Here's your controller, bro
Here's your controller, bro
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesn't have a carbon fiber mouse
>faggot is too weak to use a normal mouse so they have to punch holes in it
I laugh at people using these unironically
There is no reason to use a heavier mouse. The ideal mouse would weigh 0 grams and just be a weightless extension of your arm.
You won't notice any difference playing games casually, but if you play high-level FPS or RTS, lightweight mice are a huge boon.
Get that shit away from me.
Also fuck wireless mouses
Make it yourself?
>Also fuck wireless mouses
based technologically illiterate boomer
I like my tactile feedback though
now drill holes in it
No, it's the Zaunkoenig M1K
my hand sweats too much to use that shit
Did you read your own chart?
Only about 25% use wireless.
800dpi master race.
I can't believe mongs use 1000dpi+. Must just have shitty tiny mousepads
>over 25% of pros are using wireless mouse
...Doesn't that mean that 75% are using wired mouse? How the fuck is this an argument for the wireless?
>only 1/4th of the people use it so it's irrelevant
>25% use wireless mouse
>1 in 4 homeless is a woman
hahaha what the fuck am i reading
all wireless mice have input delay
400dpi fk1 get on my level
>professional gamers
mods please delete this underage thread immediately
Trypophobia isnt real and if you claim to have it youre an attention seeking retard
>There is no reason to use a heavier mouse
Not true, they're better on low-friction surfaces (plastic pads, textured surfaces), for wrist-aiming and higher sensitivities. Light mice are great for high-friction (cloth pads, smooth surfaces), arm-aiming and low sensitivities.
>be ancient man
>unga bunga
>fear nothing
>see corpse
>touch it
>get diseased
>see spider
>touch it
>get bit
>see hole
explain this shit
>all wireless mice have input delay
All wired mice have input delay, too.
The input delay of modern wireless radios (lightspeed, etc.) is comparable to wired. If the rest of the mouse is delay-optimized (no debounce delay, no MCU delay, minimal driver delay, etc.), wireless mouse can (and do) have lower total input delay than wired mice. Pic related
>see hole
>unga bunga gruk curious
>spider/snake pops out
>get bit
Imagine the gunk
>3/4 of the people use mouse with cord
This sounds better.
Not to mention there is high chance that pro players use wireless mouse just for advertising purpose while plugging cord into it for lower latency. There is literally no advantage for pro players to use wireless mouse - the lag is real.
There is no one in the CSGO pro scene who uses a mouse over 100 grams.
Your brick is not better, you're just used to it and stuck in your ways.
You are just purely, empirically wrong. See >Not to mention there is high chance that pro players use wireless mouse just for advertising purpose while plugging cord into it for lower latency.
I am laughing so hard. The cords for wireless mice are stiff, clumsy things. You don't play with them plugged in. It's a good thing you only need to charge them for about 30 minutes every month, and in many mice (like Logitech G305) you can just hot-swap in a new battery.
>play a game based on mental ability
>Other people are better
>Justify that it has to be that your mouse needs "speed holes"
Worse than saying he was cheating
Some Pro use wireless retard
If two people are of 100% equal skill, the one with the better mouse will win.
The Pro Wireless and G203/102 are pretty much the same mice with the former just having "the worlds best sensor" which isnt really better than the latter's
I fucking use an mmo mouse by Logitech and am grandmaster in overwatch, top 20 consistently in pubg and fortnite, around 2.3kd on destiny 2, insurgency, csgo, and quake arena, mostly first in Titanfall 2, and never ever needed a mouse with fucking holes in it.
It's a meme man. Lighter mice aren't worth the trade-off.
>lagre at battre
What the fuck is this
Assuming both of them are 100% consistent.
They use it means it's good
There are alot of factors going into 1v1 saying it's down to a mouse is fucking retarded
they're paid to use specific mice
Imagine the cheeto puff dust caked into the holes
The G203/102 has the Mercury sensor, which is now three generations old, and was a "budget sensor" of its generation.
Additionally, the G203/G102 and G Pro Wireless have completely different body shapes. The G203/G102 is a small mouse, while the GPW is medium-large.
The G305 is the G203/G102 except $10 more expensive, wireless (with the latest Lightspeed radio - ie. low input delay ) and having the best sensor on the market today (HERO)
To make it simple, if you have large hands you should use a G Pro Wireless or G403, and if you have small hands (or you use fingertip grip) you should use a G305
no shit if nike paid you to wear their shoes you would take them on the offer even if another brand feels and is better overall.
This is sometimes true, but it isn't how they decide what mouse they will use. No one swaps to a mouse they dislike for a sponsorship. In CSGO, mouse choice is very important. It sometimes happens that players who like a particular mouse can get sponsored to use it.
G pro has the same body as 305
>see hole
>fuck it
>die of STD
What now fag?
The G Pro *wired* has the same body as the G305 (but is wired.) The G Pro Wireless does not have the same body as the g305, it is a completely different shape. Please use reading comprehension.
The only thing stopping me from going wireless now is the battery.
I'm a lazy fuck so charging is a pain, can i charge while plugging and play games?
Yes, and Tiger Woods won the Masters because the used TaylorMade clubs. Go out and buy a set of TaylorMade clubs right now!
>Trypophobia: The Mouse
I'm pretty sure I saw this go up against Hypnodisk
Speed holes?
Cool, gonna switch to the wireless version after my g502 die
cool mouse bro
Hows the battery life on them these days? I got some eneloops for VR shenanagins but wouldn't be opposed to going wireless if that shit won't die on me constantly
The 305 uses one AA and lasts 200 hours on performance mode.
800 for gaming 1600 for browsing
So about a week? I guess thats alright
I always use my trackpad built into my keyboard on 5 on 5 fps games and i always come in the top 10.
my GPW (which has a tiny 200mah button cell) lasts about 3-4 weeks before it needs a 30 minute charge
g305 can use lithium batteries which will just last you effectively for fucking ever, and can be hot swapped in 15 seconds
>sneeze on mouse
*spills drink*
It's all well and good until you get a carbon fiber splinter. Those bitches hurt.
You could just put shrink film on the inside of the body to make it airtight
>pro player cares about which mouse he use while he has 60cm/360 sens
The lower sens, mouse matter less. Most mouses for >$30 performs pretty much the same because they have by default high polling rate in sensor. Only thing that matters is what kind of grip you use.
It's not cheap chink "carbon fiber", it's real German epoxy-resin carbon fiber
The wireless in the Gpro and g903 is fucking perfect. literally no difference to wired. better even since there's no wire to fuck with you.
I have a g903 and powerplay mat, unfortunately I've just started getting the click fail. only had it for 10 months ffs. they really need to stop using garbage chink shit switches.
That works, the mouse itself is cheap as heck so guess I'll give it a try and just see for myself, gettan the 305 since I've been a claw lad since quake days due to be a nasty fuck and wanting to keep my mousepad clean
>The lower sens, mouse matter less.
This is the opposite of the truth. The lower your sens, the more important it is for the mouse to handle acceleration well. Mice do not handle acceleration uniformly. See graph
You know that shit is toxic to the touch right? Fucks your kidneys big time.
sponsored mice only happen when players actually only want to use that one brand's mice. no-one is getting paid to force them to switch to mice they don't use otherwise, it's too personal a choice.
Nah, usually about 6 weeks or so. The battery usage is extremely efficient, going in low power mode after 3-5 seconds and then a sleep state after a couple minutes.
>I have a g903 and powerplay mat, unfortunately I've just started getting the click fail. only had it for 10 months ffs.
Do one of these things:
1) Buy electrical contact cleaner for $5, open the mouse, open the failed switch (and other switches while you're at it,) spray contact cleaner into the switch, operate it a few times. Close everything back up. Switch will work great for another year or two.
2) Buy Japanese-made switches (
Oh thats much better
There's too much wrong in this post. You need to educate yourself on the subject you're pretending to know about.
>dead skin all up in your mouse holes
oh, amazing. tell me more
can i get mew under the truck?
all mice have input delay you retard
and wireless is as fast as wired these days
Are you guys clinically obese? I don't get "gunk" or sweat on my fucking HANDS. What is wrong with you?
Ok, lads, I need some help.
Is pic related good? I could use a big mouse since I'm not a handlet, but I always see mixed opinions on it. It's on sale right now for 25 burger bucks
>[nearly]all wireless mice have [considerably more] input delay
learn to fucking read you stupid nigger
And you were wrong when you said it, lol.
logitech have the powerplay mat on their g903 and gpro that charges wireless. it's fucking horrendously expensive but works perfectly.
>i am thin
>friction and time do not work on my hands the same way as others
fuck off i won't believe you made up stats
If you play MMOs it's really good
I don't get that much gunk, but the scroll wheel on my g502 has those tiny holes from sweat in it. Shit sucks.
jesus is this the level of gaymer gear we've reached?
not only do you need tn low latency monitors, gaming keyboards and wired connections you need super lightweight mice too I guess
It's actually pretty great for real work since you can macro all sorts of shit to it.
literally all humans have oils on their skins, developed on a evolutionary level it helps protect your inner body and skin
Yeah the second one is something I've been considering (If you're opening it up might as well replace the fucking useless cunt switches).
>literally all humans have oils on their skins, developed on a evolutionary level it helps protect your inner body and skin
The problem is it's absolutely hell to de-solder mouse switches without a vacuum pump (a real one, not one of the hand-operated spring pumps)
I still can't do it reliably. I tried wick, a spring pump, everything. Shit just won't come off. Always a tiny little micro-speck of solder holding the prongs in.
now every time I see a setup like this I can only think about the headache it would give me in 5 minutes tops
unless you play mmo's then fuck no, G305
>skin cant dry out
Just leave him be, user.
Man, Razer marketing victims
just looking at this picture is making me uncomfortable, even if I pretend the little faggot with the punchable face isn't there
being prone to migraines sucks so fucking much
think you can go head to head with a real gamer like me?
that seems nice, almost convinced
sadly the G305 costs twice as much in my shithole country, the G600 being this cheap is what interests me
Honestly kind want something like this. My MX518 is heavy af
Is this any worse than the mass quantities of normalfags who buy shit like Supreme?
Get a cheap Corsair Harpoon. Weighs nothing and up to 6000 dpi. Wired and wireless.
i see these cheese mice all the time, what is so good about them?
>1500 professional gamers
Yeah I'm a plat too btw
G305 is ultra light if you use lithium AAAs.
I'm 6'2 and 160lb lanket and I have to clean my mouse every day because of the shit my finger leaves on the mouse left click
Now he's just going to accuse you of wiping your ass with your hand.
get a G102/G203 instead
All other things equal the one with the more comfortable socks will win.
they trigger people with trypophobia
Graphene mouse, when?
those "graphene" clothes are a marketing gimmick, it isn't even close to real graphene, they have like 2% carbon in the fabric and call it graphene because its unregulated what you can or cannot call "graphene" (unlike fabrics)
How much fire do we need to kill this thing?
Skeleton detected. Get the fuck outta here.
>595 yurobucks
Big yikes
I'll never use a wireless mouse again. Fuck you.
Oh it's for weight? I just assumed it was so your hands dont sweat
no-one got a nobel prize for nukes?
I thought it was so jewish manufacturers can cheap out the manufacturing costs (while bumping up the costs to the consumer) b/c less materials = less costs.
Nobody cares, luddite.
>128,75 $ for a mouse...
You cared enough to reply.
The technology illiterate mongoloid retarded boomers on Yea Forums will seethe at this.
Modern wireless mice as are good if not better than wired mice.
It's not 2007 anymore, there's zero input delay on high quality wireless mice.
No, your 5$ chink shit wireless mouse is not a good example of wireless latency.
Just get a 305
I'm just taking one for the team just to inform you that you're retarded.
>no apple magic mouse 2 with 5 buttons
it's not fair the thing is basically perfect otherwise
Either way, I win.
Mental illness isn't a win for anyone, user.
after about 8-10 hours of using my mouse i start to get cramps about 3 inches below my index knuckle, near the center of my hand but offset to the index side. does this mean my mouse is too small? i have long fingers
I thought you didn't care.
>wanting to expose yourself to electronic radiation
Good goy.
Or G Pro Gaming, which is same but slightly better.
A lot of scientists got nobel prizes for what turned out to be nuke in the long run. The Curies, Einstein (althought not for nukes, he got the prize much earlier), bunch of other physicists.
>fortnite pros
Which is about $80 more expensive
>Or G Pro Gaming, which is same but slightly better.
They are completely different mice shapes with the same internals.
The G305 is for small hands, the GPW is for large hands
The G305 is lighter if you use a lithium AAA
Literally the same shape, just like G203 is literally the same shape.