What's your excuse for not having played Kat's game now?
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Didn't feel like playing 2 immediately after 1 and in the meantime I've had plenty of other stuff to play so I haven't around to it yet
But I've already platinumed it.
I have both games for the PS4 but I haven't finished either
Seriously i literally bought this on ps4 an hour ago
it's garbage and it's not her game. She isn't real and therefore has no property rights
kat pusy
kat ass
it's shit
her games are garbage
imagine the smell
Based sony
The only good thing about Gravity Rush 2 is the designer for some of the enemies made El Shaddai the superior game
Watching Overlord for the first time. Anything I should expect or should be aware of?
its shit but not as shit as your life or kats game
>Streaming games
Why do PC.ucks do this to themselves? You have less standards than niggers playing cross-gen 2014 multiplats on the PS3.
Thank you user I hope you have a happy life and relationship.
Probably still runs better than the 15 FPS with dips that was the original PS4 version.
>console retard talking about standards
top lel my dude
It's literally running on a PS4 except you have added input latency and stream compression
Are all PCmutts this retarded or is it just you Joao?
So.... um, can I just play the game during the free 7 day trial, then cancel the service? So I will have played GR2 for free without buying a PS4?
Sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?
psnow, not ps plus. The former requires the subscription.
It says there's a 7 day free trial. I'd imagine it's like Netflix where it bills you only after the trial ends so you can just cancel the sub.