>Game has angels
>They're attractive humans with wings
>They aren't horrifying monstrosities
Why is this allowed?
Game has angels
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't worry, I'll make my game eventually
Blame Michelangelo and the faggots from the Renaissance for poisoning peoples visuals of angels.
por que no los dos?
Yeah, it tells a lot when the first thing the guy greets you with when you see him is "fear not"
>Game has angels
>They are horrifying monstrosities
>They're still attractive
What does this mean?
Is there a more tired topic than "angels were totally eldritch cosmic horrors, bros xD"?
Go fuck yourself, faggot
That you need help.
They were
Only an American could be this ignorant
how about you go watch more BnHA, faggot?
Yeah I know, I've seen the thread a gorillion times you stupid nigger
Thanks for your contribution.
Why not both?
Because they can take multiple forms, otherwise they either stay out of sight or deliberately appear in the true form to spook someone.
just like pagans of old with their erotic depictions of goddesses ;)
I wonder if that one user is still dreaming about the raft ride to Damascus.
I prefer a mix of both
That is how the bible portrays them inbecil
What's the difference?
Does this count
They are horrors only to the sinners.
i bet hes already there
>game has angels
>designs include mix of traditional descriptions and renaissance art designs
because Japan doesn't have this huge renaissance boner, they like depicting angels as they were written rather than how artists eventually portrayed them
SMT has a lot of fucked up angel designs as well as Final Fantasy clearly taking design elements for it's enemies; even stuff like Evangelion is probably closer to biblical angels than most western media
monster girl quest
ff7 yay
>posting the monster turned half-angel
>not posting the actual angel monstrosity
No that's in Tibetan Buddhism.
Christian angels are scary.
>angel appear in bible
>"Fear not mortal"
Why would an angel say that unless he looks like something horrific
Same reason if you were working in a factory and you saw a dude in a suit walking towards you they might say "fear not peon". Horrific doesn't necessarily mean inhuman, just noticeably out of your league.
>Angel appears
>Choir music starts playing
I don't know about you but if some half naked guy with wings come flying into my house I would probably shit myself
yeah cause a dude suddenly appearing in your room, wont scare you.
idiot not all angel look like freaks
Depends on the angel, the ones that visited Lot in Sodom passed for human.
>Americans consider their bosses as the equivalent of celestial beings
Holy shit
I'm not an American, I just live in a country where labour unions are treated like criminals, even BEFORE they get bribed.
>there I was at my warehouse job liftin boxes
>doing good
>suddenly out of nowhere
>a man in a suit
>walks past me
Eh not entirely. there are some early aperances of them being all weird looking and stuff, but others in the bible where they are insinuated to look just like people.
post good angel fighting music
>Is there a more tired topic than "angels were totally eldritch cosmic horrors, bros xD"?
Angels as anything besides that you troglodyte. For every JRPG with abomination angels you still get a cockton of generic cupids with wings. Find something else to be butthurt about.
proddy retard fuck off with your sterilized shit
What an absolute shithole
This nigga can't be real
Bénédiction sur la sape
Depends on the source. Its not solely renaissance for humanoid angles. In earlier stories a lot of the earthly messengers appeared as human.
Angels have been drawn like that before the Renaissance
>eastern europe cave drawing
Well shit, then blame me for my poor education and then blame whomever first chose to depict angels as humanoids.
Cherubim angels are described in the Bible as having 4 faces. that of a man, lion, eagle, and a calf. their legs are straight, hoof like feet. 2 sets of wings, one pair covering their body while the other flaps. their skin glows like burning coals. Eyes cover their body. They move with unnatural speed and don't turn.
A wheel spinning within a wheel accompanied them.
My manager had to come and flex on me for no reason other than to stroke his ego the other day, it can really put you down if you let it get to you. When you're growing up as a kid and see the bad boss meme in movies you think it's an exaggeration but it's true.
>Oriental Appears
>Traditional Music starts playing
Munkar and Nakir.
These angels are described as having solid black eyes, having a shoulder span measured in miles, and carrying hammers "so large, that if all of mankind tried at once to move them a single inch, they would fail". When they speak, tongues of fire come from their mouths. If one answers their questions incorrectly, one is beaten every day, other than Friday, until Allah (God) gives permission for the beating to stop.
the cherubim guarding the garden of Eden is explicitly stated to have a flaming sword in the Bible. You have to be at least somewhat humanoid to use a sword.
Anyone have that screencap of the user who had dreams of that ring angel
Ainsi soit il.
This is true by the way, and anyone who doesn't believe it has some growing up to do.
Orthodox Christian art is top tier
Dominions has both kinds. I think Ashdod has the weirder angel designs.
>its accompanied by a shamisen
I thought they had a hierarchy where the low level Messengers look human and they look increasingly bizzare the higher you go. So the ones actually visiting people wouldn't be that strange
Yes. But for the sake of clarification, everyone will be questioned by Munkar and Nakir after dying.
Aren't they supposed to be vaguely comprehensible as the messenger of God?
They really do get that kind of disdain you can only find when your nouna doesn't like something you've just done.
>having a shoulder span measured in miles
Shit they must have mogged everyone
Ezekiel describes that in a fever dream. Also describes people who had died in a battle, so long ago that the only thing left is bones, having their flesh returned and them walking back home. Ezekiel was an OP pls nerf prophet who preserved worship of YHWH in the era where almost everyone was a Baal worshipper. That's why he was compared to Moses by the Jews in regards to spiritual authority.
How long does it take for a cheetah to get one from end of Munkar's shoulder to the end of the other shoulder and then leap until Nakir's shoulder and run to the end of Nakir's other shoulder?
>use sword
>Watched Supernatural
>One of the angels is some fat balding middle management looking dude
>Someone talks shit to him
the hierarchy thing was more a divine comedy inspiration and people just rolled with it
archangels are like always near God but get sent to deal with human affairs
If you'd have any faith in God you wouldn't need to feel afraid in front of His minions no matter how monstrous they might look.
*ahem* Fuck Angels!
This is my favorite way of depicting angels unironically. Based.
Doesn't the actual bible refer to seraphim covering specific human body parts with their sets of wings?
I'm not saying they have to look like normal people, but this idea that Dante's interpretation of angels usurps all others seems to be a pretty recent trend.
The heirarchy was written by a fake
We literally call him "Pseudo-Dionysius" now
After death
WHy the fuck do you consider Eggiel attractive
>Game is based on the Bible
>Have absolutely no fucking clue what's happening from start to finish
There's a reason they always open up conversations by saying don't be afraid
A good man, a christian man, is a god fearing man because he knows that only the lord is perfect and that while he will be forgiven for his transgressions when he meets Christ he is still a flawed being before that fact.
The top part isn't half bad. I would.
Pretty much this. just look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Everyone in town thought the two angels that appeared to lot were so attractive that they all literally wanted to take them into the street and have sex with them at the same time.
Checkmate eldritch fags, they are both
>tfw it's Friday and you get 24 hours of respite before another 6 days of merciless beatings from a city sized abomination
That Friday feeling
>If you'd have any faith in God you wouldn't need to feel afraid in front of His minions no matter how monstrous they might look.
The fuck? Yes you do.
>All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
>Isaiah 64:6
Even the best, most holy, consecrated, upstanding human on Earth is a blood crazed neanderthal as far as heavenly standards go. That's the reason why grace exists. Humans CAN'T make it to the standards of God and angels and if justice were truly served humans would've been killed off a long time ago. Not that God hadn't toyed with the idea across history
They were implied to be humanoid since literally the Book of Genesis, which mentions an angel with a flame sword guarding the entrance to Eden.
>El Shaddai
You're literally believing in imaginary shit with ZERO -- FUCKING ZERO -- proof, and you call us "underage" and "edgy"?
Fuck off, little kids. Do you still believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, too?
Sodom and Gomorrah were basically /d/. we cant trust their sexual tastes as normal
The people of sodom and gomorroah were just bored because they'd done every perverted act they could to each other and lusted after unspoiled land. They'd have raped a curvy tumbleweed if it had drifted in.
>tfw being raised Southern Baptist and told Pikachu and Goku were evil gave me a sour taste in organized religion
>still pray near-daily but hate going to Church
>most people consider me non-Christian when I tell them this
It kinda hurts but I find a lot of those types to be hypocritic like the people I grew up around.
Also the occult is kinda cool and scary.
That's Dante's Divine Comedy, not the bible.
The bible usually just talks about how hard it is too see them due to light or being obscured by wings. The ones people actually see are often referred to as looking like people.
Mind you the Divine Comedy is a lot cooler than most of the bible.
The citizens of Sodom and Gommorah were also considered depraved psychopaths that didn't know right from wrong and would fuck anything. They were basically Yea Forums if they took over 2 cities.
In the first place, aren't humans supposed to be "made in God's image" too? Makes sense for angels to be humanoid too.
wonder how itd feel to fuck one of the classic style ring angels
where do i stick my cock
It's okay to be afraid, user
>humans are the only thing that can wield a flaming sword
>implying "flaming sword" was even a literal description and not a poor conceptual translation as if you're trying to explain calculus to a five year old
>Makes sense for angels to be humanoid too.
How many of our robots are built to conform to task and how many are built as humanoids? The angels would have been formed to best fulfil roles.
Yea Forums is unironically more normal than Yea Forums is nowadays regarding sexual preference
with Yea Forums whenether some monstrosity gets posted there's always at least one guy that wants to fuck it
Angels are specifically not made in God's image because they are tools devoid of free will. They exist only to fulfil their purpose, which is either glorifying the Lord for all eternity without end, which is better done if you're covered in trumpets and burning as brightly as the sun, or slapping the shit out of mortals for whatever reason, which is better done in the form of a monster.
Leave that heretic meme religion and become Catholic (doesnt matter if Roman or Byzantibe) so you are saved
>religions has a god
>he's two dudes and a bird
See you say that but then in Genesis apparently the Angels were fucking human women creating the Nephilim. Which God decided to kill off in The Flood along with everyone else.
I've always wondered if Goliath was just a Nephilim that got away somehow.
If angels are devoid of free will then what happened vis a vis satan.
>feigning ignorance
We know so little of the universe, it's understandable that even if the God we know doesn't solely watch over Earth. Is it not reasonable to suggest that somewhere in the vast expanse of what we do not know there is space for a being of omnipotence? Why should science and Religion not go hand in hand? I hardly believe that organized religion is attempting to stifle the progress of humanity, making more sense would be that the various denominations are trying to attach a good common morality to most scientific pursuits before we leave our enshrined devotion to doing good deeds behind, traded for a faster connection with the future.
I think this depiction comes from a Babylonian artistic trend of adding wings to divine animals and humans.
>tfw no god game that's basically engineering angels to carry out tasks in the mortal realm for you
>if you make them too nice the mortals may get uppity and try to capture or fight them, or even ridicule them
>if you make them show up too much there will be no faith to sustain you as the mystery will be lost
>if you make them too dumb you will have to constantly micromanage them
>if you make them too smart they might rebel
>poorly written christian fanfic by bible camp teens
cringe. Why even save this?
>people consider me non-Christian because I don't go to church
What kind of lame faggotry is this? If you're observing and believing, then you're of the faith. You may not be "Southern Baptist" still because you don't adhere to the tenets of that denomination, but generally speaking...
>The occult is kind of cool and scary
Okay you're just a fag
>Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.
Not saying they can't be weird looks, but even the higher ranking angels still had familiar features appendages. The idea of them being incomprehensible geometric beings is mostly Dante's doing and is mostly popularized by things like Evangelion and Shin Megami Tensei.
The angel is presumed to be humanoid because the scripture would/should make a note of it it weren't. Sword is a tool that can only be wielded by a human.
Remember it was written in a time where fantasy was not exactly a thing, zoom zoom.
He was designed to fall. Every story needs a villain.
How much of an ego does a deity have to have to create automata specifically to praise him for all eternity?
>What kind of lame faggotry is this?
Goliath being a nephilim is a popular theory.
The same institution which got people to pay them in return for "forgiveness"? Sounds about right
No. A third of the Angels chose to follow Satan, clearly they have free will in the Bible.
Technically not attending Mass without good reason is a mortal sin.
You assume the deity has omnipotence which from OT writings it clearly does not. The way the Lord demands worship of it and only it makes it seem like it both needs it and fears the consequences of humans revering things that aren't it. If it was omnipotent why would it give even one single fuck about worship?
Yea Forums - Video Games (and Theology)
>The same institution which got people to pay them in return for "forgiveness"? Sounds about right
yeah, and the same institution that guarantees the "soundness" of the bible canon and creed. It's almost like it's all made up and the pope is not actually speaking on God's behalf on earth.
>Which God decided to kill off in The Flood
Why do people keep tacking on this completely random fan canon? The passage explicitly states "There were Nephilim in that time AND AFTERWARDS AS WELL" God's anger was directed at the entirety of mankind. The Nephilim weren't targeted.
Smt IV has monster looking angels
The Nephilim Gene explains why Joshua had to slay every living person in some cities including children, the flood, Etc.
It's presumed that it passed down through Ham's wife on The Ark. The Ammonites we're all giant descendants well
It's just the way God is. Seriously God loves being worshipped. It even says in the Bible that if humans won't worship Him then He'll make the rocks cry out. The explanation for the different languages of the world it's basically that humans got to uppity tried to just build a tower to Heaven themselves. Which God didn't appreciate so he just scrambled up everyone's languages so they couldn't communicate. Which is hilarious in hindsight. Imagine going to work one day and suddenly your best friend from childhood just randomly started speaking Chinese.
>Every single JRPG with a Pope, the Pope turns out to be evil and often transforms into a beast
What did they mean by this
>what's the name of a book club that has been obsessing over a single book for years?
>along with everyone else
Sorry if it wasn't made clear I was saying God's anger was towards mankind as a whole. The Nephilim was just one reason out of many.
well 30 years is missing from his life in the bible so why not japan?
Which is weird. Because in jrpgs God is completely known entity. People draw Power from their gods everyday. Why would everybody just suddenly assume that he was evil or the pope would lose faith.
See it's shit like this. An omnipotent being wouldn't need to use some sort of trick like that, they could just vanish the tower and the concept of such a tower from existence. Don't say it's a violation of free will because making some dude speak fucking Swahili because he wanted to pile up bricks is already fucking with free will.
You don't have to worship a god who's a giant dick head.
Actually angels and gods are as good as you are. If you are a monstrosity, you'll see monstrosities. If you're a chuuni anime lover, you'll see people with wings. If you're just a regular human person, you'll see regular humans and if you're nice enough, they'll also be nice. DUDE GEOMETRIC TENTACLES LMAO are just our fears and ignorance projected outside.
They literally were. Many animals had also been genetically manipulated it was why it was such a drastic necessity to wipe it all out
Because Christians don't actually read the bible or care what it says.
Who do you think commissioned Michelangelo and all the others to do those statues and paintings?
I like this way of depicting them.
Especially since it makes sense in the SMT verse why both would exist.
who was the guy that always painted jesus as a baby with a 6 pack?
Only specific angels are said to look weird, and they were usually omens.
just felt like coming past and spraying your bile across the entire thread did you? Go away you boil on the ass of humanity.
This, basically. Christianity got rebooted by Italians to be a lot less scary and more awe-inspiring.
Fucking what
Yes, but humanity would never learn the lesson of why he did it.
weren't the nephilim all banished to some prison in the ground
>That's Dante's Divine Comedy, not the bible.
That's not true, Dante described them by using humanoid features:
I saw, forth issuing descend beneath,
Two Angels, with two flame-illumined swords,
Broken and mutilated of their points.
Green as the tender leaves but newly born,
Their vesture was, the which, by wings as green
Beaten, they drew behind them, fann’d in air. (Purgatory, Canto VIII, lines 25-31)
The goodly shape approach’d us, snowy white
In vesture, and with visage casting streams
Of tremulous lustre like the matin star.
His arms he open’d, then his wings; and spake:
“Onward! the steps, behold, are near; and now
The ascent is without difficulty gain’d.” (Purgatory, Canto XII, lines 81-86)
I'm sure there are more descriptions but these two are the first ones that I could find
>Dude some angels have vacated heaven to knock up humans
>They're giving birth to monstrosities
>Call Enoch!
Was this game based on apocryphal texts or is the entire Bible this fucking demented?
LARPING is one of /x/'s favorite pastimes.
>Bright green
>Faces spilling pure starlight
What the fuck are you smoking
He's a homunculus
This art looks dope as fuck
What game?
File name bro.
Something something human mind can't comprehend what they are seeing. Something something bloodborne hp lovecraft cthulu something something
something virgin something something incel have sex
Isn't that a canonical thing. Like Moses asks God if he can see Him and God tells him that looking at Him is actually fatal to humans. The best he could get is looking at God's back as He was passing by. And even then it made Moses look like a Super Saiyan and a Hebrews had to put a bag over his head to keep everyone from freaking out.
Made in God’s image refers to human souls, not their physical appearance
something something wojak something something cringe
Lucifer was the closest of the angels to being human. That is why he rebelled.
The angels that fell originally we're chained in the abyss. The Nephilim which were neither Angel nor human where killed in flood, separated from the human bodies and left to wonder the Earth as demons. That's not crack pot nonsense, that's literally what the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls and virtually everyone prior to the 19th century believed
A mirror trick, how clever! Got some smoke?
Is this real?
Which is why demon possession is a thing, they are a Nephilim Spirits looking for hosts
god/jesus was made in the image of a jewish middle aged dude, not the other way around.
isn't that the basis of scientology?
It wasn't all wiped out though, all the evil fish, and evil waterfowl survived.
Angels, that is to say, messengers, a specific subset of spirits under God, were typically depicted as humans because that is the form they took on earth to deliver their messages.
Other spirits look different depending on their role.
In all honesty, they probably aren't meant to "look" like the way they are described, they were only seen through dream and vision, after all, but appear in a way that represents their role.
This thread is so fuckig cringe
What is it about the soul that resembles god? The ability to apply will to change the course of events? Or perhaps more fundamentally the ability to change one's will. But then you'd need an infinite order of higher wills to change each lesser will. But god is infinite in all magnitudes so perhaps that's the god-like quality of free will.
What is some good modern cosmic horror, I think the black out club kinda fits the bill, but I'm poor..
I haven't been able to find anything that scratches that itch.
this is obviously bait, but i'm still biting cause of just how much this triggered me
horrifying angels are almost NOWHERE in vidya discussion, fuck off and let us have this thread
More scifi horror than cosmic but there's Prey2017
Plus, weren't the inhabitants of Canaan doing all manners of nasty ass shit that required a full on purge?
I've played through prey, it's only really scary at the beginning, it was fun as hell to do, mostly because I love pyschic powers.
But underwhelming.. I'm on my second playthrough and already have accuse to all the weapons.
It's really easy because if how open ended it is.
keep seething
>Angel speaks in game
>Heavy reverb
>But you're outside
es, and that is stated as the reason. But of course, edgy teenager love to come up with retarded theories to feel enlightened.
In the bible there's only one Archangel and that's Michael (who might also be Jesus' ascended form.
After all, angel means "messenger" and who would be God's greatest messenger of not Jesus?).
Gabriel gets called an Archangel but he's not referred to as such in the bible.
Yes, that whole area was the epicenter for it. Tubal-cain was named after Cain because his father Lamech admired how rebellious Cain was in building the first city and doing so completely without God. It's believed that the Fallen Angels first approach womankind there, possibly even Tubal-cains sister, who was particularly beautiful but whose name I can't remember
Kaneko is a fucking god.
Gabriel and Raphael are archangels.
what the fuck is an archangel then
Not in the bible. Gabriel is just an angel, although he is the only named one.
Angels are transcendent, abstract beings of light, sparks thrown from the Godhead. Their designs should reflect this.
99% of angel depictions are for gay, sheltered nerds with 0 feeling for spirituality and the sublimity of the universe. Pic related is one of my favorites.
It's not without merit. Theres some genetic shenanigans that took place in human DNA that evolution study does not have an answer for.
Meant for
By edgy teenagers you mean literally everyone prior to the 1800s? The "edgy teenagers" are the ones that came up with the Sethite theory to try and explain away the Nephilim
>setting has angels
>they are 9ft tall transhumans clad in ceramite armor with handheld automatic rockrt launchers as their basic weapon
Literally: Over-messenger
An Archangel, the archangel, would be in charge of the other angels as kind of the director of Gods messengers.
it's some gourmet shit amirite
>it's a Yea Forums tries to talk about religion and spirituality episode
oh no no no ahahahha. stick to waifufagging
They are called Sephirot and Elohim/Adonai in the OT and in the Kabbalah. They are archangels. Saying otherwise is slight.
t. never actually read a single page of either testament or apocrypha
One of the only humans to undergo apotheosis who saw the higher angels was so scared that he curled up in a ball and prayed to god to get them away from him. And he was being groomed to be turned into an angel at that point.
>Jewish desert demon
>has horrifying monstrosities as servants
Yeah it checks out.
his point is that it's an unoriginal thing that everyone already knows
It's like saying the same game trivia over and over
Can anyone provide links where it’s stated in the christian cannon that angles are incredibly strange beings consisting of circles and eyes? I’m not entirely doubting it, but if it’s not made obvious in the scriptures then I’m unsure. How’s this any different than implying Dante’s depiction of hell is cannon in christian theology.
Wtf, what did the camel do?
>groomed to be turned into an angel
This sounds really sinister to be honest
nigger what
Literally ANY time someone mentions angels on Yea Forums someone starts posting about this as if everyone doesn't already know
Any game where you play as an angel beating demons and/or other interdimensional entities that look like they came out of H.P. Lovecraft?
Yes, consider a mundane choice like whether or not to have breakfast cereal this morning. You might have had cereal because, ostensibly, you wanted cereal. But if your wanting cereal was because earlier you saw an advert for cereal, the choice was not free - you had to have wanted to want to have cereal. But then what caused you to want to want to have cereal? The only way free will can exist is from divine providence of an infinite series of wants.
because anyone suddenly fucking appearing would be scary
Sublime beings of light =/= eldritch abooga wooga JRPG trash
It's in the Bible verses. But not all Angels were, like some people in this thread want because they watch too much anime
There needs to be a stylish action game in the vein of DMC that puts you in the place of one of God's archangels like Michael and you gotta tear up the nine circles of hell. Take liberties with it and allow you to transform into more monstrous depictions of Angel's like flaming golden wheels with eyes.
What aesthetic differences separate angles from demons then?
Michael... Sword!
They're not in the OT. Elohim/Adonai are terms referring to God, not angels, and are not connected to Gabriel or any other angel.
Sephirot isn't used in the OT as far as I'm aware.
I don't know about the Kabbalah.
Not what you asked but Darksiders
He's not saying "angels aren't horrors", he's saying "this is an overdone topic of discussion"
I accept this trial
This is why Gnosticism is superior
In Christian Canon? Do you consider old testament works to be Christian I have to ask.
we should cross over with /x/ more often
For whatever reason, angels are covered in eyeballs. Demons always seem to be just weird chimaera made up of animal parts.
>Do you consider old testament works to be Christian Canon I have to ask.
Typos like that cause wars.
I'm not 100% sure demons are actually described in the bible. The Devil himself is described as a dragon or serpent on numerous occasions, but much like angels et al, this is always within dreams/vision so symbolism is high.
Likely there is no actual difference other than ideology.
Here's an angel. Don't open, it can summon crazy shit.
>Angels got eyes so they can see if you're fapping or not
>Demons are just into furry porn and have lots of different animal parts
Elohim/Adonai = Malakhi Elohim; Angels of God and Malakhi Adonai; Angels of the Lord. There are 10 archangels in the source material. This is where shit like Raziel and Metatron come from. Sandniggers also refer to M/G/R as the three prime archangels.
You magnificent son of a bitch.
Name 5 video games with horrific angels.
I'll give you Bayonetta series for free since my cock is huge and I'm generous.
>plays japanese game
god this is cringe
my gnigga
Name 5 games where the angels are depicted as eldritch cosmic horrors.
I'm not even daring you to find them, I just want to play games with eldritch angels.
A lot.
Demons are more primal and bestial
why not both?
You know this poster is right.
Beyond vidya, remind everyone that angels are supposed to be monstrous is a tired topic.
Grant us eyes
I'm sad that the SMT series is the only one that really touches on it
>angels overdone
>anywhere near the same levels of discussion as smash, waifuposting, twitter threads, and literally any other topic on this board
It's a thing from Buddhist/Shinto belief. Any deity who has been existing and reigning for that long MUST be corrupt or very very far gone, period.
An effort to combine western and eastern believes? It ended becoming convoluted mess.
It's a shame that the smt character designs are wasted on such overlong and boring games.
No game have any reason to be over 15 hours if it isn't literally the greatest most fun to play shit ever created.
Turn based combat is dull to play.
All anime games are overrated storywise by low iq manchildren that has never watched a single tarkovsky or bergman flick.
>All anime games are overrated storywise by low iq manchildren that has never watched a single tarkovsky or bergman flick.
fucking based
i'll play any jrpg if it was actually a game written by adults
Book of Ezikiel then.
Why would they attack hell? They could just make one about fighting the other angels. There's a verse in the Bible where Gabriel shows up to daniel talking about how he's late to itha message cuz he was dealing with "the Prince of Persia" , and couldn't beat him until Michael showed up to help. And that the "Prince of Greece" was going to show up and make trouble soon.
Also the War in heaven, Armageddon etc.
None of this is in the bible, dude.
That has literally NOTHING to do with either Shinto or Buddhism.
Lower angels do take that form though. Thrones and cherubim and shit are relatively high-level compared to run of the mill angels-proper
in the bible...
>9Then I looked and saw four wheels beside the cherubim, one wheel beside each cherub. And the wheels gleamed like a beryl stone. 10As for their appearance, all four had the same form, like a wheel within a wheel. 11When they moved, they would go in any of the four directions, without turning as they moved. For wherever the head faced, the cherubim would go in that direction, without turning as they went.
>12Their entire bodies, including their backs, hands, and wings, were full of eyes all around, as were their four wheels. 13I heard the wheels being called “the whirling wheels.”
>14Each of the cherubim had four faces: the first face was that of a cherub, the second that of a man, the third that of a lion, and the fourth that of an eagle.
>15Then the cherubim rose upward. These were the living creatures I had seen by the River Kebar. 16When the cherubim moved, the wheels moved beside them, and even when they spread their wings to rise from the ground, the wheels did not veer away from their side. 17When the cherubim stood still, the wheels also stood still, and when they ascended, the wheels ascended with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in them.
>18Then the glory of the LORD moved away from the threshold of the temple and stood above the cherubim. 19As I watched, the cherubim lifted their wings and rose up from the ground, with the wheels beside them as they went. And they stopped at the entrance of the east gate of the house of the LORD, with the glory of the God of Israel above them.
>20These were the living creatures I had seen beneath the God of Israel by the River Kebar, and I knew that they were cherubim. 21Each had four faces and four wings, with what looked like human hands under their wings. 22Their faces looked like the faces I had seen by the River Kebar. Each creature went straight ahead.
Nigga the gameplay is a problem in JRPG too
The fuck are you on about.
Do we get to meet our guardian angel when we die
Found it on /ic.
Only if you've been Mitzvah'd.
Yeah, and then is a good time to apologise for making them watch you jerk off so damn much.
Oh that'll be fun. Oh, g'day man let me shake your hand "NO I HAVE SEEN WHAT YOU DO WITH THAT"
Who cares? The bible is relatively new and not reliable for older material (it lacks).
>hebrews literally just copy pasted Kemosh
>now everyone has to suffer
fucking desert people
Dhux's Scar
"angels" in history were just entities people encountered while tripping on psychedelics, whether they are servants of the creator or not this is what you get when your brain is full of DMT or psilocybin or lysergic acid.
Bayonetta did them right.
The Bible literally proves you wrong. There are angels described as flaming wheels, chimeras with four faces: a human, an ox, a lion, and an eagle...
Absolutely patrician taste, my brother. The Laguna definitely looks divine, but they are very grotesque when you destroy their armor. Hits a perfect balance.
looks cheesy af honestly.
Probably, Tamashii
no game does angels better than smt
Dude, how do you not understand user's post? He's not saying "angels aren't abominations", he's saying it's an overdone topic.
Which is true. It's really obnoxious if you're trying to discuss them and some wannabe know-it-all slaps his dick in your face and goes "DID YOU KNOW ANGELS ARE AKSHUALLY HORRIBLE MONSTROSITIES??? I BET YOU DIDN'T! PLEASE PLAY SMT!"
>Who cares?
People talking about the bible?
Scientology was of some ayy lmao moon nigger who came to earth and killed a fuckload of people/got killed and then their souls got trapped in here and we are the eternal reincarnation of them or some bullshit.
It's an overdone topic because it's the proper way to represent them. Actually, it's far more overdone to depict them as beautiful human-like beings and chubby babies with wings; it's not only more overdone, but also incorrect. Representing them in a more monstrous manner allows for more creativity in their designs, not to mention accuracy to the source material. In other words, choke on a dick, ya sensitive pansy.
Baroque shooter?
Kid Icarus Uprising sort of qualifies.
>When you’re baptized you start off in having 40 angles all competing who can be your guardian for the first 40 days.
>Said last one ends up being your guardian angel for life.
I have much to apologize to it, and thanks for it’s patience with me. At least my angel knew what it was getting into.
You said that it was on the Old Testament. It isn't. I was just correcting you.
>dude angels are monsters
Here's the thing though - is there a single game that depicts angels as they are - which is an entity beyond human understanding, yet not in a "cosmic horror" sense, but in a benevolent, regal, transcendental way? Something that actually overloads your senses with feeling of the sublime, like an all-encompassing comforting, yet somewhat terrifying presence? I wish someone would depict us like that.
>looks cheesy af honestly.
It's doing its job then.
You're making a game and tasked with doing character/enemy design of a group of Non!Angels. You can't directly lift anything from the Bible, but you can use it for inspiration.
What kinds of things do you come up with, Yea Forums?
Where the fuck are his rhymes?
Seraphic Blue
please calm down and see a therapist
you seriously shouldnt get mad over everything
>2012 was 7 years ago
Pony shitposts were 10000x better than political or race shitposts.
You either dont because youl end up being reincarnated until you really make it my man or youl only meet him before getting shoved back into existence again. Heaven is for those who achieved it bre, you aint cool enough or interesting enough to chill in the VIP club yet.
>I wish someone would depict us like that.
Nobody is saying depicting them as beautiful people isn't overdone. What the fuck is with this board being full of ESLs who can't decipher a single sentence?
Besides you're not 100% correct in saying that's the "proper" way to depict them, it's just an old way of doing so.
cringe nigger
>I wish someone would depict us like that.
>just an old way of depicting them
>what is Church Tradition?
>Why is this allowed?
Exactly how old ones look like humans, because they don't want to kill sanity.
>Do we get to meet our guardian angel when we die
No, you'll meet Munkar and Nakir who will interrogate you and if you answer wrongly torture the shit out of you
are you the same (and ONLY) guy in this thread constantly whining about THIS of all topics being overdone?? no, clearly you have a personal beef with this topic, in which case fuck off to the five nintendo direct threads or something
Kek the Catholic church are probably everything Jesus stood against.
Then what the fuck's your point? What are you even arguing for or against? There are plenty of games that represent them just the way you like them, as dudes with blond hair and feathery wings like Okami and Kid Icarus, then you have games where they are monsters like in Bayonetta. I legit don't understand what's your problem.
It sounds better in pizza-spiel.
Angels want for you get the good ending, demon want, like you enjoy bad ending.
Because real life is boring as fuck and fiction is much cooler than reality.
You mundane garbage pile
XIV had an expansion filled with monsters being made of light. Does that count?
That kind of makes sense but is also at odds with divine foreknowledge. You argue that free will is contingent on god's existence, but the existence of god also implies that omniscience is coherent, and if omniscience is coherent then the totality of history is fixed which rules out free will in the common sense of the term.
I'm just fucking baffled that an user says "this topic is overdone" and a dozen anons reply "NO YOU RETARD ANGELS ACTUALLY ARE HORRIBLE MONSTROSITIES", that's literally all I'm criticising, this board's inability to comprehend english
Is this from game?
Doesnt God himself rank mankind higher than angels and that's why we've got fags like Lucifer?
>If you're just a regular human person, you'll see regular humans and if you're nice enough, they'll also be nice.
What the heck? Regular human is fucking sucks with no imagination. Fuck regular humans they are boring.
We're explaining to you that there is a very logical reason as to why it's overdone, namely the fact that the damn Bible itself describes angels in that manner. It's like bitching about heroes like Mario, Ryu, Joker, the red Power Ranger, Strider Hiryu, and such having the color red incorporated into their design. There's a very clear and concise reason as to why this is the case, bitching about it being overdone is stupid.
I guess, I am regular human myself. Need to stop that shit.
because the anons disagree?
why are you so angry at discussion
see a therapist, again
No, they are not saying that they are actually horrible monstrosities, they're saying IT'S NOT ACTUALLY
comprehending english my ass
Yes. Mankind (Adam) was created Last and it holds a symbolic meaning that we are God’s greatest and perfect creation, at least until we screwed it up. None the less we possess a trait shared with God that not even the angels have. While Angels are purely spiritual and animals are purely material, God is both material AND spiritual. In all creation only we have this trait with Him. This is further emphasized with His incarnation as Christ. He took on Human nature and sanctified it by making it so that a Human sits upon the right hand on throne of God.
Lucifer fell because he held jealously in his heart after viewing the relationship between God and man. That Jealously forced him from heaven which is free of sin, he was driven out by his own internal weakness, if he had purged it or ever purges it he will walk the halls of Heaven again. But he cannot because he is like a petulant child that can not and will not understate their own culpability. All beings will be before God once they are able to understand themselves truly, their fellows truly and their nature truly. For a great many this means purgatory, and for those tormented by their own insecurities. they reside in the hell of their own making and not inflicted by any other.
>part of the Bible
You clearly never read the bible.
Sometimes angels are weird humanoid creatures with six wings covering their body.
Sometimes they are rings within rings within rings things.
Sometimes they are like humans. As when they came and talked to people, or were guests in houses, or stuff like that. Most people did not even recognized them as non-humans.
There is no canon of what an angel looks like.
Also, there are lots of different angels, and most of them have no known appearance.
Duino Elegies
Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the Angelic Orders?
And even if one were to suddenly take me to its heart, I would vanish into its stronger existence.
For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, that we are still able to bear, and we revere it so, because it calmly disdains to destroy us.
Every Angel is terror.
>implying Bible: Extended Cut isn't cool.
You clearly don't know much.
Play SMT4
>mfw this thread
seething christcuck
Did you ever seen God to speak like that. But I agree humans has God's part a soul, without it we should no different than animals.
>Complaining about tired topics
>Also, there are lots of different angels, and most of them have no known appearance.
This user's right. Angels have a hierarchy divided in three spheres, of which every sphere has three ranks. The third sphere, composed by angels, archangels, and principalities are those that "interact" with humans the most and may manifest themselves in our world, whether in a tangible form or as energy/light, etc. Angels and archangels in particular are those most involved with humans. When you move up in the hierarchy, the angels of those ranks barely ever come into contact with humans, if at all.
If you are referring to NT Apocrypha you would be right. The OT Apocrypha that is more accurately described as the Deuterocanonical books are valid scripture that was tossed out by Jews because they had too much Messianic references that pointed to Jesus.
>Mankind (Adam) was created Last
>we are God's greatest and perfect creation
>until we screwed up
Adam was tempted by Eve.
Women really do ruin everything they touch, don't they?
Here's a thing though, all that god stuff and all.
God just created everything. I'm not saying about all this creationist stuff. no. God was pretty much just Big Bang, and I guess he will be the big crunch too or something, whatever you people call it these days.
God is just an external entity, a thing, a concept that is outside the realm of human understanding. He's the 4th wall for your existence.
You yourselves are making a bigger deal out of him or it than he or it actually is.
Also yeah, death is no real, hell is not real, most laws of the world are not quite real and there's only meaning and value that you humans give to those things.
Just live, for fuck's sake, you were designed to just be fucking happy, stop overthinking it, fuck.
You have to play the hand you're dealt though right?
Guys, Angels, sons of god (they are male looking) because they fucked women ("sons" - yeah, daughters here- of men) because they were beautiful, creating the Giants (Nephlim). Not all (tbqf I don't know where you heard it) look like Eldritch hororrs. Well, according with a Bible nut videos I Iike.
become orthodox you heretic
>God's part a soul
That is closer to (((pantheism))) like we are fragments of God. That leads to many dangerous line of thinking like Kabbalah and Hinduism.
Fuck you Martin, while the Catholics were corrupt as fuck, you just burned the whole thing down.
Nothing is sacred anymore.
Lucifer isn't bad guy of the story just knows too much. He is the second in command after God.
I don't recall how the genesis goes, but did Adam actually ask for Eve to be created or was it just God's idea?
Its reverberating through your skull.
Thats me, sorry
This right here is the best definition of God by far. God may even be the primordial energy that brought the Big Bang forth; God may even be the Big Bang itself. Whether God actually has a consciousness or awareness of any kind is completely debatable and frankly almost impossible to prove. God it probably an intangible essence or energy if anything.
>Adam was tempted by Eve.
Adam was tricked by Eve. He did not know before biting that it was the fruit that God forbade him from eating.
Eve was tempted by the snake.
Why does this remind me of Nina's sister in Breath of Fire IV?
t. Gnostic
Yes yes call that like you want, God just can possess any human and do miracles. Because humans are literally part of God.
Sounds like Deist nonsense but okay.
did animals have genders before that
What are some descriptions of angles? The only thing i remember from my christian past is lucifer being a fucking lightbulb.
>death is no real
It's pretty fucking real. I mean sure, the best thing is to never have been in the first place, but now that I've been forced here I quite enjoy food, drink, music, humor and sense of accomplishment and I'm sad that this is just a temporary arrangement that and I'll inevitably go back to the endless void of nonexistence.
my samefag sense is tingling
>God just can possess any human
I don't think free will has even been violated by divine power as far as the canon goes.
Do I get two points for naming Bayonetta 1 and Bayonetta 2?
Actually Adam did know, that’s why he shares in the guild it sin.
>Possessing a human
God loves human free will too much to do that.
No I don't interested in gnostic or other shit. Just logically think that Lucifer possess large amount of knowledge and can predict everything, that's why Lucifer disagree or something like that.
He didn't you retard.
See for a rough idea.
God saw that it wasn't right for Adam to be alone. Man had been given dominion over all the animals but that still wasn't enough for man. So God put Adam to sleep and created Eve for Adam to wake up to.
>God loves human free will too much to do that.
I don't think free will has even been violated by divine power as far as the cannon goes.
After God gets an agreement to possess. Right?
That's book of Enoch, while cool it's not considered canon
I never said bad, just fallen. He's just gone to the place that all others who have distanced themselves willingly or unwillingly have gone.
So is man (Adam) really at fault then?
He was supposed to be the perfect being, but was tempted by another created from himself?
>Actually Adam did know
No such thing is written.
>And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Was Adam the first one to get a morning bj?
No it isn't. You can't experience death, you only have your preconceived notion of what death could be based on your knowledge, that doesn't cover "death". There is not a single person here that can tell you what death feels like. You can feel pain and maybe your organs failing, but you possess no way of experiencing death.
Or I should say you posses the same way of experience death as, say, experiencing what does "wide red" sound like, or how does "a musical note dripping and melting on the floor" looks like. Death is not something you humans even feel, you just think that it's bad or tragic or solemn or that it's the end.
Your birth is the end, primates!
When you are born, that means that now you have estimated expiration date! Why are you even giving meaning to something that was determined the moment you were brought forth from nothingness into the world that you know?
Because people find supernatural stuff scary its just that
>He was supposed to be the perfect being
Yeah, but he had a rib removed so the perfection was tainted by the creation of woman.
adam was the first to commit bestiality
>So is man (Adam) really at fault then?
It's unclear. He was wrong in his actions, but maybe he did not know he was disobeying God.
The woman was clearly convinced by the snake to disobey God though.
Angels are not material creatures and not limited by the linear time that we used to record events. When Lucifer rebelled he already knew his future starting from the fall to LITERALLY the end of time. By our human perspective every single decision an Angel has made and ever will make was already made by them at their point of creation. Lucifer chose to rebel KNOWING he would fail, because of his pride. That is why Muslims and Jew incorrectly believe they Angels don’t have free will.
Adam would recognized the forbidden fruit. His problem was that he trusted his wife that it would be cooler to be like God sooner with His guidance.
So Adam shouldn't be guilty, as he was not involved with the creation of woman.
If you break a law, even unknowingly, you will still get punished for it because you factually committed a crime.
No you don't understand, I am sad that what I can experience is finite, which is exactly what you are exalting.
>jewish angels
Found your problem.
>He was supposed to be the perfect being
No such thing except God.
In the Yang there is always a black dot within. The serpent is the imperfection of the perfect garden, and the humanity is the imperfection of the perfect creature made from the image of God.
Perfection is dead end, need to grow above previous stage.
Dominions, kinda. Angels are pretty strong.
>surrounded by an aura of glory that renders anything without insane willpower unable to attack
>covered in a shield of fire that melts anyone near it
>anything that strikes it will have their eyes burned out of their skull by god himself
>as icing on the cake is invulnerable to all but powerful magical weapons
I always wonder about this in relation to Paul. Did God change him or was it all up to Paul to decide? All God did was make him go blind temporary.
Yes. Because God said "don't eat this very specific fruit ever." And then Eve walked up to Adam saying "hey let's eat this specific fruit that God very expressly told us not to eat."
>God says to Adam, “Don’t eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge”
>Proceeds to not show Adam what it looks like.
That kind of cool. Fighting, in no matter of all odds.
AFAIK, all godly acts through the hands of men were only because the men gave their action to the choice of God and did what they were tasked to.
No possession, no bruteforce, only convincing and free will.
Paul was convinced by the visions.
Based but bluepilled
Adam was imperfect but Eve was his responsibility like a child is the responsibility of a parent because she was borne from him. He faltered in his responsibilities due to his flaw borne of woman, but Eve broke prime rule of not eating from the tree. Degrees of guilt all leading to the first crime of negligence.
Keep your faggy attitude in your pocket, pal.
Only speculation can be done, but we have no knowledge of why the tree was there, why the serpent tempted the woman, and why God told them not to eat it.
>No you don't
Human is the only creature sentient enough to _pretend_ that he isn't finite. The only creature to make projections and speculate on the nature of his existence. The mind is infinite and contains the world in which it itself exists, the body was just given so that you would have an anchor point for some time and not spread like jello through infinity.
Beyond that It's all nonsense and delusions that you yourselves made up to feel more comfortable.
Dick move from God. Human be created to get knowledge and experience. Abandoning humans from knowledge is bad,
>For a great many this means purgatory,
What kind of retard leaves that many plot holes?
But isn't mankind the responsibility of God then as we are his children?
Dick move or power play to make sure that the chicks left the nest and made themselves into the kind of things that can deny him with so much fervor today?
Following this line of thought, it was God's fault for creating flawed beings and leaving them unattended.
Who is comfortable between us?
Dude just wanted to play in civ irl.
Sounds like some sort of cut content shit.
Eventually mankind would be allowed to eat it with God’s permission. You could say we were “fasting” so that we were in preparation for Theosis that would be the first steps when we partake of the fruit. The problem is that we chose to do it without God and where there is no God, there is death. We chose Death instead God because we believed we didn’t need Him to become like Him.
OH what is canon these days? Fucking popes.
>Human be created to get knowledge and experience.
According to what?
You sound like a theosophist.
That is what free will stands for. Not getting experience goes against free will.
no comment
Not explaining everything does not mean it's a plot hole, dummy dum dum.
Was God omniscient enough to know Adam/Eve would eat the apple?
This is implied to apply to humans as well. Jesus tells Peter that he would deny him 3 times directly after Peter pronounced his undying loyalty. And in the end Peter denied him 3 times exactly as foretold. Now you could say Peter had a choice but he didn't. Because if Peter chose to hold his faith or just leave town then Jesus would've been proven wrong, which is impossible.
This also applies to Judas. Because Jesus's death hinges entirely on Judas betraying him leading to the kangaroo court trial that convicted Jesus. So Judas MUST because Jesus's disciple and then he MUST betray Jesus for events to play out as they did. Meaning Judas was fucked from birth and just didn't know it until just before the end. Arguably Judas was fucked at the beginning of time since it was prophesied that the serpent would bite God's heel and God would crush his head in turn, foretelling the ultimate victory over Sin.
According to human nature. Rise above previous level is what makes humans live interesting.
Nice fanfic
There's no degrees of omniscience, because the term already means "all-knowing." If God didn't know that Adam and Eve would eat the forbidden fruit, then he is not omniscient. If he is omniscient, then he must have known that they would eat it, essentially setting them up for failure knowingly.
Yes, God is perfect in both being and spirit.
He did make a choice, jeeus just knew what choice he would make.
>You could say we were “fasting” so that we were in preparation for Theosis
Booooh, you gnostic, boooh.
At first he was strict as hell. Don't put your finger in the socket!
Then he was a little easier "you can play with that but if you think about putting that in your mouth you're in trouble mister!"
Then he got a bit more chill and sent down a "cool avatar" to help grok out problems with people
And then he said humanity was mature enough to go our own way. We're fucked when he pops in for a "surprise visit tho. He's going to pillar of salt more than a couple of people.
Ah! That’s right, I forgot that most posters here are Americans.
I dont know if yor talking about SMT or what but God is omnipotent. You know God created emotions and concepts too right. Theres a part in the bible where he makes satan and tells him to spread evil as much as he possibly can(satan means adversary) evil would stop existing if god told him to stop. There also that theory that god has changed the world over the years. The world could have been flat and he just changed it the world could have been a 8000 years old and he could have just changed it the world could have been the centre of the universe and he could have changed that
I’m Orthodox. I’m the very opposite of Gnostic.
True, not me though.
veri big brain, i liek it
forever rent free
hahaha dude it's an even worse fan fiction than Moronism c'mon now
>He's going to pillar of salt more than a couple of people.
Sounds familiar, is referencing the last judgement? Pretty sure it was used in Drakengaard.
Yes Peter had a choice. The problem is that Jesus told him what choice he was going to make before he had the opportunity to make his choice. It calls into question how much free will we actually have or if we're just robots who already preselected an entire lifetime of choices and we're just carrying out our routines until death. Or if we never had a choice at all but are following a prewritten script and we're held culpable to our decisions because we have freewill as far as we know.
Yes this fucked me up for years and made me question my own faith
>is referencing the last judgement?
The pillar of salts are from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where bitches looked behind when they were told not to.
The exact same story exist in Japanese and Greek mythology, it's fascinating.
Honestly this thread makes theology actually seem pretty interesting.
Her rape scene is pretty comfy
thought thumbnail was pineapple pizza for a second
story of Lot and his wife. Lord said don't look back at the blast, she did and was instantly turned into a pillar of salt.
there have been oldd rawings of angels before and despite having simplistic depictions of humans with wings, the way they are shown is very frightening
largely because Byzantium was ahead of the Catholics by centuries, and art from Byzantine scholars fleeing the conquered empire is what inspired Renaissance art
good to see sattou was getting recognition even back then
>Greek mythology
how the fuck
Anyhow, there's a lot of shit that is repeated in various mythologies and cultures.
Like how women are usually sinners and the cause of sin.
Dude. Peter was adamant to prove Jesus wrong, then when the shit hit the fan he was too afraid to be implicated with Jesus and arrested himself. Sure God was omniscient, but we also have to know that God knows you better than you know yourself. Peter’s free will was not overwritten, Peter just fell back on his own sinful habits and doubts.
As an amateur hobby it is, but by god don't try to do it academically unless you want to join the priesthood.
Yes, Smash threads
>Anyhow, there's a lot of shit that is repeated in various mythologies and cultures.
Yeah, if you want to know about it, I recommend The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Cambell.
As for the Japanese myth, it's a dude that goes to hell to save his wife or something, get told not to look back and see her while they climb up, he does, and she is stuck between the two worlds forever or something, really fun.
t. Protestant
The determinist question is a very tough one, it broke more than a few faiths.
>how the fuck
If I had to guess stories from the survivors of native tribes that got caught in the blast radius of a volcano. Their loved ones ended up like the pompeii victims and the similar stories found their way into various cultural myths.
Is the implication that god created man to be "perfect" automatons in his visage and out 'humanity' or 'free will' is our perfection that allowed us to disobey him? Or am I just missing something
Did you?
It is actually pretty fucking interesting. Read a bit about mythology by Jordan Peterson or something, and if Christian theology interest you, you can start reading stuff about Thomas Aquinas.
Angels appeared to men as men.
>As for the Japanese myth, it's a dude that goes to hell to save his wife or something, get told not to look back and see her while they climb up, he does, and she is stuck between the two worlds forever or something, really fun.
That sounds like Orpheus, which is a Greek myth. Unless Japan also has something exactly like that.
No, I never found faith. I'm a wanderer who keeps getting shit upon for being agnostic.
Luther didn't want a separate branch of Christianity though. He would be rolling in his grave right now to know that he founded his own tangent off of Catholicism. He wanted to reform the Catholics and guess what? None of the Catholics wanted to reform.
Blame your own avaricious cesspit of Christianity, not based Luther.
What did she mean by this
>I'm a wanderer who keeps getting shit upon for being agnostic.
Probably because of your misunderstanding of Agnosticism as a middle-man/mutually-exclusive.
Worthy of derision.
Imagine every time you appear to a human your greetings have to start out with FEAR NOT.
>Post AD33
>”Dad? Maybe it might be easier just to send Mom instead.”
Truth is somewhere, it's just not in the scriptures I've read.
Read the comment thread. The whole point is that all three cultures have this similar story.
Yeah I mixed a bit of the two, I looked it up, it's the Izanami myth in the underworld.
>He with his spouse and younger sister Izanami gave birth to the many islands of Japan (kuniumi), and begat numerous deities of Shinto (kamiumi). But she died after giving birth to the fire-god Kagu-tsuchi. Izanagi executed the fire god with the "ten-grasp sword" (Totsuka-no-Tsurugi). Afterwards, he paid his wife a visit in Yomi-no-kuni (the Underworld) in the hopes of retrieving her. But she had partaken of food cooked in the furnace of the Underworld, rendering her return impossible. Izanagi betrayed his promise not to look at her, and lit up a fire, only to behold her in her monstrous and hellish state. To avenge her shame, she dispatched the lightning god Yakusa no ikazuchi no kami (Raijin) and the horrible hag Yomotsu-shikome to chase after him. Izanagi escaped, but the goddess vowed to kill a thousand of his people every day. Izanagi retorted that a thousand and five hundred will be born every day.
More like Humanity was perfect but very innocent and were tricked by the evil one to think we didn’t need God.
Gabriel was a woman you idiot. Do you even deepest Christian lore bro?
That's what you get for following the corrupt Abrahamic texts.
The Quran refers to angels as so mindbogglingly terrifying, it put Mohammed into a seizure when he saw Gabriel.
>[angel] was a woman
Come on now.
Gabriel is depicted as a man until Westerners decided to change things up with their fan art.
>Japanese myths being similar to Abrahamic myths
reminds me of this
I always wondered if he was successful in avoiding the temptation to look at her, if her beauty would be restored once the sun touched her face or not.
Oh. Shit. disregard that, I suck cocks. There ARE female angels though, yes? And some of these angles DO enjoy copulating with male humans right? Asking for a friend, haha
>be not afraid
Don't worry gurl, I want you to be my personal guardian fugg angel
yeah, that's just because allah is just jaweh after he got sick of that jesus bullshit and went back to base pinciples. 3rd time the charm and all.
i nearly vomitted when i first seen this. those were the days.
Because this meme is fucking retarded. Read book of Tobit and the neck yourself for being an utter failure, you disgraceful moron.
>In the bible there's only one Archangel
The canon is actually a bit difficult on that point.
Yes in the Bible there is only one written Archangel and that is Michael, but the Catholics recognize three archangels and the Orthodox, eight of them.
Angels don’t physically abuse Prophets of God. If anything Muhammad was right to think a demon attacked and possessed him.
Ah, so that's what the new season of The Terror is about.
He spoketh of the 100th name of God. That is why camel's don't like saying that word anymore.
Anyone who knows all 100 words of God would have the power to vocalize another God and have power over God.
Kinda like the Gnostic version of collecting all 7 dragonballs.
So you just treat it as free will and accept the consequences as fate?
I mean you should only care about fate if you're trying to strive for something greater
Nearly every culture had similar stories. Even Sumerians have their own version of the flood where Enlil wanted to wipe humanity, cus we were noisy.
>There ARE female angels
AFAIK, there is no talk about sex when talking about any kind of Angel.
Angels are genderless and as pure spiritual beings don't need (and wouldn't) have sex with you.
And thats not going to change. Get a new fetish.
probably after the ice age and shit started to melt
I want to have sex with a female Seraphim so fucking badly. DEEPEST LORE
No, they can change genders at will, r-right? Why must you guys tread on my dreams?
>Angels are genderless and as pure spiritual beings don't need (and wouldn't) have sex with you.
You don't remember the writings from before the Flood.
Women fucked angels all around, fucking whores.
It's all from the protohumans seeing the Mediterranean flood. That thousand year "Why does the tide get higher every year" paranoia baked itself into the DNA.
God was just sick of people fucking up, so he wrote his own fucking book and gave it to Mohammed.
Humans are called gods and sons of God nunerous times (unlike angels. No, genesis doesn't refer to angels, it refers to descendents of Set. And giants part is a shitty translation) and are named directly so in psalms and other books. Only passage that refers to angels as sons of God is book of Job and some even dispute that.
Sons of God in Genesis were the descendants of Seth, while the Daughters of Men were descendants of Cain.
>No, they can change genders at will, r-right?
There is no talk about that.
We do know that angels CAN impregnate women, since they did before the flood, hence the nephilims, but there is no angel that has been impregnated by men, canonically.
That's all we know about their sexuality.
You're shitting me, you just made that up didnt you?
>there is no angel that has been impregnated by men, canonically
hold my fucking beer bro
>Humans are literally part of God.
Pantheism is heresy.
I can dig it. Especially since I believe he then said OH FUCK YOU TOO and quicky told the Druze how to be real humans.
I am quoting Alan Watt's lectures.
The self-proclaimed "Spiritual Entertainer."
He is dead, he should know more about this shit than you since he lives in fucking Heaven and actually chats with God.
>you will never summon a divine being and then proceed to go steady with her
God has abandoned is.
>Alan Watts
this fucking meme again. Guy was an esoteric hippie who did too much hash. One of his 30 minute lectures can be summed up in:
>Dude, what if Hinduism was the actual true religion? Fuck that patriarchal grandfather portrayal. GOD IS BLACK, DEEEEP THINKEER
Alan Watts is a very interesting dude when you want to know basic stuff about oriental religions, but fuck is he annoying when talking about Christianity.
>christianity bad because when you're in church, you can't laugh, and laughing is good, so church is bad, m'kay
Why would you deserve to summon and be with a divine being when you can't even seem to be worthy of a mere human female?
>horrifying angels are almost NOWHERE in vidya discussion
most JRPG's especially final fantasy has the "celestial being but a monster" twist. FF13 off the top of my head with the Orphan/barthandelus/other fal'cei or even in the MMO sin-eaters ect are disturbing as fuck
There really is a time of day when your type wake up isnt there. I need to check the GMT on this because there's some correlation.
man is above angels
There are angels depicted as females in Ezekiel I think. But no, there is nothing about car Al relations because spiritual beings doesn't require that. They don't have a functional biological body.
What type? What is the implication here, faggot?
>More honorable than the cherubim, and more glorious and beyond compare than the seraphim. Thou without corruption bearest God the Word, and are truly Theotokos we magnify three.
Hinduism is more like a shonen manga with surreal elements than some SPIRITUAL 2DEEP4U way of life.
I'd get that spraypainted on the side of a van.
>lowly humans are above messengers of GOD
>no functional biological body
Bruh, it's angels, they ain't gotta explain shit. God can just make them turn corporeal for the exact amount of time it would take for me to lovingly have sex with.
I'm in dire need of salvation
Okay. I'm sorry the dude made you mad with his style of entertainment. He talks about every single religion. He even makes it very clear to listen to his lectures in the way you would listen to a symphany. As to say, don't take what he says as absolute truth.
>christianity bad
Oh fuck not this. He was brought up Christian in a Christian school. He bears no ill-will towards Christianity, he just ties other beliefs together and has fun with the common roots and why different branches exist. He made an audiobiography for fuck's sake.
any examples of science fiction-esque stuff in the Bible? i know Hinduism effectively has airships/flying castles.
Even more reason to have an actual relationship with actual human being, than having some bizarre fetish.
logical people are in every time zone
Why should I tell you how to hide yourselves when it's so amusing to just point it out.
schizo mode triggered
Game publisher, here's my pitch.
It's Pokemon meets Christianity. Collect the 100 words and become a new God.
Blessed are thee, user poster. May God always carry you under the light of His everlasting wisdom, wrath, and omnipotence in wrecking idiots online. Deliver us from faggotry and render thy judgment absolute and final. Amen.
Humans are called gods, sons of God (by God himself), made in image and likeness of God, and what's most important God assumed our nature, so God is also fully human. Go away, and actually study the subject matter, before spewing garbage.
This was quite a thread. Pretty good.
Just read Revelation, dude.
Shit's cash.
Anons, before the thread dies, tell me, on which step of the ladder are you?
the one that supports sharia
They were never described as such. What you are thinking about is Vaimānika Shāstra which was written in late 1800s.
3rd down
I know what you mean.
I use this website to warn me if the Australians and the Chinese are awakened by the Sun so I know it ain't worth being awake any more.
Watch the southeastern United states. When that is the Bible belt. When the sun shines on that region, millions of fat flooded Americans wake up and preach Jesus with subhuman IQ levels and poverty level minimum wage income all the while blaming niggers and immigrants for their shortcomings.
I don't make games lol. Sounds fun. There are plenty of JRPG games where you kill literally God. Fuck, in pokemon you can enslave literally God the pokemon with a pokeball. Arceus the literally God pokemon.
On some days I'm a nice gentle, etc, etc....
Literally the bottom.
>Southern Baptist
>people consider me non-Christian
Those are good people.
you arent terry and its pathetic to larp as him
Cheers man.
Not *quite* what you're describing but El Shaddai was already mentioned in the thread and ought to give you some kicks
You know.
Just remember.
neck yourself.
It’s and artistic rendition of one of God’s angels naturally.