely autistic about lore.
As it should be.
So what are the universes the combine invade? What is the nature of them? Are they all parallel diverging off different paths of history? Or perhaps with different physics and are more align wth Xen?
Huh, that;s actually neat. Thanks user.
Aside from the fact that Eli for sure already knows, he himself tries to set Alyx and Gordon up.
How the fuck did he ever do that?
In EP2 he makes a comment to Alyx about her and Gordon and then says something to her like "now that the suppression field is down we all have to do our part"
Suppression field stopped conception, not sex.
I would imagine the metro cops started shitting their pants when the citadel fell and started to beat up the nearest Overwatch soldier. I mean, they are just volunteers that got paid in food and pleasure.
Most probably sign up because standard rations probably cant feed a family, hence why in Episode 1 they're ditching the combine and are trying to get out of City 17 and away from the rebels. Look what happened to French girls who married the Nazi invaders, they fear a similar fate to their wives and daughters.
Not that its undeserved
>Look what happened to French girls who married the Nazi invaders
maybe when the muslims get banned from europe we'll get to do the same against the mudsharks
I'm not even going to tell you to shut up.
>Alyx and Gordon making a black-asian-white goblino
How deep can we go
I thought Alyx's mom was white not Asian.
She can tank bullets like a pro though.
Put Gordon's mind in the baby give it a hev suit and a crowbar
Wait for Gordon to realize his baby is black-asian-vort
>alyx not getting gorilla fucked by an aliengrunt
Why the fuck is a nerd like Gordon so good at handling firearms? He knows his way around multiple platforms like a goddamn pro
HEV suit aiding him probably.
Perhaps some unseen help from G-man
>what is hev training program
they were used to go into xen after all
City 17's police force either deserted their posts and blended into the rest of the citizenry escaping the citadel's reach or took up arms as their own faction trying to escape through force. At the end of Episode 1 the policemen you fight are attempting to steal the refugee trains.
The police are also not mentioned or seen in Episode 2 so it can be assumed that the force was disbanded completely with all humans not directly serving within the combine overwatch killed on sight.
Gun nerd as well as physics nerd. People can have more than one interest.
Gman guided his bullets even the ones that miss
>Gman was actually the player all along.
It all makes sense.
Nah, Ep 1 alot of the force is clearly trying to make a stand from the rebels, and likely from the combine due to the luxuries they provided can no longer be guaranteed.
Most without families who can be identified as traitors would have either joined the rebellion or skipped town and went to live in a comfy cabin in the woods.
but at the same time those genes would cause them to be near invincible which means so long as gordon is a good father, humanity could have a race of unkillable child soldiers
>HEV suit aiding him probably.
>suit constantly having to repeat instructions for basic reload drills
>"pull charging handle back. No, twist it at the end so it stays locked. Press magazine release. Insert loaded magazine. Bring charging handle forward. Warning: your safety is ON."
And that's not even covering firearms not registered in Black Mesa's training program, let alone how it would distinguish an MP5 from an MP7. FUCK, it registers a goddamn jury-rigged crossbow and a common crowbar as a weapon
Oi Vey remember the six billion vortiguants
Maybe they thought this was just a set back and getting the fuck out of dodge meant they would get back to being cops in another city.
Um, there wasn't even 6 billion vortigaunts in Xen at the time
Being a cop is probably the best possible situation in HL2
>spend all day beating the shit out of malcontents and fucking with them like making them pick up litter
>never in any actual danger because nobody has the balls to fight back
>don't have to get a colostomy bag and half your fucking skull scooped out like the overwatch soldiers
>extra benefits that plebes don't get such as more food, better lodging and getting porn directly shot into your brainstem
>if shit hits the fan can just wear your police vest over your citizen fatigues and blend in as a rebel to switch to the winning side
>thinking women will have a choice
If anything, whatever governments that rise up will make rape legal for untold generations due to the fact it means more people
>getting porn directly shot into your brainstem
huh when did they talk abt that
Ross Scott’s “Civil Protection” sure made it look comfy.
some of the PA system chatter mentions "non mechanical reproduction simulation"
dont do good on your job though, you dont want that promotion
I think you skipped the part where you are the first line of defense against the rebellion and sent to keep shitty sewer outposts, have no weapon or military training, which mean you are often targeted for ambushes just for the sake of stealing your equipments.
that vr porn tho
>non-mechanical reproduction simulation
We're not sure what "non-mechanical" means, for all we know it's about fucking a synth.
Do not listen to this poster. The Universal Union encourages accomplished service records. To intentionally delay the advancement of mankind by not doing your part is suicide.
It is your duty to serve humanity. The transhuman arm of the Combine Overwatch is always looking for talented and determined forward-thinkers to join its ranks. Rise above ignorance and redefine yourself.
>We need a standard-issue sidearm for our police force on Earth that we're going to leave there to keep the population in check
>These are just some low-level stooges, so don't give them any of our good shit, in case it gets stolen.
>What's a fairly common weapon they have over there that we can collect a lot of and arm them en masse?
>Glock? Never heard over it. Sig? Springfield? Hi-Point? The fuck are those?
>AH, yes! Perfect! This should fit the role nicely
Except hasn't Black Mesa known about Xen for a while and been sending scientists through at the lambda complex?
Also of the Black Mesa was heavily funded by the government
But Dr. Breen... What actually happens when I get promoted?
yeah it DOES fit perfectly and is a REALLY popular gun
Doctor Breen, why is my peepee not working? Also, do you edit the messages before reading them on camera?
Pretty sure the Combine makes their own shit based off Earth weapons.
use a makarov mod with my game
it takes place in eastern europe after all
>Eastern Europe
>implying it's chambered in .45
>really popular
The base model USP, maybe, but the Match as depicted in-game is a god damn competition pistol with that bigass compensator on the front. Even still, sure, the USP is popular, but it's not /that/ popular, and it's almost certainly outnumbered by several other pistols that are/were in mass production/service, like the Glock for example.
That they know nothing about incels? The only thing preventing Incels from having sex is their own personalities and behavior.
Valve is stuck beyond the event horizon. For them its always 2004.
you seem to be forgetting that even though it isnt more popular like glocks or berettas there are still a million or so of them, and the human population of earth is only a million, so you would need even less guns for the cops meaning they get the BEST shit like USPs and MP7s
>The Combine commits mass China and steals H&K's designs to mass produce their firearms and give to the lowliest, most underfunded of police forces
Okay, I can buy quality being the focus since mass quantity is no longer needed, but still, the Match model?
yeah, that shit looed cool in underworld AND you'd need to be as accurate as possible with a shitty pistol
How does Gordon, a Nuclear Physicist Egg head get so good at killing people? It can't be the HEV suit alone because so many mooks armed to to the teath died in Xen.
Thank you for writing, anonymous.
To be concerned of what might happen beyond your career with the civil protection force is a natural fear. It is natural, after all, to be afraid of the unknown.
"What might happen to me?"
"Will I be the same?
"Is it really worth my humanity?"
However unfortunately naive and childish these concerns might appear to be, it is simply a reflex of the mind to lash out against what it does not understand. This has been a constant for mankind and a blight we must quarantine before it spreads further. It has strangled us throughout the centuries, toppling once great nations and delaying crucial advancements that otherwise could have granted us technology once thought it be the impossible.
Plainly said, a fear of the unknown is human. We have grown abundant on ignorance, drunkenly gulping it down with fervor not unlike that of a child who should have been weaned long ago. Our benefactors are the way to shedding this reliance upon fear and hatred. I ask you, anonymous: what do you have to lose from tossing away mankind's indignities, its shameful inadequacies? To cling to the flimsy definition of 'human' is nothing but folding under the weight of your own fear.
Doesn’t quite capture the tone, but good effort. Laidlaw’s a damn fine writer and his Breen is very hard to imitate just right.
because he got training, going through all that shit with aliens and spec ops prepares you for fighting in xen with the exact same aliens.
Also people who were in xen where trapped their for long periods of time with only few of them ever making it long enough to travel back
training and luck
Is this achievable natty?
just be american
>When you realise the first metrocop you see was being a bro because picking up a can counts as voluntary work and ups your social credit score.
So just like china then?
>for all we know it's about fucking a synth
Alright Yea Forums rank leaders, pick your poison. Time to spend those well earned 100 sterilized credits.
Most of those are war-synths. The Combine probably have some sort of specialized recreation-synths for that purpose.
I'll take the carrier
My nigga. Something about its organic design always made me curious.
I'll take the supersoldier, thank you
>still no leaked model from the top seekrit 1000$ paywall valve's repository
Still seething to this day.
I don't know why that makes me laugh
that sounds like something Mao would tell his Chinese supporters
the one left of the very bottom right one looks like it could give some pretty good succ
I doubt anyone wants to take their dick anywhere near top right
probably just a pride celebration event instead