Europe (together with Japan) keeps winning over and over again
best LEs, best box arts, best bonuses ...
the fuck is NoA doing?
Europe (together with Japan) keeps winning over and over again
best LEs, best box arts, best bonuses ...
the fuck is NoA doing?
That steelbook is really cool
...exact same game because no one wants to pay premium price for a bunch of fucking extras...
yeah but the steelbook looks like a gameboy
NoA doesn't have to try because Nintendo is dominant in the US regardless, thanks to nostalgiafags and smashnegros
>steelbook and artbook
what is this mentality?
The game looks like playdoh kiddie trash i'd rather play the original on emulator
>art book
>For a game with a shitty artstyle
You're better off getting a links awakening strategy guide on the GB than this shit.
the game looks phenomenal
Lets check out some awesome European boxart
Here's Chrono Trigger... oh wait that game never came out in Europe
Okay how about Mario RPG... oh that didn't come out in Europe either?
How about Mother 2? Oh man this didn't come out in Europe?!
That's a niche game, let's check out a major one like Final Fantasy.... and that didn't come out in Europe either
That ones pretty old, lets check out a more newer game in the series, wow still not released in Europe
Keep seething poorfags. If the game has 6 hours of Nintendo quality gameplay it's worth every penny.
>best LEs, best box arts, best bonuses ...
But all major tourneys and official stuff is done in America.
I'm not going to buy a fucking gameboy game
I thought once the jewish mutt Reggie left we’d get cool CEs too but i guess Bowser is just as jewish.
Okay, I finally found a game that came out in Europe and.... its censored
this is better
>all weebcel jrpgs
Who cares
If you're a shitch only owner maybe
this is now a limited edition thread
you may only post good limited edition merch past this point
Majoras Mask 3D skull kid figure
Fallout 3 Bobblehead
>the nigga spamming games from a quarter of a century ago
Nope, based idort masterrace
Wow, even Harvest moon never came out in Europe well I guess it makes sense since the USSR did ban video games
What the fuck are you on about? A load of those were released in PAL.
Look it up, they never came out in Europe
I did find one game that came out in Europe but it took almost a whole year for it to release
Man I'm glad my parents left that shithole continent
A lying American? Why I never...
Rent free.
I've never seen a person seething that hard, holy shit
deal with it, an american territory is inferior in every single way
Imagine being an American in 2019.
Losing out in every comparison to western Europe and seething 24/7. Haha oh man, that's a good laugh.
I'm not an American, I've never been to America, I don't care about America, and the only American I've ever met was in Tokyo
Yeah, these Europeans can't stop thinking about the states that's why they're importing so many Muslims, their women crave circumcised cock but no self respecting American would ever move to Europe so they have to Settle for what they can get
I'm not an American, why do you euros always bring up America so much?
If you don't like the Americans why are you on a website they made?
Nothing is stoping you from going on Yea
4channel is a japanese site for euros
americans get out
even worse. seething braindead retard
>not american
>not euro
You occa, cobber?
I've already told you I'm not an American
You guys need to stop thinking about them all day, seriously the Cold War is over, Gorbachev isn't gonna give you a Kopek everytime you shitpost about America it's annoying
Spyro limited edition when ;_;
Nah I'm Canadian, I wish the Cold War never ended so I wouldn't have to listen to these dumb euros always talking about Americans, theyre acting like they have some high school crush on them.
Seriously get a life that doesn't involve talking about America I wanna talk about video games this isn't /int/ I know video games were illegal in the east until the 90's and the west only played Commodore 64 and Amiga games but shit I'd rather a thread about the European masterpiece the Great Giana Sisters than some bullshit fag complaining about America because "durrr they have too many guns niggers keep killing each other my black bull is angry about that"
How do PAL games work?
If you bought it in Germany is it in German? What about small countries like Slovenia would the language be in Slovenian or do they not bother translating games into all the languages?
Unlike Americans, most Europeans speak at least 2 or 3 languages. English and German are the main ones they teach in every ocuntry.
In general, PAL games have a language menu with a bunch of European languages in it. It's got all the main ones and usually quite a few minor languages.
For Ocarina of Time, the options menu has language selection.
>English and German are the main ones they teach in every ocuntry
Wrong, German is usually one of the optional languages in European schools, like French and Spanish. English is a mandatory class in most EU countries.
>entire stock immediately bought by scalpers
every time
It's not optional in any language in Northern Europe unless you're literally retarded. French is next to impossible to find teachers in, and Spanish is optional as an exchange for German, but German is the default.
>shit cashgrab
You want your precious plastic chinese toy?
Fucking consumerist cuck.
LEs and CEs are so fucking shit these days, they charge about the same for even less shit. That steelbook is pretty neat but don't want to pay more just for that because fuck artbooks. If I really want to look at it I'll wait until someone posts it all online for free.
Jesus Christ, there you go again bringing up the fucking Americans
Can you stop? Seriously, I try to actually discuss games on this thread and then you just bring up Americans again, the very first reply and it's about America.
Stop mentioning them all the time is annoying
Thanks, I was curious