Other urls found in this thread:
I just want Dante, man.
2 characters revealed
None are Terry
Never ever.
I've always liked Dante but there are better Capcom characters, ad much as Itsuno wants DMC5 on switch the reception to DMC1 Switch was super negative.
turns out, little doom fella
well yeah, only because they were selling dmc 1 for like 20 dollars when you can just get the hd collection for 30
>this intro could be recreated in smash
man I hate smash but that would be fucking legit. Does smash do special intros on the countdown?
>its real
Nani the fuck
It also have all the problems if the HD version, some compressed audio issues, and its 10 fucking gigs when the pc version if the collection is 12
Lmao no that would require effort
It's either that Samurai Showdown chick or Terry. Really can't see any other possibilities.
Enough said
Too many possible combos for that, especially if you use 8 player mode
I got $50 on Terry Bogard! Let's fucking go!
Give me Wright, Dante or Monster Hunter and I'll be happy.
It’s not a smash direct retards
It could be an easter egg for 1v1 battles only, like how Jokers victory screen has different themes in Mementos
it all clearly seems to point its Terry or Nako, definitely an SNK rep. but! it was still a slip-up by nintendo, theres always a chance for this to be a complete fuck up and the copyright was for an entirely diferent game.
its REALLY unlikely, but STILL a possibility.
>Implying we won't get a Smash reveal
No Atelier series rep for smash?
I'm so sad now.
It's Nakoruru.
Nothingg smash related and Yea Forums is btfo
My prediction is that nothing will get shown because they're gonna save it for a final smash direct like the last one sometime in december.
With Astral Chain out on the streets now this can only mean one thing bros
Doesn't it make more sense to reveal the 4th character now and the last one in December?
I wish.
As long as it's not Tracer I'll be okay.
I would like Shantae or Ayame from Tenchu, but I'll be okay with anything but Tracer.
I just hope I can watch it, I'm here in Florida and I'm pretty sure the storm will be going strong while the direct is going, hold me bros.
Its gonna be Terry I'd rather have a metal slug character though
Anything that hasn’t been leaked lately or spammed on here so anything besides
Ninja gayden dude
Conker (never happening fuck off conkerfags)
Would be fine
Nakoruru and Ryu
all i care about is the smash trailer and banjo release date so i'll just check the website when i get off work
user has a point. theres always the chance nothing gets announced, Banjo hasnt been released after all.
It also makes sense to have everything in December, because since the DLC ends in February, they can just take the time to showcase two new fighters in depth at once.
It makes more sense to just reveal both of the trailers now so that they dont have to be introduced the same month theyre released.
Litteraly all the dlc reveals have been at events
The games award and E3
>No, there HAS to be smash!
I explicitly remember directs during reveal seasons where there were no smash reveal, what makes you think that Smash is mandated to be on the direct?
Its confirmed at this point
>user has a point. theres always the chance nothing gets announced
Well, yeah, but I believe I have a point too. The pass is gonna be done by February, so why would they wait and reveal both characters in December? Doesn't it make more sense to reveal one tomorrow, release it near December, and then show off the 5th person then?
It's going to be Tracer, a Fire Emblem character and Dixie Kong.
Dante from the Devil May Cry series
>40 minutes long
Banjo is most likely coming out in the next 2 weeks
>It also makes sense to have everything in December
I disagree entirely, it would make a lot more sense to reveal one now and release them in winter, then show off the 5th person in December
It wasn’t much time between hero’s reveal and release next one will be in like December or early January
Someone from Samurai Shodown, just to make the hoes mad. Fuck all the cereal mascot characters, and fuck Banjoke. I hope he's complete shit.
>they dont have to be introduced the same month theyre released.
Wrong. If you wait too long between your announcement and your product drop, that hype train is going to wear off fast. In fact it's best to release the characters as soon as possible after their announcement, you think anyone would have bought Roy or Lucas if they didn't drop the day of the announcement?
Hurr durr leaker said so hurr durr duh site mess up XD
Can’t wait for u retards to get btfo
I just want Klonoa and ports of his games on switch if I'm being honest, I know it won't happen but I'll enjoy the few hours before it doesn't imagining it did
>Wants to make people angry
>Is also upset about Banjo
Eh. After the piranha plant reveal, I'm pretty much for anything.
>Hero Revealed in May
>Released at the very end of July
Okay I see you're just retarded
>In fact it's best to release the characters as soon as possible after their announcement
Just like they did with all the DLC so far, yes.
I'm being sarcastic, they didn't do that yet.
They will only show Banjo's release date & no one else because Nintendo will save fighters 4 & 5 for a special Smash direct in October and you know it, Yea Forums.
The Direct announcement says they're only talking about 2019 releases
If it was Smash related they'd say so.
He's not popular enough you're not allowed to like him
More like June, and that doesn't change the fact that it would have been better if they had their release dates closer.
>E3 Direct
I don't really care
Banjos will be show it won’t reveal the next character
>40 fucking minutes
Holy shit that’s as long as their E3
Expect a solid half of it to be taken up by pokemon and luigi's mansion 3.
You faggots have been BTFO'd ever since smash 4. Insiders have won every single time
We all know it's a SNK shithead, anyone saying otherwise is still in the coping stage but I can't blame you
"See, you can now play the SNES version of Super Mario Kart on Nintendo's official emulator which for some mysterious reason is worse than amateur-made emulators based on trial and error and reverse engineering! And for just over $ 20 a year, which makes our service cost almost as much as PSN and Xboxlive, although in ours you can't even communicate with friends on your list. Now buy our colorful products!"
>And for just over $ 20 a year, which makes our service cost almost as much as PSN and Xboxlive
Dude I don't like Nintendo online either but why lie about this part?
He's finally in, bros
he's the beta version of bayonetta so he'd be redundant
Are you an idiot? Those things take 5 minutes at most, the real meat of the presentation is the big amount of game reels
if the hero can get added when we already have link and robin then we can get bayonetta with a sword
Pokemon do their own Directs, user, Nintendo only shows small trailers for pokemon
Not only does Capcom already have 3 reps, Dante is completely irrelevant to Nintendo and not being pushed by Capcom like Joker.
Kamiya only worked on DMC 1, user
February 2020
Still cheering on for Reimu.
Terry is obviously going to be DLC 4 and DLC 5 looks like it'll be Ryu Hayabusa.
I'll concede when the time comes.
Cow dot jay pag
KoF is an important franchise but the Terry Broguy pick is so weird to me. He’s already in FEXL, why is Nintendo retreading someone else’s guest character? I can’t think of what will really be unique about him.
The announcement we will get: Pokemon Mario and Zelda related, overwatch
The announcement we need: n64, GameCube, and SNES games through Nintendo online account, a new F-zero instalment, 3rd party support for more games not just a Nintendo system.
Because following dumb rules like "thou shalt have the same guest character in multiple games" when said rule doesnt exist is stupid
Who cares about that shit?
Watch them not even mention Smash. Just to string us along.
I'd prefer Kyo or Marco instead of Terry but if he gets in instead I won't be mad.
It'll be Leon.
It costs $20 a year. And they will probably create a new tier that will drive the price up, getting closer and closer to PSN and Xboxlive. Probably the new tier will be $30 or $40.
Did anyone even buy EX Layer, lol
Nintendo likes being unique
0% chance
Shut up newfag. They always show smash shit in between their releases. They dont have to say it has smash info because they know we expect it. Its the best Nintendo's got.
Kys rosterfag
You didn't answer my question, why lie about that part?
lol so UMVC tanked and are now infecting smash threads with their retarded requests. Tell Marvel to buy Sony and leave these poor kids and their party games alone creeps lol.
Every DLC character has been a protagonist in their games or a Pokemon.
Terry is the most popular KoF character but he's also the protagonist of Fatal Fury so Nintendo will just go with that while shoving him full of KoF references and music to go along with his stage
>shits out same games every year
Sure fag
My prediction is that we will get a dlc character that appeals to the east in this direct, and a dlc character that appeals to the west at the game awards.
Why use this zoomer Twitter meme when he already has "Are you ok?"
People would be so mad if Lloyd got in. I can already see the ANIME SWORDSMAN WITH TWO SWORDS complaining now. Put him in, Sakurai.
Go jerk off to ya dead rejected park mascot
What are you talking about? I was speculating about a possible $ 20 increase in NSO price and how that would make the subscription close to the value of PSN Plus (though it doesn't offer the same benefits). My English sucks but that's what I meant.
>I was speculating
Sure you were
waiting for SNKfags to be BTFO
Yes, don't be autistic and learn the different uses of "quotes". And you need to be over 18 to post here.
as long as its any SNK characters I will be happy.
Don't get so upset just because I pointed out how dumb and wrong you were
As much as I like Dante ots hard to justify him with how many Platinum titles Nintendo owns now and the lack of positive PR he has on Nintendo.
Like imagine going Dante from that horrible port that launched last month
So she's in? Sick
>not being pushed by Capcom
Guess all that 5 marketing was nonexistent then?
Smash needs a real swordsman
I'm completely okay with Terry, I'm way excited for him and hope he still has his Engrish voice clips.
My final DLC picks are Travis Touchdown, Sora, or 2B. Any of the three would be cool as fuck, but at this point I'm satisfied with whoever they pick. This roster has been so good.
How mad will you faggots be when smash gets a tiny update?
It's not even mentioned in the tweet. It's LM3 and Pokemon primarily.
But what you pointed is specifically not a sword
Metal Slug rep please. Hope they announce a New game also.
Early Terryfag here. As long as SNK gets any sort of representation, I'd be happy. Metal Slug guys don't need to get so hopped up. If we get Marco instead of Terry, that's cool too.
Based as fuck. If she weren't relatively irrelevant, I'd take her over Terry in a heartbeat.
>people can't handle the hotcold coffee and the failed sandwiches
Travis has the higest chance between them, especially with Nintendo wanting to avoid signing any deals with Disney that would hurt them specifically.
Yeah Smash wasnt mentioned in the tweet for the E3 Direct either and look where that ended up.
joker got in because sakurai has a boner for persona 5. he literally wrote an entire article just sucking off p5's ui design.
E3 is totally the same thing as this random direct.
Luigi's Mansion looks extremely pleasing. Like, pretty damn good.
How can one man spin so many lies?
That's not angel.
If they don't reveal a new character then the news would likely be Banjo's release date and maybe an announcement for a Smash direct in November/December, so I can't imagine people being too upset.
>40 Minutes long
Just about yeah
Is there a Geno version? He’ll never ever get in but I want to have one ready to go just in case.
The soul edge can turn into your preferred weapon. Siegfried used a big ass sword, so Nightmare also uses a big ass sword.
Fuck off
>all these people wanting a new reveal
>meanwhile I already got my boy, just waiting for a release date
Youre so special
I can't tell the difference between Terry and a random dude in a sleeveless shirt and jeans
>talking shit about those commercials
This, now I can only hope that the last DLC characters make people mad butthurt
Terry had a blonde ponytail and has been in video games for like 25 years
God im in a room full of idiots
Fuck it ultramarines in Smash
>there are no newcomers
>dev work was scrapped and everyone moved onto new projects after getting paid
>announcement is 20 minutes of both Bowsers laughing uncontrollably at the camera
>no refunds
>just kidding Camilla is the 4th DLC character
>Geralt is the last one
>Following up on Square Enix, SaGa Scarlett Grace is out TODAY on the Nintendo Switch and other western consoles
I WILL nut if this happens.
Where's Tarma's left leg?
>Acts retarded
>Gets treated like a retard
How shocking user
Maybe tomorrow can be the day
Adeleine and Marina would be cool too
Marina would be random as fuck
Nah not that that one Im talking about Mischief Makers Marina
Literally anything besides an anime sword boy/girl is what I'm hoping for.
I want Sora because people will go insane with anger
The last thing people want from Nintendo is Disney, hell Nintendos own investors told them not to make movies with them to guarantee quality.
Just because you said that Fire Emblem rep will show up tommorow
*destroys the entire internet by being announced*
fuck off gokek
George of the jungle confirmed
Sora is like the most requested character that isn't confirmed yet, dipshit. Jesus, you miserable fucking saltniggers sure have been desperate for your le epic salt since Banjo was revealed.
If Banjo was able to crash Yea Forums. I dread what kind of effect Goku would have.
Hes not though, hes a meme Smash Flash character that is wanted by people who dont play the game
Phoenix Wright or bust.
Forty minutes it's a long time for anything to happen.
Same desu
If not Dante I just want a character that will make people seethe as much as possible
>Day 4
>40 minutes
Yes I think I know where this is going
Pls gib KOS-MOS. Seriously she'd be fun as fuck.
Pikmin Amiibo Extravanganza.q
Oh shut up shut up shut up
Did Namco retweet? I don't use Twitter
>No Smash reveal
We only get 3 Directs a year now, Sept, Feb-April, and E3. Assuming the final character is at The Game Awards this year, this Direct is really the only time for the 4th character.
It's more likely that we won't get any Banjo tomorrow than no 4th.
I can't wait to see the Overwatch Port on Switch.
he devs shitted on the console but now that their game is dead, they want to port it.
Hope they announce DQ IX too.
Of course it's gonna have the Smash reveal, specially after doing the SNK stint.
Now this is a good idea.
They already confirmed it in July at the DQ IX 10th anniversary but I want to see it.
Imagine the hype if we can do DQ IX story with co-op multiplayer gathering 3 Yea Forumsros to complete the journey.
Too soon. Maybe in 2 years.
6PM? Come the fuck on. No one is going to watch that except for 10 year olds who just got out of school.
>They already confirmed it in July at the DQ IX 10th anniversary but I want to see it.
Quit bitching, it's at 12 of the night in here.
Please God let it be Terry, I've wanted him long before this past week, it's been a wild ride seeing him being posted this frequently. After all this extra hype and assurance, it'll suck ass if he isn't in. No matter who it is though, I'll be alright with it, SNK is a great company with plenty of candidates. Good luck, friends.
40 minutes is even more than usual, nice!
>I'll concede when the time comes.
You are setting yourself for failure, there is just too much competition for Reimu to be anywhere close to the top of Nintendo's priority list. It's wiser to just wait for the next game when the third party drama calms down a bit. Sakurai is a shmupfag so there is always hope.
based terrybro
What will Terry's stage be? Geese Tower?
Not confirmed, but they talked about the possibility and how long development could be.
user, most of their big announcements happen during 6pm Directs.
But yeah we're gonna wait 2 years at least
It's curious that a lot of the talk has been around KoF fighters instead of Metal Slug characters with the ability to change models like with the DQ hero.
How neat!
You know damn well hes already in was literally leaked by Nintendo, have to be retarded to even question it at this point
>every new Direct has to be bound to talk about Smash
Unironically kys, OP.
Unironically yeah, its been months since they last announced a fighter
At least it's not about Persona 5 shit flinging.
It's not fucking Terry.
it's all 3
i like the NES Simon palette usage in that pic, though blue-purple from the whip only being used as the hair shine is kinda off-putting.
Shit, I didn't even realized that the colors were based on his NES sprite.
>Ryu just got deconfirmed
Ryu's in the game dummy.
Well shit. He would have been nice.
He’s in Ultimate that’s for sure
Sounds about right. Things would naturally speed up after Joker's release, especially if the next fighter is indeed somebody as straightforward as Terry.
This has the same effect as saying "MARIO'S IN SMASH"
Of fucking course Ryu is gonna be in Warriors Orochi.
Terry/SNK character sounds like a way to move attention and then make a nice surprise.
I want it so bad user, but it's so obvious that it will be Terry instead, not that I dislike terry, but he wouldn't be anywhere near as fun as a metal slug rep has the potential to be especially if we were to assume they'd come with a pixelated stage.
Kek I know I’m just teasing. Ryu is one of my most wanted. It is weird that this game is coming out in February though since that’s also when challengers pack 5 is supposed to come out though.
If only.
Maybe they'll announce gamecube games for switch including the two BK games
They could easily just announce a Smash direct that'll air later in the year where they'll reveal the last two characters. There'll probably be a character announcement tomorrow but don't rule the possibility out. They might announce a direct anyway since there won't be another direct for them to announce the last character in since the DLC has to be out in February at the latest.
>Red manlet Luigi
>in Smash
Stay delusional Mariofag, your shitty plumber will NEVER be in
May the best SNK game win
Oh I truly wish that, speacially how the emulation is going slow on that regard. Even if they just released a working emulator with Mario Sunshine or some shit it would be fantastic.
Right back at you, Surprisingly Rare Non-Shitty Slugfag.
I want him too it would be cuhrayzee
> mfw it's
What fucking 10 years just get out of school at 6pm? Also don't see how it'd be a problem if you're a 9-5 wage slave unless you live over an hour drive away from your job.
>Starts with Smash, it's Terry's announcement. They don't spend much time on him, saying that he's still being worked on and they will show him off later, BUT
>Moves over to Banjo, explaining how he and Kazooie work and that they will be releasing later in the month.
>Then it moves to Luigi's Mansion, showing off new ghosts and a bit of one of the boss fights. Also explaining some of the new abilities that Luigi has
>Pokemon shows off more Galar forms and the basic plot, which we already know
>Ends with the announcement of Monolith Softs new action RPG
Dont kid yourself, itll end with another Smash announcement. Monolith soft is "middle of the video" tier
That would be pretty shitty for 40 minutes.
>tfw assistant manager and the manager leaves around 4:30pm everyday so I get to fuck off and watch the direct.
The only reps I want are Zero and Monster Hunter. Maybe Flynn or Hero from SMT.
How can the switch not handle a early ps2 game?
>Sabi and the other fuckers are pretending they knew it was Terry all along when NOBODY even hinted at an SNK rep
I want these fuckers on a cross
>New Smash Trailer
>Pokémon trainer fighting Mewtwo in a desert
>Mewtwo suddenly have to upper hand but Charizard used Fire Blast to knock Mewtwo out
>Pokémon Trainer emerges victorious and ready his pokeball to catch Mewtwo
>Suddenly, two mysterious figure walks toward Pokémon Trainer and Mewtwo
>One of them spoke “Tai, what kind of digimon are those?”
>Tai responds, “I don’t know Agumon, they sure are powerful. Let’s join the fight!”
>Agumon and Taichi joins the battle!
>Agumon and Taichi battles different smash characters and showcasing their attacks and the ability to digivolve into Greymon and MetalGreymon
>Back to Mewtwo and Pokémon Trainer, they are ready to unleash their ultimate power
>Mewtwo mega evolved to Mega Mewtwo Y and Pokémon trainer ready his Pokémon
>Agumon and Taichi ready themselves
>Tai readies his digivice and his crest of courage
>”Agumon, warp digivolve to!” A silhouette of Wargreymon behind Agumon appears. And then the Smash Logo appears.
>Available Jan. 2020
It does though. Capcom are just being greedy.
Isabelle was announced in a direct you retard
Every time Nintendo announces a game to be featured at a direct, people automatically assume it’ll take %50 of the direct and it never fucking happens
Can you stop doing that.
He's in. Nintendo saw how hype Geese was in T7 so their doing the next best thing.
>Every time Nintendo announces a game to be featured at a direct, people automatically assume it’ll take %50 of the direct and it never fucking happens
You have to BELIEVE
*Pic related.
You actually have brain damage if you think she has a shot. Shed be lucky to be a fucking spirit.
I've never been a reimufag but I'm curious why people don't think she has a shot at it. Touhou's fucking huge. Unless zun just has a history of not lending his characters to this kind of thing.
Multiplayer is cancer
You’re a fucking retard. $20 is a huge difference from $60. Why are you such a mongoloid?
there's unique voice clips lucina/robin have when they win against each other
lucina also has a specific voice clip for winning against marth
Direct content:
>Starts with Pokemon SWOSHLD (10 min)
>random games (10min)
>Luigi mansion 3 (10 min)
>more random games and Banjo/5.0 update release date (5min)
>nintendo online/merch (5min)
>after the direct we get the Smash reveal.
If terry:
>its a sequel to the Ken/Incineroar trailer
If Nako:
>Its a sequel to the Hero trailer.
screencap this, its the only logical conclusion.
Same with Fox against Falco and Fox against Wolf iirc
Nero's pretty fucking retarded, so you're on the right track, but Donte would be a better pick.
Local co-op would fit the game like a glove.
>10 minutes
Its like 5 at best for any game
>40 minutes
Oh shit, I thought it was going to be like 20, so I was being conservative.
Absolutely boiling surprisefag
I'm waiting for at least two major trailers. Nintendo and other companies have a LOT of shit under the belt. For example, where did the Bravely hints for Switch go? The Retro game?
>it can though
(X) Doubt
If metal slug:
>We just see a martian in his spaceship going from left to right.
You typed that yourself, I did not write that.
I just find it weird how Nintendo is making these choices, considering if it is an SNK pick. Aside from Banjo, none of the DLC characters so far have really heavily requested, or seriously popular. That's not to say they would be bad choices, but maybe they would be better in the base game and have heavily requested characters like Ridley and Krool as the DLC?
>Would be perfectly cool with
Terry or Geese
>Would REALLY be cool with
A Metal Slug rep with Marco/Tarma/Eri/Fio as alts
>Would be boring as fuck
Kyo, Mai, or Nakoruru
>Would flip the fuck over happening but they're never-ever tier
>Rock Howard or anyone from The Last Blade
Mai (King of Fighters) and Doomguy (DOOM).
Thank me later.
Hornfags need to FUCK OFF AND DIE
Not gay
It'll be V.
>Tracerfags and Doomfags have gone extinct
You wrote leona wrong m8
Doomfreinds haven’t gone anywhere what are you on about lol.
Ryu and Doomguy are like the 2 best choices for newcomers so I won either way
Didn't even get Mai's series right.
Why the fuck would it be Terry over Kyo or Mai?
Pokémon likes to do it’s own announcements. At most we’ll get a recap and then telling us to look forward for a trailer next week,
We never left. Doesn't even matter if he's in or not, the DLC's been good so far and I have Eternal to look forward to.
They won't announce any new characters and leave everybody arguing for more months to come.
Why the fuck would it be Sonic or Shadow or Tails
Your dead silence speaks volumes lmao
not a single (You) yet for a digimon degenerate, how sad...
Terry isn't the face of the franchise, fuckface.
Wat? Mai is from KOF, what do you mean?
Ratings nightmare
Terry is more interesting and iconic
He basically is
>Ratings nightmare
>this argument again
You know Ryu was deconfirmed like an hour ago right
Bayo at least has a reasonable workaround to all her nudity
Mai has a slit all the way up to her hips (which is why Palutena had to be censored) and has her boobs jiggling constantly. Bayonetta's issue was her naked transformations, and they were censored. I don't know how you can't see the difference.
You mean an emulator on the Switch?
Because you can play both BK without any issue with Dolphin.
No, he didnt?
Unless youre telling me Koei Techmo counts one of their own characters as a guest character.
I thought DLC didn't change the ratings of a game.
Because Terry is their original. Kyo is likely if they go with KoF instead of Fatal Fury, and Mai is a secondary character in both series.
Dmc 1 hd is trash. The ports are all garbage
Of course.
A guest character that’s coming out in February yes
>Believing a text leak
I'm a Ryufag but holy shit you're retarded.
>Banjo-Kazooie Collect-a-Rooie! for Switch
>Includes B-K, Tooie, and Nuts & Bolts
>Banjo's Smash release is used as a plug
This is what I'm predicting for the Direct.
It doesn't, but the fact that they censored Bayonetta when they added her just confirms that they care a lot about what things they add and how they relate to the ratings.
You can always add a black latex bodysuit under mai's normal clothing and the problem is solved.
I want it
People like you should be FORCED to google shit before you speak
>not rare replay
so? she can just be wearing more clothes. Just like they censored Bayonetta's nudity with hair.
Whatever helps you cope at night doomfags lol
Yeah, because that wouldn't cause a shitstorm on Yea Forums and with waifu worshippers everywhere. Terry is just a better choice anyway. Sorry you don't wanna fuck him.
Stop taking shit so seriously rosterfag. Ryu isn’t deconfirmed but the fact that he’s coming as a guest character in a different Ultimate in February is kinda suspicious no? Like maybe all of those leakers heard “Ryu Hayabusa is in Ultimate” and immediately thought “ITS SMASH”.
who gives a shit? No one gives a shit that Bayo got toned down.
Microsoft likely won't let Nintendo take anything more than Banjo from Rare.
You're tastes are shit
I don't get why people deliberately set themselves up to be disappointed
Literally nothing good comes from hyping up the best possible outcome
Don't you want the reveal to be a good surprise rather than a bad one?
There was an image of mai with a black bodysuit under her normal clothing and she didn't look bad at all. There is an image of that rolling on the internet, but i can't find it.
Mai is originally from Fatal Fury, that's what he meant. Although it doesn't really matter, to general populace she is more known for her KOF appearance.
I've seen it. Yes, it doesn't look bad, but people only like Mai for her boobs and stuff anyway, so there's no appeal to her if she's covered up. There's a reason her most prominent crossovers currently are DOA and Senran Kagura.
Shes from fatal fury my zoomer friend
They changed that, but Bayo herself still looks more or less the same. If they had to add something that completely changes the default appearance of a character like people here are suggesting with the bodysuit, then most likely they wouldn't even consider using that character.
>Smash is a game about representing characters at their best (visually anyway)
>Character who is mostly nude aside from a few strips of cloth
>Nah just give her a body suit lol
>only 3 KoF-originating characters cracked the Top 10 I'm being generous too by counting Athena Asamiya as a different entity from Goddess Athena
>Kyo (the most prominent MC of the KoF series) narrowly cracks the Top 5
That speaks volumes.
What KoF game is the most played?
One is good enough for me. Besides, I’m just shitposting for fun.
they don't want little jimmy to get his first boner from smash
>I'm a Ryufag but-
98 and 2002 methinks.
98, 2002, XIII and XIV. Also 97 if you're chinese.
Terry, Mai and that chick from Samurai Showdown are like, the only 3 characters from SNK that make any kind of sense, right?
Kyo would make sense as well, but it's definitely going to be Terry. I'd be super shocked if it was anyone else.
If your only knowledge of SNK comes from the last 2 days, then yes.
If it actually happens, then it would boil down to which game/franchise they want to represent. Terry for Fatal Fury, Kyo for King of Fighters, Haohmaru or Nakoruru for Samurai Shodown, and Marco for Metal Slug are the main candidates.
Why 98 and 02?
Latin america. Most of the arcades there had those two games along with metal slug 3 or X
Wouldn't a character who's in KOF AND another series be a better choice for a KOF rep than Kyo? Terry would just be a better KOF rep even if he's not as important in KOF. Same with Nakoruru.
I might be wrong, but weren't the Metal Slug characters completely interchangeable? That would make a good case for them to have 4 character models for the original gang like with DQ.
>If your only knowledge of SNK comes from the last 2 days, then yes.
No I've known them for a while now, but I'm assuming they wouldn't just pull any old random character and put them in Smash user. Kyo is the only one that makes sense you mentioned, are they even MAKING new Metal Slugs?
I have half a mind to think that Sakurai Mains Terry
Not that user, but a new one is in development.
there were rumors of a metal slug 8 and like it or not, metal slug attack is a thing. A waifubait filled thing, but it exists and gives SNK the mone they need nonetheless.
Marco motherfucking Rossi
>are they even MAKING new Metal Slugs?
Are they making new Banjos?
Sakurai mains Kyo, I think he said something about using his special moves to absolutely body someone in the arcades when he was younger.
The real question is
>What are the taunts we won't get to ever see due to online!?
>Muh Banjo
Banjo was the most requested third party character, user. Trying to equate Metal Slug to him is silly
I dont think he specified.
Guess we'll never know.
Unless the madman picks his main instead of the recognizable faces
Just thought the point was a bit silly. Metal Slug, while not in its heyday, is not exactly "obscure", either. Definitely more well known than Samurai Shodown from my perspective.
I"d rather have Phoenix Wright if they're going to get a Capcom character.
Things Smash has that were inspired by KoF (keep in mind Smash 64 was a novel concept back in the day, but all Novel concepts have their inspiration)
Short Hops
Perfect Shield
These all were KoF traits before Smash was a thing
>Terry's trailer is almost guarenteed being him beating the shit out of Incelneroar
already hyped
Shut up, Max. Nobody cares. You talked shit on Smash and now Cloud's in and you care. You talked shit on Monster Hunter and you got cucked into liking it because your wife does and Capcom gave you a fat bonus to pretend to give a shit. Fuck off.
*dabs on waifufags*
>Perfect Shield
i miss it bro, parrying is dogshit
He loves wrestlers, he would never beat the shit out of one out of anger or some shit.
Parrying is fine, just needs to be a bit more lenient than 5 goddamn frames
>another boomer pick
how do we keep winning, bros?
Wonderful 101 port announcement
by not having shit zoomer taste, kiddies actually wanted shit like bandanna dee and steve
Just play Bayo and Joker. Same charactere.
It was Ryo not Kyo.
He fell into Tekken though
If it ain't a new Project X Zone with Reiji revealed as a Smash DLC character I don't give a fuck.
Reminder that Ryu and Ken are not the protagonists of Street Fighter either, they're simply the most popular characters.
With that logic, Terry seems far more likely than Kyo
LIVE WIRE? Now that's a good Mountain Dew flavor.
He has said he likes ryo. Who is quite literally designed to be a Ryu clone so be glad we aren't getting him.
God, I love the Howard Estate stage they made, wish it would cross over into KoF.
Terry and Hayabusa leak is real.
>Reminder that Ryu and Ken are not the protagonists of Street Fighter either
So IS there a protagonist of Street Fighter technically?
What the fuck, who is Max?
Yeah, it was Ryo.
>…Weird. Something’s not right. My enemy is way too unresponsive, unresistant. Thinking something was strange, I stealthily used the reflection in the window glass to take a peek at my opponent, and to my surprise, they were…a normal couple! And the current player was the girlfriend.
>Oh no…! I was filled with regret and remorse. I shouldn’t have been feeling good about myself, landing Zanretsuken [3] combos and whatnot. On the final round, once she had switched with her boyfriend, I did handicap myself, but by then my intent was obvious and it was far too late. I don’t know my opponents thought of me, but I personally left with a bitter aftertaste in my mouth.
(Note how he mentions the "Zanretsuken" there)
Ryu is SF's original main character, that other characters happen to be more involved in the plot is a different thing.
We are for sure getting Banjo gameplay but are we getting the 4th character revealed already? It seems too soon tbqh.
he means the chinder dagger nigger dagger, but i don't know what that guy said about smash.
The one that gets shit done is usually Guile. Ryu is more of a wandering hobo with his own problems, struggling with the Dark Hado and constant improvement
Yeah I mean I GUESS street fighter 1 is a thing but most people really dont count it for how awful it is.
And the story was also self contained.
This, fuck Terry. He's a blond fruit basket that gets no pussy while Reiji is chad who works for a secret government agency and gets 700 year old fox girl pussy regularly. He will fuck her in your car and you can't do a thing about it.
Mai? The most crossovered character in gaming?
I know nothing about Street Fighter lore, I thought that Guile was just some random fuck like E. Honda
Koei-Tecmo and Nintendo's relationship getting better and better
Mai is absolutely not happening.
titties and ass too big
I fucking Wish
Ninja Gaiden 1 Is my favourite nes game
Nothing will ever feel as good as beating that final boss
Except 2hu 1ccs
The character that is getting crossovers in games like DOA and Senran Kagura? Yeah no.
>iamshifty sources still say he's in the game
>Sabi has been cryptic in alluding to smash especially with this snk leak
>Sabis bird picture might reference the ravens from ninja gaiden, also "hayabusa" means falcon
>Sabi mentions that Yea Forums leak and says a very credible leaker will back Terry and Ryu
>Koei tecmo and snk are the last major japanese companies not in smash yet
>Ryu hayabusa is an NES icon and ultimate has focused on bringing back old characters. K rool, banjo, Castlevania, hero, and now Terry
Ryu was the protagonist in SF1 and all marketing, in-game animations and even initial character position pushed him as the protagonist in SF2. It's just that he did nothing important there story-wise, but that was decided afterwards by future games not SF2 itself.
They did introduce other protagonists for future games (like Alex was supposed to be SF3's and Abel for SF4) but didn't really push them in marketing very strongly, just made them connected to the new main villain and had the cursor starting on them.
The two main storylines in SF are Ryu's journey and his struggle with the darker parts of his power, and the ongoing conflict with Shadaloo that Chun-Li and Guile are usually at the head of.
This is what Doom fans kept saying for months
That's a ton
Dante, Jill Valentine/Leon Kennedy, Doom Guy, Travis Touchdown
don't really give a fuck about anyone else. more importantly i'm hoping for a surprise Banjo release.
Doom fans were stupid.
KT has supported Nintendo even on WiiU and did multiple games for them.
I’m not disagreeing I just don’t want to latch onto the next leakbait character and end up disappointed if Ryu doesn’t get in.
I never understood the point for Dante.
He only got his first game on Switch recently, and if there's another Capcom character, it'd probably be Monster Hunter or RE character first given the history.
>implying it wont be kyo just so they can recreate the kof94 intro
Because fuck all that dumb shit, I like Devil May Cry and Dante
Thanks for the heads up
For all the Terryfags in here, why? Why do you want him in Smash? What would he actually do that Ryu/Ken already doesn't? He seems like the most boring and redundant character they could go for at this point.
Maybe if they release an Echo Fighter pack he could be good, but right now the only appeal he has are meme voice lines that aren't even that funny.
Please this
Crystalis is the shit
>September 19
zoom zoom
Is it not september 2019?
I thought they meant the day my bad
even if it doesn't happen i really hope for a new ninja gaiden
Yes please, if it has nothing to do with the butchered GBC edition.
>Sakurai straight up says that Smash DLC is running low on it's budget
>Smash 4's DLC didn't have this issue
You fags honestly think that the a literally who give a fuck characters like Terry and Ryu are enough to run down Smash Ultimate's DLC budget that badly? Obviously they had to pay for the big boys, not some blond fag and a gay ninja.
I just want to see something new of Link's Awakening that pushs me to buy it
1.He is a badass
2.possible r63 echo
3.combo potential that could make Dante cry in shame
4.NeoGeo poster child: aka the best of the arcade
The potential is a very technical and rewarding character that could be very fun to play
1, 2, and 4 aren't what I'm asking.
What combo potential does he have that Ryu/Ken didn't?
He's a generic punchman fighter whose special attacks overlap with Ken almost identically.
Easy to believe tho, it has a lot of third party characters so Ultimate should cost a fuckton
>whose special attacks overlap with Ken almost identically.
Where do these people come from?
>Sakurai straight up says that Smash DLC is running low on it's budget
What, when? If anything though that would have happened with the previous 2 and I can't imagine that Banjo didn't cost a healthy sum either. I mean, seriously. DQ had 4 VAs, 8 songs (Sugiyama charges a fuck ton for his songs) and the most work of any character in the game so far. Why wouldn't their budget be low from just this one character alone? Why wouldn't they then go for a character that wouldn't cost a lot? From a company that is almost addicted to shilling their characters in other games and probably doesn't charge a lot because advertisement is more important then the money that the crossover itself gives them.
Doom fans literally only had fake leaks (Google theory, 5chan leak), doom being on switch, and Pete Hines saying "oh yeah" Ryu actually has credible insiders backing him.
>What would he actually do that Ryu/Ken already doesn't?
Outside of Up-B, their movesets are pretty different
>are they even MAKING new Metal Slugs?
yes? They announced a new one in development a while ago
Do they not? Oh, he punches straight instead of an uppercut. That matters in a technical fighter like KoF or SF, but Smash characters are about gimmicks and mechanics. Adjacent frame data won't make him stand out.
Do you have any examples of what he would do that aren't just generic punches we already see in the rest of the cast? Or fire-enhanced punches we already see in Ken?
I've asked this question before and all the answers end up being
>But he's popular!
>But he's technically different!
>But Buster Wolf!
klonoa sora and geno
Predictions? It's over.
It's Terry and Ryu.
>hat ken
Honestly, outside of Up-B, his moveset would be closer to Captain Falcon.
In a game with 75 characters you better keep your expectations low for unique gameplay considering we have 2 or 3 characters of each archetype that do just that.
This is exactly why mvci failed they went with corporate cocksucker characters that no one cared about instead of actual popular characters the fans of the marvel and Capcom franchises would like. Fans of SNK will love Terry
A man can dream.
>sora and geno
While that would be great, thats a tad overly optimistic prediction
Have you actually seen Terry play? He's not just some generic shoto, he actually a pretty expansive moveset.
If your argument is actually:
>but he's blonde actual fighting character, there's some energy around his fists when he punches, he is essentially the same thing as ken
that's probably the most small brain thing you could really say. By that logic, Captain Falcon is essentially Ken.
it's going to be a ken/falcon mix with a meter for enhanced specials. you read it here first.
Holding out for Nakoruru because fuck bandwagon leakers and samey movesets that cost money.
nightmare in smash would be awesome
Patrician taste.
I just want the damn old Mii costumes back. Mainly Protoman ,X and Zero
its right there dummy
>Paying for a Ken echo
Funny how the last two dozen characters managed to be completely unique with their own gimmicks despite that.
Must be a coincidence. inb4 you mention echoes
Smash is removing Ken to put in Terry?
it's gonna be kyo you fucking retard terryfags
>he punches straight instead of an uppercut
He kicks, his antiair is a multihit kick that goes straing up, that already is a huge difference in terms of attacking and recovering, not to mention it doesn't even look like shoryuken.
In terms of smash his projectiles is more similar to Pikachu, and again, not even close to a hadouken in terms of looks or function. Burn Knuckle can work like a falcon kick, and the last special can be either a power dunk or a crack shoot, none of which work like a tatsumaki at all. In terms of normals he has nothing in common with either Ryu or Ken.
By the way, he doesn't have fire properties at all either.
>not the orochi leona one
Based and demonslayerpilled
What would be better? Using the announcer clips ripped from Metal Slug games or having the Smash Announcer call them out?
I didn't find that one.
>unique silhouette
>unique fighting style (stance character)
>represents a genre not present in smash (3d fighters)
>would be the first 3rd party playable villain
>best rep for Bamco fighters since Heihachi’s voice actor died
>Unless zun just has a history of not lending his characters to this kind of thing.
Reimu and Marisa were together in a Taiko Drum game for 3DS with Kirby
it needs a proper knight
I'm pretty sure he just meant they didn't have much leftover for Hero to make a proper edited presentation.
During the Hero presentation.
not quite, regardless.
Ah, yeah. That. I just thought it was him going "We don't have a big budget for a live stream" Which makes sense, since that sort of thing would be reserved for E3. I don't know how anyone could misinterpret that as being about the DLC budget.
Neutral B: Power Wave (combination of Hadouken and Thunder Jolt)
Side B: Burn Knuckle (similar to Falcon Kick or Raptor Boost)
Down B: Crack Shoot (maybe similar to Little Mac's side B?)
Up B: Power Dunk (similar to Incineroar's Up B)
Gimmick: He is going to have a bar that fills up when attacking or being attacking like Cloud's. Doing the typical fighting game inputs will let you spend some of that bar to enhance them.
He is going to be a heavy hitter with heavy combo potential but a fast faller that is easily juggled and that has very exploitable recovery.
I hope so fuck hat ken
I think we're not getting new smash character/stage announcements
sorry bro the developers deconfirmed him on twitter
An undertale character just for the immense butthurt and shitposting it would cause.
Dr. Mario is shit both the game and the character
Make it Imperial Fists and I’ll call it based.
Phoenix (next DLC) because he's the last one everyone really wants in
Waluigi (last DLC) because "Everyone is here" would finally become a true statement and the fact that Waluigi would be the last to come would be comical and ironic
Not a waluigifag by the way
Yeah, Up B makes more sense as Power Dunk. Rising Tackle is more Up air, similar to Greninja and Joker. Going to make drag down loops.
Jesus this really does sound like an awful character. No originality at all.
>Power dunk will spike
>Crack shoot will spike
>His down air will be a spike
>His forward air might be similar to crack shoot and spike
He's going to be hype
Everyone is saying Terry, but how would his stage be?
only waluigifags want waluigi
Terry would unironically be a worse choice than Steve. Fucking SNK; what a joke! You couldn't get one real studio to sign up for this, Sakurai?
The only current fighting game that does them is Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
train stage obviously
>People want Kyo, who IS LITERALLY A SHOTO, over Terry because they think he plays too similarly to Ken
Im gonna fucking die
It's not going to be an SNK character. You fuckers are blowing a mix up in a webpage way out of proportion.
Like someone commented early, Geese Tower is a strong contendent too.
nigger input types don't matter in smash, all that matters is the actual functions
Cant wait to see you cry and screech how sakurai ruined smash tomorrow
>Functions not characters
I guess you wouldnt mind all 70+ fighters being the same guy with different movesets
terry and miku
I want the bird girl she sounds more interesting than another brawler but this is smash, being second best isn't enough to get in you have to be the headliner and Terry is hte headliner over her
>Sounds more interesting
Judge for yourself holy shit fucking wanker
Terry and Frisk would work for me
You realize Kyo isn't even a shoto half the time, right? He's got a rekka character moveset and a shoto one.
I would prefer Athena if we're getting anyone from SNK, but this is very unlikely.
The "leak" was in a different format from other copyright notices Smash uses. What is more likely? Some wage monkey fucked up while imputing data in the webpage or this is a leak with information that for this particular character is in a different format from all other characters?
Besides, it's a weird sell when Nintendo has been playing it safe marketing wise so far (Persona 5 is a cash cow, DQ couldn't be more popular in Japan and Banjo is something Western fans have been expecting since forever).
I'm no insider and I have no special information, but I don't think you should expect anything that's not an easy sell.
SNK characters just don't have the marketing power, that's why I find it hard to believe.
How would he play?
>Different Format
Its the same for DQ
I just hope it's a metal slug character and not hat ken
>different format
You *Really* havent been keeping up have you, that shit was debunked in like an hour
All of his Specials are RNG reliant and can have four outcomes.
>Neutral special can be Brimstone, Monstro's Lung, Tech X, or Cursed Eye
>Down special is either Guppy's Head, Yum Heart, Crack in the Sky, or Bob's Rotten Head
>Side Special has Isaac summon a familiar temporarily, like Lil' Chub, Incubus, Brother Bobby and Sister Maggy, or Little Gish
>Up Special can be either How to Jump, Fate, Ladder, or Teleport
>Final Smash is Mega Blast
he's a never ever but it'd be fun
Not really. Smash ones don't say "All Rights Reserved" at the end.
You know which ones do say that? The DLC for SNK Heroine Frenzy. This is likely to just be a fuck up.
>another fighting game rep
im not gonna say the clone word or anything but couldn't we have had a character that's a bit more unique?
the storms completely missing florida, don't expect anything beyond light showers and windy days, fucking boomers overhyped another storm
ready to be disappointed
Have some gimmick involving him gaining random tear effects periodically
The rest of his moves can be based on anti-synergy items like Brimstone/Dr Fetus/Mom's Knife
His final smash can be either his boss fight transformation or a random transformation in the game
No, this shit was debunked a while ago.
It already has one
Hows it going boys? Entire direct leak yet?
I predict that Terry is fucking bullshit and something that actually matters will get in instead.
It's not like they didn't goof up and leaked Simon last year
So much so that you had to specify which Kyo it was.
Only stuff we know:
- SNK rep in Smash
- Overwatch port
- new Monolith game (or port)
- LM3 and Pokemon as the big games of the direct
- release date for Banjo
- AC4 and Rogue port
same. feel good to have your most wanted finally revealed. now i couldnt care less about the finals two.
>so dumb you didn't know
rekka kyo is literally the standard kyo at this point
even firebal kyo isnt even remotely a shoto, aside from having a fireball and a dp I guess?? but literaly every smash character with a fireball also has what amounts to a DP because every smash character has a recovery lol
not to mention fireball kyo has upkicks and a dashing command grab lmao
terry literally is just a shoto with a dash punch
>Reddit spacing
The ports are only a matter of time user. Smash bros not so much, but those ports will come. Have faith user. I’ve never played that series so I’m waiting for it too
This is hardly a Debunk. I'm not arguing that this is fake because it doesn't have all the information for other characters. My point was that this says, just like the SNK heroines DLC, "all rights reserved" at the end. No other Smash copyright notices say that, it's a different format, but this one is mysteriously the same as the other games text? This is most probably a fuck up.